by Miles Mathis
First published May 3, 2019
In this paper, we will look at people with the surname Armstrong, including Lance, Neil, and George Custer.
We will start with Lance. Lance has been scrubbed more heavily than the others, which is perhaps understandable. We are told his stepfather is Terry Keith Lov Armstrong, with his father being a Gunderson and his mother being a Mooneyham. What no one has seen is that we already have possible links to the King Ranch there. The Armstrongs have long been prominent at the King Ranch. See for example John Barclay Armstrong, who died in 2003. He had been chief executive of the King Ranch. These Armstrongs were related to the Kenedys, who lived nearby. Remember that name for later. Won't be hard, will it? But the Mooneys and Mooneyhams are also tied to the King Ranch. See Linda Ballard Mooney, who has supplied photos of King Ranch to Pinterest and other sites. Also writer Michael Mooney, who did a piece on King Ranch for Texas Monthly. But perhaps the most curious hit is on Lillian Mooneyham, a famous witness of the John Kennedy assassination. She and two other women (Rose Clark and Jeanette Hooker) testified that they watched the motorcade from the courthouse, specifically the courtroom of. . . Judge Henry King. Just a coincidence, right?
Probably not, one because the testimony of these women has been thoroughly discredited. It doesn't match the rest of the story. Two because no one asks how these women got permission to watch from the courtroom. Courtrooms aren't normally open for gawkers. So it already looks like they were planted there to be fake witnesses to this fake assassination. Which means they were insiders, probably closely related to someone. That someone being Judge King.
You may also remember Henry T. King, prosecutor at Nuremberg who worked on the cases of von Brauchitsch, Guderian, and Milch. The first allegedly died while awaiting trial (convenient), the second was never tried, and Milch only got 20 years. Guderian was Hitler's Chief of General Staff of the Army in 1944-45, but nonetheless not only evaded trial, he joined the US Army after the war. You read that right.

Milch looks too young for his decorations and baton, doesn't he? They now admit that Field Marshal Milch was Jewish. King's Wiki page says Milch was sentenced to 20 years. Milch's page says he was sentenced to life. Regardless, he served only 7 years, if that. They admit he was on the street by 1954. Did he also join the US Army? Or did he change his name and run for President? Part of the story we are supposed to believe is that in WWI Milch commanded a fighter wing, although he didn't know how to fly. Between the wars he was head of Lufthansa. He joined the Nazi Party in 1929, but we are told Hitler kept his membership secret until 1933. Most likely because 1) he was Jewish, 2) it wouldn't look good to have the head of Lufthansa a Nazi in 1929. When Milch was captured by the Allies in 1945, we are supposed to believe Brigadier Derek Mills-Roberts beat Milch over the head with his own Marshal's baton, because he was so disgusted by the atrocities he witnessed at Bergen-Belsen. Right. I'm sure that happened. Since Milch was supposed to be head of the Jagerstab (Fighter Staff), not of camps, I'm not sure what that story is supposed to prove. Maybe it is supposed to prove that those reading this fake history will believe anything.
You might also ask yourself if Jewish Field Marshal Milch here is related to Jewish Harvey Milk of that fake event? It's the same name, different spelling. Harvey Milk's people were originally Milchs.
But can we link Judge Henry King of Dallas, d. 1990, to King Ranch? Not easily, because no information is available on this Judge King online. So we have to look for other links between Mooneyhams and King Ranch. We find it without much trouble, with Mooneyhams in the Coryell County Tax Assessor files, in Comer, Gatesville, etc. Also confirming these links to King Ranch is that Terry Lov Armstrong is listed as living in Frisco, near Denton. That area also has ties to King Ranch. See King Ranch Drive in Denton as just one example. This is because Frisco/Denton was on a “longhorn trail” from south Texas to Oklahoma. So the King Ranch people also owned places along those routes. For more proof of that, we find a Mooneyham Elementary School in Frisco.
One other thing I found with Lance. On his pages at Geneanet, site manager Tim Dowling admits he is related to Lance's stepfather, Terry Armstrong. “Spouse of 14th cousin, once removed”. You may think that is a distant relationship, but it isn't. I think of anything up to 10th cousin as close, so this is semi-close. But it tells us what we need to know: these Armstrongs are the same as the Armstrongs of the British peerage. Remember, Tim Dowling is closely related to the Arundels, Stuarts/Stewarts and many kings of England and Scotland. So if Tim Dowling is closely related to this Terry Armstrong, then Terry Armstrong is closely related to the kings of England. That, by itself, is enough to prove that Lance Armstrong isn't from some family of nobody hick Armstrongs and Mooneyhams in Texas. He is from THE Armstrongs.
So why does any of this matter, you may ask. It matters because it not only ties us to the people below, it goes some way to explaining the whole Lance Armstrong story. No one has really explained why Lance was so sure from the very beginning that he deserved to win, whether or not he was the best athlete in the group or not. Beyond the drug stories—which finally became mainstream news and brought him down—there are stories of paying off other riders even before his Tour de France days and even stories of hidden motors inside the bicycle frames. The cons were so brazen and numerous they were beyond comprehension. . . until now. Now that we can link him to the Families, we see that Lance's cons were actually small potatoes. This is what these people do and always have done. It is how they think. They think that all money, property, position, and awards are their birthright.
If they enter a contest, they expect to win it, the rules be damned. Truth, honesty, integrity, and fairplay mean absolutely nothing to these people. Even more mysteriously, they do not seem to see that the awards and positions are worth nothing if they were not earned. I personally don't see the point in buying off my competition, since that immediately negates the whole competition. Winning is only useful in that it makes you feel good about yourself. You feel pride in your accomplishment. How can you feel pride in buying off your competition? Buying a trophy or other award is pathetic. It is beneath contempt. And yet it now appears most awards in all fields out there are decided on this basis. Highest bidder or biggest cheater.
It also explains why the Justice Department never filed charges against Lance. Last year, Lance had to pay about five million to avoid a lawsuit, but that was a whistleblower lawsuit that Justice decided to join. What? Why would Justice join a whistleblower lawsuit and then let Lance off with such a low fine? He has made 50-100 times that from his career. The original suit was for 100 million, so they settled for 5%? So, just as we have seen in the banking scandals, the criminal pays a small percentage of his theft and walks. Lance is still chuckling to himself, since he remains a rich man. Not as rich as he was ten years ago, but far richer than he was 25 years ago. So, looking at it longterm, we could say his gamble paid off. I am sure he sees it that way.
Justice didn't pursue Lance because justice never bothers these people. They don't know what it means. It doesn't concern them. They own the government and the courts, so they can pass the losses on. Lance probably has uncles or cousins in the Justice Department. And who did they pass the losses on to? You and me, the taxpayers. We took the hit as usual. Lance's sponsor was the US Postal Service, which is funded by the treasury, remember? So this was just one more treasury dip by the Families.
This also explains why Lance was “a close personal friend” of President Bush. The Bushes have long had ties to King Ranch, and especially Armstrong Ranch. The families hobnob and hunt on eachother's ranches in Texas, and sometimes it makes the papers. Armstrong Ranch is where Cheney shot himself in the ass while hunting Dan Quayle, or something.

OK, let's move on to Neil Armstrong. We will start with his “missions”. Apollo 11 and Gemini 8. Aces and eights, as usual.
I have a problem with that photo of Neil Armstrong as an ensign in 1952. Don't they teach these kids to sit up straight? No, seriously. It doesn't look like a real military photo, because the photographer would have told him to sit up straight before taking the picture. Real military photos never look like that. Which reminds us that although we are told Neil went to Purdue on a Holloway scholarship, he didn't take any courses in Naval Science and didn't join the NROTC. That makes no sense, because the Holloway scholarship was specifically for naval officers. Part of his scholarship requirement would be enrolling in NROTC. So the historians are giving you a clue there, same clue as the photo above. Armstrong's call-up by the Navy also makes no sense, since he was pulled out of college after just a year and half in January 1949. The Korean War was still a year and a half in the future, so why was he called up halfway through college? If they are training officers on scholarship, they would wait and call him up after graduation, so that he could enter the Navy as an ensign or lieutenant. Instead he had to start as a midshipman, which basically wasted all his scholarship money and the year and half in college.
Neil allegedly flew in the Korean War, although the stories again make no sense. He was promoted to ensign in 1951. He was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade in 1953. So it took him two years to become an ensign, despite having been chosen for the Holloway Plan?
In 1952 he returned to Purdue, where he pledged Phi Delta Theta and co-directed two musicals for the all-student revue. What? Looks like we have found another drama club/glee club boy. Like Lindbergh, Neil liked to crash planes. He totalled at least one during the war, and he wrecked another one at Purdue. He finally graduated in 1955 at age 25. He didn't get his MS until 1970, after the faked Moon landing. You might ask yourself when he had time to work on that. According to his bio, he was pretty busy up until 1969.
Neil married Janet Shearon. “According to the couple, there was no real courtship, and neither could remember the exact circumstances of their engagement.” What? Who can say that about their marriage? Coupled with the drama club stuff, it indicates the usual thing. They didn't live together after marriage, since Neil was in bachelors quarters at Edwards AFB while she was in Westwood.
Neil applied to NACA in 1955 and was almost immediately accepted. Why? I always thought they wanted top people for the astronaut program, but we have seen that Neil was not exceptional in any way.
The stories at Edwards AFB also don't make sense, because suddenly Neil is supposed to be some sort of genius. We are told he had a mind like a sponge. No, he had a personality like a sponge. His mind was more like an empty cardboard box. Watch any of his interviews, where you will see his intelligence seems sub-normal. Or just look at his photos on the internet. Look into his eyes. Do you see any signs of brilliance there? I don't. Look at him above. He looks like a big dope.
In 1962 Neil was selected for the astronaut program. He was already 31, so he would be 39 for the Moon landing. Something about that doesn't seem right to me. It seems they would want younger men for the Apollo flights, to withstand the pressures of space. We also find a curious story here. Neil's application for the program arrived a week late, so it should have been thrown out. We are told Dick Day secretly inserted it into the stack. Again, this makes no sense. If you have a deadline like that, you catalog all the entries the day after the deadline. You don't let them sit there a week unopened. This is just another clue that the whole story is a fake.
Neil made the final nine, and we are told
NASA announced the selection of the second group at a press conference on September 17, 1962. Compared with the MercurySeven astronauts, they were younger,[57] and had more impressive academic credentials.[61]
So Neil's academic credentials were impressive? Did I miss something? Also, the Mercury Seven were all military test pilots. That was one of the requirements. Armstrong wasn't a military test pilot. He was a civilian test pilot, the first one to make the astronaut program. So let's compare Armstrong's academic credentials against someone like, say, Gus Grisssom. Grissom entered the Air Force out of Purdue as a 2nd Lieutenant, so he was ahead of Armstrong there. Less than a year later he was in Korea as a 1st Lieutenant. Grissom earned a second degree in aeromechanics in 1956 and became a captain in 1957. In 1962 Grissom was 35 (only four years older than Armstrong), and was a major. By 1967 he was a lieutenant colonel. So Armstrong's credentials were far inferior.

What about Alan Bartlett Shepard? Born November 18. Aces and eights. Shepard skipped two grades and graduated high school at age 16. His IQ was tested at 145, way above Mensa's minimum of 130. He graduated Annapolis in three years and was commissioned an ensign. By 1950 (age 26) he was a military test pilot. By 1971 and the time of his Apollo landing he was a Rear Admiral. So no comparison there. You get my point and there is no reason to even do the rest of the Mercury Seven. But it is worth pointing out that when Shepard allegedly walked on the Moon in 1971, he was 47. Again, that makes no sense.
NASA would want much younger men for such a rigorous trip. Think about it. I was in very good shape in my 20s and also at age 47. But I was definitely stronger overall when I was younger. Just think of your eyes, which should be important to an astronaut. A person's eyes change in their mid-40s, and most of us have to use reading glasses after about 45. So I personally don't find it credible that NASA was sending 47-year-old guys to the Moon. I couldn't find a picture of Shepard tagged as age 47, so let's use this one of Lance Armstrong. Lance is 47 this year.

My guess is he is still in pretty good shape, but I wouldn't want to be sending him to the Moon. Or wait, yes I would, with a one-way ticket. What I mean is, I don't think he would really qualify for astronaut training.
But back to Neil Armstrong. Did you know his mother was an Engel? If you are thinking this links us to Friedrich Engels, you are thinking what I am thinking. Did you know that Neil Armstrong's middle name is Alden? If you are thinking that links us to John Alden, you are thinking what I am thinking. Neil's Engels came over from Germany in about 1890 and settled in Ohio. That's pretty recent, since Neil was born in 1930.
In Ohio his ancestor Martin August Engel married a Jacobs. So already they look Jewish. The name August is a huge clue, since Friedrich Engels' uncle was August Engels, of the huge textile company. His son, Friedrich's cousin, was also named August Engels. Searching on that, we find an August Engels whose father came over to Green Bay. August's daughter married a Busch, which is interesting. Neil's paternal 2g-grandmother was a Scott and his 3g-grandmother was a . . . Kennedy. Both scrubbed of course. We also find a Mueller and a Watkins. Another generation back and we hit Griffiths, and finally some action. We are now in Maryland, where we find a Katherine Howard. That is two papers in a row where we found a Katherine Howard. These Howards go back to Norfolk, VA, and then Wiltshire, England, where they become Arundel-Howards. Which means, yes, these are the Howards of Catherine Howard, wife of Henry VIII. We hit Wardour Castle, sure enough. Remember, these Howards are Dukes of Norfolk, which is why they named their town that in Virginia. They were also Earls of Surrey. So Neil is a first cousin (in law) of Henry VIII, 14 times removed. This makes Neil also a Mowbray, a Neville, and a. . . FitzAlan. Which means Neil is directly descended from William the Conqueror. It also makes Neil a close cousin of fellow actor Tom Hanks and just about every other famous person you have heard of. As we expected coming in.
If we follow the Arundels instead of the Howards, we link Neil to the Greys, and through them immediately to the Woodvilles. This Woodville was queen of Edward IV, so Neil is also 1st cousin in law to that King. This means he is also 3rd cousin (not in law) of Henry VIII. Also 3rd cousin of Louis XII of France. Also 2nd cousin of James IV of Scotland.
So, Neil is also closely related to Berkeley, Douglas, Seymour, Somerset, Welles, Stafford, Herbert, Devereux, FitzGerald, Bonnville, Dorsey, Willoughby, Leigh, Warner, Todd, Hammond, Baldwin, FitzJames, Lowe, Ely, Worthington, and so on.
But it isn't just via these two lines (Arundel and Howard) that Neil is related to kings. He is also related to them through the Griffith and Willoughby lines. In that direction we also hit the Molyneux, the Cheneys, the FitzHerberts, the Stanleys, the Gorsuchs, the Lindsays, the Warfields, the Pitts, the Plummers, the McFarlands, the Houghtons (hello Erica!), and so on.
We also find the Griffiths marrying the Jacobs back in 1782 in Maryland. She is immediately scrubbed. But remember, we already saw Neil's maternal grandmother as a Jacobs. So we have Jacobs on both sides.
What about the Sarah Todd in Neil's ancestry? Does that link us to Abe Lincoln through his wife Mary Todd? You betcha. Sarah's father was Lancelot Todd, son of Capt. Thomas Todd. Lancelot's sister Isabella married a Madison, linking us to that President, and her children married a Penn and a Taylor. This links us to Zachary Taylor and singer James Taylor, among other people. The Purdums in Neil's ancestry link us to the Pierces, and to that President, as well as to Barbara Bush.
It's funny, the closer to the present we get, the better Neil's ancestry is scrubbed. They don't care you know he is related closely to kings of England, France, and Scotland, but they don't want you to know he is related to Custer or Lance Armstrong. Or maybe they just figure you won't have the stamina to go back several centuries.
I was going to tear apart last year's film First Man, but after watching the previews and reading reviews, I figured why bother. It was a rotten tomato, getting about 2 stars across the web. People hated it. But you might ask yourself why it was so bad. I suggest it was because the scriptwriters in Langley just couldn't get it up one more time for this fraud. Besides, with Neil they had nothing to work with. The guy had all the charisma of a used kitchen sponge, and that was before the hoax. Afterwards, he clearly regretted getting involved, and wouldn't even do interviews. He hid out and went into some sort of funk. I think we can say it pretty much ruined his life. I am surprised he didn't fake his death in the 70s, and he did everything but.
So even though fellow actor Ryan Gosling checked his personality at the door, that wasn't enough match reality. Gosling would have had to have hit himself on the head with Gumby bricks to properly prepare for the part. If they were going to bother making this film, they should have done their usual stuff, doing a total rewrite on history. They should have hired Ryan Reynolds to play Neil, with Margot Robbie as his wife. Reynolds could be shirtless the whole time, and maybe Margot as well. We could have cameos by Chris Rock as MLK, Orlando Bloom as Robert Kennedy, Natalie Portman as Jacqueline of course, Jimmy Fallon as Michael Collins, Louis CK as Buzz Lightyear I mean Aldrin, and Ricky Gervais as Gus Grissom. They could bring David Bowie out of retirement to sing Starman, and Prince out of retirement to sing Little Red Corvette, as Neil drove around on the Moon in a red Tesla speedster. I mean, c'mon, these guys have no imagination anymore. After Game of Thrones, do you really think people go to the cinema for factual documentaries? Especially when they know there are no facts there to start with?

Now George Armstrong Custer. I won't say General George Armstrong Custer, since we have already learned he never really made it past Lieutenant Colonel, if that. At the time of his death, he had no rank, since he had previously been stripped of rank by the President. But I guess that is just a technicality. It is here that we really hit the big time. Custer's genealogy is the fullest I have ever run across. Your head will soon be spinning, so strap yourself down.
But before we get there, just please look closely at the picture above. Does that picture match anything we are told about him?
His mother was a Ward and his grandmother a Rogers. This immediately links us to H. H. Rogers, who would later be Rockefeller's second in command. They both descend from Rowland Rogers of Bucks County, PA. Next stop in the maternal line for Custer is Sarah Armstrong, from whom he got his middle name. Her mother is scrubbed, but it is hard to believe they are scrubbing anything here, considering what they do not scrub. Anyway, Sarah's grandmother is a Campbell, which links us immediately to the surnames Lyon and Livingston.
I will pause here, since this is where we find out why Custer was such a moron. We find many rounds of cousins marrying one another, or something. It is difficult to unwind. Sarah's father George Armstrong had a mother named Mary Campbell and a grandmother named Jane Campbell. So it looks like a first-cousin marriage. George's brother John, who was a Major General, married Rebecca Lyon. [This links us to the current Queen, since her mother was a Bowes-Lyon.] Their son married a Livingston, and their daughter Margaret Armstrong married William Blackhouse Astor. He was father of John Jacob Astor. So Custer was a first cousin of Astor. They never tell you that. Of course Astor was the richest man in the US until the arrival of Rockefeller, and we have already linked Custer to both. Now, William Astor's mother was Sarah Todd, linking us to Abe Lincoln again. This is one link between Neil Armstrong and Custer.
Astor's sister Laura married Franklin Delano, so we also link to the Roosevelts here. We also link to Gibbs and Careys. Mary Astor married John Carey, and their daughter Margaret married Count William Morris Zborowski. See Mark Zborowski, who was a Russian agent (NKVD). He was also Jewish. We are told his family moved to Poland to avoid the October Revolution. But the October Revolution was anti-Royalist, so that implies the Zborowskis were tied to the Tsar. Exactly what I predicted in my old paper on Custer, where I said Custer must have ties to European royalty, especially Russian royalty. We saw pictures of him there posing as an equal with Grand Duke Alexis, son of Alexander II. So it looks like one of those ties to Russian royalty was through the Zborowskis. At Wikipedia, we find Zborowski is also Zabriskie. In 1873, just before Little Big Horn, William Zborowski's daughter married Count de Montalban, Baron de Fontenoy. That links Custer to Spanish nobility as well.

But you won't believe what other link I was able to find with the Zborowskis. A search on “Zborowski Romanov” takes us to the Wiki page for Sigismund III Vasa, King of Poland and Sweden in around 1600. You may remember him from previous papers, where we linked him through his mother Catherine Jagiellon to many other monarchs, including the current Queen of England. I also showed you that Jagiellon is Jewish. Anyway, we find that Sigismund was supported as king by the noble Zborowski family, so we take that link, which curiously didn't come up for me on a Google search for Zborowski. On that page, we are told the Zborowskis were one party in the War of Polish Succession, and that due to a loss in that war, the main line died out in 1621. However, the Counts continue to the present day. There are three in the British peerage, including Wlodzimierz Jan Zborowski, who in 1944 married the granddaughter of the 1st Baron Tollemache and Eliza Duff. Possibly linking us to Gordon Duff again. This links us to the Stratford Earls and the Douglas-Hamilton Earls. Amusingly, this Tollemache granddaugther had previous been married to. . . George Harrison, b. circa 1910.
Also interesting is a study of the coat of arms of the Zborowskis, which is the Jastrzebiec coat of arms.

Note the Maltese Cross or Hospitaller's Cross, which not only links us to the Phoenicians via one of their main ports, but which links us forward to the Nazis, who also used it (see the Iron Cross, etc.). The Zborowskis aren't the only family who used this coat of arms. It was used by many szlachta families, which now include 1738 surnames, including Chmielowski, Czerknicki, Niemirowicz, Peszkowski, Swiecicki, and Taczanowski. Also Sir Conrad Fisher Swan, who just died. The historians don't admit it, though it is obvious: these families are Jewish.
Our search on Zborowski also takes us to Marc Slonim, Jewish deputy of the Socialist Revolutionary Party in 1917. He ended up as a professor at Sarah Lawrence College and lecturer at Phillips Academy. . . as you would expect. Anyway, Mark Zborowski of NKVD is listed on his page as a close friend. Figures.
But back to Custer. Through the Livingstons, Custer links us to the Rev. John Livingston, the patriarch of US Livingstons. Also to his wife, Janet Fleming, whose mother was Marion Hamilton. Marion Hamilton is scrubbed, but she links us to the Hamiltons, rulers of Scotland. John Livingston's daughter-in-law was Alyda Schuyler, daughter of Philip Schuyler, one of the wealthiest men in the US in 1700. The Schuylers were from Holland, where they are scrubbed. But we have seen before they were actually Philips, related to Meyers, Tellers, Barent-Cohens, and Rothschilds. In other words, Jewish bankers. This also links Custer to the van Cortlandts, van Dykes, Verplanks, Montgomerys, Ten Broecks, Bayards, and van Rensselaers. Also to Morgan Lewis, Governor of New York, and the Lewises and Annesleys of Wales.
Now, if we take the Custer line straight back, it becomes Kuster, and this Paulus Kuster married a Doors. This takes us to a Pletjes, which takes us to an Adelheid Goebles. She is scrubbed to keep us from connecting this to Josef Goebbels, but we do find their granddaughter marrying Admiral William Penn, father of William Penn of Pennsylvania. We also link to a Herman Isaacs Op den Graeff, obviously Jewish. Kuster then becomes Kusters.
Through his wife Elizabeth Bacon, we can link Custer to the Pages. Readers of my recent paper on Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page may get a kick out of that. Through the Morses, Elizabeth hails back to Essex County, MA. . . that is, Salem. We also link to the Carters, Knights, Coffeys, Rogers and Plummers. The Rogers link Custer and his wife, making them cousins, while the Plummers link us to Neil Armstrong again. Through the Knights, we hit the Potters, Rices, Clarkes, Jewetts, Barletts and Bennetts. The Bartletts link us back to Alan Bartlett Shepard. Through the Stantons we link to the Washingtons, and George Washington. We also link to the Palmers and Jacksons.
Through the Bacons we link to the Hinckleys, Russells, Lows, Peppers, and Gardners. The Bacons take us back to Sir Francis Bacon.
I had previously shown you the Armstrongs of the peerage, but here we see their prominent cousins in the US, ancestors of Custer. So let's take another look at General John Armstrong, husband of Rebecca Lyon. His mother was a Campbell, so we see the Armstrongs marrying the Campbells through many generations, on both sides of the pond. It is worth mentioning that the Campbells are famously inbred. See their peerage pages, where Campbells are often marrying Campbells. But what we want to do here is link Custer back to the peerage via the Campbells, Armstrongs, Livingstons, etc. Geneanet and Geni make that impossible to do, but we can walk around them by going to thepeerage.com and collating information, as usual. Doing that, we can link them to the Armstrongs of Mangerton Castle, Scotland. This is clan Armstrong, which rose at the time of David II, King of Scots, in the 1300s. This was the house of Bruce, and the name David tells us where they came from. They were Davidic. The Bruces, like the FitzAlans, were Normans, which means they were Vikings that had previously conquered Northern France and come up from there. Vikings means they were Phoenicians that conquered Scandinavia before the time of Charlemagne.
Anyway, David II married the daughter of Isabella of France, the She-Wolf. She was like an earlier Catherine de Medici. Her father was Philip the Fair, who we looked at briefly in a previous paper. So all these people were from old Phoenician lines.

That's John Heffernan as Edward II. I bet you thought it was Ryan Gosling again.
Nope, though they do look a lot alike.
Isabella's husband Edward II was notoriously gay, which no doubt turned her mean from an early age. She soon got all three of her sisters-in-law jailed for life for adultery, though she herself was probably sleeping around—possibly with women. After she helped her husband and the Despensers destroy their enemies, including Lancaster, she then went after the Despensers. . . and her own husband. Edward probably knew she was plotting, since he tried to give her up to the Scottish Army. She escaped and was then twice as mean. Like JFK, Edward moved in with his boyfriend Hugh Despenser, and Isabella secretly targeted them. When Despenser confiscated her lands, she went to her brother, Charles IV of France, and returned with an army. Within weeks she had control of the country. She executed both Despenser and Edward, the King, becoming regent for her son! One ballsy babe.
Anyway, the Armstongs probably have a more direct link to the Vikings/Phoenicians, since the first Armstrong was a nephew of King Canute, the Danish King of England in early 1000s. Canute's mother may have been Swietoslawa of Poland, daughter of Mieszko I (Piast dynasty). The Piasts ruled Poland for over 400 years, until the time of Casimir III the Great. You remember him, right? His mother was Jadwiga of Kalisz, daughter of Yolanda of Hungary. This links us through Maria Laskarina to Alexios III Angelos, Byzantine Emperor. He was a. . . Komnene. So this is one of our links between the Komnenes and the Jagiellons/Vasas.
So that's where the Armstrongs come from. We are told the Stuarts of Scotland feared the Armstrongs and wiped them out. “There has been no trace of the Armstrong chiefs since the clan was dispersed in the 17th century.” Not really true, as we are seeing. What really happened is that the Armstrongs married into the bigger clans, through these marriages like we have seen to the Campbells. The clans merged. But the Armstrongs still exist, even under that name, and they still demand their due.
With Custer, we see one demanding his due despite being semi-retarded. But that has never stopped these people, as we know. The Families often lead with their stupidest people, to create the illusion of complete incompetence. See for example the Presidents of the United States of America.
But behind the scenes they are thoroughly competent. They may not know anything about art or science, but when it comes to stealing money and fucking with your head, they are consummate professionals. They have thousands of years of experience and know how to get the job done.