by Miles Mathis
First published September 14, 2017
As usual, this is just my opinion, arrived at from internet research anyone can do. . . but doesn't.
Say you were one of my regular readers who had read all my papers and I told you Mussolini was not who we have been told. And say I gave you one guess to tell me who he really was. What would you guess? YOU: let's see, let me think. . . a gay Jewish actor who faked his death? Bravo. Excellent guess. Completely logical. Now let's see the evidence.
Well, the first evidence you have already collated in forming your guess: if almost every other famous person we have studied previously has turned out to be a gay Jewish actor who faked his/her death, then the odds are very good that the next famous person we study will be the same. It is called probability math. If you flip a coin a thousand times and it comes up heads every time, you can be pretty sure the coin is loaded. We have seen that the coin we call history is very loaded.
The next bit of evidence is the picture above. One question. Does he look like an actor or not? Hmmm. Now that I mention it, he always looked like an actor, didn't he? It was always way over the top, wasn't it? You have heard the expression “chewing the scenery”? Old Benito was always chewing the scenery, and the directors couldn't tone him down. Next to Benito, Adolf was as flat as Keanu Reeves.
But let's wax serious. The bios try to convince us Mussolini was a fascist Jew-hating dictator like Hitler, just a bit shorter. So it is sort of curious to see Haaretz admitting in 2014 (and before) that his longtime mistress, Margherita Sarfatti (née Grassini), was Jewish. Her mother was a Levi. They had “a 20-year romantic and ideological relationship”. Note the "ideological” part of that. Since the relationship allegedly ended in 1938, that would put the beginning of it back to about 1918. Actually, it started in 1911. Remember that for later. Haaretz also admits this relationship was buried until 1993, when a book came out on the subject. Sarfatti's memoirs and letters were also lost or ignored. Her 1955 autobiography doesn't mention her relationship with Mussolini. They also admit Sarfatti was an aristocrat and that she had been married to a wealthy Zionist lawyer. Her father was also a prominent lawyer, being the lead attorney for the government of Venice. That is a huge clue, since
Venice had been a trading center for centuries, always led by Jewish interests. Also a big clue is that this Jewish father, Amedeo Grassini, was a personal friend of Giuseppe Melchiore Sarto, who would become Pope Pius X. I bold that middle name for a reason. Melchior is of course a Jewish name, rarely used by Gentiles. And we will see it again below, when we look at Saint Francis of Sales. Anyway, it is very curious that the Jewish attorney Amedeo Grassini would be a close friend of the Pope. It is also curious that Grassini would be made a Knight of the Order of the Crown of Italy. This order was later a prerequisite for the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, which is obviously a Roman Catholic dynastic order, approved by the Pope. So Jews would not normally be qualified for such orders. This is doubly curious, seeing that in 1983 the Order of the Crown of Italy was replaced by the Order of Merit of Savoy. This reminds us that both Orders were always under the auspices of the House of Savoy. We will also see Savoy again below, linked to the same St. Francis of Sales and his grandfather, Melchior de Sionnaz of Savoy. In unwinding this, it is useful to know that although Savoy is on the border of Italy, it had always been French. It was installed by the King of Burgundy in 1003, and was the oldest surviving royal house in Europe until 1860, when it was annexed by France. At that time, the last Duke of Savoy, Victor Emmanuel II, became King of Italy. His grandson is the one who allegedly abdicated so that Mussolini could take over. Also note his name, which is a strange one for a French Duke. Emmanuel is a Jewish name. Also remember that what we discovered about the Burgundians in my recent paper on the Crusades: they, too, had been Jewish from way back, being captured by Jewish lines even before the year 1000.
Mussolini's alleged lover of three decades Margherita Sarfatti grew up in a palace on the Grand Canal in Venice. After she married Cesare Sarfatti, she lived in another palace in Milan, where she hosted weekly salons that became the heart of the Futurist movement in Modern art. See my art papers for more on that movement, which was another spook front. Despite all that, we are supposed to believe that Margherita Sarfatti was Mussolini's “eminence grise”, glorifying him in her 1925 biography that was translated into 18 languages. Are you smelling the familiar smoke yet?
In 1911, when Sarfatti and Mussolini first met, he was just 27. The son of a blacksmith, with no college degree, Mussolini was apparently just a dirty Socialist pseudo-Intellectual. So why would he be able to hook up with the rich and beautiful aristocrat Sarfatti? It wasn't for his looks. He was short and unattractive, already balding. Funny how no one ever asks this question. It is pretty obvious Mussolini was never who we were told.
Sarfatti was three years older than Mussolini. She was allegedly a Socialist in these years. Of course. But why would this rich aristocrat, hosting Salons in Milan and promoting Futurism, be a Socialist? It makes no sense. We have seen in previous research that aristocrats only pretended to be Socialists, in order to infiltrate Republicanism and blow it from the inside. And were the early Futurists Socialists? No. Futurism was started by Marinetti, who was never a Socialist. He was very pro-industry, and by that I do not mean pro-worker. It would be clearer to say he was pro-Industrialist. He was also a promoter of violence and a famous misogynist. Part of his Manifesto of Futurism is the hatred of woman. So why would Sarfatti, a woman, be giving Salons for the Futurists, and why would they show up? Shouldn't this have been a stag party?
And once again, as with Lenin and Stalin, we see Fascism apparently morphing out of Socialism. Except that, as we have seen, there was never any difference between the two. The Fascists were hiding behind Socialism from the beginning. Socialism was invented by Jewish capitalists as a fient to draw off manpower from Republicanism. Marx himself was from these families, as were Engels, Owens, and all the rest. It was a grand hoax from the start.
I also remind you of Tim Robbins' 1999 film Cradle Will Rock, which glorifies all these people, including Margherita Sarfatti. He actually assigned her part to his wife, Susan Sarandon. I suggest you use this as an opportunity to add everyone involved in both the 1937 musical and the 1999 film to your list of spooks, including Orson Welles and John Houseman. The film is doing the same thing the 1980 Warren Beatty film Reds did: glorify and simultaneously cleanse all these fake Communists. Both films want you to think Communism was a geniune movement back then, but it never was. Very few real people were ever involved, and most of them soon figured out what fools they had been. We are told Socialism or Communism appealed to intellectuals, artists, and the working class, but it never did. It appealed only to planted and paid pseudo-intellectuals, fake Modern artists, and a few working-class dupes who couldn't see through the paint.
I also draw your attention to the character Gray Mathers in the film. Do you recognize that surname? Although the character is a fictional tycoon, the name wasn't drawn from a hat. Yes, it is a play on “Gray Matter”, but it is also a reference to one of the families that goes way back in these hoaxes. Think Increase Mather, a lead character in the Salem Witch hoax.
More recently we have seen Jerry Mathers (Leave it to Beaver) and Marshall Mathers (Eminem). Also see Baron George Mathers, whose mother was a Barclay and whose mother-in-law was a Robinson. He was British Comptroller and Treasurer during WW2 and was later Privy Council. Also occultist Moina Mathers, sister of Henri Bergson; and her husband Samuel Mathers, Golden Dawn founder. Also art critic Frank Jewett Mather, editor of Burlington Magazine. Also George Robinson Mather, 4-star general and Commander-in-Chief of Southern Command. His middle name acts as proof the American and British Mather/Mathers are the same. Also physics Nobelist John Cromwell Mather, big bang spook at NASA who worked on COBE. His middle name is also a big clue. For more on why he is a spook, see my paper on COBE. Also Princeton mathematician John Norman Mather, admitted to be a descendant of Increase Mather. He was a spook like John Cromwell Mather, since he worked on singularity theory. There are no singularities. You can also consult my papers on the black hole.
These last two fellows remind me to include “physicist” Jack Sarfatti here. Sarfatti is still alive—if you can call it that—and he is an even bigger blowhard and fake than the two Mathers above. He has long been pushing the world-as-hologram idea, which is just another CIA project to spread confusion—part of Operation Chaos. See my paper here for a rebuttal to that project. That is one of several papers I have on my science site on that subject. According to his Wiki page, Sarfatti “argues for retrocausality, that mind is crucial to the structure of matter, and that physics—which he calls the 'Conceptual Art of the late 20th Century'—has replaced philosophy as the unifying force between science and art”.
Since there currently is no unifying force between science and art, that has to be seen as a pretty empty claim— especially coming from someone who has never created real art or science in his life. Both science and art have been killed in a premeditated act, so the only unifying force between them is negation. I mean, this guy doesn't even know how to spell physics, much less do it: he founded a group in California in the 1970s called the Fundamental Fysiks Group. He later got involved with Uri Geller, EST, Esalen, and every other spook project. Human beings literally don't come any phonier than this guy. His soul is composed of Formica.
Here is a roster of the Fundamental Fysiks Group: Henry Stapp, Fred Alan Wolf, Nick Herbert, Fritjof Capra, John Clauser, Philippe Eberhard, Elizabeth Rauscher, Saul-Paul Sirag, George Weissman. This group is still being pushed hard by David Kaiser. Collate all those surnames, everyone of which is a red flag, and what do you get? All Jewish names. I have a question for you: why would anyone trust these jerks to tell us the truth about anything? When have they ever told us the truth about anything? But I think the possibility exists that no one has ever read anything by these people. It's just a big circle jerk: they all promote each other, but no real person has ever believed a word of it. The encyclopedias tell us they are all famous and important, but if Langley didn't buy all their books and recycle them into toilet paper, the total sales would be near-zero.
[Addendum October 9, 2017: It just occurred to me that the Fundamental Fysiks Group links us to the newer Fundamental Physics Prize, giving us yet another clue this prize is fake. Almost five years ago now I wrote a paper on the FPP for my science site, questioning its validity. All I have learned since confirms that. Another clue is Yuri Milner, who allegedly founded and funded the prize. He is supposed to be Russian, but the name Milner is not Russian, is it? My genealogy research of the past few years helps us unwind this further, since we have seen the name Milner linked to the top hoaxing families. We saw it in my paper on Mel Gibson, for instance. Mel's real name is Malcolm Gerard Gibson, and the Gerards are the Barons of Bryn, one of whom married a Milner in 1877. They were closely related to the Beresfords, the Cavendishes (Dukes of Newcastle-upon-Tyne), and the Bentincks (Dukes of Portland). Is Yuri Milner from this set? Well, unlike Mel, they admit he is Jewish, but he has no genealogy online. Curious, though, that he was born on November 11, 1961. That's 11/11, of course. The next best thing to March 33rd. Given Milner's bio, I think we can assume he came from the Milners/Milnes of the peerage, but since he is scrubbed it is difficult to prove. We do find a William Pashley Milner, son of Gamaliel Milner, marrying a Susan Aldam, daughter of Sarah Jowitt, in 1852. That would seem to give us an overt Jewish link. Since Yuri's father is a Zakharovich, that means he is the son of a Zakharov. This would indicate fake physicist Vladmir Zakharov is probably an uncle. Also fake physicist Gennadi Zakharov, involved in the fake spy exchange in 1986.
Also Andrei Sakharov, alleged developer of Russian nukes and later fake dissident. This spelling of the name tells us this surname may be linked to the surname Sach(s). His bio is a string of red flags, but there is one I may see more clearly than most: after his work on nukes, Sakharov switched to cosmology in the 1960s, working on CPT-symmetry. He proposed twin universes connected by a singularity in order to achieve this symmetry. However, in my science papers I have proved this was all another waste of time and money, since there was never any CPT symmetry that needed to be explained. Due to a bad reading of an experiment, they believed that charge conjugation maintained parity in events like beta decay, but I have shown it doesn't. Charge in the Earth's vicinity is unbalanced to start with, so no parity should have been expected. There is also no such thing as a singularity, and any person with any native intelligence should have known that from the start. So Russian physicists were doing the same thing American physicists were doing, and are doing: draining the treasury with fake projects and fake math. You now see how Yuri Milner is connected to that, and why I link him to these Zakharovs/Sakharovs.
For more support of that, we find that Sakharov's work on CPT-symmetry borrowed from the earlier work of a British physicist by the name of. . . Edward Arthur Milne. Coincidence? I doubt it. These people like to keep things all in the family.
A reader reminded me to include Lord Milner here, Viscount during WW1. He led David Lloyd George's War Cabinet during the war and became Secretary of War in 1918. He had some ties to Russia, including leading the British delegation there in January 1917. The Tsar stepped down just a few weeks after he filed his report. But that's not suspicious, is it? Even more important here: he was the author of the Balfour Declaration, which of course was about establishing “a national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine. In other words, he was a Zionist. His grandfather was the Earl of Bathurst, which links us to the St. Johns, Russells, Shelleys, Howards, Berkeleys, Savilles, Seymours, Greys, Beauchamps, Lloyds, etc. Yes, Milner was closely related to Lloyd George, which explains their relationship.]
But back to Mussolini. Sarfatti wasn't his only Jewish woman. Also see Ida Irene Dalser, his first wife. That isn't an Italian name, and I think anyone can see that at a glance. At Wikipedia and Geni, no parents are given for her. Hmmm. We are given this ridiculous picture of her:

That's an obvious fake, with the hair looking like it was just pasted on. Look at the outline! Hoo-boy, is this easy, or what? I will be told it is taken from this photo:

But that is also fake. The two figures were pasted together. They weren't there at the same time. They aren't in the same light. Ida's body has been pieced together. Her breasts are way too large and her arm doesn't fit on her torso right. The whole thing is a disaster.
That child is supposed to be Mussolini's illegitimate son Benito Dalser. But since Mussolini and Dalser married in 1914 and little Benito was born in 1915, how could he be illegitimate? And how could he have the last name Dalser? This is never explained by the fake historians. I suspect it is because Dalser needed to be buried, not only by Mussolini but by the historians. They didn't want anyone finding out what I am finding out. Although Wikipedia has a page on Dalser, admitting she was Mussolini's first wife, on Mussolini's page she is just described as “a woman”. Dalser is probably a variant of Dalles/Dalz, and is Jewish.
Also worth looking at in that regard is Ida Elizabeth Dalzell of the peerage, b. 1876, daughter of Robert Dalzell, 11th Earl of Carnwath. Why? Because she married Frederick de Bertodano, 8th Marquis del Moral. Bertodano looks like an Italian name, doesn't it? Also interesting is that a search on that name takes us to a Martin de Bertodano, who has a collection of papers that includes the transcripts of Laurence Sulivan, “Guardian of the East India Company”. See the book by George McGilvary. A search finds that the first Marquis Bertodano was the son of a Knepper. That's not Italian, it's Jewish. Further research shows the Bertodanos were from Spain at the time of our question, but before that they were from Piedmont in Italy. See Giuseppe Bertodano, Bishop of Vercelli. Vercelli came up several times in my research for this paper. In the current peerage, we find a Joanne de Bertodano, wife of the 5th Baron Hylton. Hylton is a Jolliffe and his mother is an Asquith. Lady Asquith's grandfather was H.
H. Asquith, Prime Minister of England from 1908-1916, which ties into our current question concerning Mussolini. Joanne de Bertodano's grandfather was the Earl of Mexborough, John Henry Savile. Savile's grandfather was a close friend of Disraeli, who of course was Jewish. This grandfather was the grandson of Philip Yorke, Earl of Hardwicke, and he married the daughter of Horatio Walpole, Earl of Orford. So if we can link Mussolini to this mess, we will really have something.
Well, we can start by asking why a Bertodano has the papers of Laurence Sulivan. It is because Ida Dalzell's grandmother was Elizabeth Sulivan, daughter of Rt. Hon. Lawrence Sulivan—whose father- in-law was Henry Temple, 2nd Viscount Palmerston. The Temples were closely related to the Lambs, Milbankes, and SPENCERS. Remember, Winston Churchill's real name was Winston Spencer- Churchill. We will see the name Spencer again. So the Bertodanos were linked to the East India Company, which means the Dalzells were as well. In the peerage the Dalzells were also closely related to the Campbells, the Jacksons, the Armstrongs, the Douglases, the Stewarts, and the STANLEYS. Lady Edith Dalzell married Vice-Admiral Edward Stanley Adeane, whose grandfather was the 1st Baron Stanley of Alderley. Through these Stanleys, they were also related to Owens and Leighs. Dalzell, the 13th Earl of Carnwath, married Muriel Knatchbull, whose brother was Lt. Col. Reginald Knatchbull. And he married Winifred Peel. Do you recognize that name? Remember Robert Peel, on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's? We saw him in my paper on John Lennon. Peel was Home Secretary and Prime Minister in the early 1800s. And we have another link to Peel, since John Savile, 4th Earl of Mexborough, was a protégé of Peel. We now see why: they were related. Since Peel was Prince of the Spooks back then, we can deduce that these other families were involved in that as well. In fact, the Peels themselves were still involved at the time of Mussolini's rise. See Lt. Col. Willoughby Peel, whose mother was a Willoughby and whose wife was a Blair. His brother was Major Digby Peel, who married Dorothy Fock and then Judith Bell. In fact, they are still at it. See Charles Willoughby Peel, CEO of Morgan Grenfell Securities. Not beside the point, as you will see below: the name Morgan comes up many more times.
We also find the Dalzells related to the Taylors in the peerage. Lt. Col. John Norton Taylor married Lady Muriel Dalzell in 1927. You are about to see why that is important. They are also related to the Ayres. The Taylor we just looked at was the son of a Slade-Gully, and her first husband was Frederick Hawes Elliot—whose mother was an Ayres. We are about to get a second hit on that name as well.
So we are getting a lot of evidence that the names Dalser/Dalz/Dalles/Dallas/Dalzell are all variants of the same name, indicating the same family. So let's keep at it.
Does this mean the city of Dallas, Texas, was named for a Jewish person? Probably. If we search on that, we find another strange scrubbing. Apparently no one knows who Dallas was named for. We only know it was named by James Neely Bryan, and his genealogy is also scrubbed. However, there are a few clues. The name Bryan may link him to William Jennings Bryan. James Bryan's wife was Margaret Beeman, and she is not scrubbed. Her mother was Emily Manley Hunnicutt. The middle name throws up a possible red flag, and may link these people to psychic and spook Manly Palmer Hall. I have hit him before in my outing of the Palmers. The Hunnicutts link us to the Taylors and Moores. We saw the name Taylor above, married to a Dalzell. Emily's sister married a Moore. Another sister married a Silkwood. Her brother married a Pitt. The son of this Pitt married a Philips. Think Philips Electronics, and the Philips/Phillips family I outed in my papers on Elvis Presley, Karl Marx, etc. The father of this Philips was named Joab Philips, son of Jabish Philips. The Hunnicuts also married the Kobers. Also spelled Kolber. More Jewish names. The Hunnicutts go directly back to the Warrens, Sheppards, Lightfoots and SPENCERS of Virginia. Before that they come from Kent, where they were related to the Durrants.
So James Bryan is related to William Jennings Bryan. We see most of those same families in his genealogy. They are both of the same ruling families in the US that we have looked at over and over.
It is also useful to look at famous people named Dallas. For instance Alexander Grant Dallas, very wealthy fur trader who married a Douglas, daughter of the “Father of British Columbia” Sir James Douglas. Both Dallas and Douglas were way up in the Hudson Bay Company, which was initially sponsored by Prince Rupert and his cousin King Charles II (a Stuart). Of course, the Stuarts were closely related to the Douglases, both being leaders of Scotland going back centuries. The Hudson Bay Company was an analog of the East India Company, with one trading from the East and one trading from the West. But they were controlled by the same old Jewish families.
Also George Mifflin Dallas, Vice President under Polk. Dallas' wife was Sophia Chew Nicklin, granddaughter of Benjamin Chew—a personal friend of George Washington:

Chew is sold to us as a Quaker, but his schnoz gives him away, as usual. Plus, where do you think they got the name Chew? Say it outloud and I think you will figure it out. The Chews were related to the Gates, the Webbs, the Oswalds, the Ayres and the Lightfoots. Webb comes from Weber, which we will see again below. And we just saw the Lightfoots, didn't we? The wife of James Bryan, the man who named Dallas, was descended from Lightfoots, which also links her to the Chews. Since the Chews married the Dallases, we have our connection. We also saw the Ayres above, related to the Dalzells. This once again indicates that the names Dallas/Dalzell/Dalz/Dalser are all closely related or equivalent.
We can also look at the 102 Dallases of the peerage, including the Baronets of Petsal. They were related to the Blackwood Baronets, the Stevensons, the Phillips and the Hamiltons (Lords of Raploch). We already saw the Phillips above, again related to James Bryans' wife. Which gives us a second link.
Anyway, the point of that was that, as usual, the Jewish ties of these people are always hidden. You can dig them out, but it takes some work. If we go to Mussolini's genealogy, for instance, we find a total wash. At Geni.com, we get almost nothing. Supposedly, his maternal grandmother is unknown. Only one of eight great-grandparents is given, and all the women are scrubbed. We are supposed to believe that the most famous person in Italian history in the past century didn't know who his grandmother was? It is a total information embargo, which of course indicates a hoax. Something big is being hidden, we just have to find out what.
Also curious is that one of Mussolini's brothers is <private> at Geni. Why? But we do know his sister Edvige married a man named Donatello Mancini. Mancini is very often a Jewish name, as you will find if you do a search on it.
Now let us switch to Wikipedia and the common bio of Mussolini. We quickly find another clue, one no one else bothers to read in the logical way. We are told that, “unlike most Italians, Mussolini was not baptised at birth and would not be until much later in life”. Hmmm. What other Italians might that be true of? Jews, maybe? Jews don't baptize, last time I checked.
Also amusing is the picture of Mussolini's mother we are given:

That looks like neither a photograph nor a painting. I would say it is a very poorly painted reproduction of a photograph, but I can't understand why no real photos of her survive. That would have been around the turn of the century, so there is no reason we should have to rely on some ridiculous fake like that. To see what I mean, here is Mussolini's booking photo from 1903.

No problem identifying that as a real photo, is there? They had cameras back then and even the police knew how to use them. So why do Mussolini's family photos look so fake?
Mussolini's mother's maiden name was Maltoni. Of course all the history and genealogy sites scrub her, as do the books I found. But the name Maltoni is interesting, since it is probably an Italianization of the surname Melton. See Samuel Melton, founder of Capitol Manufacturing, one of the largest businesses in Detroit during the 20th century. It also has a branch in Tel Aviv. He later funded Hebrew University and the Jewish Theological Seminary.
The Meltons go way back. See William Melton, Archbishop of York. He and John Hotham were the most powerful churchmen in England, and they probably pulled the strings behind King Edward II. That should ring a bell, because Edward II's queen was Isabella of France—the She-Wolf of France— daughter of Philip IV of France and Joan of Navarre. We just saw them in my recent paper on the Crusades. If you haven't read it already, do you want to guess what I discovered about them? They were Jewish, closely related to the Templars, the Emperors of Byzantium, the Kings of Jerusalem, and the Popes.
In fact, Archbishop Melton outlasted his King Edward II. Edward appointed him Treasurer of the Exchequer, which is of course a clue in the same direction as all the others. Why would you appoint an Archbishop as Lord Treasurer? We see this throughout European history, both in France and England (and elsewhere). Have you figured it out?
Here's another clue, if you haven't. Melton's appointment as Archbishop wasn't rubberstamped by the Pope for several years, and when it was it was done by the Avignon Pope John XXII. Pope John was elected in Lyon, France, by an enclave of Cardinals gathered by Philip, Count of Poitiers, brother of King Louis X. Philip later became King Philip V of France. Pope John's predecessor was Clement V, of the Jewish lines I just mentioned. He was Pope during the fake suppression of the Templars. We may assume John was of the same lines, since his early bio is completely scrubbed or fabricated.
I bet you didn't imagine coming in that I could link Mussolini to my recent paper on the Crusades. Well, I didn't either. I had no intention of doing that. But all these people and events are linked, as I have told you before. You are seeing it again.
At any rate, you may remember from your history books that Edward II was allegedly defeated by his own queen and son—with the help of the Church. He then was forced to abdicate and allegedly died in captivity just months later. This entire history looks manufactured for many reasons, not the least of which is that it is now pushed by historians with names like Spencer Phillips. See the footnotes for the Wikipedia page on Edward II, where that name dominates. That name is a huge red flag all by itself, isn't it? The only way it could be more obvious is if his name were Churchill Marx or something. The long and short of it is that Edward got crossways with the Jewish families then running England and France and had to be retired. One of those families was the Meltons, later Maltoni or Meltoni in Italy.
We see more indication of that when we find that Archbishop Melton is the one who married young Edward III to Philippa of Hainault. You remember her from my paper on the Crusades, right? She was the mother of John of Gaunt. Her 4g-grandmother was Anna Komnene, daughter of the Emperor of Byzantium. The Komnenes were Jews from Armenia. The Meltons stayed close to the royal house for generations: the Archbishop's grandnephew was a lieutenant of John of Gaunt. Upon the death of this grandnephew, his sizeable estates were assigned to the wardship of. . . Thomas Stanley. The Meltons were also closely related to the Percys, since the Percys owned a large part of the Lucy estates.
Which gives us another link to the Crusaders. The Baron Lucy in the mid-1300s was Anthony de Lucy, now famous as the St. Bees Man, a sort of lead-wrapped mummy found in Cumbria in 1981. But of interest to us here is the fact that Baron Lucy was a Teutonic Knight who fought in Lithuania in the Northern Crusades. The Teutonic Order was founded in Palestine. Also of interest is that the Teutonic Knights failed to conquer the Lithuanians; nevertheless, the Lithuanians did allegedly convert to Christianity in 1386, when Grand Duke Jogaila married Jadwiga of Poland. That name rings a bell. We have seen her before, haven't we? That's because the Grand Duke Jogaila was also known as King Wladyslaw JAGIELLON. See below for much more on the Jagiellons, but for now remember I outed them as Jewish in several previous papers.
The Lucys were also Lucies or Lucis, which probably links them to the American family Luce. You may wish to remind yourself that the Luces were related to the Booths, as in Clare Boothe Luce, US Ambassador, her husband Henry Robinson Luce, publisher of TIME, and her father William Franklin Booth(e). This Boothe has many aliases and a genealogy scrubbed, but was obviously a covert spook of some sort, from the famous Booth family. Henry Luce's mother was a MIDDLETON, a Pomeroy, a Root, a Randall, a Noyes, a Brydges, a SPENCER, a Taylor and a Goode, this last name taking her back to Salem. We saw the Pomeroys in my paper on John Reed. I also just found Seth Pomeroy, whose father was Ebeneezer and whose mother was Sarah King. Pomeroy was a Major General in the Revolutionary War.
The Roots you will recognize not only from Brown and Root, but from Elihu Root, Secretary of War under Teddy Roosevelt. He won the Nobel Peace Prize. War mongers always do—see Henry Kissinger, Barack Obama, etc. Also Jesse Root, Continental Congress. His grandson was billionaire Austin Cornelius Dunham, of the same family as Obama's mother. Dunham was a director of Etna Insurance, Travelers Insurance, and the National Exchange Bank. He was also big in linens and textiles, owning several major companies. Later he owned Hartford Electric and Light.
But back to the Roots. Also see Jane Root, Controller of BBC2 and President of the Discovery Networks, including the Science Channel and the Military Channel. So she is a major spook. Also see MacArthur Fellowship winner Robert Root-Bernstein, which name tends to confirm the Jewish roots of all these people.
Now, we were looking into Henry Luce of TIME. His mother was descended from many famous lines, but with further research we find she was also a LUCY. At Wikitree, we find Sir Walter Lucy in the maternal line of Henry Luce. That confirms my guess above. Walter's grandfather is given as Sir Reginald de Lucy, married to Catherine Grey. These Greys in the 15th century link us to the Beauforts, the Egertons, the Morrisons, and through them to everyone else important in the peerage at that time. De Lucy's daughter married a Mowbray, and they link us directly to the FitzAlans, the Howards, and the Berkeleys—more names very high in the peerage. For instance, the Howards were Dukes of Norfolk.
Henry Robinson Luce was obviously a Robinson. See my paper on Lizzie Borden for more on them. They were involved in that hoax as well as the Salem Witch hoax. The Robinsons were closely related to the Whitneys, which linked them to all sorts of hijinx. Luce's father was a Van Rensalaer and an Ingalls (think Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of the Little House on the Prairie books). The Ingalls also go back to Salem. David Crosby is a Van Rensalaer. The Luces also hail back to the Lincolnsof Plymouth. Also to the Thatchers, Partridges, and Fishers of Plymouth (Duxbury). The American Luces start with Israel Luce, son of Abraham Luce. Abraham is the end of the line at Wikitree, indicating a scrubbing. But it doesn't matter because they forgot to scrub Henry Luce's maternal line, which also goes back to de Lucys—showing what I need to show here.
OK, that was all very informative, but let's head back to the main lines. We were looking at the Meltons before the Luces. There are current Meltons in the peerage, but let us look at those alive during the time of Mussolini. The first one we find is Albert Thomas Melton, no parents given. So he must be listed to due to his wife, right? He married Henrietta Shaw, daughter of a Shaw and a Sheen. But the Shaw goes nowhere, linking to no peers. Same for these Sheens. The only clue we get is Shaw's mother, Henrietta Morgan Butterfield. So possibly he is related to J. P. Morgan. The Butterfields take us to a rear-admiral, but no peers. No names linking out of these pages lead to peers, so this Melton is well scrubbed.
However, we do find a Sir John Melton who married an Alice Stanley. She has no parents listed, but even so that clue couldn't be bigger. We have seen the Stanleys behind many of the biggest events in history, so it wouldn't surprise me to find them behind the Mussolini event as well. However, in this case more research finds these Meltons and Stanleys in the 1400s, too early to bankroll Mussolini.
A continuation of our search of the peerage discovers Roy Melton marrying Elza McDuff, daughter of a Bennett. And this time we are in the right period. This Bennett was born 1877. This links us to all the major families in the peerage we have seen before, including the Stanleys. The Bennetts are linked to the Stanleys.
Curiously, we find no mention of the heirs of Archbishop Melton in the peerage, although his nephew became Lord Lucy of Aston. At the historyofparliamentonline.org, we learn that the Barony Lucy did pass to their heirs, so they should be listed in the peerage. These early Meltons owned at least sixteen manors and estates, so they were fabulously wealthy. It is also admitted that Archbishop Melton came out of “relative obscurity” in his rise, which is an understatement. It appears his family took the name from the town of Melton, where they lived, which is a common Jewish trick. The meteoric rise is also common in these crypto-Jewish stories, and we saw the same thing with the Riches, Audley, Wolsey, and many others.
Although we have learned a lot about the Meltons, that is only the tip of the iceberg. Why? Because the name Melton is also a variant. The more common spelling is. . . have you guessed it yet?. . .Milton. I can show you very quickly the Meltons and Miltons are the same. In 1946, Susan Burnett of the peerage married Frederic Milton. Her father was Arthur Moubray Burnett, 8th of Kemnay, whose mother was Charlotte Forbes-Gordon. Note the Moubray, which is the same as Mowbray, which we just saw. So the Meltons/Miltons, de Lucys/Luces, and Mowbrays have been marrying for centuries. Through the Burnetts, we quickly link to the Stuarts, Murrays and Balfours. Through the Stuarts we just as quickly hit Bennets, Morisons, and Hamiltons. We have already seen the first two names above.
And we find another link between the same families at the time of Mussolini. Dudley Halliwell Milton married Kepple Osborne Hamilton (b. 1917), and she was the daughter of a Hamilton and a Palmer.
Surprisingly, we find the famous poet John Milton in the peerage. That is a surprise because his mainstream bios never mention he was a peer. Even the peerage plays it way down, saying only that Milton was a poet. He is supposed to be the son of a copyist, his father having been disinherited for becoming a Protestant. That now appears to be a lie, and it would explain why Milton had such a privileged upbringing. Another clue is that Milton went to St. Paul's School in London, a very exclusive school. It was managed by the Mercer's Company, the premier livery company of the City of London. It was a trade association of silk, velvet, and wool merchants, and was heavily (or perhaps exclusively) Jewish. Both Wiki and thepeerage admit that Milton married Mary Powell, but again they both play it way down. Wiki tells us Powell left him a month later, and thepeerage scrubs her parents, linking them to no one. It gives us no children, which is curious seeing that Wiki lists four. We do find that she was related to a Mary Archdale, and this pays when we notice a Margaret Archdale listed below Milton at thepeerage. She married an unknown Bennett. Unknown, right?
So why is Milton in the peerage? Thepeerage lists only the one wife, but Wiki gives two others. Neither of them are peers. So either Milton was a peer at birth or Powell was, or both. Well, we know the Powells are a big name in the peerage, with about 700 entries, including five different Baronetcys and the Baron of Bayswater. We also find these Powells related to the Pitts, the Bennetts, the Gordons, the Hamiltons, the Morgans, the Fitzgeralds, the Van Rensalaers, the Burtons, the Townshends, the Clarks, the Beresfords, the Douglases, the Grays, the Murrays, the Carnegies, the Midletons, the Allsopps, the Bridges, the Turners, the Montagus, the Hoppers, and the Stewarts. We saw many of those names above and we have seen the rest in previous papers. The Murrays were Viscounts at the time; the Carnegies, Gordons and Stewarts were Earls; the Grays were Barons, etc.
But we will continue outing John Milton another time. For now let's look at some other Miltons. We find Amy Milton in the peerage marrying Dundonald Bruce in 1914. Bruce was the son of Lt. Col. Henry Stewart Beresford Bruce. His grandfather and great-grandfather (Cochrane) were Admirals. His other great-grandfather was the Baronet of Downhill. His 2g-grandfather was the 8th Earl of Dundonald. His 3g-grandfather was a Stuart, 5th of Torrance.
Also interesting is Air Vice Marshal Cave-Brown-Cave, active at the time of Mussolini. His mother was Blanche Milton.
In 1921, Sir Thomas Crawford Binny of the peerage married Fanny Milton. His mother was a Taylor.
In 1954, Sir Frank Milton of the peerage married Iris Neave, daughter of Dorothy Middleton. His parents are not given. But Wiki tells us he was the son of G. Lowenstein, director of Japhet &Co, London. Although Frank Milton was only a metropolitan magistrate, he was knighted, we aren't told what for. But he was important enough to have his portrait in the National Portrait Gallery. According to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Japhet &Co—one of London's greatest banking houses (in 1954)— was founded by Saemy Japhet, Jewish. No idea why Milton's dad is given as a Lowenstein.
A reader wrote in to tell me I missed a link here. Iris Neave's brother was Airey Middleton Sheffield Neave, a conservative politician allegedly killed by a car bomb planted by the INLA. He was the first officer to allegedly escape from Colditz (German POW camp in a fancy castle) and he is admitted to be British Intelligence (MI9). What does that tell us? Well, it indicates his death was likely faked, and it also indicates the INLA was another Intelligence Front. More indication of that is the red star in the INLA's banner, meant to show they are Marxist, but telling us they are fake.

What? The Troubles in Ireland managed and manufactured? I wonder if Sinead O'Connor knows? Hahhah. Of course she knows. But that is a whole other can of worms.
Anyway, if we collate all that evidence on the Meltons, what do we find? We find loads of evidence the Meltons/Miltons are the same people, related to all the top families of the peerage. We also find much circumstantial evidence linking them to Mussolini through the name Maltoni. Below, hidden in this circumstantial evidence, we will find a huge piece of non-circumstantial evidence. Meaning, we will find the mainstream itself proving to us we are right to link Mussolini to the British peerage, with direct and admitted evidence.
Returning to the early bio of Mussolini, we are told that to make up for not being baptized, Benito was enrolled in a boarding school run by Salesian monks. OK, so this religious school didn't require its students be baptized? I wonder why not? Actually, it is another clue. If you go to the page for Saint Francis of Sales, you find his mother was Francoise de Sionnaz, daughter of Melchior de Sionnaz. Hooboy, they think we are stupid, not to be able to see through that one. You have a giant clue followed by an even more gigantic one, right in plain sight. Melchior is a Jewish name. And what about Sionnaz? Would it help if I spelled it Zion-naz? Hopefully you see it now that I point it out: drop the last three letters and you have the word Sion. Zion. I will be told that the name means Melchior of Sionnaz, but there is no such place in Savoy and never has been. Sales' grandmother was a noblewoman, name not given, and his father was Lord of Boisy, Sales, and Savoy. So, also a noble. We have found another crypto-Jewish bishop and saint. One of many. This is why they think it is funny to put little Benito in a Salesian school as as child.
We see a similar thing with Benito's alleged influence by Vilfredo Pareto. Like Sales, Pareto was a noble, the son of a Marquis. Although said to be Italian, Pareto's parents gave him a German name: Friedrich Wilfried. Curious. He ran the Italian Iron Works until his mid-40s, by which time he was both a noble and a major industrialist. But we are supposed to believe he turned 180 degrees at that time, becoming a “fiery liberal”. Yeah, sure he did. At age 41 he finally married. Do you think he married a nice Italian girl? No, he married the Russian Alessandrina Bakunina. Do you think she was Jewish, related to the famous Bakunin? I do, though we will have to prove it another time. But after unravelling Marx, Engels, and Lenin, Bakunin's bio looks like another joke.
As for Pareto, he is another obvious crypto-Jew. His mother was a Metenier, another red-flag family. See Francois Metenier, knight, lieutenant in WW1, Croix de Guerre, industrialist. He was promoted to captain between the wars, at which time he joined the Hood (CSAR—Secret Committee of Revolutionary Action). This was another fake far-right group, alleged to be anti-Semitic but actually run by crypto-Jews. The mainstream now admits that Francois Mitterand and Eugene Schueller were involved with it. Schueller was the head of L'Oreal, making him one of the richest men in France. As one hint to who Schueller was, we find he married a Burrows (also spelled Burroughs). Like Pareto, Schueller's genealogy is mostly scrubbed. His paternal grandmother is given only as Agathe Johann. Both her parents are <private>, but are given as Müllers at Geni. Of course that means Agathe Johann's name was not Agathe Johann, but Agathe Müller. A common Jewish name. See Max Müller, who I unwound in a recent paper. Schueller's great-grandmother was a Renger, also Jewish. See Annemarie Renger, first woman to serve as President of the German Parliament (1972- 76). The mainstream bios admit she was forced out of highschool in Berlin in 1934 by the Nazis, because of “her parents' political attitude”. They don't admit she was a Jew, so what are we supposed to think? She was a gypsy? Of course the mainstream bios forget to tell us her parents' names. And of course the Rengers are prominent in Brazil and Israel, where they are related to the Goldbergs, Carpenters, Krauses, Müllers, Schwartzes, Swarowskis, Erdmanns, Heidrichs, and Buergers.
But back to Wilfried Pareto. We are told his family was enthusiastic about the 1848 German Revolution. You have to be kidding me. They were wealthy nobles: why would they be enthusiastic about their own destruction? The only thing they could have been enthusiastic about was the knowledge that the revolutions had been successfully infiltrated and detoothed by people like Marx, Engels, Owens and so on—other crypto-Jewish nobles like themselves.
Everything Pareto did or said was fake or false. In his famous 80-20 rule, he said 20% of the population of any country could be expected to own 80% of its wealth. That sounds bad, but we can be sure he knew it was much worse. We have since come to know that the top 400 families own pretty much everything of value. If you own anything, it is because they don't want it. They don't want your troll doll collection, so the fact that it is valued at over $1000 by someone on ebay doesn't really count. If we correct the faulty 80-20 math, the real numbers would be something like 99.999-.001.
Pareto pretended to be appalled at the predatory nature of society, and pretended to support Mussolini's pretend solution: reduction of the state by total top-down control. Sort of like Reaganomics, without the checked shirts and horses. But of course the whole idea is an absurd contradiction. You can't make government smaller by making it all-powerful, can you? In hindsight, it appears the solution accidentally exacerbated the problem, but it was no accident. Socialism didn't just accidentally morph into Fascism, and Fascism didn't just accidentally make the wealthy even wealthier. Evermore fantastic levels of wealth hoarding were always the longterm plan and goal, and all the rest was just talk and bluff.
For instance, Pareto's bio admits the minimal state was desired “to liberate pure economic forces”. But how would that solve the wealth distribution problem he claimed to be so concerned about? Wouldn't pure economic forces just make it worse? Of course, and that was known by everyone. That is what deregulation has been about, and it has always made things worse. Wealth inequality has spiralled out of control since 1999, when deregulation in the US went into ultra-high gear. Don't tell me no one saw that coming. Of course they saw it coming: that was the whole point. And it was the whole point going back to Pareto and long before. Not one of these fake liberal economists ever really wanted to solve that problem or any other. They were all cloaked industrialists working for themselves. Which is
why I could never stomach any economics. I could see from the beginning that both sides were just spouting a lot of nonsense. Now I understand that they were both spouting nonsense for a reason: they had been hired to create a massive diversion, as in every other field. They wanted everyone arguing about Keynes versus Friedman or something, to keep everyone's eyes off the truth. The truth being that none of the promoted economic theories since the beginning of time have anything to do with reality. None of them have even the slightest contact with reality. That reality being that everything is controlled and often faked by the top families for their own enrichment. These people lie all the time about everything, and always have. But in the 20th century they gained a full-spectrum control of society via the media, allowing for unprecedented levels of lying and manipulation. So, if you want to know anything about real economic forces, the best thing you can do is throw all mainstream economics in the garbage and start over from scratch.
We see that again in Pareto's famous quote that “history is a graveyard of aristocracies”. That is supposed to mean that rulers are not overthrown from below, but are replaced by another set of elites. Again, it sounds cutting-edge and revelatory, especially coming from the son of a Marquis, but it is more misdirection. As we have discovered, the revolutions have been faked and we appear to have the same aristocracy we always had. The same families are ruling now that were ruling a thousand years ago. The only change we have is from one Jewish cousin to another.
Also notice Pareto's famous belief in “unforeseen or uncontrollable social factors” short-circuiting his mathematical economics. That misdirection served double-duty, since 1) it acted as an excuse for the failures of his economics—which was really failing because it was crap and for no other reason, 2) it acted to confirm the chaos in social and therefore economic situations. But as we have seen, there is no real chaos, not in that sense. These people have developed a near-perfect control of society via the media, and they can create markets at will. And not only markets: they can control beliefs, desires, fashions, trends, and widespread actions. Yes, we have seen a remaining chaos, but they create that, too, on purpose. Via huge projects like Operations Chaos and Cointelpro, they create fear, anxiety, depression, and helplessless, but once again it is simply to increase profits. Scared people spend more and happily pay higher taxes. So nothing is “unforeseen” or “uncontrollable” there. Just the reverse.
Of course Pareto knew that. He was just creating cover.
We find a similar thing with Georges Sorel, allegedly another precursor and primary influence on Mussolini. Notice that at the mainstream bios, Sorel has no early bio. No parents are given, and nothing is known of him before college. A search for his genealogy yields absolutely nothing, which is almost unprecedented in my research. Like Pareto, Sorel was involved in business until his late 40s. He was awarded the legion d'honneur (knighthood) at age 44, although we aren't told why. We may assume it wasn't for his time as engineer of public works. At age 46 he became a Marxist, always a huge red flag—especially for a wealthy businessman. He soon got involved in the Dreyfus hoax. Later he became a big fan of Lenin, and then Mussolini. At Wikipedia, it says,
Inexplicably, Sorel found it necessary to heap praise on both a Russian Bolshevik and an Italian Fascist leader almost concurrently.
You have to laugh. Knowing what we now know, that isn't inexplicable in the least. It makes perfect sense, because both the Fascists and the Marxists were created and bankrolled by the same people.
This is all pretty easy to unwind using our new skeleton key, since the name Sorel is Jewish. See soap actress Louise Sorel, born Louise Cohen. Although her bio is scrubbed, with no parents listed, we may assume she got her stage name from her mother's maiden name. The name was originally spelled Saurel, and a search on that at Hebrewsurnames.com turns up Jewish nameholders in Argentina. We also find prisoners at Bergen-Belsen with that name. Also see New Yorker cartoonist Edward Sorel, admitted to be Jewish.
As usual, Mussolini's early bio makes no sense. We are told he became qualified as a schoolmaster at age 18, but did not pursue that line. Instead, he gave a speech in favor of Garibaldi at age 19, and then fled to Switzerland to avoid military service. There he worked as a stonemason while reading Nietzsche, Pareto, and Sorel. He soon became secretary of the Italian workers' union in Lausanne, working at the same time for the Marxist paper L'Avvenire dei Lavoratori. Since that paper was in Zurich, that would seem hard to do. The two cities are 225 kilometers apart. He called for a violent general strike and was arrested.
For that he was simply deported. He turned around and went back immediately. He was soon expelled again for falsifying his papers. Really? So apparently we are to understand that Switzerland had very lax laws when it came to violent foreign agitators. Mussolini, like Marx, Lenin, and all the others we have looked, basically ignored all laws when it suited him, with no consequences. Only spooks can do that.
After being expelled twice, Mussolini simply turned around and went back a third time, this time enrolling at the University of Lausanne to take the courses of Pareto. How convenient that he was allowed to do that! The University apparently didn't check his papers at all. Also convenient is that when back in Italy Mussolini wasn't arrested for desertion. But Mussolini's incredible luck held: he got bored with Pareto's fake classes, returning to Italy within a few months. Miracle of miracles, Italy had just passed an amnesty for deserters.
By 1910, Mussollini was one of the leading Marxists in Italy—which just means he was one of the top literary spooks or spook-fronts of the time. Since Marxism was always a front for Intel, we know Mussolini was an agent or dupe. Being one of the leaders, we may assume he was not a dupe. We have another clue in that direction when Mussolini in 1913 published a political biography of Jan Hus. We just saw him in my paper on Ben Franklin, where I outed both as Jews. With Hus, it wasn't hard to do:

Was he also a cross-eyed Jew? Either he was or the artist was.
Why else would Mussolini be writing about Hus, a priest from 500 years earlier? Mussolini was supposed to be a virulently anti-clerical Marxist at the time. He had just written a novel called The Cardinal's Mistress—not the Vatican's favorite book, I can assure you. So why would he also be writing about Hus? Yes, Hus—although a priest—had allegedly wished to reform the Catholic Church, but Marxists didn't wish to reform the Church. They wished to destroy it completely. Remember, Mussolini was supposed to be a follower of Nietzsche, loving especially his negation of God's existence. None of this makes sense until you realize that both Mussolini and Hus were crypto-Jews working on the same long-term project. Mussolini was simply glorifying a predecessor.
In WW1, Mussolini was pro-war—a curious position for a Marxist to take at the time. How could the workers of the world unite if they joined this war manufactured by the elites? That question is never asked, much less answered. Instead we get a lot of misdirection about throwing off the rule of the Habsburgs in Austria. Sounds good if you don't look too closely, but even in the mainstream story the War was never about ending any oppression. WW1 was not a Republican war in any way, shape or form. We can now see that the main goals were the destruction of Germany, Central Europe and Russia, opening them up to new forms of exploitation by the industrialists. So Mussolini's support has to be read in those terms.
In 1914, Mussolini's philosophy allegedly flipped 180 degrees. He now began calling for a revolutionary vanguard elite to rule society. We are told that the Fascisti were bankrolled from France, but that is clearly misdirection. Mussolini had always been bankrolled by Jewish interests, and those interests simply changed his mission at the start of the war. They now needed to mobilize Italy at any cost, even the cost of philosophical consistency. They didn't care if the words on paper made any sense: that has never been their concern. They only cared that people did what they were hypnotized to do, promptly and on cue.
Remember, we saw above that Mussolini had already hooked up with the wealthy Jewish socialite Margherita Sarfatti by 1911, and her husband was millionaire attorney Cesare Sarfatti of Milan. Her father was the even wealthier attorney of the Venetian republic, Amedeo Grassini. So it is pretty easy to see Mussolini's funding wasn't coming from France. It is also worth returning to Margherita's mother, Emma Levi. She was of the famous Levi family of northern Italy that would produce many prominent spooks of the time, including the fake group-of-six artist Carlo Levi. You may also wish to remind yourself of Paul Levi, who became the head of the Communist Party in Germany after the fake assassination of Rosa Luxemburg in 1919. Since Levi was also active in Italy at the same time, working on the same projects, we may assume he was from the same family as well.
We saw fake photos of Mussolini's family above; now they give us a fake photo of Mussolini as an Italian soldier in 1917:

Oivay caramba! That is so fake. Everything but the head was painted. The head was simply pasted into a bad painting. Look how skinny the neck is! Look how he is standing. Is he about to topple over backward? And that's a nice two-dimensional stone wall, isn't it, with no depth of field or perspective.
OK, the next clue is a doozy, and it isn't hidden at all. After allegedly being discharged for being wounded, in 1917 Mussolini got his start in politics at the behest of British Secret Service MI5/6. What? They admit that in the mainstream bios now. He was paid around $9000 a week to publish pro- war propaganda. Let's see, at 52 weeks a year, that comes out to $468,000 a year in today's dollars. Wow. This payment to Mussolini was authorized by Sir Samuel Hoare, 1st Viscount Templewood. We have seen the Hoares before, haven't we? They were involved in the Salem Witch hoax. Jennifer Aniston descends from these Hoares. This Hoare of Mussolini was later First Lord of the Admiralty and then Home Secretary in the late 30s. At the time of our story, Hoare was a Lieutenant Colonel in British Intelligence, working in Italy. If we check him at thepeerage.com, we find he was the son of the 1st Baronet Hoare and the grandson of Caroline Barclay. Think Barclays Bank, linked to the Quakers. Through the Gurneys, they are also related to the Middletons. Think Kate Middleton, current Duchess of Cambridge. The Hoares were also related to the Rogers and Bennetts. Samuel Hoare married Maud Lygon, daughter of the 6th Earl Beauchamp. Her mother was a Pierrepont, linking us to John Pierpont Morgan. The Lygons link us through the Eliots to the Leveson-Gowers, who link us to the Stewarts and everyone else currently important in the peerage, including the Murrays, Keiths, Montgomeries, Watts, Hamiltons, and Kennedys. So that's who Mussolini was linked to in 1917 via Samuel Hoare and MI5. That is who was funding the Fascisti. They now admit MI5 was funding Mussolini, but of course they play down the import of that. It is reported only as a raw fact, as if it doesn't matter in the least.
For instance, Wikipedia includes the raw report, but then drops it immediately. A few paragraphs later, we are told of Mussolini's famous idea of spazio vitale:
Mussolini claimed that Italy's principal problem was that "plutocratic" countries like Britain were blocking Italy from achieving the necessary spazio vitale that would let the Italian economy grow.
That's worth a chuckle now, right? Since they just admitted MI5 was funding the writings and career of Mussolini, that claim loses all its punch, doesn't it? England was blocking Italy from real independence, but it was doing that through Mussolini himself. England had infiltrated Italy and was planting these Italian agents to create a believable opposition. Mussolini himself was a covert operation of MI5.
I hope you noticed that the MI5 admission by the mainstream also proved my thesis above, concerning Mussolini's ties to the British peerage through his mother. Hoare wasn't just Mussolini's handler, he was a close cousin. They were related through the Hamiltons, Murrays, Stewarts, Morgans, Bennetts, and Middletons. That is, unless you wish to argue that it is just a coincidence that Mussolini's scrubbed mother was a Maltoni/Meltoni, and that the Meltons/Miltons were related to all the same families as the Hoares. If you wish to argue in that direction, you have your work cut out, is all I will say. You don't just have one coincidence to explain, you have six stacked: again, Hamilton, Murray, Stewart, Morgan, Bennett, and Middleton.
By the way, I now think Melton/Milton and Middleton are the same family. They just dropped the d's. Say them outloud and you will see why. With a little more research, we find the mainstream admits it. Wiki tells us Melton comes from Middleton. That makes the connection even more obvious, since there are many more Middletons in the peerage than Meltons/Miltons. We are told that the Middletons came into prominence as merchants in the West Indies in the 1700s, which probably links them to the East India Company. Either way, this connects Mussolini to both the poet John Milton and the current Duchess of Cambridge. You heard it here first.
Since Daniel Boone was the 2g-grandson of John Milton, it also links Mussolini to Boone. Sorry to be the one to tell you.
In the next paragraphs at Wikipedia, we see how British Intelligence planned to use Italy as a pawn against the Slavic countries in the World Wars, to further subjugate them. But if done correctly, those countries wouldn't even realize who their real enemies were. They wouldn't see Britain or the crypto- Jewish hand in the gauntlet that was crushing them.
Next, we find the blackshirts clashing with Communists and Anarchists across Italy. But we now know what to think of that as well. Since there were no real Communists or Anarchists, we know the government simply created them. As now, it was all theater. We can compare it to the manufactured violence on the streets of the US in 2017, as with the recent show in Charlottesville. Same thing, though perhaps a little less believable. But most people are still buying it.
We are told the blackshirts of 1920 were armed squads of war veterans, formed by Dino Grandi. The problem with that is that Grandi was only 25 in 1920, and he hadn't even been elected as a delegate yet. So the blackshirts were then just the paramilitary wing of the National Fascist Party. But the Fascist Party in 1920 was a nothing-organization that had bombed in the 1919 elections. It wouldn't rise until more than two years later. Since that rise depended in part on the Blackshirts, we have a contradiction. You see, to explain the rise of the Fascisti, we are given the Blackshirts; but the Blackshirts wouldn't possibly have been tolerated by the standing government, at least not until the Fascisti had taken over power and become the standing government. To explain this contradiction, we are told the Italian government of 1920 didn't interfere due to the threat of a Communist revolution. But that is absurd. It was the same excuse they used in Germany for the rise of Hitler, but we already saw what a farce that was. There was no threat of a Communist revolution, since the Communist party was just a front.
Both the Communists and Anarchists were paid stooges of Intel, like Mussolini. In reality, they were just a small set of crypto-Jews in offices publishing a lot of unpopular literature. No one joined these organizations except other Jews and paid informants. We saw that in the US when we unwound Eugene Debs. The Socialist and Communist parties in the US folded every year or so and had to be renamed. This was due to a total lack of interest from real people. Every time a group folded they would import some more Jewish intellectuals from Europe and try again. The same thing was happening in Italy, so there was no threat of a Communist uprising. Clearly, the Italian government left the Fascisti alone because they were instructed to leave them alone. As now, the government was just a puppet of Intel and the industrialists, and it didn't do anything but give speeches and rubberstamp military budgets.
After this paragraph on the blackshirts, Wikipedia tacks on one sentence mentioning Margherita Sarfatti. That is her only appearance on the page.
But let's go back for a moment to the Blackshirts. They were war veterans hired as a private army for the Fascists. And you believe that? What if someone tried that in the US today? Say the Green Party decided to hire 30,000 military veterans to rough people up and force them to vote for Jill Stein. Do you imagine the government would just look the other way? Of course not. The Pentagon would shut that down overnight, using any force necessary. Yes, Italy's army in 1920 was not that impressive compared to that of England or Germany, but it was not defunct. No real standing government is going to sit idly by while some puny third party recruits a paramilitary. It simply wouldn't happen. The only way it would happen is if the standing government was already a puppet of some hidden party. We have already seen that hidden party: MI5.
But even MI5 is a bit of a misdirection, which is probably why it was allowed to be added to the mainstream mix. British Intelligence wasn't and isn't self-propelled. We have seen that it was owned by certain segments of the peerage: the top nobles and industrialists of the time. Since these British industrialists were Jewish, and we have seen that the Italian industrialists were as well, it is obvious they coordinated to extend their control of Italy. In fact, we have seen that World War 1 was a joint effort to further subjugate all the countries of Europe, though the plan varied somewhat from country to country. After the War, it was found that all the ducks had still not been cooked. So the projects were tweaked and extended. It was found that without an ongoing war, things were not moving as swiftly as possible, so they called for another World War. That one was also vastly enriching, so they called for another and another and another. Fortunately, the two World Wars had worn everyone out, so the subsequent wars had to be smaller and off-premises. But they found a way to make up for that as well: “Cold” Wars—that is, wars that were even faker and more manufactured than the Hot Wars. But because they were in far-off lands, they were far easier to fake. They still drained the same amount of money from the treasuries.
In support of my reading, remember that King Victor Emmanuel III is the one who handed over power to Mussolini without a fight. Exactly like Czar Nicholas had handed over power to the Bolsheviks without a single skirmish. I showed you that this was easily explained by the fact that the Romanovs descended from Jewish lines: the whole thing was planned. It was an inside job. The same thing applies here, since I already showed you Victor Emmanuel was from Savoy, and from Burgundian lines. Although the Burgundians had been infiltrated for a thousand years, the House of Savoy was later infiltrated many more times. For instance, we can connect them to the Jagiellons. Victor Emmanuel's grandmother was the Princess of Saxony. Her great-grandfather was the Prince of Baden. His 2g-grandmother was Augusta Marie of Holstein-Gottorp. Her great-grandmother was the Duchess of Prussia, and her great-grandmother was Anne of Bohemia and Hungary, who we have seen before.
Although her daughter was a Habsburg, she was a Jagiellon. Her father was Vladislaus II, King of Hungary and Croatia. His father was Casimir IV Jagiellon, King of Poland and Lithuania. I have shown in several previous papers how the Jagiellons and Vasas were Jewish.
Victor Emmanuel was from the same lines on his father's side. His paternal grandmother was Adelaide of Austria, and her grandmother was Maria Christina of Saxony. In fact, almost all his lines are German, Austrian, or Polish. Victor was French in only his main paternal line, and even that one is infiltrated if we keep going back. Readers of my last long paper on the Crusades will love this. Victor's paternal line of the House of Savoy goes back to Aymon, Count of Savoy in the 1300s. But he married Yolande of Montferrat, whose grandfather was Andronikos II Palaiologos, Emperor of Byzantium. His grandfather was a Komnenos. The Komnenos were Jews from Armenia. So it is useful I wrote that paper on the Crusades before writing this one. We are able to see just how the war was managed from both sides by the same families. It has always been known that the Windsors of England are German, but here we see the King of Italy during WWII from the same lines. This will help you better understand some of the other things we are about to discover.
Not only had the Dukes of Savoy been infiltrated by the Jagiellons, they had been infiltrated by the Jewish Medicis as well. We saw this in my recent paper on Richard Spencer. There we saw that Prince Philip and the Rothschilds like to hang out at the Palazzini Stupinigi in Turin with Stavros Niarchos and other Jewish billionaires. Why? Because it is a hunting lodge owned by the Dukes of Savoy for centuries. The first Duke of Savoy married Margaret of France, and her brother Henry II married Catherine de' Medici.
Also interesting is that King Victor Emmanuel III was born on November 11, 1869. That's 11/11/69. He was barely five feet tall. [Mussolini wasn't much taller. He is listed as 5'7”, but that was with two- inch heels and two-inch lifts. From studying photos, I would say he was about 5'3”.]

Also of interest to our thesis here is what Victor's father Umberto famously told him: “Remember, to be a king, all you need to know is how to sign your name, read a newspaper, and mount a horse”. Confirmation from the horse's mouth that kings are controlled by greater powers behind them. In the modern world, Kings are just fronts for industrialists.
The next thing we find is Mussolini as Prime Minister of Italy. He installed himself on what date? October 31, 1922. Halloween. Always a red flag and marker. Again, I stress how strange Victor Emmanuel's actions were at this time. This is what it says at Wikipedia, on Emmanuel's page:
General Pietro Badoglio told the King that the military would be able without difficulty to rout the rebels, who numbered no more than 10,000 men. The troops were loyal to the King. Even Cesare Maria De Vecchi, commander of the Blackshirts, and one of the organisers of the March on Rome, told Mussolini that he would not act against the wishes of the monarch. It was at this point that the Fascist leader considered leaving Italy altogether. But then, minutes before midnight, he received a telegram from the King inviting him to Rome. By midday on 30 October, he had been appointed President of the Council of Ministers (Prime Minister), at the age of 39, with no previous experience of office, and with only 35 Fascist deputies in the Chamber.
If you have a suspicious bone in your body, it should be flapping wildly about now. We saw in previous papers that Hitler was simply installed in a similar fashion, in circumstances that made no sense on any level. Mussolini's story isn't quite as wild as Hitler's, but it is equally believable.
Mussolini's brother ran the newspaper Il Populo d'Italia, which was just an Intel front from its beginning. The mainstream admits it was funded by industrialists, but they again tell us it was funded by the French. No, we have seen that this whole movement was funded by a coalition of MI5, British peers and industrialists, Italian industrialists, Venice, and probably Vatican City.
The Pope at the time was Pius XI, real name Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti. . . but you can call him Damien, Omen XI. Or the Rat. Like other 20th century Popes, he spent much time in Poland, although we aren't given a good reason why. The mainstream admits the Vatican supported the Fascists, signing the Lateran Treaty with Mussolini which made Vatican City a fully sovereign state. The Fascists even made a large payment to the Vatican, which is curious. Even more curious is that historians would admit it and then ignore it. It is always hard for me to understand why they leave these obvious clues in plain sight; though, again, I suppose they know no one will think for themselves. They figure they can spin anything. And they have.
After the Lateran Treaty, Catholicism became the state religion of Italy again, and Catholic instruction became compulsory in all schools. This indicates the Jewish industrialists were willing to bow heavily to the people on this subject, in order to push ahead their greater agenda. They figured this was no time or place to insist on their Atheist project. They could do that later, once Italy was completely subjugated politically. More important at the time was reining in ecumenical Protestantism, which had gotten out of hand, especially in the US, and the Pope was used to that effect. Pius also made a concordat with Hitler and supported Franco in Spain. Again, we are told this was due to his fear of Communism, but we now know that is a lie. There was no such thing as Communism, then or now, other than a construct of Intelligence.
But of most interest to us here is Pope Pius' early bio. They admit his father owned a silk factory, confirming my overall thesis here. Of course my guess is that Pius was Jewish, and support of that is not hard to find. He was from Desio, near Milan, which probably links him to these others we have seen above from the same vicinity—like Sarfatti's husband, for instance. At Wikitree, we are told Pius' parents are unknown. Really? The Pope's parents unknown? Not really believable, is it? At Ancestry, we find his mother given as Teresa Galli. His paternal grandmother was Teresa Corti. His great- grandmother was Catterina Molteni.
Did you catch that last name? I did. Remember, Mussolini's mother's name was Maltoni. Maltoni, Molteni. Coincidence? Not a chance. I propose they are both Italianizations of Middleton/Milton/Melton, which means Mussolini and Pope Pius were closely related. I even suspect the name at Ancestry has been garbled, probably on purpose. I don't think it was Molteni, I think it was Meltoni. See what they did there? They had to fudge that by switching the vowels. Otherwise, Meltoni looks way too much like Melton, making the link too easy for us to see.
Strangely, Ancestry also has a page for an Achille Ambrogio Ratti, with almost the same dates as the Pope. But this one is born March 30, 1857, to a mother named Chizzi. The Pope was born May 31, 1857. Both died in the same place (Vatican City) on the same date. Achille has a sister named Angelina that the Pope does not have. You will tell me someone made a mistake, but there is another possibilty: brothers or twins. We have found that many famous people were/are twins.
If we then go to Geneanet, we find more interesting info. The Pope's brother married a woman named Maria Sabadini. That is a variation of Sabatini, and even Wikipedia admits that may be Jewish. It refers to the Sabbath, of course. Another brother married a Caminada, which—according to americanlastnames.us—is also Jewish. The Pope's maternal grandmother is given as Regina Cova. If we spell that Kova, it is also Jewish. That is a Jewish hat: as in the kova tembel. Interesting, because if we go to the Pope's grandfather at Geneanet, we find this picture:

What is he wearing? Well, that, my friend, is a kova tembel. Yes, it is the old version, not the new canvas version—which is equally ridiculous—but that is what it is. Also note the nose, as a corollary and supporting clue.
Which leads to a very weird diversion. When searching on kova, I ran across this pic at Google images. It is a picture of a guy named Danny Mass, at the site Israeldaysout.com. That is a blog about Israel and its Zionist values. In the post from October 7, 2014, the author is telling us about the founding of Kibbutz Kfar Etzion in 1943. Danny Mass was its Palmach commander. He was killed in action in 1948, and the community of Neve Daniel is named after him. Why am I telling you this? Well, here's the photo of Danny:

Do you see why it stopped me cold? Who does that look like? It looks almost exactly like JFK, before his ear tuck. Don't believe me?

They look so much alike I'm not sure that second photo isn't JFK. Mass' nostrils look a bit wider, but that could just be the change in angle.
Coincidence? Maybe, but according to Geni.com, Mass' grandmother was a Paradis, née Marx. So how weird is it that a Marx would look so much like a Kennedy? But it gets weirder. If we search on “Kennedy Paradis”, we find an FBI agent named Jerry Paradis working as a drill instructor in the Civil Air Patrol unit that trained Oswald before the fake Kennedy assassination.* We can also search on famous French singer and actress Vanessa Paradis, Johnny Depp's ex. She is scrubbed, but Tim Dowling lists another Vanessa Paradis from the important families. She herself is also scrubbed, but her mother-in-law is given as Joan Ashton, granddaughter of Catherine Anne Morrison. Joan's other grandmother is Mary Walter, daughter of Mary Ann Jewell. Paradis' daughter married Zachary Levi Pugh. Her brother-in-law married Hazel Marr.
That gives us some more search terms, such as “Kennedy Marr”. And guess what, we get important hits. There is a large shipbroker in London called Kennedy Marr. It was founded in 1974 by Leo Kennedy and Nicholas Marr. Even more important: the Kennedys and Morrisons are related in the peerage. Also important: Marshall Jewell, Postmaster General 1874-76, father-in-law of Arthur Murray Dodge. Dodge's father was William Earl Dodge, major industrialist and co-owner of the Phelps Dodge Mining Company, now Freeport McMoran. One of Mabel Dodge Luhan's many husbands was from this Dodge family. Mabel was originally Mabel Ganson, and she was related to the Chases, Whitneys, Gates, Clarks, Hunts, and Scribners. The Kennedys are also related to that set, most closely perhaps through the Clarks. And now for the clincher. We have the name Levi bolded above, right? Well, what did Gore Vidal tell us about Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy? He told us Bouvier's mother, Janet Lee, was really Janet Levy, with her grandfather changing the name when he became VP of Morgan Bank.
So it is beginning to look like Danny Mass and JFK are related. That would explain why they look so much alike. I may work more on that later, but since it seems to have nothing to do with Mussolini, I will move on.
We are told that the Italian legislature granted dictatorial powers to Mussolini for one year in 1923. And you believe that? What real legislature is going to grant dictatorial powers to anyone? It is completely illogical. Dictatorial powers mean the legislature is immediately defunct, so we are supposed to believe the legislature voted to kill itself? Why show up for the vote? Why not just quit? Mussolini immediately passed legislation (see how he is doing that by himself, with no need for a legislature) favoring the wealthy and outlawed unions. That sort of puts the lie to the name of his brother's newspaper Il Populo, doesn't it? Same for his Popular Party.
And remember, the German legislature allegedly did the same thing for Hitler a few years later, voting him dictatorial powers. How do you vote anyone dictatorial powers? Again, it goes against the definitions of the words themselves. It is a contradiction.
In the next paragraph at Wikipedia, we get a long quote from historian Gerhard Weinberg. I won't address the content of it, since his surname precludes that necessity. He's a Jewish historian, so we can expect the usual spin. Have we ever heard from a real historian in our long lives? I begin to doubt it.
Of course the 1924 elections in Italy were stolen. What elections in any country haven't been? Was Giacomo Matteotti really murdered to cover this up? Not a chance. Odds are it was another inside job, manufactured to create fear. They needed normal people to be afraid of getting murdered for speaking out, so they probably created this high-profile assassination. That is the normal MO of these people. The main clue is that Matteotti was an atheist from a very wealthy family. He had been in the Italian Socialist Party, so he was almost certainly an agent. Another clue is that his alleged killer was Amerigo Dumini, a high-ranking member of the secret police. If this had been real, Matteotti would have been killed in some clean and untraceable way and no one would have been caught or tried. But they needed to take Dumini to trial to make the secret police look very dangerous. That was the whole point. Although he was convicted of murder, Dumini was given only five years. He is said to have served 11 months. My bet is he didn't spend one minute in jail. He was later sentenced to eight years for offending Il Duce, but again skated, soon being released. Not only was he released, he was granted a large state pension in 1927 (almost 200,000 lire**, back when lire were worth something). Really? What was that for, offending Il Duce?
In the next paragraph at Wikipedia we hear from “German-American” historian Konrad Jarausch. You have to laugh:

In 1926, Mussolini allegedly survived an assassination attempt by Violet Gibson, but I have already blown that apart in a previous paper on Mel Gibson. She was the daughter of Edward Gibson, 1 st Baron Ashbourne, so this was obviously another MI5 hoax. Gibson's mother was a Grant. He was Lord Chancellor of Ireland, so he wasn't some down-market peer. More importantly, Gibson was a disciple of Disraeli, Churchill, and Northcote. His other daughter—Violet's sister—married Lt. Col. William Orde-Powlett, 5th Baron Bolton. His mother was a Lumley, daughter of the 9th Earl of Scarbrough. Her mother was a Drummond, of the Viscounts Drummond. They immediately link us to all sorts of major action in the peerage, including the Manners, Dukes of Rutland; the Howards, Earls of Carlisle; the Leveson-Gowers, Dukes of Sutherland; the Egertons, Dukes of Bridgwater; the Russells, Dukes of Bedford; and the Gordons, Earls of Sutherland. The Leveson-Gowers are the most important in that list, since—as you will no doubt remember—they were closely related to the Hoares, Viscounts Templewood. We saw above that Lt. Col. Samuel Hoare was Mussolini's MI5 contact. By 1926, Hoare was Secretary of State for Air, in charge of the RAF. In 1927, he was awarded the GBE (Knight Grand Cross), although we aren't told what for. Maybe it was for this Mussolini assassination hoax.
The second attempt on Mussolini's life was in the same year by 15-year-old Anteo Zamboni. No, he didn't attempt to run over Mussolini with an ice-machine.

Zamboni allegedly took a shot at Mussolini on October 31, 1926. Yep, Halloween again. Zamboni was allegedly born 4/11/11 (or 2/11/11, depending on which site you believe). The guy who grabbed the boy after the missed shot was Carlo Pasolini, who just happened to be the father of famous film director Pier Paolo Pasolini. He was most famous for Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom. Not a film you want to see with your grandmother. Salo was the town in Northern Italy where Mussolini retired in 1943. We will see it again below. Pasolini the director was connected to the Communist party, which means he was another spook. Like the rest, he was gay, but—somewhat refreshingly—he admitted it. Everytime one of these people tells the truth about anything I see it as a minor miracle.
Yes, they have a picture of Zamboni's corpse after the alleged lynching, but they probably got the body from the morgue. It is disgusting but it is proof of nothing. More to the point, we find that on 11/9/26, using the attempted assassination as a pretext, 120 opposition deputies were purged from the government. The truth is, the Zamboni family was also wealthy and prominent in Italy at the time. See Maria Zamboni, famous opera singer of those very years who performed often at La Scala. She was born in Peschiera del Garda and studied in Parma. Both places are near Bologna, where Anteo was from. The Zambonis were wealthy in the 19th century and early 20th not due to ice machines but due to a little thing called the Zamboni pile—an early battery. It was invented by Giuseppe Zamboni in 1812. They are still used by the military in image intensifier tubes. Like Maria and Anteo Zamboni, Giuseppe was from the vicinity of Verona.
Also to the point here is that a search on Maria Zamboni yields nothing on this particular woman, but does take us to another Maria Zamboni from somewhat earlier. What is interesting is that she is related to Maculans. And a search on that takes us to many Jewish people, including Elena Maculan, who has written extensively on Jewish-interest subjects, including the Jewish law of copyright. Also Ottilie Maculan, buried at Friedhof Feuerhalle-Simmering, Austrian crematorium. And many other hits.
Others will be interested by another relative of this Maria Zamboni: Maddalena Zoso. If this family is indeed Jewish, that might explain what Jimmy Page's symbolism was about on the Led Zeppelin album. It is not Satanic, it is Jewish. I will be told the symbol comes from Cardano, and before him from Artephius, but I would still be correct if both those guys are also Jewish. In fact, many before me have identified Artephius as Jewish, although the mainstream historians now tell us he was Arabic. But we know what their opinions are worth.
A clue is Artephius' promotion by Roger Bacon. I have compiled some evidence the family Bacon was/is crypto-Jewish, and expect to compile more. But the mainstream gives us a hidden clue in this regard. If you search on Roger Bacon Jewish, the first thing that comes up is the Jewish Encyclopedia of 1906. I have said this before: the Jewish Encyclopedia is not meant to be a comprehensive encyclopedia of world history. It is admitted to be a compilation of Jewish history. Therefore, the fact that Roger Bacon has an entry there may be a clue that he is regarded as Jewish by the Jews themselves. Otherwise, there is no reason for him to be listed in the Jewish Encyclopedia. More clues come from Bacon's wealthy upbringing and his family's nearness to the King, Henry III. The Bacons were specifically attacked in the Second Barons' War, as partisans of the King. This is a clue because Henry was descended from the French kings we have looked at recently. Through his mother he was from the house of Capet and before that the house of Savoy. We can trace him back to William I, Count of Burgundy, and before that to Judith of Brittany. I showed you in my paper on the Crusades that these families had already been captured by several Jewish lines by that time. So best guess is Bacon was promoting his own with his promotion of Artephius.
But back to Mussolini. Next, we come to the section “Pacification of Libya”. Mistitled, as usual. This wasn't about pacifying Libya, and it wasn't Italy that benefitted. Mussolini was just the puppet for higher powers that wanted Libya's resources, including of course oil. We have see who those powers were. These powers had no problem outlawing miscegenation between Europeans and Africans, which is also a clue as to who they were. Historians pretend it was Germans or other Europeans that were heavily into eugenics, but it was always the Jews that were most interested in it. They had known the benefits of controlled marriages for a millennium, at least. It had worked very well for them as they moved West. We saw this in my paper on the Crusades. We have also found evidence it is the Jews who were interested in the “Aryans”. Jews have always had a fascination for the tall blondes, and the only people the Jews would marry other than royals and nobles were the beautiful blonde people. They wanted their genes, and to some extent now have them. The Germans and other northern people weren't as fascinated by blondes because they were already blond. It was a commonplace. But for the Jews, the blondes were the spell-binding others. The Jews have always had their beautiful women. Let's be honest, they have been famous for it from the beginning. Their men were usually dogs (though not always), but their women were famous even in the New Testament for their charms. But until they moved West, these women weren't blondes. That is simply a fact. I have no way of proving it other than what I now see, but I suspect the Jews bred their women for beauty, but not their men. I will be told that all races do that to some extent, and it is easily achieved: if men select women for their beauty but women don't select men that way, you will naturally get more beautiful women and less beautiful men. True, but even given that natural selection, it can be accelerated by conscious plan, just like anything else. The Jews have always had a more conscious plan with everything, which is why they run things. That was not a plug, since I don't like the way they run things, but I call it like I see it.
I have some personal insight into this question, since I happen to be a reasonably tall blond, as you know if you have seen my pics. The chosen people were quite interested in me early on, until they found I had scruples—at which point they dropped me as pretty much useless. Even after that, though, they were still interested in my genes, and though they weren't trying to hire me, they were trying to breed me. It never worked out, in either direction, and now they just wish I would shut up. All I can say is what I have said before: you guys need a plan for people like me, and just dumping us on the side of the road because we won't do what we are told isn't a good plan. How about leaving us a few real scraps of opportunity in a few fields? Art, for instance? Or science? Or poetry? ANYTHING. Instead, you bastards have vacuumed every possible action into your corner, turning it into a money- making scheme. Not only is that offensive to the gods of the Earth—who do exist, I assure you—it is impolitic. It is impractical, from a business standpoint. Why? Because people like me will always exist, and if you don't give us something we can do with a reasonably clean conscience, we will just make trouble for you. In other words, I am why.
I can see a few of those reading this immediately doing a cost/benefit analysis. They will say, “Let's see, is Miles right? Has taking over every last inch of art and driving all the real artists underground really been necessary, from a business standpoint? Have we profited that much more from controlling art under the Modern scheme than we did under the Classic scheme? Could we have left some part of art alone, and done just as well, or better? These people like Miles will definitely cut into our profits across the board in the long term. It may not be a lot, but it is measurable. Would we lose less overall if we just relaxed our grip on art and a few other fields a bit?
I know some of them are doing the math as we speak. But obviously that isn't the way to look at it. Human existence can only suffer by being forced into such a business model. Not everything that is profitable should be done, and many things that are not profitable should be done even so. All of the wise have known that. Art and science should be released from this business model because better art and science will be the result. That is the bottom line.
But back to Mussolini. In 1930 he introduced the Gold for the Fatherland idea. Everyone was supposed to patriotically give their gold jewelry to the government in exchange for steel wristbands with a slogan on them. I assume some morons fell for that, but not many. But I just ask you, do you really believe the goldsmiths/bankers weren't behind that idea? In hindsight it is so obvious it is risible. Of course in the US they did the same thing at nearly the same time, but here the theft wasn't voluntary. They forcibly bought back all the gold at far less than it was worth, covering the theft with various lame excuses. My guess is they will do it again when they feel they need to. Except this time it will include silver. Probably why Max Keiser is encouraging you to buy physical silver. I fell for that one briefly, so don't feel too bad.
I like this quote from the Wikipedia page:
Newspaper editors were all personally chosen by Mussolini and only those in possession of a certificate of approval from the Fascist Party could practice journalism. These certificates were issued in secret; Mussolini thus skillfully created the illusion of a "free press".
Are you quite certain the same agreement isn't in play in the US right now? My guess is the mainstream media does own certificates of approval from the government. All data points in that direction. The only difference from Fascist Italy is that private researchers like me haven't been included in the certification, which is why the government is trying to shut us down by other means. There was no internet in Italy then, so I couldn't have done this if I wanted to. I would have had to print fliers and pass them out by hand. But if the government just censors me outright, that ruins their illusion of a free press, doesn't it? So the best they can do is surround me with noise. It works pretty well for them. Most people can only navigate in calm waters, if at all.
This quote from the same page is also amusing:
The trade unions were also deprived of any independence and were integrated into what was called the "corporative" system. The aim (never completely achieved), inspired by medieval guilds, was to place all Italians in various professional organizations or corporations, all under clandestine governmental control.
Gee, you mean like in the US at the present time? We saw in my paper on Eugene Debs that the unions were infiltrated more than a century ago. The present heads of the big unions are all clandestine government operatives, most or all of them crypto-Jews from the top families. This is why they have been losing all important battles since that time. The only reason you don't know that is that another hoard of government agents have been hired to spin the union story, making you think unions are too powerful when just the opposite is true. In truth, unions now have zero power. The only successes they have are successes given them, to keep anything real from happening. The controllers have learned exactly what concessions are required in order to prevent any meaningful action.
Next we come to the section on “Culture”. Here we are told Mussolini's Secretary of Education Ricci met with Lt. Gen. Baron Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the Scout Movement. What a surprise to find that Scouting is another fascist invention of the peers! Who would have thought? A bunch of men and boys marching around in uniforms, learning to do as they are told and getting medals for it. But the reason I take time to mention it is his name. Powell. We saw that already, didn't we? Amazing how these things come together once the hypnosis ends. The poet John Maltoni, I mean Milton, (Paradise Lost) was married to a Powell, so I searched them in the peerage. As you remember from above, we found they were related to the Pitts, the Bennetts, the Gordons, the Hamiltons, the Morgans, the Fitzgeralds, the Van Rensalaers, the Burtons, the Townshends, the Clarks, the Beresfords, the Douglases, the Grays, the Murrays, the Carnegies, the Midletons, the Allsopps, the Bridges, the Turners, the Montagus, the Hoppers, and the Stewarts. So in meeting with Baden- Powell, Ricci was just continuing the old MI5 relationship. So cozy.
At the same time, Ricci met with the Bauhaus leaders. Strange to find Bauhaus and Scouting in the same paragraph. . . or is it? Bauhaus is sometimes sold as anti-Semitic and sometimes as Semitic. What do I mean? Well, Gropius, its founder, was allegedly an anti-Semite, at least according to the Forward, 2009. Letters allegedly exist of him slandering Jews. But this looks to me like more controlled opposition, since we have better evidence in the opposite direction. Just to start with what is admitted by the mainstream, Bauhaus allowed Jewish students and had many. It also had Jewish teachers, though I will show it had a lot more than you think. It was also allegedly shut down by the Nazis, which would lead us to conclude much “Jewishness” was going on in the place. We are told it is because the leaders were Communist intellectuals, but I have proved the line there is microscopically thin. Marx was Jewish and so were most if not all the leaders of Marxism all along, so it is the same thing either way.
I beg you to notice who the Forward is quoting in that 2009 article: author Nicholas Fox Weber. He wrote The Bauhaus Group: Six Masters of Modernism. He is not only Jewish, he is from the families I have been outing specifically. Both names give him away immediately. The Forward even admits that his “new historical study” is “anecdotal”. That's very curious wording, since historical studies normally aren't anecdotal. Anecdotal means it is based on stories told by people, which basically means it is hearsay. Hearsay from known liars is totally worthless, of course.
But back to Bauhaus. Anni Albers was Jewish. So was Bauhaus leader Hannes Meyer. Why would these people be working with virulent anti-Semites? Moreover, Gropius himself was married to Alma Mahler, nee Schindler, ex-wife of Gustav Mahler, Jewish. After Gropius, she married Franz Werfel, Jewish. She was also the lover of the artist Kokoschka, Jewish. So we are supposed to believe Gropius is the only Gentile in her list? C'mon! She was Jewish and so was Gropius. That conclusion isn't anecdotal, it is based on logic. Gropius' mother's name was Scharnweber. Which leads us to another problem with the Forward article. It is based on a book by Fox Weber, and Gropius is a Scharn Weber. Do you honestly believe there is no connection there? Just another amazing coincidence, eh? They just trust you won't see these things.
Gropius was in the Signal Corps in WWI, which is an arm of military intelligence. Although allegedly an architect, “Gropius could not draw, and was dependent on collaborators and partner-interpreters throughout his career. In school he hired an assistant to complete his homework for him.” Hey, that reminds us of Steve Jobs, doesn't it, who hired Wozniak to do his computer work for him. Jobs didn't know a circuit board from a surfboard. Also, Bauhaus didn't have an architecture department, so something doesn't add up here. This also doesn't add up:

Honestly, does that look like great architecture to you? And yet Gropius is sold to us as “one the pioneering masters of modernist architecture”. Let's compare that to some real architecture:

Bauhaus is just aggressively ugly, pinched, square and depressing, isn't it? It would be difficult to imagine worse architecture, in fact. And yet, it has persisted:

What is that? It is the Israel Museum. I got the pic from a JerusalemPostarticle from 2015 entitled “No such thing as Jewish architecture”. But apparently there is. It is also known as Modern architecture, and it got its start at Bauhaus, among other places. Today, Tel Aviv is the white city, dominated by ugly Bauhaus architecture. This is no accident, since the Bauhaus guys ended up in Israel. Now you know why.
The third head of the Bauhaus was Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, genealogy scrubbed but probably Jewish. His Geni page doesn't even list parents, which is a curious genealogy. But we get some clues from his partner Mary Coudert. She was actually Mary Callery, and her grandmother was a Downing. She was also a Regan. Actor Matt Dillon is a Callery. Also a Corcoran, a Daly, a Raymond and a Clark. Downing/Dowling is closely related to the Stewarts, and the Jewish authors of When Scotland was Jewish admit the Stewarts/Stuarts were Jewish. They were originally FitzAlans from France, related to William the Conqueror. Also a clue is that one of Mies' most famous buildings is the Villa Tugendhat in Brno:

Also aggressively ugly. Also built for famous Jews. Whom I have mentioned before. See my recent paper on Marx's wife, where I remind you that the Jewish billionaire Tugendhat was the head of Max Kohn, the largest textiles manufacturer in Eastern Europe. They (Tugendhat and Kohn) were/are related to John Kerry, Fritz Thyssen (bankroller of the Nazis), the Roosevelts, Douglas MacArthur, JP Morgan, Clint Eastwood, Bucky Fuller, Ben Bradlee, Marilyn Monroe, Lizzie Borden, Kate Hepburn, Queen Elizabeth, Lyndon Larouche, and many others.
A further search indicates the surname Mies is probably in this case a variant of the surname Meer(s), which is Jewish. That would mean it is also related to Meier/Myers/Meyer/Mayer. As for Rohe, it is Dutch, but also used by Jews. It is a variation of Rohl, Roel, Rohel, Roels, and Roheles. We may assume it is also a variant of Rolls, linking us to the British peerage. There, the Rolls are related to the Carnegies, the Leslies, the Monypennys, the Wemyss, the Shelleys and the Bullocks. The Barons Rolls are descended directly from the poet Percy Shelley. Another clue in this direction is Mies van der Rohe's real first name, normally hidden: Maria. His birthname was Maria Ludwig Michael Mies. That name doesn't make much sense, given his bio, since it is neither German nor Dutch. Ludwig is German, Mies is Dutch, but Maria and Michael are more often used by Jews in the area. See Carl Maria von Weber, also sold as German but again Jewish. His mother was Genovefa Brenner, whose father was named Marx Brenner. Her mother was a Hindelang, also Jewish. So they don't scrub that very well.
What was my point with all that? It was that Bauhaus was yet another Jewish construction, probably a project of German Intelligence. It was part of the Modern art project, which has always been a Jewish project. It was used to totally redefine art in the 20th century, to make it easier to control. That control was used to make it a tool of money laundering, propaganda, and chaos creation. The industrialists had no use for real art, but they did have a use for all those things.
This is how Bauhaus is connected to Scouting. They both betray a fascist mindset: a love of order on a petty scale and a total disregard of beauty and the feminine—especially in art. They also both a hide a direct link to Intelligence and the peerage.
Next we find this picture of Mussolini and the Blackshirt youth:

Am I the only one who sees a problem there? Those boys aren't wearing black shirts. They are wearing gay black shorts and no shirts. The whole thing looks more like a queer parade than a gathering of murderous toughs. These boys haven't taken much care to match their uniforms, either. One manchild is wearing white sneakers with black socks, which sort of stands out. Another has on light gray socks, which also doesn't match. You would think fascists would be more detail-oriented, wouldn't you, especially with Il Duce himself marching by in all white, like Captain Stubing from the Love Boat? Even the Scouts are more careful than this with their uniforms. To me this looks like another Hollywood-style photo-op, with the continuity director on holiday. And what does the other guy in white have on his t-shirt? It appears to be 006. Is he the secret agent before James Bond?
At the end of the section “Culture”, we are told Mussolini was re-baptized in 1927. But above they admit he was never baptized as a child, so how could he be re-baptized? Someone doesn't know what words mean over there.
In 1935 Italy invaded Ethiopia, and the fake-historians can't figure out why. They offer you three diversions, but never get near the obvious answer. Again, Mussolini was just a pawn and front for the industrialists who wanted Africa's natural resources. That has been the plan from the beginning and is still the plan, so I don't know why it is so hard to figure out. The League of Nations' economic sanctions against Italy afterwards were just an obvious fient and likely never happened except on paper.
Next, we are told in the lead up to WW2 that Mussolini was not interested in Savoy. That is a big clue, though no one ever sees it. I told you why it is important above. In any rational universe, Savoy would have been the first thing Mussolini wanted, since it was right on the border of Italy, the King of Italy was from there, etc. It was also a Jewish stronghold, and Mussolini was Jewish. But for that very reason Mussolini had to feign disinterest in it. He was instructed to keep “eyes off” Savoy, for what now should be obvious reasons. If you don't see what I mean, ask yourself this: since the King of Italy was from Savoy, why wasn't Savoy part of Italy to start with? Victor Emmanuel's family had been Dukes of Savoy for a long time, so as King of Italy why didnt he just absorb his own Dukedom? I will be told it is because these Emmanuels had ceded Savoy to France in 1860 in the Treaty of Turin, and they did so as a part of the Unification of Italy. But how can you unify Italy by giving away large chunks of it? And why would the King of Italy cede his home Dukedom in any case? It makes no sense. Savoy should have been the most important thing to him as the Duke of Savoy, so in a rational universe it would be the last thing he would cede. Again, his family had ruled that area since the year 1003. Almost 860 years. But once you know what we discovered above, it begins to make some sense, doesn't it? By 1860, these Dukes of Savoy had long since been infiltrated from the East, most recently from Germany and Austria, so they understandably didn't identify as Savoyards. The bulk of their blood was Jewish, German, Austrian, and Polish, not French and certainly not Italian. And this is why they didn't care much for Italy either, except as a toy to play with. It was for them what it had been for Napoleon: a pawn on the map of Europe, and not a very forward pawn either. I think we can now see it was treated only a half-step better than Libya or Ethiopia, and was mainly a resource to be drained— natural and human.
Given what you now know, most of the central sections at Wikipedia and in the other mainstream histories of the War should be painful to read. They are simply asinine, and the writers—whoever they are—contradict themselves every second sentence. It would take me months to point out just the most glaring impossibilities, leaving aside the improbabilities and the minor absurdities.
However, I will comment on a few things that leap out at me. One is this:
Thus when World War II in Europe began on 1 September 1939 with the German invasion of Poland eliciting the response of the United Kingdom and France declaring war on Germany, Italy did not become involved in the conflict.[145] However, when the Germans incarcerated 183 professors from Jagiellonian University in Kraków on 6 November 1939, Mussolini personally intervened to Hitler against this action, leading to the freeing of 101 Poles.
You will see why I pulled that quote. The Jagiellon mention. Why would Mussolini be so concerned with Polish professors? Because the Jagiellons were Jewish and so was Mussolini. However, it is even deeper than that, because, as I showed you, so was Hitler. So were all the top Nazis. So what is this Jagiellonian University thing about? Well, you first have to ask youself why Hitler would give a damn what Mussolini thought about the event. If any of this had really happened as we are told, he wouldn't. He would have told Mussolini to piss off and mind his own business. The invasion of Poland was Hitler's affair, and Italy had nothing to do with it. Mussolini wasn't one of Hitler's generals or advisors, so there is absolutely no reason for Mussolini to be involved. Once again, Mussolini is just an actor in a scene, a puppet used to explain certain actions. Hitler needed to appear to attack Jagiellonian University, since it would be expected of him. But he would need to undo that action as soon as possible in the media, since the whole thing was faked. Those professors were never in custody and would soon be seen on the street again. Mussolini's alleged involvement was the excuse they needed for “releasing” those they had never actually arrested.
Next on the Wiki page we hear from historian Alexander Gibson. Again, I hope you see why I tripped over that. We have seen the Gibsons above, haven't we? Remember Violet Gibson, who allegedly shot Mussolini in the nose and then was deported? She was the daughter of Baron Ashbourne and her sister was the wife of Baron Bolton. Her brother would be a Vice-Admiral. So historian Gibson would have to prove to me he wasn't closely related to these people, something I doubt he is prepared to do.
Italy joined Germany in June 1940, but that just means that Italy, like Germany, was a predetermined loser. Like WWI, the entire War was managed, with the outcome known from the first day. Once you know this, all the absurd things Italy did in the War begin to make sense. The first of those absurd things was joining Germany. No reasonable person would have ever thought Germany could prevail against the rest of Europe, fighting on many fronts at once, both East and West, especially considering that it had just failed to do that in the First World War. That reasonable person would have also taken the US into account, since in no rational universe would the US have joined Germany in the War. Yes, the US had many financial ties to Germany, but it had far more ties to England. The US had tipped the
scales in WWI and it would be predicted to do the same in WWII, should the need arise. All the early signs pointed to another big German defeat, with Germany making sure to piss everyone off in the most conspicuous way and forgetting to make any useful alliances. Italy was about as useful to Germany as Greenland would have been, and we saw that in the event. As with WWI, the Second War made absolutely no sense from the first shot, which is why they had to sell Hitler as insane from the early stages. No one would have bought the War as an even remotely sane enterprise on any level, so it had to be sold as mass insanity. It appears incredible now and had to appear incredible then. By which I mean “unbelievable”. It strained all credibility from the first word and still does.
And yet people still believe in it.
Not me. Oh yes, lots of things happened. I am not denying that. Lots of people did a lot of things. But most of those things didn't happen as you have been told, and none of them happened for the reasons you have been told. But it will take me more than one paper on Mussolini to prove that. Which is why I plan to just skim the War in this paper. I am already 32 pages in, and I still need to hit the faked death. Honestly, I am growing weary. But rest assured I will look at other events in the War in the future. If you haven't read my two papers on Hitler, I recommend you do that. I had more to say about the Wars there.
Mussolini's fall is just as absurd as his rise. In the summer of 1943 Hitler abandoned the south to its own resources—which led to a quick end to Mussolini. Suddenly, King Victor popped up like a Jack- in-the-Box and re-asserted his “Constitutional” authority, dismissing Mussolini. But I have news for you, Kings don't get their authority from Constitutions. Kings and Constitutions are opposing beasts. Kings also don't perch invisibly behind dictators, since a country doesn't need both. A King is already a dictator, so he doesn't need to appoint one. Plus, any real congress isn't going to grant anything to a dictator that it wasn't going to grant to a king. If King Victor had enough support to remain king behind Mussolini, he should have had enough support to do all the things Mussolini did, but in his own name. So, on a closer look, the whole story of Mussolini was bollocks from the first word. He was just a puppet in front of a puppet. A mask on top of a mask, a veil over a veil.
It is also worth mentioning that the King had basically abdicated when he turned all power over to Mussolini in 1922. A king who has given all power to someone else isn't king anymore, is he? And yet we are supposed to believe the King continued to lurk, maintaining all his potential power despite having given it away. So we have another total contradiction, never commented on. Once the King had turned all power over to Mussolini, why didn't Mussolini and the legislature simply depose him? He was a useless appendage at that point and was nothing but a drain on the country. Mussolini was supposed to be downsizing and streamlining, so why not start with the King—who was the single biggest drain on the national economy? Kings have been deposed and allegedly murdered many times in situations like that. Why not this time? I think you now know why.
Therefore, we can be sure that the whole story of Mussolini's fall is yet another bad fiction. At first he was arrested and taken to a remote location. Convenient, since in such a place there could be no proof he was actually there. It was just a claim in a newspaper. General Badoglio supposedly ended Fascism overnight, and—miracles of miracles—the Blackshirts aren't mentioned at all. I guess they just evaporated. In September the Nazis allegedly rescued Mussolini and reinstalled him in Salo. Since Salo is a small town near Verona, this is very strange. Why would the Nazis install him there? It is about 25 times smaller than Verona. I will tell you why: it is a resort town on Lake Garda, used by the wealthy as a retreat. Mussolini wasn't installed there, he simply retired there.
He was supposedly allowed to stay there unmolested for a year and a half, and didn't think of fleeing the country until April 27, 1945, two days before Hitler's fake death. Convenient. He and his mistress Clara Petacci were allegedly spotted on the Swiss border and were shot the very next day without trial. Those who carried out the execution are unknown. Of course no local doctor or coroner confirmed the deaths.
Before I go on, let us pause on this Clara Petacci. She was 33 at the time of death. Her father just happened to be the private doctor of Pope Pius XI. What an astonishing coincidence, eh? Since I have shown you that Pope was related to Mussolini, Petacci was probably just Mussolini's cousin. How many times have we found that? Literally dozens of times, especially with Hollywood relationships. Rather than lovers, we found they were cousins bearding one another. Same thing here. Petacci's sister was actress Miriam di San Servelo. She was in 14 films between 1942 and 1954. She was also known as Miriam Day. Clara was also a sort of actress, since all this is a stageplay.
In suppport of that, we find there are Petacci nameholders in Brazil, which tends to confirm my reading. Clara probably relocated with Mussolini to Brazil with his fellow actors from Germany. Her brother would have needed to go with her, since he too was allegedly killed. That's how the name got to Brazil.
Another name we find in this fake shooting is Urbano Lazzaro, who allegedly witnessed it or ordered it. For some reason he was known as “Bill”. Italians don't normally go by the name of Bill. Was he another MI5 agent, or OSS? Impossible to say with the information we are given, but the name is a clue. Lazzaro may be a Jewish name, from Lazar/Lazarus. Lazar is a common surname in Romania/Hungary, and is often Jewish. Lazaro is also a Jewish surname from Sicily. It is also a Jewish name in Spain and Mexico. Also see here, and here. My guess is this guy was really named William Lazar. Following that guess, we find a William Lazar, actor at IMDB, b. 1921 and so possibly active by 1945. He would have been 24, about the same age as Urbano Lazzaro. Lazzaro is given a DOB of 1924, but it is uncertain since no day is given. Lazzaro ended up in Brazil, which also fits my theory. We also have one more very weird clue. Actor William Lazar is said to have died in 1964, but he has a film credit at IMDB for the film The Skulls II. That film was from 2002. Just a mistake, right? Well, maybe not, since Urbano Lazzaro is supposed to have lived until. . . 2006. Lazzaro died in Vercelli, Piedmont. We saw that name above. The Bertodanos were also from there.
OK, look away if you need to, I am about to post the famous picture of the corpses hanging in Milan. I will post it small and blurry, since I don't need you to notice any details. Only larger anomalies.

Mussolini is supposed to be the second one there, with Petacci the third one. But Mussolini is way too big. Remember, I showed you he was only a couple of inches taller than the King, who was 5'0”. His head is about 15” lower than hers, so what was she, four feet tall? You will tell me her feet are above his, which is true. So we have to subtract about six inches. Still doesn't work out, does it? That guy is simply way too big to be Mussolini, which is probably why they now try to tell us he was 5'7”. Remember, they can easily take these bodies from the morgue. The War hadn't ended, so available bodies should have been aplenty. They just had to find some guy that resembled Il Duce in the head. Not hard to do.
And now for another real-life Sherlock Holmes moment. Notice how the various corpses' arms are hanging differently. The fake Mussolini's arms are hanging freely, for instance, while the fake Petacci's arms are locked at about a 45 degree angle. That indicates different stages of rigor mortis. But Mussolini and Petacci were supposedly killed at the same time. So we have a problem. We have visual proof these two corpses didn't die at the same time.
Also interesting to some will be that Umberto Eco's book Numero Zero involved a plot where Mussolini's body was that of a double. Of course Eco's job is misdirection, since, like all other famous and promoted writers, he is a CIA agent or front.

Not beside the point: Eco was born in Piedmont. Like Mussolini, he was educated by Salesians. The name Eco was allegedly given to his grandfather by a city official in Alessandria, which means the Ecos were not Ecos until then. Alessandria is known for its famous Jews, and they have their own section on its page at Wikipedia. They were bankers named Cohen, closely linked to Milan and Madrid. Eco got his start as a part of a group of avant garde artists in the 1950s, always a red flag. Eco's wife was Renate Ramge, which is curious because there was a well-known writer in German in the 30s, Karl Ramge, who wrote about Hitler. We also find two Ramges being awarded the Grand Duchy of Hesse Order, a kind of knighthood before the First World War. Eco had a 50,000 volume library. Since his grandfather was allegedly a foundling, it is hard to understand how the Ecos moved up in the world so fast. We are given no clue in the bios. Eco did spend two years in the military, where he may have been recruited for Intel. His first claim to fame was soon after, when a short essay he wrote on television host Mike Bongiorno was heavily promoted for no apparent reason. Eco cites James Joyce as his number one influence, which is a clue. Joyce was a top literary spook.
To me, Eco looks like an earlier version of Dan Brown, though more erudite. He had to be: the audiences back then expected more. Eco's genealogy does not exist online, as far as I could tell, but all signs point to him being Jewish, from the same families as all the rest. He may be related to Mussolini.
We have film from Milan, which is also curious since it is clearly tagged as US Army Signal Corps film, Overseas Branch WDOPR. Since Mussolini and friends had allegedly been killed the day before and then driven overnight to Milan, how did Signal Corps find out so fast? Did they just happen to be in Milan filming that day when the van drove in and dumped the bodies? Another stroke of dumb luck, right?
Also, you may remember a little thing called the Nuremberg Trials. When heads of state are captured, they aren't just summarily executed by local thugs. These people weren't authorized or qualified to either try or execute anyone. There were laws against such things, and the executioners would have been tried and executed themselves. Mussolini should have been taken back to Rome and tried by a Royal court. Either that or turned over to the Allies for trial. In no case would he have been shot on the side of the road.
But it had to be done that way because Mussolini wasn't around to stand trial. He was gone already. He couldn't afford to wait around and be captured, stageplay or no. Things can spin out of control in such circumstances, and Mussolini hadn't agreed to put himself in harm's way for real. He was just an actor and expected to be taken care of. Same as Hitler and all the rest. Since he was Jewish and from the top families, we may assume he was.
So where did Benito go? Here is a big clue: Mussolini's second son Vittorio became a film director, working with Fellini, Rosselini, and Antonioni. But before that, right after the war, Vittorio went to Argentina. Hmmm. I wonder why? It appears Benito may have gone to Argentina rather than Brazil. Vittorio was later connected to Hollywood, where he partnered with Hal Roach (famous for Our Gang, Laurel&Hardy, etc.). Curious, eh? Tends to support my thesis that Benito was an actor, doesn't it? More support comes from another son of Mussolini: Romano, who married the sister of Sophia Loren. Mussolini's daughter Anna Maria worked for Radio Rai, interviewing artists, musicians, and entertainers.
Mussolini's granddaughter Alessandra was also an actress. She is now a member of the Italian Senate. That doesn't really jive with what we are told about the fall of Mussolini, does it? You would think the family would be permanently disgraced and out-of-favor. In fact, we are told her aunt Anna Maria had to perform under a pseudonym and was driven off the radio when her identity was discovered. But Alessandra is now in the Senate and no one blinks an eye? It appears that nothing we are told about the Mussolinis is true. But isn't that always the case?
All three of the children above were born to Mussolini's second wife Rachele Guidi. We will hit her as we sign off. Mussolini's relationship with her appears to be bigamous, since it was started the year after he married Ida Dalser and there is no indication he divorced Dalser before marrying Guidi. He married Guidi even before his son with Dalser was born! Neat guy, hunh? But there's more. Guidi's mother was a Lombardi, which is probably Jewish. Both Lombardi and Lombardo have many Jewish nameholders, including Vicente Lombardo Toledano, Mexican labor leader. Note that he was Marxist. Also see Slayer drummer Dave Lombardo. Also see here. The mainstream denies Guy Lombardo is Jewish, but all his genealogies are scrubbed. We do know his father-in-law's name was Murrey Yenter. Yenter was married to a Jiras, daughter of a Novotny. Lombardo's sister-in-law was Gladys Kint. Kint is a variant of Kindt, which is often Jewish. [For instance, Barbra Streisand's stepfather was Louis Kind, Kind being another variant of Kindt.] Curiously, Vince Lombardi's genealogy is also a complete wash. If these guys are really Italian as is claimed, why scrub their ancestries?
If you want to know why Lombardi/Lombardo is Jewish, see the Wiki page on Lombard banking. These were pawnshops manned by Jews that could charge interest. They got their start in the Lombardy region of Northern Italy in the Renaissance. In Polish and Russian, the name for pawnshop is still lombard.
But anyway, you may wish to swallow this on your way out. It pretty much decided the question for me. It is a 2014 article at HuffingtonPost by Meyer Lansky II. You remember his grandfather, right? Jewish crime boss? Well, Meyer's first sentence is this:
My Aunt Sandi — Sandra Lansky Lombardo — celebrated the launch of her book Daughterofthe King:GrowingUpinGangland, about her life as Meyer Lansky’s youngest child, and only daughter.
Hello, goodbye, turn out the lights on your way to the door.
**That was about $10,000 then, or $135,000 now.