by Miles Mathis
First published April 14, 2016
As usual, this is just opinion, arrived at by personal research.
Boy, I didn't see this one coming. I had no intention of writing about Tiger Woods, but as many of you know, the Masters was televised this weekend. So I was sort of pulled toward Tiger like a magnet. Although Tiger didn't play, whether or not he would play was the biggest story before the tournament. Since I have no TV reception, I didn't watch the tournament. I could have watched it online I guess, but I didn't. The first tug in the direction of this paper occurred when I made my weekly call home to talk to Mom and Dad. They were watching the Masters. My father had been a tournament golfer as a young man, winning the Club Championship when he was only 17. He toyed with the idea of turning pro, but decided (correctly, I would say) that he didn't have the temperament for it. He is a bit of a hot- head. I was also a tournament golfer in my teens, although I never reached the level of my father. Although I won some tournaments, I bowed out by the age of 16. Despite shooting in the 60s by then, I had discovered that golf was just another cheating contest, and I wasn't really prepared to get into all that. At the time, I imagined that the cheating only occurred at the lower levels, where there was no oversight. I assumed that at the upper levels, cheating was pretty much impossible, due to galleries and cameras. Even so, I didn't care enough for the game to get to that level. And, truth be told, I was a hot- head my own self. I broke so many clubs at that age I couldn't afford to keep re-shafting them.
Anyway, that is my short history in the sport. I used to follow golf back in the Nicklaus days, but I no longer do. Once golfers started pumping themselves up with performing enhancing drugs, I sort of lost interest. Basically it is the same reason I don't watch football anymore, or cycling, or even the Olympics. I guess I am just not impressed by drug-created bodies and games.
That said, before today it never occurred to me the extent of the mirage that has become professional sports. Honestly, I had assumed that fixing a golf tournament was pretty much impossible. It was all on camera and televised, so how could it be fixed? Oh, my naivete.
I started by reminding myself that other professional sports were also televised, with every play on camera, and yet we now know they are fixed. The various scandals in soccer, football, baseball, and every other sport had proved that. All you have to do is pay off a few key people on the opposite side, and maybe a couple of referees. We saw that in this year's Super Bowl, where Cam Newton fumbled at opportune times, and then didn't even bother to fall on the ball when it bounced back to him. If that didn't look suspicious to you, you aren't awake.
Anything can be fixed, and we have discovered that most things have been fixed, including the stock markets, the elections, the lotteries, the inter-banking rates, and so on and on. Not only that, but most of recent history has been faked in one way or another. Most of the things you thought happened didn't happen at all. So why give Tiger the benefit of the doubt?
I knew all of that yesterday, but still didn't think to apply it to Tiger. When this idea first occurred to me today, I brushed it away by saying to myself, “Hey, Tiger may have been a fool to start pumping himself up with drugs, but he didn't even need to do that. He won his first Masters by 12 shots when he was still skinny and drug-free, so if he took drugs to bulk up later, it was only for reasons of vanity”. In other words, I made the same excuses for him everyone else does. Like everyone else, I didn't really want to look at the truth. Even after all I have written, I still have blue pills lodged in my system.
This is all to say that, as with Noam Chomsky, I was pulled into this one kicking and screaming. I hadn't realized I considered Tiger a bit of a hero, but apparently I did. I like records as much as anyone else, and I won't really like seeing his records take a tumble. I also don't like seeing “great men” take a tumble. I would prefer they didn't. I would prefer the great men and women stay great, since I happen to like greatness. It gives us all something to shoot for.
However, the truth is the truth, and I guess I like the truth even more than heroes. I certainly like the truth more than fake heroes.
The next thing that pushed me into this paper was a quick search on Tiger's dad, Earl Woods. Oh my god, the red flags on this guy! The first thing I saw was LIEUTENANT COLONEL. Those who have followed my papers of the past three years will understand why that by itself almost knocked me over. We have found lieutenant colonels running many of the biggest Intelligence psy-ops of the past century. In the Manson event, we saw that Sharon Tate's dad Paul Tate was a lieutenant colonel in Intelligence. In the Zodiac event, we saw that Robert Graysmith's father was a lieutenant colonel. So was Betty Jensen's father. Elvis' manager was Colonel Tom Parker. In the faked Beer Hall Putsch, Franz von Papen was a lieutenant colonel. And so on. Not only was Earl Woods a lt. colonel, he was in Intelligence. He started out with Special Forces, which is of course linked to Intelligence. He then graduated from the Defense Information School, which is not only an arm of Intelligence, it is the specific arm of Intel involved with media propaganda. It specializes in journalism, broadcasting, and public affairs. Its shorter name is DINFOS, which you should read as DISINFO. We are told he retired from the military in 1974, but he was only 42. Even that date is a clue, since 74 is 47 reversed. 1947 was year one of the CIA, and the spooks like to use the number 74 as a marker as well.
Curiously, Earl Woods started playing golf the year he retired, 1974. At the same time, we are told Earl Woods began working for the defense industry as a contractor. That could mean anything. It looks like it means he was a contractor for the upcoming Tiger Woods project.
Earl Woods claims he was already shooting par by 1975, just a year later. Impossible. No one takes up the game at age 42 and shoots par within a year. Golf is a hard game, and if you have tried to take it up late in life, you know that. If you are in-shape and very coordinated, you may break 100 after a year and 90 after a few years. You won't shoot par for many years, if ever.
Tiger was born in 1975, and by age three was already on TV with Bob Hope, Jimmy Stewart, and Mike Douglas.

Really? And that doesn't seem suspicious to you? Do you think Tiger had really done anything by age three that would merit being on national TV with Bob Hope? Would it seem more suspicious if I told you Jimmy Stewart was a General in Intelligence at the time? Look it up. The mainstream sources admit it. They don't admit he was in Intelligence, but they admit he was a General and in Hollywood, which is the same thing. Hollywood has always been a subset of Intelligence.
Tiger's mother is also a question mark, with her genealogy being scrubbed. One of her parents was half-Dutch, and her father Vit Punsawad owned both a tin mine and a fleet of busses in Bangkok* . So it was probably he who was half-Dutch. Since he was apparently very wealthy and an Industrialist, we have to ask if he might have been Jewish. Bangkok was a center of operation for the Dutch East India Company back to the 1600s, and the Company was stiff with Jewish merchants. Not only that, but the Dutch East India Company had a monopoly on tin in Siam back to the 1600s as well. So to see Tiger's maternal grandfather owning a tin mine in Thailand is a huge red flag here. Other conspiracy sites have claimed Kultida Woods may have been a prostitute, but that looks like misdirection to me. She was just the opposite, being the daughter of an Industrialist. Even greater connections to the MATRIX may have been on her side than on Tiger's father's side—which is why her side was scrubbed.
For instance, in 2002, AOL Time Warner bought the largest tin producer in Thailand, Thaisarco. Kultida's father may have been at Thaisarco, for all we know. Or, he may have sold out to one of these large companies before that. As for a possible connection to Thaisarco, we find that before the sell-out to AOL, the company was owned by Billiton. Billiton is a Dutch company with roots back to 1860. It was bought by Shell in 1970, and of course Shell is also Dutch. Shell is also involved in the PGA Tour, the Houston Open now being called the Shell Houston Open. Regardless, finding Tiger's grandfather both Dutch and the owner of a tin mine in Thailand is a huge clue here, one no one else has seemed to notice.
Also suspicious are Tiger's early endorsement deals. Upon joining the tour—and before entering much less winning a single tournament—Tiger already had a $40 million deal with Nike and a $20 million deal with Titleist. It is admitted that these were the largest endorsement contracts in the history of golf, and among the largest in the history of sports, for an athlete with no professional history. How does that make any sense? Phenoms come out of the junior and amateur ranks almost every year, but never before or since has one of these guys been signed to such huge endorsement deals before winning a tournament. Why not? I guess because they don't have the connections to Intelligence and the billionaires that Tiger had.
Remember, IMG, Tiger's promoter, had been around since the 1960s. It had worked with Palmer and Nicklaus back in the day. It didn't just arrive on the scene in 1996. So you should ask yourself why Tiger was promoted at a level lightyears beyond anyone before him.
It also makes no sense that Tiger won Sports Illustrated's Sportsman of the Year in 1996. He wasn't even the best golfer that year, much less the best in all sports. Although Woods won two late tournaments on the PGA tour in October (Las Vegas and Walt Disney), they weren't majors or even semi-majors. At least five golfers on the PGA Tour had more impressive years, including Tom Lehman, who won two tournaments including the British Open and the prestigious Tour Championship; Phil Mickelson, who won four times; Mark Brooks, who won three times including the PGA Championship; and Mark O'Meara and Steve Stricker, who both won twice. Tom Lehman was top of the money list that year, won the PGA Tour Player of the Year, the Nicklaus Trophy, the Vardon Trophy, and the Byron Nelson Trophy. So how did Woods beat him as Sportsman of the Year? Beyond that, Steffi Graf won the US Open, French Open, and Wimbledon in 1996. She just missed a Grand Slam, being injured for the Australian Open. 1996 was also the year Michael Johnson won the 200m and 400m at the Summer Olympics, setting a world record in the 200m of 19.32 which stood for 12 years. 1996 was also one of Michael Jordan's best years. Remember, the Bulls went 72-10 that year, Jordan led the league in scoring with over 30 ppg, and was the MVP. The Bulls lost only three games in four series, and Jordan was named Finals MVP for a record 4th time. Plus, you can't say Jordan wasn't black or didn't benefit from emotionalism. Remember, the final game was on father's day, Jordan's father had (allegedly) been murdered, and Jordan was filmed crying in the locker room. How did Woods' two October victories on Tour beat that?
But let us return for a moment to Earl Woods. We have seen that project Tiger Woods started in 19 74, when Earl allegedly retired from Intelligence. Earl died at age 74 in 2006. 2 + 6 = 8, the favorite number of Intel. He died on May 3. 5 + 3 = 8. In 1995, he predicted Tiger would win 14 majors. How did he know that? How many majors has Tiger won as of 2016? Fourteen. Even weirder is how Earl Woods reacted in 2001 when asked about that prediction by Golf Digest. He claimed the earlier prediction was made during a privileged conversation, and that the reporter violated that privilege. Why would Earl say that? What would be so “privileged” about making an innocuous prediction? Earl's reaction indicates to me he wasn't predicting anything: he was divulging part of the script, and wished later he hadn't done it.
Earl Woods retired a second time in 1988, at age 56, but we aren't told what he retired from.
In 1996, Tiger Woods signed with IMG, International Management Organization. It was founded and led by Mark McCormack, b. 1930. He had a law degree from Yale and—like Earl Woods—also came out of the military. But the strangest thing about McCormack is that he also “handled special projects” for Margaret Thatcher, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Pope John-Paul II. Say what? Another client was chairman of General Electric Jack Welch. Could you find a bigger red flag, or a more obvious tie to Military Intelligence? McCormack was listed as one of the richest men in the world by Forbes in
1995, 1998, and 2001. Even curiouser is that he was named the most powerful man in sports in 1990 by Sporting News. He was called the most powerful man in golf by GOLF magazine, the most powerful man in tennis by Tennis magazine, and the most powerful man in sports by Sports Illustrated.
In McCormack's 2003 obituary, the New York Times admitted of IMG that “its broadcast division is the largest producer of televised sports programming, other than the networks, and the largest seller of sports television rights”. Sounds like another Intelligence front to me.
Business Age said that “McCormack invented the sports business”. Since the Modern business of sports is making money by any and all methods (and delivering propaganda), I think you can see the evidence is building against the career of Tiger Woods.
Was Mark McCormack related to Colonel Alfred Toal McCormack, b. 1901, Director of Intelligence, Military Intelligence Service, one of the founders of the CIA? The ages are right for Alfred to be his father. We are told Mark's father was Ned, but that is a nickname. More likely is that Alfred was Mark's uncle or cousin.
Is Mark related to Robert C. McCormack, b. 1939, also from New York and Chicago? This McCormack went to Hotchkiss School, the Navy, University of Chicago, then worked for Dillon Read and Morgan Stanley. He eventually became the Assistant Secretary of the Navy under Bush and Clinton. In the late 1990s, at the time of the start of the Tiger Woods project, he was the founder and CEO of Trident Capital. He may link to this event since Trident made investments in CSG Systems, which would become the largest cable-television billing service in the United States.[2] The Golf Channel is of course on cable TV. Robert's parents are not given in his bio. My guess is all three of these prominent McCormacks are closely related.
My guess is they are also related to the famous McCormicks, since the two spellings are just a variant. It is usually the same family, hailing originally from Ireland. My Irish ancestors did a similar thing, appearing to split into Malloy and Maloy in the late 19th century, but it was all the same family. Cyrus McCormick invented the reaper and founded what would become International Harvester. His son Harold married Edith Rockefeller.

But back to Tiger. The 2010 Nike commercial is also very weird, and now looks like a prominent clue. It is after the divorce and personal meltdown, and Tiger is simply looking glum. The voiceover is his father, said to have been taken from an old 2004 interview. His father is asking him what he is thinking, and if he learned anything. As I look back, I now see the commercial as more indication Tiger's whole life was manufactured, including the fall from grace. Like O. J. Simpson, Tiger looks like an actor here, faking events for some cloaked reason of Intelligence. But why would Tiger fake his affairs and divorce? We will get to that. But instead of hunkering down as asking me to answer all questions for you, you should ask yourself why Nike would make that ad or why Tiger would agree to it? It couldn't do him any good, and hasn't. It couldn't do Nike any good, and hasn't. No one really trying to rebuild Tiger's reputation would make that ad or run it. So why did you ever have to look at it? Think about it.
That conspiracy site I linked to above suggests Tiger was a mind-controlled slave. But I suggest you go in another direction. As usual, I don't think we need mind-control to explain any of this. Also as usual, these conspiracy sites look like purposeful misdirection. They know that the only people coming to those sites are already suspicious and asking questions. So Intelligence creates these sites, manufacturing stories that are so weird even the most jaded readers can't follow them. This has the effect of either driving those readers back to the safety of the mainstream story, or off the internet altogether. These readers go hide under the bed and hope the crazy pedophile Satanists won't find them there. But I don't recommend you do that. I recommend you avoid those conspiracy sites and look for explanations that make more sense.
So let's go back to the evidence. You may ask yourself why Tiger Woods and his father chose to give a press conference from Fort Bragg in 2004.

Fort Bragg is the largest US Army installation in the world. Is that where you would expect the press conference of a golfer would be held? Of course, you will tell me it is because Earl spent four years at Fort Bragg, training for Special Forces, and so on. Yes, but that just makes it twice as strange. I guess it explains Tiger's alleged fascination for the Green Berets and SEALS, but other than that it makes no sense. No other golfer I have ever heard of at any level wanted to quit and become a SEAL or a Green Beret. But given what we are discovering, it begins to make some small amount of sense.
It also makes sense once you discover Earl Woods is not Tiger's only military connection. His early caddie and psychologist was Dr. Jay Brunza. A Navy Captain, Brunza began working with Tiger at age 13. Brunza was often Tiger's caddie in the early days, including for his win at the US Junior in 1993. Really? A Navy Captain caddying for a 16-year-old? Check your ranks: a Navy Captain is way above an Army Captain, being more like a Colonel. This is more indication of the Tiger Woods project.

That's curious as well. It's a trident, isn't it? Well, that leads us back to the Navy, since the trident belonged to Poseidon, god of the oceans. But who else carries a trident? Oh, that's right, Satan. Many of you will read that directly as a sign of Satanism, and you are free to do so. For me, I read it as a pointer to Intelligence. Here's one reason why:
We get another clue in 1996, when Tiger won the Disney tournament by one stroke over Payne Stewart. That's curious, since of course Stewart was alleged to have died just three years later in a mysterious plane crash. So let's study that event for a moment. Like Bob Dylan, William Payne Stewart was a Phi Gamma Delta, or Fiji. Know who else was a Fiji? Philip Knight, founder and president of Nike. So were Jack Nicklaus, Hale Irwin, and Jerry Pate. So was the founder of Merrill Lynch. So was William Crowe, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1994 to 1997 (Crowe was also on the board at Merrill Lynch). So was Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense under Kennedy and Johnson. So was Johnny Carson.
Stewart didn't own the Learjet that he was traveling in. It was hired from Sunjet Aviation in Orlando, FL. The crash was on October 25, 1999. Sunjet declared bankruptcy almost immediately and had sold all assets just seven months later This despite having allegedly broken ground on their facilities in Orlando on March 17, 1999. The owner of Sunjet is listed as JetShares One Inc., which actually wasn't incorporated until September 8, 1999—the month before the crash. No directors or officers are listed. It is listed out of Wilmington, Delaware, which is also curious, seeing it operated out of Florida. Also curious is that according to the Aircraft Database, the plane was certified on October 25, 1999, the same day it crashed. Which leads us to follow up on Wilmington, DE. Turns out Wilmington has been tied to many other CIA planes, including Clyde O'Connor's notorious cocaine plane, registered to Mellon Investments in Wilmington. Remember the name Mellon, because you are about to see it again. Well, O'Connor's company Global Jet Charters is also based in Florida. Its Wilmington address is 3511 Silverside Road, Suite 105. What is the Wilmington address of Sunjet? . . .
3511 Silverside Road, Suite 105. Wow. To see more on this connection, you may visit the Wikipedia page on CIA rendition aircraft. Rendition is the process of moving prisoners internationally, and the US rendition planes are all registered in Wilmington, DE. Many of them are Learjets. You shouldn't need any more evidence than that address match that the Payne Stewart event was a CIA event, since that is solid proof that would hold up in a court of law. It isn't circumstantial. It isn't a coincidence those two companies have the same address. But I will continue with the Payne Stewart event just for fun.
The FAA number of the Learjet is said to be N47BA, but according to my research no such number was ever issued to a Learjet. Also notice that it includes the CIA number 47. The plane is said to have crashed just ½ mile from Northern State University, South Dakota, and two miles from Aberdeen Regional Airport. This despite being shadowed by military jets for hundreds of miles. There was talk in the press later of shooting the plane down to prevent it from crashing into a densely inhabited area, which of course makes sense. And yet we see it came very near crashing into a university. The plane crashed right on the edge of Aberdeen, SD, and the military jets could not have known it would miss the town by such a small amount. As it descended, it must have been headed directly for Aberdeen, so it should have been shot down to prevent a probable large loss of life.

The red square indicates the crash site. However, the Wikipedia page does not match the report at Skybrary.aero above. There we are told the plane crashed outside Mina, several miles from Aberdeen, in a cornfield. That is curious since it reminds us of Buddy Holly's plane crash. Holly was scheduled to play in Moorhead, MN, about 100 miles from Aberdeen. His plane allegedly crashed in northern Iowa, also not far away. This reminds us that two big Air Force Bases are in the area, Minot and Ellsworth. Which contradicts other parts of the Stewart story. At the time of the crash, we are told at Wikipedia that
The fighter planes were at this point forced to break off their pursuit and had to land at local airports, having reached the limit of their endurance.
How's that? Ellsworth AFB is only about 150 miles from Aberdeen. A fighter jet can cover that distance in 10 minutes, flying on fumes. Minot is only another 20 minutes away, and is one of the largest AFBs in the country.
Beyond that, in an NBC report the next day, October 26, it is admitted the fighter jet that had been following the Lear from the southern part of the US had re-fueled in the air from a tanker plane. It could have done so again over South Dakota. In that report, we are shown video from the camera aboard the F16, but we never see the Lear or any other plane. The announcer tells us that is because the Lear was to the side. Then why show us video of empty sky? Why couldn't the F16 tail the Lear for a moment to get it in the picture?
We also have misdirection with the range of the Lear 35. It can carry 1100 gallons of fuel with a range of about 3200 miles. The distance from Orlando to Aberdeen is only about half that, or 1600 miles as the crow flies, so the Lear should have flown well into Canada before crashing. The story tries to spin this by saying the Lear was only partially fueled for the trip to Dallas, but the story isn't believable. We are told the jet was fueled with 2400 kg of fuel, which is a peculiar way of listing the fuel. Normally you would be told the number in gallons or liters. At any rate, 2400 kg of jet fuel comes out to about 3000 liters, which is about 71% full. Even if we accept that they started a cross country flight without filling the tank, the given figure would still put them way up into Canada on the given heading. 3200 miles times 71% is 2270 miles, way beyond the 1600 miles to Aberdeen. The plane could have gone all the way to Edmonton, Alberta. But of course they couldn't have that, because then they would have to include Canadian authorities in the hoax.
The pictures we get from the crash site show no recognizable wreckage. They look somewhat like the alleged wreckage from Shanksville, PA, except here we at least get some white debris.

Doesn't look like the site of a plane crash to me.
The conflicting reports continue concerning James Watkins, head of Sunjet. ABC reported in 2001 that Watkins had filed false reports about the amount of time he had spent training pilot Michael Kling. But according to Wikipedia in 2016, Michael Kling had been in the Air Force flying the Boeing E-3 Sentry and the KC-135. He had also been an instructor on the latter plane in the Maine National Guard. He was certified on the Boeing 707, Boeing 720, and Learjet. He had over 4,200 hours of flight time. So why would Watkins need to train him?
Here is a photo of Kling from the internet:

That, my friends, is a poor fake. That head has been pasted in there. Look at the dark line along the left side of his face. Also notice how his face looks squashed. Why is one eye so much lower than the other? Also, the head is too small for the body. His upper arm is almost as wide as his head.
Also curious is that a James Watkins, Sr. was an admiral and Chief of Naval Operations. He was Secretary of Energy under Bush and Clinton. His son was James Watkins, Jr. The James Watkins of Sunjet was also named James Watkins, Jr. Was Sunjet simply a project of Naval Intelligence or the CIA? My guess is yes. I will be told the son of James Watkins is a Monsignor at Immaculate Conception in DC. But he didn't take that position until 2001 and didn't become a Monsignor until 2006. At the time of the Payne Stewart event, he is alleged to have been an associate pastor at St. Matthew's in DC. Problem is, St. Matthew's has no such position as associate pastor. Another clue is that this James Watkins was a Second Lieutenant in the Air Force Chaplain Reserve. Also remember that Sunjet was a temporary operation, on the books for only a year. It may have existed only on paper. Remember, it is said to have been incorportated in September of 1999, so it would have just opened its doors in October of that year. Strange that a company that had just opened its doors should find itself in national headlines almost immediately.
I would say Payne Stewart faked his death for some reason. He was 42 and his golf career was about over. Possibly Intelligence had graduated him to some more interesting project. Maybe he was bored playing golf every day. I would be. Or maybe he just wanted to spend the 12 million he had won for bashing a little white ball about on the grass. Frankly, I would be embarrassed to accept a million dollars for playing golf for four days, no matter how good I was or who I had beaten. But that sort of embarrassment never occurs to these heroes of sports.
That is assuming the numbers we are given are true, and I no longer assume that. It makes no sense that one golf tournament would have a purse of $10 million. There are 51 tournaments on the PGA Tour with an average purse of about $6 million, which comes out to over $300 million a year in total prize money. For playing golf. But since we have discovered the prices of paintings are faked by large margins, that most science is faked, that the stock market is faked, that the elections are faked, and that the bank numbers are faked, why should we believe what we are told about the PGA Tour? For myself, I assume they add at least one zero to all numbers. This trick probably goes back to Edward Bernays almost a century ago. Inflating all numbers makes these famous people seem very important and makes you seem very insignificant. As sold, they aren't just twice as important as you or even ten times as important as you. They are 100,000 times more important than you, which keeps you from questioning anything they are doing. It keeps you quiet and in-line.
These people in golf are already from wealthy families. They don't need the money. They could show up and play for room and board and still be filthy rich. Plus we are told they are paid to be signboards for the various big corporations, so they don't need any prize money at all. Not that I believe the endorsement numbers, either. I don't doubt they are paid something, but again, I subtract one or more zeroes from any number the mainstream feeds me.
Given what we discovered about the Sunjet plane being a CIA plane, I would say the best guess is Stewart and the others said to be aboard were all CIA agents. They were all members of the same project until 1999, but the project was over. They needed to move on. The faked plane crash was their exit from the project. But since Payne was apparently a member of the PGA Tour, playing almost every week, that would mean his project was being a player. Which means that either all of part of the PGA Tour is a CIA project. Which takes us smoothly back to the Tiger project.
As we have seen, Payne may have thrown the Disney to Tiger in 1996. Stewart had won his first big tournament at Disney in 1983. In 1985, he appeared to throw the Byron Nelson tournament to Bob Eastwood, making double bogey on the 72nd hole in strange fashion. The analysts say he should have laid up out of the fairway bunker, but that wasn't the strange part, since his long iron out of that bunker made the bunker just short of the green. Pros would always rather be in a bunker than in the tall grass around a green, so the long iron shot was actually a good one. What was strange was that he bladed the short bunker shot. Since it wasn't buried, there was no reason for him to do that. Pros never miss a shot like that. That bunker is not a tough one. Getting down in three would have been terrible. He took four from there, and his putts were as strangely bad as his bunker shot. What is stranger still is that this meltdown is never mentioned when you read about worst meltdowns in golf. It wasn't quite as colorful as Van de Velde's triple, but it was nearly as bad. It was just as incredible, by which I mean unbelievable. Both now look scripted to me.†
Stewart and Bernhard Langer also appeared to throw the British Open that year to Sandy Lyle. At the time of his death, Stewart ranked third on the all-time money list, which is peculiar seeing that he only won 11 times on the Tour. He is ranked 98 on the wins list.
Of course it is not so strange to see the PGA Tour inhabited by spook babies. These are the sons of wealthy families, as we know. Payne Stewart was from several wealthy families, not only the Paynes and the Stewarts, but also the Gores, Palmers, and Hamptons. The Paynes and Gores are closely related, as you see from this link. That links him to Gore Vidal and Al Gore, among many others. Also note the Palmer. Stewart is related to Arnold Palmer, though you have to go back several generations. Edgar Alwin Payne married Elsie Palmer in 1912. I have long known about Elsie Palmer through the work of John Singer Sargent.

Sargent painted Elsie's portrait in 1890. I wouldn't say it is one of his best, but it is well-known in the US since it has hung in Colorado Springs since 1997. Elsie was the daughter of the fantastically wealthy General William Jackson Palmer, who built the Kansas Pacific Railway, the Rio Grande Railway (later Union Pacific) and Mexican National Railway. Originally from Pennsylvania, he was later the founder of Colorado Springs. Colorado Springs is now stiff with Air Force Bases, which is not beside the point here. William married Mary Lincoln Mellen, who was also from great wealth. Her father William Proctor Mellen was COB of the Rio Grande Railroad. This also links these families to the Mellons, since it is just a variant spelling. The family name is Mellen/Mellon, and they of course have roots in Pennsylvania as well.
Did you spot the name match? We saw a plane filled with five tons of cocaine registered to Mellon Investments, Wilmington, DE. This reminds us that Richard Mellon Scaife has admitted CIA connections. We also saw Paul Mellon linked to the CIA's modern art programs during the Cold War in Frances Stonor Saunders' books.
You may have noticed something else with Mary Lincoln Mellen. How about that middle name? Yes, she was related to Abraham Lincoln. Her mother was Isabelle Clarke. The Clarkes are related to the Lincolns. For instance, some of you may know of the famous trumpet player Herbert Lincoln Clarke. He toured with John Philip Sousa's band and also led the famous American Band. As his name indicates, he came out of both families. His mother was Elizabeth Tufts, so he also comes from that family. The connection to Lincoln goes back to Abe's wife, Mary Todd Lincoln. Her brother was George Rogers Clark Todd, so we see it was a family name. A family surname: Rogers, Clark and Todd are all last names, not first names. This Clark family goes back to Virginia and also includes General George Rogers Clark of the Revolutionary War and William Clark of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. I would assume more recent Generals like Mark Clark and Stephen A. Clark also hail from this old prominent family.
So that is the family that Edgar Alwin Payne married into. Edgar Payne was born in Missouri, same as Payne Stewart, and he became a famous artist, like John Sargent. However, Payne painted landscapes rather than portraits. Curiously, Payne's bios have been scrubbed, but he was obviously from wealth of his own. Otherwise he would never have met Elsie Palmer or been allowed to marry her. Most likely he was from the extremely wealthy Payne family, which hit the big time with Oliver Hazard Payne after the Civil War. This Payne organized the American Tobacco Trust, co-founded US Steel, and was a trustee of Standard Oil. Through Standard Oil he was involved with the Rockefellers, of course, and his family later married into the Whitney and Vanderbilt families. He was one of the richest Americans of all time. Oliver Hazard Payne lived in the mid-West, like Edgar and Payne Stewart, dying in Cleveland. The largest estate ever appraised in New York before WW2 was that of William Payne Whitney, nephew of Oliver Hazard Payne. Notice the match not only in middle name but in first name. Payne Stewart's first name was also William.
Then we have the Stewart family. The fantastic wealth of this family descended from Alexander TurneyStewart, who first married into the wealthy Clinch family and then made a fortune in dry goods. Rising in the 1840s, his stores under the name A. T. Stewart became the largest in the world by the time of the Civil War. He was probably helped in his success by his link through his wife to the Tweed ring, a machine of political corruption in New York led by Boss Tweed. This is the Tweed who was ultimately convicted of stealing up to $200 million from taxpayers. See Tammany Hall, a Democratic Party Society that ran New York in the mid-1800s. Although Stewart allegedly died without issue, his wife bequeathed large sums to both the Stewart and Clinch families. However, Stewart's death was surrounded with mystery, and one of the few cases of posthumous libel attended it. Joseph Pulitzer, among others, accused Stewart of “a dark and secret crime”, one that had something to do with mistresses. So it is probable Stewart himself secretly bequeathed large sums to bastard children, also of the name Stewart.
Regarding the name Stewart, we also have this from the London Telegraph in 2014:
A groundbreaking DNA study has found that half of all the men who carry the surnames
Stewart, or Stuart, are descended from Scotland’s royal dynasty.
My guess is that Payne Stewart is also related to Jimmy Stewart. As you see, the likelihood is already 50%, but I doubt we would have to go back to the Kings of Scotland to find a link.
As for the Palmer connection, of course Arnold Palmer was from Pennsylvania, like these other Palmers. Not many know that he was related to Jayne Mansfield, who was born Vera Palmer in Bryn Mawr, PA. Arnold's g-g-grandfather was Michael Palmer, and Michael's brother was John, father of William Jackson Palmer. So the relation of Payne Stewart and Arnold Palmer is distant, but it exists. As we have seen, all famous people are related. If you want to be famous, don't work on a skill. That won't do you any good. Instead, marry into one of these families. Which you probably won't be able to do unless you are already from one of these families.
But we have even more Palmer connections. Remember my last paper on the Scopes Monkey Trial? There we found that the United Gas Corporation (later Pennzoil) was founded by billionaire Potter Palmer. Well, who did Arnold Palmer make commercials for? Pennzoil. Palmer also founded what would become Marshall Field's. Both Potter Palmer, b. 1826, and Gen. William Jackson Palmer, b. 1836, were from Quaker families, which indicates they were related. In fact they were cousins. One of their uncles was General Joel Palmer. Another cousin was Colonel John Palmer (CSA). They all descend from William Palmer who helped found Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1621. He isn't on the Mayflower list, but came over the year after on the Fortune.
Before we leave Payne Stewart, it is worth mentioning that he went to grade school at the Greenwood Laboratory School on the campus of Missouri State University. Like Hotchkiss, New Trier, and other schools we have looked at, it is a spook feeder. But in some ways it is even spookier. Whereas these other schools list their famous alumni, Greenwood holds its cards closer to the vest. It tells you only a couple of them, and those are ones they think are very non-suspicious, like Payne Stewart. They also list John Wilkinson, who toured with Elvis Presley. Unfortunately for them, I can now show that even that one is a red flag. The graduating class of Greenwood is only about 30 each year, making it possibly the most exclusive prep school in the country (for comparison, Hotchkiss graduates about 140 each year). Children are put on a waiting list at birth.
There is also a strange gap in Stewart's bio. He graduated from SMU in 1979, and allegedly won a tournament in Asia in 1981. So it is not clear what he was doing from summer of 1979 to summer of 1981. We are told Stewart failed Q-school in 1979, which is curious for someone with his swing and later stature in the game. We would have expected him to win one of the top spots. Also curious is that the SMU golf team did nothing while he was there. In 1979, the ladies team won the NCAAs, but the men's team didn't even win the SWC Championship. SMU has graduated nine NCAA All-Americans, but Stewart is not one of them.
Anyway, let's return to Tiger. Everything to do with Tiger is a red flag, including his marriage to Elin Nordegren. Her father Thomas was a foreign correspondent for Sveriges Radio, which is the Swedish National Radio. Like everything else, it is a propaganda machine. Although it is sold as a national radio, it isn't. If it were, it would be funded by Sweden and owned by the country. In fact, it is a public traded company, and is owned by an independent foundation. As usual, the real owners are hidden. We see the same thing in the US with PBS and NPR, which are supposed to be national but are privately funded. Some of this funding isn't hidden, as when you are told the rich people or big corporations making the broadcasts possible, like the MacArthur Foundation, Exxon-Mobil, etc. No one seems to find it strange that public television and radio is funded by billionaires—although that funding of course means the media isn't public or national. It is private, by definition.
So Tiger's father-in-law was basically a hire of Swedish Intelligence, working to disseminate worldwide propaganda. He has also been a professor at New York University—more confirmation of what I just said. Elin's mother also worked for the government as a Minister of Immigration. Barbro Holmberg was married twice, but her other husband is hidden, which is a red flag.
More problems are seen with Elin herself. We are told Nordegren was hired by the wife of Swedish golfer Jesper Parnevik to be their nanny. Why would the rich Nordegren need to work as a nanny? Obviously, this story was just made up to get Elin to the US. Parnevik is also a red flag, since his father also worked in the media in Sweden. Bosse Parnevik was a famous actor and comedian back in the 1970s, known for impressions. In Sweden it is the same as in the US: the media is controlled by Intelligence. So we may assume the Parneviks also have Intel connections.
So why was Elin chosen? Hold onto your hat. It may be because she is a twin. She has a twin sister, Josephin. When the Parneviks brought Elin to the US to be their nanny, they brought Josephin as well. We have seen in many previous papers that Intel loves twins.

A Hollywood kiss
Although Tiger and Elin were married for over five years, there aren't that many pictures of them together, and none of the pictures of them together are convincing. They don't appear to like each other. To me, she looks more like a prop. Before Elin, Tiger was never seen with any women. He wasn't sold to us as a playboy until later, remember? And they admit Elin wasn't attracted to Tiger when they met.
“She had no interest in Tiger and he was OK with that," Mia Parnevik said. "There was a big line of single golfers wanting to meet her. They were gaga over her.”
Curious, to say the least. Also curious they had no children for almost three years. When they did, the children were given strange names: Sam Alexis and Charlie Axel. Sam is a girl, and her full name isn't Samantha. The Axel comes from Elin's dad, but I don't know where the rest of the names come from. Charlie probably comes from her dad as well, since his first name is Carl. Alexis may also come from Axel, with the letters reversed. Which brings up the question: Did Tiger get to help name these kids at all? Are they even his? There are no references to him or his family in those names.
For myself, I have to read these signs like we have read them in dozens of Hollywood marriages: the whole thing looks faked, and it may have been faked to cover the fact Tiger is gay. He later dated Lindsey Vonn but she looks to me like another paid escort, and is probably gay herself. She was previously married to skier Thomas Vonn, but according to the internet he has never been seen or photographed with any other woman besides Lindsey. They had no children. After splitting with Tiger, Lindsey is now Alexander Ludwig's beard. I am not the only one saying that, as you can see by going to the BeardClub at Mobile Twitter.
Even Wikipedia admits Lindsey spends a lot of time at the German home of fellow skier Maria Hofl- Riesch.

As you see, Maria is very mannish, and is almost six feet tall. Before she married her wimpy manager in 2011, she had never been connected to any men.
Another girlfriend they dredged up for Tiger in 2011 was 22 year old Alyse Lahti Johnson, who just happened to be the daughter of one of the reps at IMG, Tiger's promoter. As for the others. . .

There is no real evidence linking him to any of them. They are just a b-list of pornstars and cocktail waitresses. The best evidence we get is a few voicemails that Tiger could have faked in about five minutes. None of them came forward with babies or paternity suits, as happens with real straight guys—especially straight guys who allegedly won't wear condoms.
Plus, take that information back a step. If Tiger was known to have been sleeping with all these hodogs in 2008-2009, and admitted it, why would his own rep set him up with his 22-year-old daughter? Did this rep want to see his daughter come down with a cocktail of STD's? C'mon, make sense!
I am certainly not the first to claim Tiger is gay. Just google on it and you will find pages of claims, including first-hand eyewitness claims from one of the ladies above, Loredana Ferriolo.
Here's a strange picture on Tiger's Wiki page:

He is supposed to be practicing marksmanship, as taught by Navy SEALS. If so, he may want to back away from the target a bit. He's what, three feet away?
Which brings us back to performance enhancing drugs (PEDs). This was part of the psy-op from the beginning. PEDs didn't just accidentally take over all of sports. PEDs are now a multi-billion dollar industry, pushed on average guys and gals and weekend athletes. The percentage of males now taking them is astonishing, and a fair percentage of females are also taking them. Well, remember that these drugs are produced and sold by the same big companies that push all the other drugs on us now. These are some of the most evil companies in the world, and they are owned by the same billionaires and trillionaires that own everything else. As with porn, the government pretends to want to clean up sports, but it is all a show. They don't want to clean up anything, not porn, not gambling, not prostitution, and especially not the drug market. They profit magnificently from all of them, and want to keep expanding the markets. Even the major scandals like that of Lance Armstrong only help them sell more PEDs, since the scandals prove to your average athletes that the drugs work.
With this in mind, we see why Tiger began taking them, bulking up in the early 2000s in ways that can only come from PEDs. As I said, he didn't need them. You don't really need to enhance your performance after you have won the Masters by 12 strokes, do you? You just need to maintain. But part of the Tiger Woods project was selling drugs. It is now part of just about every project. So he was paid to take them. He was the first poster boy for the ripped golfer, and his example led quickly to a takeover of the entire field, and then to a takeover of the entire sport at all levels. 50-year-old duffers are now on PEDs. They may not be able to break 90, but they can strip fat from their bodies with no effort. They can wear that shirt that is a size too small and show off their biceps while shooting 108.
All professional sports are just managed games, so it doesn't really matter whether they are clean or not. Would it have mattered if professional wrestling had been clean in 1975? No, because it was a big fake. Well, you can say the same about all sports now. If you took all the drugs out of the sports, they would still be faked. That is, managed. Professional sports are a form of entertainment, and as such they can play by their own internal rules. There is no real oversight, because—as with everything else—there is no one left to regulate anything. The trillionaires who own everything also own the government, and they are not going to regulate themselves. So they do whatever they want. What they want to do at this point in history is fool you into buying as much of their worthless shit as they can, and that includes PEDs, fabulously overpriced sports equipment, exorbitant green fees, bloated cable packages, and a raft of other products, cures, surgeries, and therapies.
I am not saying that sports are totally faked. In other words, in golf they aren't manipulating ball flights with camera tricks or something (as far as I know). That would require paying off on-site galleries, or hiring them, and I don't imagine that is happening. No, these guys on Tour can play golf extremely well, and in some cases we may be seeing natural outcomes. But since all sports are managed for maximum profit (and maximum propaganda delivery), many outcomes are not natural. They are scripted. As I said, it doesn't take much to script a golf tournament, since you only have to script the top few finishers. It doesn't matter who loses or by how much, so everything below 2 nd place can be unscripted. Which means you only need to be in control of the top five guys each week, and maybe the top 10 or 20 in the country. Almost no one else has a look-in. This is even more true in tennis, where the same people win almost every week. In golf, the field is actually somewhat broader than in most sports, but to counteract that, the field is narrower in another way: almost without exception, these guys are from rich Republican families, families that are already running the country. As such, they are pretty easy to buy off, as long as they get theirs in some way. Most of them don't want to be Tiger Woods, since they don't have the stamina or the acting chops to pull it off. They just want to be seen looking snazzy on TV and making an easy paycheck.
What was another goal of the Tiger project? To promote Buddhism. Tiger was always sold as a Buddhist, although we got no real evidence of it. Why is this important? Because it ties the Tiger project back to the Theosophy project of a century earlier. One of the goals of that project was to import a bastardized and watered-down Buddhism into the US, in order to weaken Christianity. The Industrialists have been trying to destroy all religions worldwide for many centuries, but of course in the US the primary target is Christianity. Religion stands in the way of free trade, you know, as well as usury and other corruption.
Which brings us back to Tiger's divorce, which I said also looks scripted to me. But why would they script that? It caused Tiger to lose his sponsors, and is said to have cost shareholders at least $5 billion. It looks like it will keep him from breaking Nicklaus' record. And it has cost the PGA Tour huge losses in revenues.
Yes, so there must be even greater gains somewhere, gains you are missing. Let's start by defusing the losses. The billionaires don't care about shareholder losses, unless they are the shareholders. But of course they have ways around such losses. Since they know what is going to happen before it happens, they can sell stocks before any event, letting others take the losses. As for the record, they don't care about that. And a lot of the people they paid off probably agreed to be part of the con only if Tiger wasn't allowed to break Jack's record. As for the PGA Tour's losses, they also don't care about that. That is just written off as a business expense. The Tour is a front for more important things, and the gains far outweigh the losses.
For instance? Tiger Woods' divorce is just another card played in the break-up of the sexes. The trillionaires wish to totally dissolve the family and the heterosexual relationship, since they have found they can profit magnificently from that break-up. That is why they are now pushing trannies, porn, metrosexuality, omnisexuality, and every other oddity they can come up with. In short, they don't want men and women gratifying one another for free anymore in any way. They want you to have to pay in a multitude of ways every time you get horny.
A lot of these new programs are aimed at women, because if they wean heterosexual women off men altogether, the job is as good as done. They figured out decades ago they don't have to target both sexes. If you ruin one, both are ruined. So the main goal of the Tiger Woods project in 2009 was to make men look like pigs to women. The Tiger Woods project was just one arm of the nationwide and worldwide project, a project that included just about every famous man on the planet, living, dead, or animated, including Homer Simpson and the Family Guy. It included John Mayer, remember, in the same year, apologizing for everything, but especially just being male. It included Lance Armstrong, being a pig in every way. It included Rolf Harris, Jimmy Savile, Garry Glitter, O. J. Simpson, Phil Spector, Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Donald Trump, Mr. Big, and so on.
You can also read this list from 2011 of the biggest creeps in sports. It includes Shawn Kemp, Kobe Bryant, Al Davis, Michael Vick, Chris Berman, Alex Rodriquez, Marv Albert, Tonya Harding**, Dennis Rodman, Ronaldo, Bud Selig, Joe Namath, Brett Favre, Lawrence Taylor, Isaiah Thomas, Lenny Dykstra, Ben Roethlisberger, Pacman Jones, Dave Bliss, and at number 2, Tiger Woods. Am I saying all these guys are not creeps and are innocent? No. But I am saying that a large number of these cases, like that of Tiger Woods, may be manufactured for the same reason his was: to dissolve society and especially the male-female relationship.
Destroying the family and the male-female relationship is incredibly profitable across the board, because it requires compensatory acts of a thousand varieties, and all these acts cost money. As I said, men and women who get along can gratify one another directly for free. They can entertain themselves. But once that is gone, it has to be replaced by other forms of entertainment—which aren't free.
In the same way, the family is self-supporting and self-entertaining as well, or once was. It used to be able to grow its own food, cook its own meals, and make up its own games and exercise. No more. Now all of these things have to be purchased. And since the purchased replacements aren't as natural or satisfying as the originals, everyone is left hungry even after being “entertained”. To fill this void requires a thousand other stop-gaps, including therapy, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, garbage snack food, candy, porn, and body alteration. All these have also become multi-billion-dollar businesses.
So your misery is no accident. It has been caused on purpose. Your entire world has been manufactured to push you into unnecessary purchases and actions. This, while at the same time all your necessary actions have been prevented. All the things you should be doing you aren't doing, and this is just as your controllers want it.
Which brings us to the last goal of the Tiger project I will cover here. It is no accident that Tiger's infidelities came to light at the end of 2009. All during 2009 the billionaires and trillionaires were siphoning fantastic sums directly from the treasury, and Congress was just sitting by and watching. Remember how Timothy Geithner was brought in that year to dole out billions to the banks? They called it TARP and P-PIP and various other things, but it was basically just a massive steal in broad daylight. P-PIP was an “investment program” to buy toxic assets from ailing banks. Great investment, right? If the assets had been worth anything, they wouldn't have been “toxic”. So why was Congress buying them in your name? Why were poor people bailing out rich people? We never got an answer to that, just a series of raises in the debt ceiling so that the rich could steal more.
In other words, these front-page stories like Tiger's divorce were created so that they didn't have to put real news on the front page. The same can be said for all of sports, which are basically a diversion from real events. They want you following sports and Hollywood rather than paying attention to their grand thefts from the treasury. Tiger's entire career has been a diversion of that sort, and so has every other “major story” of the past century. The press does not exist to report real events, you know, it exists to divert you away from real events at all costs.
Tiger's rise in 1997 was exactly the same sort of diversion. Princess Diana's death was faked that summer, the North Hollywood Shootout was faked in February, the fake Tim McVeigh trials were that year, Gianni Versace's death was faked, Harry Potter hit the shelves, and the faked Lewinsky Scandal was scheduled for 1998. Every year has to have its share of huge faked and managed events, to drown out all real and important events.
How managed was Tiger's career? We will probably never know, unless some insider spills the beans. Most of the evidence I have shown you above is circumstantial, and so anything I have said or could say is just speculative. In other words, we have a mountain of red flags all pointing in the same direction, but that isn't proof any of his wins were faked or managed, much less all of them. His fame and influence was obviously manufactured, but the extent to which his stats were manufactured is beyond my calculation. His record could be tweaked here and there, or it could be manufactured from the ground up. To find out, it would take a lot more digging than I am interested in doing. For now, all I can do it report what I discovered above, and let you come to your own conclusions.
One last bit of evidence for you, and this bit is statistical. Tiger's win rate relative to his other stats doesn't really pan out relative to the other greats. Here is what I mean: if we look at how many times Tiger won when he was in contention, the rate is fantastically high. Sam Snead's ratio of wins to top tens in the majors, for instance, was 7/48. or .15. Tom Watson's was 8/46, or .17. Gary Player's was 9/44, or .2. Ben Hogan's was 9/40, or .23. Nicklaus' ratio was 18/73, or .25. Tiger's is 14/38, or .37.
That is a statistical anomaly not easy to explain. You will say Tiger was just that much better when in contention, but do you really think he was 48% better than Jack Nicklaus under pressure? Almost half again better than the second best? Statistically, it is very unlikely. An easier way for you to see, perhaps, is to compare the number of times Nicklaus came in 2nd in the majors to the number of times Woods did. Nicklaus' ratio of wins to 2nds is 18/19. Tiger's is 14/6. We see the same lack of 2nds and 3rds in Woods stats beyond the majors as well. Again, you will say it is because Tiger cowed his competition, even more than Nicklaus. Maybe. But what we have discovered in our research yields another possibility: maybe the competition wasn't so much cowed or wowed as it was managed.
Whatever you may think of that, my educated opinion is that a lot of outcomes on the PGA Tour were managed, and not only the outcomes of Tiger.† Since I have shown in dozens of papers that everything else has been faked or managed, it would be the height of foolishness to assume all outcomes on the PGA Tour are real. Assumptions should be based on past experience, and given what we know now, our assumption should be that nothing is as it appears. Reality exists, but you have to dig for it. You are not going to be presented with it naturally, at least not by the media we now have.
*Londino, Lawrence J. Tiger Woods: a Biography, 2005. p. 21.
**The Tonya Harding event wasn't faked to split up the sexes, obviously, but I do think it was manufactured.
† While we are at it, Greg Norman's shot on 18 at the 1986 Masters also looked suspicious, and I now suspect it was scripted. Which means he may have been ordered to take a dive for Nicklaus. I hate to say that, since I was
as thrilled as anyone that day by Nicklaus' final win. But even then I found that shot by Norman to be unbelievable. It was badly overacted. Ken Venturi tells us Norman was “trying to bring it from right to left” (a draw), but notice that Norman's stance is wide open. His feet are aiming thirty yards left. It is almost impossible to draw the ball from that stance, and of course he didn't. He hit the ball thirty yards right. His chip was also unbelievable, since he should have left it below the hole. Since he was chipping uphill, that should have been easy to do. Instead, he left it above the hole, with a very fast downhill putt. Even his final putt was badly overacted. He was only 12 feet away, but the ball went nowhere near the hole. He hit it a foot left. He had to have known it would break left, so why would he play it straight? I will be told Norman felt the pressure from Nicklaus. Surprising then that Norman didn't feel that pressure on holes 14 through 17, which he birdied despite the huge roars ahead of him. Of course the same suspicion can be leveled at Ballesteros, whose shot at 15 looked scripted even then. A pull hook from 190 yards with a 6-iron, from a perfect lie and stance? Notice how the announcers cover this as well. Kite hits first from 220 with a 3-iron. Then Ballesteros hits from 190 and we are told it is a 4-iron. What? Ballesteros is thirty yards closer but hits only one club less? Actually, Ballesteros always hits one club less than Kite, and thirty yards is more than two clubs different. So that is why I say I suspect Ballesteros was hitting a 6, not a 4. With the clubs they have now, you could hit a 7 from there. This indicates to me the announcers knew what was going on and were instructed to make cover for it. I keep watching that video, and I keep noticing more strange things. Tom Watson misclubbed on 16, coming up a full club short. That really isn't believable. Then Tom Kite left his 18 foot eagle putt four feet short on 15. Again, pros don't do stuff like that. Kite could have taken the lead with that putt. Kite then misclubbed on 16, like Watson, flying the green. If not for the gallery, Kite would have been ten yards over. Again, pros don't misclub from 180 on a hole they know like the back of their hand. Pros miss shots like anyone, but you would expect a miss left or right by five or ten yards, not a major misclub. Ballesteros' putt on 16 is also strange. Although he is on the edge of the trap, he makes the shot look much harder than it is. He ends up hitting it two feet off-line from 12 feet. A simply awful read, so bad it makes me believe he was trying to miss it. And again, on 17, Ballesteros hits a pitching wedge 40 feet left. A simply awful shot from someone sold to us as a master of wedges. And although Tom Kite is tied for the lead on 17, we get no coverage of him at all. All we see is his tap in for par. Very curious. Why did 17 look so easy for Nicklaus, despite hitting into the rough, while it looked so hard for Ballesteros and Kite? And why is Ballesteros smiling while he is unwinding in spectacular fashion? His demeanor is extremely suspicious. He actually waves to the gallery after three-putting 17.