by Miles Mathis
First published June 2, 2017
This is all genealogy work, so if you hate that, move on. This one is a doozy, though. If you have ever wondered where Keanu Reeves came from and what his entree into Hollywood was, you are about to find out. You knew it wasn't his amazing range and eclat as an actor and may have assumed it was mainly about his pretty face. But you're not even close. It's all in the family, as they say.
Geni gives us nothing, so we have to go to Geneanet. The first thing we learn is that Reeves' mother is Patricia Taylor. She is otherwise scrubbed, but that is already a potential clue, possibly linking him to the famous Taylors like Liz. The only thing we know about Reeves' mother is that she was married four times, and her other husbands were Aaron, Miller, and Bond. Do you really think Patricia Taylor doesn't know who her parents are? No research should be required: she is alive and should be able to say it. Why are her parents denied us? Well, there are 1818 Taylors in the British peerage, including six Patricia Taylors. Two of them are candidates to be Keanu's mother, based on DOB and other clues. The best candidate is Patricia Ann Taylor, again no dates or parents, but married a Coffey in 1959 and had two kids in 1961-2. Keanu's mother is admitted to have married four times, so why not five? She may have divorced Coffey in 1962 in plenty of time to have Keanu with Samuel Reeves in 1964.
You will say that is a stretch, but that guess is supported by other lines in Keanu's genealogy that are not so well scrubbed. As you are about to see, several of them go back to high levels in the British peerage, so why not Patricia Taylor? It would explain why they have hidden her parents.

In support of that, we do a people search on Patricia Bond (her current name) of California, looking for one born about 1940. And we get a hit on a Patricia A. Bond, age 76, of Sugarloaf, Whittier, and Murrietta. Not only is the middle initial A. a match to Ann, but this Patricia Bond mysteriously has no relatives. Only a little letter i. The big computers know of no links for this 76-year-old person? Unheard of. But they don't want you connecting her to Keanu or to the Aarons, Millers, or Reeves, do they? What does this tell us? It tells us Patricia would have been 24 in 1964, when Keanu was born. Not 22, as this story from UpRoxx.com implies. Which confirms my guess that she had time to marry Mr. Coffey in 1959 and have two kids by 1962.
For more indication of this, we are told Patricia Taylor was from Essex, England. Well, there was a Baron Taylor of Harlow, County Essex, created in 1958, six years before Keanu was born. At thepeerage.com, he is mostly scrubbed, with no links in or out of his page. No parents, siblings, wives, or children are given.
All that was admittedly speculative, so let's come back to it after compiling surrounding evidence. We'll switch to Reeves' paternal grandmother and see if we can find something more solid. Her mother is not given, but she was a Victor. Keanu has said in interviews she was half Chinese and half Hawaiian, but we find no evidence of that. Her name is given as Sarah Monilani Victor, and Monilani is not Chinese. Since her mother is given only as Lilian, we have nothing to go on. So we go back to the Reeves line. Keanu's grandfather was born in 1921, so he was only 43 when Keanu was born. Keanu's great-grandfather's mother was a Nowlin, and her father was Armistead Nowlin. We have seen that rare first name before in these genealogies of the major families, which indicates we are on track to something important. Armistead was married twice, his second wife being in Keanu's line. But his first wife was Elizabeth Fitzgerald. We will come back to that name. Armistead got his name from his mother, so we switch to her, a Shelton. Her grandmother is Lettice Payne, which gives us two hits. The name Payne links them to that very wealthy and prominent family we first researched with Payne Stewart in my paper on Tiger Woods. The name Lettice comes from the upper reaches of the British peerage: see Lettice Knollys and also the related Rich family.
We are now back to Richmond, VA, in the 1700s, so we just go back another couple of steps in the Payne line. There, we find Thomas Payne married to Mary Montague. Do you know what that means? It means we are in the direct line of George Washington. Mary Montague married three times, with her third husband being the Payne in Keanu's line. Her second husband was Col. Joseph Ball, the grandfather of George Washington. This means Keanu is a second cousin of George Washington, several (five?) times removed. Keanu's 7g-grandmother was the grandmother of George Washington.
Mary's mother was a Reynolds, so we have that link, too. That may link Keanu to Ryan Reynolds, but I suspect there is a more recent link. We will look at Reynolds another time.
If we stick with these Montagues, we then are taken back to Buckingham, England in the mid-1600s. That also links us to the name Malthus. As in Malthusian. It also links us to Giffords, Warners, Downings and Bullocks. Think Sandra Bullock, Keanu Reeves' costar in Speed. Tim Dowling, the master of Geneanet, curiously decides to end the Montague line there, although we know there is much more. We have seen the Montagues at the top of the peerage for centuries, going back to 900 AD and linked to many kings. We covered them in my paper on George Washington. See the Montagus, Dukes of Manchester, related to the Dukes of Marlborough. Before they were Dukes of Manchester, they were Earls of Manchester, and the 2nd Earl married Lady Anne Rich, daughter of Robert Rich, 2nd Earl of Warwick. This confirms my hit on the first name Lettice above, doesn't it? I knew that wasn't a coincidence. The 1st Earl of Warwick, Robert Rich, married Penelope Devereux, and her mother was Lettice Knollys.

Anyway, back to the Montagus. The 2nd Earl of Manchester was one of the top roundhead generals in the English Civil War, and was for a time Oliver Cromwell's superior. His mother was Catherine Spencer, which also links us to that family again. They were at the time closely related to the Dukes of Buckingham (the Villiers) and would later be the Dukes of Marlborough as the Spencer-Churchills. They were also closely related to the Stewarts, Dukes of Richmond and Lennox. Also related to the Herberts, Earls of Pembroke. This Montagu's grandfather had been governor of King Edward VI, appointed by Henry VIII. In the time of the Henrys, the Montagus owned large parts of Northamptonshire, where they had thirteen major residences including a castle.
There is a curious thing about these Montagus worth hitting again here. The 2nd Earl was a top general against King Charles I, but his father the 1st Earl was one of Charles' boon companions. The 1st Earl was a member of the Star Chamber and Lord Privy Seal under Charles. His grandfather had been Lord Chief Justice, so the Montagus had been King's Men for centuries. So the 2 nd Earl's position as head of the Parliamentary army has to look strange. You wouldn't expect the revolution to come out of the House of Lords, would you, led by an Earl. Even stranger, perhaps, is that he was later “loaded with honors” from Charles II. I will be told this was for his role in opposing the trial of Charles I and later for his part in the Restoration, but it is admitted that Montagu led the anti-Royalist forces in the Battle of Marston Moor. This is just more indication to me that the Civil War was managed. As with the other Revolutions we have unwound, it may have been partly or largely faked. But we will have to look at that later. It would swamp this little paper about Keanu Reeves.
So let's return to his genealogy. His Hawaiian line is also scrubbed, so let's look at that. It goes back to a Malaia Lokalia, b. 1863 in Honolulu. It appears that it is Keanu's great-grandmother who is half Hawaiian, not his grandmother. But Lokalia is not a family name, it is a given name, so something is being hidden here. It isn't hidden well, because Tim Dowling lists Lokalia's first grandson as Charles Kewweaheulu Reeves. Another grandson is Wallace Kalaualii Reeves. If we go to the history books, we find that Keaweaheulu Kaluaʻapana was Hawaiian High Chief in the 1800s, great-grandfather of King Kalakaua. This indicates that Keanu was not only descended from English royalty, he was descended from Hawaiian royalty as well. He comes straight from the lines of the Kings. This has to link him also to the white elites who ran Hawaii in the 1800s, who we saw before in my paper on John Reed. Many of them were bankers or peers. They are the only ones who were considered locally to have enough status to marry into the Hawaiian Royal lines.
Keanu has stated his grandmother was Chinese and Hawaiian, but his genealogy belies that. His great- grandmother was Rose Lokalia Miguel, and Miguel is not a Chinese name last time I looked. It is Portuguese. Her father was Joseph Miguel, born in Portugal in 1832. However, once again, Miguel is not usually a surname, it is a given name, so something is being hidden. Since Keanu is from royal lines in England and Hawaii, best guess he is also from royal lines in Portugal—probably Marrano lines. That would explain the scrubbing. So who was the ruling family of Portugal in the 1820s? Well, you may be interested to know that the entire Royal Family of Portugal was transferred to Brazil in the early 1800s, due (we are told) to the imminent invasion of Napoleon. This family was the Braganzas, which ties us to my English research above. The Braganzas had been the wealthiest people in Portugal for many centuries, going back to the 1600s and earlier. At that time, Catharine Braganza had married Charles II of England, and upon the Restoration she became Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland from 1662 to 1685. This linked her to the Montagus there at court.
The Braganza dynasty began under mysterious circumstances, as you will not be surprised to hear. In around 1400, an Alfonso became the first Duke of Braganza. But his ancestry is admitted to be just a guess—meaning it is either made up or finessed. What we do know is that he married the heiress Beatriz, daughter of Nuno Alvarez Pereira—the richest man in Portugal. We are told he came from a line of Bishops, but the big clue is, as usual, his mother: Iria Carvalhal. Since in Judaism the lines are matrilineal, she was the generatrix of the Braganza dynasty, not Alfonso. Carvalhal later became Carabajal, and the Carabajals were Marranos. That is, Jews. The Pereiras were also Jews, as I showed in my research on Eva Peron. The Perons of Brazil descended from Pinheiros and Peirons of Portugal, and both names are probably just variants of Pereira.
Since the Royal House of Braganza fleeing Lisbon in late 1807 was comprised of over 15,000 people, we may assume some of them travelled to other places besides Brazil. Some younger sons of the family may have gone to. . . Hawaii, for instance. So could our Joseph Miguel in Hawaii really be Joseph Miguel Braganza? Well, a search on “Joseph Miguel Braganza” takes us directly to this Wiki page on Miguel, Duke of Braganza, b. 1853. His father was King Miguel of Portugal (below), b. 1802, exiled from Portugal in 1834 to England. This Royal line was called “Miguelists”, so is it a coincidence that Keanu's Portuguese ancestor in Hawaii is a Miguel? Not a chance.

For more proof of that, we find the Duke of Braganza's son Prince Miguel, Duke of Viseu, married heiress Anita Stewart. We saw that name above, didn't we, in another of Keanu's lines. Anita's father was William Rhinelander Stewart, who owned large parts of New York along with the Astors. He and Vincent Astor were best friends. Astor was also Jewish. Stewart was director of the Greenwich Savings Bank and the Corn Exchange Bank. His grandmother was Mary Rogers, and they were also closely related to the Roberts, Webbs, Barclays, Lees, and Armstrongs (think Custer). The Rogers were related to the Rockefellers, of course, being high up in the Standard Oil hierarchy.
After his exile, King Miguel married Princess Adelaide of Lowenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg. Don't be fooled by that German-sounding name. Ignore the first two names and concentrate on the third, which didn't enter the picture until 1803, when the house was infiltrated by the Rosenbergs. If you go to the family pages at Wiki, they refuse to tell you where the name Rosenberg came from. However, if you saw the name today, you would assume it is Jewish. It can only have come from the first maternal line at that time, which was Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Bartenstein. If we search on that, we are taken to Louis Aloysius, Prince of Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Bartenstein, b. 1765. A search on his page for the name Rosenberg does indeed pull up Prince Orsini-Rosenberg, which name you will remember from the movie Amadeus, as well as previous papers.

Louis Aloysius served under Orsini-Rosenberg in the Austrian army. Also note the name Aloysius, which is a variant of Alois. I spent several paragraphs looking at that name in my last Hitler paper, since Hitler's brother and father were named Alois. What this indicates to me is that the Rosenbergs somehow infiltrated the Lowenstein house at this point through the female line. I suspect is was these Orsini-Rosenbergs, whose given ancestry is garbage. The connection to the Orsinis of Italy is never explained, although I suspect there is a connection, that connection being that the Orsinis were also Jewish. The Monterotondo line, the Bracciano line, and the Pitigliano line of the Orsinis all intermarried with the Medicis; in the most important Monterotondo line, Clarice Orsini became the wife of Lorenzo de' Medici (the Magnificent). I have previously outed the Medicis as crypto-Jews.
OK, so let's go back to the Fitzgeralds in Keanu's lines. So far we had only found a step-relationship, but there is at least one other. If we go back to Lettice Payne, we find that her brother Reuben had a daughter Millicent who married Edmund Fitzgerald. So the Fitzgeralds intersect these lines several times. We find that the name Lettice comes up again as well, since Lettice Payne's grandmother was Lettice Weeks. And we find a third, since Lettice Payne's son Armistead Shelton married his cousin Susanna Shelton, and her mother was Lettice Young. Not only does that tie us that much more strongly to the Lettices in the peerage, it provides a link back to Patricia Taylor. It gives us more indication she was from the peerage. Why? Because the Taylors are closely related to the Fitzgeralds in the peerage. The Taylors are also related to the Montagus, Cavendishes, Newtons, Quins, Beresfords, Montgomeries, Byngs, Guthries, Nobles, Pagets, Lindsays, Manners, Howards, Somersets, Leveson- Gowers, Hamiltons, Moncktons, Kennedys, Wolfes, Kirwans, Parrs, Powells, Stuarts, Trotters, Pitts, Caulfields, Becketts, Devereux, Rhys, Rices, Perys, Grahams, Grosvenors, Foxes, Blairs, Flemings, Todds, Moores, Clarkes, Forbes and Fausitts (think Farrah Fawcett). For example, see Catherine Taylor, b. 1949, daughter of Edward Taylor and Jean Monckton, wife of Donald Ross Kennedy. For another example, see Richard Montagu Taylor, d. 1953, whose mother was Lady Jane Hay. Lady Hay was the daughter of Field Marshal George Hay, 8th Marquess of Tweeddale, and Lady Susan Montagu. Lady Montagu was the daughter of the Duke of Manchester and Lady Susan Gordon. Lady Gordon was the daughter of the Duke of Gordon, related to Lord Byron. The Taylors are also the family of the President Zachary Taylor.
Another clue is that the Taylors took over the Baronage of Warwick in 1966. If you scan back above, you will see that the Riches were Earls of Warwick about three centuries earlier. The Riches were on the paternal side of Keanu Reeves, and the Taylors are on the maternal side, but this acts to link his two sides. So his parents were probably cousins, as is extremely common in these families.
The Taylors are also linked to Northumberland, which will interest my regular readers. In 1992, Peter Murray Taylor was elevated as Baron Taylor of Gosforth, of Embleton in Northumberland. He was Lord Chief Justice of England from 1992-96. They admit he was from a family of Yiddish speaking Jews from Lithuania. He is admitted to be related to Gwenneth Paltrow, who is actually a Palterovich. Taylor presided over several IRA bombings, which I assume were faked. He also presided over the retrial of Stefan Kiszko, ditto. Also the Thorpe trial, ditto. I may unwind them later.
For one last clue on this question, remember that Keanu's mother Patricia Taylor's third husband was a Miller, whom she married in 1976. Well, in 1980, Susan Elizabeth Taylor of Somerset married John C. C. Miller, and she later became Baroness Miller of Chilthorne Domer in 1998. This is not only a curious coincidence, if coincidence it is, it is also extremely odd. Susan Taylor did not become a Baroness through her husband, she was created a Baroness herself. You will say that isn't so odd, but according to her bio she had done nothing whatsoever to merit such distinction. She was a district councillor for South Somerset, but that doesn't normally qualify one for the peerage. She had worked for Penguin Books two decades earlier, but that also does not qualify one for the peerage. I can't make sense of this. The only thing I can figure is that she was descended from Sir Henry Taylor, KCMG. She was born in Surrey, and he lived at The Uplands in Surrey. Sir Henry married a Rice, the daughter of Baron Monteagle of Brandon, and Sir Henry's son Harry married a Handcock, the daughter of Baron Castlemaine. Her mother was a Gordon. So maybe Baroness Miller, nee Taylor, actually inherited her title from one of these lines.
Why did I devote a paragraph to that? Because if Susan Taylor is a Baroness, Patricia Taylor may be one as well. We know they scrub some things from the peerage, and maybe this is one of them. We have seen that Keanu is from British, Portuguese, and Hawaiian royal lines, so he may well have a title.
So why not admit any or all of this? Why keep it hidden? Wouldn't his fans just slobber on him that much more? Maybe, but that isn't how it is done in the US or Hollywood. For some reason they want you to think that all these people are middle class or worse, and that they scraped their way up from the gutter. The American story isn't about privilege, it is about paying your dues, overcoming poverty and tragedy, and earning your way with sweat and talent. So they have to rewrite the bios of most famous people to fit that mold. Or, they don't have to, but they do.
Bonus: In that UpRoxx article I mentioned above, we are told River Phoenix was a great friend of Keanu. Phoenix is then quoted,
I just liked the guy. I wanted to work with him. He was like my older brother, but shorter.
What? According to the bios, River didn't have an older brother. He was the eldest of five siblings. Beyond that, Keanu is taller than River. So who exactly is Keanu shorter than in that sentence? This is just more indication that what we are told about the Phoenix family is not true. The family was manufactured, like the Partridge Family.
Finally, I can't leave this page without mentioning the stories about Keanu and Jamie Clayton. If you don't know, Jamie Clayton is a transgender actress. Meaning she was once a man (or still is, depending on how you look at it).* In 2015, many outlets were claiming the two were dating, and pictures of them kissing were published. Keanu didn't threaten to sue and didn't even make a statement, saying the claims were false. This after decades of mystery about his sexuality. Most Hollywood stars of his stature at least make an effort to fake a dating history, but Keanu couldn't be bothered. He has no children, no wives, and no confirmed girlfriends. In fact, Keanu has only made statements to quash links to women. When it was reported he was engaged or married to Autumn Macintosh in 2005, he took the time to “slam” the rumors. [This Macintosh story also appears strange 12 years later, since her web presence beyond that one story is nil. She seems to have been created just for that. If we search on pictures of her, we have at least four different women tagged as Autumn Macintosh in pictures alone or with Reeves.] So one would have to conclude he is either gay or frigid. The link to Jamie Clayton seems to confirm the former. But who knows? What is somewhat amusing is that at gaypopbuzz.com, they repeat the story, and then post a banner telling you that “If Reeves is dating someone transgender, that doesn't mean he is gay”. Really? What does it mean? He is confused? They are confused? A project of confusion is being run? They also post a poll, asking you to choose one reaction, should the story about Keanu and Jamie be true: 1) Who cares I just want him, 2) I'd like him even more, 3) I would be stunned, 4) It would not shock me. Only 8% said they would be stunned. Which means about 92% would not be shocked.
*Also depending on what exactly transgender means in her case. Sometimes it is used as a synonym of transsexual, which means she would have had some amount of surgery. Other times it is a pointer that no surgery has occurred, which would mean “she” is little more than a cross-dresser. We are told it is all about how she “identifies”, but that is meaningless modern psycho-babble. These Hollywood people identify as something different every week. Wanting to be X is not the same as being X. Let us say I started identifying as a god, would that thereby mean I was immortal? Should you legally be required to treat me as a god?