by Miles Mathis
First published January 16, 2017
As usual, this is just my opinion, arrived at by internet research anyone can do. I bet you don't think I can find any laughs in this one, but let me know at the end.
Some people seem to think I am privy to inside information or to sources other can't see. I'm not. I don't even have memberships to any of these genealogical sites. I refuse to spend money on this stuff, so I only go to free pages. That's why I give you links: so that you can see what I saw. Everything I have found over the past five years is freely available on the internet, most of it at Wikipedia, Geni, Ancestry, Intelius, or other free mainstream sites.
You may ask why they would leave this information up on the internet. I also ask myself that. My feeling is that, uncollated and unanalyzed, this information normally helps them sell their various agendas. It takes a lot of work to gather it all together, put it in order, and unspin it all. They figure no one is capable of doing that, because no one before me did it. They think you would have to be a professional historian or some other top academic, and they figure they own all those people.
Anyway, strap yourself in, because here we go again. The ride has begun. Please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times, and do not stand up while the car is in motion.
The mainstream is now admitting Hitler was at least partially Jewish. That is from History.com, and the data comes from DNA evidence. You will say I don't trust History.com when they tell me things I don't agree with, so why do I trust them when they tell me this. I will tell you why. It isn't because I trust them on this question. Trust has nothing to do with it. It is because I can see that they are misdirecting even while admitting it. Notice that in the article, they want you to think Hitler is only Jewish in a couple of lines, while being mostly Gentile. They are selling it as a minor irony, while not tying it to anything important. So they are spinning it heavily. This is what they do. We saw them do it with Lenin and many others. This indicates to me that Hitler was probably a lot more Jewish than they are admitting. But I am not taking their word for it either way. I am going to do my own research from the ground up, as usual. I just take their spinning as a hint.
So let's hit Geni.com hard. Hitler wasn't even really a Hitler. We are told the family was originally Hiedler. So why did his father change it? Why move from Hiedler to Hitler? We are told it was to move up in the Austrian Civil Service. By 1876, his father Alois Hiedler, age 39, had topped out in rank [border police, Austrian Customs] “due to his limited education”. To remedy this, he now did two things. One, he amended his baptismal record to indicate Johann Georg Hiedler was his real father rather than his foster-father. Previously, the slot for father had been left blank. This emendation requires four witnesses, but only three testified. We are told all three were illiterate family members and had been underage at the time of Alois' mother's death. Therefore, they shouldn't have been qualified to testify. Two, Alois changed his name to Hitler. We aren't told why this would have helped him move up in rank, and the event isn't even tied to the change in the baptismal record. However, since both events happened at the same time, we may assume they were both done for the same reason. What was that reason?
Well, I assume the problem was that even after the baptismal record change, Hiedler still had a problem: the name sounded Jewish. Locally, it may have been known to be Jewish. In fact, I suspect the entire Frankenberger story has been inserted as misdirection. As you may know, the current worst- case scenario for Hitler's genealogy is that his real paternal grandfather was a Frankenberger, admitted to be Jewish. I suggest that isn't true, and that it has been inserted as a dead end. It looks to me like the “Hiedlers” were Jewish and so was Maria Schicklgruber. But if you are looking at the Frankenbergers, you aren't looking at the Hiedlers and Schicklgrubers.
You may not understand why I would think that, so I will just tell you. It is because I always assume that the two top-ranked stories on any subject are both false. That is what I have always found, so it is a logical assumption. On any websearch, the truth will either be unlisted or it will be downlisted to oblivion. Since the Frankenberger story came up near the top of the first page, I assumed it was garbage, just like the mainstream story. Remember that: the mainstream story and the alternative story are always both false.
Since we will see name changes from all these people below, also pause to ask yourself this: If you are a Gentile, how many times has your family changed its name in the past century? In all my lines, I only found one small change: the Malloys dropped an “l” to become Maloy. So you should find it very suspicious that all these Nazis were constantly changing their names. If they were normal people with nothing hide, why would they do that? If history was really what we have been told, why are the famous people so well hidden?
In support of my hunch, notice that Hitler's father is named Alois. That doesn't sound very Austrian, does it? Looks French. Since he originally spelled it Aloys, that seems even less Austrian. I send you to this Wiki page to get a taste of the name Alois in history. A lot of Nazis there, but not a lot of old Austrian figures. In fact, this page is a goldmine, not only for this paper, but for the entire larger question. Notice that the Pope before the current one was an Alois. Joseph Alois Ratzinger. Arnold Schwarzenegger's middle name is Alois. The mayor of St. Louis during the war was Alois Kaufmann. Kaufmann is of course a Jewish name, and Missouri has long been one of the most politically corrupt places in the US. That's where Truman came from, and Pendergast and Hannegan and that bunch. Then we have Aloys Sprenger, also probably Jewish. He spoke Hebrew and was the principal of Delhi College—which was funded by the East India Company. Not surprisingly, it spawned several gurus who later came to the US and made trouble. Then we have Alois Haba, the Jewish composer from Prague. [If that link doesn't convince you, try this one, where we learn that at the 1923 invitation of Leo Kestenberg (Jewish), Franz Schreker and his entire class abandoned Vienna for Berlin. Haba was part of that class.] Then we have Alois Buttinger, Socialist and Jew. Also Alois Brunner, who I hit in my last paper on Spotlight. He is sold as a Nazi, but appears to be Jewish. Alois Hudal, pro-Nazi bishop, ditto. Alois Adolf Riehl, philosopher and promoter of Nietzsche. We get a two-fer-one with his names, don't we? Alois and Adolf. Riehl is also a Jewish name. See Regine Riehl, convicted in 1907 in Vienna of being a madam, and admitted to be Jewish. Also see Nikolaus Riehl, who worked on the bomb for the Soviets. Also see famous meteorologist Herbert Riehl, admitted to be Jewish. Then we find the famous doctor Alois Alzheimer, admitted to be Jewish. Then Aloys Wach, previously Wachelmeier, Jewish expressionist painter [Wiki: “Was not allowed to paint during the Nazi regime”]. Then we find the Czech writer Alois Jirasek, not admitted to be Jewish but he was a reproducer of Jewish legends and teller of Prague's Jewish history. Then we have Alois Swoboda, son of Adolf, mail- order millionaire who promoted Charles Atlas and the perfect physique. Swoboda was promoted by Ernest and L. Ron Hubbard, who later used Swoboda's gimmickry in Scientology. I assume all were Jews, although I will have to hit it later. It would swamp this paper.*
In short, almost every Alois listed throws up some kind of Jewish red flag, so that from now on we can use the name as a probable marker. Rather than see it as a variation of Louis, as we are told, we can tag it as a variation of Israel, Zion, or Sion. In fact, Alois backwards is Siola. Or, Sion-la. In French, “Zion there”.
And look at the picture of Alois Hitler they have posted at Geni:

You have to laugh. That guy has absolutely no resemblance to Adolf Hitler or anyone else in the family. Here is his other son Alois Hitler, Jr.

Zero resemblance. That picture of Alois, Sr. is a fake. They just grabbed a picture of the most criminal-looking person they could find from that period and posted it as Hitler's father. Don't believe me that we are being toyed with? Check out this: on Alois Hitler, Jr.'s page, he is listed like this in the title: Alois Hitler (Matzelsberger), Jr. What? We appear to be being told that his mother's maiden name is Matzelsberger, but that isn't the way it is usually given. So I see it as a clue. His mother is given as Franziska Matzelsberger, so they want to be sure you don't miss that. Why? Because it couldn't be more Jewish if it were Matzoball. We learn nothing else about her. No parents. Why do they use that name? Because it is almost extinct. According to Namepedia, there are only 12 instances in the entire world. For comparison, Mathis brings up 786,000. Jones brings up 38 million. This indicates Matzelsberger is a fake name, used only by Intel for its jokes.
Also curious to find Alois Hitler, Jr.'s son listed as William Patrick Stuart-Houston. His life is another big joke. On his Geni page, it is made to look like he took his mother's names Stuart-Houston, but in the biographical section at the bottom, it says he just made it up. Besides, his mother's maiden name was Dowling. We have seen that in previous papers, as a variation of Downing, indicating this woman was actually in the peerage. Regardless, according to Wikipedia and other mainstream sources her name wasn't Stuart-Houston, so listing her as a Stuart-Houston is a major problem.
Or was it? Stuart is of course a prominent name in the peerage, so perhaps someone at Geni is giving us a hint here. To unwind it, we have to respell both names, to get Stewart-Houstoun. We then find Houstoun Stewart-Nicholson, a friend of Boswell. His son was the 5th Baronet Greenock, and his grandson was Admiral of the Fleet (5-star) Houston Stewart. His son was also Admiral William Houston Stewart, and he lived until 1901. Bridget Dowling was born around 1891, so we just need the final link.
In searching on this, I found some interesting things which I will share. At thepeerage.com, there is a Doris Dowling, peer, d. 2004, daughter of an unknown Dowling, and Doris came to the US to be an actress. She married Artie Shaw the famous bandleader, and Leonard B. Kaufman (producer of Hawaii 5-O, etc). Why is she scrubbed? Is it connected to our mystery here? I suspect so.
Anyway, it is hard to make that link between Stewart and Dowling, due to scrubbing, but the Dowlings and Stewarts are very closely related, as you see here at Tim Dowling's lineage. As you may know, he has built his own genealogy website, and it is huge. Anyway, he says that he is related to King James Stewart II, 2nd cousin 18x removed. That's an incredibly close relationship to someone so distant in time, as you can see by just scrolling up and down the rest of that page. Do a pagesearch for 1 st and 2nd, and you find that the only other relationships that close but distant in time are a Bacon (13x removed), a Bowes, a Brandon (16x removed), a Bruce (22x removed), a Cecil, a Clifford (14x removed), a de Bourgogne, a de Castile, a Douglas, King Hardecanute, King Harold Harefoot (33 times removed), three King Henriques, a Neville, two King Charles of France, King James V of Scotland, King John II of France, two King Charles of France, Henry V, VI, VII, and VIII of England, three Seymours, a Stafford, King James Stuart I, a Talbot, King Edward VI, and Queens Mary and Elizabeth.
Therefore, when we see Alois Hitler marrying a Dowling and then changing his name to Stuart (Stewart), we should be very suspicious. The odds are very high that Bridget Dowling really was closely related to the Stewarts and that it was part of her name or the name of someone in her family.
Obviously, they had to scrub all this because it means Hitler's brother married into the British peerage before WW1.
[Addendum, January 28, 2017: Also interesting is Houston Stewart Chamberlain, d. 1927, a British- born German philosopher with red flags all over him. He married Richard Wagner's daughter Eva after
she divorced famous composer the Baron Hans van Bulow. [Think of the later Claus von Bulow.] Notice all the composers we see here. Hitler referenced Chamberlain—one of his favorite writers— often. Chamberlain's bio is very curious, since they call him German despite the fact that both his parents are said to be English/Scottish and he was born in England. So why was he German? Are they giving us a clue? Chamberlain's father is given as Rear Admiral William Chamberlain and his mother as Eliza Hall, of the Baronets Hall from Dunglass, Scotland. Her father was a captain in the navy and her grandmother was Helen Douglas of the Earls of Selkirk. So why was H. S. Chamberlain German? He studied under Carl Vogt in Geneva [think of actor Jon Voight] and Julius von Wiesner in Vienna. Odd. After his studies he settled in Dresden and became a “hater of Disraeli”, etc. This all looks staged as opposition control. Why would the son of two military families from the peerage settle in Dresden? Chamberlain later got involved in the Theosophy project, importing bastardized Eastern religions to the West to create chaos. I will have to research Chamberlain more deeply another time, but we can already see him as an early man on the ground in the Nazi project, connected to all these people. It is no coincidence that Houston Stewart and Stuart-Houston come from the same families and the same project.]
But let's return to William Patrick Stuart-Houston. I really suggest you study his Wiki page. He was born in Liverpool. This is curious since the Houston Stewart family was related to the Stanleys of Liverpool. Margaret Shaw-Stewart married the Duke of Somerset, which linked them to everyone important in the peerage. They were also related to the Maxwells, the Walkers, the Forbes, and the Millers. Otherwise, we aren't told why the Hitlers were in Liverpool. Dowling was allegedly from Dublin, and Hitler was of course from Austria. We are told they were in Liverpool because Alois was avoiding conscription, but since this was 1911, the war wouldn't start for about three years yet. If he was dodging the upcoming war, he didn't a very good job of it because we are told he returned to Austria in 1914 to gamble and find a second wife. Just in time for the start of the war. And yes, he was a bigamist.
[Addendum January 28, 2017: I discovered more evidence today at the Dailymail.co.uk. In an article from 2014, we find that while in Liverpool, Alois “worked at a Jewish cafe”. Even better, they give us a picture of Alois Hitler:

See a problem? It doesn't match the other famous photo of him.

Not even close. I will be told, “Yeah, he just got older and thinner”. No, getting older and thinner can't change the shape of your nostrils. We are fortunate because these two photos are taken at almost exactly the same angle. Look at the distance from the nose and mouth corner on the far side to the edge of the face. That tells us these two heads are turned away from us at almost exactly the same angle. But in the first photo, the guy has a broad flat nose at the end. The other guy has a much narrower nose. Since the second guy is younger, you can't tell me he had a nose job to make his nose flatter and uglier. The ears don't match, either.
And we have even more problems. In the census sheet posted there, we find him listed as Anton Hitler, age 28. His son Wilhelm is listed as one month, which would make this April 1911. But since Alois was born January 1882, in April of 1911 he would have been 29 not 28. And his name wasn't Anton. If he were going to change his name from Alois to fit in in England, he would have changed it to something English like Arthur or Alan or Anthony. To the English, Anton wouldn't have sounded any better than Alois.]
We are told Bridget sent her son William to his bigamist father in Germany in 1929, but that is not believable, either. He wouldn't have wished to go and his mother wouldn't have sent him. Anyway, William was working in a bank in Berlin in 1933, but the rest of his bio up to 1939 is contradictory and sparse. Since he was now 28, notice that we have been told nothing about his early life. We don't know where he went to school, how he learned German, or anything else. Suddenly, in 1939 William Randolph Hearst brought him and his mother to the US for a lecture tour. The theme of the lectures was pro-Nazi. Despite that, we are told that at the outbreak of the war he was stranded in the US. He joined the US Navy in 1944 and served until 1947. Despite being a pharmacist's mate, he allegedly won a purple heart. Oivay caramba! Why would he serve until 1947? Only so that they could work that number in there. There were laws against foreign nationals serving during the war, and the idea that Hitler's nephew would be allowed to join the US Navy in 1944 in any capacity is beyond absurd. Again, when he was lecturing in 1939, he was telling his audiences how wonderful his uncle was and what a joy Nazism was. Remember, Hearst was pro-Nazi, and they admit that. It would be hard to deny, since the paper trail stacks to the Moon. To scrub that will require a mighty big bonfire.
But you wouldn't know it from Hearst's Wikipedia page. We get almost no information on Hearst in the 1930s and 40s, and what we do get is heavily spun. His bio basically stalls at 1934, and all we get is this:
In 1934, after checking with Jewish leaders to ensure a visit would be to their benefit, [44] Hearst visited Berlin to interview Adolf Hitler. When Hitler asked why he was so misunderstood by the American press, Hearst retorted, "Because Americans believe in democracy, and are averse to dictatorship."[45]
That makes it look like Hearst was anti-Hitler, but Hearst was actually a personal friend of Hitler. For an unspun take on Hearst, you may visit this page, where the authors reprint actual documents of the time.
So William Hitler's page is a complete reversal of the truth at all points. We are told William married a woman named Phyllis Jean-Jacques who was born in Germany in the 1920s. Really? No actual DOB for this person? Why? Because she is another ghost. Jean-Jacques isn't a German name and it isn't a surname. It is a French given name. Although the couple had four sons from 1945-61, none of them had any children, ending that bloodline. Convenient. I typed Phyllis Stuart-Houston of New York into InstantCheckmate. She is there, age 93, but—although she has many aliases—no mention of the name Jean-Jacques. Also strange that William does not come up as a relative. Only Alex, Brian, and Louis. No son Howard Ronald, Special Agent for the IRS. Same thing at Intelius. No William, no Howard.
But back to Hitler. The name Hiedler itself is uncertain. It was also given in various documents as Hikler and Huetler. All this fudging about something that shouldn't be so variable leads me to believe all the names are slurred. Yes, I think they are all fake, the real name most likely being Hiller. You will see more evidence of this wild-goose chase in a moment, but for now I will tell why I think the name is Hiller. It is because the Hillers were prominent and wealthy Jews in Vienna and Germany, and it would explain the connections Hitler later had in both places. To get you started, see this link to Ferdinand von Hiller, 1811-1885, famous composer and conductor. A student of Hummel, he was already prominent enough at age 15 to visit Beethoven on his deathbed. He was a friend of Spohr, Hauptmann, and Mendelssohn. [Mendelssohn is admitted to be Jewish]. Hiller was from a family of wealthy cloth merchants. His father was originally Isaac Hildesheim, but he changed the name in around 1780 to hide his Jewish roots. This would also help his son, since it would link him to the earlier famous Hiller composers like Johann Adam Hiller. Also remember that Disraeli told us many of the top composers were crypto-Jews.
That means Hitler's real name was not Hitler, Huetler, Hikler, Hiedler, or any other. It was Hildesheim. I think you now see why they had to make up so many ridiculous stories to hide that. Although his mother's side is even more important—and we will get to it in a minute—the name Hildesheim on his father's side would have killed the story by itself.
As you can see from the scrollbar, I came to that conclusion very fast, after just a cursory look at the evidence here. As usual, I came into the question cold, not knowing anything about it before today. That's the way I like to do it. I don't read anyone else's opinion on the subject, I just look at the baseline data, as close to the ground as possible. Does this mean I am jumping to conclusions? No, it means the answer was very obvious to someone not groomed to follow the lies. These things are not hidden in plain sight. In fact, they aren't hidden at all. They are like poop in a kitten's catbox. The little guy just throws some litter around, but doesn't even bother to be sure it covers the poop.
For another Jewish Hiller, see the Socialist writer Kurt Hiller. He was from the same period as Hitler, flourishing in Germany in the 1920s. He was also a gay rights activist, taking over the chair of the Scientific Humanitarian Committee from Magnus Hirshfeld in 1929. This indicates he was a leading spook of the time. He was probably from the same family as Hitler. Why do I say that?

Because Hiller has a family resemblance to Hitler. We don't actually have any good pictures of Hitler young: in my opinion they are all faked or manipulated. However, that one is about as good as we are going to get. I didn't draw the marks on the ear. They were already there, for reasons unknown to me. However, they may have been drawn by the Muses as a clue for us. Although Hiller's ears stick out more, I think you can see the very close shape match. It is astonishing, really. They also both have heavy-lidded eyes that slope down on the corners. The noses are similar, and the eye-to-mouth distance is about the same. To see Hitler's eyes a bit better, we can switch to this one:

There, you can better see how heavy-lidded and sloping Hitler's eyes were, even young. Same ear and nose as the previous Hitler, indicating the same person. I say that because we will see below that many of the famous Hitlers don't match at all.
Before we get there, we can practice on these two. I already noticed something, from just those two. It is the same guy, as I said, but the first one has been manipulated. Look at his eye to your right in the first one. It looked strange to me immediately, but I couldn't spot the problem until I imported the second pic of him. They used the eye from the second one to paste into the first one. Look closer:

The eye to your right doesn't match the eye to your left. The eye has been taken from the other photo, pasted in, and then the lid fold above it has been drawn in—in the wrong place. In fact, I now think the entire first photo was faked using the second as a guide. That's why the left eyes, cheeks, and ears look like carbon copies. This is why it is good to have a portrait painter doing your analysis for you here. I have even been hired occasionally to retouch old photos, so I can see when things have been repainted. When things are wrong—even small things—they jump out at me.
But we will look at more photos later. Let's go back to the genealogy. For more on the name Hiller, I refer you to the Wiki page on that name, where we find much support. See Arthur Hiller, film director of “over 33 films” [including Love Story], admitted to be Jewish. No genealogy past his parents. Stanley Hiller, a pioneering developer of the helicopter. Notice that he is linked to Berkeley and billionaire Henry J. Kaiser. We just saw him in my paper on Max Keiser. Hiller's genealogy is very well scrubbed, with no grandparents. No children are listed for him or any of his siblings, which is unlikely. Then we find actress Wendy Hiller, daughter of major cotton merchant Frank Hiller and wife of Ronald Gow—son of a banker. Otherwise her genealogy is totally scrubbed.
You would expect Hiller to be a very common name, wouldn't you? So ask yourself why Wikipedia lists only 20, with seven of those minor sports figures. I suggest it is because once you have scrubbed Hitler and everyone remotely related to him, you don't have much left.
[Addendum March 4, 2017: In playing an old game of Trivial Pursuit (original Genus edition, 1981), I came across a question asking “what British city did Adolf Hitler study art in?” The answer? Liverpool. Wow. Trivial Pursuit is known for including mainstream propaganda questions, but not for including conspiracy theory. So in 1981, this bit of knowledge must have been mainstream. It is now pooh-poohed by paid mainstream historians and talking heads in the media, but we do have paper evidence for it. Alois' wife Bridget wrote a book in the 1930s, and in it she admits Adolf was in Liverpool in 1912-13. These paid historians dismiss her admission, telling us she was just trying to make money with the book. Maybe she was, but that doesn't address the question, does it? Are they saying she could charge more for the book by mentioning Liverpool? Do they have evidence of kickbacks paid to her by the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce for the plug? No. They are obviously just trying to misdirect, and can be ignored. So we now have evidence linking not just Alois to Liverpool, but Adolf himself. And again, the question is, “Why Liverpool?” Why not Galway or Glasgow or Canterbury? What is the real connection to Liverpool? I found the likely answer in the paper after this one, where I was led back to Liverpool by the Stanley Hiller—helicopter developer— you just met. I ran his genealogy, and found that this famous American inventor of the 20 th century had a daughter who married a Chadwick in a big wedding in London. That ties in here, because the Chadwicks not only hailed from Anglesey, they also hailed from Liverpool. What's more, they were of the peerage, being Baronets who took over the huge and impressive Stanley Manor outside Liverpool. I showed that this indicated a connection between the Chadwicks and Stanleys, and through them to the Hillers. In fact, it may be where Stanley Hiller got his first name. So it appears this may be why the Hitlers were in Liverpool. It look to me like they had kin in Liverpool, and this kin just happened to go right to the top. The Stanleys had been at the top of the peerage for centuries, and had actually installed several kings in the past. Although now apparently less prominent than a family like the Spencer-Churchills, they may simply have gone underground to some extent: having all the old power, or more, but choosing to stay out of the limelight. In support of that, I again point to Bridget Hitler being a Dowling. That name is prominent in the peerage, possibly tying her to all these people as well. The Dowlings are linked to the Stuarts, and through them to everyone, including the Stanleys. I would say the Hitlers' presence in Liverpool before WWI indicates the Stanleys were involved in the Hitler project from the ground floor. We will follow that important clue in upcoming papers.]
We will switch to the maternal lines. Hitler's mother is given as Klara Polzl. Her mother is Johanna Huttler or Huettler. Johanna's sister is given as Josepha Hiedler. But we already saw those names on the paternal side, didn't we? Are we supposed to believe Hitler's parents were first cousins, or are our brains just being further stirred? I suggest the latter. I suggest they had some names they needed to scrub in those positions, so they just inserted variations of the name Hitler again as further confusion. So I am just going to blow by those names. The clues are farther back. Hitler's 4g-grandfather is listed as Simon Pollack. That looks like a Jewish name to me, and we have already tied the Pollacks to the families in previous papers. See my comments on Jackson Pollock, for instance. Or search on “Pollack Jewish” and you will find literally hundreds of hits. If we keep going back from there, we soon come to Haiders, which looks like yet another variation of Hitler. They may have had another name that needed to be scrubbed in that position. These Haiders are the end of the line.
So let's go forward three generations to the Huettlers. Hitler's great-grandmother married Joseph Huettler, and she is listed as Eva Maria Decker. But her father is listed as a Tecker. His father is a Docker. His father is a Dockher, and his father is a Deckher. So more misdirection. The Deckhers are related to the Artners. This attempt at misdirection is pathetically weak, since all those names are Jewish. Decker is a common Jewish name to this day. See Cody Decker. Or just run a search on “Decker Jewish”. So is Artner. Go here to see that Hugo Artner, Jewish merchant in Stuttgart, allegedly had all his property confiscated by the Nazis in 1933. Also see Lilian Artner, who married famous Communist Lou Kenton in the same year. Also the art critic for the Chicago Tribune, Alan Artner.
This is very important, because Decker is in the direct maternal line of Hitler. This is the line that determines whether Hitler is Jewish in the eyes of Judaism. The name Pollack is also in that line. One step back from Pollack in the maternal line, we find the name Fiechtinger, which is more misdirection. They have misspelled it on purpose. It is Feichtinger, and it is also Jewish. See Kristine Feichtinger, writing at that link about shtetl girls. Also see historian Johannes Feichtinger. Also Martina Feichtinger at Hohenems Diaspora. Also writer Christian Feichtinger. This Feichtinger is listed as being from Graz. Is he the same as the Christian Feichtinger at the IAF? I could find no confirmation, but possibly. Both are connected to Graz. If so, it is curious to see the head of the International Aeronautical Federation writing in 2011 about “Othering and Exclusion”.
But it is even easier. Hitler's mother was a Polzl, remember? Well, that is also Jewish. See the 1942 Jewish census in Romania, where we find many Polzls. Also see here. This is why they want you looking at Hitler's paternal grandmother Schicklgruber. If you are looking at her, you aren't looking at his mother Polzl. They need to get your eyes off her immediately.
So why don't they scrub this better? Do they assume we are all idiots? YES! They assume no one will do their own research on this question or any other. They assume you will go to secondhand sources, and as long as all those sources spin this, they figure you won't catch on. They know you won't trust your own eyes at someplace like Geni, so you will Google search on it. When you do, you will find the two planted paths for you: on path one, Hitler isn't Jewish at all; on path two (planted at Stormfront, JewWatch, History.com, etc.), Hitler is Jewish in a couple of unimportant lines. Plus, they figure the only ones really asking questions here are Gentiles, and they figure we are dumb as dirt. They think we can't decode these names like Polzl or Feichtinger as Jewish, or that we will believe it when they tell us the names aren't Jewish. So they only have to partially scrub Hitler's genealogy at places like Geni. They may have removed a few names like Cohen or Einstein or Freud or something, but they just leaves these others up there.
So with almost no research, we have already found Hitler is Jewish in all or almost all his lines. He is Jewish on both the maternal and paternal side, and on his mother's side—the important one—he is Jewish in many lines. There is no way he wasn't aware of it. Given that, we may assume that the whole story about his paternal grandmother being a servant is also false. Like everyone else we have outed, Hitler looks to have been from wealth. He would never have been chosen for his part if he weren't from wealth. To be picked for the magnificent Beer Hall Putsch fake, Hitler must have been from the top Jewish families of Germany and Austria.
If you aren't yet convinced, that is fine. I'm not finished. But if you haven't read my paper on the Beer Hall Putsch, do so immediately before moving ahead. When documents have been scrubbed and/or changed, building a case requires compiling a lot of surrounding and partial evidence, and that paper is an important part of the pile here.
[Addendum January 3, 2018: I just became aware of an article at the Jewish Telegraph Agency from May 10, 2017 (after this paper came out), which admits the surname Hitler was a common Jewish name. . . even in New York City. They reference an article from their own journal of 1933 which reports that “more than 30 [Jewish] families across the city” bore the surname Hitler. They try to pass this off as “ironic”, but it is something more than that. They do not tell us how many Jewish families in New York City, the US, or the world had the surnames Hiller or Hildesheim. But I will tell you that in the meantime, I have also linked the name Hiller to the names Heller and. . . Hillel. It now looks like Hillel is the original name from which all these others derived. See Hillel the Elder, d. 10AD, the namesake of the most prominent line of Jewish Rabbis in European history.]
To add to the pile, I will now show you that it wasn't only Hitler: all the other big names are Jewish as well, including Goebbels, Himmler, Hess, and Eichmann. We will start with Otto Adolf Eichmann. The first clue is his picture at Geni:

Wow. I hate to admit it, but before today I couldn't have told you what Eichmann looked like as an older man. I have never previously studied him. Like a lot of these questions, I come in cold. Which is probably why I can be fresh and objective. But I think we have to admit he looks very Jewish at a glance. I won't rest my case on it, as usual, but I consider this picture to be fair data. There is no reason not to look at it.
The only picture of Eichmann that comes to mind is this one in his uniform:

But there we are signaled strongly by all the Nazi regalia: we don't dare ask ourselves if he looks Jewish. That question is blocked. It never occurred to me before a few months ago. But now, I have to say he looks very Jewish. In fact, he looks a bit ridiculous in that uniform. He reminds me of someone. Who could it be?

Yes, Don Knotts was Jewish. Actually, Eichmann looks more Jewish than Knotts, especially in the ears and nose. And don't laugh too hard at Don Knotts:

That's him with his wife, Loralee Czuchna. Here's Eichmann's alleged wife:

The lesson: if you are a Jewish actor and they give you the choice of playing the head of the SS or a small-town deputy, go for the deputy. I have to insert some levity in these things, or we would all go mad.
Speaking of Eichmann's wife, she is a clue here. She wasn't German. They admit she was Czech, and her name was Liebl. That's Jewish! Also see here. Also here. Also here. See also the name Leibl.
The next thing to notice is how scrubbed Eichmann's maternal side is at Geni. Only his mother is given, as Schefferling. Her parents aren't given, so we are supposed to believe Eichmann's grandparents aren't known. Right. Same thing on his father's side: no grandparents. A total information embargo on one of the most important figures of the 20th century.
Even his name is different at different mainstream sites. At Wiki and Geni, we found him listed as Otto Adolf Eichmann. At Historyplace com, he is listed as Karl Adolf Eichmann. It looks like they could agree on that. But that is not the only strange mistake. In this declassified September 15, 1948 FBI document to the CIA director, Hoover calls him Adolf Karl Eichmann. That is his father. As another clue, it is admitted in this FBI document that Eichmann could speak Yiddish, Hebrew, and several Arabic dialects. Really? If you wished to wipe out an entire race, would you take the time to learn their language? Say you wished to destroy every cat on the planet: would you learn to meow? Beyond that, remember that in Eichmann's bio, we are told he dropped out of vocational college and worked as district manager for an oil company. So when and why did he learn Hebrew and Yiddish and several Arabic dialects? He was 26 when he joined the Nazi party, and we are told he advanced due to his knowledge of the enemy. So he must have already known all this in his 20s.
And we find another problem in that FBI document. This one is a doozy. Director Hoover tells us Eichmann was born in the “German colony Sarona, which is now the seat of the Israel Government and called Hakiriya”. But the current story is that Eichmann was born in Solingen, Germany. Given that, it is worth searching on Sarona. Wiki tells us it is a German Templer colony founded in 1871, now a neighborhood of Tel Aviv. It was “a model for Jewish pioneers”. This means that Hoover has admitted Eichmann was Jewish.
I will be told that the Templers in Palestine were millennial Protestants. Sure they were. That's why they were “a model for Jewish pioneers”. The Templer movement was started by Christoph Hoffmann. His older brother was Wilhelm Hoffmann, first president of the Jerusalem Association in Berlin. But if you still insist these people were not Jewish, answer me this: why change Eichmann's place of birth from Sarona to Solingen? If they weren't hiding he was Jewish, why the change?
Here's something else for you to explain. During WW2, we are told a couple of curious things about Sarona. One, it became rabidly pro-Nazi. Two, in 1941, the British came in and interned the whole village, deporting the 188 worst Nazis to Australia. If Sarona was a town of millennial Protestants, why were they pro-Nazi? According to the story we are told, Millennial were philo-Semitic, like Mormons. They loved Jews, which is why they were in Palestine “pretending” to be Jews. So they wouldn't support the Nazis, would they? Also notice the number 188. Aces and eights, as usual. Another signal this is a project. And then we have the British Mandate coming in and interning the whole village, as if it is Jewish. The Brits didn't intern Nazis, they arrested them as prisoners of war. So again, everything is pointing to these people being Jews. And now you understand why they were pro-Nazis: Nazism was a cover for Zionism, which was about Jews going to Palestine. The top Nazis were Jewish, so of course these Jews in Palestine were going to support them.
If the head of the FBI will admit Eichmann was Jewish, we don't really need his genealogy, do we? So why don't they seem to know this at Stormfront? Seems like a slamdunk, right? You just post it at the top of page one. I will tell you: it is because Stormfront is another front. It was created by the same people as opposition control. They tell you what to think on both sides of the argument. Notice that when you link into Stormfront from a search, you never link to a paper where someone with a real name and a real bio is explaining things to you sensibly. No, you always link into some chatroom where unsubstantiated opinions are flying around all over the place. Instead of straightforward research like I am giving you, you get 17 kinds of misdirection. That is no accident.
But let's return to the name Hoffmann. You will remember that Hitler's personal photographer was Heinrich Hoffmann. They go back to 1921. It was Hoffmann who introduced Hitler to his “studio assistant” Eva Braun. So is it another coincidence that Eichmann and Hitler, who went to the same highschool in Linz 17 years apart, both were later connected to Hoffmanns? Also strange that we have no biographical information on Heinrich Hoffman at Wikipedia. They blow right by it. At Geni, we find he was the husband of Maria Baumann. That's pretty curious, because the Christoph Hoffmann we looked at above was the son of Beate Baumann. This indicates the two Hoffmans were related.
We also find that Heinrich Hoffmann's mother was a Kargl. That is also Jewish. See Galerie Georg Kargl in Vienna right now. He runs Jewish themed shows several times a year.
Did you know that before becoming a Nazi, Eichmann worked for an American oil company? Really? Which one? We are told it was the Vacuum Oil Company, but that is misdirection. The Vacuum Oil Company didn't exist in the 1900s, since it had merged with Standard Oil in 1879. I will be told that when Standard Oil was split in 1911, Vacuum went back to being independent, but that is baloney. Regardless, it re-merged in 1931, so the point is moot. Eichmann worked for them until 1933, so either way Eichmann was working for the Rockefellers. In fact, that is where he was working when he was “discovered”. He went directly from Standard Oil to the SS. It says so at Wikipedia.
But let's go back to the Vacuum Oil Company for a moment before we move on. It was founded in 1866 by Matthew Ewing and Hiram Bond Everest. Hold on. Haven't we seen the name Hiram Bond before? Yep, in my paper on Jack London. London hung out with the Bonds both in Alaska and on their ranches in California. Bond was a billionaire involved in everything from coast to coast. He started out working for the Vanderbilts, married a Higgins, and was a member of Edwin Booth's Players Club in New York. Edwin was the brother of John Wilkes Booth, of course. So who was Hiram Bond Everest? Wikipedia has a page for him, but refuses to tell us who he was. The page is complete bombast. Geni also refuses to tell us, scrubbing his maternal line after his mother, a Robertson. On his father's side we find Cheneys, Perrys, and Clements. This last name probably links us to Mark Twain
[Clemen(t)s], since we are told Twain lost his shorts investing in one of Hiram Bond's schemes.
Here's a weird “coincidence”. One of Hitler's ancestral families was given as Haider, as we saw above. In Hiram Bond Everest's genealogy, we find him descended from the family Haiden. So it is curious to find Eichmann later working for a company founded by Everest. As we go back in time, these Haidens become Haydens, and are from Braintree, MA. The given names at this point are very Jewish, including Moses, Hannah, Ebenezer, Ruth, Daniel, Elisha, Josiah, and Jerusha. So where did they come from before that? It is scrubbed. Want to guess who scrubbed it? Erica “the Disconnetrix” Howton. We found she ditched the middle name for a few days, but it is back.
So, this begs the question: was Hitler related to this Everest, and were they both related to the composer Haydn? Is the Haider in Hitler's genealogy a slur of Haydn? Maybe. We are always told these relationships don't exist, but we have always been able to show they do. I will have to leave it for later, though.
Since we get no information on Hiram Bond Everest's relationship to Hiram Bond, let's switch to Hiram Bond's genealogy and try to research it from that end. He also has no ancestry pages at Geni, but we can dig up some information. Here, we find his mother is Alemeda Slusser, daughter of Levi Lewis Slusser. Not only do we link to the Lewises (see my paper on C. S. Lewis), but we have a first name of Levi, indicating he was Jewish. More indication of this is the name Slusser, which was originally Schlosser, meaning locksmith. A prominent line of Jewish Schlossers came from Prague, and is listed in the Holocaust Memorial books.
Anyway, the Everests go back to New Haven, where they married into the Jones clan around 1700. These Jones were related to the Booths, Clarkes, Faulkners and Morrisons. We have seen them all before, haven't we?
At any rate, this is who Eichmann was working for in 1933, when he was tapped for the SS. Do you really think that is a coincidence?
But let's back up a few years. Another clue is found in the admitted fact that Eichmann and Hitler went to the same highschool in Linz. That also indicates Hitler was from wealth. Why? Because Eichmann was from wealth. This was a school for rich kids. Eichmann's dad was commercial manager of the Linz Tramway and Electrical Company, and Adolf Eichmann played the violin. Eichmann's playing the violin is yet another clue here, since we are seeing many links to famous composers like Hiller, Haydn, and Mendelssohn. These families were connected to the arts. Also confirming this is Hitler's links to the Prussian Royal Theater, which we studied in my previous paper. Even before 1923, Hitler was being groomed by Dietrich Eckart, protege of theater director Count Georg von Hulsen-Haeseler.
The other founder of the Vacuum Oil Company was Matthew Ewing. Who is he? Wikipedia tells us he was a carpenter. And? That's it. OK. More likely he was related to Thomas Ewing, Secretary of the Treasury in 1841 and father-in-law of General Sherman. Ewing had three sons that were also Major Generals in the Civil War: Thomas, Hugh and Charles. Thomas Jr. was also an attorney, and he represented Ford Theater after the fake assassination of Lincoln. Hugh became a Major General despite flunking out of West Point. It helps when your foster-brother is General Sherman. Thomas Sr.'s great-grandmother was Dorothy Sayre, which name we have seen before. It was Zelda Fitzgerald's maiden name, remember? It's Jewish. Ewing was also descended from Hannah Grant. So he was related to that General as well. Since Vacuum Oil was found in 1866—the year after the Civil War ended—you can see why I suggest Matthew Ewing was related to these folks. It would be very useful to be related to all these generals in 1866, wouldn't it?
But let's return to Eichmann. At Stormfront, the question of Eichmann's ancestry is broached, and the first answer given is that Eichmann couldn't be Jewish because no Jew would have a first name of Adolf. Wrong. In previous papers, both Josh and I have shown you a couple of dozen famous admitted Jews named Adolf or Adolph.
The only name we were given in Eichmann's genealogy was the name Schefferling. Since the mainstream admits Eichmann was teased as a boy and called “the little Jewish boy” by his classmates, we should ask why. We are told this teasing caused him to hate Jews, but we are never given a good reason why he was called that. We are told it was due to his complexion, but that isn't really believable. I suggest it was because his mother was Jewish, which would mean Schefferling is a Jewish name. I also suggest the “ling” has been added as misdirection. She wasn't a Schefferling, she was a Scheffer, which is Jewish. See Emmanuel Scheffer, Israeli footballer. Also Maria Scheffer, interviewed by Hannah Arendt. William Scheffer, Jewish basketballer. Paolo Scheffer, Jewish guide. And thousands of others. Just search on “Scheffer Jewish”.
OK, the next big clue is given us at Wikipedia, when they tell us Eichmann's mother-in-law was named Maria Zawrzel. That's another fudge or purposeful misspelling. Zarzal is a famous old Jewish name. See Moses Ibn Zarzal, poet and doctor to King Henry III of Castile in about 1400. His father was the famous astronomer Abraham Zarzal. The name later morphed into the name Herzl, which is the second biggest clue in this section on Eichmann [the first was Hoover basically admitting he was Jewish]. If you search on that name at Wiki, you are taken to the page for Theodore Herzl. And who was he? He just happens to be one of the fathers of Zionism. He formed the First Zionist Congress in 1897, which promoted Jewish emigration to Palestine and the formation of a Jewish State there. Herzl used the Dreyfus Affair in France to promote his plans, as we have seen in Josh's paper on that subject. Josh shows us there what I am telling you about Zionism here: he says explicitly in that paper on Dreyfus that the event was faked to scare Jews into leaving Europe and go to Palestine. Wikipedia admits it was Eichmann's job in the beginning to do the very same thing. So do you think it is a wild coincidence that Eichmann's mother-in-law had the same name as this guy Herzl, just with a garbled spelling? Do you really think there is no relation? How about this further “coincidence”? If we check Herzl's genealogy, we find his daughter married Richard Neumann. Two of Richard's sisters married Adolf Braun. Remember Eva Braun?
But before I get to Eva, let me finish with Theodore Herzl. Here is what we find at Wikipedia:
His work on Auto-emancipation was pre-figured by a similar conclusion drawn by Marx's friend Moses Hess, in Rome and Jerusalem (1862).
This was just 30 years earlier. Of course this Moses Hess was Jewish, but they tell you Rudolph Hess couldn't be Jewish. They admit Rudolph Hess' father was a wealthy merchant, but he couldn't have been Jewish. So ask yourself this: Why would this son of a rich merchant join the Nazi party, which was a workers' party? Hess was NSDAP member number 16. So he was basically a founder of NSDAP. Can you put two and two together? NSDAP—allegedly a workers' party—was founded by the sons of wealthy merchants. Dietrich Eckart was also a founder, and he was also from wealth and privilege. He was a protege of Count von Hulsen-Haeseler. We have previously found that Communism—allegedly a theory promoting workers' rights—was founded by Marx, related to billionaires through his mother and wife. How hard is it to spot these projects?
OK, so let's hit Eva Braun. Her mother was Fanny Kronberger. Reminds us of figure skater Lily Kronberger, doesn't it? She was Jewish. Even better, in the American Jewish Yearbook, vol. 14, 1912, we find that in Austria, Leopold Kronberger received the title of Court Councillor October 20, 1911. Just so you know, the AJY is a report of important things that happened to Jewish people. The famous physicist Hans Kronberger is also admitted to be Jewish, and what is more, he was from Linz, the same city Eichmann and Hitler went to school. In the Jewish Encyclopedia, we find Emil Kronberger, author of Zionisten and Christen, Leipsic, 1900. And so on.
It looks to me like physicist Hans Kronberger from Linz is closely related to Eva Braun. Both genealogies are scrubbed, but not very well. Hans was born 1920; Eva Braun, 1912. Her mother Fanny was named Franziska, and she was born 1885, according to Geni. In other genealogies of that time and area (of Vienna), we find several Hans Kronbergers related to Franziska Kronbergers. For instance, here we find a Hans Kronberger, father of Hans, son and brother of Franziska.
You won't believe what I found when researching Hans Kronberger's genealogy. In about 1900, a Hans Kronberger of Vienna married an Ida Pauline Knotz. Do you see it? Knotz=Knotts. We saw Don Knotts above. Just for fun, I checked Don Knotts' genealogy for any links to Vienna or Austria. I didn't find any on a quick look, but he does have an interesting genealogy. He is related to the Moores, Caldwells, Pierces, Franks, Shrivers, Bishops, Jones, Robinsons, Sedgwicks, and Keeners. For one thing, it looks like he is related to Mary Tyler Moore. She is also a Lewis, a Melville, a Reilly, a Cooney (probably Clooney) and a Schindler. Her great-grandfather was a Lieutenant Colonel in the CSA.
But back to Eva Braun. Another curious thing is that her uncle was named Alois Winbauer, so we get that name again. His occupation is given as jeweller—another famous Jewish occupation. Winbauer is also a Jewish name. See this Geni page on Martin Winbauer, which not only admits this Winbauer was Jewish, but that he may have been related to Eva Braun. Also mentioned are DNA tests on her, which also confirm Jewish blood.
Which brings us to this 2014 article in the London Independent that I didn't even know about. The tests on Braun were run by Britain's Channel4, and they confirmed Ashkenazi heritage. As with Hitler's DNA, the article attempts to spin the outcome, downplaying it significance. The authors fail to do that, in my opinion. We are told “A Channel4 spokesman” [who?] said that Braun was a Catholic and very unlikely to have known her ancestry. Right. And that is based on what evidence? Just this spokesman's word? Also of interest is the admission in the article that hairs allegedly belonging to Hitler were sold to Channel4 by David Irving for £3000, but they turned out to be fake. This also confirms my reading of Irving in recent papers.
For more evidence Winbauer is Jewish, just search on “Winbauer Jewish”. Also remember to include
[Addendum February 16, 2017: While studying faked pictures of Hitler for another addendum you will find at the bottom of this paper, I tripped across some pictures of Eva Braun, which—while not faked—were very interesting for another reason. It is possible she was a twin. It is known Eva had a sister Gretl, allegedly more than three years younger. It is also admitted they looked much alike. What is not always normally admitted is that many people couldn't tell them apart. But at this page at Fold3.com, the author does admit it, showing that many photos have been mistagged over the years. We also find pictures of the sisters together, which suggest they may have been twins.

Those two were taken at Kehlsteinhaus, and are confirmed to be Eva and Gretl—although the author only guesses that Eva is on the left. I would agree, since the girl on the left seems to have lighter hair, and we are used to Eva as a blonde. But the author then admits the common confusion, posting these two:

She says they were probably taken the same day, due to the dress, and that they are usually identified as Eva. However, she argues they are Gretl, based on details of the dress. I think she is right, because the flowers are star-shaped, not round. She has a good eye.
Before we move on, notice two more things about the first two photos. Notice they are almost dressed as twins. Yes, the patterns on the dresses are a tiny bit different, but it is very subtle. Not only are the patterns nearly identical, so are the cuts. The sleeves and waists are the same, and it looks like the lengths are the same. But there's more: they have parted their hair on the same side, in the same place. The hair looks the same length, with the same amount of curl. They are even wearing similar watches on the same wrist. What is more, these two pictures weren't taken on the same day, as it would first appear. Although the brick is similar, indicating the same house, it isn't the same day, indicating this matched dressing wasn't a one time thing. How do I know? Can you see it? I will give you a moment.
Did you find it? In the second one, Gretl isn't wearing a watch.
Sisters in their 20s who aren't twins are normally pretty independent. They don't enjoy looking exactly alike. So it is very curious to find these sisters dressing so much alike.
But back to the page at Fold3. The author then gives us this one:

That is one of the iconic Eva photos, but she shows it is Gretl. Eva herself labeled it as Gretl in her own photo album. That should make you take a beat. If that is Gretl, then she didn't just look somewhat like Eva, she looked almost exactly like Eva.

You will say we have lots of pics of the sisters together, but the author admits many of them are mistagged as well. She shows that in many photos of two girls together, the second girl is Eva's best friend Herta Schneider, not Gretl. One photo she does not mention is this famous one:

Oh my God! What a bone-headed fake that is! That is supposed to be all three sisters, with Gretl in the middle. Start by noticing that Ilse is lit from your left, while Eva is lit from your right. The hottest spot on Ilse is on her left cheek, while the hottest spot on Eva is on her right temple. How does that work? And why is Gretl two shades darker than Eva? She isn't even the same color of gray, for criminy's sake. Take that photo into photoshop and do a color analysis on it. I don't have to, because I can do it with my eyes. What to look at is the color of the middle tones, like where the faces meet the hair. Eva is much yellower, while Gretl is more blue. You will say, “Are you crazy? It is a black and white photo. How can you see blue or yellow in it?” Because, remember, in a photo, black is not the absence of color, it is all colors. So, just as with paint, you can have a warmer or a cooler black. If you have a simplified program like GIMP or something, it is programmed to read a photo like this as colorless, in which case you can't get a color reading on it. In that case, you can add a sepia tone, and then adjust the color levels on that, showing up the fake. If all that is beyond you, just look at Gretl's shirt. Look closely at the top line of her shoulder. See how that line is fairly sharp? Ask yourself why it is so much sharper than the lines on the other women's blouses. The blur on that shirt doesn't match the blur of the rest of the photo, indicating a fake.
What is going on here is that they have taken two photos of Eva and pasted them together. In one, Eva has penciled in her eyebrows more heavily, and they have darkened her hair after the fact. But the noses are identical. You will say, “If they have twins, why not just photograph them together? Why paste two photos of Eva together?” Because if they do that, you see we have identical twins here. They don't want the sisters looking alike, because that raises the questions I am raising. So it is better to put forward manipulated photos, where they darken Eva, pencil in her eyebrows, and make other changes in the lab. This makes the sisters look similar, but not too similar.
Here they are, again dressed as twins:

You will say, “Oh, I can tell them apart. That is Eva behind.” You may be right, and that would be my guess as well, but you have to admit it is strange to find two sisters allegedly 3.5 years apart dressing in
identical outfits. It would be odd enough if they were children, but at age 18, or whatever they are here? And do they look 3.5 years apart? I say they don't. That would make Gretl 16, say, while Eva was 19.5. It's possible, but it is also possible they are both 17 and are twins.
Why does it matter? Because it is just one more sign they are part of a big Intel project here. Intel loves twins, as we have seen in many previous papers.
But we aren't finished. Our author admits there was a third sister Ilse who also looked much like the other two. That is supposed to be her above, but since that photo is a fake that could be anybody. Strangely, Wikipedia gives no DOB for Ilse, just a year. She was allegedly about three years older than Eva. But we have no convincing photos of the three together. If we did, they wouldn't have to lead with the groaner above, would they? Here is one they do bless us with:

But that just adds to the mystery, since we seem to have four clones there, all wearing the same pattern dress/bikini. The two forward girls look like twins to me, since I see nothing to differentiate them except that one has her hair up. The other two are unidentifiable, but they have the same dresses and hair. What did they do, make all their clothes from drapery, like in The Sound of Music?
This is supposed to be all three with their mother:

But that's another garbage paste-up. All four faces are in different light, and the blurs don't even match. Plus, ask yourself which is Eva. I say the middle sister looks most like Eva, but that is a problem because here the first sister is the blondest, even in the eyebrows. But if the first sister is Eva and the second Gretl, then Gretl here looks more like Eva than Eva does.
But it doesn't really matter. If the given story were true, they wouldn't need to fake these photos, so we know it is false. What is it covering? I don't know, but it could be triplets. The next to the last photo indicates some sort of program using multiples, so it could be triplets or quadruplets for all we know.
Before I end this addendum, I want to send you to Ilse's page at Wiki, where we find her first job was with a Jewish doctor named Martin Levy Marx. Also to Gretl's page, where we find her husband is Hermann Fegelein. His parents are curiously not mentioned. At Geni no mother is listed and no grandparents on either side. Wikitree has nothing on him. Also completely scrubbed at FindaGrave. Is Fegelein a Jewish name? I would assume so. For indication of that, search on John Fegelein, and go to the listing for Muhlenberg College class of 1962. In the Google gloss we find this list:
Fred Bomberger Bob Buzzard John Fegelein Michael Gaynor Dave Gehris Dottie (Dennis) Goldman
Becky (Lentz) Gorton Ted Gurniak MaryJo (Metzgar) Hellick
Hmmm. Collate those surnames. What do you get? Not only are those names Jewish, they are famous Jewish. Goldman we know about. Bomberger is George Lucas' mother's name. Then there was Mitzi Gaynor. Her mother was a Fischer. Then there is Daniel Lentz, Jewish electronic composer, attended Brandeis, showered with fellowships he didn't deserve, the usual.
Which brings us back to Fritz Lenz, alleged Nazi eugenicist. His Wiki bio gives no parents. He was a protege of Alfred Ploetz, who also has no parents listed. They were linked to Gerhard Hauptmann, also scrubbed in the all the encyclopedias and genealogies. No mother at Wiki and no grandparents at Geni. This is a Nobel Prize winner folks, and we are denied any information about his mother. Geni lists her as a Straehler, but that is meaningless. It just takes us in circles, because a search on that takes us to Gunther Straehler-Pohl, a famous hauptmann (captain) in the Luftwaffe. But I'll stop before I get too far offtrack. Lenz, Ploetz, and Hauptmann are grist for a future paper. But if you go to their pages, you will see for yourself they throw up all the usual red flags.]
[Addendum February 14, 2018: I had to add this later, because at the time of writing this paper in
2017, I honestly didn't know what I am about to tell you. One of my readers had to send me the link. If you thought of giving Hitler some kind of stud credit for getting triplets when he hooked up with Eva Braun, think again. As with almost everyone else we have studied, Hitler—as it turns out— was gay. Eva and her twins were just beards. The mainstream has admitted it for years, although I wasn't aware of it until now. See this report from The Guardian back in 2001, publicizing the meticulously researched book of respected German historian Lothar Machtan, Hitler's Secret: the Double Life of a Dictator. There, we find out the head of the Storm Troopers, Ernst Rohm, is also now admitted to have been gay. It is implied in the article that Hess was also gay, and that he and Hitler were lovers. There exists a collection of police reports documenting Hitler's homosexuality—since it was then a crime. These reports were published in Italy “some years ago”, but for some reason did not get published in either German or English. I think we can guess the reason.
If you don't see what I mean, just remember that most actors are gay. They always have been and still are. Therefore the fact that all these people were gay is just another clue that they were actors. You
will say that even if most actors are gay, that doesn't mean that most gays are actors. I have flipped my syllogism. Which is true. In most cases I would not be allowed to do that, as a matter of logic. However, in this case, where we have so much supporting evidence these people were actors, we can indeed use this discovery that Hitler was gay as evidence for our theory. Taken alone, it wouldn't be proof of anything, but taken as one clue of many, it is quite useful. It not only fits the profile in the current case, it fits the profile in nearly every case we have looked at through the centuries. Gay Jewish actors are what? . . . .00001% of the greater population? And yet almost every person we have studied has fit that profile. Therefore, when we find ourselves researching a new case that is outwardly similar to the old cases—that is to say, riddled with lies, inconsistencies, and impossibilities— and we find the mainstream admitting the person involved is both gay and Jewish, we would be foolish not to look at the probability he was also an actor. That is the true logic of the situation.
I also encourage you to read the Wikipedia pages on “Sexuality of Hitler” and on Machtan's book. Both are pathetic misdirection, since they provide no rebuttal. We are told most historians believe Hitler was straight, but we aren't told who these historians are or why they believe it. We are told there is no proof Hitler was gay, which you now see simply isn't true. Machtan published piles of evidence, which Wiki just dismisses with a wave of the hand. And it isn't just Machtan who has compiled evidence. See for example this 2016 article by Siobhan Mulcahy at the Irish Examiner, where we find this:
From the outset of the war, he enjoyed a sexual relationship with fellow dispatch-runner, Ernst Schmidt which lasted almost six years. The relationship was not exclusive, however, and Hitler is believed to have had “sexual relations with a senior offcer”. US intelligence later discovered that Hitler was never promoted during WW1 because of his “sexual orientation” and that he was arrested in Munich in 1919 for “pederasty and theft”. Indeed, former Nazi, Otto Strasser said that when Hitler became Nazi Party leader in 1921, “his personal bodyguards and chauffeurs were almost exclusively homosexual”. Two of these bodyguards, Ulrich Graf and Christian Weber, were expected to satisfy their boss’s needs
whenever necessary.
We also find confirmation here of Hitler's longterm homosexual relationship with Hess. Most amusingly, we find Hess referred to as Fraulein Anna and Black Emma by other Nazi leaders. All this was so obvious and out-in-the-open, one newspaper of the time called the Nazi leaders “a Brotherhood of Poofs”. But despite the fact that USIntel is and was aware of Hitler's orientation, Wiki still takes the time to deny it. Why? Because it doesn't fit the old story, which has done its job fabulously well until now. If even small parts of the mainstream start admitting Hitler was gay and Jewish, the whole house of cards might fall. Someone might put two and two together, as I am, and the entire history of the 20 th century might crash into rubble just a few years after we left it. So Wiki has to come in and try to whitewash the whole thing, which—as usual—it does very poorly.
And that brings up the very pertinent question: why doesn't worldwide Intel simply squelch all these rumors, stories, and books? Well, it appears they made a mistake, because it appears they thought they could get by with simply spinning the leaks. It is far easier to take control of a leak and spin it than it is to stopper it altogether. Forceful suppression tends to backfire, but Intel has become a master of spin. We see that here, where we find both Mulcahy and Machtan appearing to spin their own research. I say “appear” because I suspect that someone else spun it after the fact. We know Intel has the ability to add text to any story they like, either in print media, books, or on TV. See admissions from the New York Times to that effect. So we should not automatically assume that these writers are undercutting their own theses. Rather, we should assume they can't prevent Intel from coming in and rewriting in any way they like. This is what I assume is happening when Mulcahy tells us Hitler liked Catholic school girls and later became a “reluctant heterosexual”. I assume the same thing when The Guardian tells us
Hitler killed to hide his homosexuality and went along with sending gays to concentration camps “to disguise his own true colours”. Neither of those things fits the other evidence; nor does it fit the faked history I have been unwinding myself. Rather, they betray the influence of an outside hand, and if we squint we can almost see some agent inserting those sentences via some computer link from Langley or Vauxhall.]
So let's move on to Rudolph Hess. This is also ridiculously easy. His maternal grandmother is listed at Geni as Adelheid Ferber. Ferber is a Jewish name. See famous author Edna Ferber, admitted to be Jewish. She wrote Giant, Cimarron, Show Boat, and so on. Adelheid's mother was a Gladitsch, also probably Jewish. We also find the names Munch, Richter, Hertel, Prohl, and Buhler. Hess was married to Ilsa Prohl, also spelled Proehl. Proehl is Jewish. See Friedrich Gutmann's Wiki page, where we find he was head of Proehl and Gutmann, a large bank in Amsterdam, after WW1. He was also a major art collector. His father had founded the massive Dresdner Bank, and the family was Jewish. Although he was a claimed convert (at Wiki we are told his father Eugen had converted from Judaism), he was allegedly murdered at Theresienstadt by the Nazis for being a rich Jew, although we should now find that suspicious. We will have to unwind it another time.
Notice the name Hertel. It should probably be Herzl, which we already saw above. This would mean Hess was related to Theodore Herzl, which is not at all surprising. Herzl's genealogy doesn't go back that far [1745], but in another coincidence, Hess' Hertel is named Johanne Hertel. Herzl's wife was named Johanne Herzl.
What about the name Richter? Jewish again. A search on this raises some hackles, with people chiming in to scream Sviatoslav Richter wasn't Jewish, and so on. But he was. Just go to his Geni pages, and find his maternal grandmother. She has no ancestry herself, but they do tell you she was a Reinke. That is Jewish. See here. What about Gerhard Richter? Also Jewish. Richter was a protege of Heinz Lohmar, Jew and Communist. Richter's mother is a Schonfelder and his wife is a Moritz. His ex-wife is a Genzken. See Erich Schonfelder, co-screenwriter with Ernst Lubitsch. Lubitsch admitted he was Jewish. As you search on it, also include Schoenfelder, Schoenfeld, and Schonfeld. As for Moritz, see billionaire Michael Moritz, number one venture capitalist in the world in 2006-7 according to Forbes. He is from Wales and is Jewish.
We should also remember that Moses Hess, who we saw above, is also known as Moritz Hess. We should also think of Ernst Moritz Hess, an allegedly baptized German Jew who commanded Hitler's regiment in WW1. Although allegedly squashed during WW2, he was a judge before and after Hitler's rise, and later became a very wealthy railroad tycoon. He was President of the German Federal Railways Authority by 1949. That's very curious, and deserves a later look. We are told his mother was Jewish, but we aren't told her name at any of about 50 sites.
How about the name Genzken? Also probably Jewish.

That is Isa Genzken, ex-wife of Gerhard Richter. In fact, this name ties neatly into this paper, since the alleged head of the medical service of the Waffen SS was Karl Genzken. He was accused in the Medical Trial after the war. Curiously, although he was found guilty of horrific crimes—including mass human experimentation and many murders—and sentenced to life in prison, his sentence was later reduced to 20 years. He only served six (if any). No biographical information is given for him at Wiki or any other place. I also found no biographical information on Isa Genzken.
So, am I claiming that everyone with all these German names is actually Jewish? No, not anymore than I am claiming that everyone in the US with the name Jones or Morris is a crypto-Jew from the major lines. I am simply pointing out that in cases where we already have an avalanche of red flags all pointing in the same direction, we should assume these names like Richter and Hess are Jewish. When the mainstream assures they aren't, we shouldn't take their word for it. We should do our own research, and not pass over any clues. That is all I am doing. Like Sherlock Holmes, I am combing the ground for clues with a magnifying glass, and I am not letting myself be diverted when passersby assure me the signs don't mean anything. I will decide what they likely mean by weighing what I find, and by no other method.
What about other famous Richters? Andy Richter? Well, his Geni page is ridiculously scrubbed and might as well be white. But we again get the old adopted dodge. That is red flag number one. Geni tells us he was adopted, Wiki doesn't. His mother is née Palmer, red flag number two. His dad taught Russian and later came out as gay, red flags three and four. Richter's Geni page is managed by a Schoenberg: red flag number 5.
What about physicist Burton Richter? Oh, nice, he is admitted to be Jewish. His mother was Fanny
Pollack, which ties into our research above.
What about the artist Gustav Richter, who painted Emperor William I? Well, his wife was Cornelie Meyerbeer. She was admitted to be Jewish, being the daughter of opera composer Jacob Liebmann Beer, later Giocomo Meyerbeer. Richter's lines are otherwise scrubbed, although his sister married a Kraus. That is very often Jewish.
What about writer and publisher Milan Richter? Admitted to be Jewish.
What about Argentine “scientist” Ronald Richter? He was from Austria and apparently his education is unsubstantiated. Richter was called to Argentina by German industrialist and ex-Nazi spy August
Siebrecht. Richter was hired by Juan Peron personally for government projects, although we are told Peron had to override Argentine law to do so. What? What law was that? Was that a law against fleeing Nazis or fleeing Jews? Either way, it is a problem here. Peron wanted him to work on an atomic project, we are told. Wiki admits he faked his work there, which is not surprising: we have found that all atomic work is a cover for something else. So all signs point to Richter being Jewish.
They also point to Juan Peron being Jewish. Check out his Geni pages. Despite being President of Argentina for over nine years, he has almost no bio in several lines. His maternal line is scrubbed past his grandfather Juan Sosa. His paternal line is even stranger: his great-grandmother is listed as Ann Hughes MacKenzie of London, daughter of Steven Hughes and Elizabeth MacKenzie. But of course if those are her parents, she wasn't a MacKenzie, and the name is wrong. But the punch is in Peron's maternal line, of course. His great-grandmother in the main maternal line is given as Victoria Pinero. That's Jewish. See the Jewish Encyclopedia, where we find Arthur Wing Pinero, English dramatist who worked with Henry Irving! He is admitted there to be Sephardic. He married a Moore. Wiki admits Pinero was Jewish through his paternal grandfather. . . who would have also been named Pinero. The Jewish Encyclopedia admits the name was originally Pinheiro, so we should search on that. At the University of Minnesota, we find that the Jewish family Pinheiro was prominent on Nevis and Barbados for nearly 150 years. It is interesting to find Barbados here, since of course we found Samuel Parris of the Salem Witch Trials came from there at the same time. Before that the Pinheiros were from Madrid and Amsterdam. Also see here. Also here, where we learn of the Pinheiro's involvement in the slave trade in the early 1700s.
Also notice that the name Peron is a slur of Pinero. Just move the “n” to the end, and Pinero becomes Pieron. But Peron is supposed to come from the paternal line while Pinero comes from the maternal line. This indicates Peron's parents were cousins.
Surprisingly, the name Sosa may also be Jewish. JewornotJew.com, run by Jews, admits it. We have Gaspar Castano de Sosa, called a borderline Jew, but admitted to be a slaver and Jew and friend of slaver and Jew Luis de Carabajal. Also Mercedes Sosa, singing at this link in Hebrew during a visit to Israel. The mainstream admits she was a Peroniste, but does not admit she was Jewish. Also does not admit she was probably related to the Perons. The Perons were Sosas, as we just saw at Geni. There was also a Thomas de Sosa denounced as a Jew in Zacatecas, as you see here. Also here, where we find Abraham de Sosa (Souza) as a licensed Jewish merchant in New York. At the same link, we find a Domingo de Sosa a Jewish victim of the Cartagena Inquisition.
What about Eva Peron? First let's look at Juan Peron's third wife, Maria Martinez. Geni scrubs her past her parents. No grandparents known for this famous person, Presidente of Argentina! As for Eva Peron, her grandfather was a Uhart or Huarte. The line is scrubbed beyond that. Why? Because it is Jewish. See Le Realidad Historia de Espana, 1954, p. 549, where it is admitted. Do you want to guess who wrote it? A Castro. Americo Castro. You will remember that the only mainstream person who admits that Fidel Castro is Jewish is. . . Fidel Castro. Also see Julio Caro Baroja, Los Judios en la Espana Moderna y Contemporanea, vol. 1, 1986, p. 100.
On her mother's side, Eva Peron is descended from Juan (of Florida) Ponce de Leon. Although it is clearly in her posted genealogy, apparently I am the only one to ever find it. Hit that page and go forward and back to make the link. I Google searched on it and nothing came up. Why? Could be because the de Leons are now admitted to be Jewish in many lines. See the other conquistador Pedro Cieza de Leon, now admitted to be Jewish. His ancestry is scrubbed, but they deny he was related to Ponce. I smell more misdirection, however. “Cieza” just means church, being a Spanish spelling of
the Italian “Chiesa”. Why would Pedro be named “Church of Leon”? There are two Cieza towns in Spain, and neither is in Leon. My guess is Pedro's name was changed to scrub his link to Ponce de Leon. In support of that, we find the Ponce de Leons are from Villagarcia de la Torre. Pedro Cieza de Leon was from Llerena. The distance from one place to another is . . . wait for it. . . about 3 miles.
Regarding this question, it is also worth mentioning Daniel de Leon, who we saw in my paper on Eugene Debs. He was a Marxist and one of the founders of American Socialism. He is admitted to be Jewish. So he is probably related to the Perons through Eva's maternal ancestors. This is why they don't mention that Eva is descended from the Ponce de Leons.
Anyway, this could be why Madonna played Evita. You may think Madonna is Italian, but think again. She was married to Sean Penn, grandson of rabbi Moishe Daniel Pinon.** After that, married to Guy Ritchie, whose home now has a mikvah—a bath used by Jewish women for ritual cleansing. I'll give you a hint: that has nothing to do with Kabbalah. Kabbalah isn't about mikvah. Gentiles who get into Kabbalah don't install mikvahs in their houses. Besides, the article at that link is from 2013, and Ritchie split with Madonna in 2008. So he didn't do it for her. I'll give you another hint, Ritchie also comes from Stewarts, which indicates the Ritchie name was changed from Rich. Guy Ritchie probably descends from Richard Rich and that lot. He probably has ancestors or current cousins in the peerage.
Here is Madonna's dad:

Italian? I don't think so.
But back to Rudolf Hess. We saw the name Munch in his genealogy. Also probably Jewish. It is admitted, for instance, that most of the patrons of painter Edvard Munch were Jewish and that he was descended from the painter Jacob Munch and historian Peter Andreas Munch. A search on “Jacob Munch genealogy 1776” shows us that his mother was a Krefting and his wife a Barclay. His maternal grandmother was an Arbien. He is also descended from Felbers, which is a variant of Ferber (see above). The Felbers were related to the Helmichs. All those names are Jewish. But perhaps the biggest red flag there is the name Barclay, which obviously isn't Norwegian. We have looked at Barclays Bank before, which was both Quaker and Jewish—the Quaker name hiding the Jewish roots. See my paper on the Quakers. The Barclays were big into the slave trade in Jamaica, which links us to others in this paper. Here is an engraving of David Barclay:

That's not really an English nose, is it? I doubt he got it from Norway, either. OK, let's move on to Goebbels.

Are we there yet? Can I quit? I am feeling a little nauseous. I liked these guys better as evil Nazis than as gay Jewish actors. At least then there was something solid.
To get us started on this one, I send you to this 2016 article at The Guardian. Goebbels' 105-year-old secretary leads the interview with this:
The only thing you can say about Goebbels is that he was an outstanding actor.
They post a video of her, and that quote is used as the subtitle. Wow. I recommend you read that several times, and note the precise wording. She doesn't say that “one thing” you can say about him is that. She says “the only thing”.
She also says this, “He'd trip up the steps like a little Duke”. And, “He probably had a manicure every day”.
Later, speaking of his performance at Berlin's Sportpalast in 1943, she says,
No actor could have been any better at the transformation from a civilized, serious person into a ranting, rowdy man.
So she is sure to tell you twice in this short interview he is an actor.
She also confirms he had a limp. I think we will need to check the footage for that one: was it a limp or a sashay?
There's another clue on that page at The Guardian. Notice at the bottom we have four “more on this story” links. The last one is to an article by Roy Greenslade entitled “How Wartime Britons were easily swayed by the Propagandists”. Were they indeed? Sort of like now?
OK, now for the genealogy. The first thing we find is that Goebbels wife's birth name was Ritschel. I'll give you a second to see what I saw. . . .
Did you see it? Remember Guy Ritchie? Coincidence, right? I'll bet you dimes to donuts it isn't. My guess is they are both related to the Rich family in the British peerage. They have scrubbed everything around this question, as you can imagine, so it would take a lot of work to prove. Oskar Ritschel is a ghost, which makes it hard. But we do find an Oskar Ritschel, merchant, who came to the US in 1891. Even better, we find a Ritschel on this page for the Frankel family. Other surnames on the page include Meyer-Halevi, Schloss, Guggenheim, Fischl, Brandeis, Wehle, Goldmark, Weisz, Wolf, Spiro, and Dembitz. Oooo, what could it mean? This takes us to the leading rabbis of Prague in the 17 th and 18th centuries, some of whom were named Ritschel. But it almost doesn't matter, because Wikipedia now admits Magda Goebbels was adopted by her “stepfather” Richard Friedlander, who was “a Jewish leathergoods magnate”. As of this year, they also admit this:
In 2016, it has been reported that Friedlander may be Madga's biological father. Friedländer's residency card, found in Berlin archives, stated that Magda was his biological daughter.[10] The card was discovered by author Oliver Hilmes.[11]
Wow. So, either way, Magda's dad was Jewish. Why the recent change in the story? Probably because someone suggested it was better to let the name Friedlander take the fall than the name Ritschel. They wanted to prevent someone from doing what I just did—tying the Ritschels to rabbis in Prague and through them to the Riches of England.
What about Magda's mother? She is given as a Behrend, but no parents are listed. Also Jewish. See Isaac Behrend Lehmann, a famous Jewish banker who worked for the court of Augustus the Strong II of Saxony. He was also a HaLevi. See also Jeanne Behrend, Jewish pianist, a protege of Josef Hofmann.

Also see General Hermann-Heinrich Behrend of the Wehrmacht in WW2, not admitted to be Jewish, of course, but we know better. His Wiki page is very curious, since although he was a lieutenant during WW1 and a major general in WW2, his “career section” only mentions WW1.
Also Genevieve Behrend, another obvious spook. Nothing is known of her early life or her parentage, apparently, although she lived until 1960. I guess her records were destroyed in the San Francisco earthquake or in a fire set off by a flash grenades. She started out as a protege of Mary Baker Eddy, always a red flag. She then switched to Abdul Baha and the Baha'i faith—another big fake, but at least it links her to Israel. That still wasn't spooky enough for her, so she switched to Thomas Troward and Mystic Christianity. He inspired the 2006 movie The Secret, which is damnation enough for any researcher.
Also Friedrich Jacob Behrend, not admitted to be Jewish at Wiki, but linked to the Jewish Encyclopedia, where he has a listing. Just so you know, the Jewish Encyclopedia is a “descriptive record of. . . the Jewish people”.
Also photographer Katarina Behrend, admitted to be Jewish here.
So, basically, every person listed on the Wikipedia page for Behrend.
It is also worth recalling that in my recent paper on Mark Twain we found that Magda Goebbels half- sister was a woman named Ariane Tebbenjohanns, who came to America and married a spook named Sam Sheppard [not the current actor]. She was the daughter of a wealthy industrialist from Dusseldorf. Who was he? None other than Oskar Ritschel, who we saw above. So her maiden name was not Tebbenjohanns. That must have been her first husband. Regardless, Ariane is admitted to be very wealthy at that last link, which of course means Magda Goebbels was, too. So we may assume Goebbels married her for her money or already had a lot—and probably both. But of course that conflicts with the given bio, which tells us Goebbels' dad Fritz was a factory clerk. How did the son of a factory clerk with five siblings afford to go to university for six years and then marry a wealthy debutante? He married her in 1930, and had done nothing up to that time but work for the Nazis. You don't get rich editing newspapers and giving free speeches for a workers' party. She didn't marry him for his looks. It also wasn't for his power. In 1928, NSDAP pulled about 2.5% of the vote, sort of like the Green Party now. Do you think officials in the Green Party currently draw beautiful wealthy debutantes to their gatherings? I can tell you by experience: they don't. You will tell me he married her
after the elections of 1930, but they met and got engaged before the elections. So the success in those elections couldn't have influenced her.
As more proof of that, notice that on Goebbels' Wiki page, they call her Magda Quandt. That's pretty strange. Since she was divorced, her name wasn't legally Quandt anymore. That was her ex-husband's name. But they shouldn't have given us that name, either, because it means we can find Ariane's first husband Quandt. Assuming she was a superwealthy deb, we should look for a rich guy born before

That would be Gunther Quandt, b. 1881, whose father Emil Quandt married the daughter of a textile millionaire and took over the company [Reichswolle AG]. So Gunther was 20 years older than Magda. The Quandts supplied the German army with uniforms during WW1. By that time, the Quandts were one of the richest families in Germany: their descendants still make up 8 of the richest 100 Germans. And indeed, we find Magda Goebbels on his page, so my guess was right. His son Herbert became head of AFA, the battery company, which in 1890 was part of Deutsche Bank conglomerate with Siemens AG and AEG. A 2011 report concluded “The Quandts were linked inseparably with the crimes of the Nazis". But we now know that requires a further twist to read it right. What is that twist?
Before we go any further, I want to be sure you understand what we just uncovered. Joseph Goebbels married Magda Quandt in 1930, when she was 29 and he was 33. Her previous husband was a billionaire, one of the five richest men in Germany—and he was heavily tied to many military contracts. One of his three sons was hers: Harald Quandt. So she remained tied to that family after the divorce. And yet we are supposed to believe Joseph Goebbels was an editor and speaker for a workers' party? This billionaire's ex-wife just happened to marry an up-and-coming speaker in the Workers' Party? Do I need to remind you that workers were the political enemy of the billionaires? The Quants are known to have used slave labor in their factories. See the 2007 German documentary Silence of the Quandts, shown on German public TV station ARD. So the Quandts would not have supported the planks of a workers' party, would they?
I have shown you much evidence in previous papers of the billionaires infiltrating and blowing workers' parties back to the early 1800s. That is what Marxism was about, and that is what American Socialism was about. Most times, they simply manufactured fake workers' parties as misdirection, and that is what we are seeing here again. NSDAP was built from the ground up by agents of the billionaires. Like Hitler, Goebbels is a very obvious agent, and I doubt that he was even married to Magda Quandt. The whole thing now looks like theater—as Goebbels' 105-year-old secretary tried to
tell us. Magda was playing a part just as much as Joseph, and the children were likely plants as well.
So let's return to the final twist on the Quandts: we just saw the Quandt money came out of textiles. For more, we have to go to the Quandt genealogy. The woman Emil married was a Draeger (Dr äger). His son married an Ewald. His grandson married a Bruhn and Brobelt. Other names in that family include Klatten and Wolf. Another grandson married a Bandekow. Their children have these surnames: Geller, Rosenblat, Halterman, and May-Thies. Bruhn is of course just a variation of Braun, which links us back to Eva Braun. Despite several Bruhns being assigned to play anti-Semites in the run-up to the Wars (for example Wilhelm Bruhn), we may assume they were just controlling the opposition.
To see how the Bruhns really fit into this, go to this page at yadvashem.org on Maria Helena Friedlander (Bruhn). There we learn that Paul Citroen (Jewish) was friends with Henri Friedlander (also Jewish), and that his wife was Maria Helena Bruhn. She pretended to be a Nazi and they still pretend she was a Gentile. She later emigrated to Israel with her husband. Are we given any evidence she wasn't Jewish? No. Does she have a genealogy or bio posted? No.
Also remember that Rudolph Nureyev's lover was Erik Bruhn, said to be Danish, but his mother was an Evers. That is often Jewish, a variation of Ebers. See Raphael Evers, Rabbi of Rotterdam. That family was also prominent in Amsterdam for centuries, as you see here.
What about the name Ewald? Also Jewish. See Heinrich Ewald, son of a linen weaver. Wiki doesn't admit he was Jewish, but the Jewish Encyclopedia pretty much does. Also see there listings for Ferdinand Christopher Ewald, who worked for the London Jews Society and founded the Wanderers Home there for Jews. And Johann Ludwig Ewald, German advocate of the Jews. Also H. A. G. Ewald, who wrote a History of Israel.
What about the Quandt name itself? Where does that come from? The lines are scrubbed, but it is probably a respelling or variation of Kant. The philosopher Immanuel Kant was from Prussia, and his mother was a Reuter. His genealogy is scrubbed. They used to claim his father was from Scotland, but Wikipedia doesn't even bother trying to sell you that hooey anymore. They admit there is no evidence of it, which means the centuries-old claim is a big red flag. But we do get two big clues with Kant. One, he knew Hebrew early on, and changed his name from Emanuel to Immanuel, blowing somewhat his parents' effort to hide his roots. Two, the name Reuter, which is Jewish. See Paul Reuter, founder of Reuter's News Service. Although it is admitted his father was a rabbi, they tell us his mother was a Betty Sanders, and a Gentile. Unlikely. Reuter was born Israel Beer Josephat, which of course links him to opera composer Giocomo Meyerbeer (originally Beer) above. I will be told Josephat changed his name to Reuter, which doesn't necessarily link him to Kant, which is true, but it is curious a Jew would allegedly convert and then change his name to another Jewish name. I suspect it was his mother's name. Geni neither confirms nor denies that, since it gives his mother's maiden name as both Reuther and Seibel. It is impossible to tell what they are telling us there. To discover who the Reuters really were, we have to go back before that, to Kant's time. The Reuters were Reuthers, related to the Ackers. Many Ackers and Ackermans are Jewish. See novelist Kathy Acker. I will be told she was born Lehmann, but her husband Acker was also Jewish. The Lehmann name links her to banker Isaac Behrend Lehmann above. She was a protege of William S. Burroughs and the Black Mountain College spooks, which tells you all you need to know about her. Well, it also helps to know she was born in
1947. Who else? For a general slamdunk, you can visit this page, which lists the Ackers of Eastern
Poland. In the front page sampling, all are Jewish.
For more on Reuther, see Walter P. Reuther, union leader not admitted to be Jewish, but Jewish. Just type in “Reuther Jewish” and see all the links he has to Israel, Jewish libraries, and so on. This ties in strongly to our current research, since although he became head of the UAW, Reuther was a Communist at least until 1939, when he was told to switch gears a bit. He came in at the founding of the UAW in 1935, becoming its president almost immediately. For this reason, we can assume he was doing the same thing that Debs had done before him and that Goebbels would do in the same years: infiltrate the labor movement at the behest of the billionaires and blow it from the inside. But I will have to hit Reuthers in a separate paper: he would swamp this one.
So anyway, the point of all that was to show the Quandts were also Jewish, related to the crypto-Jewish Kants before them. I may have more to say about Kant another time as well.
What about Goebbels himself? He is scrubbed past his father on the paternal side, which is a red flag. His mother was an Odenhausen and his grandmother a Coerver. Here, we find the Odenhausens related to the Cossmanns, Halfmanns and Appels. All Jewish names. How do I know? Because this is a page for Holocaust records from Czechoslovakia. Searching on Coerver, we find an article in the 1976
American Jewish History Quarterly on Neiman-Marcus by author Don Coerver. We find an Anna Coerver at Jweekly.com in 2011 getting Bat Mitzvahed. And so on.
In a previous paper on Lenin, I found that Goebbels was an early protege of Max Freiherr von Waldberg, an admitted Jew who was his teacher in Heidelberg in 1920. They also admit Goebbels was a protege of another teacher, Friedrich Gundolf, also Jewish. Waldberg recommended Wilhelm von Schutz as the subject for Goebbels' PhD thesis, and he went that way. Since Schutz is another composer, that fits in with one of the themes here. This person is scrubbed at all genealogical sites and Wikipedia, but German Wiki tells us his father was a Jacob Schutz, raised to the aristocracy in 1803. This is the same name as a family of painters at the time. What you may not know is that the name was originally Schutzjude, meaning protected Jew. It was later shortened to Schutz (“protected”). It is a common Jewish name to this day. See Israeli writer David Schutz. Also American poet Susan Polis Schutz, admitted to be Jewish. Also physicist Bernard Schutz, probably Jewish since another Bernard Schutz is on the wall at the Holocaust Museum. We find the obit of another Bernard Schutz here at Shalom2.com. We find a Jozef Schutz listed here in the Polish Ghetto in Krakow. And here we find a Mrs. L. Schutz at The Advocate: America's Jewish Journal sandwiched in between a Schiff and a Shabad. Then we have the writer Friedrich Schutz, grandfather of physicist Wolfgang Pauli. This Schutz is listed in Wininger's Great Jewish National-Biography. Pauli himself said he was ¾ Jewish [Physics Today, April 1995, p. 86]. See also Alfred Schutz, banker and philosopher who worked with Husserl. And many others. I think you can see now why Goebbels wrote his dissertation on Schutz.
In those years we are also told Goebbels was in love with Jewish Else Janke, but that just means she was his beard in college.
All this is another big problem for the given storytellers, since Goebbels was allegedly already writing anti-Semitic things in these early years. And yet he had no problem with Waldberg, Gundolf, or Janke. Strange. I suggest to you those early writings were faked later to fit the story.
I have destroyed Goebbels, so let's move on to the last big name I will hit here: Heinrich Himmler. His maternal grandfather was Franz Alois Heyder, so we have that name again. These grandparents are a wall, but we are told the grandmother was a Hofrichter. So we are supposed to believe that the mother of this famous person didn't know who her grandparents were. His paternal grandmother is given as a Kein, otherwise scrubbed. That is probably a fudge of Klein. However, we do find his great-grandfather was a Hettinger, not a Himmler, so once again we have a famous Nazi hiding behind a fake name. It looks like the name Himmler comes from his paternal great-grandmother, but why would that be? Wikipedia has nothing to say about this oddity.
[Added January 25, 2017. Why does that matter? Because it means Himmler should be a Hettinger. They are hiding that for this reason: The ketchup king was H. J. Heinz, as you may know. They admit Donald Trump is related to him fairly closely. A Heinz in his line married a Trump just a few generations back. At about the same time in the Heinz genealogy, we come to a Johann Georg Heinz. He married Anna Henninger, daughter of Nicholaus Henninger. Could they be the same family? If they are, then I will have linked Trump and Heinz to Himmler. In fact, they are linked, as we find at these pages for the Oberst family. Those pages are worth studying, since we find links to many curious surnames, including Lanza. Remember Adam Lanza? We also find Schicks, Ackermans, Görungs (Görings), Hammers, Kaisers, Rudolphs, Zimmermans, Brecht(el)s, Jungs, Barths, Meyers, Webers, Vaughans, Brauns, Vogels, Feils, Hoffmans and Mullers. But the first sign of Henninger we get is when Elisabeth Oberst marries Johann Henninger in 1825 in Unterowisheim, Baden. Both are of that town. In 1849, Susanna Oberst marries Jacob Hettinger of. . . wait for it. . . Unterowisheim, Baden. In 1851, Michael Oberst marries Katarina Henninger, again in Unterowisheim, Baden. In the 1920s, an Olga Obrist marries an Edward Hedinger. I suspect these are all variants of the same name, but even if they aren't, we have just linked the Henningers and Hettingers through the Obersts. They are from the same town in the same years, and are linked to all these obviously Jewish families. To salt that in, we also get the Görings and Brauns and Hoffmanns. Also the Schicks. Hitler's grandmother was a Schicklgruber, remember? So not only have we just linked Trump and Heinz to Himmler, we have linked Himmler to Göring, Braun, and Hitler. It looks like they were all cousins.
I will be told I have linked some Henningers and Hettingers, but we have no evidence they are the same people. But we do. We just found the Henningers in the Oberst genealogy living in Unterowisheim, Baden. There, they were related to the Mullers. Well, if we go to Heinz' genealogy, we find his Henninger was from Kallstadt. Guess what, Kallstadt is in Baden. Not only that, but it is about 20 miles from Unterowisheim. Both are near Heidelberg, one being about 10 miles NW and one being about 10 miles S. For more, we find Anna Henninger was the wife of Johann Georg Heinz I. His son, Johann Georg Heinz II was married to Anna Muller. We find the same with Himmler's Hettinger family, which was also from Baden. On Himmler's pages, the Hettingers fail, but we can search on Johann Hettinger for more. At these pages, we find them in Bofsheim in those years, about 20 miles east of Heidelberg.]
And we get other huge red flags that no one bothers to follow up. Himmler was named Heinrich for his godfather, Prince Heinrich of Bavaria:

From Wiki:
at Christmas the Himmlers regularly received a visit from the prince and his mother..."[2]
I'm sorry, am I the first person to ever study history? Has no one ever read these sentences for sense before I got here? Does this guy seem like a logical godfather for the official of a Workers' Party? Hello? Is anyone home? By the way, the link for that quote is to Longerich p. 15.
Himmler was in a fencing fraternity in college and its leader and many members were Jewish. Although we are told he was already anti-Semitic, this didn't seem to bother him. Strange. We are told Himmler tried to pursue a military career in college, but was not successful. With the Prince and his mother as personal friends, how believable is that? He joined NSDAP at age 22.

That's taken straight from Himmler's Wiki page. It is supposed to be a young Himmler in early SS uniform. But it is an obvious fake. Compare the blacks in his shadows to the blacks in the background: not even close. The least shadow analysis destroys this photo in about 3 seconds. And is
he supposed to have a beard there, or what is going on? I wasn't aware the German army allowed beards. Regardless, his lapels tell us he is already a Brigadier General. Doesn't look like a Brigadier General to me, since he is out of his coat. Do military men actually buy this, or are they ordered to play along all over the world?
Most of the photos of Himmler are poorly faked. Here's a few:

Just awful. On the first, notice the line where his neck meets his collar. It's an obvious paste-up. On the second, notice how wide his neck is, and compare it to other pictures of him. He never had a neck that wide. He was not an athlete, he was a gay actor. Also note the lapel insignias, which look added to both photos. Study them on all posted photos of Himmler: they always look fake.

These two, posted together, make the fake very obvious. In the first, his neck is rather short. In the second, his neck is extremely long. He has gained about three inches of collar clearance. That's a really bad paste job. I recommend you use that clue to study all the photos of Himmler online. In the set, his neck goes from short to very long and from wide to narrow, despite no great weight gains or losses.

That's another paste job. Two things to look at first: one, the hat-brim shadows don't match. His friend's brim is casting a dark and sharp shadow about an inch wide, while his is casting a dim shadow about half as wide. Two, the face edges don't match. Himmler's face is fairly sharp where it meets the background, while his friend's is blurrier. And notice how his friend's chin isn't casting any sensible shadow down onto his collar. Finally, notice how Russian-Jewish he looked when young and thin.

That's another ridiculous fake. Why are their uniforms three different shades of dark? Did the Brig. General to your right [Kaltenbrunner] wash his uniform in too much Clorox, or does the sun only shine on him? And the positions of the lapel pins doesn't match, either. Kaltenbrunner has his pinned to the right, while Himmler is pinned to the left. I see three different pocket pins, too. The Nazi theater department seems a bit sloppy. Someone seems to have recognized this problem, because we also find this:

You see what they did there? They had someone photoshop it, cropping it and equalizing the contrast, so that their uniforms match. Unfortunately, doing that led to a further problem. Look at the background. It is now very obvious the background is fake.
Himmler was involved in the Beer Hall Putsch hoax, which I have already deconstructed. It makes no sense on any level, as you can see there.
Honestly, after that, the rest of his bio isn't even worth reading or analyzing. It is fiction from the first
word. It is more useful to return to his genealogy. So let's return to Himmler's father for a moment. His full name is given as Johann Konrad Clemens Matthaus Himmler. Reminds us of Samuel Clemens, doesn't it? So where did Himmler get that name? We aren't told. The lines end soon after that at Geni, and we get no other clues. But this might tell us why Mark Twain was in Heidelberg and Europe so much before the first World War, supposedly working as a reporter.
We also find some interesting information here, where Himmler's great-niece is interviewed in 2007 by a Buckinghamshire newspaper The Northern Echo. There, it is admitted that she is “the wife of an Israeli Jew”. Pretty curious by itself. We are supposed to believe this family turned 180 degrees in one generation? Unlikely. At the end of the article, we find this Katrin Himmler has written a book The Himmler Brothers, published by Fischer in Germany and Macmillan in the UK. We can be sure it is misdirection. Why? To start with, she won't name her husband. She implies this is for his protection or something, but that is ridiculous. I assume she is hiding his name because it would blow the whole the story.
[Addendum January 28, 2017: a reader from Germany sent me a link today that is gold, in support of the above paragraph. It is a 2008 article from The Guardian in London. It is the curious tale of how the sons and daughters of top Nazis converted to Judaism and moved to Israel. No, “curious” is a vast understatement. I encourage you to read it closely, because—unspun—it acts as clear proof of everything I have told you above. The first interview is with Rabbi Aharon Shear-Yashuv, whose father was a Nazi in the Waffen SS. I reread the article several times to see if he had changed his name, but nothing is there in answer to that. So it begs the question: what was his German name? Did he even have one? It is a very important part of this story denied us. All the other names of those interviewed are also denied us, which is convenient for the story. With the rest, we don't even get Israeli names. Nothing. So we can't do a search on them to confirm their stories. But just ask yourself this: do we have any indication this whole story isn't spun away from the far more likely truth, that being that these people—though real children of Nazis—were always Jewish? And that their parents were, too? That would explain this “phenomenon” immediately, wouldn't it, without the need to interview psychologists and make up a whole new clinical category for it. Have you ever heard of Occam's Razor? It is the default position that most things should be explained in the simplest way possible. Given two theories, always go with the simplest one unless you have a very strong reason not to. The odds will always be heavily in your favor.
Given that, I think you can see how bold the storytellers are. I think we could call it reckless, were it not for the fact that it seems to work brilliantly. These writers for The Guardian put the truth right in front of your face, and then spin you off it. The liars have become so confident from past successes, they know they can wave the truth in front of your face, then remove it and continue the lie. You will go on as before, burying the truth for them because it doesn't suit the larger story they have trapped you in.
And they don't just tell you what they have done in the past; they tell what the future will be, too. The Rabbi tells us Germany is being wiped off the map by its low birthrate, and he exults in it. But that reminds us that to be wiped off the map in such a situation, the country in question has to allow unchecked immigration. I guess you are aware what is going on in Germany and other parts of Europe right now, and less so in the US. The borders have been opened, expressly to allow this influx. The European people can't understand why their leaders are allowing it, but the Rabbi just told them why. In previous papers, we have seen the top Jewish families warring with the Holy Roman Empire for centuries. In the 20th century, they won the last stages of that war. In the 21st century, we are seeing the mop-up.
Some still won't understand what these Jews have against Germany, or why I said this is happening “less so” in the US. It is because these families have no grudge against the US. As we have seen, they have owned us from the beginning. Israel isn't the primary Zion: the US is. Israel is just an outpost. In these new articles, they tell us Jews hate Germans for recent crimes, but we know that isn't true. They have been warring against Germany for centuries, so the grudge is very old. This war has been going on for a thousand years or more. The Rabbi and the writers for the Guardian obviously consider the war won. We are thoroughly subjugated, and can now just be toyed with.
That is what is happening when the author says again and again, “something seems to be missing from this story”. He is mirroring back to you your own unease and disbelief, which he knows you will be feeling. But he is so sure he can control it, he can tell what he is doing while he does it. He even says this:
They talk about despising the Trinity and the terrible things that the Germans did to the Jews, but it seems like they are talking a genocide that doesn't exist, even in their memories.
All I can say is, WOW. It takes some balls to put that in this article. The new writers don't just put the truth in front of your face, they put it halfway down your throat, almost to your stomach, before they pull it back out.
But I can prove this story in The Guardian is false. I can do that because I can do math. The last interview is with a guy claiming his step-grandfather was Hans Hitler, son of Alois Jr. He says in the interview that when his mother came home after the Allied victory, she was denounced as a Nazi and her flat was seized. That would have been 1945, right? If she had a flat, that indicates she was not a child. So we can assume she was born sometime before 1925. Her grandfather was Alois Jr., born in 1882. We know from his bio above that he returned to Austria from Liverpool in 1914, at which time he took a second wife. If we assume that is where this Hans came from, then Hans couldn't have been born before 1914. If we search on Hans Hitler, we find nothing. But there is a Heinz Hitler, born 1920. He can't be the father of this woman, unless he had her when he was about five years old. Even if we go back to 1914 and insert another son Hans in here, it still doesn't work because that only makes Hans eleven years old. We would have to go back before Alois went to England and married the Dowling woman. Unfortunately, there are no records of a child, legitimate or not, in that period. If the Guardian wishes to rewrite history, it should present some evidence beyond the word of this unnamed man in Israel.
One more thing I found in this research. In a related article from 2013 at the Jewish magazine Aish.com, we get an update, learning that Hans Hitler's wife was allegedly Erna Patra Hitler. We also learn she changed her name after the war to Hiler. Sort of corroborates my guess above, doesn't it? But it gets even better: in an article from the same year in Die Zeit on the same guy, it says that Erna actually changed her name to Hiller.]
[Addendum February 16, 2017: more confirmation of the above analysis has been sent in by my guest writer Josh from Israel. He has discovered that the Israeli man above claiming to be a step- relation of Hitler is Michael Mach of Tel Aviv University. Problem is, Josh also found this page at Wikitree, indicating Hans Hitler was really Johannes Theodor (Hans) Hitler, b. 1906. “Hans” was just a nickname, so why didn't they give us the real name to start with? Well, it could be because this Hans Hitler is not the son of Alois at all. He is listed as the son of Johann and Maria. And who are they? Is Johann supposed to be another brother of Adolf Hitler? If so, he is not listed in the current tree at Wikipedia. Of course, neither is Hans or Johannes. The only Johann listed is the grandfather of Adolf, and that Johann also married a Maria. So it looks like we are being led on another wild goose chase through make-believe relatives and recycled names. We also have make-believe photos:

Josh found that at Pinterest. It is tagged as Hans and Erna with Alois and Hedwig. But although I confirm the third person matches the picture given as Alois, Jr. above (just older), I confirm nothing else. The picture is an obvious paste-up, with inside-jokes included. Notice the first two people are mysteriously larger than the second two, although they are standing next to eachother. And I don't mean that they are taller or fatter. I mean they are not properly scaled. We have a perspective problem here, since the first two seem (at first glance) to be forward of the second two. Because closer, they would be a few percentage points larger overall. But if you look again, you see that Erna is supposed to be joining the two men in a line. So there should be no perspective involved. Hans is simply too big for the photo, and so is Erna's head. Which leads you to study Hans' edges. Look where his coat meets the background. It's an obvious paste. And realizing that takes us back to Erna's big head. To start with, notice how her shadows are darker than everyone else's. Everyone is shadowed to your left, but Erna has a dark line down her left side. Why? Because that head was pasted in. And once you realize that, you can look even more closely. You may think that is just a really homely woman, but it isn't. It is a man. That is what I meant by “jokes included”.
Don't believe me? Maybe this will help:

“Her” head obviously has more contrast than his head. Otherwise, his left edge would match the darkness of hers. And blown up, it is even easier to tell that is a man. That is huge head with a massive jaw. That is way beyond homely. Study the way the head goes into the neck, on the right side. Stare at it for a bit and you can start to see how the head was pasted in there. That's probably why we get it blurry. Without the blur, it would be even easier to tell it was a paste-up.
Although Josh included that photo in his email, I searched on it myself, to see if I could find a better version. I couldn't, but I did find this:

That is supposed to be Hitler at the Schonmann wedding in 1937. Can you believe they still publish that? It's an obvious paste-up. Hitler is just floating in there as if some gradeschooler pasted him in with Elmer's glue-all, and he isn't even the worst. Look at the older blonde-haired lady, fifth from your left. Now, look for her shadow. She isn't casting one, is she? The flash in this photo was positioned slightly to the left, since the shadows we can see are on the right. Everyone who was really there should be casting a shadow in the same direction. But although the guy behind is in bright white where her shadow should be, there isn't one. That means either he was pasted in or she was. My guess is he was, and he is covering what was her shadow. He is tagged as Dr. Morell, which must be Theodore Morell, Hitler's physician. They pasted him to confirm Hitler's presence, I guess.
Need more? Can't see that Hitler is pasted in? OK, try this. The flash is from the front-left, as we have established. So why does Hitler have a dark line down the left side of his face? Note especially the dark spot where his chin on the left meets his collar. No one else has that, do they? Not even the guy right behind him. Still not enough? How about the outline of his coat to your left. Study the line from collar to shoulder, and down the sleeve. Too perfect, isn't it? The shoulder is way too sharp, and the line of the sleeve was cut with one long snip of the scissors. Still not enough? How old is Hitler there? This is August 1937, so he should be 48. Does he look 48? No, he looks about 35. Which leads us to look again at Dr. Morell. Morell was only three years older than Hitler, so he should be 51 there. Does he look three years older than Hitler in that photo? Again, no. Morell looks about 50, but he looks about 15 years older than Hitler, or more. Still not enough? Was Hitler that skinny at age 48? Not according to other fake photographic evidence. The man they have pasted in there is very svelte, with a small waist and small torso. He is also small overall. Although he is the tallest man in the photo, he is barely taller than the women around him. Those who paste up these photos don't seem to realize that men are bigger than women, not only in height but in head size. We saw the same problem in faked photos of the Kennedy family, where Joe, Jr. was always pasted in too small. These photos were faked to fool people who have never studied photos, or closely studied human anatomy.
Still not enough? Well, let me take the photo into photoshop, just changing the saturation levels a bit. All I have done is change the contrast and saturation of the entire photo. I have not done anything to Hitler separately.

See how flat he looks? The blacks in his tux have no variation. He looks like a cardboard cut-out, doesn't he? That's because he is. Also notice how some people are turning purple and some aren't. This is another indication of who was there and who wasn't.
Here's another horrible paste-up from the same page at Fold3.com.

Terrible resolution, but an obvious fake at any resolution. Just study the women to his left and right. While the face of one is high contrast, the face of the other is low contrast. The one to your right is probably wearing white like the one on the left, but her contrast has been lowered while the other one has been raised. If you cut them out of that photo, took them into photoshop separately, and matched the contrast levels, the dresses would be the same color white. But here, it looks like the one on the right is wearing light grey or lilac or something. Why? Because this is supposed to be a wedding photo. It is supposed to be Gretl's wedding in 1944. So the lady on the left can't be wearing white as well, right? You don't compete with the bride on her wedding day. This proves the photo is fake without even looking at Hitler.]
[Addendum March 18, 2017: My guest writer Kevin just reminded me that in his research on the Folgers, he found one of Peter's ancestors to be a Hillar/Hiller. Peter's great-grandfather Samuel Folger married a Nancy Hillar/Hiller. It was a common name in the Nantucket area at that time, and appears to be Jewish. We find several people named Levi Hiller, Moses Hiller, Hannah Hiller, Rachel Hiller, Isaac Hiller, etc. at that time and place. That page is also useful, since we find many Hillers in Holzgerlingen, Neckarkreis, Wurttemburg. This is interesting because Holzgerlinger is about 30 miles from Unterowisheim, Baden, that we looked at above with Himmler/Henninger.
Another reader wrote in to point me to Hitler's signature:

Strange that in almost all sigs after about 1925, Hitler takes the time to cross his f and double cross his H, but fails to cross his t—leaving us with the name Hiller.]
Then we come to the name of Himmler's grandmother: Hofrichter. We already did the name Richter above. Same song, second verse. They may have just fudged it in the genealogy. This indicates Himmler was closely related to Hess. What about the name Heyder? It is a variation of the name Haider, which we saw above in the genealogy of Hitler. So are they admitting Hitler was related to Himmler, or just toying with us again? I assume both. Either way, Heyder is another Jewish name, so they are incredibly bold. They think nothing of your intelligence.
For more evidence of that, you may visit the page of Jorg Haider, governor of Carinthia until 2008. We are told his father Robert joined NSDAP in 1929 as a 15-year-old boy. Right. Although Robert was an officer at the end of the war, he got off with no trial. Plus, according to his bio he had already been a lieutenant by 1938. Although he fought throughout the war and was wounded several times, we are told he was never promoted, still being a lieutenant in 1945. Not believable. More likely he was decorated many times and ended the war as at least a lt. colonel. Jorg married a Hoffmann and his sister married a Haubner. Although we are told there are strict laws against anything to do with Nazism in both Germany and Austria, for some reason we are supposed to believe this Jorg Haider made a long career out of being a poorly cloaked Nazi in Austria. How could he do that? Because it is all a con: Nazism is nothing but theater, and these people like Haider are simply crypto-Jews, directly related to the same families that have been pulling this con for a century. As in the US, they create two fake parties that appear to be opposed but that are really allied fascists. They then divert your attention from any real events with a constant stream of fiction.
In fact, I have already proved my point in this paper and don't feel obligated to say much more about Himmler. If you can read everything above and not gag on all of 20 th c. history, you need to go dunk your head in some ice water. I am going to save more photo analysis of Hitler for another time, since my eyes need some rest. But on the way out I will hit a couple of minor things. The deaths of all the top Nazis have always been known to be suspicious, but I haven't looked at any of the others above. Let's take a quick look at the story of Himmler's demise. After the war he was captured. He was moved to different camps and then finally searched two days later while in medical custody. We are told he had a cyanide capsule hidden in his mouth, which he then swallowed. He was buried in an unmarked grave of now unknown location. OK. None of that makes any sense. Outside the magical world of bad fiction, things don't work that way. Himmler would have been searched immediately and asked who he was immediately. Not two days later. If he had a suicide plan as escape, he would have had to put it into action immediately upon capture, before any search, to be absolutely sure his capsule wasn't found and taken away. Beyond that, this story of an unmarked grave is absurd. We are told they knew who he was, so why would he be buried in an unmarked grave? They have used this lame story over and over throughout history to cover these faked deaths, and for some reason no one ever questions it. The bad guys are always buried in unmarked graves in a ditch outside the castle or in the armory or beside the gallows or thrown into a river. This is very convenient for the storytellers, since all evidence has been destroyed. You can't do a DNA test on Himmler's body now, can you? In the real world, it wouldn't be done that way. This is a very bad guy, one of the top enemies, so you would want to be sure people believed your story and knew where to find his remains. You would wish to build a little evil monument, warning people in the future not to be like this bad guy. You would want there to be no doubt of his existence, capture, and death, so you would do everything possible to verify it, catalog it, and memorialize it. Instead, we are supposed to believe just the opposite: the top enemies were treated as if they didn't matter at all, buried like mongrel dogs and forgotten.
As a parting bonus, I will tell how to read one last mystery. It has never been explained where the word Nazi came from. Wikipedia tells you to this day it comes from the German pronunciation of the word “national”. Right. And you believe that? Given what we learned above, maybe now you can see the truth: Nazi is simply a shortening of the word Ashkenazi.
[For further proof of my thesis here—that all the Nazis were crypto-Jews—you may consult my newer paper on Marx's Wife, where I found mainstream Jewish researchers admitting in top newspapers like the London Telegraph that around 140 top Nazi officers were Jewish, including at least two field marshals, fifteen generals and 23 colonels. In at least 20 cases, known Jewish officers were awarded the highest Nazi honor, the Knight's Cross. Given the current version of history, how is that possible? But it fits my thesis perfectly, doesn't it?]
*Hubbard is descended from DeWolfs, originally Wolfes. Also Potters, Morrises, Putnams, Reeds, Drapers, Pecks, Taylors, Middletons, and Holloways. The Holloways were cloth merchants in Boston. The Drapers were cloth merchants in London, as the name suggests. The Pecks founded New Haven. If we go back far enough, we find William Gascoigne, Lord Chief Justice. That line ends at the Duke de Gascoigne, in the year 965. Another line ends in the Barons Vavasour in 995. They were related to the Perrys, who go back to the same period. They were also related to the Mowbrays, who we have seen before in my paper on Daisy Ridley. Also the Darcys and Fitzgeralds. The Darcys go back to 1031 in Lincolnshire. In France they go back even farther, as the Counts of Arcis.
**It didn't occur to me until later, but Pinon may be linked to Peron and Pinheiros, as a slurred respelling.