by Miles Mathis
First published January 8, 2016
As usual, this is just my opinion, arrived at by personal research on the web.
I recently said the bio of Jack London was the most ludicrous bio I had ever read. I take it back. The bio is Steve Jobs is worse. For those just getting here, I recommend you first read my short paper on Mark Zuckerberg, which is a precursor of this one. Also my research on Elon Musk. There I show that Musk is a total Intel creation, simply a front for various projects. Jobs was the same thing, just an earlier version.
Some will ask why I would do Musk first. Isn't Jobs more important? Well, I have to admit my research is a bit haphazard in some regards. I have no real plan of attack, and this is kind of unfolding as it unfolds. The Muses throw things in my line of sight and sometimes I bite and sometimes I don't. Serendipity plays a large part in it, as it does in everything I do. I had no idea I would be writing on Jobs today until about ten minutes ago, when I began writing on Jobs. I was researching something else, Jobs' picture came up in the news, and I googled on him. When I got to his Wiki page I began reading, and I realized how easy it would be to expose him. The page is absurdity, and I could see through it like thinnest glass. It had all the signs of being written by a committee in Langley: full of obvious holes, contradictions, and non sequiturs, plus a total disrespect for its audience. We will start at the top of the page and go right down: I will show you everything I see. You will spot the lies through my eyes.
First of all, it is clear they are hiding his roots, as usual. His biographer is Walter Isaacson, Jewish, which is not beside the point as you will see. Isaacson is a big red flag himself, maybe the biggest on the entire page. Isaacson was at Harvard, then became a Rhodes Scholar. He was an editor at TIME, and later CEO of CNN. He is currently CEO of the Aspen Institute. He is also on the Board of United Airlines, Harvard University, Tulane University, Bloomberg philanthropies, and the Carnegie Institute for Science. I should probably be exposing him instead of Jobs, seeing that he has and always had a lot more power; but his positions expose him with no help from me. That list tells you just about all you need to know. Jobs is a bit more cloaked. Just be aware that Isaacson has written a lot of books, and in my opinion they are all misdirection from cover to cover. That is what these people do, and he does a lot of it.
The first thing Isaacson is hiding from you regarding Jobs is that Jobs is Jewish. We get a lot of malarky about adoptive parents, but for myself I am not prone to believe it. We will get to that in a moment, and I will show you why it fails the smell test. But first, they admit Jobs' birth mother is n ée Schieble. If you google on that you get nothing but hits on Jobs and other misdirection, so I suggest you google instead on Schiebel. It looks like they have misspelled the name to throw you off, which we have seen them do many times. If you google on that name you get all kinds of links to Israel, including military links. You also get proof the name is often used by Jews. On Jobs' mother's side we also get the name Ziegler, which can be either German or Jewish. Considering that neither Jobs nor his real mother or sister look German,

and that they do look Jewish, I think we know which way to lean here. For myself, I trust my eyes, nose and own research over anything Walter Isaacson tells me. But of course you are free to believe whatever you like.
I will be told Jobs looks like what he does because his real dad was Syrian. But that doesn't explain why his mother looks like she is from somewhere in the Middle East as well. She is supposed to be German and Swiss, growing up on a farm in Wisconsin. She should look like this:

But the bios push you away from thinking about that by focusing on his adoptive parents. For some reason, Wikipedia gives us a whole paragraph on the roots of his adoptive parents, telling us his adoptive dad was from a Calvinist household. How could it possibly matter what his adoptive dad's roots were, since he shared no blood with his “son”. Also notice the name of the town they give you as the location of the family farm: Germantown, Wisconsin. Germantown. Could they be any less subtle and more obvious as they hypnotize you? Not only was Jobs' real mom said to have come from a farm, his adoptive dad was, too. They were both German, German, German. . . watch the watch swing. . . not Jewish, German. Even the website JewornotJew.com gives Jobs the strange score of 7. This site is run by Jewish owners, and the scale is 0-15, which means they score Jobs at about halfway. They often call the score 8 “borderline Jew”. But since according to the mainstream bios as well as their own posted info, Jobs has zero Jewish blood, why give him a score of 7? They do the same thing with Charlie Chaplin, and many others. They give Chaplin a score of 10 and then say he isn't a Jew. I don't care one way or the other, but why not be consistent? I just want to know the truth.
I found another funny clue in the film Dick, a 1999 comedy about Nixon starring Kirsten Dunst. Her character is named Betsey Jobs. When talking to Nixon, she admits she is Jewish. Although the film cements in the false mainstream story about Nixon, it does contain a few hidden clues to Watergate and other things, and that is one of them.
In these early paragraphs at WIki, we also get the first CIA numerology markers. Jobs' adoptive parents were married in 1946, the year the CIA was being formed. As we have seen many times before, the storytellers insert both 1946 and 1947 into the plots, since the CIA was actually formed in 1946, but the histories tell us 1947 was when the CIA was officially funded. So they refer to both dates. Next, they admit Jobs' real father Abdulfattah Jandali was from a very wealthy Syrian family. He went to the American University in Beirut, a huge red flag. It is in Lebanon, not Syria, and its name tells you who founded it and controls it. It has been a frontline for Middle East propaganda and control by the West from the beginning. This would lead us to the assumption Jandali was an operative from an early age, and as it turns out he was. You can go here for some good information (and some bad) concerning Jandali. Although this article by Skywriter tries to spin you into believing Jandali was anti-Zionist, trying to liberate Palestine, the opposite is true. The American University is not anti-Zionist, it is pro- Zionist. Again, it is linked to the US, and to places like Columbia University. Jandali was in Beirut in the early 1950s, and soon transferred to Columbia, as the writer admits. He also admits Jandali had CIA clearance. Well, was the CIA pro-Arab or pro-jihadist in 1954? Of course not. Do you think they brought Jandali over to the US and schooled him at Columbia so that he could be a terrorist against Israel? Of course not. He didn't get a PhD in political science so that he could be a terrorist. They had other plans for him.
In that link, we find the numerology markers again.
In 1970, Habash masterminded the hijackings of four Western airliners over the United States, Europe, the Far East and the Persian Gulf. The aircraft were blown up, after the passengers and crews were forced to disembark. Habash was also behind the hijacking of an Air France airliner to Entebbe, Uganda and an attack on Israel’s Lod airport in which 27 people were shot to death.[5] Forty-seven people were killed in the bombing of a Swissair jet in 1970.[3]
Do you see it? 47 people were killed. Yes, of course they were. It was either that or 33 or 88 or 111. Also notice the footnote number, which is [3]. Shouldn't it be [6]? The footnote above it is [5], so why are the notes out of order? Simply because they wanted the number three to go with the number 47.
Although Jobs' mainstream bios tells us Jandali ended up quitting academia and opening a little restaurant in San Jose, California, that is all misdirection as well. Although he may have been involved with some CIA fronts that used restaurants and coffeehouses for a time, he ended up in Las Vegas “as a director in prominent companies and institutions” and then in Reno, becoming the vice-chairman of a major casino. Yes, the CIA owns those, too. They can't slake their thirst from the treasury, so what you don't give them in taxes you give them at the tables or slots. So that's who Steve Jobs' real father is. Not a mobster, because mobsters don't have the savvy or the chutzpah to sell you a story like Apple Computers. No, he was another agent, tied into the MATRIX. This leads us to check Jobs' birth certificate, which is online.

It is an obvious fake, since it lists his adoptive parents as his birth parents. It is a certificate of live birth, not an adoption certificate, so why are his parents listed as Paul Jobs and Clara Hagopian? I will be told this is an amended birth certificate, but it isn't. It is dated March 2, less than a week after the birth, which indicates an OBC, not an ABC. Original, not Amended. The Jobs couldn't have gotten an amended BC that fast, because, remember, there was a lawsuit and they weren't even sure they were getting the child. And why isn't Clara's last name listed as Jobs? Also curious is Paul's age, 33. It is not only the number: his birthdate is given at Geni.com as November 22, 1922. Same day of the year Kennedy died, by the way. So in February of 1955, Paul should still have been 32. He wouldn't turn
33 until November, right? Whoever faked this doesn't know how to do math. You may also be interested to know the certificate is incomplete. There is a box to indicate a single, twin, or triplet birth, and that box should have an S or single in it. It is empty. That is important given what I have shown you in my previous papers. Beyond that, the place of birth is not indicated. We should find the doctor's office stated. The doctor Gregory Smith signed the document, certifying that the child was born in the place indicated, but then he failed to indicate the place, which was his own office. Finally, the certificate is not signed by any parent, making it immediately invalid.
Next we come to Mona Simpson, another red flag. She is Jobs' real sister. She is also famous, as a novelist. She wrote the book that this crap movie was made from:

What are the odds that the siblings Mona and Steve would be separated at birth like that, grow up with different families, and yet both get famous in California? Well, if we accept the mainstream story, the odds are astronomically low. But now that we know their father was an agent, it is easy to understand. It is even easier to understand if we remember that their mother was Jewish, and apparently a prominent Jew. She not only went to university but got a PhD. She later worked in speech pathology. Although her genealogy has mostly been scrubbed, we can tell she was a very rare person. The number of women who got PhDs in anything in the 1950s was very low. In that decade, only about 6% of the population was college educated. Only about 8,000 doctorates were awarded in a given year at that time, and only about 1 of 10 were to a female. That means that only around 800 women received a doctorate nationwide in a given year between 1955 and 1960. So Jobs' real mom was not just a farm girl, fresh out from under a cow. She was in the upper .01%.
The same can be said of her daughter Mona Simpson. Simpson went to Beverly Hills High School, which of course is extremely posh. She then got a scholarship to Berkeley, a famous spook school. You will say that means nothing, since a lot of normal people go to Berkeley. Possibly they do, but Simpson was not a “normal” person. Not only did she continue on for a graduate degree at Columbia, but while there she was an editor for the Paris Review. Big red flag! Remember what we have learned about the Paris Review. It is another CIA front. It was founded by Peter Matthiessen, who has since admitted the magazine was “his cover”. It states in his bios that he was a CIA agent. The mainstream is still doing damage control on this, claiming that only Matthiessen knew this, but no one with any sense believes it. All these literary magazines had their covers blown decades ago, and I have written several papers on that. Those involved with the magazines tried to claim they didn't know what was going on, but the CIA turned around and blew their cover, saying they knew exactly what was going on. See agent Tom Braden, etc.
So not only did Jobs' real father have CIA connections, his real sister did as well. They tell us Jobs knew nothing about that, but you should already be very suspicious. Given what he ended up doing with his life, it is impossible he didn't know what was going on, or that his rise was an accident.
But there is more before we leave Mona Simpson. Do you know what her husband's name was? Richard Appel. Really? Not only is that a common Jewish surname, it is of course awfully close to APPLE. Remember what they did with Schieble, Schiebel? Well, they just did it again. Aren't they clever?
If we search for pictures of Jobs with his adoptive parents, we find almost nothing. In fact, according to the internet, this is it:

That's all we get, for this famous man. But wait, I thought Paul Jobs was supposed to be “a James Dean look-alike”. Not only does Paul look nothing like James Dean, that kid looks nothing like Steve Jobs. It is a garbage photo regardless, with no resolution and the eyes just being big black shadows, so I admit it is within the realm of possibilities that is Steve Jobs. My gut tells me it isn't, but there is no way to know. That photo certainly isn't proof of anything. Stronger indication is the lack of other photos. These people didn't know how to use cameras? My family has hundreds of photos of us together, photos where you can tell who is who. But we have zero photos of Jobs with his adoptive mom and only this one with his adoptive dad.
Paul Jobs' bio has also been scrubbed, but not very well. The mainstream bios tell us he was a repo- man, but Intelius tells us more. He worked at Spectra-Physics Inc., McKesson Corporation, Jobfox Inc., Citigroup, and the Coast Guard. Wow. Spectra-Physics is the first laser company, founded in 1961 in Mountain View, where Steve Jobs grew up [see just below for much more on that]. I guess Paul Jobs was repossessing light for them. McKesson is a huge pharmaceutical company, founded 1833. According to Forbes, it is the 11th largest company in the US, based on revenue. Jobfox is a job search site kind of like Monster. You know about Citigroup and the Coast Guard. We could have guessed that Paul Jobs came out of the Navy. My guess is he is Intelligence like the rest of these people we are looking at.
OK, now we look at the adoption. We are told that when Joanne put little Stevie up for adoption in 1955, she was in San Francisco. What was she doing in San Francisco? She and Jandali were going to school in Wisconsin, remember, and her family was there. She had no ties to San Francisco that we know of, and it was all the way across the country. That is never explained. Then we are told,
Schieble put herself in the care of a “doctor who sheltered unwed mothers, delivered their babies, and quietly arranged closed adoptions”.[2]
That even has a footnote, which takes us to Walter Isaacson. Unfortunately, it is contradicted in the very next sentences, where we are told,
Schieble gave birth to Jobs on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco, and chose an adoptive couple for him that was "Catholic, well-educated, and wealthy."[14] However, the couple changed their mind and decided to adopt a girl instead. [14] When the baby boy was then placed with the Bay Area blue collar couple Paul and Clara Jobs, neither of whom had a college education, Schieble refused to sign the adoption papers.[2] She then took the matter to court, attempting to have her baby placed with a different family[14] and only consented to releasing the baby to Paul and Clara after they promised that he would attend college.[2]
Those claims are also footnoted to Isaacson, so he has just contradicted himself. He just told us a private physician was arranging a closed adoption, which means no State agencies were involved. The doctor therefore could not place the baby with a couple without Joanne's consent. Furthermore, the baby would have been in her possession until the adoption, not his. Private doctors don't have the facilities to care for unwanted babies. He couldn't have given the baby to Paul and Clara Jobs, and therefore there was no reason for Joanne to sue anyone. There was no reason for a court to get involved, since if Joanne didn't want to give the baby to the Jobs, all she had to do was not give the baby to them. It would have been quite easy to wait for a more appropriate couple, since—then as now—there were far more couples wanting to adopt than there were available babies. Remember, she was in a very large city and was offering a healthy white baby from two PhD parents. Imagine the competition for that child! The idea that she would have to give the baby to a tattooed high-school dropout repo-man and his wife is so asinine it passes belief. I told you this story was going to be a whopper, and now you see why I said that.
That lie is enough to blow the whole story, but I will continue. In 1961, the Jobs family just happened to move to Mountain View, which is the next red flag. To start with, Mountain View is right next door to Moffett Naval Air Station. It was christened Moffett Field in 1933. Note the date. In 1939 it became the home of Ames Laboratory, which was later taken over by NASA. In 1960 the Airforce Satellite Control Network was added to the base. More recently, Google has moved in, turning part of the base into an extension of Googleplex. Since Google is an arm of Intelligence, that is important to our investigation.
Mountain View was also the home of the first Semiconductor Laboratory, called Shockley
Semiconductors. This was founded in 1956 by William Shockley, who was basically working for the government. The semiconductor project had been a military project back to 1945, beginning at Bell Labs. In addition, Shockley Semiconductors was a division of Beckman Instruments, founded by Arnold Orville Beckman, a prominent Jewish investor. Again, they don't admit he is Jewish in the common bios, but like the Rockefellers, he has a mountain of links to Jewish philanthropies—which you will discover like me if you do the research. It isn't hard.
So it is very curious to find highschool dropout repo-man Paul Jobs and his family living in Mountain View in 1961. It was not a blue-collar area. Being near the bay, it was quite expensive. I don't know how he could afford it. While in this school district, Steve Jobs supposedly had a teacher named Imogene “Teddy” Hill, who paid him to do his homework. We are told she paid him $5 to finish a workbook. You've got to be kidding me. Did any of your teachers ever pay you to do your lessons? Do you think grade school teachers can afford to pay kids to do lessons? These storywriters at Langley appear to have been raised in a Plexiglas cubicle somewhere, since they don't seem to understand how the real world works. They are constantly telling us these ridiculous lies that just explode on the page. I guess they are all from very rich families, who really did pay them every time they stood up or sat down, but in public schools it doesn't work that way.
In 1967, we are told the Jobs moved into a three bedroom house in Los Altos, an even richer neighborhood. They weren't renting, either; they bought it. How did a repo-man do that? They admit,
The new house was embedded in an environment that was even more heavily populated with engineering families than the Mountain View home.
See there, engineers, not repo-men. Then we get this lovely story:
In mid-1968 when he was 13, Jobs was given a summer job by Bill Hewlett (of Hewlett Packard) after Jobs cold-called him to ask for parts for an electronics project: "He didn't know me at all, but he ended up giving me some parts and he got me a job that summer working at Hewlett-Packard on the line, assembling frequency counters...well, assembling may be too strong. I was putting in screws. It didn't matter; I was in heaven."
Right. Just so you know, Hewlett-Packard incorporated in 1947. Note the date. Jobs was 13. Note the number. Bill Hewlett was CEO of Hewlett-Packard in 1968, when Steve Jobs allegedly cold-called him. Do you really think the CEO of this major company spent all day on the phone talking to 13-year- old kids who called up to ask for spare parts? Beyond that, do you think 13-year-old kids were allowed to work on a factory assembly line? Have you ever heard of unions? Have you ever heard of child labor laws? Again, we see these storywriters at Langley either being incredibly ignorant about the outside world, or assuming you are. According to the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, children (under 18) cannot work most manufacturing jobs, which includes assembly lines. They can only work agricultural jobs or part-time jobs like paper routes and so on. Exemption can be made for family businesses, but assembly lines are not family businesses.
Jobs then allegedly went to Homestead High School, which was not a working-class high school. It was for engineers' kids, not for sons of repo-men. His highschool bio is weird like the rest, since we don't find him taking a lot of math or science or experimenting in a basement lab. Instead, we find him smoking dope, dating an artist-girl, taking AP English and creative writing, reading Shakespeare, Dylan Thomas, Herman Melville, and so on. In his senior year he allegedly took an English class at Stanford and worked on a film project with his girlfriend. This is all very weird and is nothing but a series of red flags. But it gets weirder. We are told:
During the summer, Brennan, Jobs, and Steve Wozniak found an advertisement posted on the De Anza College bulletin board for a job that required people to dress up as characters from Alice in Wonderland. Brennan portrayed Alice while Wozniak, Jobs, and Al portrayed the White Rabbit and the Mad Hatter.
That is your next clue, and it is two-fer-one. First of all, it shows us Steve Jobs the actor. Second, it is another pointer to Intelligence, since Intelligence loves Alice in Wonderland. Just google on “Alice in Wonderland CIA” and see what comes up. Basically, Intel used that book and others (like the OZ books) as the basis for techniques in some of their projects, including Bluebird, Artichoke, MKUltra, and Monarch. Here, they are simply using the reference as another marker. It says to the right readers, “We are here”.
Actually, that last quote is a three-fer. Take the Wiki link to De Anza College and you find more strange things. Notice that Martha Kanter was the President of De Anza until she was appointed by Obama to be Undersecretary of Education in 2009. Since De Anza is a community college, that should look curious to you. Yes, it is a large one, but it is still a community college. You would expect Dept. of Education appointees to at least come from 4-year colleges. They admit she is the first person in history to be appointed out of a community college.
De Anza was the locus of the 2001 manufactured event allegedly featuring Al DeGuzman. He was allegedly planning a Columbine-style attack on the campus. For posing with some guns, DeGuzman was allegedly sentenced to 80 years in prison, where he allegedly hanged himself. This fake event generated so little belief at the time that Wikipedia now does not even bother having a page for it. There is no record of any Al DeGuzman at SSDI. It looks to me like a fake name.
De Anza College is the richest community college in the nation, being funded by many rich people. This is also curious, since community colleges are normally funded locally. To cut to the chase, De Anza is another spook school, the premier spook community college in the nation. Although it doesn't feed Stanford or Berkeley, the proximity of those hangouts makes it easy for the spooks there to propagandize via De Anza in various ways, including of course via myriad fake art projects.
But back to Jobs. We are told he started visiting Steve Wozniak, once Wozniak started at Berkeley. He also began studying at the Stanford student union. However, you don't normally study at the student union, you drink beer at the student union, or go bowling, or eat, or watch a movie. If you want to study, you go to one of the libraries. But I guess Jobs didn't know that.
Then we are told,
Jobs also decided that rather than join the electronics club, he would put on light shows with a friend for Homestead's avant-garde Jazz program.
That is just to avoid admitting to you that the school had an electronics club, but Jobs was mysteriously not in it. Not interested. You would have expected him to be the president or the founder, but he wasn't in it at all.
Next, Jobs enrolled at Reed College. Reed is in Oregon. It is very expensive, quite exclusive, and it is a liberal arts college, not a science or tech college. I looked at it when I was weighing schools. If Jobs had the kind of grades necessary to get into Reed, you would have expected him to go to CalTech instead. Regardless, it is not the sort of place you would expect Jobs to go, at least not from his mainstream bio and subsequent career. However, given what we have discovered, it is not so strange after all. It is the only college I know of that requires you study Jewish history, which should get you on the right track here. Also a clue is that despite Reed's relatively poor rankings relative to its costs, it has graduated the second most number of Rhodes Scholars of any liberal arts college. You should now see that as a red flag in both directions. Cecil Rhodes was not a nice person, and the Rhodes Scholarship is another Intel pipe. I didn't know that in 1982, when, at age 18, I applied for the Scholarship. I was set to graduate at age 19, so I had to submit early. I didn't get it, but I was encouraged to reapply the next year. Although I postponed graduation for a year, I did not reapply. To be honest, I didn't like the committee and had no desire to sit in front of them again. Several of them impressed me as potential pederasts, and I didn't feel like being ogled again. One of them—the chairman, actually—was later outed as a fraud who had faked his resume.
Anyway, it is not clear how Jobs could afford Reed. The tuition at the time was about the same as Harvard, being around $9,000 a year. It now costs $48,000 per year, and that doesn't include room and board. Including that, it costs about $66,000 per year. Jobs did not receive a scholarship. Perhaps he didn't qualify for one. His dad Paul must have been repossessing a boatload of items, is all I can say. Maybe he repossessed a couple of aircraft carriers.
We are told Jobs soon dropped out, but continued to audit a calligraphy class. That is doubtful, since colleges like Reed don't allow unpaid audits. With a student teacher ratio of only 10 to 1, audits would ruin their numbers. If he had wanted to take a calligraphy class, they would have recommended he consult the community college.
Now up: the next stupid story. We are told Jobs walked into Atari with some Pong clone Wozniak had lent him, and Nolan Bushnell personally gave him a job as a technician. Right, because it just works out that way. To thank Bushnell for this unbelievable act of generosity, Jobs quit a few months later to hitchhike around the West Coast. Ah yes, Jobs continues the arc of a successful businessman: bold, brilliant, brutal, fake. Six months later, he is back at Atari. So nice of them to give him the summer and fall off after working for what, four months? A year later, he quit again and went to India with his guypal Daniel Kottke. We are supposed to believe he had been reading Ram Dass while working as a technician at Atari, and now he wanted to visit Dass' fake guru Neem Karoli Baba. [By the way, what exactly did Jobs do at Atari, as a technician? Screw boards together again?] But once again, we have to ask how he afforded that. A plane trip to India is quite expensive. Jobs can't have saved much, since he was working what, three months a year?
Being the swell guy he was, Jobs gave his girlfriend a hundred dollar bill before he left. I guess he wanted to make her feel like a hooker.
The India trip appears to have been another total wash, since Baba was already dead. He ate himself to death the year before. The only thing Jobs learned in India was how to drop acid and shave his head. Which is not beside the point, because that is exactly what Ram Dass was created to do for you. Jobs tells us LSD was one of the most important things that ever happened to him, which is one reason Jobs was created. They wanted to make him a drug pusher like the rest.
Although Jobs was now a navel-gazing Buddhist with the required bamboo mat and kettle of fish, he went back to work at Atari. We aren't told why Atari would welcome someone back with such a horrendous record of showing up for work, but even so, they admit Jobs still had no skills. He appears to have been unsure which side of a circuit board was up, hiring Wozniak to do all his work for him. Although he offered to split his bonus with Wozniak, he stiffed him, lying to him that his cut was $350 instead of $2500. Is it any wonder Jobs is so loved?
This is when Jobs and Wozniak allegedly began selling blue boxes, allowing free long distance phone service. Right. Strange that they were never charged with that, although it was a felony and they admitted doing it. Like all the rest we have studied, the laws apparently didn't apply to them. Ma Bell didn't care. She was happy to have Jobs and Wozniak ripping her off.
Wozniak finally got around to doing something in 1976, we are told, though Jobs was still just mooching off him. Wozniak allegedly invented the Apple 1, although this is the only picture we get of it:

Impressive, right? And all this time I thought that was an Amish typewriter. Now, here is the story of the beginning of Apple:
Jobs approached a local computer store, The Byte Shop, who said they would be interested in the machine, but only if it came fully assembled. The owner, Paul Terrell, went further, saying he would order 50 of the machines and pay US $500 ($2.08 thousand in present-day terms[12]) each on delivery.[15] Jobs then took the purchase order that he had been given from the Byte Shop to Cramer Electronics, a national electronic parts distributor, and ordered the components he needed to assemble the Apple I Computer. The local credit manager asked Jobs how he was going to pay for the parts and he replied, "I have this purchase order from the Byte Shop chain of computer stores for 50 of my computers and the payment terms are COD. If you give me the parts on a net 30-day terms I can build and deliver the computers in that time frame, collect my money from Terrell at the Byte Shop and pay you."[16][17]The credit manager called Paul Terrell who was attending an IEEE computer conference at Asilomar in Pacifc Grove and verifed the validity of the purchase order. Amazed at the tenacity of Jobs, Terrell assured the credit manager if the computers showed up in his stores Jobs would be paid and would have more than enough money to pay for the parts order. The two Steves and their small crew spent day and night building and testing the computers and delivered to Terrell on time to pay his suppliers and have a tidy proft left over for their celebration and next order. Steve Jobs had found a way to fnance his soon-to-be multimillion-dollar company without giving away one share of stock or ownership.
If you believe that, I don't know what to say. Except that, once again, the real world simply doesn't work that way. It doesn't work that way now and it didn't work that way in 1976. Notice that we are supposed to believe it was all done orally. We are supposed to believe they didn't have paper back in 1976, I guess. No contracts were written up or signed. All Jobs had was a purchase order—an order for something that did not exist. Notice the order is for $25,000. That was a tidy sum back then. Ho could a local computer store possibly buy outright 50 machines with absolutely no track record? Terrell would have to sell each machine for about $1000, which would be about $5000 in today's dollars. Also remember that there was no market for personal computers in 1976, since there were no personal computers on the market. The Commodore PET didn't come out until 1977. So what was Terrell selling in his Byte Shop in 1976, before Jobs walked in with the Apple 1? Vacuum tubes?
Regardless, it is convenient that Terrell opened his PC store in December, 1975—when there were no PC's for sale on the mass market—and within a couple of months Jobs walked in off the street and offered him one. It would be like me opening a store for flying cars right now, just trusting that someone would walk in off the street and offer me the first working model. Even quicker than that, Terrell was approached by franchise offers. We are told that within a month of opening, he had franchise offers, and accepted them. He must have been moving a lot of vacuum tubes over Christmas. Within two months of opening, he incorporated the shop as Byte, Inc., and was already one of four major retailers nationwide. Retailing air, I guess. Also curious is that Paul Terrell has no bio prior to 1976. I guess he was born in November of 1975 from a vacuum tube.
Apple's first investor was Mike Markkula, of Fairchild Semiconductors and Intel. Fairchild was a spin-off of Shockley, which we already saw above. It was funded by Sherman Fairchild, who they admit was heavily involved in military contracts. Intel spun-off from Fairchild in 1968, since Robert Noyce was at both places.
You may wish to compare the bio of Steve Jobs to the bio of Robert Noyce. Noyce was Phi Beta Kappa. He had a PhD in physics from MIT. He immediately went to work at Philco as a research engineer. Three years later he was hired to work with Shockley. He founded Intel in 1968. He created the first microchip.
We are up to 1977 and Steve Jobs has done precisely nothing, except shave his head and read Ram Dass.
But back to the funding of Apple. We are told that Markkula had made a mint by the time he was 32, just working as the marketing manager for Intel. We are told he made the money through stock options, but why would a marketing manager be given stock options in that amount? Those would normally go to top researchers. My assumption is Markkula was INTEL, not Intel. In other words, CIA. He was the private face or poster boy for the funneling of government money to the Apple project. As Jobs was the poster boy for the company, Markkula was the poster boy for the funding, so that they could hide the real source of funding. We have seen this over and over in these projects. For instance, we saw it when the CIA was underwriting Modern Art in the 1950s, through various fronts like the ACCF. They told you rich guys like Paul Mellon funded these projects, but they were simply CIA conduits.
Markkula has been called the “adult supervision” for Jobs and Wozniak. Wozniak has claimed that Markkula deserves more credit for the company than himself, since it was Markkula's quarter-million- dollar investment and management in the early years that made it happen. He is the one who brought in Michael Scott as first CEO. So again, we are up to 1980 and Steve Jobs has still done exactly nothing, except stand around and look pretty. If Wozniak was doing the tech work and Markkula was doing the marketing, what exactly was Jobs doing?
While Wozniak was (allegedly) building computers, Jobs was—in 1977—hanging out with Chrisann Brennan at Duveneck Ranch. I know about Frank Duveneck, since he was a famous portrait painter around the turn of the century. He was pre-Modern and was actually very accomplished.

That is the fantastic portrait by Duveneck of his wife, Elizabeth Boott, done in 1883. It is now in the Cinncinnati Art Museum. It is the only real thing we have discovered in this research. Duveneck married into big money, since Boott was the granddaughter of Boston Brahmin George Lyman. The ranch in California was started by their son, Frank, Jr., who had also married into huge wealth. He married Josephine Whitney, daughter of billionaire Henry Melville Whitney. So that is who owned the Duveneck Ranch. Frank, Jr. was still alive in 1977, though he was quite old.
As you see, in year two of Apple Computers, at age 22, Steve Jobs was already basically retired, hanging out on the eco-ranch of local billionaires. Again, a strange career arc for an alleged workaholic and genius. I am now thirteen pages into the paper, and I haven't yet seen one piece of evidence Jobs was either of those things.
Plus, we are told “Chrisann's home was on the Duveneck Ranch”. What? She was living on this ranch built with Whitney and Lyman money? Why? Was she related to them somehow? Why is her genealogy scrubbed at Geni and Wikitree? We find out her mother's maiden name was Rickey, but no grandparents. Is she related to sculptor George Rickey, whose father was an executive at Singer Sewing Machines? My guess is yes, since they were from the same part of the country. Her father was James Brennan, who was in the Navy and then went to work for “National Defense”. At Wikipedia, we are told he worked for Sylvania, but according to his obit, he was not selling TVs. Curiously, if we take the Wiki link to Sylvania, it redirects to Funai Corp in Japan. Funai originally produced sewing machines, which of course brings us in tight circle back to Singer, which we just saw above. So it looks like Chrisann Brennan was connected in ways we are never told. Another clue is that her family had lived in Colorado Springs, which is awash with Air Force Bases. It is a huge military town. They had also lived in Nebraska. Were they at Offutt AFB? Probably. We will find even bigger links for her below.
But back to the weird bio of Steve Jobs. In 1977, Steve moved in with both Chrisann Brennan and Daniel Kottke. In the same house. That's interesting, since Kottke had also gone with Jobs to India. They had been “hanging out” all along. Kottke never married or had kids, and we get no mention of girlfriends. We are told Jobs relationship with Brennan was disintegrating, although there is hedging on why. Could it have been the presence of Kottke in the house? Was Jobs gay or bisexual? We are given nothing but circumstantial evidence, but moving in with Kottke is big piece of it.
Finally, in 1977, we are told Jobs actually produced something. He created the case for the Apple 2. Wow. White plastic. That took some talent, hunh? Who else could have thought of that?

In 1978, Chrisann had Jobs' child, which would seem to confirm Jobs was at least bisexual. However, the story is already so full of lies we don't know what to believe. Jobs basically disowned the child, which is peculiar. He even refused child support, which is beyond peculiar—it is illegal. Chrisann could very easily have set the law on him, and we can't see why she didn't. Except that she didn't really need to: she had plenty of money of her own. We are told she was on welfare and cleaning houses, but of course that is not believable. It contradicts what we were just told about her living on the Duveneck Ranch with billionaires. We are told Chrisann finally went to the law and that a paternity test proved Jobs was the father. He paid her $500 a month while he was making millions. In an interview in TIME, Jobs said the paternity test was faulty and that “28% of the male population in the US could be the father”. Again, is it any wonder he is so loved?
However, there is another possibility we should leave open. It is curious that Jobs would allow himself to look like such a towering asshole in an interview in TIME, just when he was hitting the big time. If he had kept his stupid mouth shut he could have been TIME's Man of the Year that year. It would have been so much easier to pay off Brennan and keep quiet. So why was he so insistent the child wasn't his? Maybe it wasn't. It is true that the tests are not 100% accurate, and they even admit in the bios that there was a 6% margin of error at the time—which is considerable. But how would Jobs know he wasn't the father, despite a positive test? Because maybe Chrisann was his beard and he knew he had never slept with her. I am not saying that is what happened, but it does explain comments from him that are otherwise a total mystery. It appears he was buckled down, standing on principle, as we guys will do when we know we are innocent. Even though this stand on principle cost him dearly for many years, it seems he couldn't help it.
At any rate, we are told Jobs made 100 million dollars in just two years, from 1978 to 1980. For designing a white plastic box. Is that believable? Not really. It looks to me like they could have told Jobs to hit the bricks back in 1976. Wozniak didn't need him. Jobs was nothing but ballast. So why was he kept on? I suggest it was because Apple needed someone to front the company—someone who looked right. If nothing else, Jobs was a good-looking guy. And he was a pretty good speaker. It looks to me like he was another rich kid from a prominent Jewish family looking for something to do, just like his sister. But he couldn't write and couldn't create fake art and apparently couldn't act or didn't want to. So they set him up in this part where he could act a little bit, without having to get up at 5am and be on set all day. He just had to play himself and read from the Teleprompter and try not to say anything too stupid in interviews. I mean, look again at the picture above under title. It is scary how much he looks like Ashton Kutcher.

Yes, Kutcher is better looking, and Jobs has a longer nose, but the mouths and eyes are very very similar. When they chose Kutcher to play Jobs they really hit a homerun. The odds that a computer geek would be within 20% of Kutcher as regards physical appearance are astronomically low. Just look at Wozniak compared to Kutcher:

Wozniak wasn't going to be the poster boy for anything. Neither was Markkula:

Jobs was the only guy in that set that didn't break mirrors. So my assumption is that Jobs was placed in his position for his looks—which means he was an actor. I don't even believe he made all that money. I think they made it up, just as they have made it up with Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg and many others. We now know they fake everything, from voting machines to stock market figures to government statistics to the entire art market. So why believe the Forbes' lists? I don't. It is pretty clear they are instructed to leave off the very top of the lists, since they are too obscene to report. For instance, the Rockefellers have so much wealth they would make Bill Gates look like Clem Kaddidlehopper. They then insert these guys like Jobs and Zuckerberg and Musk into the billionaire lists to help promote their various projects. But like everything else, it is just created with a wave of the wand.
Just to be sure you understand, I am not saying Jobs was just an actor. Primarily he was a person from a family with links to old Jewish wealth as well as to the military. So he wasn't just a front for this project. His family was behind this project, since of course it is the very wealthy who control the CIA and the country. This is why he couldn't be fired and replaced by another pretty face. He was like the boss' son. But his role in the project was as an actor. Like Obama, he did little more than get his picture taken and read from Teleprompters.

Before we look at Jobs' mysterious death, let us take a look at his alleged wife, Laurene Powell. Like the rest, she has red flags all over her. The first red flag is the fact that her Wiki page is totally scrubbed. They don't even list her parents, which is very rare for a famous person. They almost always do. Her Geni page is also scrubbed, with no information at all. The Applegazette is also scrubbed. Her Wikitree page is also scrubbed. Intelius tells us she is related to Johnson Ellman and Burke Ellman. She attended the University of Pennsylvania, the Wharton School of Business, and the Stanford School of Business, where she got her MBA. All prominent spook colleges. An even bigger red flag is this:
Before business school, Powell Jobs worked for Merrill Lynch Asset Management and spent three years at Goldman Sachs as a fxed-income trading strategist.
Notice that is before business school, right out of U. of P. Very weird. So she actually went directly from Goldman Sachs into Wharton. You begin to see why they scrubbed large parts of her bio. The only way she could be a bigger spook is if Langley was on her bio. She is now said to be worth 23 billion dollars. Just so you know, that is more than Steve Jobs was ever said to have been worth. When I researched Jobs in 2011 for my paper on Zuckerberg, Jobs was worth 8 billion. Has Apple tripled in value in the past four years? Not that I know of. Its stock values tripled before 2011, but doubled after that, so I still can't get Laurene's value up to 23 billion. But it doesn't really matter since they make all these numbers up anyway. Apple is supposed to be worth around 700 billion now, double Exxon-Mobil and Microsoft, but I don't tend to believe it.
But back to her Intelius page. Something is wrong there, since there is no Burke or Johnson Ellman. It looks like we are being referred to the company Ellman, Burke, Hoffman and Johnson, a San Francisco law firm founded in 1976. Their lead partner, Howard Ellman, is also a shareholder in Buchalter Nemer, another big California law firm, with locations in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Napa Valley, Orange County, and Scottsdale, AZ. Is Powell related to Howard Ellman? Possibly, but I think it is just a mistake. I have seen mistakes like this before at Intelius, especially in the relative boxes. They pull names from court documents, and those documents are not always relatives. It is curious, though, that Ellman-Burke started up the year Apple started up and closed when Jobs retired.
My first idea was that Powell is a relative of Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell, whose bios are also scrubbed. In support of that, remember that we looked at Chrisann Brennan above. Of course Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell sat with Supreme Court Justice William Brennan.

The Brethren
Coincidence? I doubt it. According to my research, Chrisann was not the granddaughter of William Brennan, since he had two sons, William and Hugh. Chrisann's father was James and his brother was Dan. So the best we can do there is great uncle. William had a brother Lawrence L., so if you continue this line of research, that is the way to go. As far as Laurene Powell goes, I hit a wall. They have scrubbed her extremely well, since I couldn't work back to her from Lewis Powell, either. However, it is clear they are hiding something very big with her.
With more research, I concluded that they chose the names Powell and Brennan as cover, using the names of Justices as a joke. So it wasn't a coincidence, but it was a diversion. With that in mind, it occurred to me that Laurene is an uncommon name. I have never seen it. Maybe she just added the “e” as misdirection. So I searched on Lauren Powell and got a gigantic hit. There is a Lauren Sue Powell listed as a daughter of voice actor Edward Mannix. Born in 1929, he is of the right age to be the father of Laurene, b. 1963. Both Mannix and Lauren Powell are from northeast New Jersey, as is Laurene. I then got another hit on his sister, Joan Marie Maurer, who died recently. She was again from NE New Jersey, just like Laurene. Laurene is said to be from West Milford, NJ. Joan Maurer died in New City, NY, which is just across the State line, not 10 miles away. Joan Maurer also has relatives in Basking Ridge, NJ, which is about 10 miles south of West Milford. If this is the right link, it leads us to ask why Laurene is going to such great lengths to scrub it. Why isn't her last name Mannix? Powell isn't her mother's maiden name.*
Probably it is because her grandfather is also named Edward Mannix, and he was general manager and vice-president at MGM. Mannix was rumored to have mafia connections, and he was tied in the gossip rags to the death of George Reeves, who first played Superman. This is because Laurene Powell's grandmother was also famous. Her name was Toni Mannix, and she was a Ziegfeld Follies showgirl and actress in the 1930s. She had an affair with George Reeves, and he ended up dead a couple of years later, a bullet hole in his head. As you can see at Wikipedia, various source have alleged Toni ordered the hit on George Reeves, for dumping her.
Mannix's wife before Toni also died in violent and mysterious circumstances. Bernice Fitzmaurice petitioned for divorce against Mannix in 1937, claiming domestic abuse. Before the papers could be filed, she died in a car accident.
You may think the re-airing of all these lurid stories are what Laurene Jobs wished to avoid by changing her name and scrubbing her bio, but I think the link to Hollywood and MGM is actually more damaging to the whole Jobs' history than the affairs and deaths. As you have seen, I am showing you Jobs had many Intelligence connections, and was mainly an actor in a project. Since Hollywood is also controlled by Intelligence, discovering a major Hollywood connection for Laurene Powell Jobs is like finding a gold nugget. It was too big a clue, one they didn't want to give you. They really didn't want to give it to me, but I found it anyway.
To see what I mean in more detail, we find that Eddie Mannix's Wikipedia page admits,
He is remembered for his protective work of the Hollywood stars and work as a " fixer", in which he was able to hide aspects of their often colorful private lives to keep their clean screen image.
I guess you see how that ties in here. Beyond seeing it with the scrubbing of Laurene Powell's bio, we find more curious things with the bios of Eddie Mannix and Toni Mannix at Wikipedia. The problem? The bios there don't match the bios at Find-a-Grave. Wikipedia tells us Eddie Mannix's full name is Joseph Edgar Allen John Mannix, while Find-a-Grave tells us his full name is Edward Joseph Mannix.
Wikipedia tells us Toni Mannix's real name was Camille Bernice Froomess, while Find-a-Grave tells us it was Camille Antoinette Lanier. Obviously, it is the Wikipedia names that look made-up. Who gives their child four first names like Joseph Edgar Allen John? And Bernice is Mannix's first wife. They are getting Camille confused with Bernice.
Even more indication of misdirection is found in the obituary of Joan Marie Maurer, linked above. She is supposed to be the sister of Edward Mannix, remember? But at Geni, Edward Mannix's wife is also named Joan Marie. So although the genealogy at Geni isn't fully scrubbed, it is a mash-up. You have to be pretty clever to see through it all.
I will be told that the Lauren Powell at Geni can't be Laurene Powell Jobs, because she is listed there as the mother of some Haas children [note the name Haas, we will see it again below]. But that page is actually a nest of clues, ones that confirm my reading rather than contradict it. First of all, why would her kids be named Haas when her husband is listed as Stephen Todd Powell? Plus, this Lauren Sue Powell née Mannix is listed as having four parents: Private Mannix, Edward Mannix, Joan Marie Burman, and Joan Ronyets. Even weirder, her husband Stephen Powell is listed as having two wives and two ex-wives: Private Powell, Lauren Sue, Lynn Powell, and Linda Powell. Clearly, we have some ghosts here, or doubles, and I would bet good money Laurene Powell Jobs is one of them. It can't be a coincidence that Lauren Powell and Laurene Powell are both from the same part of New Jersey, within ten miles.
We also find that Stephen Todd Powell is a Navy man. We could have predicted that. He was born in 1948. He lives in NE New Jersey. He now works for Destination Services LLC. What does this company do, exactly:
Destination Services, LLC, is a full service destination management company. We address the many interrelated needs of a destination client from research to the development of long-term marketing goals through the strategic implementation of a plan maximizing the economic success with measurable results.
What? Were we just told anything? I know I just read two sentences, but I am no better off than before. Sounds like another CIA front to me. Powell attended the University of Missouri from 1970 to 1980. Many Hollywood stars come from there, including Brad Pitt, Kate Capshaw, Chris Cooper, Sheryl Crow, John Hamm, and George C. Scott. Also from there are Tennessee Williams, Sam Walton, Jim Lehrer, and Kenneth Lay.
You will say my links between Laurene Powell and the Mannix family are still slender. OK, how about this. One of Steve Jobs kids is named Erin. If we search Intelius and InstantCheckmate for Erin Jobs, we get nothing. According to the big computers, she doesn't exist. But if we search for Erin Haas, we find a person with no age who has lived in Berkeley, CA. Who else has that place on her list? Laurene Powell. Another child of Jobs is said to be Eve Jobs. No listing for an Eve Jobs in all of California. She is another ghost.
More weirdness if we search on Lisa Brennan-Jobs. She exists in the computers, but she is said to be related to Kyle and Carl Jobs. Who are they?
OK, so let's now skip ahead to Steve Jobs' death. All the stuff in between doesn't really interest me, because it is just a lot of yakking to cover the fact that Apple, like Microsoft, was always just a front for the government. In short, the technology came out of the military and was originally meant to stay with them, or with big business. But in the 1960s, it was seen that disseminating the technology to the public would create another form of control, like television, and so they did that. Money could also be made, of course, but in this case, money was the secondary goal. Control was the primary goal. They didn't want to introduce the technology as a monopoly, since that would look suspicious. So they needed to push at least two major companies: Apple and Microsoft. If the market had been real, you would have expected Apple and Microsoft to have attacked one another viciously, but although we get some fake stories of that, the opposite happened. Apple basically gifted its technology to Microsoft in a very weird agreement. Here is what they say about that at Wikipedia:
Shortly after its release in 1985, Bill Gates' then-developing company, Microsoft, threatened to stop developing Mac applications unless it was granted "a license for the Mac operating system software. Microsoft was developing its graphical user interface ... for DOS, which it was calling Windows and didn't want Apple to sue over the similarities between the Windows GUI and the Mac interface."[62] Sculley granted Microsoft the license which later led to problems for Apple.
None of that makes any sense from a business point of view. Apple should have been in the position of power there, since all it had to say is, “Fine, stop developing Mac applications. We will develop them ourselves and take your market”. Apple had enough capital to hire all of Microsoft's people away from them and develop anything they wished to develop. Instead, they just gave Microsoft the right to all their inventions. Obviously, it was done this way because Apple and Microsoft were not created to compete. Two separate platforms were created on purpose by the government to give the appearance of competition where there was none. Here we are, 40 years on, and given the current climate of predation, you would have expected Microsoft to have long since absorbed Apple—or the reverse. But that isn't even close to happening, as far as we can tell. Why not? Because it isn't in the script.
I support of this, remember what I told you about Apple in my paper on John Lennon. There, I reminded you that Apple Computers should never have been able to keep their name, since Apple Records had already trademarked both the word and the image years earlier. Apple Records should have won the lawsuit in a slamdunk, with Apple Computers forced to change their name and logo. Why didn't they? Because both were founded, owned, and run by US/British Intelligence. Apple isn't a trademark of either company, it is a trademark of Intelligence, and both companies are simply subsidiaries of Intelligence. Obviously, the Apple trademark refers to Adam and Eve, and the apple of knowledge. With Apple Computers, that became even more obvious, since they even have a bite out of the Apple, indicating the pursuit of knowledge of good and evil, even against the will of God. Well, knowledge = intelligence. The apple is the chosen sign of Intelligence. Elementary, my dear Watson.
This takes us back to the valuation of Apple Computers at 700 billion, and its current strange growth in a time of overall market contraction. They try to tell you it has to do with Iphones or something, but other phones are selling well. The Iphone isn't the only cellphone on the market. You can't explain several hundred billion dollars worth of valuation on Iphones alone. The reason Apple is allegedly seeing such growth is its ties to Intelligence, which we admittedly first saw big time with the Iphone.
It was revealed as a part of the 2013 mass surveillance disclosures that the American and British intelligence agencies, the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) have access to the user data in iPhones, BlackBerrys, and Android phones, respectively. They can read almost all smartphone information, including SMS, location, emails, and notes.
That is dated 2013, but the Iphone was bugged back to the beginning. They tell you the phone is now encrypted, but that is hogwash. The whole point of all cellphones back to the beginning was tracking,
which is one reason why I don't have one. The newer ones are encrypted, but the NSA [and all other governments worldwide] is given the codebreaker. They have admitted that in the mainstream.
Basically, Apple is expanding because Intelligence continues to expand. Other than medical care, Intelligence has been one of the few growth economies. And Intelligence is growing because it is run by the billionaires. And the billionaires are getting richer because they are vacuuming all sources of income into their own hands. They are sweeping hundreds of billions of dollars out of the middle class and into the upper .1 percentile. So Apple isn't growing from the bottom up, by selling more products, it is growing from the top down, by absorbing more of Intelligence and its funding. The gargantuan size of Apple is a direct measure of the gargantuan size of Intelligence. The same can be said for Microsoft and Google, of course, and several other similar companies.
Now, back to the alleged death of Steve Jobs. Everyone knows Jobs died in 2011. Or did he? Let's take a look. The first clue we have is here:
On July 1, 2008, a US$7 billion class action suit was fled against several members of the Apple board of directors for revenue lost because of alleged securities fraud.
That's a lot of money. Plus, being the sort of suit it was, Apple could have been required to pay triple damages, which would be 21 billion, more than Jobs was worth at the time. Funny that we hear no more about that on Jobs' page or on the page for Apple, Inc.
There were no reports of poor health before that. You will tell me Jobs told his employees in 2004 he was sick, but we have no evidence of that. Like the rest, it is just a story, and it was probably back- manufactured to explain his later “death”. The first real rumors started in late August 2008, when Bloomberg “accidentally” published an obituary for Jobs. Curious that was just a month after the lawsuit was filed, right? These two facts, taken together, are enough to put a huge question mark over the alleged death.
So what happened to that lawsuit? Although there is an entire page on Apple litigation at Wikipedia, I found nothing on securities fraud in 2008. A search on the word “securities” finds no matches on the page. A google search on that subject also pulls up nothing after the 2008 announcements.
More misdirection was inserted into the history with Jobs' fake illness, since they used it as another excuse to blackwash alternative medicine. They say he acquired pancreatic cancer some time in 2003 or so, but chose to pursue alternative or holistic therapies rather than go through chemotherapy. We are told this is why he didn't survive, and that if he had just done what the doctors told him to, he would have beaten it. On the other hand, alternative guys like Mike Adams and Alex Jones have used Jobs as evidence for the reverse: they say that the average time for death by pancreatic cancer is about a year, while Jobs lived for eight years. Therefore, Jobs was brilliant for choosing the alternative route. However, as usual the truth is. . . neither one. Since Jobs' illness was a hoax from the beginning, it can't be used as an example for either mainstream medicine or alternative medicine. I lean to the latter, and don't like to see alternative treatments unfairly blackwashed by a mainstream that just wants to maximize profit. But in this case, both arguments are manufactured. They don't apply.
Even Jobs' funeral was a propaganda blitz, with spooks Bono and Joan Baez performing. Each attendee was given a farewell gift from Jobs, consisting of a copy of Autobiography of a Yogi, by fake Swami Yogananda. This Swami went to the Scottish Church College in Calcutta, which was founded by the British East India Company in the 1830s and which taught a liberal Western education. Man other fake gurus went there, including Vivekananda and Prabhupada. This college had ties to Trinity College, Dublin, which, like Trinity College, Cambridge, is and was a spook college. “Trinity” has become another spook word, and it is often a marker. The girl in The MATRIX wasn't named Trinity by accident. Remember, we saw in an earlier paper that Vivekananda was a Freemason and that he was brought to the US by John D. Rockefeller. When he arrived, he was met by spook William James in Boston. Well, Yogananda's bio is similar, although a few decades later. He also travelled early to the US and came straight to Boston. They told him to go to Los Angeles to set up his Self Realization Fellowship. He stayed in the US permanently after that, making loads of money.
Now let us look at Steve Jobs' death certificate. It is online, but it has been published very blurry and is almost impossible to read. It has also been redacted, as if it is a classified document. I have never seen that before, and I have researched a lot of strange deaths. Not surprisingly, perhaps, one of the things blacked out is Laurene's full name. In addition, the names of the coroner, embalmer, registrar, and certifier are redacted, which is illegal. No autopsy was performed. You cannot redact confirming information on a certificate, because without that information there is no way to judge the authenticity of the document. The document is immediately fraudulent.
The document is also fake. How do I know? Because I compared it side by side with a real death certificate from Santa Clara County from 2013.

You can tell the first one is fake without even blowing them up. Can you see how?
The first one isn't centered. It is a bad cut-and-paste, because they forgot to center the main text block relative to the background. To see this most easily, look at the two seals at the bottom of the certificate. Then compare to the second document. See how the whole central block has slid to your right? In the second document, the main text block is centered relative to the bottom seals. In the first, it isn't. No even close. The right corner of the text block is above the right seal, but the left corner of the text block isn't above the left seal. It was poorly faked.
And remember, with some good sleuthing, I found out what name is censored on the line for Laurene. Underneath that black line is likely the name MANNIX.
In conclusion, we have found a huge amount of lies, spinning and scrubbing with regard to everything concerning Steve Jobs. This makes it quite difficult to arrive at any final answers. The best I can do at this point is guess, based on what I have compiled above. Beyond what I have already said, I think the odds are Jobs was gay, his lover was Daniel Kottke, Chrisann Brennan was his early beard, Lisa is not his, his marriage to Laurene was arranged or faked, the children are not his, and he faked his death. I can't prove any of that, but that is where I see all the pointers pointing. The faked death certificate is pretty conclusive evidence the death was faked, but for the rest, it is just educated speculation.
Understand, I am not claiming Tim Cook is Steve Jobs, as some are doing to spread confusion. Either DallasGoldBug is at it again with the fake ear biometrics, or someone is stealing his method, but there are claims of an ear match between Cook and Jobs. Unfortunately, they show you the ears side by side and there is no match. So I guess someone thinks you are blind.

The Brazil photo is also a dead-end, since although it is not faked, it isn't Jobs. In my opinion, it is just a guy who looks a lot like him. A lot of old guys look like that. I think that photo was released on purpose, to confirm he was sick. That old guy looks very sick, just like Jobs is supposed to have looked at the end. But I think the illness was faked from the start, and that the photos of Jobs looking emaciated were faked. Why do I think that? Because a week before he allegedly died, Jobs was in court in a lawsuit against Samsung. That's right, he was physically in court. If you have ever been in court, you know it is not an easy place to be, even in perfect health. So if he looked like this, he would never have been in court:

Now, I admit that photo is not faked and that it looks a lot like Jobs. But it isn't him. Again, a lot of old guys look like that. My opinion is they found a look-alike, and they did a very good job. This guy is very convincing. If you don't look closely, he will fool you. It is real ear analysis that allows us to prove this isn't Jobs. Go to the top left corner of the ear. As you move down from there, see how there is a thickening? A little flap? Now go to Jobs, a page up. Jobs' ear is thin there, isn't it, not fat?
You will say, “You are admitting Jobs might have been gay. So why couldn't he have died of AIDS? This is what AIDS patients look like”. Yes, he could have been sick with AIDS and he could have died from it, but all evidence indicates he didn't. Again, it wouldn't explain his being in court the week before. It also wouldn't explain the rumors of illness starting within a month of the big 2008 lawsuit. And it wouldn't explain the faked death certificate. In figuring out these mysteries, you have to weigh a lot of data simultaneously, as I always show. You can't dwell on one idea or another; you have to juggle all the odds at once. Doing that, I can tell you this isn't Jobs and that he was never sick. The Samsung case is just more evidence of that, since it is one more reason for him to fake his death. He needed to retire permanently as soon as possible: otherwise he was going to spend the rest of his life in court. Neither he nor Intelligence wished to see that happen.
*Lauren's mother Joan Marie Mannix was nee Ronyets, but she was married three times. To Edward Mannix, Private McGimpsey, and finally Private Burman.