By Miles Mathis
First published June 3, 2016
As usual, this is just my opinion, based on private research.
No, this isn't about some Welsh pop group from the 70s you have never heard of. This is a follow-up to my paper on Marx. There, I showed Karl Marx was a mole and agent and that Communism was manufactured by the Industrialists to splinter the real Republican movements. The main clue was that Marx was one of them. His uncle was a Philips, of the very wealthy Philips family (now Philips Electronics). His mother was a Pressburg, of a line of wealthy merchants as well. In addition, both lines were heavily Jewish. On his father's side, there was less wealth but more Judaism, his father being from a line of rabbis. Marx then married a wealthy German aristocrat.
Well, it turns out the same can be said of Engels and Owen. I will save Robert Owen for the second part of this paper, but he ran the project before Marx and Engels came along. Like Charles Fourier who I looked at recently in my paper on Nathaniel Hawthorne, Owen was a famous pre-Marx Socialist. He is most famous for Utopian Socialism, but it turns out he was just a mole from the merchant class, like the rest of these people.
Friedrich Engels collaborated with Marx on many projects, as you probably know, the most famous being The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital. It is also claimed that Engels helped fnance Marx, although we now know that was misdirection. It is important, however, because it tells us outing Engels is going to be even easier: they don't even bother hiding that he came from wealthy merchants. They do however
scrub his genealogy, perhaps even better than Marx. His parents are not listed in his common biography. They claim he was Protestant, of course, but with some digging, I discovered his maternal great-grandmother was an Altmann, which may be Jewish. His other great-grandmother on that side was named Scholten, which is also probably Jewish. See Rudolf Scholten, who is currently on the Board of Kontrollbank, Austria, and the steering committee of Bilderberg (the steering committee also includes an Altman!). Engel's maternal side is defnitely not German, being Dutch or Jewish from his mother back. On his father's side we fnd a Steinbach as his great-grandmother, and a Hagbaum as his g-g-grandmother. The frst may be Jewish, but the second is even more likely. Another g-g-grandmother was née Vogt, which also may be Jewish. Also an Erkenswick, which doesn't sound Jewish but which brought up some links to current Jewish people on a websearch. The same can be said for the surname Roeland or Roland, which doesn't sound Jewish (to me) but which brought up links to Jewish people on a websearch, including a rabbi.
But honestly, the strongest evidence in my mind is his collaboration with Marx. Everyone else involved on the ground foor of this project was Jewish, so the probability is already very high Engels was, too. It was a Jewish project, so we would expect all major players to be Jewish. It is remotely possible Engels was involved because his family came from bankers and merchants, and not Jews. But since logic dictates that if you need to make an assumption, you assume the most likely thing, the most likely thing is that Engels was Jewish. Given what we have learned in previous research, that shouldn't have to be proved, it should have to be disproved. His genealogy listed online is very far from disproving it.
Although they admit Engels was a highschool dropout, somehow he was hired as early as age 17 to write articles for the newspaper “critiquing the societal ills of industrialisation”. Really? How does that work? No one in Germany was better qualifed to write such articles for the newspaper? Curiously, he wrote under a pseudonym “to avoid being connected to a Pietist family”. But clearly, he did so to avoid being connected to the rich Engels family, which would have blown his cover from the frst day. The locals knew him and would have pegged him as a mole immediately. Only when he moved out of Prussia could he safely use the name Engels.
Somehow, despite having no highschool degree, he began attending the University of Berlin. Again, how does that work? At age 21 he was publishing in Marx's paper the Rheinische Zeitung. But again, anonymously. He was still in Prussia, you know. The frst and founding editor of this paper was Moses Hess. They admit he was Jewish. Remember that for later. They tell us Rudolf Hess couldn't have been Jewish, but they admit Moses Hess was Jewish.
Engels wasn't at the University of Berlin for long, since at age 22 he was sent to Manchester, England. We are told he was sent there by his parents to work in the offces of a mill they owned, but that is just a cover story. He was writing up a storm as well as being involved in local shenanigans, and he couldn't have had time to work in an offce. Obviously, he was sent to Manchester because it was center of union activity, and he was assigned to infltrate it and splinter it—with Mary Burns as his collaborator. Her father was supposed to be a dyer in a cotton mill, but remember that
Engels' father owned many cotton mills, including the Victoria Mill near Manchester. Burns' father was therefore more likely a fellow Industrialist, and she a fellow mole. Her genealogy is non-existent, and even her parents look manufactured. Her mother has the same name as her, and they can't decide what her father's last name really was, Burns or Byrne. Since she was closely connected to such a famous person, this is very peculiar.
During this time, Engels and Burns spent much time in the poorer districts and with the workers. They joined the local labor and Chartist movements. Do you think the workers knew Engels was the wealthy son of the mill owner? I bet not. I bet he moved about under an alias, even in Manchester. He would have to, to avoid a serious beating. This reminds us of the later George Orwell, as he infltrated the poorer neighborhoods of Paris and London under various aliases. Like Marx and Engels, we are assured the rich Orwell was just there to do research, or help the poor wretches; but you shouldn't believe it. Neither he nor Engels ever did them any good.
For more indication of that, we can go to the Smithsonian, which says:
The mystery is this: Why did Engels, sent in 1842 to work in the English industrial city of Manchester, choose to lead a double life, maintaining gentleman's lodgings in one part of the city while renting a series of rooms in workers' districts? How did this well- groomed scion of privilege contrive to travel safely through Manchester's noisome slums, collecting information about their inhabitants' grim lives for his first great work, The Condition of the Working Class in England ?
They spin this to make us to think he was doing it to help the poor, rather than to gather intelligence on them and misdirect them; but given this took place in the wake of a huge general strike in Manchester in1842 (as the Smithsonian article notes), the latter is of course much more likely. Like Wikipedia, the other mainstream bios and articles lead you to the right answer, but then deny it. They give you the letters A through Y, but then assume you are too stupid to fll in the Z.
The letter Z is that Engels wasn't there as a benefactor, under his own name. Like Orwell, he was there in disguise, under a fake name. He was an actor. Some sources admit that, with both Orwell and Engels. But that begs this question: would a benefactor of the workers infiltrate them in disguise? If you were a friend of the workers, wouldn't you simply approach them directly and honestly, telling them what you planned to do for them and with them? People who are doing good don't need to do it behind covert operations. We will study this more below.
It was at this time we get our frst link between Engels and Owen. Engels wrote for many journals while in Manchester, and one of them was Owen's New Moral World. Owen was from nearby Wales. See section 2 for more on that.
Engels was in Manchester for less than two years. At age 23 he returned to Germany. Nonetheless, we are told, “Engels had become established as a fully developed materialist and scientific socialist, independent of Marx's philosophical development.” Really? At age
23? I wonder how he managed that, never going to school and allegedly working full time in an offce at a mill? And where did he get the material for all the articles and
books he wrote? At what point did he do any studying or any compiling of knowledge? He appears to have popped from the womb like Athena from the head of Zeus, fully formed and with a complete political and economic system already existing in his brain. Miraculous, really.
Marx is supposed to have gotten the idea from Engels that the working class would lead the revolution. Yes, because the working class had led so many revolutions in history. I have suggested before that the fake Socialists purposely chose the workers as their revolutionaries, because they knew that was where the revolution was least likely to arise. Mine, factory, and mill workers didn't have time to get involved in politics. It was hard enough to get them involved in local unions. They simply didn't have the time or, in most cases, the inclination to lead revolutions. They were under too much stress. As now, the Industrialists keep the lowest classes very pre-occupied, though the current method is a bit different. Now, they are kept pre-occupied with multiple jobs, disfunctional kids, meaningless and diversionary entertainments, and drugs and alcohol. Back then, they were kept pre-occupied with 14-hour-a-day jobs, ten kids, and alcohol. OK, not so different.
I won't deny that the faux-Socialists were (and are) very clever. They seemed at most times to be the champions of the underclasses. A large part of Socialism and Communism looks good on paper, which is why they fool so many people. They basically borrow the tastiest talking points of their enemies the Republicans, pretending to argue for the lower and middle classes against the depredations of the upper class. But if you read closely, it is always apparent they are leading you off into a bog. You can tell that from the written materials if you know to look for it; but it becomes crystal clear when you study the actions of these people in the real world. Everything they touch turns to dross. Every movement they get involved in crumbles in short order. They undercut every revolution and splinter every coalition. We saw that with Eugene Debs and we see it before him with all these Socialist “leaders” in Europe.
It was at this time that Engels, with Marx, joined the misnamed League of the Just. You can get the taste of this group from the second sentence at Wikipedia:
This was initially a utopian socialist and Christian communist group devoted to the ideas of Gracchus Babeuf rather than the teachings of Christ.
A Christian group not based on the teachings of Christ. That's sort of like taking a course at university on Legal Principles, but not based on the Law. It is for people who don't know that words have defnitions.
Obviously, these early Socialists are doing exactly what I have accused them of doing: diverting their followers away from the Christian Church, by hook or crook. First, substitute Gracchus Babeuf for Christ, then wean your followers off Babeuf as well.
And who is this Babeuf? He was a French revolutionary allegedly guillotined in 1797 at age 33.* This of course leads us back to my recent paper on the French Revolution, which I have shown was yet another managed event of the Industrialists, many of them Jewish. Babeuf, like the rest, was a mole. In his 20s he had been working for the
nobles and clergy as a commissaire a terrier, which was a feudal lord. In this capacity he was like a glorifed rent collector, using any means to rob the peasants on behalf of his masters. But in around 1792, he was tapped to act a part in the Conspiracy of Equals, a hoaxed conspiracy against the Directory.
If you don't believe me, take a look at his father, who was also a spy. They admit his father deserted the French army to join the Austrian army, where he rose to the rank of major. Nonetheless, he somehow returned to France. We are told he was given amnesty, but that isn't really believable. It is much more likely he was a spy, joining the Austrian army as a mole and then returning later to France to report. We have more indication of this from the bio of his son, which makes no sense. We are told the family sank into poverty, and Babeuf had to work as a domestic servant or surveyor's assistant. If so, then how did he become a member of the council-general of the department of Somme at age 28? That only happens for people with connections.
Furthermore, he had already been arrested twice before that, once at age 25 and again at age 26. Both times he was immediately released in suspicious circumstances. The second time Marat intervened personally. So how did he get elected just one year later to the department? Almost immediately he was accused of fraud, and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. But he fed to Paris where he became a secretary of the Paris Commune. What? We are told the Court of Cassation in Paris quashed the sentence for a defect of form. Right. We know this is false for many reasons, but the main legal ones are these: 1) the Court of Cassation is like a Supreme Court, one of fnal appeal. They would not hear such a case except in a case of last resort, which this was not. 2) “As a judicial court, it does not hear cases involving claims against administrators or public bodies
which generally fall within the purview of administrative courts, for which the Council of State acts as the supreme court of appeal.” Babeuf was an administrator.
He was allegedly imprisoned again in 1794 for criticizing the Thermidorian Reaction. Again, this was all staged. Here is a clue:
Babeuf emerged from prison a confirmed advocate of revolution and convinced that his project, fully proclaimed to the world in Issue 33 of his Tribun, could only come about through the restoration of the Constitution of 1793.
Note the number 33 and remember that all these people were Freemasons.
Although his genealogy has been scrubbed, my guess is Babeuf was Jewish. It is admitted he advocated for tolerance of Jews in his writings. These writings are curious for yet another reason: like Engels, Babeuf never graduated from highschool. In fact, Babeuf never went to school at all, being taught by his semi-literate father. His mother was said to be illiterate. We are told Babeuf's gifts as writer “came from Nature alone”. Right. That and from the spook committee backing him.
So that's the scumbag the League of the Just was substituting for Christ. This league was founded by Theodore Schuster, and it was based on the writings of Philippe Buonarroti. We will look at both, the second one frst. Michelangelo the great sculptor was a Buonarroti, remember, so it appears they are trying to slander him by association here. It is very doubtful Philippe was a real Buonarroti. If we go back a few generations on his father's side, we fnd they weren't Buonarrotis at all, but Simonis. This is probably Jewish. We also find the Rucellai family, which also may be Jewish. Just search on “Rucellai Jewish”. His grandmother was the Contessina Malavolti. That name means “bad turn”—think Breaking Bad—and Dante put one of her ancestors in Inferno among the hypocrites. This Catalano dei Malavolti was a Guelph, and was a member of the notorious order of the Knights of St. Mary. This order was so corrupt it had to be suppressed in 1558 by Pope Sixtus V. I also found a g-great-grandfather on the maternal side named Esau Martinelli, which is huge red fag. Esau is not an Italian name, it is a Jewish name. Of course that is what I was looking for. This Philippe Buonarroti's bio reads like the bio of an agent, so I assume he was part of the project.
There are many other markers on this guy, indicating the same thing. He was born November 11, 1761. That's 11/11. He was a Freemason, and he went to Paris during the French Revolution and joined the Jacobins—also Freemasons. He also joined the Bonapartes in Corsica, and we have discovered their Jewish connections. He went back to Italy in 1791, where he was allegedly arrested. But, as usual, he was soon released under suspicious circumstances. He probably didn't spend one minute in jail. He returned to France in 1793, and Robespierre put him in charge of the Revolution in Nice, giving him French citizenship. How old was he at the time? 33. In 1795 he was again allegedly in jail, this time with Babeuf. Reminds us of the later Beer Hall Hoax, when Hilter and Hess were supposed to be in jail together. How long was Hitler allegedly in jail? Eight months. How long were Buonarroti and Babeuf allegedly in jail? Eight months. He was rearrested the next year on May 8 and allegedly spent three years in jail. Napoleon released him in 1799.
OK, what about Theodore Schuster? Well, frst of all, we are reminded of Max Schuster, of Simon&Schuster. He is admitted to be Jewish. Was Theodore an ancestor? The genealogies do not exist, so it is impossible to say, but my guess is yes. The League of the Just (makes my fngers feel dirty just to type that) was founded in
1836, but it was preceded by the Society of Exiles, founded by the same people in 1833. They were Jewish exiles in Paris at the time. Note the date. Another of these exiles was Karl Schapper. Probably a Jewish name.

For an interesting link, see Hermann Schaper, born 8/12/1911. He was a member of the NSDAP (Nazi), which we have seen was manufactured early on by the
Industrialists and German Intelligence. He was later convicted of Holocaust atrocities. For mass murders, he was sentenced to six years. . . but was soon released for medical reasons. Right. The documentation of his trial is no longer available, having been shredded. This is just more indication these trials were faked, and I will use it in upcoming papers.
You will say this ranking offcer couldn't have been Jewish, but in my paper on the Beer Hall Putsch, we found an Admiral Souchon as the ranking offcer in the 1918 mutiny at Kiel. He took his position at the base the day before the mutiny. His name is a Jewish name as well, as I showed in more recent papers.
At any rate, Schapper is a Jewish surname, as you see here. Note Adolph David Schapper, Jewish, in that link to JewishData.com. We find a third Jewish person named Adolph, which disproves those who say no Jew was ever named Adolph. That will also be useful to us in upcoming papers. We also have this, which tells us the name Schapper is often interchangeable with Schnapper. Both the Schappers and the Schnappers were Jewish, living in Frankfurt at the same time. They apparently added an “n” to throw people off. Notice that this change happened in about 1830, precisely the time Karl Schapper was working his spook magic in Europe. Also notice that we have yet another Adolph in that last link. Adolph Meyer Schnapper. So that's four famous Jewish Adolphs we have found now. Finally, note that Karl Schapper is also from Frankfurt in the same decades, tying him to all these people who are admitted to be Jewish. They tell us his father was a priest, but he was more likely a rabbi. Schapper took part in the Frankfurter Landsturm in 1832. And guess what?
Schapper was imprisoned, but after three months, he managed to escape, making his way to
Three months, eh? Guess it was that or 33 months. But no prison can hold these people. Apparently Jews slip between bars like that guy in X-men, turning themselves into jelly. In 1834, Schapper was again imprisoned for his armed invasion of Savoy with Mazzini. And again, he was almost immediately released. I guess armed invasions were only misdemeanors back then. In 1839, he was involved in the Blanqui insurrection in France, imprisoned for a few days and then expelled from the country. Countries apparently took insurrections very lightly in the 1800s. Schapper simply went to England and re-organized the League of the Just. But he renamed it the Worker's Educational Society. Are you sick yet? His entire life is a fapping red fag. All these events are so obviously managed it is diffcult to believe they are still taught with a straight face.
But back to Engels. Look at the “photo” they lead with at Wikipedia:

Did they fool you? That isn't even a photo, or if it is, it has been completely repainted. I am a professional portrait painter, so I see these things. They are trying to make Engels look very goy there, and I guess they have succeeded, but that isn't him. That isn't anyone. Compare it to the photo under title, which looks genuine to me. Although that photo is supposed to be from 1845, and photography had only been around for about six years, it passes my sniff test. It does so because he looks Jewish there. It is doubtful they would fake the photo, but make him look Jewish. They seem to have recognized that problem, though, which is why they faked these later ones.
I think I have already proved my point about Engels, so it isn't worth repeating the same red fags over and over. The paragraph on Brussels on Engels' Wiki page is only worth mentioning to give you more people to out. They include Wilhelm Weitling; Georg Friedrich Herwegh, who had worked with Marx on the Rheinsche Zeitung; Heinrich Heine, the famous poet; a young doctor by the name of Roland Daniels; Heinrich Bürgers and August Herman Ewerbeck Georg Weerth, Karl Wallau and Stephen Born (real name Simon Buttermilch); Wilhelm Wolff, who was soon to become one of Marx's and Engels' closest collaborators; Joseph Weydemeyer and Ferdinand Freiligrath, a famous revolutionary poet; Phillipe Gigot, a Belgian philosopher and Victor Tedesco, a lawyer from Liège; Joachim Lelewel a prominent Polish historian and participant in the Polish uprising of 1830–1831. I would also assume most of these guys were Jewish, but you will have to research that yourself. The only one I don't like to lose is Heine, who was a talented poet. His love poems are often charming.
Engels famously took part in the uprising in Prussia in 1849. But we can tell this event was managed like the rest, since although Engels took up arms under August Willich, and the uprising was crushed by the Prussian army, Engels miraculously escaped over the border to Switzerland. You may understand why the Prussian army couldn't fnd Engels by their description of him on the arrest warrant:
height: 5 feet 6 inches; hair: blond; forehead: smooth; eyebrows: blond; eyes: blue; nose and mouth: well proportioned; beard: reddish; chin: oval; face: oval
Consult the picture under title.
Engels then went to England. The problem: England and Germany were allies at the time. They were ruled by the same family, remember? Queen Victoria was a Hanover, but she was married to Albert, a Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Frederick William IV was King of Prussia at the time, and he was a Hohenzollern, closely related to the Saxes. So the long and short of it is that if Engels had been a real revolutionary, he could not have found safe haven in England at the time. Germany would have asked for extradition and England would have deported Engels to face trial for Treason, just like now. They sort of admit that, because we are told Engels was playing cat and mouse with the English police:
He had "official" homes and "unofficial homes" all over Salford, Weaste and other inner-city Manchester districts where he lived with Mary Burns under false names to confuse the police. [27] Little more is known, as Engels destroyed over 1,500 letters between himself and Marx after the latter's death so as to conceal the details of their secretive lifestyle.[27]
Right. Who believes this garbage? It wouldn't have just been the local police Engels had to fool, it would have been the Home Offce and Foreign Offce, which existed back to 1782. In other words, he would have to have fooled the equivalent of MI5 and MI6— not so easy to do with fake names and multiple residences. This is all just more indication he was an international agent, known to the various secret services and left alone to do his job.
It is also worth mentioning Engels' work on Martin Luther, which he wrote at this time. The very existence of this work by Engels tends to confrm what I said in a previous paper: Luther may have been Jewish himself. These agents like Engels tend to write about previous projects, keeping them fresh and updating them with any necessary additions.
We are told that in 1852, Engels began working as an offce clerk in his father's mill. But wait, didn't he already do that? Yes, at age 22 he had that job, and now he is almost 32. Daddy doesn't promote much, does he? From what I hear, nepotism doesn't usually work that way. Whoever wrote Engels' bio doesn't think much of your intelligence. Plus, if Engels was working in this major mill, it seems like the police or the Home Offce might have been able to fnd him there. After all, the name above the mill was Ermen and Engels.
Also, ponder this contradiction: You might think the avowed leader and premier intellectual of the Communist party would have a problem becoming a partner in a textile mill sweat shop, where the workers were treated like machines. But he didn't. He worked there for twenty years, we are told. Although he tried to overthrow Prussia, never once did he organize a union of his own workers. Equally curious is that Daddy would want him there. If you owned a cotton mill, would you hire one of the most notorious Communist agitators to work in your offces?
The only other thing worth mentioning in this fasco of a bio is that after Mary Burns allegedly died, Engels allegedly married her sister Lizzie. On what day? September 11,
1878. Oi.

OK, let's move on to Robert Owen. Like Engels' father, Owen was a wealthy cotton mill owner. He only got involved in the Socialist project late in life. At age 28 he married the daughter of David Dale, an extremely wealthy Scottish businessman who also became involved in all of Owen's Socialist shenanigans. Back to 1768 Dale had been importing yarns from Holland, so we have the Dutch link here again. Dale had married a Campbell, granddaughter of John Campbell, 1st Earl of Breadalbane and Holland. Campbell had acquired this title as chief creditor of George Sinclair, 6th Earl of Caithness, whose estates Campbell took when Sinclair went bankrupt. So Campbell must have been some kind of banker. The “and Holland” in his title came from his wife's estates, since she was Lady Mary Rich, daughter of Henry Rich, 1st Earl of Holland.
We are told this “Holland” refers to South Holland in Lincolnshire, but Henry Rich had no ties to Lincolnshire. He was tied to Leicestershire, Berkshire, Warwickshire, Staffordshire, Norfolk, Essex and Middlesex, but not Lincolnshire. He was born, lived, married, and died in Middlesex. He was the only Earl of Holland, his father and son both being Earls of Warwick. So I suggest the “Holland” did refer to the country, and indicated some sort of tie to Dutch interests, probably Jewish. The Earl of Holland was born in 1590, precisely when the Jews were moving clandestinely from Holland to England.
This Rich family, although famous peers, merits a closer look. They don't go back very far, the frst Rich being knighted in 1533 and ennobled in 1547. Note the two dates, and the numbers 33 and 47. This Richard Rich came out of nowhere, and has no genealogy and no bio before age 20. We do get a clue, though. One source says he may have been born in the London parish of St. Lawrence Jewry. Note the Jewry. Great name for a crypto-Jew, eh: Richie Rich.

There are apparently records of him at Middle Temple and New Inn between 1516 and
1525, but those could have been planted. Regardless, he frst emerged in 1529, when he was elected MP for Colchester with the help of Thomas Audley. This Audley is also
suspicious, since, like Rich, he has no history. Although he became Lord Chancellor, nothing is known of him. No mother is stated and no ancestry. He also has no history before Middle Temple. His career is also said to have started in Colchester. He then became a member of Cardinal Wolsey's household. Wolsey's bio is also non-existent, going back only a couple of generations and completely scrubbed on the female side.
I am getting too far off-track here, but just let me cut to the chase. I suspect all these people of being crypto-Jews, including Wolsey. Since Rich and Wolsey also became Lord Chancellor, we see at least three Lord Chancellors of the time who seem to come out of nowhere. We will have to look at that later. But just remember, this is the same period when Andrew Judde was Mayor of London. I showed some evidence he was a Jew in a previous paper.
Before I head back to Owen, let me point out that Wolsey was a prot égé of Richard Foxe. Nothing is known of Foxe for his frst 35 years, and they admit that. Like the rest, he popped out of the Earth fully formed. Despite that, he became Lord Privy Seal and founded Corpus Christi College, Oxford. He was also Chancellor of Cambridge University.
On the way back, let's hit Richie Rich again. He became Solicitor General in 1533. He acted as the “lesser hammer” under Thomas Cromwell, as they destroyed the monastic system in England. Gee, who would want to demolish the monasteries? Crypto-Jews, maybe?
We remember all these guys from Anne of the Thousand Days and many other flms, but let's look again at Thomas Cromwell. He was the son of a cloth merchant. But his genealogy is strange, since these Cromwells are linked to the earlier Barons Cromwell of the 1300-1400s. The link looks dubious to me, because his grandmother Joan is n ée Smyth, but her mother is née Cromwell again. If true, that indicates incest. If not true, it indicates a forged genealogy. And guess what, it happens again in the next generation. Her mother is again Joan Smyth, same as the grandmother of Thomas. In other words, both his grandmother and g-great-grandmother are named Joan Smyth. His father and great-grandmother are Cromwells. This would indicate two contiguous rounds of incest. But I believe it is indication of a fake. I think these later Cromwells borrowed the name. Just from skimming the tree, it appears this was possible, because the Barons Cromwell of the 14th century had hit hard times and may have died out in the 15th. No titles are listed after a certain point, so it seems they were no longer peers. With more digging, we fnd more strange things. Another g-g-great- grandmother was Doña Sancha de Ayala, of Toledo. This is curious because Toledo was of course famous for its Jewish population.
This is all worth digging into more deeply, because Thomas Cromwell was the greater hammer that demolished the monasteries. And, of course, because he was an ancestor of Oliver Cromwell, who lifted the ban on Jews in England, among other things.
Richie Rich's testimony led to the fall of not only Thomas Cromwell, but of Thomas More and Bishop John Fisher. So as usual, we see these people devouring one another. Interestingly, we have famous portraits of Rich and his wife, by Hans Holbein.

I think beyond all we have discovered so far, we have to ask if Richie Rich married a man.
OK, that was a very fruitful (and amusing) diversion, but let us return to David Dale, father-in-law of Robert Owen. Dale's father-in-law was John Campbell of Jura, remember, and this Campbell was director of the Royal Bank of Scotland in Edinburgh. Well, Dale became director of the Glasgow arm of that bank in 1734. After he made a mint in banking, he got into cotton mills, founding the famous New Lanark Mill, which Owen also got involved in. Beyond this, Dale was involved in the secession from the Church of Scotland—meaning, he was interested in destroying the Church. Pursuant to our current line of questioning, we learn something very interesting about Dale: he is said to have been able to read not only Greek, but Hebrew.
We have seen that one of his daughters married Owen. His other daughter married James Haldane Stewart, grandson of Charles Stewart, 5th of Ardsheal, the Jacobite leader of the Clan at the Battle of Culloden. These were the chiefs of Clan Stewart of Appin, descended from the High Steward of Scotland in the 13th century. They are cousins to the royal Stewarts, and are related by marriage to Robert the Bruce. Despite being of that lineage and studying at Lincoln's Inn for the law, he was recruited by William Marsh and Thomas Tyndale and moved to Exeter, where he got his Masters of Divinity. After spending some time at Percy Chapel in London, he was moved to Liverpool, where he was the frst minister of St. Bride's Church. This indicates a project. There, he worked mainly with Jews, allegedly trying to convert them to Christianity, but probably doing other things. The title of the project was the Christian Ministry among Jewish People, but it was more commonly called the Jews' Society, which is more appropriate given what we are discovering. These are the four points of the CMJ:
1. Declaring the Messiahship of Jesus to the Jew first and also to the non-Jew
2. Endeavouring to teach the Church its Jewish roots
3. Encouraging the physical restoration of the Jewish people to Eretz Israel - the Land of Israel
4. Encouraging the Hebrew Christian/Messianic Jewish movement[2]
Curious. We can already see that 1) was just a cover for 2) and especially 3). Number three is just Zionism.
When I said Stewart was “recruited” above, I meant it literally. All these people are spooks. William Marsh who recruited him was the son of Colonel Charles Marsh. Note the Colonel. And then,
In 1801 Thomas Stonor, father of Thomas, Lord Camoys, gave him [William Marsh] the chapelry of Nettlebed in Oxfordshire.
We have seen the name Stonor before, haven't we? Remember Francis Stonor Saunders, who has played a part in many of my recent papers. She is the one who wrote about the CIA and Modern Art for the Independent in 1995. I despun her research and then outed her in a series of papers.
But back to William Marsh, who recruited Stewart:
[Marsh's] attention was early called by Simeon to the subject of the conversion of the Jews, and in 1818 he went with him to the Netherlands to enquire into their condition in that country.
Yes, sure he did. He wasn't converting the Jews or enquiring into their condition, he was conferencing with them. He then moved to the large industrial center of Birmingham, where he became known as “Millennial Marsh”. Of course he did, since we have seen in previous papers that this particular Millennialism was frst promoted in England by Dutch Jews like Menassah ben Israel in the 1640s. It was a cover for Jewish causes all along. Points 2 through 4 above are part of Millennialism, along with fear of end times to salt it in.
Before we leave Marsh, it is worth remembering the Marshs were related to the Forbes/Forbush family. See my paper on John Forbes Nash for the genealogy links there.
Now back to David Dale. Did you know his picture is on current notes of the Royal Bank of Scotland? That is curious, seeing that according to his given bio, he wouldn't merit such a thing. This means that he was deeper into banking than we are told. Some things have been scrubbed. When Campbell died, no doubt Dale became the head of RBS. He may have been the one that tied the bank more closely to British Intelligence, through these Socialism projects.
Which brings us back to Owen. In 1793, Owen joined the Manchester Philosophical and
Literary Society, which still exists today as an Intelligence front. It was founded in
1781 by Thomas Percival and other spooks. Percival is another one sold to you as an orphan, like so many others we have seen. It is a great way to scrub a genealogy. His mother is given as Orred, but the bio is scrubbed beyond that. However, we find with a minimal amount of digging that the Orreds were related to the Alcocks, and were landed gentry. My guest writer Josh showed in his paper on Gandhi that this was just a variant spelling of Alcott and Olcott, and that all these people were related. So it is probable that the American Alcotts and Olcotts were related to these Alcocks, and
thereby to the Orreds and Percivals.
By the way, Ernest Rutherford was another prominent member of the Manchester Lit and Phil. He did his nuclear physics work at McGill in Montreal, another spook University. We will have to look more closely at him another time.
The next red fag is that Percival was the first student at the Warrington Academy, a school for dissenters from the Church of England. It became the Manchester New College and led to the Harris Manchester College, Oxford. Oliver Cromwell's statue still stands outside the school. It has been called the cradle of Unitarianism, which tells us that Unitarianism was yet another creation of the spooks.
In 1771, Percival hosted Benjamin Franklin in Manchester, which will be useful to us in an upcoming paper on the American Founding Fathers. Percival was elected an honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1789, which tells us what to think of that institution, supposing we didn't already know.
Percival is also linked to Robert Peel, who is on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's. He was a friend of Peel's father, Sir Robert Peel, 1st Baronet. Like many of those above, Peel was a wealthy textile manufacturer during the Industrial Revolution, making many millions by exploiting the workers, including children. Percival allegedly became a doctor, and in that capacity he was hired to draw up a report on conditions in the factories. He recommended children should be limited to 12-hour days and other things like that. Yes, he was a real humanitarian.
Even Wikipedia admits the American Medical Association is “hyperbolic” in its gushing over Percival, when it says
The most significant contribution to Western medical ethical history subsequent to Hippocrates was made by Thomas Percival, an English physician, philosopher, and writer.
The AMA adopted Percival's code of ethics in 1847. Note the date.
This brings us back to Owen. He took over control of New Lanark Mill from David Dale. Wikipedia admits that this mill hired about 2,000 workers at any one time, at least one quarter of them children. These children were taken from poorhouses and orphanages in Scotland at the age of fve. Workers were paid by the truck system, which means they weren't given money. They were given tokens only good at company stores, which then gouged them. Like Percival, Owen is sold as a champion of the workers because he limited their hours to 12 a day or stole from them less viciously. Another true humanitarian.
As more indication of his philanthropy, we fnd this:
He proposed that communities of about 1,200 people should be settled on land from 1,000 to 1,500 acres (4 to 6 km2), all living in one large square building, with public kitchen and mess- rooms. Each family should have its own private apartments and the entire care of the children till age three, after which they should be brought up by the community; their parents would have access to them at meals, however, and at all other proper times.
We are told this would have been “idyllic”. To me it sounds somewhat like Auschwitz without the ovens.
Owen first tried his scheme in Orbiston, Scotland, and New Harmony, Indiana, but both were crashing failures, as you might expect. Neither lasted two years.
Owen then planned a New Moral World:

Fortunately it was never built. Looks like a fancy jail, doesn't it? To go with this jail, Owen also founded a journal of the same name, published out of Manchester. We saw above that Engels wrote for the journal when he was there. Or, he was the face that fronted the writing committee, at any rate. Note the name of this project: the New Moral World. A lot like the New World Order, isn't it? Same project.
Obviously this was all an attempt to control the opposition. The Industrialists could see they were going to have to institute some reforms, and this was their way of making sure real people didn't become reformers and go too far. Instead they hired some of their own people to be the reformers, so that they could manufacture the reforms to suit themselves and their own timetables.
Having sunk most of his means in the New Harmony experiment, he was no longer a flourishing capitalist, but he remained the head of a vigorous propaganda machine, combining socialism and secularism. One of the most interesting features of the movement at this period was the establishment in 1832 of the National Equitable Labour Exchange system, a Time- based currency in which exchange was effected by means of labour notes; this system superseded the usual means of exchange and middlemen. The London exchange lasted until 1833, and a Birmingham branch operated for only a few months until July 1833.
You see, they admit he was a propagandist, they just don't admit what he was really up to. They are still spinning you. But note the date. 1833. They never quit.
Owen was a spook to the end, always at the cutting edge of spookery. At the age of 83, despite his previous antipathy to religion, he was converted to spiritualism by sittings with the American medium Maria B. Hayden in 1854. He claimed to make contact
with the spirits of Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. After his death, the medium Emma Britten claimed the spirit of Owen had dictated to her the “Seven Principles of Spiritualism”.
Of course Spiritualism was another Intel project, closely related to the concurrent Theosophy project. Maria B. Hayden was the wife of W. R. Hayden, the editor of the Star Spangled Banner, a wealthy and infuential newsman, Congressional reporter, and editor of the Boston Atlas. She was also related to Congressman Carl Hayden, whose name appears on the Star Spangled Banner program. Also Charles Hayden, ditto. She came out of nowhere in 1852 as a spiritualist, frst in London, where her husband published a one-edition magazine called The Spirit World. They returned the next year and she almost immediately began claiming to have a medical degree, although it is not clear where or when she studied for it. She is listed several times in the 1873 Transactions of the Eclectic Medical Society of New York. In other words, she was a fraud, but a fraud working for the government.
Charles Hayden was a big businessman from Connecticut who moved to Arizona. He founded Tempe and Arizona State University. His son Carl was a seven-term Senator from Arizona, setting a record. That's 42 years. He was the longtime Dean of the Senate, chairing both the Appropriations Committee and the Rules Committee. Also among these Haydens was the banker Charles Hayden. Like Carl, he was too young to be directly involved in the founding of American Spiritualism, but his bio tells you a great deal about the family. He was the founder of Hayden&Stone, a major securities frm from 1892. Since he was only 22 at the time, we must assume his father was also involved (and his father was old enough to have been involved in American Spiritualism). The year before, Charles had just been a bank clerk. We can assume Hayden was connected to Intel, or to those who ran Intel, since during his lifetime “he was appointed director to 89 companies, and held 58 directorships at the time of his death”. In 1933, Roosevelt appointed Hayden as Chairman of the Boy Scout Maintenance Fund. Curious, since Hayden was a famous bachelor all his life. Hayden was one of the richest men in the country in the early part of the century, but you never hear about him.
Tom Hayden of the fake Chicago Eight is also from this family, which fgures. He later married Jane Fonda, which fgures. Nicholas Lemann (Jewish) of The Atlantic called Hayden “the father to the largest mass protests in American History”. He should have said, “the father to the largest faked and managed mass protests in American History”.
So the Haydens were well-connected, to say the least.
The other medium we saw above was Emma Hardinge Britten, another spook. Her genealogy is completely scrubbed. She was one of the lesser known of the six founders of Theosophy, along with Henry Olcott and Helena Blavatsky. Before that, she had worked as a speechifer for the Lincoln campaign, going on an extended lecture tour for him. But her most famous speech was a day after his fake assassination, by which time she already knew all the facts—although of course no investigation had been completed or even begun. See later managed events like 911, where they knew it was Osama bin Laden within a hour of the attack, despite no investigation and “no prior knowledge”.
In winding down, I remind you that my fellow researcher “Kevin” discovered in his paper on the National Lampoon that Bennet Cerf's mother-in-law was Verda Owens. Her genealogy is scrubbed, but Owen and Owens are basically the same name. They have the same roots. According to Geni.com, Robert Owen's line is alleged to have died out with Jesse Owen around 1900, but that is doubtful. In fact, it is contradicted by Findagrave.com, which tells us Colonel Alfred Dale Owen didn't even have a son named Jesse. He had two sons named Alfred Dale Owen and William H. Owen. The frst lived until 1947. Note the date. His sister Helen also died in 1947. William lived until 1939. All died in the US. From these Findagrave pages, we learn something else: Robert Owen was the 7xgreat-grandson of King James V of Scotland. That takes us back to about 1540, which, remember, is the time of the Jewish invasion of the British isles. This is when Andrew Judde was mayor of London. It is when Thomas Cromwell and Richie Rich were demolishing the monasteries. But that will have to be grist for another paper: this one is long enough.
*Wikipedia lists his birth as 1760, but older and more reliable sources list it as 1764.