by Debray Riveros
by Miles Mathis
First posted December 15, 2012
Caveat and disclaimer: this is an opinion piece, based on my own personal research. I follow what looks to me like a logical line of reasoning, but—as with all things of this nature—the truth is hard to find. It has been made hard to find on purpose, and I am not claiming I know everything or anything. My conclusions are not based on emotions, but on the evidence I give to you here. All the evidence in this paper can be found at mainstream places like Wikipedia, so I am not divulging any extraordinary information. I only bring it together. I have no insider information. Regarding this evidence, you may come to different conclusions, either more or less standard than mine. Although Mr. Milner's actions speak for themselves—in my opinion—his intentions are known only to himself.
In July of this year, a new physics prize suddenly hit the headlines. The Russian billionaire Yuri Milner (above) began giving 3 million dollar prizes to top physicists, for no real reason. He immediately gave the prize to nine top theoretical physicists: Alan Guth, Andrei Linde, Edward Witten, Ashoke Sen, Nathan Seiberg, Maxim Kontsevich, Alexei Kitaev, Juan Maldecena, and Nima Arkani-Hamed. That is 27 million dollars, by the way. Then, this week, he gave two more prizes: one to Stephen Hawking and one to the leaders of the Higgs discovery.
Who are all these people? Alan Guth hasn't done anything important since about 1980, when he was feted for his inflationary model. Unfortunately, that model is in serious trouble, as I—and many others—have shown. It always has been in serious trouble, because it doesn't make any sense; but now it is admitted by most that it is completely useless and ad hoc. It conflicts with almost all new data. [Also see the criticisms of Penrose, of Steinhardt, and of Earman and Mosterin.] Andrei Linde also hasn't done anything important since the early 1980's, when he too was known for his inflationary work. He saw early on that these models were garbage, and he soon sidetracked into inflationary multiverses and string theory landscapes, which are even worse. All of his theorizing since then has been just wild speculation based on near-zero data, changing every year when new data comes in. Edward Witten's main claim to fame is broken supersymmetry, which is just super-fudging of equations. This was confirmed just this fall when the LHC had to admit that supersymmetry was not explaining real data. According to the BBC [November 12, 2012]: "Supersymmetry may not be dead but these latest results have certainly put it into hospital." The same can be said of his Calabi Yau manifolds, which are indistinguishable from mental masturbation. He has done nothing since the 1990's except gather various prizes into piles. Both Juan Maldecena and Nathan Seiberg are pals of Witten, having worked with him either on Seiberg-Witten theory or gauge gravity duality (AdS/CFT). This latter theory is cutting-edge misdirection, in that it is the transparent and purposeful attempt to complicate the fields to such a degree that no honest person could penetrate them. That is, it is purposeful misdirection away from the straightforward solutions I have shown to the unification problem. I have shown that unification has failed because the old equations are full of big mistakes. Because mainstream physics doesn't want to admit that, they promote these Alexandrian solutions, in which the old battered equations are taken as perfect and then welded together into embarrassing jalopies, by the use of “advanced mathematics.” This is just to say that reams of opaque and undefined maths are cobbled together by the neo-masters of equation finessing. As soon as any outsiders penetrate their mathematical pushes, they manufacture new fields, variables, and names, to stay one step ahead of criticism. This prevents them from ever having to respond to criticism. If you catch them in their tricks, they simply say, “Oh, that was last year's physics. We have moved on. You need to talk to us using our updated dictionary of fluffy terms.”
Alexei Kitaev became known for his topological quantum computer. But again, he did this in the 1990's, so it is a mystery why he is being given 3 million for it now—especially since this quantum computer is still just theoretical. This theoretical computer works this way: it “employs two- dimensional quasiparticles called anyons, whose world lines cross over one another to form braids in a three-dimensional spacetime.” Yes, of course it does. And has anyone ever detected anyons, in or out of computers? No. This should not be surprising, since two-dimensional particles can't exist, by the definition of “particle.” These new physicists don't even know what words mean any more. And they don't care. They prefer to let the definitions morph as they go. You can theorize so much more freely if your words mean whatever you want them to mean, sentence by sentence.
Ashoke Sen is another string theorist, specializing in strong-weak coupling duality (S-duality). He is also the one who came up with rolling tachyons. S-duality came out in 1994 and has never been matched to even a sliver of data, so why is he being given 3 million dollars in 2012?
Nima Arkani-Hamed is known mainly for his Littlest Higgs theory from 2002, which further fudged the infinitely fudgable equations of the standard model. Unfortunately, not even his fudging could get the Higgs down to 125GeV, where is now said to have been discovered. The (manufactured) hierarchy problem initially put the mass of the Higgs way above 1TeV, which is why the LHC was built in the first place. The Tevatron was said to not be big enough. Plus, they wanted to take at least a decade to search at the LHC, spending as many tax dollars as humanly possible. Unfortunately, physics began hitting the wall in the past few years, with various catastrophes convincing more and more people both in and out of academia that the standard model was just a scam. So they were forced to move their discovery up, to save face. But once the LHC started exploding, they could see they need to get that mass down and get it down quick. So they went back to Arkani-Hamed and began promoting his Littlest Higgs again. This newest prize is just more promotion of that sort. As I will show, it was known back in June that the Higgs was going to be found and that it would therefore need a big prize to seal it in the press. So Arkani-Hamed's prize was just a precursor and preparation for the Higgs prize just given this week. It was supposed to tell us why the Higgs was so small.
Finally, we come to Maxim Kontsevich, who is just here to support Witten. His 1992 thesis is said to prove Witten's conjecture concerning the equivalence of quantum gravity models. Also, like Kitaev and Linde and Milner, he is a Russian who went to university in Moscow.
Which brings us back to Milner. Who is Yuri Milner? Well, we are told by Wikipedia that he is a Russian Jew who went to Moscow State University in physics. We are told he worked on his doctorate but are not told he got it. He did however get an MBA from Wharton in Philadelphia, which is odd for many reasons. How does a Russian physics doctoral candidate end up in Philadelphia studying business at Wharton? Was he perhaps recruited by someone? Impossible to say for sure, but a simple websearch shows that Wharton School of Finance is on a shortlist of American schools fingered by conspiracy theorists as a center of black operations. By itself that is indication of nothing, but combined with other curious facts, it may be pertinent to our question in the title. I have found that these conspiracy sites rarely have a good idea what is going on behind closed doors—and that they tend to speculate just as wildly as string theorists as to what the “bad guys” are up to—but that they tend to at least know where the closed doors are.
Immediately out of Wharton, Milner went to work for the World Bank, which of course is also a potential red flag. The World Bank is well known even outside of conspiracy circles as being a center of globalism and anti-democratic policies, including nation-breaking and third-world looting. Then, just five years out of Wharton, Milner was appointed CEO of Alliance-Menatep, the investment brokerage arm of Khodorkovsky's Bank Menatep. How many MBA's do you know who advance to CEO in just five years? That is already red flag number 3. Red flag number 4 is Khodorkovsky, who, if you will remember, was the richest man in Russia when he was jailed and destroyed by Putin in 2005. We are told that he was charged with fraud, but we know there was no due process and the little transparency. Was it fraud? Or something else?
What is Menatep Bank? Again, we can get the info straight from Wikipedia. On the page for Semion Mogilevich, we are told
Until 1998, Inkombank and Bank Menatep participated in a US$10 billion money laundering scheme through the Bank of New York.
Hmm. Is that the same Bank of New York that merged with Mellon in 2007 and that is now being sued by the Justice Department for foreign currency fraud? Yes, it is. Mark that: foreign currency. Moscow is foreign. Is that the same BNY Mellon that was investigated by federal regulators in 2005 for money laundering? Yes it is. BNY was found to have moved over 7 billion via hundreds of wires. In addition, “The illegal operation involved two Russian emigres—one who was a Vice President of the bank.” Sound familiar? Red flag number 5.
Notice that BNY didn't stop the money laundering in 1998, although they got caught. They got caught again in 2005 and again in 2011. But since the US only fines them something like 38 million each time, they just keep going. What is 38 million when you are laundering over 10 billion? That's a penalty of only .38%. Who wouldn't pay that happily? Since the banks are money laundering under the noses of the governments, we may assume they are doing the laundering for the governments, at the behest of the governments. No overseer takes .38% to keep quiet, so we may assume the government is either ordering the fraud or benefiting from it directly. The 38 million can't be the fee, since no conspirator would take a cut that low. The 38 million can only be the smokescreen, to make you think the Justice Department is at least awake. Oh, the Justice Department is awake, but not as bastion against fraud. The Justice Department is awake like the paper moon on the cardboard sea.
To say it once more, Menatep was caught in 1998 in this scam with BNY. And, “From February 1997 to December 2009, Milner was the deputy chairman and the head of the investment division of Menatep Bank.” So that's who Yuri Milner is. You would think being the head of a division of a giant
bank would be a full-time job, but during this same time, Milner started Netbridge, which became the Russian equivalent of Google. Actually, it was the Russian equivalent of Google+Ebay+Amazon+Yahoo+Facebook. We are told that is the source of his vast wealth.
But back to Menatep. While Milner was holding one of the top posts at Menatep, a bad guy named Mogilevich was holding the top position at Inkombank. As we have seen, both Menatep and Inkombank were implicated in money laundering. But while Inkombank folded and Mogilevich ended up fleeing and being on the FBI's ten most wanted list, Menatep and Milner continued to flourish.
A new Bank Menatep Saint Petersburg was created from the Saint Petersburg division of Bank Menatep. It accumulated the assets but not the liabilities of the original bank. In 2004 the bank was bought by the management and renamed the Trust National Bank.
So, although Mogilevich and Khodorkovsky have fallen, Milner remains standing. How did his bank manage to take the assets of Menatep but not the liabilities? Apparently someone in Russian government likes Menatep and Milner (but not Khodorkovsky). In 2009 Milner bought 2% of Facebook, and in 2011 he invested 800 million in Twitter. We are told he is still on good terms with Russia, and especially Medvedev. But you can be sure Putin has his eyes on Milner.
From all this, it appears that Milner has been useful to both Russia and the US, as a way to “privately” fund the internet and other things. We know that the internet and its various arms were created by the government to track and control us (although that has had only limited success). Just as we know Facebook and Google were given start-up money by the CIA, and are now under its control, we may assume the Russian equivalents are also government entities. This would indicate that Milner's “private” funding of mainstream physics is also not really private. Nor did he personally choose the first nine winners of the prize. Like Zuckerberg, Milner is just the face or the suit, chosen for PR purposes, so that the government doesn't have to be seen promoting these people itself. Think of Zuckerberg and Milner as one-person money laundering robots, taking government money and making it look like a private venture. In this way, the entire career of such a person could be called a black-op.
But why prop up string theorists and other top theorists? Primarily because the old props were no longer working, as I said. Despite all the horntooting, the standard model is falling apart. The propaganda is no longer believed, by physicists or by laymen. There is a revolt going on both within and without academia, as more and more graduate students and working physicists and lay readers question the mainstream line. I like to think I have had something to do with this, but whatever the cause or causes, it came to a head this year. Those in control of the big projects and the big money could see things unwinding, and they got together and decided to do something about it. The two biggest things they did happened around July 1, 2012, and the fact that they happened almost simultaneously is no coincidence. They decided to announce a Higgs detection, and they decided to give a lot of people big prizes to make it stick in the headlines. Notice that all these people now being given prizes are connected directly to the theory underlying the Higgs. Even the inflationary models of Guth and Linde are connected to the Higgs, since the theories use many of the same fudges. This is especially clear with Linde, who as I showed felt compelled to dive off into string theory landscapes very early. Early universe models have long come out of particle physics, not astrophysics, going back at least to the time of Weinberg. Remember, it is Weinberg who wrote The First Three Minutes back in 1977, which sort of kicked the invasion of astrophysics by particles physicists into high gear. Weinberg was among the first to see universe modeling as a big lucrative data hole just waiting to be mined. Not surprisingly, Weinberg is the only other person on the board of the Fundamental Physics Prize, besides Milner. Since these guys are now giving eachother prizes, we may expect Weinberg to be a recipient in the near future. That would be Weinberg giving himself 3 million, but these things happen. All he would have to do is retire temporarily from the board, then take his prize, then jump back on the board.
We already see this sort of cronyism in the awarding of the prize, since the FPP website admits that previous winners of the prize are now sitting on the awarding committee. Are they unaware that this is normally seen as unethical, since it encourages and abets precisely the sort of insider trading we are witnessing here? This used to be illegal or frowned upon, in the same way and for the same reason that nominating yourself is frowned upon, nominating your colleagues and family members is frowned upon, and so on. In most contests—even contests posted on a Wheaties box—it says something to the effect that those with ties to the company cannot enter. If you work at General Mills, you can't enter their sweepstakes. And yet we see the same level of incestuousness being announced to the world at FPP, as if it is nothing extraordinary.
Hawking is the only one with a weak link to the Higgs, but we may assume he is being paid off for his PR announcement this summer, when he released a statement to the press that Higgs should get a Nobel Prize. He said that before the data had even been published. Although Hawking isn't really a string theory insider, his fame makes him very useful. If Higgs doesn't get a Nobel nomination, we will all be surprised, but in that case he will certainly get the larger if less prestigious FPP.
Yes, it would appear that the FPP is nothing more than late and desperate propaganda designed to prop up a dying mainstream physics by throwing large sums of money at it. It is meant specifically for the sort of general science reader and headline browser who can't really penetrate any of the arguments, but who is impressed by certificates, prizes, medals, and other ceremonies. We should expect to see a spate of knightings as well, with various people being tapped on the heads with shiny swords and being called Sir and Lord and Your Honour and whatnot. Anyone who then questions the standard model will be treasonous or a traitor instead of just a crank. According to the new laws being passed by Congress and Parliament, he may even be a terrorist.
But why should the US and Russian governments wish to prop up failed physics? Simply because this physics is such a cash cow. As we know, the worldwide public funding of physics has been astronomical. The Large Hadron Collider alone has cost over 11 billion dollars. With the failures or downsizing of the space programs after the spectacular crashes of Challenger and Columbia, the governments of the world needed some other hole in which to shovel their science taxdollars. Particle physics was the perfect hole, 1) because it was beyond the public's comprehension, 2) because it required no proof, and 3) because the chance of catastrophe was relatively low. Regarding 2, any complaint from the public can be dismissed as ignorance or “anti-science.” The public is treated as if it is not even qualified to judge the use of its own monies, which means science is thereby insulated from any critique as well as any tax revolt. These famous theorists are the only ones qualified, and you are qualified only to pay them and keep quiet. That is, you are expected to read the press releases and be impressed, but you are not expected to try to make sense of anything you are told. You are assured that it only looks like a load of nonsense because you don't know 11-dimensional math: in higher math, contradictions are not contradictions. In higher math, illogic is not illogic. In higher math, nothing needs to be defined. In higher math, nothing needs to be mechanical. In higher math, things are true because mathematicians say they are. Once you understand that, everything will start smelling sweet again.
I can insert the art analogy here once again, because the art markets work exactly the same way. Why should the governments of the world prop up fake art? Because it is such a cash cow. It is the perfect money hole because 1) it is beyond the public's comprehension, 2) it has positioned itself beyond the confines of logic, sense, consistency, quality, or rational judgment, and 3) all critics can be dismissed as uneducated to the esoteric forms. Like particle physics, it is a closed circle, one that is all but self- perpetuating. As long as it makes money, it is untouchable. As with military expenditures, the governments of the world don't care if anything in art or science works or if it is true. All they care about is whether people can successfully be taxed to maintain it.
Regarding physics, there is no way the governments were going to lower expenditures after the failures of NASA. The money could be redirected to other projects, but it was not feasible to downsize. By the rules of Keynesian economics, you can never spend less: you must always spend more. Rich people are invested in these big projects, and rich people can never be allowed to fail. Every temporary loss must be covered by a bigger gain. If you lost money on the Challenger explosion, we will invest you in a particle accelerator and you will be paid from the taxes collected for that. If you are a billionaire investor, you are guaranteed to win in the long run, since all such investments are ultimately underwritten by the governments. If the Large Hadron Collider had exploded in a Challenger-like catastrophe, the governments would have simply moved on to another tax-and-spend scheme, moving the billionaires' chips along the board. If not the LHC, then carbon-trading. If not carbon trading, then more prisons, if not more prisons, then more wars, if not more wars, then more bank bailouts. If not more bank bailouts, the rich people will just come to your doors and steal your things at gunpoint. Since the rich people own the government, they also own the army. This is the way they think. This is what they do. This is who they are.
What this means is that the standard model, like avant garde art, is here to stay until some giant public relations catastrophe kills it, or until the government becomes convinced there is more money in real physics. Real physics will never win on its merits, since rich people don't get rich from merit. Tesla proved that a century ago, and things have only gotten worse since then. Since real physics doesn't naturally exist in a data hole or create a perfect money hole, it will never succeed as a tax-and-spend scheme. Only fake things exist as perfect money holes. Which means that the standard model will fall only to a public relations catastrophe, of the Challenger sort. The public will never penetrate the scam that is particle physics, but it can penetrate explosions, deaths, sex scandals, and other mob-related sensationalism. This is how these things always end. They implode from their own dead weight and from the sheer weight of corruption. Once the rich abandon particle physics for some other scheme, a more sensible physics can again get its foot in the door. As with art and all other human endeavors, advancement takes place only once the money is removed. Thoreau was right: money curses everything it touches. Contrary to current wisdom, the best way to corrupt something is to fund it at high levels. If you wish to see it cleanse itself and move forward, defund it. Which is why I am happy to be funded at the one-dollar level, and am happy to see these famous physicists given 3 million apiece. It can only further corrupt them, leading ever more quickly to the necessary collapse of the standard model and particle physics.
Addendum: In October of 2013, I received an email from a person claiming to be a top manager at the World Bank. The email was from a gmail account, not a worldbank account, so I am not even sure the person was who he said he was. Anyway, he claimed to be Milner's old boss at World Bank, and said if I would take this paper down he would send a link to my theories to Milner, who might be interested in funding me. He was very polite and sounded genuine, but I nonetheless assumed he was sweet-talking me. It didn't sound believable that Milner would look seriously at my theories under any circumstances. So I said no. However, I did make a counter-offer. I said that this person should send a link to Mr. Milner anyway, and that if he did decide to fund me, I would admit I was wrong about him and take this paper down—or rewrite the parts of it that had to do with Milner himself. I said there was a possibility I was wrong about Mr. Milner's intentions, and would take that into account. However, I said there was no possibility I was wrong about physics as a whole, and therefore could not retract the paper as whole.