by Miles Mathis
First published August 11, 2015
No, River Phoenix did not live on as Mark Dice, but he did live on.
We are told he died on October 31, 1993. That is your first and most important red flag. Yes, he allegedly died on Halloween, like Cheri Jo Bates of the faked Zodiac murders. Who else are we told died on Halloween?
Harry Houdini. Houdini's father was a Rabbi and Harry was a Freemason. Houdini's wife collected double indemnity on the insurance policy on his death. He was 52. Who else died at age 52? Alleged serial killer John Wayne Gacy. Grace Kelly. Wendell Willkie. Christopher Reeve. Shakespeare. Frank Zappa. Abbie Hoffman.
Ramon Novarro. Allegedly murdered in 1968. The story comes from Kenneth Anger, a CIA/Hollywood writer responsible for the most lurid fake stories. Novarro was supposed to be an ex-lover of Rudolph Valentino. An aging gay man killed by young male hustlers with “a black art deco dildo.” Right. See my paper on the Manson murders for more on Anger.
William Woodward, Jr. Alleged to have been killed accidentally by his wife in 1955, after a party with the Duchess of Windsor. He was heir to the Hanover Bank fortune, so there is zero possibility the given story is true. Truman Capote later implied that the wife had murdered her husband for his fortune, but this “murder of the century” was faked for other financial reasons. My guess is Woodward was either about to be indicted, and had to flee to South America; or— more likely—his bank was about to be raided by Manufacturers Trust (as would happen five years later), and he avoided the brunt of this raid by faking his death and moving most of the money into secret offshore accounts.
Rosalind Cash. Allegedly died of cancer at age 56. Black actress who starred with Charlton Heston in The Omega Man. In that film, Heston plays an army colonel. Curiously, Cash's brother was a career army colonel with the DIA (Defense Intelligence). Cash was also in Klute with Jane Fonda. Both Fonda and Heston were Intelligence assets, so Cash's death may have been faked for some reason. Maybe Intelligence had a special assignment for her.
John Houseman. Although he was very old when he died and I do not suspect a faked death, it may be the Halloween death was chosen as a token for his lifetime of work with Hollywood/Intelligence. It is known he was head of the overseas radio division of the Office of War Information during WW2, an Intelligence and propaganda machine. Most of his other work, including Citizen Kane and War of the Worlds was thinly veiled propaganda as well. Remember, War of the Worlds was itself a Halloween episode. Creating panic was no accident. As now, it was job one for Intelligence. You will tell me there is no reason to say someone died on Halloween if they didn't, but see the bio of Anton Lavey, the famous fake Satanist. It is admitted that Lavey and his family tried to pass off his death as a Halloween death, although he died two days earlier. He just got caught by a coroner they forgot to pay off. So these things do happen.
Charles Taze Russell, the founder of Jehovah's Witnesses. This ties into the Watchtower meme, and through that to Bob Dylan. Not many people know that the Watchtower was first used by Enochian magicians like John Dee, as far back as the 16th century. It was picked up around 1880 by the Golden Dawn, an offshoot of Theosophy, which I expose as an Intelligence operation here. It was later picked up by Wicca founder Gerald Gardner, whom I expose in this paper on the Unabomber. Russell famously used the Watchtower for his publications, all the way back to 1879, almost simultaneously with the Golden Dawn. Did you know Russell was a multi-millionaire even before starting his religious enterprises? We are told he sold his five clothing stores for almost $7 million (today's dollars) in 1876 to start his religious teachings. Curious, to say the least. But as with Theosophy and the Golden Dawn, we aren't told the true story. Like both of those organizations, Russell's Bible Student Movement was a 19th century Intelligence operation, conceived to draw off money and audiences from more mainstream sects, and thereby weaken Christianity. Russell was hired to do in the US what Samuel Mathers was doing in England at the same time: create fake religious controversies and other confusion. Think of it as an early Operation Chaos. Both Mathers and Russell were Freemasons, although Russell and the Freemasons have tried to deny it. He used Masonic symbolism extensively, and knew all their grips—although he claimed that knowledge of the grips “came to him naturally.” Right. Also see the court case Russell v. the Eagle, where Russell sued the Eagle newspaper for libel and lost. In 1911, the Brooklyn Daily Eagle reported that Russell's cults were nothing but a money making scheme, and that he was selling “miracle wheat” for way above its average cost. Since Russell lost, this means the court found that indeed his cults were mostly money making schemes. Although they were that, they were more than that. The Jehovah's Witnesses are another Intelligence front, and you should shoo them off your front porch as a nest of spooks. The same can be said for Mormons and Scientologists and most other modern sects. Tell them if they want to see inside your house, they can break into it when you aren't there, like their more talented cousins do.
Joseph Campbell.† Seemed like a nice guy, right, tutoring George Lucas and being interviewed by Bill Moyers? But he was a spook. He went to Canterbury School in Connecticut, a spook prep school where JFK, Sargent Shriver, and William Hearst also went. The founder of Blackwater, Cofer Black, also went there. Campbell was recruited from Dartmouth and sent to Columbia for his training. There, he joined Delta Tau Delta, which had been merged to the Rainbow Fraternity all the way back to 1886. The Rainbow Fraternity was even more secretive and mysterious than these fraternities usually are, but all are used for recruiting purposes. They have been linked to Intelligence at least since the Civil War. It is no accident or coincidence that the term “fraternity” is borrowed from the Freemasons. See the Wikipedia page on “fraternity”, where you find that “at the beginning of the 20th century the number of fraternal memberships in the US equaled the number of adult males.” In 1944, Arthur Schlesinger called the US a “nation of joiners.” No, it was a nation of spooks and spook-wannabes, and now is even worse. Every last club—down to the goldfish lover's society—has been infiltrated, and if you haven't been recruited it is only because you are one the last few dozen they are spying on. [Yes, 15 years into the 21st century, we have become a curious nation, one that future historians will study as 120 million men spying on 1,200.] Campbell was tied to Krishnamurti from 1924. Unfortunately, that is just another red flag, since Krishnamurti was the fake frontman for Theosophy, which I have already exposed as a Intel operation. Krishnamurti later admitted it, quitting the Theosophists. In the 1930's, Campbell was sent to California to spy on Ed Ricketts and John Steinbeck, who were working at a biological lab the spooks were curious about. Those men failing to confide in him, he was soon returned to the East Coast, where he began teaching at Sarah Lawrence. Since it is admitted that he dropped out of graduate school, it is unclear how he obtained this position, or, indeed, what it was. Since his MA was in Medieval Literature, it is unclear how he was qualified to be a “professor of mythology.” He hadn't published anything and wasn't known for anything in 1934 except traveling around like a rich guy. In the 1940's Campbell was apprenticed to Heinrich Zimmer, nearby at Columbia, and was groomed to fill his shoes in Indology. You should read Indology as the importation of Eastern religions, and the corrupting of them to create havoc in the West. Although we are told Zimmer was dismissed by the Nazis, some have suggested that it may have been from Zimmer that Campbell learned or perfected his anti-Semitism. This is curious, since George Lucas is Jewish.* For more on Campbell's anti-Semitism, see this 1990 article from the New York Times, which is reporting that a tribute to Campbell at Sarah Lawrence has been canceled for that reason. I would guess those protesting Campbell are using anti-Semitism as a cover. More likely they know Campbell was a spook installed at Sarah Lawrence under false pretenses. He lies about everything and they lie about him. At any rate, the rest of Campbell's career is just as phony as his early career, and his whole Power of Myth philosophy is just warmed over James Frazer (see The Golden Bough). Campbell wasn't hired to promote anti-Semitism, you can be sure. He was hired to continue the importation into the US of a watered-down and bastardized Eastern philosophy, for the purpose of killing Christianity. The government lusted after its tithe, you see. And, by the way, Bill Moyers is also a spook.** He is connected to the Aspen Institute and the Rockefeller Foundation, both on the cutting edge of fascism. Remember, Moyers was President Johnson's Press Secretary, and who in that position has ever been either a “liberal” or a good guy? Although Moyers subsequently sold himself as a journalist, as Press Secretary he muzzled the press as best as he could, famously threatening Morley Safer with non-existent CIA files to shut him up. Moyer's 1973 Essay on Watergate was total and purposeful misdirection, an early effort to blame Nixon and keep your eyes off the CIA. By the way, George Lucas is also a spook. Sorry. I like Star Wars, too, but that's how it goes.
OK, I think you can understand why I see the Halloween death as a big red flag. What else do we have? Well, Phoenix told several people before he “died” that he was leaving the business, including his dad. He didn't like the notoriety and wanted to be anonymous again. In his biography, they admit he bought a large piece of land in Costa Rica a short time before he died. That's convenient, right?
Then there's the alleged death photo of River in a coffin.

Not even close. I am a top portrait artist, and I can tell you that isn't River Phoenix. The jawline is way off, the mouth is wrong, they have tampered with the eyes in the photo, the hairline is false, and so on. The photo is faked, but faked poorly, so that even after the fake it still looks nothing like River Phoenix. I think anyone can see that, but most assume that corpses change a lot. In some minor ways they do, but not like this. For one thing, they get whiter, and this guy is darker than River ever was. And your jawline does not change when you die. Why would it? Do your lips get five sizes thinner? No.

That's River, from the movie Dark Blood he was shooting at the time. I encourage you to do a direct comparison. River has very full lips and a narrow jawline, even though we are looking slightly up at him here (which makes his lower face look wider). Also notice how prominent that mole on his chin is. They penciled it in way too weakly in the fake corpse photo. Look at the nostrils: too wide to match the corpse. Now study the hairline. River has a bit of a widow's peak, doesn't he? You will say the hair is just brushed forward, so I give you this:

He still has a point, even with the hair brushed back. The corpse doesn't.
Which brings us to the question, “Why didn't River finish the movie first?” Because he knew it was garbage propaganda, even worse than most. Here are the worst points of the plot of Dark Blood. Phoenix's character Boy is supposed to be living in Nevada, near the old nuclear test sites. His wife is supposed to have died of radiation poisoning. He is also one-eighth Hopi (Native). Which influence is the “dark blood,” we aren't told. Is his blood dark from the Native influence, or from the Plutonium? Either way, it is rampant bullshit. They are trying to sell you, for the millionth time, the idea that the nuclear tests were real, when they weren't. Like River's death, they were all faked. But even if they weren't, why would Boy and his wife be living there? Why wouldn't he leave? We are told he is carving Kachina dolls to ward off evil, but wouldn't it be easier to just drive away? This is a hidden slur against the Natives, and it is implied again and again that Boy is a superstitious dope just like them, and crazy and violent just like them. I think if you read real history, you will discover who is crazy and violent. It isn't the Natives, it you, Wasichu.
So the film is poorly disguised propaganda all round. It was produced by Daniel Lupi and JoAnne Sellar and directed by George Sluizer, all spooks. Sluizer's other films include The Vanishing and Crimetime. The Vanishing stars Keifer Sutherland, who pretty much outed himself by agreeing to be the lead in 24, the CIA's top TV series of all time. Crimetime is about Stephen Baldwin being hired to play a serial killer on a TV show re-enacting the crimes of a real serial killer. Again, propaganda, since I have shown serial killers were all manufactured by Intelligence as psy-ops. See my papers on Manson, the Zodiac, Bundy, Cottingham, etc. Lupi and Sellar also specialize in propaganda, as with the recent hagiography of Lincoln, hammering the old fake nails in one more time. See my paper on Lincoln for more on that. They also produced Magnolia, the most convoluted and asinine soap opera ever to hit celluloid, created to turn your brain into mush.
We now go to River's bio. Let's go back even further and look at his mom, Arlyn Dunetz. Although we are told she became a hippie and an activist, she started out much like Richard Alpert—AKA Ram Dass: she was from a prominent Jewish family in New York City. After college, she was a secretary in Manhattan, married to a computer programmer. You may say, “So what? Lots of girls marry computer programmers.” Not in the mid-1960's, they didn't. It was a fairly rare and special job back then.
Notice the bios don't give us a name of this husband, or who he worked for. He probably worked for the government, most likely military. We also aren't told who Arlyn's parents were, beyond their names. We don't know what Meyer Dunetz did for a living. No information on that came up on any search. So we already have red flags popping up on Arlyn Dunetz. She then left New York and this first husband, going to California to hook up with John Lee Bottom. This John Bottom has no bio, which is curious. For all we know he could be the same guy as the first husband, just in disguise. What is more curious is that two people searches (instantcheckmate and intelius) discovered no John Lee Bottom in all of California. Intelius found no John L. Bottom at all. Checkmate found a Jonathan L. Bottom in Oakland, but all info on this person was denied, including age, date of birth, and relations. It looks to me like a fake name. A joke name, in fact. River's given name was River Bottom. Get it?
More curious still is that John and Arlyn almost immediately joined a strange cult called Children of God, just formed. Arlyn left New York in 1968 and Children of God was founded in 1968. Coincidence? I doubt it. Due to the timing and placement in California, Children of God looks like another Intel operation, probably tied to Operations Cointelpro and Chaos. David Berg, the founder, looks like another spook sent in to disrupt the growing evangelical movement, and Arlyn Dunetz looks like she was sent in to help him. To start with, you have to ask why this Jewish girl would think to join a new-age Christian cult. Remember, we are told Berg was preaching against Jews. The COG were also tied early on to Fred Jordan's Soul Clinic in Texas, which was ultra-conservative, not “hippie.” The Children of God were never hippies. Hippies aren't right-wing religious zealots, and Berg was a zealot. If Arlyn intended to move from Manhattan to California to free her mind and commune with nature, that would be the worst way to do it. If she wished to flee her Jewish background of godly pronouncements, joining up with David Berg and his “letters from Mo” would be the last thing she should want to do. And remember, Arlyn wasn't some dopey highschool girl without the brains of goldfinch, she was a bright Jewish girl with an education. She is later sold to you as sharp as a tack, managing the careers of all her children. So why are we supposed to believe she was nearly brainless in 1968, stupid enough to think the Children of God were authentic? None of it makes any sense or has a lick of consistency. The whole Phoenix family story is poorly constructed.
Also curious is that when Arlyn finally quit the Children of God in 1977, she went to work as an executive secretary for NBC. What? You've got to be kidding me. And did NBC look at her resumé? Or were they looking at a different resumé than the one you and I are looking at? I would guess there is lot we aren't being told here, since within a year of returning to the real world, Arlyn had placed her six-year-old daughter Rain in a show at the Hollywood Bowl with Crosby, Stills and Nash . That by itself is a red flag, since CSNY was a spook band. David Crosby was an Intelligence asset from the beginning, and was fired from the Byrds for spooky comments he made on-stage at the Monterey Pop Festival in 1967. Crosby comes from both the prominent van Cortlandt and van Rensselaer families, who have long and strong ties to government and military, both here and in Europe.
The Phoenix family story is full of other holes as well. At Wikipedia and other encyclopedia entries we are told they became vegans during their last years in South America. But in 2011, Rain told the Guardian in London that it happened on a ship to Florida in 1977. According to her, the children decided on their own that the whole family must become vegans. The oldest child River was 7. Rain was 5. Believable? No.
But back to the death. Samantha Mathis was River's girlfriend at the time and was with him the night of his death. Oddly enough, she refused to testify or give the police any information about the incident, going so far as to deny that she knew anything about his drug use. Sounds like she didn't really want to be part of the con.
So who was the medical examiner who did the autopsy of River's body? Christopher Rogers. You may be interested to know that this same Christopher Rogers was still deputy medical examiner in 2011, and he testified at the trial of Conrad Murray. You may remember Conrad Murray as the doctor who was charged with the death of Michael Jackson. Why did Rogers testify? Because he also performed the autopsy on Jackson. So who else's autopsy did Rogers perform? Whitney Houston. Aha, so Rogers is starting to look like the Thomas Noguchi of our times. Who was Thomas Noguchi? He was the “coroner to the stars” in the 1960's, performing the autopsies of Sharon Tate, Marilyn Monroe, Bobby Kennedy, Natalie Wood, and John Belushi. As I show in my Manson paper, Noguchi's term as LA County Coroner was plagued by corruption. He was so incompetent he apparently didn't notice that Sharon Tate was pregnant (he didn't notice because the body wasn't her, it was Mrs. Rufus Wilson). The Commissioners tried to fire him in 1969, but their vote was overturned by the Feds just a month before the Tate murders, and he was reinstated over the vote of the local authority—which was completely unprecedented as well as illegal. The Feds have no jurisdiction over county officials. Noguchi's deputy coroner was later found to be a fraud, practicing without a medical license. Noguchi himself was later fired for misconduct, but his Wikipedia page whitewashes all of this. Although he was clearly a paid government mole, he was honored by the Emperor of Japan for service to empire. It appears that Christopher Rogers was hired to fill his shoes, faking reports and testimony for these more recent manufactured events. My investigations have led me to believe all these deaths were faked, not just that of River Phoenix or Sharon Tate. See my paper on John Lennon, where I include a lengthy report on the alleged death of Michael Jackson. I have also dissected the alleged Kennedy murders.
In the autopsy of River Phoenix, we have many clues, including the claim that River was 70” tall. That is 5'10.” He wasn't. All those people in Hollywood are several inches shorter than they appear on screen, since they are always with other short Hollywood people there. You also probably don't know that every male actor under 6 feet is always wearing lifts inside two-inch heels, which give him 3 extra inches. I have seen many of these guys in person, and I am always amazed at how small they are, even in these shoes. Barefoot, Phoenix wasn't above 68”, and even that is tall for Hollywood. The average male height for the major stars is about 5'6”, and Johnny Depp isn't even that tall.
What about his eyes? The autopsy says his eyes were green. Wrong again. Blue-gray.

The report said he was muscular. He never looked muscular to me. Always thin. The report said he was admitted with size 10.5 shoes. That is unlikely. Not many guys his size have shoes that big. Most guys who wear a size 10.5 are 5'11” to 6'1”. Also remember that men's shoe sizes have changed since 1993. I call it male-vanity sizing. Women want to wear smaller sizes while men want to wear larger sizes. You hear a lot about female-vanity sizing, but not much about male-vanity sizing. In the past 30 years, men's shoes have changed by about a full size, so what was 10.5 then would be 11.5 now. Do you really think River wore a modern 11.5? I don't. Most guys who wear that size now are about 6'2” barefoot.
Here's a strange photo, alleged to be of Joaquin, Arlyn, and River:

It looks very fake to me. The line around Arlyn is unnatural. Look at the way her drape meets the sidewalk and Joaquin's sleeve. False. Also look at the way her hair meets the white of the lady behind her. What is that spiky black edge near her ear? That may be the worst part of this fake photo. But the easiest way for any normal person (not a photo specialist) to tell this is fake is to compare Joaquin's hands to River's hands. They are outside in the same light, but the highlights on River's hands are at least two shades whiter than the highlights on Joaquin's hands. Or look at the shadows on the hands. See how the dark bands between fingers are gray with Joaquin and black with River. Busted.
They weren't there together. So why fake this? Probably because they don't have any real photos of River and Joaquin together. If they had real ones, they wouldn't need to create fake ones. Which should remind us that River and Joaquin look nothing alike.
Here's another fake:

Again, it is the shadow analysis that makes this one easy to spot as a fake. Let's start with the hair. Notice that the shadows in Joaquin's hair are much darker than the shadows in River's hair. You will say that Joaquin's hair was darker, but it doesn't work that way. This was taken with a flash, as you can see with the shadows around the figures, and with a flash the shadows in the hair should be about the same. Unless River were an albino—with near-white hair—we shouldn't see the a shadow differential like this. But if you can't follow that, or don't believe it, look with me at Joaquin's hand and arm. See that shadow below, on the red jacket, just beneath the hand? The shadow is red, right? Well, now go look at the shadow under River's right arm (to your left). See how it is almost black. That is the way flash shadows normally look. That is how the Joaquin's shadow should look as well. That tells us these images were spliced. The last thing to look at is the light on the two faces. See how Joaquin has bright patches between his eyes and on the tip of his nose, and so on? Compare those patches to the bright patches on River. River's face doesn't have as much contrast. More proof this is a paste-up.
How about this one?

Seriously? They actually expect us to buy that as a real image?
Let me cut to the chase here. They are all faked. Every Phoenix family photo I looked at was a paste- up. Most of them are now published on the internet small or with low resolution, to keep you from seeing that, but I saw it anyway.
Still don't believe me? Take a look at this one:

Haven't we seen that bed somewhere before? Oh yeah, that's the Brady Bunch bed, where Peter and Bobby sleep.

Look at the paneling behind the bed! Note the color. See how the boards go wide-narrow-narrower? And see where the ladder is positioned? Finally, as incontrovertible proof, look at the notch on the bed post. See the bed post with the little red ball on top? OK, now go about halfway down. See the notch, where a line has been carved in? Now go back to the picture of River and Joaquin. Same notch in the same place. Busted.
*His mother's maiden name is Bomberger, which is a Yiddish (Ashkenazy) name. Some Jewish people in Hollywood admit their heritage, some don't.
** See this expose by Alex Constantine, which itself has to be despun, but which nonetheless contains some good information. I say it has to be despun because—like the rest—Constantine is keeping you away from all the good information. He stresses the peripheral and trivial, while ignoring the fundamental. Notice, for instance, that Constantine has published “The Essential Mae Brussell.” See my Manson paper for an exposé of Brussell, and thereby Constantine. Also notice who has written the introduction to this Mae Brussell book: Paul Krassner. I have exposed Krassner in my paper on Ramparts magazine.
†A reader sent me some further research on Campbell. This is taken from his email: I have to say that I became a fan of Campbell when I read Myths to Live By for the first time in late 2005. It was an eye-opener for me and from then on I read everything that I could lay my hands on and even now his books are the most I have by any single author. But over time there have been threads that looked a little too pat, things that didn't add up about the man, which brings me to your article. Since I started to see the hand of intelligence in every facet of our culture, thanks largely to your coherent and very amusing exposes, I started to look at Campbell again with different eyes and there were some very definite red flags. For instance, this quote from his own website: “ Joe first lectured at Esalen Institute in 1965. Each year thereafter he returned to Big Sur to share his thoughts, insights and stories .” The Esalen Institute? Really? Add to that is links to the government, where this reasonably obscure college professor, without a doctorate, was [according to The Joseph Campbell Companion] invited to lecture the cream of the State Department's new crop of inductees every year: another big red flag. Go on with his links, starting in 1940, that lead to him being introduced to the Mellon Family (Alcoa) and from there to the Bollingen Foundation and you have this same obscure college professor being invited to play a lead role in the production of some really heavyweight academic material. His website explains it thus: “Even as he continued his teaching career, Joe's life continued to unfold serendipitously.” Really? More like someone was opening doors for him.
Here's another red flag: Campbell was studying German literature in Munich in 1928-29 and in all his published work I can find no reference to the events that were unfolding in Germany at that time. Munich was the birthplace of the Nazis, and Campbell was there at a time where they were really starting to make a lot of headway and engaging in some very violent political activity and he never once mentions the impression this left on him. In the light of what followed after he left Germany you'd think he might have had something to say about how those years influenced him beyond learning to speak German and reading the Grail myths in the original. Can you really believe that a person as intellectually curious as Campbell either avoided, ignored or was unaware of the political struggle that was going on in the classrooms and the streets of practically every city in Germany at that time? I can't. There was a reference to the anti-Semite allegations on his Wikipedia entry some time back but when I looked today it had been removed and his whole entry seemed to have been trimmed substantially. All in all, in the light of what you've written about concerning the role of intelligence it all sounds just a bit too neat to me.
This is Miles again on the page. I beg you to note the link to the Bollingen Foundation. See my paper on Ernest Hemingway and Ezra Pound for more on that. The Bollingen Foundation is another CIA front.