by Miles Mathis
First published June 21, 2016
As usual, this is just my opinion, protected as free speech.
First of all, his name above is an alias. Most of you won't know that. Like the name Stalin, the name Lenin is a fake. He just made it up. His real name was Vladimir Ulyanov. Your first question should be, “Why would the leader of the Communist Party or of the Soviet Union need to live under an alias?” Does it make any sense for the leader of a country to have a fake name? Nobody ever asks these simple questions, but they are well worth asking.
The second thing you need to know is that this Vladimir Ulyanov was Jewish. There is all sorts of denial on the internet and in books on this question, and what is most strange is that even at places like Stormfront, JewWatch and heretical.com you get misdirection. That is, even those who seem to hate Commies and Jews can't seem to do simple research. So the current state of affairs is a big muddle. As usual, I will show you it is a manufactured muddle. Both sides of the argument are manufactured, to keep you confused.
If you study “anti-Semitic” literature on this subject, you come to the conclusion that Lenin was at most ¼ Jewish. In fact, both sides sort of admit that, when pressed. It is admitted Lenin's maternal grandfather Alexander Dmitrievich Blank was a wealthy Jewish doctor who worked for the military. His name was originally Srul (Israel) Moishevich. However, both sides also point to Lenin's maternal grandmother, Anna Groschopf, telling us she was German and Swedish. This might save Lenin from being Jewish. However, neither the Semites nor the anti-Semites give us any proof of that, or ask for any—which is of course highly suspicious. JewWatch re-publishes several articles on Lenin, but none of them question the German and Swedish ancestry of Anna Groschopf. But since the information is hiding in plain sight on the internet, you have to wonder why.
Also notice the name “Blank”. That's strange, isn't it? It is another sign of the directors messing with you. If you don't see what I mean, think about this: what if you were taught that George Washington's grandfather changed his name to John Your-name-here. What if you discoved Abraham Lincoln's mother was named Patti Dotted-line? You might think you were being fucked with, right? That is what I mean.
But let's try to take this seriously. Let's go back to Anna Groschopf. We are told neither Anna nor Lenin's mother Maria were Jewish, so why did Maria speak Yiddish? Are we supposed to believe Anna's husband Israel taught her Yiddish so she could teach it to their children? But he was supposed to have converted to Christianity. Why would a Christian teach his wife and children Yiddish? And how exactly did this good German/Swedish girl end up marrying a Jewish schoolteacher in Penza?** Was she one of his students? If so, why was she going to school in Penza instead of Germany or Sweden? It doesn't add up. Maybe it will help if I tell you Anna's mother was Anna Ostedt, who was not actually Swedish. She was born in Saint Petersburg to a family of goldsmiths who had emigrated from Uppsala, Sweden. But that didn't mean they were Swedish or weren't Jewish. Since most goldsmiths at the time were Jewish, the odds are very high that these Ostedts were Jews from Sweden, not Swedes. Except for banker, there is no more famous Jewish occupation than goldsmith. In fact, the two occupations are connected, since it is the goldsmiths that became bankers.
But again, even the “anti-Semitic” websites that give us this information can't seem to collate it or weigh it. The anonymous author there does some good research, but he quits on the genealogy before hitting the good stuff. He passes by the “goldsmith” clue without even circling it. He also fails to stress the importance of these women speaking Yiddish.
And there's more. If we check baptisms just before that time in Sweden for people named Ostedt, we find marriages between the Ostedts and the Waldbergs. Waldberg is also a Jewish name. In that link we find a Rabbi Waldberg alive in those years in Lvov, Ukraine. Also see Max Freiherr von Waldberg, an admitted Jew who was Joseph Goebbels' teacher at Heidelberg in 1920, recommending von Schütz as the subject of Goebbels' PhD thesis. [Curiously, the mainstream admits Goebbels was in love in those years with the Jewess Else Janke.] Actually, my two Waldbergs are related, since Max's grandfather is this same Rabbi Joel Waldberg.
We find more info in baptismal records at FamilySearch. There we find our Waldbergs in Uppsala in the right decades, and find they were married to the Ahlboms family. Again, that isn't Swedish. Looks Yiddish to me. And we find another one at the same site: a Sofia Ostedt married a Samuel Mark in 1812 in Stockholm. Samuel Mark is not a Swedish name. It is again probably Jewish. And it is probably related to Marx. Marx was originally Marks. So we may have a family link here between Marx and Lenin!
And if we search on that, we find that Karl Marx's paternal grandmother was named Lwow. That should be Lvov, which may indicate a connection to the Waldbergs of Lvov, Ukraine, as above. We also find Karl's uncle named Samuel Marx, and he lived at the same time as Samuel Mark. Born in 1775, he would have been 37 in 1812, a good age to marry Sofia Ostedt. This Samuel Marx was a member of Napoleon's Grand Sanhedrin, as was Lyon Marx. Since there is no record of a Samuel Mark of Sweden in that period, he may be Samuel Marx. According to the internet, there is no Samuel Mark from Sweden, period, which is strange. There are a couple listed in the US, but none from Sweden.
We also find something else interesting at this juncture: the Marx family was related to the Gouguenheims. That name later became Guggenheim, of course. Which means those museums are part of the project—not really surprising, is it?
It is also worth reminding you of Samuel Marks, South African billionaire in the diamond trade, born in 1843. The diamond trade links him to the Oppenheimers and the Rhodes. His ancestry has been completely scrubbed, although we are told he was a Lithuania Jew. He married Bertha Guttmann, daughter of Tobias, also Jewish. Their family were jewelers in Sheffield. Bertha had a cousin named Adolf, and that makes five Jewish Adolfs or Adolphs were have discovered now. Another cousin married a Goldberg.
Lenin's wife Nadya Krupskaya was also Jewish. Some places deny it or scrub it, but most of those places admit it is a well-known theory and widely held belief. SemiticControversies admits her father was a Krupski from Poland, and even admits many Jewish Krupskis, but then he says there is no evidence Lenin's wife is one of them. Talk about misdirection: he provides no evidence she isn't one of them. His only argument is that since her father was in the Imperial army, he would have been suspect. But that argument doesn't go anywhere, since—then as now—it is quite easy to hide your Jewish roots if you wish: most people aren't very curious or very clever and can't figure it out when it is staring them in the face. So a lack of suspicion means nothing. Besides, we will see below that Lenin's maternal grandfather was Jewish, and was known to be Jewish by the Tsar, to whom he sent letters in Yiddish. And yet this grandfather was elevated to the nobility by that same Tsar. So being Jewish didn't necessarily make anyone suspect, in the army or out of it.
This same anonymous author at SemiticControversies says he can't find any mention of Krupskaya's mother Tistrova being Jewish, but could that be because all her info is scrubbed? For instance, at Geni we find no evidence she isn't Jewish. But as usual we find a lot of obvious misdirection. Her mother's name is given to you in Russian characters, and you have to take it to a translator to get the name Frolova. Her mother's father is Gabriel Kuzmich Frolov, but again it is given to you in Russian. A quick search on “Frolov Jewish” finds that it is indeed a Jewish name. Also here. Also see the TV writer Diane Frolov, married to Andrew Schneider. Also the current Russian oligarch Alexander Frolov, probably Jewish.* Tistrova's grandmother is scrubbed. Her great grandfather is named Kozma. That is not a Russian name. It is Hungarian for Cosimo—see Cosimo de' Medici, for instance. So the author at SemiticControversies didn't find any indication Tistrova was Jewish because he didn't look.
Now let's proceed to the early life of Lenin, as published at mainstream sources. As usual, it is a complete hack. We are told Lenin's father Ilya was born to a serf but escaped poverty by studying physics and mathematics at the Kazan Imperial College. This just proves they think we are idiots. Do you see the problem? Serfs aren't admitted to the Kazan Imperial College. Kazan was very exclusive, sort of like Harvard but Royal. Wikipedia misdirects on this by calling it the Kazan State University on Ilya's page: they don't want the word “Imperial” to clue you into this. But serfs wouldn't qualify for admittance, and even if they did they wouldn't be accepted. Ask yourself how this serf Ilya managed to become so adept at physics and mathematics he was able to pass the entrance exam. Serfs are kept busy: they don't have time to study physics and mathematics.
Other sources admit it was Lenin's grandfather that was supposed to have been a freed serf, later becoming a tailor. We are told he was a Chuvash (Turk). But this is all misdirection as well. This serf business looks to have been inserted later, and I could find no confirmation of it. The “tailor” I could believe, since many tailors of the time were Jewish and it looks like Lenin was Jewish on his father's side as well. Back then, Jews tended to marry Jews. Mixed marriages like we see now were more uncommon back then, and most of the ones sold to you as mixed were not. We have seen that over and over in previous papers. So without strong proof to the contrary, we should assume Lenin was Jewish on both sides. The paid pseudo-historians try to put the burden of proof on you, telling you that there is no proof Lenin was Jewish. But remember, they are the historians: the burden of proof is on them. If they want you to believe Lenin was not Jewish, they need to give you more than these scrubbed swiss- cheese stories, full of contradictions and impossibilites.
I found no indication the Ulyanovs were Chuvash. In fact, it is admitted Ulyanov was originally Ulyanin, which is neither Chuvash nor Russian. Since they have scrubbed all the ancestries, we have no proof they were Jewish; but, by the same token, we have no proof they were Chuvash. Just a bald claim, one that looks manufactured.
It looks manufactured because it is never explained how this Chuvash serf grandfather of Lenin managed to marry the wealthy Anna Smirnova. The Smirnovs are said to be Turks of a sort as well, but this time we are told they were Mongols or Oirats. Sure they were, Oi vay. Then where did the name Smirnov come from? That isn't Mongolian. It is the most common Russian surname, and I assume it was chosen for that reason. So what was the name before Smirnov? We aren't told. The genealogies are scrubbed.
Lenin himself claimed not to know who his grandfather was. The leader of a huge country, and his genealogy was scrubbed even while he was alive. No one knew anything about him. His own people had no idea who he was. Even now, most people don't know this mainstream story about him being from Turks and Mongols. It is false, but that doesn't make it any less amazing.
In that last link, we are told Anna Smirnova's father Alexy Smirmov is mentioned in Astrakhan documents of the time. Or, someone of that name is mentioned: there is no indication it is the same Alexy Smirnov. There were thousands of Alexy Smirnovs, as now. At any rate, in 1825 this Smirnov took possession of a freed serf named Alexandra Ulyanova. That's weird, because four years earlier, Smirnov's daughter Anna married Nicolai Ulyanov. Were Ulyanov and Ulyanova related?† I doubt it, because that would imply that the rich Smirnov had just allowed his daughter to marry a serf. Also strange is that we are never told who Anna's mother was. Who was Smirnov's wife? I would say the most likely scenario is that the name Ulyanov was borrowed from this woman Ulyanova, to cover the fact that Nicolai was Jewish. Alexy had already changed his name to Smirnov to hide the fact he was Jewish, and they needed to do the same for Nicolai. Notice they also scrub the source of Alexy's wealth. What did he do to become rich? We know he was a starosta, or village elder, but not his occupation.
However, I did trip across another clue. Anna Smirnova had a daughter named Maria, and she married Nicolai Gorshkov. A web search shows this is also a Jewish name. We find an Anton Gorshkov at the JewishWeek.com. Also anAntonGorshkov is the fourth vice-president at the Jewish Community Center of Bensonhurst (could be the same Anton). Also a Dmytro Gorshkov writing for the Times of Israel.
If we go back to Lenin's father Ilya, we find more strangeness. Wikipedia tells us he became an Actual Civil Councillor in 1882—which gave him the privilege of hereditary dvoryanstvo—and was awarded the Order of St. Vladmir Cross, which he is wearing in his picture. They have garbled that, I assume on purpose. If we check the Russian ranks, there is no rank of Actual Civil Councillor. I assume they mean Active State Councillor, which is equivalent to a military rank of Major General or Rear Admiral! And the word dvoryanstvo means he was a hereditary nobleman, or member of the aristocracy. Note the word “hereditary”. That means his children were also nobles. Which means Lenin was a noble. Not a serf, a noble.
By the way, serfs were not raised to the nobility in one generation, especially before the Revolution. Any Russian would tell you that is impossible. They were also not awarded the Cross of St. Vladimir. It is more indication Lenin's entire bio is a fraud and a whitewash.
Lenin's father then married the daughter of the wealthy Jewish military doctor from Saint Petersburg: more indication the father wasn't a serf or son of a serf. This Dr. Israel Moishevich owned several houses, including the one in Saint Petersburg, a large estate in Kokushkino (near Kazan), and another in Alakayevka. He was given the one in Kokushkino by the Tsar, which gives us yet another link of Lenin to the aristocracy. In fact, we find that,‡ like Lenin's father, Lenin's maternal grandfather was granted hereditary nobility. Despite being a Jew, he was a “landed aristocrat”. Not only was he not a serf, he owned many serfs. I will be told the Tsar didn't know this Alexander Blank was a Jew, but he did. White admits that Blank sent a letter to the Tsar written in Yiddish. That's peculiar, wouldn't you say? Could the Tsar also read Yiddish?
In White's bio of Lenin, we are told Blank's serfs did very well when they were freed in 1861. But in Robert Service's bio of Lenin, we are told his serfs took the minimum allotment of land instead of the maximum—because they didn't wish to pay any compensation to Blank. Although Blank “begged” them to reconsider, they refused and were left destitute. Blank did not allow them to renegotiate. To me, this means Blank stole huge tracts of land from his own serfs, and this story was manufactured to cover it.
At any rate, we have found that Lenin was an aristocrat on both sides of his family. His father and maternal grandfather are admitted to be nobles. It looks like they were also crypto-Jewish nobles. So, as with Marx, Engels, John Reed, Jack London and everyone else we have looked at that had anything to do with Socialism, Lenin came from great wealth. His family included both merchants and aristocrats. His bio was then whitewashed to make it look like he came from poverty.
As more proof of that, we find many indications Russian wasn't Lenin's first or best language. You will say, “Of course it wasn't. He was a Turk/Mongol/Swede.” Hah-hah. But his best languages weren't Turkish, Mongolian, or Swedish, either. According to several sources on the internet, Lenin didn't even speak proper Russian, accenting in the wrong places. Even the Encyclopedia of World Biography admits Lenin had a “speech defect”, but only when it came to speaking Russian. We have found previously that Napoleon was not French and Hitler was not German. Here we find Lenin wasn't Russian.
Given that, I suspect Lenin wrote his books in German (supposing he wrote them at all—they may have been ghosted) and they were then translated into Russian. Any least research confirms that suspicion, since most of the manuscripts don't even survive. Most of them date from much later, as you can see by studying the notes at the collected works at Marxists.org. In most cases, these works are reprinted from published or hectographed copies, not from manuscripts. This is an entire mystery in itself, one I don't have time or energy to pursue here. But since we know Socialism was manufactured from the ground up by Capitalists as misdirection, we may assume all these Marxist and Communist documents are manufactured, forged, or faked in some way.
Now let's look at some the photos up on Lenin's Wiki page:

That's supposed to be Lenin at age four. A blond curly-haired child, right? But it's a painting, not a photo. This was 1874, and photography had been around for decades. So why are we relying on a painting here? I say that isn't him. It doesn't match the next photo:

That is supposed to be Lenin at 7. Changed a lot in just three years, hasn't he? Already lost his blond hair at 7. And his face now has a completely different shape. His ears are different, his eyelids are different, his nose is different. As a portrait painter, I say those two people aren't same, and neither is Lenin.
I love this alleged portrait of Lenin:

Although just 25, he looks awful. There is something wrong with his eyes. He looks like a mental patient. Remember the photos of Whitman and Rockefeller I showed you in previous papers? The glassy-eyed stare. He is either drugged or lost in some interior hell. And what is the discoloration or acne above his eyelids? What is going on there? I have never seen someone get a skin condition only on the eyelids.
If you don't see what I mean, look here:

What in God's name is going on there? His eye to your right has some sort of double lid fold, and then he has makeup on both eyes to hide that. Or what? But those eyes are barely human. Some will use that as more proof he was a psychopath, but that is not my conclusion. I think these pictures are posted in history as some sort of test. [Also remember the sutures on Obama's skull.] Since these people are just actors fronting a mad stage play they call history, those inserting them are free to insert mental patients as these actors, or as their doubles. The directors find it amusing, I suppose.

That's another weird one, with Lenin looking like a Zombie. To be fair, he didn't look like that later:

He looks like a real human being there, with signs of life in his eyes. But that isn't the same person. I find no match on the ears, eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, or shape of face. Here's another strange one:

That's the same guy, and he doesn't look like a Zombie. It is weird for another reason. Can you tell me what it is?
That should be Lenin in about 1920. But it looks like it was taken yesterday. It is a color photo. But it doesn't look colorized, and it doesn't look like an autochrome. Autochrome was the color format up until about 1935. It was an additive process, and it had a signature look. That photo of Lenin looks like a subtractive process photo. But Lenin was allegedly dead by 1924. So we have a problem.
Here's another one:

That is supposed to be Stalin, Lenin, and Kalinin at the 8th Congress in 1919. But it is faked. Although they are sitting right next to one another, they are all in different light. Especially note the highlights on Stalin, which are far less hot than the highlights on Lenin. Look at the nose shadows, too. You will tell me, “Well, the spotlight was more on Lenin than Stalin”. The nose shadows contradict that. If the spot had been more on Lenin, Lenin's nose shadow to your right would be darker than Stalin's. But we see the opposite.
This is another paste-up:

The easiest place to tell is with the guy to your left. See how he floats in front of that fake background? Look at the outside line of his coat and hair. Fake. They are all like that, but he is the worst. If that didn't do it for you, look at the table. See the space under the table? The table is open to the front, right? So why can't you see Lenin's legs through that open space? These guys are lit from the front, but somehow the light doesn't penetrate under that table. All we see is a big grey area.

That is the signing of the Treat of Brest-Litovsk. OK, but which one of those guys is supposed to be Lenin? None of them, because he wasn't there. To start with, this was signed on March 3, 1918. That is 3/3/1918. Note the date. The Russian “Bolshevik” signer was Grigori Sokolnikov, who Wiki admits was Jewish by birth. He was born O.S. 8/3/1888. He was the only signer on the Russian side. This despite the fact that the delegation was led by Adolph Joffe and chaired by Leon Trotsky, both of whom outranked Sokolnikov in the politburo. To explain this, we are told Joffe went to Brest only in protest, and Sokolnikov replaced Trotsky as Chairman—although we are not told why. Joffe is also admitted to be Jewish, by the way. Russia paid 6 billion German goldmarks and ceded the Baltic states to Germany. Since the Treaty was signed in Belarus, and Lenin was the head of state, it is surprising not to see him there. I guess he had more important prior commitments. Maybe he had an appointment with his barber for a scalp treatment and hot wax.
You know who else the mainstream now admits was Jewish? Trotsky. Wikipedia admits Trotsky's real name was Lev Davidovich Bronstein, and that his family was of Jewish origin. They also tell us Trotsky's sister married Lev Kamenev, another wealthy Jewish party member. Although they first say his father worked on the railway, one sentence later they admit he actually built the Baku-Batumi railway. So he was not a railway laborer, he was a railroad tycoon.
Seeing Joffe, Kamenev, Trotsky and Sokolnikov admitted to be Jews here sort of blows a hole in Wikipedia's page on Jewish Bolshevism, where we are told that this idea that Jews were involved in Bolshevism is an anti-Semitic canard or ridiculous conspiracy theory. Hannah Arendt called this idea “the most efficient fiction of Nazi propaganda”. In that case, I guess she would have to say the Wikipedia pages on Joffe, Sokolnikov, Trotsky, Kamenev, and Brest-Litovsk are also very efficient Nazi propaganda. However, I kind of doubt Wikipedia allowed Nazis or anti-Semites to write those pages. Once the mainstream admits these things in mainstream sites, it is a bit ridiculous to try to simultaneously write them off as Nazi propaganda.

Most pictures of Lenin are of him alone. But here we have him in front of a Russian crowd. That one photo is reproduced in about fifty different forms, to make it look like they have more. It is cut, reversed, blurred, etc. Problem is, it is faked. It is a paste-up. That crowd is just a backdrop, like they do now with greenscreen. The shadows don't match. See how his shadows are black while the backdrop is all grey?
Here's a funny one I found while searching for photos of Lenin. It is supposed to be Bertrand Russell (or Tolstoi?) playing chess:

All of history is but a simulation. Look at the guy he is playing against! Tolstoi is playing chess against an illustration from an old Hardy Boys book. And they appear to playing footsies under the table!
And how about this one?

That is apparently a heartwarming photo of Stalin with Cindy Brady growing out of his torso. It's a paste-up! Look at his hand on her sleeve, for God's sake. Awful.
This one is also a beaut:

That is supposed to be the Jewess Fanny Kaplan trying to assassinate Lenin in 1918. Amazing they just happened to get a photo of the moment when she pulled the trigger, with both her and Lenin in frame. What luck, eh? They even painted in some smoke. But they got too cute there, since that proves this was a set-up. Say she fired a real gun. In the time it took for the smoke to move out from the gun, the bullet would have already penetrated Lenin for many seconds. He could not be standing there oblivious. They should have left out the smoke. Doesn't look like a very good place to pose for a photo, either, from the side, in front of a car, with another car or carriage obscuring the foreground. But there is an even worse problem. Can you tell me what it is?
Look how high the tire of the car is. It seems to be floating at about the level of Lenin's knees. Is Lenin standing in a hole two feet deep, or what? I guess he stepped out of the car into a very deep pothole, like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. Watch that first step, Vladimir: it's a doozy!
[I have been informed that is a still from an old movie, which is why it looks fake. But I think I will leave the analysis up, since it gave me the biggest laugh. It also tends to support another sub-thesis in this paper, which is that history is known more from re-enactments than real events. Since that photo is not always correctly labeled on the internet, many will think it is real—which is part of its use.]

In 2015, the Daily Mail in London published that photo with their story entitled “How Lenin's corpse looks better with age”. That's right: that is supposed to be Lenin's actual mummy. They do not admit it is a wax figure, like at Madame Tussaud's. Yes, they think you are a moron. In fact, they are so sure you are a moron, they give you this photo of the Lenin dummy before WWII:

Funny how his eyebrows, mustache and goatee changed colors, right? And how he got more hair above his ears. I guess mummies keep growing hair, and they like to grow blond hair. I never knew that.
But let's return to Lenin's bio for more hijinx. We are told that in May 1890, Lenin's mother convinced authorities to allow him to take his final exams at a university of his choice. He chose the University of Saint Petersburg and passed, obtaining a first-class degree with honors. Right. One, he had just turned 20 a week earlier. Two, he had been expelled after only one semester, and exiled to house arrest. Three, his brother had allegedly been hung as a revolutionary in 1887. So why were the authorities doing this family any favors? Four, while under house arrest, Lenin wasn't studying for his exams. We are told he was reading voraciously, but he was reading Marxist literature, not university coursework. So how did Lenin graduate with honors at age 20 without taking any classes?
His bio is mostly a blank until 1896, when he was charged with sedition. We are told he was traveling in Western Europe before that. Although we have seen he was a noble, he was charged with planning to overthrow the Tsar. For this, he was sentenced to three years in Siberia. But unlike others sentenced to Siberia, Lenin's trip looks more like a holiday. His mother and sisters accompanied him and he had his own private house. He corresponded with known revolutionaries and they even visited him there! He was allowed to go on excursions to swim and hunt ducks. No, really. I got this from mainstream sources. You can read it at Wiki. A year later Nadya joined him, married him, and lived with him. She brought her mother along.
You really need to pause on this. This is not what we were taught about being sent to Siberia, is it? I don't remember other prisoners living with their wives, mothers and sisters, hunting duck and going on picnics. But if we read closely, we find that Lenin was actually in Shushenskoye. Although that is technically Siberia, it is in the far south of Siberia, almost to Mongolia. It is so warm in the summer they grow melons there. It is cold in the winter, but nothing like northern Russia. Saint Petersburg is much farther north, being at latitude 60 to Shushenskoye's 53. The latter is a bit colder in the winter, but Lenin—even if he was really there—wasn't much worse off in Siberia than in Saint Petersburg.
Regardless, Lenin was completely unchastened by his time in the wilds. And though he was now a convict, the “authorities” apparently ignored him. As soon as he returned to the west and to civilization, he took up right where he left off. Soon he relocated to Munich, and we are supposed to believe the authorities in Bavaria were also blind to the revolutionaries. We are told Lenin moved to London two years later to avoid Bavarian police. This begs at least three questions: why did Bavarian police leave this foreign agitator alone for two years? Why did they allow him to escape? Why did England let him in? Are we supposed to believe he and Nadya swam ashore from Guernsey? Are we supposed to believe they had no border patrol in 1902?
After the Bloody Sunday massacre of 1905, where Imperial troops allegedly fired on protestors, Lenin felt it was safe to return to Russia. OK. Although he was still calling for the overthrow of the Tsar, was a known convict, and a known revolutionary throughout Europe, we are told he felt it was safe because the Tsar had made a few concessions in the October Manifesto. Right. One of those concessions was not amnesty for unrepentant revolutionaries, last time I checked. So as usual, none of this makes any sense. It is history for the mentally impaired.
In continuance of that, we find Lenin joined a radical newspaper in Saint Petersburg run by Maria Andreyeva. Who was she? Only another rich lady and actress pretending to be a Bolshevik.

That is her portrait by Ilya Repin. Her father was director of the Alexandrinsky Theater and her mother was a prominent actress. Maria married Andrey Zhelyabuzhsky, another railroad tycoon. He ran the Kursk and the Nizhny Novgorod railroads. So we find another connection to the Industrialists here.
The Alexandrinsky Theater was an Imperial Theater, meaning it was built for the Tsar's troupe.

Zhelyabuzhsky, the railroad tycoon, was also involved in the theater. So, like many others we have looked at in previous papers, Maria Andreyeva was an obvious mole. She was not a Bolshevik. She was tied both to the Tsar and to the Industrialists. As a famous actress, she was just acting the part of Bolshevik, like the rest of these people. The only difference is, they admit she was a professional actress.
Remember how we saw the French revolutionaries mysteriously coming out of Versailles and the Tuileries, with the King as an accomplice? Same thing here. This actress is sold to you as a revolutionary, going so far as to appear to leave Zhelyabuzhsky and move in with Maxim Gorky. This is the Maxim Gorky who “said that the teachings of the ancient Jewish sage Hillel the Elder deeply influenced his life”. But that's not a clue, is it? Yes, what Russian atheist orphan with no schooling isn't deeply influenced by Hillel the Elder? We should also not see a clue in Gorky's taking the name Jehudiel for his early writings. We should not translate that as God of the Jews, its Hebrew meaning. We should also pass by Gorky's connection to the Moscow Art Theater. That is just a coincidence right? We should ignore Gorky's relationship to Vladmir Nemirovich-Danchenko, director of the theater. Gorky couldn't have been a gay protégé of Nemirovich-Danchenko, just pretending to shack up with the beautiful Maria Andreyeva. And this photo of Gorky with Tolstoi couldn't be another stupid fake, could it?

No? Well, let's compare it to this one:

Tolstoi doesn't move much, does he? He is frozen in the exact same position in both photos, although Gorky has moved. Not one wrinkle of Tolstoi's clothes has shifted an inch. But there is an even bigger problem. Can you spot it?
Between the first and second photos, Gorky has shrunk by about two inches. In the second photo, Gorky's mustache is on a level with Tolstoi's eyes. In the first, his chin is on the same line. Gorky looks huge in the first photo, doesn't he? But we don't even need to search on his real height. We know these are faked because Gorky is a different size in each. He can't be two inches taller in one than in the other.
It is also instructive to find Gorky later “adopting” the Jewish Yeshua Sverdlov, who changed his name to Zinovy Peshkov. Peshkov was of course Gorky's real last name, although—again—I don't understand why these people have to live under aliases. He and Gorky later lived together in Capri. OK. But again, that doesn't mean Gorky was gay, right? This Zinovy later joined the French army, was sent to the US to agitate for our entry into the war, was decorated with the legion d'honneur, served in the Foreign Ministry in France, and ended up a Brigadier General. But none of that is curious, is it? None of it leads one to think he was in Intelligence, right?
In 1906, Gorky was sent to the US with Ivan Norodny to raise money for the Bolsheviks. They were welcomed in New York by the Lotos Club and its prominent members including Mark Twain, William Dean Howells, and Robert Collier. The evidence against Twain is building. But I mention this because Norodny was also an alias. According to Wikipedia, his real name was Jaan Sibbul. That is a Jewish name. Do a search on Sibul and see what comes up.
After that, Gorky was in Capri until 1913 with his gaypals Lunacharsky, Peshkov and Bogdanov. We are told they were in Capri to set up a school for Russian factory workers. Really? In Capri? Just to jog your memory, Capri is a resort island off the west coast of Southern Italy. On the Wiki page for Capri, we learn this juicy tidbit:
Prior to the First World War the island was extremely popular with wealthy gay men. John Ellingham Brooks and E.F. Benson shared a villa there.
Let's see, Gorky and his pals were there when? Oh, that's right, prior to the First World War.
Gorky's most famous story is called Twenty-six Men and a Girl. That has no gay overtones, right? And the number is just a coincidence, yes? The fact that it adds to eight is meaningless.
Like the rest of the agents we have studied, Gorky was arrested many times but always skated. We are told he was granted amnesty in 1913 as part of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. So let me see if I get this straight: to celebrate the 300th anniversary of his family of Tsars, Nicholas II decided to invite unrepentant and noisy revolutionaries back to Russia? That makes sense, right?
But back to Lenin. In 1908, the Bolsheviks moved to Paris. Do you think France wanted a workers' revolution in 1908? Of course not. No established government of any kind has ever desired a workers' revolution, or any other kind of revolution. So why did Paris tolerate the Bolsheviks? Well, supposing the Bolsheviks were actually there—which is not a small supposition—I suggest they were tolerated because it was known by the French authorities that they were the opposite of what they claimed to be. Like all Marxists and Socialists before them, they were acting not for the workers, but against them. Lenin and the rest of these bozos were fronts for the Industrialists, and as such the government of France had nothing on them.
You may be interested to know we have a link to the Jagiellons in this paper as well. My regular readers will remember the Jagiellons from several recent papers, including the paper on Napoleon, the paper on the French Revolution, and the paper on the Throne of England. In all three, I showed much evidence the Jagiellons and Vasas were of Jewish lines, and probably linked to the Medicis in the south. Well, in Lenin's bio, we find him moving to Poland in 1912. We are told he used the Jagiellonian University library in Krakow to do his research. I read that as another signal.
At the start of WWI, we are told Lenin was briefly arrested by the Austrians “until his anti-Tsarist credentials were explained”. What? So am I to understand that Francis Joseph I of Austria, a King, was impressed by Lenin's stance against kings? Interesting.
Remember, we are told Lenin was trying to turn the “Imperial” war into a civil war of workers against the bourgeoisie and aristocracy. So why would he be released by aristocrats to promote that?
But let's skip ahead to the First Russian Revolution. As with the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution of 1917 makes no sense. Although the protests were confined to Saint Petersburg and lasted less than a week, Nicholas II suddenly abdicated for no apparent reason. The 300-year-old dynasty went down without a whimper. Prince Georgy Lvov took over, but he wasn't even Russian. He was born in Dresden. He is said to be descended from Vikings, who were not Russian. Although his wife's genealogy is partially listed, his own is not. Even his parents are not given, which is highly suspect. The Wikipedia page on the Lvov family is also ridiculously truncated and appears manufactured. I found no genealogies listed online. But the pages we do find always manage to scrub the important thing you should know here. Remember above, where we found Karl Marx's paternal grandmother with the last name Lwow. They have spelled that with w's instead of v's to throw you off. It was more commoning spelled with v's: Lvov. So Marx and Prince Lvov were probably related, and Lvov was probaby Jewish. Not a Viking, a Jew.
Prince Lvov soon turned the government over to Alexander Kerensky. Although Lvov was arrested by the Bolsheviks, he miraculously escaped and lived out his life in Paris. Kerensky was a rich merchant from Moscow. Although from Moscow, Kerensky was closely tied to Lenin: Kerensky's father had been Lenin's teacher, and the two families were friends. Since I have shown the Ulyanovs were Jewish, it is therefore likely the Kerenskys were as well.

Doesn't look Russian to me. Kerensky's mother is not given at Wikipedia. But Geni tells us her name was Nadezhda (Hope) Adler. Oi vay! Again, they try to hide it by posting it in Russian characters, but all you have to do it take it to a translator. Adler isn't Russian, and in this context it is almost certainly Jewish.
Kerensky was a Freemason. He was involved in the murder of Rasputin, which was also faked. It was theater.

That is the picture of Rasputin they have posted at Wikipedia. Like the color photo of Lenin above, it is very suspicious. Rasputin was allegedly murdered in 1916, but that photo looks like it was taken yesterday. To me, that looks like an actor posing as Rasputin. You will tell me the photo is colorized, and maybe it is. But even so, it doesn't look right to me. He doesn't match the other photos of Rasputin. His face is wrong, his expression is wrong, and the light is wrong. He looks to be lit by modern bulbs.

That's is supposed to be Rasputin with Makary and Theophanes of Poltava, but it is another fake. Why are they posing in front of a fake backdrop? Why are their faces lit differently? Why aren't they casting any sensible shadows? Why are Makary's blacks blacker than Rasputin's blacks?
On Rasputin's page, we are told that Tsar Nicholas II was “forced” to sign the October Manifesto of 1905 by Sergei Witte, who wrote it. On Witte's page, we find something interesting: he was first cousin of Helena Blavatsky. This is the Blavatsky who sold the Kabbalah as an occult key. But she not only sold Kabbalah, she very often sold Maimonides, who she called the greatest of Jewish sages. She included the Seal of Solomon in the amulets of Theosophy. Blavatsky's real name was Hahn, which is not Russian. It is a common Jewish name. Witte is also not a Russian name, so why was Sergei Witte the Tsar's top advisor and then Prime Minister? Witte's grandmother was a Kramer, another common
Jewish name. His great-grandmother was a Ladyzhensky, ditto.
By the way, in searching on Witte, I found two more Jewish men named Adolph: Adolph Lewisohn and Adolph Kraus, the latter being the president of B'nai B'rith in 1905. Catalog that for later. I think that is now seven I have found.
We are told that in 1905, the real power behind the throne was Dmitri Trepov, head of Moscow Police. His paternal grandparents are scrubbed, but his mother was a Lukich, or Lukash, which is not Russian. His maternal great-grandfather was Moses Ivanenko. His wife was a Mogilyansky, or Mohyla. That name is also Jewish. Do take that link. In case it gets scrubbed, it takes you to a press release at Pravda dated 9/17/2009 reporting that wealthy Russian/American car exporter Andrew Mogilyansky has been sentenced to eight years for procuring underage orphans from Russia for sex.
After the decline of Trepov, we find Alexander Krivoshein said to be the most powerful man in Russia. That name is also not Russian. In fact, it is probably Jewish. Also see Moses Krivoshein here. Also Major-General Samuel Krivoshein (1944) at the Jewish Telegraphic Agency archives.
Just to be sure you are getting it, what we are discovering is far more than a “Jewish-Bolshevik” conspiracy. That now looks like misdirection as well. Controlled opposition. They float that conspiracy, even writing a page for it at Wikipedia, and they do it to keep you from going where I am going. They imply that if you are really crazy you might believe the Bolsheviks were bankrolled by wealthy Jews. But the evidence I am showing you leaves that weak theory far behind. It is not just the Bolsheviks who were Jewish, it was everyone in the Imperial government as well, going far back before the Russian Revolution. The Tsar just looks like another papermache front, and the Russian Revolution like a managed event. Like the French Revolution 125 years earlier, large parts of it were staged. Many key players were actors, hundreds of photos were faked, and many stories were manufactured from whole cloth. Parts of this history may have been inserted decades later, including some of the photos we have seen.
And, as we saw in the French Revolution, where both Napoleon and Louis were crypto-Jews (Louis being descended in several lines from the Medicis), we see the same thing here, with the Romanovs looking like they are in on the scam. Tsar Nicholas could apparently read Yiddish, remember?
But let's finish off Rasputin before returning to Lenin and the Romanovs. In 1914 an assassination attempt was made on Rasputin by Khionia Guseva. How old was she? If you guessed 33, you win the prize. Rasputin was 46. She is reported to have had no nose. That's right, and it's a clue. She was institutionalized but later released by Kerensky. Then she was involved in the fake assassination attempt on Patriarch Tikhon, although that event isn't even mentioned on Tikhon's page. She was alleged to be a follower of Iliodor, another fake monk played by a Jewish actor. His real name was Sergei Michailovich Trufanov. That is a Jewish name, although they have sinced changed the spelling to try to break the link to this recent history. The family changed the spelling to Trifonov. See Daniil Trifonov, Edward Trifonov, etc. Anyway, the story we now know of Rasputin was written by Iliodor and Maxim Gorky. It was published in book form in 1918 and was called The Mad Monk of Russia. It is entirely fictional, although they don't admit that.
Very early in his so-called career, at about age 24, Iliodor was allegedly invited to the Peterhof Palace. We are told the Russian aristocrats were shocked by his behavior during his sermon there. What we are not told is how he got invited to the Palace in the first place. The Peterhof Palace is like the Russian Versailles, and Iliodor was a nobody at the time. Why would this young hieromonk, just out of the academy, be invited to preach at the Peterhof Palace? It stinks of a big set-up. Of complete fiction. After a lot of shenanigans, he was allegedly exiled to Minsk in 1910 and forbidden to preach any longer. As usual he skated, and by 1911 was taking meetings with the Tsar, who had him promoted to archimandrite. A year later he was defrocked and banished, but he skated again and returned to Saint Petersburg.
Do you want more proof Iliodor was an actor? In 1916, Iliodor went to the US, where he played himself in a silent film called The Fall of the Romanovs. He published his book on Rasputin in the US as well: it was published by the Century Co. New York in 1918. Interesting, no? At the same time, Iliodor became involved with British Intelligence agent Casimir Pilenas. The American Jewish Committee was informed by Pilenas that he was Iliodor's agent. Iliodor worked for Lenin from 1918 to
1922, at which time he returned to New York. There he worked for Metropolitan Life Insurance. We are told he was hired as a janitor. Right. Like Matt Damon in the historical docudrama Good Will Hunting.
Let me unspin this for you. The whole Iliodor-Rasputin saga was staged to keep the Russian people's and the world's eyes off the real events of the time. It was used just like the staged events are used now
—to divert attention. They wanted you following these sexy intrigues rather than figuring out that the treasury was being emptied by thieves.
Beyond that, Rasputin was and is used as a strawman. We are told that he gained complete control over the Tsaritsa and that she had control over her weak husband. So you are supposed to think that Rasputin was the hidden hand behind the monarchy. Not the Capitalists, but this mad monk. They want you to think he was the one who pulled Russian troops out of WWI in 1916. Not the Capitalists, but this mad monk.
As for the murder of Rasputin, it was more theater. Even Wikipedia says this:
So the murder of Rasputin has become something of a legend, some of it invented, perhaps embellished or simply misremembered.
Try, all of it invented. Here are some things to note:
When the frozen body was pulled out of the river, it was taken to the desolate Chesmensky Almshouse for autopsy. Really? Why not take the body to a hospital or some other logical place? This reminds us of the ridiculous story of taking Lincoln's body to a guesthouse, when many hospitals were nearby.
The body was found in a blue embroidered hospital robe. Why would Rasputin be in a hospital robe? Only a corpse they had stolen from the morgue would be in a hospital robe.
The official report is still missing.
The body was allegedly buried in a corner of a property of the Tsaritsa's lady-in-waiting Vyrobova, near the Royal Palace. What? Rasputin had a family. Why wasn't the body given to them to bury as they wished? Because they didn't want it: it wasn't Rasputin, just some body from the morgue.
There was no trial for the murder, although evidence was allegedly rife. There was not even an investigation. Nothing ever went before a judge.
[A reader has sent me some confirming bullet points from a book by Edvard Radzinsky, Rasputin: the Last Word. These are from the Introduction, p. xii. There we get a list of Rasputin's associates:
Aron Simanovich, Jewish secretary and financial advisor to Rasputin, gambler and loan shark with criminal record.
Ivan Manasevich-Manuilov, Jewish secretary to Rasputin, journalist, spy and double agent, former official of special commissions for the prime minister.
Dmitry Rubinstein, Jewish banker and chairman of board of Franco-Russian Bank.
Sophia Volynskaya, Jewish wife of the ex-convict and agronomist Volynsky—one of Rasputin's secretaries and financial advisors.
Prince Mikhail Andronikov, homosexual gossip-monger, minor synod official, friend of chief of police Beletsky.
Vladimir Bonch-Bruevich, expert on Russian sectarianism, underground member of the Bolsheviks, later founder of the Cheka—the Cheka was the Bolshevik secret police/ intelligence service.
Vera Dzhanumova, wife of wealthy merchant.
Sheila Lunts, Jewish wife of a barrister, later Protopov's mistress." (Protopov was deputy speaker of the Duma).
That all tends to confirm that the Rasputin story was a project of Russian/Jewish Intelligence. If the Rasputin story was an Intel project, it is easier to believe the entire Russian Revolution was also an Intel project.]
Now back to Lenin. After Nicholas II allegedly abdicated, Lenin needed to get back to Russia, but he was blocked. He decided to negotiate a passage through Germany. We are told the German officials, realizing that Lenin and his pals could cause trouble to their enemies in Russia, decided to allow 32 of these dissidents—including Lenin and his wife—to pass through by train. Why 32? Probably because
33 was too obvious. Same reason there are 32 Rhodes Scholars every year. But again, this makes no sense. According to the mainstream story, these dissidents weren't just anti-Tsar, they were anti- Capital, anti-Aristocrat, and anti-State, including the current German state. So why was Germany doing them any favors? Besides, the Tsar had already stepped down, so Lenin's anti-Tsar stance was moot. This story only makes sense knowing what we now know: these “dissidents” weren't real dissidents. They were prominent actors that needed to get to Russia to play their parts, and a large part of their script had been written from Germany.
We have indication of that when Lenin arrived in Petrograd, for we are told the first thing he did was call or a continent-wide European proletariat revolution. Do you think Kaiser Wilhelm II in Germany wanted to see that? More to the point, do you think the German industrialists wanted to see that?
No, what they wanted is what he proposed next: immediate peace with Germany. Not only did Germany achieve that, within the year they had achieved the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, the payment of 6 billion marks out of the Russian treasury, and the Baltic States. Letting Lenin pass then looked like a pretty good deal.
After the July Days in 1917, Lenin's arrest was ordered, but we are supposed to believe they couldn't find him. We are told all he had to do is hide in Razliv, a small town near Saint Petersburg. Right. He would have stuck out like a sore thumb there. He wouldn't have lasted 24 hours in such a place. He then moved to safe houses in Helsinki. Again, he wouldn't have lasted ten minutes in Helsinki. The Finns would have spotted him in that time and handed him over to Russian police.
The next phase of the absurd story is the story of the October Revolution. We are told General Kornilov attempted a coup, and the Jewish Kerensky asked the Bolsheviks for help to fight him off. The coup actually never materialized, and they admit that, but they use this to explain how the Bolsheviks “returned to open political arena”. Mainstream historian Richard Pipes admits this Kornilov episode was manufactured by Kerensky, but of course he fails to read it right. The correct reading is that this whole history was managed, and the Bolsheviks were installed as part of the great script. Without recognizing that, nothing you are told about this time makes any sense.
We are told that various Soviets elected Bolsheviks, including Trotsky, but that is all a ruse. These Soviets weren't composed of real workers, they were composed of planted agents, who then simply installed these Bolshevik actors. Notice how brief the history is at this juncture. It is passed over in a rush, although it is a crucial step in the process. We are told the workers had soured on the Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries for their support of the provisional government. But since the Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries are alleged to have been just as responsible for thwarting the coup— confronting the army—it is never explained why the Bolsheviks were heroes and the Mensheviks goats.
The Bolsheviks then planned the big insurrection for October, making no effort to conceal it from the standing government. Notice how your eyes are always off this standing government. It is a paper-thin construction, and you are led to believe it is just waiting to be knocked over by a puff of wind. The local police and standing army have just evaporated, and Russia is apparently being ruled by ghosts. Wikipedia admits that President Kerensky is aware of the Bolsheviks' plans, but he does nothing about it. He orders no arrests, does not mobilize the army. Nothing. As with the French Revolution, we have another total stand-down.
The Bolsheviks took Russia with no battles. The standing government offered no resistance. Among other ridiculous things, we are told the Provisional Government was unable to locate any serviceable vehicles. OK.
Also notice the name: the Provisional Government. That puts in your head the idea that this standing government is just temporary, waiting for the Bolsheviks to arrive and supplant them. But do you think the standing government called themselves that? What government would call themselves “provisional”. Do Presidents like Kerensky normally say to themselves, “Oh, I am just here until someone better comes along. I sure hope my replacements arrive soon, so that I can flee the country and maybe get hung as a traitor!”
None of this looks real to me. An existing structure doesn't just dissolve down to nothing. The army and police don't just switch sides en masse, with no split. We have to ask not only “what happened to the Imperial army, the old police, the old Intel, and the old guard?” We have to also ask, “what happened to all the factionalism we were sold in the years before?” What happened to the Menshiviks and Social Revolutionaries and all the other fake factions that acted as foils to the Bolsheviks before October 1917? They apparently just lay down and let the Bolsheviks have Russia.
Amazingly, the mainstream now admits a large part of what I just said. At Wikipedia, we find this:
Later official accounts of the revolution from the Soviet Union would depict the events in October as being far more dramatic than they actually had been.[15] (See firsthand account by British General Knox.) This was helped by the historical reenactment, entitled The Storming of the Winter Palace, which was staged in 1920. This reenactment, watched by 100,000 spectators, provided the model for official films made much later, which showed a huge storming of the Winter Palace and fierce fighting (See Sergei Eisenstein's October: Ten Days That Shook the World).[citation needed] In reality, the Bolshevik insurgents faced little opposition.[14] The insurrection was timed and organized to hand state power to the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, which began on 25 October. After a single day of revolution, 18 people had been arrested and two
I suggest you read that several hundred times, while banging your head against the wall to be sure it penetrates your skull. One of the major revolutions of history, and we find that maybe two people were killed. More people died that day in Saint Petersburg from natural causes. More people died that day in Saint Petersburg from rabies or choking on a bone.
And, it is not beside the point that we once again find history known more via staged re-enactments than from real events. Remember Leni Riefenstahl's later re-enactments of the rise of the Nazis, with
30,000 extras, by which history was manufactured.
But it wasn't just the re-enactment of the Russian Revolution that was staged. The “real” event was also staged. It couldn't have happened the way we are told, so we must assume it didn't. Things only happen like this when they are completely managed, so we must assume the Bolsheviks were simply installed, with some fancy fireworks to cover the installation. But who installed them? The usual suspects: European Capitalists, many of whom were Jewish. We have seen many of their agents above, and in this case a very high percentage of them were Jewish. That isn't an anti-Semitic canard: we have seen it is simply a fact. The proof is posted all over the internet on mainstream sites. So unless you wish to argue that Wikipedia and Geni.com are Nazi fronts, you really don't have a leg to stand on.
The truth is, all mainstream websites, including Wikipedia and Geni.com, are not Nazi fronts. They are fronts for the Industrialists, who have hired people to spin them and scrub them. These people have just done a lousy job. Maybe they have done a lousy job on purpose, and leave clues to spite their masters. But I think it more likely they just figured no one was capable of reading the clues that have remained. They think we are all blind, and maybe they are surprised to find I see what I see.
I could out this fake history indefinitely, but I am tiring of it. On the way out I just want to finish off Kerensky. Although we are told the entire city went to the Bolsheviks in a matter of hours, with everyone from the chief of police to the monkey grinder becoming a Bolshevik ally, Kerensky somehow escaped. Although the Winter Palace was reportedly surrounded by everyone in Russia, I guess we are supposed to believe Kerensky escaped through a heating duct and from there into a sewer pipe, like in Hollywood. He crawled out of a manhole on the outskirts of Saint Petersburg and swam to Paris. He lived there until 1940, but ended up in the US. He became a fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford, which we have seen many times before. It is a major spook hangout.
I will be asked, “what does this imply about the deaths of the Romanovs?” What do you think it implies? It implies the deaths were faked, like most other prominent deaths we have researched. Although everyone else was able to escape from Russia easily, for some reason the Romanovs couldn't. Things to note:
The head executioner was said to be Yakov Yurovsky, and he is admitted to be Jewish. His mother was named Ester Moiseevna, which means her father was named Moses. Yakov was not a soldier, he was a watchmaker. He is said to have been part of Lenin's secret police, but since they were secret, we have no possible confirmation of that. I say he was just another actor.
Nicholas' skull wasn't found until 1991, and it had no bullet holes.
The bodies were discovered in 1979 by amateur archaeologist Alexander Avdonin. There is no information on him. The remains were allegedly identified in 1998 by Russian, British and American scientists. I have no reason to doubt their word, do you? You will say the DNA evidence is strong, but even if it is, it would be easy to fake. If the murders were faked, that means the Romanov family survived, which means there are living descendants. All these scientists had to do is take DNA samples from these great-grandchildren.
Prosecutors opened an investigation into the deaths in 2007. Timely, right?
The remains were found underneath a dirt road in Yekaterinburg. Which means the conspirators once again hid the bodies. That makes no sense. Wouldn't a public execution have been more to the point? That is what we saw with Charles I and Louis XVI and so on. You only need to hide the bodies to prevent any forensic work or investigation, which would show up the fake.
Addendum April 8, 2017: We now return to Tsar Nicholas II and ask why he allowed all this to happen. The Russian Revolution makes no sense unless we assume his cooperation in the event. We saw exactly the same thing in the earlier French Revolution, where the event was run out of Versailles and the Tuileries, and where Louis not only lay down for the revolution, but abetted it. I have shown you one leading clue above, where we find that Nicholas was sent letters in Yiddish from Lenin's Jewish grandfather. I asked if Nicholas could read these letters without translation, and I was not joking. Later, we saw many other indications Russia had been invaded by Jewish interests long before the Revolution itself. Which led me to look at the genealogy of Nicholas. Had the royal line in Russia been invaded, and if so, when and how? Well, as we have seen with the lines in England, France, Sweden, and other countries, the royal lines of Russia had likely been invaded many times, but with Nicholas finding the invader is very easy. We simply go to his mother, Maria Feodorovna. Although from Denmark, her mother was from Hesse-Kassel (Germany). And if we trace the female line directly back, we come to Princess Charlotte of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfield. She was the 2g-grandmother of Maria. That name should look familiar to you, since the current Windsors are actually Saxe-Coburg-Gothas. I have shown in previous papers that they are Jewish in many lines, being descended from the Jagiellons of Poland. This Jagiellon/Vasa line intercepts the royal lines of many European countries, and has been—along with the Medici line—one of the most successful invaders. This is confirmed with the royal line in Russia at which we are looking. For if we keep going back in the female line, we hit Barbara Jagiellon once again. She is the 7g-grandmother of Charlotte. You can follow this line explicitly at Wikipedia, working back from Maria Feodorovna. Since the Jewish lines are matrilineal, this means Nicholas II was Jewish. This indicates the Russian Revolution was managed from both ends. You should take this knowledge back to the Wikipedia page on Jewish Bolshevism, where they tell us the theory is Nazi propaganda. It should give you a long chuckle, since we can now see that both sides in the Russian Revolution were Jewish, including the Tsar himself. It is clear the Russian Revolution was a total fake, used to cover the Jewish takeover of the government and country.
You will say, “Well, if they had already infiltrated the royal family, why did they need to fake a revolution? Didn't they already have control of the country through the Tsar?” They did, but apparently the levels of control that gave them didn't suit them. It looks like the industrialists wished to use Russia to test a new form of governance, since it seemed best suited to their aims and was thought to pose little resistance. Given the movement of history since then, I think we can say they decided the test was a failure, since in the rest of Europe they reverted to the method of hiding behind royal families. If Russia had been a success, we would have expected to see the same thing happen in England, the Low Countries, Spain, etc., with the royals completely phased out. But instead of a raw and ravaging Communism, we have seen Monarchies fronting and co-existing with soft-sold Socialisms—in which theft by the upper classes can be better hidden. Besides, the American experiment has been far more successful than any other, and we can expect the Futureworld to be built along its lines, not the lines of Europe or Russia. It is here that the most wealth is vacuumed from the middle and lower classes into the upper class. The Russian plan didn't allow for that, since the middle and lower classes had little wealth to steal. Once the treasuries had been plundered, the only wealth in Russia was natural resources. That wealth is fantastic, but it isn't as fantastic as the plunderable wealth in the US, since the US has both the natural resources and the human resources that can be easily taken. To achieve that taking, all that is necessary is an all-enveloping propaganda state, by which the populace is conditioned to disempower itself.
To read more about some of these characters, you may consult the newer papers on Vladmir Nabokov by one of my guest writers, which confirms my conclusions here. He provides much supporting evidence as well as more footnotes, for those who love such things.
*He is a business partner with other oligarchs Alexander Abramov and Roman Abramovich, both Jewish.
**Wiki tells us it was Penza. White tells us it was Perm Nobles' Institute in Perm. Since Perm and Penza are hundreds of miles away in different oblasts, this is strange. It seems like they could get this right.
†Bibliotecapleyades.net tells us Ulyanova was Ulyanov's daughter, and that he had children with her. In other words, she and Anna Smirnova were the same person. But he provides no reference for that and I could find no confirmation. I don't need it for my research, so I will pass it by.
‡White, James D. Lenin: The Practice and Theory of Revolution.