by Miles Mathis
First published May 16, 2017
As usual this is just my opinion.
Richard Bertrand Spencer is making headlines this month, so I thought I would show you how to use our new tools on him. It is fantastically easy, as you will see.
If you don't know, Spencer is supposed to be a white supremacist and Trump supporter. However, in my opinion it is all another act. He is creating one side of a manufactured story, to divert you away from more important things. Also to keep racial tensions high. Why do I say that? Note his last name: SPENCER. He is from the top families. Think Spencer-Churchill, the Dukes of Marlborough. Then think Winston Churchill. Then think Lady Diana Spencer. All the same family. And they don't just live in England. The families live on both side of the pond. For more indication of that, note his middle name: Bertrand. As in Bertrand Russell. The Russells are also a top family, closely related to the Spencer-Churchills in the peerage. So when you see a promoted person with the name Richard Bertrand Spencer, alarm bells should already be going off in your head. After all we have found out, you should not require proof he is from those families, you should require proof he isn't.
His short bio at Wikipedia is nothing but red flags. He was born in Boston, spook central. Except maybe for some areas of LA, Boston births more spooks than any other place. Spencer's mother is given as a Dickenhorst. Looks Jewish to me. In support of that, we go to Google, which takes us to Findagrave and the page for Birdie Eckstein Dickenhorst. Eckstein is Jewish. See Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein and many others. Also see Emma Jean Clerget Dickenhorst, d. 2003. Her sister (d. 2001) married a Mr. Kordsmeier. That sister has a page at Findagrave, but it mysteriously doesn't mention her husband at all. That's because that name is also Jewish, and he may have been someone famous. Let's see, who could it have been? Think hard

Kordsmeier = Cord Meyer. Who was Cord Meyer? Cord Meyer III (no middle name given) was a high-level CIA agent from 1949 to 1977, husband of Mary Pinchot Meyer. According to Deborah Davis (in her book Katharine the Great), he was the top dog of Operation Mockingbird. Although Meyer was from a very wealthy family, we are given almost no information about them. The name suggests they were Jewish, as were many of the top CIA agents. They apparently made their money from Pennsylvania coal mines. Geni.com scrubs him very thoroughly, with no info on his mother or paternal grandmother.
As usual, thepeerage.com has some useful information. There were and are many Meyers in the peerage. We go back to the 1st Baronet Meyer of Newport, Essex, d. 1922. He was from the area of Hamburg, Germany, as we are told Cord Meyer's family was. But they weren't German. This Baronet Meyer was the son of Siegmund Meyer and Elise Hahn. He married Adele Levis, daughter of Julius Levis. That's Jewish. Hahn is also a Jewish name. Think of Goldie Hawn, Jewish. Her mother is admitted to be Jewish, and—guess what—there are Spencers in her recent paternal line. If we go back a few generations, her Hawns become Hahns. We also find Eichenlaubs, Schells, Fosters, Conrads, Dillingers, Madisons, and Rutledges on her father's side. And who did Goldie marry? Kurt Russell. That's the second time that name has come up already. Remember that Richard Spencer's middle name was Bertrand, as in Bertrand Russell. You may think that is all a coincidence, but I don't.
Kurt Russell's middle name is Vogel. His paternal grandmother's name was Vogel, but the maternal line is scrubbed at Geni. Geneanet has very little more on the maternal side, but we do find a great grandmother as Hannah Schneider. Kurt's sister Jody married a John Stewart Philbrick, which is also interesting. He is scrubbed at Geneanet, but the Philbricks were related to the Emersons, Palmers, Roberts, Knapps, Perkins, Ayers, Lowells, Websters, Chases, etc. Also to the Stewarts, of course, a top name in the peerage. On his paternal side we find Kurt Russell is a Stewart, a Clark, a Swift, a Dean, a Willis, a Kingsley, an Edison, an Orcutt, and a Berkeley. Also related to the Francos. That links him to a whole lot of other actors, doesn't it, including Bruce Willis, Ben Kingsley, James Franco, James Dean, Jimmy Stewart, Taylor Swift and so on. The Edisons and Orcutts take us back to Salem, and DeaconSamuelEdson (in Russell's genealogy), who married Susannah Orcutt. Threepeopleclosely related to them were accused of witchcraft: Eunice Potter, wife of John Frye; Anne Foster, wife of Andrew Foster; and Mary Clement, wife of John Osgood.
For more interesting connections, let's return to the Baronet Meyers. In the peerage, we find that the 4 th Baronet Meyer's sister Tessa Violet married David Peter Murdoch in 1977. We may assume he is related to Rupert Murdoch. Why? Well, for one thing, Rupert Murdoch's daughter Elisabeth married a Freud—yes, the grandson of Sigmund Freud, Jewish. His son James married a Kathryn Hufschmid, also probably Jewish. Rupert's sister Anne married Milan Kantor, Jewish. If you don't believe Milan Kantor was Jewish, just type in “Milan Kantor Jewish”, which takes you to this page. There you find him listed, married to a Murdock, and related to the Green, Berlowitz, Schussler, Brod, Wiesner, Mahrer (Maher), Fuchs (Fox), Rothman, Kraus, Schiller, Schick, Friedmann, Robitschek, Kohn, Pollak and Lorentz families. You also find two mentions of Jewish cemeteries. This just reminds us that Rupert Murdoch is also Jewish—through his mother if not through his father. His mother was Elizabeth Joy Greene, sold as Irish but probably Jewish. She is also a Taylor. Her father is scrubbed at Geneanet, but her mother is a Forth. They are also in the peerage, descended from the Earls of Forth and Dukes of Melfort, related to the Stewarts.
Before we move too far ahead, I want you to pause on the name Kantor again. Try spelling it Cantor, and remember Cantor Fitzgerald, a huge investment bank founded in 1945. The Fitzgeralds were also related to all these people in the peerage, including the Stewarts and of course the Kennedys.
But back to Richard Spencer. Spencer went to St. Mark's School in Dallas, another spook feeder. It spun out of Texas Country Day School, founded 1933. Note the date. We have seen it before. St. Mark's is one of the richest high schools/prep schools in the country. And it is not racist, either. 46% of its student body is “of color”—meaning either hispanic, black, or asian. The school is very heavy with famous Jewish alumni, as you see here. Note the names Stern, Levy, Weiss, Rice, Blair, Marcus, Zisk, Hersh, Eichenwald, Sulkowicz, Silverman, Rudman, etc. Spencer then graduated magna cum laude from the University of Virginia in English Literature and Music. He then got an MA in Humanities from the University of Chicago. After that he went to Vienna, where he studied at the Vienna International Summer University—part of the Institute Vienna Circle. This is also very Jewish and very exclusive. Spencer then worked on his doctorate in modern European intellectual history at Duke University.
I'm sorry, but that isn't the resume of a white supremacist. That is the resume of an agent in training. His website says he left Duke before getting his PhD “to pursue a life of thought-crime”. Again, a bit too clever for a white supremacist. He is referring to George Orwell, of course, but he is also giving you a clue he knows you won't be able to read. His “thought-crime” is his project, which consists of controlling the opposition. In our society, only agents are capable of thought-crime, since only they really exist outside the box. Or that is how they see it.

Spencer immediately went to work for Scott McConnell (above) and Pat Buchanan at the American Conservative. It should be named the American Fascist, since it aims to conserve nothing, except the hegemony of these ruling familes. McConnell is heir to the Avon fortune. Avon was founded by David H. McConnell, sold as Irish, but with his genealogy scrubbed. However, his son married a Sisman, and she also married a Neeman (Neiman) and a Dodge. See my paper on Mabel Dodge for more on that
His grandson married. . . wait for it. . . a Russell. Could the McConnells be in the peerage? No, not one. Just kidding, there are about 220 of them, including the Baronets of Belfast, Baron McConnell of Lisburn, and the current Baron McConnell of Glenscorrodale. They are related to the Hughes Baronets. More importantly they are related to the Greys of Northumberland, specifically the 1st Earl Grey. Through them they are related to everyone in the peerage. Notice how Northumberland came up again! That's like 10 papers in a row, without trying.
Pat Buchanan is a Schott and a Schoeppner on his mother's side, in the direct maternal line. That's Jewish. Also a Noll, which should be Knoll, also Jewish. On his father's side he is a Kennedy. Also a Baldwin, a Gates, a Weber, a Schweitzer, a Clark, a Glover, a Daniel, a Sachs and a Stein. His genealogy is posted to 12 generations.
The third founder of American Conservative is Taki Theodoracopulos. His bio is scrubbed at Wikipedia, and they don't even bother to mention he is from the family of “Greek” shipping tycoons. Of course, all these alleged Greek tycoons are Jewish, including Onassis, Embiricos, Niarchos and the rest. Taki is part of the same project as Spencer, pretending to attack his own to control and create the necessary opposition.

For Embiricos, see here. For Niarchos, we find he liked to hang out at the Palazzini Stupinigi in Turin, along with Prince Philip, the Rothschilds, and others. Why? Because this magnificent palace had been a hunting lodge of the Dukes of Savoy for centuries. Like other royal houses, they were invaded by the Medicis in the 17th century. The 1st Duke's wife was Margaret of France, and her brother Henry II married Catherine de Medicis. Since the Medicis were Jewish, the later Dukes and palace also became Jewish, which is why much later they welcomed these Jewish billionaires like the Rothschilds, Prince Philip, and Niarchos as guests. For more indication of that, see the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, which is a prominent ally of the Rockefeller Foundation. They both sponsor the Jewish Museum. If Niarchos were really the son of naturalized Americans, as we are told, why would he sponsor the Jewish Museum? Strangely, this sponsorship of the Jewish Museum is not listed on the Wikipedia page for the Niarchos Foundation. Why not? Possibly because the Niarchos Foundation also funds (read owns) the Wikimedia Foundation. Niarchos also funds the Museum of Modern Art, whichwehave seen is a CIA front. Also see Frances Stonor Saunders' The Cultural Cold War for more on that.
As for Onassis, he is a close relative of Niarchos. Ari and Stavros were brothers-in-law, so if we prove one is Jewish, both probably are. Also remember that Onassis later married Jacqueline Bouvier, and I have shown you indication in previous papers both Bouvier and Kennedy come from crypto-Jewish lines. Even JewornotJew admits that about Bouvier. They admit her step-brother Gore Vidal outed her, telling the world her mother was really Janet Levy, anglicized to Janet Lee. [That helps us in other places, doesn't it, where we can link Lee or Leigh to Levy.] Janet Levy's father was Vice President of J. P. Morgan Bank, just more indication in the same direction. Amazingly, after admitting that, JewornotJew ignores it, telling us Gore Vidal was lying. They then give Jackie a score of 5 and tell us she is not a Jew. Really?
And Theodoracopulos? Well, besides being the son of a billionaire, he is—Wikipedia tells us—the grandson of Panagiotis Poulitsas, President of the Greek government in 1946. Taki's wife is Princess von Schoenburg-Hartenstein. The transparency of all this continues to astonish me. Remember modernist composer Arnold Schoenberg, admitted to be Jewish? Some historians try to sell the Schoenburgs as very old Saxon Lords, but they are actually very new, the first Prince of Schoenburg- Hartenstein being ennobled in 1822. For more indication along these lines, we can look at Alois Schoenburg-Hartenstein, the 4th Prince. Although he commanded in WWI, they refuse to tell us his rank. And although he was appointed by Emperor Karl I, and the monarchy of course collapsed after the war, the Prince somehow wasn't affected by this, continuing to advance. He became Secretary of the Army in 1933 and Defense Minister in 1934. Also notice his first name, Alois. We looked at that in depth in my paper on Hitler's genealogy.
For more on this, see the Merten Affair of 1960, which tends to support my analysis here. Max Merten was an alleged Nazi commander in Greece, sentenced after the war to 25 years (1959). However, he luckily benefitted from an amnesty for war criminals that very year and was immediately released! Let that be your first big clue. The next year, Merten gave an interview to Der Spiegel, where he testified that Premier Konstantinos Karamanlis, Interior Minister Takos Makris, and Defense Minister George Themelis were all Nazi informers, rewarded for their services by being given the business of a wealthy Greek Jew—who was allegedly sent to Auschwitz. Since we have seen in my paper on Hitler's genealogy that Nazis were actually Jewish actors, that gives this Merten Affair a whole different spin, doesn't it? It indicates that all the top Greek officials were actually Jewish. More indication of that is that none of those Greek officials ever sued Merton for slander. The second two sued Der Spiegel, but Merton never appeared in court or testified in any way. Curious. Karamanlis never sued anyone, and the charges against him were never decided one way or the other.
Finally, notice that Taki's birthdate is given as 8/11/36. Aces and eights. Although he claims to hate the US, he went to prep school in New Jersey, at the prestigious Lawrenceville School. It is one of the oldest in the US, founded 1810. It was founded by Isaac van Arsdale Brown (Braun?), whose wife was Mary Houston. Her father was William Houston, Continental Congress. His page is managed by our mutual friend Erica “the Disconnectrix” Howton, so we know we are onto something. This member of the Continental Congress is scrubbed, with no grandparents. Amazing. But his wife was Jane Smith, daughter of Rev. Jonathan Dickinson, first President of Princeton University. This links us to Emily Dickinson and previous papers. The Reverend's wife was Johanna Melijn, daughter of Isaac Melijn and Dorothea Samson. These look like Dutch Jews, but Erica scrubs them before we can get any proof. More indication of this is that Rev Dickinson's granddaughter Anne married George Green. His mother was an Ely. She is scrubbed, but that is probably Jewish. Green's paternal grandmother was Joanna Burroughs Reeder, and her mother was a Burroughs. She was related to Furmans and Beers, both Jewish names. The Burroughs of course take us right back to Salem again.
But back to William Houston. One of his sons was named Churchill Houston, which should raise your eyebrows. It takes us where I already thought we were going, as soon as I saw the name Houston. We have seen the Houstons from the peerage in several recent papers, starting with my Hitler paper. Hitler's nephew was William Stuart-Houston, remember? The encyclopedias don't tell you where those names come from, since his father was a Hitler and his mother was a Dowling. But I showed you they came from the upper reaches of the peerage, where the Houstons were related to not only the Stuarts, but also the Stanleys and of course the Spencer-Churchills. So we see the Continental Congress was already infested with these British peers even before 1776, pretty much destroying the history we have been taught.
Anyway, the point of that diversion was to connect Theodoracopulos to these people one more time. The prep school in New Jersey he went to was another spook feeder, like the prep school in Dallas Richard Spencer went to.
So let's return to the American Conservative magazine. The current national editor of the AC is Benjamin Schwarz, Jewish of course. He was previously the foreign policy analyst for the RAND corporation, big surprise. So he is a spook. He was also on staff at the Brookings Institute, called non- partisan and even liberal, but again a fascist front for the major families.
We are told Spencer was fired from AC for being too extreme. But he immediately moved to Taki's Magazine, which is an offshoot. So that doesn't make any sense. Taki was the third founder of AC, so Spencer just moved from one masthead to the other. In 2011 Spencer started his project in earnest, becoming director of the NPI and molding himself into a neo-Nazi in the cast of George Lincoln Rockwell. See my sub-paper on him, outing him as a construct of Naval Intelligence. Just as the American Nazi movement came out of ONI, Spencer and his new project also come out of some arm of Intel, although I can't tell you which one. It doesn't really matter.
What matters is that Spencer looks to me like another crypto-Jew pretending to be a raving anti-Semite. We have seen them do this over and over. We saw it with David Irving. We saw it with Ezra Pound, Eustace Mullins, George Lincoln Rockwell, and dozens of others. Most importantly, we saw it with Hitler and his group of crypto-Jews, creating their own opposition. This has to be the biggest conjob in modern history, beating out even the fake Communism project. If you haven't read that paper on Hitler, you won't get this paper, so go read it.
Like George Lincoln Rockwell, Spencer has links to the American Renaissance Party. Back in the time of Rockwell and Eustace Mullins, it was called the National Renaissance Party, but it is basically the same thing: another ridiculous Intelligence front. It was founded in 1949, year three of the CIA, and Mullins was in by 1952. Rockwell was associated with it a few years later, until he moved up a notch to the American Nazi Party. Richard Spencer spoke to the American Renaissance Party in 2013. You can read his lovely speech at that link. Notice the painting of Caspar David Friedrich at the top of the page there. This is another clue:

Spencer or his site editor is clearly trying to make a link to the Nazis there, since Friedrich was a favorite of the Nazis. However, Friedrich, like Spencer, is actually Jewish. The lying historians don't admit it, but he is. His father was named Adolf Gottlieb Friedrich, which could be either German or Jewish. It is probably lacking his real last name, since those three names are normally not surnames. They are given names. See Caspar David Friedrich Wilhelm Monninghoff, for instance. Caspar's mother is given as a Bechly, otherwise scrubbed. In his book on Friedrich, Norbert Wolf (note the last name) admits the old stories about Friedrich being from a line of Protestant Counts from Silesia or Sweden, driven out for their faith, are totally unsubstantiated. What Wolf doesn't say is that these planted stories are a clue in themselves. Those who lie about their ancestry are doing so to hide something. We have seen that in cases like this they are normally hiding that they are Jews. Wolf also admits that, as usual, we get two contradictory stories about Friedrich's early life. We are told he was very poor, but are also told he had private tutors, which belies that. How many times have we seen that?
More clues come up, which of course Wolf refuses to analyze. Friedrich was brought up by a housekeeper, Mother Heiden. See my paper on Hitler's genealogy for many variations of that name, indicating it was also Jewish. The historians probably changed the spelling from Haiden, which is in Hitler's genealogy. It later became Hayden, Haydn and Haden. Another clue is Friedrich's birthplace, Greifswald, a Hanseatic seaport. The Jews, being cloth traders and bankers, tended to congregate in seaports, as we have seen. At the time of Friedrich's birth, Greifswald was part of Sweden. We are told Friedrich's father was a soap boiler, but that is another poor joke, referring to the later Nazi joke about making soap from Jews. [Remember, we have discovered it is Jews making these jokes about themselves, which—at least for me—changes everything.] Besides, a soap boiler and candle maker could not possibly have afforded to send his son to university at age 15, and later the prestigious Academy of Copenhagen. These places were for children of privilege, indicating Friedrich's father was a wealthy merchant of some kind. Since they are so keen to hide it from us, he may have been a banker.
As for the Bechlys (Friedrich's mother), they are also a red flag in the same direction. See Gerhard Bechly, Lt. Col. in the Wehrmacht, allegedly captured by the Russians in 1942 and held at Lunjowo, where he founded the National Committee for a Free Germany. This anti-Nazi group of German soldiers was allegedly “assisted” by the Russians, which makes no sense. It would make them traitors and spies against their own country, which is not really believable. Also notice Bechly's rank, which is a common rank for active field Intelligence heads, as we have seen. This indicates to me that the entire League of German Officers was another hoax. Since the Nazis themselves were a grand hoax, any promoted opposition to them must have also been a hoax.
Also see Hans Bechly, alleged German union leader during the same war, who somehow avoided any inconvenience from the Nazis.
For more, see Charlotte nee Beutel Bechly, d. 1876. Beutel is Jewish. See, for example, this.
Also see Edward Bechly, US editor and publisher until 1923. His mother was a Weesner, which is a misspelling of Weisner or Wisner, Jewish, mostly from Romania. Also see Edmund Theodore Bechly, whose mother was Martha Sarah Hulda Reisenser. Reisener is Jewish.
So anyway, Bechly is a Jewish name, which is strong indication Caspar Friedrich was Jewish. As I said, I don't think Friedrich was his last name, his father's name probably being obviously Jewish also, hence scrubbed. And since Friedrich's most famous painting appears at the top of Richard Spencer's speech to the American Renaissance Party, I see it as yet another cloaked indication he is Jewish. It is a signal he thinks no Gentile can read. In almost every case but mine, he would be right.
Another red flag in Spencer's bio—and more indication I am right here—is Spencer's wife Nina Kouprianova. Like Spencer, her resume belies the entire project. She has a PhD in history from the University of Toronto, focusing on contemporary Russia and US foreign policy. It looks like she is also Jewish. Why?

Well, go here, where we find an International Workshop on Lysenkoism, chaired by Deborah Coen and featuring Alexei Kouprianov of the State University of St. Petersburg. Lysenko is a Jewish name. See gymnast Tatiana Lysenko, admitted to be Jewish. Also see here. This International Workshop in 2009 was sponsored by the Harriman Institute at Columbia University. This Institute is named for William Averell Harriman, son of billionaire E. H. Harriman, and is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. I have shown the Rockefeller Foundation is also run by crypto-Jewish interests. Harriman's sisters married a van Rensselaer and an Owen. David Crosby is a van Rensselaer. The Owens we know about. Harriman was also a Carpenter, a Schuyler, an Abeel, a Schenck, and a Noel. Also related to the Banckers, Hulls, and Allens. He descended from Abraham Isaacsen ver Planck, a wealthy merchant with the Dutch East India Company.
The Harriman Institute is again heavy with Jewish scholars. See here. Although we are told it focuses on Russia, many of the faculty are involved in Jewish scholarship.
So, to make a long story short, Nina Kouprianova doesn't look or feel to me like the wife of a white supremacist. She looks like the Jewish wife of a Jewish agent pulling another fast one on us.
For one last clue, Spencer calls himself an atheist. Wow. That at least is a change of the project from past iterations. Fake white supremacists and neo-Nazis of the past have almost always been some stripe of fundamentalist Christians. But Intel apparently decided to go another way here, using atheism as a direct tool against Christianity, as in their science projects. Doesn't make much sense to me, since Spencer is being used as an Anti. Which means atheism will get blackwashed here, along with everything else. Not what they want. Or maybe Spencer just can't stomach pretending to be a fundamentalist Christian. Maybe he drew the line there. He has given in a bit, saying he is a “cultural Christian”, whatever that is. A person born into a Christian culture who doesn't have to act like one, I guess. Also known as a Jewish person.