by Miles Mathis
First published August 6, 2016
As usual, this is just my opinion, based on internet research anyone can do.
Yes, this one was especially fun figuring out. The picture above is your first clue. Notice how all these guys like Gibson, David Letterman, and Robin Williams look like rabbis once they pass 60. And no, not everyone who grows a long beard looks like a rabbi. The ZZTop guys never looked like rabbis to me.
The second clue is where that picture came from. I found it posted at jewishpress.com, where they are reporting on how Gibson is “the new Oskar Schindler”. No, really, I am not making that up. There, they remind us that after his alleged anti-Semitic event, where in 2006 he asked a Jewish policeman if he was Jewish (oh my god!), he made public apologies and donated to Jewish charities. Now Gibson is helping Holocaust survivors. Hmmm. Is that what real anti-Semitic people normally do? Hasn't Gibson's whole act always been a little short of convincing?
Then remind yourself he is an actor. He is always playing a part. In Hollywood he has been playing the part of the anti-Semite. This would explain why he was never seriously ostracized by Hollywood or his fellow Jewish actors. You always see him at the Oscars and the Golden Globes, with Ricky Gervais ribbing him about it or something. No one in the know has ever seemed to take it seriously.
Plus, no one ever asks the obvious question: Do you really think Mel Gibson would have become one of the biggest actors in the world if he and his father were really anti-Semites, born-again Christians, or any of that? No, Hollywood and worldwide cinema is runs by Jews, and everyone knows that. You don't advance in film in any capacity without being Jewish or Jewish-rubberstamped.

Also remind yourself that his biggest film was the (for me) unwatchable Passion of the Christ. Only knowing what I do now can I look back and begin to make sense of that. To start with the biggest clue, the film is in Aramaic and Hebrew. We are told that was done as a nod to authenticity, but it always seemed strange to me. You may wish to consider the possibility it was done for another reason. That may seem like a stretch to you, but add some other facts to the pot before you make your final decision. Here is one: the female lead, the Virgin Mary, was played by Maia Morgenstern. Kind of reminds you of Rhoda Morgenstern, doesn't it? Both Jewish, of course. Actor Sergio Rubini is also probably Jewish, since Rubini is not an Italian name. It comes from the Jewish Rubin. Likewise, I would guess James Caviezel is also Jewish. His mother is given as a Lavery, which is probably a variation or slur of Levy. A search on that also takes us to the name Lavey, as in Anton Lavey.
You will say, “So what? Historically, these people were Jewish, you bonehead. Jesus was Jewish, remember? Which means the Virgin Mary was, too. Who was Gibson supposed to hire for the parts, Danes?” True, but by that reasoning, it makes no sense for the mainstream to deny Rubini and Caviezel are Jewish, selling them as Italian and Romansh. And I still find it curious to see so many Jews working on this film called by many anti-Semitic.
Next, go to the Wiki page for the film and study the sidebar. Note all the Jewish names involved in the production of this (allegedly) stridently Christian and anti-Jewish film. Some of the actors may have needed to be Jewish for authenticity, but did the production crew need to be as well? For more, see the full credits at the end of the film, and note all the Jewish names in prominent positions. I would be willing to bet that Bruce Davey, producer, is Jewish.
Then note the other screenwriter, along with Gibson: Benedict Fitzgerald. If you don't know what I mean, you may wish to read my paper on F. Scott Fitzgerald. The most prominent Fitzgeralds aren't Irish and never were. We will see them again below.
So it looks to me like the film isn't anti-Semitic, as we were told. It is actually anti-Christian. I think it was made to sour normal people on Christianity. Yes, I see it as a continuation of the old Theosophy project of 1875, which never ended. The ADL complained that the film made some Jews look bad, but no one looks good in the film. It is hard to watch from beginning to end, and not just because we know the lead actor is about to be fake-crucified. It is unbelievably dark and violent from the first frame. It unwinds like a negative hypnosis, and I am telling you the suggestion being planted is that the entire story of Christianity is a nightmare. Mel Gibson isn't promoting Christianity here. He is subtly blackwashing it, making you think that anyone who has anything to do with Christianity (or any other religion) is mentally ill.
And when I say any other religion, yes, I mean Judaism, too. As I have said in previous papers, these Jews from the ruling families would seem to wish to destroy Judaism the religion as well. While they wish to rule the world from certain Jewish bloodlines, they wish to ditch the old moralities as far as possible, no matter where they came from. This is because the old moralities get in the way of “free trade”. Religions promote rules of conduct, such as not lying or stealing, and those rules just get in their way.
You probably still aren't convinced, so let us take a look at Gibson's genealogy. That is normally an eye-opener. Mel's full name at Geni.com is Mel Colm-Cille Gerard Gibson. He already sounds like a peer, doesn't he? His father is private and scrubbed. Really? What are they hiding there? Why would an actor's father need to be private and scrubbed, especially when that father has already been in major media? Mel's mother's name is given, but she is also scrubbed, with no parents given. The only clue we get is that the pages are managed by a Lehrer. Jewish. Well, we get a couple of other clues, but they aren't directly in Mel's line.
We are told Mel married a Moore and partnered a Ross, and that his siblings married people with the surnames Dunne, Donahoe, Estridge, and O'Connor. We will come back to that.
Wikipedia actually gives us far more genealogical info than Geni on Gibson. There, we find Mel's dad is Hutton Gibson, son of businessman John Hutton Gibson. This links us to the Huttons, of course. As in E. F. Hutton. Mel's dad has his own Wiki page, so Mel didn't come from nowhere. Mel's grandmother Eva Mylott also has her own page at Wikipedia, where we find she was a famous opera singer. Her mother was a Heffernan. Mylott is related to the pianist Tamara Cislowska. Cislowska's mother is given as Neta Maughan. This is interesting, because although Cislowska's father is not given in her bio, the name Cislowski is Jewish, related to the Pollocks, Epsteins, etc. Just search on Cislowski Jewish. They are on the Holocaust survivor lists.
For a curious tangent, you may wish to visit the Wikipedia page for the Maughan Library at King's College, London. The building was originally built by Henry III as a residence and chapel for Jews that had converted to Christianity. The Chapel was rebuilt later by Inigo Jones, whom I have linked previously to the Jones of Anglesey, related to the Owens, Swifts, etc. The current edifice was built by Sir James Pennethorne beginning in 1851. Pennethorne studied under John Nash, who studied under Sir Robert Taylor and married a Kerr. Remember that surname Kerr for later, since we will see it many times below. The Maughan Library was named for Sir Deryck Maughan, a senior partner at Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts &Co. (KKR), an American equity firm—a spin-off of Bear Stearns. Kohlberg, Kravis, and Roberts are all admitted to be Jewish. Maughan was previously Vice-Chairman of Citigroup and before that CEO of Salomon Brothers. He was also Vice-Chairman of the NYSE. If he is not Jewish I am not white.

So let's go back to Mel's dad (above). Did you know he was the 1968 Jeopardy! Grand Champion? So he is not some Bible-beating rube, like he is sold. He is admitted to have a genius IQ. Check out his birthdate: August 26, 1918. Wow, so he is almost 99 and still kicking? Or is he? That date is suspicious. 8/26/18. 2+6=8, so we have aces and eights again, dead man's hand. Indicating to me Hutton Gibson is probably a spook. They admit he was military, but we get no rank.
As with Mel's antics, Hutton's antics look scripted to me. As just one example, Hutton Gibson is famous for his Holocaust denial, but on his Wiki page it is admitted that his most famous rant—one week before the US release of the Passion of the Christ—was on the radio talk show of Steve Feuerstein. Good-ole Steve Fire-Stone. Feuerstein is a Jewish surname. See Aaron Feuerstein, for example. But I guess the genius Hutton Gibson couldn't figure that out. He thought it was a good idea to air his theories on a Jewish radio show.
But back to my original question. Hutton Gibson has supposedly been a muckraker for decades, badmouthing the Pope and Jews back to the 1970s. So how is it that Hollywood simply ignored him until recently? With such an outspoken father, do you really think Mel Gibson could have advanced in Hollywood? No, everyone knows this is all just another project, and that the Gibsons are Jews themselves.
Geni doesn't tell us, but Wikipedia admits another partner of Mel Gibson was Oksana Grigorieva. But if we click on that, we find she was born Oksana Chernukha. That may be Jewish. A search on that takes us to EthniCelebs, which apparently used to admit it, but has since scrubbed it. Here is the Google entry:
Ethnicity of Celebs | What Nationality Ancestry Race – Page 1517 ethnicelebs.com/page/1517?pg=14&mobile_switch=mobile
She is the daughter of Russian parents, Lyudmila Grigorieva and Petr Chernukha . She has a son ... It is not clear how distant her Sephardi Jewish ancestry is.
But if we click on that, we find no such thing on that page. Strange.
She was previously married to Igor Baranov. We saw that name in my paper on Lenin, where I showed it was Jewish. It is probably related to the Jewish Barent/Baron, as in Sacha Baron Cohen. His family was originally Barent-Cohen.
Oksana Grigorieva was also married to Brit “artist” Nicholas Rowland.

Rowland is also a (crypto)-Jewish name. It was originally Rowlands, and it also hails from Anglesey, Wales, where the Rowlands are related to the Roberts. See the name Roberts above, in the firm Kohlberg, Kravis and Roberts. In the peerage, you can go to Emma Rowlands, who married James Bulkeley, 6th Viscount of Cashel, in 1749. His mother was an Egerton and his son married a Warren. His grandmother was a Lee, daughter of Henry Lee, 3rd Baronet. They were also related to St. Johns, Popes, Knollys, Riches, Boleyns and Leightons. They were also descended from the Cavendishes, Earls of Devonshire. Also see Hugh Rowland of the 19th c., who married a Jones whose mother was a Russell of the Baronets Russell. They were related to the Shelley Baronets. The Russell Baronets soon married with the Lennox Dukes (1867), which linked them to the Gordons, Campbells, Kerrs, and Blairs. We already saw a Kerr above, didn't we, married to John Nash. Not a coincidence, as you will see.
More recently, we find a Marian Rowland from Wales marrying Col. Seymour Gordon Rivett-Carnac, son of Charles Forbes Rivett-Carnac and Isabel Stannus Gordon, in 1925. The Rivett-Carnacs were also Baronets, and the first one's mother was a Fisher.
So anyway, we have already seen that for someone who allegedly hates Jews, Mel Gibson seems to be related to a lot of them. Since we are already at thepeerage.com, let's take a look at the Gibsons there. There are about 775 of them, including the Baronets of Keirhill, the Baronets of Linconia, the Baronets of Great Warley, and the Barons Ashbourne. The 1st Baron Ashbourne was the son of a Grant. In 1926 his daughter allegedly went to Rome to shoot Mussolini. Right. Another fake.* These Barons were related to the Villiers and Woods. The 3rd Baron was a Vice-Admiral in 1952.
The Baronets of Keirhill descend directly from the Baronets Gibson-Craig of Riccarton, the first of whom was the son of a Balfour. They were also related to the Grants. Also related to the Murrays, Lords of Elibank, and through them to the Stewarts and Carnegies. These Stewarts were related to the Kerrs. Third time we have seen that name. These Stewarts go back in a direct line to Alexander Stewart, High Steward of Scotland, who died in 1298 fighting for William Wallace. This could be why Mel Gibson was involved in Braveheart. Who did Gibson portray in that movie? William Wallace.

Gibson is also related to his character Fletcher Christian, whom he played in the 1984 The Bounty. Christian was from a line of judges on the Isle of Man. He was also a Dixon, Kirby, Furness, Lancaster, Musgrave, Stapleton, Neville, Fleming, and Hutton. So Mel Gibson is related to the real Fletcher Christian. This means that once again, we see current actors reselling the stories of their direct ancestors—stories that are usually not true. Christian is a direct descendant of Sir Richard “the Kingmaker”Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick, and that is admitted at Geni.com. Through the Dixons, Fletcher Christian was related to the Stewarts, the Egertons, the Greys, and the Booths. In fact, he is related to Lady Mary Booth, b. 1704, whom I have hit recently. Her father was the 3rd Earl of Warrington, and they are related to the Clintons, Cecils, Fiennes, and Temples (think Shirley Temple). But when did I click on this Booth? The name is still red from my click. It was not for this paper. It was in my paper on Ben Franklin from just two weeks ago. I showed he is related to all these same people through the Pratts.
[Addendum March 24, 2018: For more strange links, we can look at Errol Flynn, who played Fletcher Christian in the 1933 Wake of the Bounty, in his screen debut. On Flynn's Wikipedia page, we are told Flynn was not related to anyone on the Bounty—despite claiming to be. But it turns out that is a bold- faced lie. All we have to do is go to Errol Flynn's genealogy posted in plain sight for free at Wikitree, where we find Fletcher Christian was his 6g-grandfather on his mother's side. Of course that means Errol Flynn and Mel Gibson are cousins—something like second cousins twice removed.
In Fletcher Christian's close descendants, we also find Menzies, Drivers, Coffins, Palmers, Adams, Buffetts, and Gordons. Mel Gibson is also an Adams. His 4g-grandmother was Sarah Adams. The name Driver undoubtedly links us to actors Adam Driver and Minnie Driver. As for Menzies, it is pronounced Mingis, and is linked to that US surname. It is supposed to be a Scottish name, but it more likely has Jewish roots. See Maj. Gen. Sir Stewart Menzies, head of MI6 from 1939 to 1952. He was also in the peerage, having married the daughter of Gilbert Sackville, Earl De la Warr. He later married a Paget and a Latham. Menzies was from huge wealth on both sides, his paternal grandfather having founded Caledonian scotch whiskey, the largest brand in the 19th century. His maternal grandfather Arthur Wilson was head of Wilson Line of Hull, one of the largest shipping fleets in the British Isles. In 1906 it merged with North Eastern Railway. These Menzies were friends of King Edward VII, and Arthur Wilson had been part of the Royal baccarat scandal, which took place in his castle. It was even rumored that Edward was the father of Stewart Menzies. This Menzies was the overseer of Alan Turing during WWII, indicating this was all another fake. Since Hitler was a fake, it should not be too shocking to discover the code breaking was also fake. Of course this also destroys the plot of 2014's The Imitation Game, starring spook actor Benedict Cumberpatch.
Finding names like Palmer, Gordon, Menzies, and Coffin on Pitcairn Island with Fletcher Christian throws a huge red flag over the story of the Bounty mutiny. The mutineers and Pitcairn island denizens are sold to us as low-class guys who just wanted to bed the natives, but this now looks to me like cover for something far bigger. For instance, here is a picture from thepeerage.com, supposed to be the grandson of Fletcher Christian who stayed on the islands:

You have to laugh. Fletcher Christian's great-grandfather EwanChristian was a barrister, coal mine owner, and wealthy landowner on the coast of Cumbria, which had been part of the territory of the Isle of Man—ruled by the Earls of Derby. . . the Stanleys. He delivered the Manx Magna Carta to the Stanleys in 1704, by which Cumbria and the Isle were granted some minor tenant rights. From just a quick look at this history, we can see that Christian was probably an agent of the Stanleys—controlled opposition—making sure that any rights granted were mainly illusory, as usual. Ewan Christian's mother was a Wilson, and we just saw them as owners of the shipping fleet. His maternal grandmother was a Fisher, which is a Jewish name. So when we see those names, plus Palmer, Gordon, Buffett, and Coffin on the tiny Pitcairn island, we should be very suspicious. These are some of the top names in the peerage, indicating this was an East India Company project that needed to go in the black. Although there are only about 50 people now on the island, a Christian is still the mayor, almost 230 years later. Also curious is that since 2004, about 1/3rd of the men on the island have been accused or convicted of pedophilia, including two mayors. I assume those convictions are faked, but they seem to be discouraging anyone from moving there, or even visiting. Before that, Pitcairn was famous for its strict moral codes, which prohibited alcohol, dancing, and even kissing in public. Again, it appears they were trying to keep tourists away. Why? Unknown, but I did find a couple of curious things on Google Earth. First, there is a note for “bulldozer dropped from Air Force plane”, near the highest point on the island. Two, the entire northern point of the island is bare, as if there has been work done there in the recent past. Since Fletcher Christian's famous cave is on the edge of this large area, he may have found something there. But most interesting is what I found when I pulled back. Turns out Pitcairn Island is almost dead center of the Pacific Ocean, as far from land as it is possible to get on the Earth. If you pull back all the way, so that you can see the entire circle of the Earth, almost no land is visible on the map. It appears from that vantage that the entire Earth is water. The Antarctic and the Americas are just visible on the far edges of the circle. The nearest larger island is Tahiti, still 1,500 miles away.
So, best guess is something is going on there we haven't been told. I wonder if the locals have heard drilling or seen any “UFOs”? Guess what? They have. There have been sightings not only in the Solomon Islands, but in all the Pacific islands to the East. A search on that also brings up astrange picture tagged “local farmers trying to hide pieces of a giant skeleton found near Christian's Cave, Pitcairn”. I assume that photo is faked, but given what we have discovered about NRO recently, it is a clue nonetheless. It is part of the misdirection campaign about the island. Another clue is found in the next to the last link, when we find that the UFO in the Solomons likes to arise from the ocean at the wreckage of the USS Chicago. If these were really alien ships, that would be extremely unlikely. Also curious is that the sinking of the Chicago was initially not reported by the Navy, with Nimitz threatening to shoot anyone who leaked it to the press. Equally curious is the numerology in the current report, where we are told 1,049 survivors were pulled from the sea, with 62 lost. Not only does 62 add to eight, but if we add 62 to 1049, we get. . . 1,111. Maybe my NRO researcher can dig up some more on all that, but for now we need to get back to the Menzies.
This family also links us to Sir Robert Gordon Menzies, twice Prime Minister of Australia from 1939 to 1966. His middle name came from Maj. Gen. Charles George Gordon, linking us back to Lord Byron. The mainstream bios hide or deny the link, but Byron's real name was George Gordon, and his sister was named Augusta. Charles George Gordon's sister was also named Augusta. Gen. Gordon is famous for “saving” China from the Taiping Rebellion of the 1860s, which might have made China Christian. Instead, China remained under the grip of the Manchus. Anyway, this Menzies authorized Australia's entry into WWII, which is informative. We are told Menzies was considered as a replacement for Churchill, but he couldn't even maintain his position in Australia. With no support from Labour (fancy that), he was forced to resign in 1941. Stung, he spent the next several years cleansing his reputation with an expensive and extensive propaganda blitz. It took until 1947, but at that time it began to pay off. Somehow, by exploiting the fake threat of Communism, the bankers convinced the stupid people of Australia that nationalizing the banks was not in their interest, and the middle-class turned against Labour. Menzies and his cloaked fascists rushed in to “save” the country from the leftists, which they did by soaking it with higher taxes and more fake defense spending.
Then there is director William Menzies, who worked on Gone with the Wind, H. G. Wells' Things to Come, and Invaders from Mars. Things to Come predicted war in 1936, which was useful. Invaders from Mars sold the alien threat, which was also useful to the same people.
Also see John Menzies, head of the largest chain of newsagents in Scotland in the 19 th century. It is now WHSmith Highstreet. The company branched out into Aviation and Logistics in the 20th century, and they delivered not only newspapers from their little blue vans but everything else as well.
Mel Gibson is related to all these people.]
We can come back to the Gibsons, but let's take a peek at the Gerards. Mel's next to last name is Gerard, also important in the peerage. We find about 250 of them there. We can start with William Cansfield Gerard, 2nd Baron of Bryn, who married a Milner in 1877. Her mother was a Beresford. Even better, Milner's mother was a Cavendish-Bentinck. Her father was Lord Cavendish-Bentinck, son of William Bentinck, Duke of Portland, and Mary Cavendish Harley. Mary's grandmother was Lady Cavendish, daughter of the Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Why is this important? Because the Gibsons above are related to these same Cavendishes. See for example Alexander Gibson of Durie, whose mother was a Fleming. He married Elizabeth Stewart. The Stewarts and Cavendishes are closely related. Well, this means the Gibsons and Gerards are related in the peerage, and since we see those surnames together in Mel's name, it tends to confirm that he is from these lines. It can be no accident that he is both a Gerard and a Gibson.
We saw that the Rowlands were related to the Cavendishes as well, confirming my link there. The Rowlands and Gibsons were also related to Kerrs, linking them that way. What this indicates is that Mel was probably related to Oksana Grigorieva. She may have been a cousin.
Now, what about that name Colm-Cille? That is very strange, since that is the name of St. Columba, an Irish abbot from the 6th century. He was the 2g-grandson of Niall of the Nine Hostages, a prehistoric King of Ireland assumed to be a real person. This is where the O'Neill family is said to have come from. But I have never seen living O'Neills take the name Colm-Cille. A search pulls up nothing. My gut feeling is that this name was inserted as misdirection, to make Gibson look more Irish/Scots. Since his dad is a spook with a high IQ, this looks like his doing. The name was likely inserted later to keep you off the genealogy work I am doing, showing Gibson was actually descended from these crypto- Jewish lines in the peerage, many of them pointing back to Anglesey as usual. In support of that, we see that no one else in Mel's family has four names. So one of the names was probably inserted later.
Actually, the name Mel doesn't look right, either. These peers wouldn't use an abbreviation like that as a given name. They would have named him Melvin or Melville or Melchior or something. What if his real name is Melchior? That would be a give-away, wouldn't it?
[Later I figured it out. I put myself inside Hutton Gibson's head and saw the trick. Mel's real name isn't Melvin, Melville, Melchior, or anything else in that line. It is. . . Malcolm. Mal Colm. Hutton then added the Cille, you see. Clever, right?]
For more, let us return to the name Hutton. We saw that it was a surname, connected to Mel Gibson's grandfather. To start with, this may link him to actors Timothy Hutton and Lauren Hutton. They tell us these people aren't related, but I have never found that to be the case. So let's return to the thepeerage to find what we can find. See James Hutton, Baron Hutton, b. 1931. His mother was a Dowling, and we know the Dowlings are closely related to the Stewarts. See Tim Dowling at Geneanet, who brags about how closely he is related to the Stewart Kings (2nd cousin, if I remember correctly). Also see Col. Edmund Bacon Hutton. He married a Bury in 1873, daughter of a Case. Case is a variant of Chase and her mother was a Ford. Bury's father was the Earl of Charleville, and his mother was a Campbell. These CampbellswererelatedtotheKerrs, who were related to the Murrays. Who were related to the Gibsons and Gerards. So we have the link again. The Gibsons, Gerards, and Huttons were all closely related in the peerage, and we see them all in Mel Gibson's immediate family.
Just so you know, these Kerrs were the Marquesses of Lothian, related to the Scotts, the Johnstones, the Bruces, the Douglases, the Stuarts (Earls of Moray), the Gordons, the Morisons and the Bennets.
For more, we find a Peter Fleming Hutton, b. 1919, which links us to the Flemings again. Remember, Alexander Gibson's mother was a Fleming, linking the Gibsons to the Huttons again.
For more, we find Col. William Forbes Hutton of the East India Company in the 19th century. This links us to the Rowlands again, who were also Forbes. Also of interest is Sir Noel Kilpatrick Hutton, who married the daughter of the Baronet Young in 1936. His mother was a Kennedy. We will see them again below, too.
We already have more than enough to go on, but I like to be thorough. So let's go back to the surnames we found on Mel's page at Geni.com: Moore, Ross, Dunne, Donahoe, Estridge, Heffernan and O'Connor. Mel was married to a Moore, remember? Best guess is she was another cousin. There are about 1900 Moores in the peerage. This probably links Mel to Roger Moore, Mary Tyler Moore and many others. The Moores are closely related to most of the families above, including the Stuarts/Stewarts, Johnstones, Douglases, Fishers, Hamiltons, Villiers, Fitzgeralds, Robinsons, Spencers and Kerrs. See for example Lady Beatrice Moore, daughter of the 9th Earl of Drogheda, who married Captain Struan Kerr-Clark in 1909. These Moores have close ties to both the Isle of Man and Australia (like the BeeGees!), and are also closely related to the families Gibbs, Stanley, Russel, Todd, Latham, Fitzalan-Howard, Lyon, Seymour, Tate, Sheppard, Fuller, Armstrong, Jackson, Warburton, Bennet, Jacob, Reid, Fox, Lucas, Tennyson, Drummond, Morgan, Burroughs, King, Peel, Saunders, and Warren.

What about the name Rosalind Ross? She looks like his granddaughter, doesn't she? I mean, he's a good looking guy, but c'mon. He's 61; she's 27. Well, she's probably another cousin, on loan from the family. There are about 1000 Rosses in the peerage, including Ross-Taylors and Ross-Lewins. So the first two clues came very fast, before we even clicked on anything. Let's start by clicking on the 1 st Baronet of Whetstone, b. 1895. He married a Townshend. His son the 2nd Baronet married a Clarke. The 3rd married a Murray. His sister married a Morgan. Next we can look at the 6th Baronet of Balingowin and Carstairs, d. 1856. He is strange because there are no other Baronets of that place. There is a 9th of Carstairs, but no 7th and 8th of anywhere. So it looks like something is being hidden with these Rosses of the late 19th century. We do know they were related to Clarkes, Grants, Murrays (Dukes of Atholl), Hamiltons and McGills.
If we switch to the Rosses of Pitcalnie, we find them related to the Grahams and Chapmans, possibly linking us to Graham Chapman (Monty Python), Mark David Chapman, and that ilk. Also in that line we find Arthur John Ross, who married Una Dawson in 1904. Her mother was Mary Frances Fitzgerald-de Ros, Baroness of Helmsley. Through the Jocelyns, these Rosses were related to the Kennedys. And not just any Kennedys. This Jocelyn, 9th Earl of Roden, married Clodagh Rose Kennedy in 1937. She was the daughter of Edward Robert Kennedy of Baronrath, County Kildare. Those names look familiar, don't they? They should, since Edward's grandfather was the 1 st Baronet. Edward's mother was Alice Gray, and her mother was Emile Pery of the Earls of Limerick. They were also related to the Edwards, Trotters (Brad Pitt), de Veres, Gordons, Lewises, Hunts, and Rices. In a previous paper, I have shown the US Kennedys were descended from these Kennedys in the peerage.
We can now look at the family Ross, Lords of Halkhead. George Ross, the 13 th of Halkhead, married Elizabeth Kerr, whose mother was a Campbell. They were also related to the Scotts, Wilkies, Morisons, Boyles, Lindsays, Crawfords, Stuarts, Carnegies, Hamiltons, Hepburns, MacKenzies, Douglases and Homes.
So anyway, the Rosses are related to both the Kennedys and Fitzgeralds, as well as to the Taylors, Murrays, Kerrs and Morgans. This links them to everyone above, including Mel Gibson. So Gibson's relationship with Ross looks like another cousin relationship.
What about the name Heffernan? We find US Rear Admiral John Baptist Heffernan in the British peerage, since he married the daughter of Baronet Esmonde in 1927. Her mother was a Donovan, which may link us to Wild Bill Donovan, father of the CIA. Do you want to guess what Wild Bill's mother's maiden name was? Think hard. . .
Lennon. No, really. It is too weird for me or anyone else to make up. Donovan's aunt was Anna
Downey. [It just occurred to me that Lennon may be a variation of Lennox.]
The 11th Baronet Esmonde married a Levins in 1924. We saw a Lewin above, of the same families. Both come from the Jewish Levin.
The Heffernans of the peerage are also related to the Hartnetts, which may pull in actor Josh Hartnett. They are also related to the Creightons (Crichtons), Hickmans, O'Briens, Normans, and Franks. Through the Esmondes, they are related to the Pilkingtons, which pulls in Ricky Gervais' little roundheaded friend. Through the Mooneys, the Heffernans are related to the Earls of Berkeley, and through them to the Lennox dukes, the Noels, the Forbes, and the Kerrs. Yep, there are the Kerrs again, proving again that Mel Gibson is from these lines. This also links us to the Hardys, the Palmers, the Gordons, the Reynolds, the Kings, the Moores, the Jones, the Isaacsons, and the Morgans.
In conclusion, we have seen that as usual Gibson is almost certainly a peer, almost certainly Jewish, and very probably gay. And, as usual, I remind you I have nothing against Jews, peers, or gays in general. My problem here is the lying. I don't like being sold a false bill of goods. I can understand why he needs to pass for straight, and that doesn't bother me as much as the rest. A gay William Wallace or Fletcher Christian wouldn't work as well for most people, would it? But the fact that he is running these major projects—tied to the old Theosophy project—against the major religions does bother me a lot. This despite the rather strange fact that I do think the old religions are a nightmare for the mentally ill. As I have said before, I find myself in the very curious position of defending the old religions due to the fact that I can see why they are being attacked. And I think the attackers are more mentally ill than the attackees. That is to say, those running these projects against religion aren't attacking the most nightmarish parts of it. If anything, they have ramped up the nightmare, for their own financial purposes. What they are attacking in the old religions is the moral code, which they find inconvenient for their business models. They are dismantling all the traditional moral codes of all kinds, and we see this directly creating our current nightmare. It is creating ever accelerating levels of stealing, lying, and hoaxing on a grand scale. Mel Gibson's anti-Semitism—as well as his alleged misogyny, his alleged anti-Catholicism, and so on—looks to me like just another one of these hoaxes.
You may ask why a popular actor would agree to have his name dragged through the mud, as Gibson's has been in the past decade. I would guess it is because they all see it as a game. Besides, Gibson likely sees it as an assignment. It is a job like any other: it is what agents do. Remember, Hollywood was absorbed by Intelligence many decades ago, and all actors are agents. This is just the theatrical division of Intel. Gibson got to be the hero for many years, and maybe he got tired of it. He wanted to switch sides and play the villain—always a more interesting part. Also remember that he is being cleansed. In cases like this, the blackwashing is only temporary: it is eventually followed by a whitewashing. My guess is they will reinvent Gibson as the hero again. We see the first act of this new play in the Jewish press, as above, with Gibson being sold as a new Schindler. In a few years, Gibson will be cuddly and embraceable again, with the past decade only adding a richness and depth to his character. You will forget you were ever supposed to hate him. What you won't forget is how you have been changed and formed by this project, and all their other projects. While Mel was going from hero to villain to hero again, you were being trained to distrust men, feel queasy about the heterosexual relationship, look sideways at religious people, and hate anyone who questioned mainstream dogma in any way. You won't hate Mel anymore—because he will have learned his lesson—but you will automatically hate anyone who questions Holocaust figures, questions 911, or questions any other “fact” of the promoted history.
*See the Wikipedia page for Violet Gibson, which makes it clear this was fake. Notice she supposedly shot Mussolini in the nose, but he refused treatment, calling it just a scratch. How could you get shot in the nose and not have any noticeable damage? [Also notice it was in the nose: a common marker for these fake events. Recall a woman named Guseva, who allegedly tried to kill Rasputin and Patriarch Tikhon? We saw her in my paper on Lenin. There were several markers to the fake there, including her age—33—and the fact she had no nose (allegedly from siphilis).] Anyway, Violet Gibson was released without charge at the request of Mussolini himself and deported. Is that what normally happens to people who try to assassinate a head of state? Is that what allegedly happened to Squeaky Fromme, whose gun wasn't even loaded?