First published July 5, 2018 I admit I used to believe in Bitcoin. I was one of its most naïve and vehement apologists to friends, family members, and complete strangers (online). This was all before I started reading Miles’ work. Now that you and I know what we know, we can easily dismiss Bitcoin as just another tool handed down to us from the financiers to impoverish us and keep us unhappy yet complacent, which is exactly where they want us. The modern man whose money is always being siphoned off through taxes, infation, and bad investments – despite his growing frustration and unhappiness at this fact, or rather because of his growing frustration and unhappiness – will continue to hope all the more ardently in the next great financial instrument to solve all his problems. One of the greatest instruments used by the financiers to impoverish and stupefy us is the stock market. What everyone knows, but few admit, is that the value of a stock has absolutely nothing to do with the value of the company. Just look at Amazon stocks, which have risen around 1300% in the last decade despite the company’s earnings being next to nothing. But Amazon isn’t a weird anomaly. This is how the stock market works. It was set up this way by design. By whom? By the industrialists, of course. Who benefits more than they do? Instead of spending their own capital to grow their business, they let millions of poor shmucks buy “ownership” in the company. This provides a huge infux of capital investment with no strings attached. If you invest your life savings in Amazon stock and the company tanks, Jeff Bezos (or whoever really owns Amazon, since we know Jeff is just a pretty face) doesn’t owe you a dime. Unlike traditional investors in a company, who expect their business loan to be repaid with interest, you the stockholder aren’t legally entitled to ever see your money again. This is called gambling. The stock market is kind of like a casino, and the house always wins. Lots of mainstream economists admit as much. David Stockman even calls it “the casino.” He also calls the crypto coin market a casino. But Stockman is just controlled opposition; he’s planted there to get you 90 percent of the way to the truth and insert just enough spin at the end that you miss the truth completely. That’s because Bitcoin, like the stock market, is not really a casino. It feels like one, but it’s not. At a casino, the house always wins because statistical probability is tipped in its favor. Everyone knows this going into it. But with LIBOR, insider trading scandals, and other drips and drabs of leaked information over the years, we have a pretty good notion that the stock market is rigged. Its volatility is intentional; the super-wealthy have enough leverage to manipulate stock prices at their will so they can buy low and sell high. That’s not a casino, that’s a con. That’s using weighted dice, which even a casino doesn’t do. Stockman and the rest want you to believe the rise and fall of stocks and commodities (like Bitcoin) are due to irrational speculative investing, as if the prices are determined by trading volume. But they don’t give you the most important piece of information, which is that those at the very top are controlling the trading volume, not to mention manipulating the exchange rates. When these tricks don’t work, they can just straight-up falsify the data, like they do with voting numbers. They can simply tell you a Bitcoin is worth $15,000, sell it to you for that much, then turn around and make the price drop to $5,000. They can do this because they created the market, and they own most of the commodity. Lots of people, especially younger people who came of age during the 2008 recession, are skeptical of the stock market and the big banks. So the financiers had to create a new fake market to lure these younger folks under the guise of a “private,” “sound money” system. It’s no coincidence Bitcoin came right on the heels of the Great Recession. We’re told the mythical inventor of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, was inspired by the recession to create Bitcoin as a sound money alternative. The truth is exactly the opposite: it was created as another unsound money alternative, to catch all the fies that were getting wise to the great Wall Street scam and making a mass exit from its tangled web. Bitcoin claims to be a fully encrypted form of digital currency that offers total financial anonymity. But that’s not true at all. You see, there are two primary ways to buy Bitcoin. You can send and receive it directly from other Bitcoin owners using a “digital asset wallet” or “crypto wallet” and making the transactions directly on the blockchain, which is a ledger of all Bitcoin transactions. Or you can buy them through an intermediary exchange service like Coinbase or Bitfinex, similar to brokerage sites for stocks (like Etrade or Fidelity). When you use the exchanges, you have to jump through at least as many hoops to set up an account as you would to open a bank account, including several forms of photo ID, proofs of address, your social security number, etc. In other words, you have no more anonymity than a bank account holder. Even so, using an intermediary exchange is far easier and less confusing than doing it the direct, anonymous way with a wallet. Just Google “how to buy Bitcoin anonymously” and see how long it takes you to figure it out. It’s immensely confusing and technical. Strike one. This is why the overwhelming majority of all Bitcoin owners use intermediary exchanges – they’re a whole lot easier. But this means that Bitcoin is no more anonymous than a bank card, and just as subject to taxation as fiat money. Strike two. Another supposed value proposition of Bitcoin is that it’s decentralized. No single political entity or group has monopoly control over it, unlike fiat currency which is controlled and issued by the central banks. Again, this is bogus. Just look at the chart at howmuch.net and read the results: Over 95% of all Bitcoins in circulation are owned by about 4% of the market. In fact, 1% of the addresses control half the entire market. Please read that again. That’s an astounding fact. It means the power to infuence the value of Bitcoin in the hands of a very select few. Consider that strike three. And what’s worse, there’s no way of knowing who these few are. This is where the anonymity of the blockchain becomes a drawback rather than a benefit. You have no way of knowing who the Bitcoin millionaires and billionaires are. Yet because they have most of the world’s Bitcoin, they have tremendous power over it. But wait, you say, we do know who the Bitcoin billionaires are. The media tells us who they are! People like the Winklevoss twins, Joseph Lubin, Brock Pierce, Matthew Mellon, Chris Larsen, and Ben Horowitz. You’re right, so let’s take a minute to hit each of them. By their photos alone you can tell these guys are all big, fat fakes…

The Winklevii grew up in Greenwich, Connecticut and attended the Greenwich Country Day School, alma matter of CIA top dog George H.W. Bush. What’s curious about the Winklevii is that they’re Jewish, but it’s not admitted anywhere – not even on ethnicelebs.com. Their Wikipedia page only mentions who their father is, which is odd, and geni.com has both parents listed as <private>, which is even more curious. We find out through other sources that their mother is Carol Leonard. At ethnicelebs.com and genealogy.com we find last names like Weinland/Weiland, Lotz, and Meyer. Those are all Jewish names. See lobbyist and philanthropist Dick Weiland, who started the Weiland Security Endowment Fund to Protect the Jewish Community and Combat Antisemitism, in response to a rash of faked anti-Semitic attacks around Cincinnati. Also Scott Weiland, lead singer of Stone Temple Pilots who recently died, and who was actually born Scott Kline (another Jewish name). For Lotz, we have evangelist Ann Graham Lotz, daughter of Billy Graham. In Miles’ treatment of Graham, we find the Lotzes were a prominent Jewish family in Eastern Europe. In the Winklevoss family tree we also find the names Zilinskas and Palefsky. More Jewish names. At wikitree.com we find the names Wimer and Morrison. More Jewish names. Even their mother’s maiden name, Leonard, is a name commonly adopted by Jews – see comedian Jack Leonard (born Lebitsky), TV producer and writer Sheldon Leonard (born Bershad), and adult film star Gloria Leonard (born Klinetsky). The name Winklevoss also sounds pretty Jewish, doesn’t it? According to forebears.io, there are only 33 Winklevosses in the entire world. If we search the variant spelling Winkelvoss, there are still only 217. The closest common name I can think of is Winkler, which is Jewish – think Henry Winkler – or Finkel, of which there are many famous Jews. So why is no one admitting the Winklevoss twins are Jewish?

Entrepreneur Joe Lubin co-created Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency by market cap after Bitcoin. A Princeton grad, he went on to become VP of Technology for Goldman Sachs’ private wealth management division. After his stint at Goldman Sachs, he worked for two years for Blacksmith Technologies, based in Washington D.C. Here’s their website, which looks like it was made in 1996. Do you really think a Goldman Sachs VP would take a backwards career step to become a director at a tiny software company with a Papyrus font logo? I smell a fake company fronting for something else. Then we get a very long blank space in his resumé – his Linkedin profile shows him doing nothing for nearly a decade, at which point he pops up as CEO of a music studio in Jamaica called SyNerG, which doesn’t even have a website. Looks like another front to me. Does that guy look like the owner of a Jamaican music studio? Then, suddenly, he helps create Ethereum. Strange, don’t you think? But the biggest red fag is his first gig out of Princeton, working as a Research Scientist for Vision Applications Inc. A search on that company brings up Eric Schwartz (Jewish name), born 1947. He got his PhD at Columbia and is now a professor at Boston University. His Wikipedia page tells us:
He founded Vision Applications Inc. in 1990, with support from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), for the purpose of developing actuators, sensors and algorithms for miniaturized space-variant vision systems…. This work culminated in the construction of a miniature autonomous vehicle which was the first vehicle to drive, unassisted by human backup, on the streets of Boston [in 1992].
In case you don’t know, DARPA is the technology research branch of the Department of Defense. So the co-creator of Ethereum worked for a company funded by DARPA and later worked for Goldman Sachs. Hmm. Lubin is likely also Jewish, as Lubin is a Jewish name. See millionaire businessman David Lubin, a Polish Jew who served as director of the International Society for the Colonization of Russian Jews starting in 1891.

A large collection of his papers and photographs are now housed at the Western Jewish History Center in Berkeley, California. My guess is Joe Lubin is a relative of David.

Brock Pierce is a former child actor who appeared in Disney’s The Mighty Ducks and First Kid. That’s a huge red fag already, since only the children of the super-wealthy become actors. His genealogy is completely scrubbed. After his stint as a child actor, Pierce founded the Digital Entertainment Network, its first show being a pilot for gay teens called Chad’s World. He was later accused of sexual misconduct allegations, including sexually assaulting one of his 13-year- old male actors. He was never charged, but his partner Marc Collins-Rector was convicted on multiple counts of child enticement involving boys.

That’s a photo from his recent wedding with fellow entrepreneur Crystal Rose, which took place at the faux-spiritual, faux-progressive event known as Burning Man. But wait, Crystal is a woman, and I thought Brock was gay! Turns out he might still be, considering that photo and his own description of the wedding: It was an entirely unicorn wedding. All the groomsmen wore the colors of the rainbow plus pink, all the bridesmaids [wore] the colors of the rainbow plus pink, and my best man was a woman dressed in black, cracking a whip. Egad! If I wanted to stife rumors that I was gay and liked to fondle boys, the last thing I’d do is dress my wedding party in drag and have my best man be a dominatrix. It appears Pierce has now fully embraced the gay cowboy look, usually sporting an eccentric hat, a vest with no undershirt, and lots of bracelets and ornaments. But as recently as 2016 he was dressed like a typical businessman, as seen in this photo:

Why the extreme change? It’s not a change at all. He’s just playing the part assigned to him. He never stopped being an actor, you see. He is also probably a member of the ruling families, though we have no way of knowing because his genealogy is completely scrubbed past his parents. We have seen the name Pierce many times in Miles’ papers, and it’s prominent in the peerage as well as U.S. politics. There’s President Franklin Pierce, of course, and First Lady Barbara Bush was née Pierce. Pierce can be an Americanized version of the Jewish Perez/Peretz/Pereyre. Brock may be Jewish, as well. Pierce has had his hands in dozens of blockchain-related companies over the years, the most recent and most newsworthy being Block.One, a company that launched a new cryptocurrency called EOS this month (June 2018). It is already the fifth-largest cryptocurrency by market cap ($9.3 billion as of this writing). Preceding the launch was a year-long initial coin offering (ICO) – the equivalent of an initial public offering (IPO) for a new stock – that raised $4 billion. To borrow the words of this WSJ article about Block.One and the EOS coin:
One of the hottest cryptocurrency investments of 2017 comes from a software startup that doesn’t plan to sell any software and describes what it is selling—something called a digital token—as having “no purpose.”
Well, at least they’re being honest. Besides Pierce, who is behind Block.One? The company was founded in 2016 by Dan Larimer and Brendan Blumer. What do we know about these guys? Not much is known about Blumer, except that he was born August 8, 1986. Judging by his name, he’s probably also Jewish. See TV personality Bob Blumer, Jewish. Or Massachusetts Rep. Deborah Blumer, Jewish. It comes from the Yiddish word blum, which means “fower,” and is the source of many Jewish surnames (Blumenfeld, Blumenthal, Blum, etc.). As for Larimer, it turns out his dad is Stanley Larimer, a longtime employee of Boeing who has “taught rocket science at the US Air Force Academy…contributing on 17 different R&D programs for air, ground, sea and space systems.” Note the name Stanley. Dan and his dad cofounded the blockchain company Cryptonomex, which is headquartered at Virginia Tech, Dan Larimer’s alma mater. Virginia Tech is a spook school, which is why they staged the fake school shooting there in 2007, where 33 people allegedly died. What’s interesting about Stanley Larimer is that Intelius doesn’t show him as ever being employed by Boeing. His one and only record of employment is with Science Applications International Corporation of Reston, Virginia. SAIC provides “government services.” In 2015 it acquired Scitor Holdings to expand its presence in the “intelligence industry through classified contracts, cleared personnel, and a robust security infrastructure.” We now have two cryptocurrency big hitters who have worked for Intelligence. Though they have no genealogy posted online, I’d bet these Larimers are descendants of William Larimer, the senator who founded Denver, Colorado in 1858. His wife was a McMasters (think H.R. McMaster), and his daughter Rachel married James Mellon of the famous Mellon banking family. Speaking of Mellons…

Matthew Mellon, who died this year (2018), was the heir of the Mellon banking fortune. Enough said. What’s that picture supposed to tell us? He looks like a magician, insisting he has nothing up his sleeves before getting ready for his next trick. It’s overtly telling us he isn’t trustworthy.

Chris Larsen is a former employee of the oil giant Chevron. He later founded E-Loan, the online mortgage lending service. He also cofounded Ripple Labs, which developed the cryptocurrency Ripple, now the third largest coin after Bitcoin and Ethereum. In January 2018, Forbes listed him as the fifth richest person in the world, ahead of Mark Zuckerberg. They don’t tell you he’s Jewish, but look at his face in the picture above. He certainly looks Jewish. Nothing is known about his genealogy, apparently, not even his parents’ names. That itself is a red fag. This man is supposed to be richer than Mark Zuckerberg, and yet we don’t even know who his parents are? His wife is given as Lyna Lam, but a whitepages.com search on that name in the San Francisco area shows a Lyna Lam that isn’t related to any Larsens. Strange. Even stranger is an Intelius search on Chris Larsen in the Bay Area, which does pull up a Christopher E. Larsen that has worked for Chevron. Only problem is, his age is listed as 45, but Chris Larsen was born in 1960, which would make him 57-58. Again, this Chris does not appear to be related to his wife, Lyna. His only relatives listed are Alicia Larsen and Robert Larsen. They’re intentionally hiding his family, and we can only guess it’s because there’s something to hide.
The last one I’ll touch on is Benjamin Abraham Horowitz, cofounder of Silicon Valley investment firm Andreessen Horowitz. He was raised in Berkeley, California, went to Columbia, and is the son of Elissa Krauthamer and faux-conservative talking head David Horowitz. In the ‘60s and ‘70s, David was an outspoken adherent of the New Left and was a “founding sponsor” of James Weinstein’s magazine In These Times, which we can assume was an Intelligence rag. (Weinstein was in the Navy and was later implicated in Julius and Ethel Rosenberg’s sensational espionage case – which was faked.) David Horowitz’s parents were members of the American Communist Party in the ‘40s and big supporters of Joseph Stalin. Of his parents, David once wrote:
Underneath the ordinary surface of their lives, my parents and their friends thought of themselves as secret agents.
You don’t say. Perhaps that explains why David’s life reads so much like a secret agent’s. For one thing, he went to Columbia and UC Berkeley, top CIA recruiting schools. After being a bleeding-heart lefty and “serious Marxist intellectual” for decades, he had a miraculous conversion to neoconservatism in the late ‘70s. He came out in 1985 in a Washington Post Magazine article titled “Lefties for Reagan”, later retitled “Goodbye to All That”. I suppose Horowitz was such a blatant fascist that he was no longer believable as a leftist, so his handlers reassigned him to be a neocon, which fit his fascist and Zionist tendencies much better. In both cases, his job was to polarize politics as much as possible and hardwire people into one of the two systems of thought that are pre-approved by the rulers.

His son Ben was one of the “lucky” ones who foresaw the Bitcoin boom and made a killing from his investments in it. Prior to his stint as a Bitcoin investor, he founded Loudcloud, an IT infrastructure and hosting services company that boasted the U.S. Army as one of its biggest customers. Yet again, we encounter a leading cryptocurrency figure tied up in government IT services contracts. So much for sticking it to the Man. In 2007, Loudcloud was sold to Hewlett- Packard for $1.6 billion in cash. Like all the others, Horowitz was already filthy rich before he ever laid a finger on Bitcoin. It goes without saying that the Horowitzes are Jewish. The Wikipedia page for the name tells us “the Horowitz family is one of the most illustrious rabbinic families in Jewish history,” being of Levite ancestry. They were Sephardic Jews living in France and Italy and had the surname Benveniste. They were related to the ha-Levi and Mendes families. They changed their name to Horowitz after immigrating to the Bohemian town of Horowitz, near Prague, in the sixteenth century. The Wiki page for the Benveniste family is a little more honest, admitting they were mostly Kabbalistic rabbis and, before that, “financiers of the local kings” around Castile and Aragon (present-day Spain). Notice they were financiers of several kings, and ostensibly rivalrous kings. Did these kings not care that their Jewish financiers were also financing their enemies? In fact, they probably weren’t aware that their trusted bankers were playing (and profiting from) both sides. According to Encyclopaedia Judaica, the Benvenistes were given the honor “Benveniste de la Cavalleria” by the Knights Templar, “who protected the family and the family in turn administered the tax system of the Templars.” These Jews had their hands in several honey pots. Around the eleventh century, the title “Nasi” was added to the names of Benveniste family members in official Jewish documents. That title originally meant “prince” in the Old Testament, and was given to the political ruler of Judea. The Romans later recognized the Nasi as the Patriarch of the Jews, which was a high rank in the official Roman political hierarchy. Thus, in the Middle Ages, the term came to signify any Jew who held prominent positions in the courts of non-Jewish rulers. Consider that statement as you think about the possible origins of the word Nazi, and the fact that most or all top Nazi officials were Jewish, including Hitler himself. Miles posits the real origin may be the word Ashkenazi, which is plausible given that Ashkenazi was the Jewish word for a German in the Middle Ages. But I’ll throw my hat in the ring for “Nasi” as another plausible origin. Either way, it’s one heck of an inside joke.

That is the Benveniste family coat of arms, featuring the Star of David and Lion of Judah. The lion appears to be scaling a tower, likely representing the Jewish takeover of the non-Jewish kingdoms that was happening around that time. Another noted Horowitz was classical pianist Vladimir, whose grandfather was a Russian-born Jewish merchant-guildsman. Their family’s status exempted them from having to reside in the Pale of Settlement. Though Vladimir was married, he could not escape rumors all his life that he was gay. It’s now widely accepted that he was. Despite his denials, he once joked, “There are three kinds of pianists: Jewish pianists, homosexual pianists, and bad pianists.” I suggest you take this quote seriously as you study any and all famous pianists throughout history. Also, since we see two of Miles' trio—Jewish, gay, faked his death—you may want to take another look at any suspicious deaths among pianists, starting of course with Mozart. To recap, all the richest cryptocurrency holders are either Jewish, gay, super-wealthy, tied to big banking, tied to Intelligence, or some combination of all of those. The obvious question that no one asks is: if Bitcoin transactions are anonymous, how do we know how much crypto coin these guys own? We know because the media tells us, but the media has been owned by Intelligence for decades, so it’s Intelligence that is telling us this. We have no way of independently verifying it. My point is, these guys are just the faces they put up on the screen. The real owners – the real 4% that own 95% of all cryptocurrency – are the Intelligence agencies, and ultimately the industrialists and bankers who control Intelligence. These crypto-billionaires are getting paid to be the face of the 4%. We are being led to believe that all it takes to get fabulously rich is smart investing and a little bit of luck, and we raise these guys up as poster boys for the American Dream, ignoring the fact that they were already super- rich to begin with. Meanwhile, the real billionaires are having a good laugh as they siphon off more of our money from the Bitcoin scam. Since they created Bitcoin out of thin air, any Bitcoin they sell to the rest of us is basically pure profit. Unlike other commodities that actually take capital to mine, refine, harvest, etc., Bitcoin is just a bunch of code. It’s kind of like all those coins you collect in the Super Mario Brothers video games. They don’t exist in the real world. On top of all that, they’ve duped people into buying hardware and eating up electricity to “mine” them. Since the crypto-rulers own the companies that make the hardware and produce the electricity, they make a double-killing on Bitcoin. So Bitcoin is a lot like selling bottled air to retarded people. You might stop me here and say, “If Bitcoin is created by the crypto-rulers, why am I reading articles every other day about how all the big corporations fear Bitcoin?” It helps to ignore the noise and review the facts. Big banks are all pro-Bitcoin: Citi Bank, J.P. Morgan Chase, UBS, Barclays, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Credit Suisse, MUFG (Japan), Standard Chartered, Banco Santander (Spain), and BNP Paribas (France), to name a few, are all on the cryptocurrency bandwagon. Even Blackstone is in on the game. Via bizjournals.com:
Blockchain startup Symbiont has scored a partnership with the potential to level the playing field in a growing group of New York City-based startups weaving the technology that underlies Bitcoin into the heart of Wall Street. While competitors in the space have been announcing a series of major partnerships, Symbiont has been relatively quiet until now. The company today unveiled a deal with Ipreo, a business co-owned by asset manager Blackstone and investment bank Goldman Sachs, to launch a new firm in the $3 trillion syndicated loan industry.
That takes us right back to the beginning of my paper, doesn’t it? It just proves that Bitcoin is merely Wall Street 2.0. You will make the argument – as all the mainstream sites do – that these banks and investment firms are simply adopting the philosophy of, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” But we’re not talking about two equally strong rivals joining forces. We’re talking about global financial giants “joining” a (supposedly) small and decentralized group of crypto- anarchists and cypherpunks and their humble, anonymously-created technology. When you mix a gallon of oil with a drop of water, you no longer have water. You just have a gallon of oil. So even if these giant entities are adopting cryptocurrency out of panic, it still spells the end of the cryptocurrency movement. It’s all over. Blockchain is now being rapidly absorbed into the same corrupt global financial system it was supposedly created to overthrow. So the argument is moot. You can keep nursing your philosophical idealism. It doesn’t change the fact that the crypto “revolution” is dead. But of course, the revolution was never real. If it were, you would never read something like this:
Disruption of the global banking system at this point is “inevitable”, Bala Venkataraman, global chief technology officer of banking and capital markets for Computer Sciences Corp, whose sister company runs the IT backbone of the National Security Agency (NSA), told Newsweek. “Cryptocurrencies could become the new driver of international business and financial transactions, and that would be transformative, if not revolutionary,” says Dr. Makarenko, whose consulting firm advises Fortune 500 companies.
The crypto-rulers will never call something “inevitable” or “revolutionary” unless they’re promoting it. If they truly feared something could actually threaten their financial hegemony, they would attempt to bury it so deep in the ground you’d never hear its dying cry. They only sell something as inevitable and revolutionary if it’s a revolution they’ve created. Do you really think the CTO of a company whose client is the NSA is excited about the disruption of the global banking system? Who is Computer Sciences Corp anyway? Wikipedia informs us that they serve not only the NSA, but also the DoD, FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, and NASA. The company merged with HP Enterprise Services to create DXC Technology in April 2017. Their headquarters are now in Tysons, Virginia, a mere 5 miles from CIA headquarters. We can assume DXC is not a separate entity at all, but is simply an operating arm of Intelligence fronting as a private company. So when you hear Computer Sciences Corp/DXC telling you anything, you can read it as Intel telling it to you. And here Intel is telling you a major disruption to the global banking system is inevitable, and cryptocurrency will be that disruptor. Really? This paper would be incomplete without touching on the origins of Bitcoin, though as you’ll see, most of the mainstream story is complete misdirection. The mainstream answer is that Bitcoin originated with an anonymous person or group with the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. Miles has already noted that the name roughly translates to “Central Intelligence,” though lots of people hedge on this and say it could be translated as “wisdom from the central land” or something like that. Others point to actual people with the name, such as Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto, who has been suspected of being Bitcoin’s creator. What’s curious about Dorian Nakamoto is that he lived just two blocks from Hal Finney in Temple City, a suburb of Los Angeles. Hal Finney, now deceased, was the first person after Satoshi to use Bitcoin. The first recorded Bitcoin transaction was between Satoshi and Finney. Finney claimed he never knew who Satoshi really was, and many suspect Finney to be the real Satoshi. So it’s highly curious that Dorian, who was born Satoshi Nakamoto and later adopted the English name, lived just two blocks away but claims to have never known or heard of Hal Finney, and vice versa.

That’s Dorian, making a very Fred Armisen-esque face. The Dorian-Finney connection was first uncovered and published in 2014 by Newsweek journalist Leah Goodman. As Wikipedia notes, perhaps the most solid evidence of Goodman’s claim that Dorian was the real Satoshi is that:
…when she asked him about Bitcoin during a brief in-person interview, Nakamoto seemed to confirm his identity as the Bitcoin founder by stating: “I am no longer involved in that and I cannot discuss it. It’s been turned over to other people. They are in charge of it now. I no longer have any connection.”
Dorian later clarified these statements in a Reddit interview, claiming he misinterpreted Goodman’s question as being about his work for Citibank. But he doesn’t claim he was misquoted, so we can assume the quote is accurate. In that case, he can’t be talking about his job at Citibank, because the wording doesn’t fit. A normal person would say, “I don’t work there anymore,” not the much more cryptic “It’s been turned over” and “They are in charge of it now.” Those are the words of someone involved in a top-secret project, and if you’re involved in a top-secret project, you’re getting paid handsomely for it. That doesn’t jive with the story we’re given about Dorian being down on his luck, jobless, and facing foreclosure on his house. The fact that he worked for Citibank at all is a red fag. The two largest institutional holders (owners) of Citibank are BlackRock and The Vanguard Group. Keep that in mind. Wikipedia also tells us Dorian “worked as a systems engineer on classified defense projects.” I assume that means military defense. So he worked for Citibank and the military. Not suspicious at all. An Intelius search brings up Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto, and guess what? It doesn’t say he has worked at Citibank, or the U.S. military. It does say he worked at The Bitcoin Foundation. That is the chief advocacy and steering group for Bitcoin, whose board of directors includes Brock Pierce. What are they doing employing Dorian Nakamoto? It isn’t mentioned anywhere else on the Internet. This is suspicious in the extreme. According to Intelius, his only other known employment was with Daily Republic. That is a Bay Area newspaper. So Dorian was also a journalist? A little digging on Daily Republic reveals it is owned by Foy McNaughton, member of a well-known newspaper family. His grandfather, F.F. McNaughton, graduated from Columbia University’s very first master’s program in journalism back in the 1920s.
Another strange thing about Dorian Nakamoto is that he was trained as a computer engineer and has a degree from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. So the odds of him not being involved with Bitcoin in some way are growing slimmer. But a bit of research into his alma mater reveals some interesting things. It was founded by Charles Voorhis and his son Jerry, later a U.S. Congressman who died on September 11, 1984. In 1949, the campus grew when it acquired land formerly used as the infamous Arabian horse ranch of Will Keith Kellogg, the cereal magnate. Jerry Voorhis is more interesting to me than Kellogg, because Voorhis attended The Hotchkiss School, an elite Connecticut boarding school with close ties to Yale (where Voorhis also went). Miles has outed The Hotchkiss School as one of the primary feeder schools for Intelligence. Voorhis is a variant of Voorhees, a prominent Dutch family that helped found New York and Brooklyn in 1660. The name came up in Miles’ paper on Spotlight, where he linked Walter Voorhees Robinson to the Catholic priest sex abuse hoax and the fake Black Dahlia murders. More importantly, he suggested a connection to Erik Voorhees, famed Bitcoin investor and advocate. He founded Satoshi Dice, a Bitcoin gambling website that was later investigated by the SEC. He sold the website in 2013 to an anonymous buyer for 126,315 Bitcoins, which is currently valued at well over $1 billion. Also notice the numerology; all the numbers added up equal 18. Voorhees graduated from the University of Puget Sound, the school that fake serial killer Ted Bundy also attended for a time. That should tell you something about that school.
To recap, the school that was founded by Jerry Voorhis produced an alumnus named Satoshi Nakamoto, who is suspiciously tied to the invention of Bitcoin, and one of the leading Bitcoin evangelists is Erik Voorhees. That’s a tenuous connection, I admit, and possibly a coincidence. But if you follow Congressman Voorhis’ genealogy, you find his great-great-uncle was William Carroll Lewis. (The name Lewis is a red flag, of course.) His children include Elizabeth Bogle, Peggie Robinson, and Cynthia Allen. We’ve seen the name Robinson already, with Boston Globe reporter Walter Voorhees Robinson. We’ll hit the name Allen again in a minute, with Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. What of Bogle? It just so happens the founder of The Vanguard Group was John Clifton Bogle. Vanguard is one of the largest investment groups in the world, just behind Blackstone/rock.
My take on the Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto story is that it’s another attempt to create more noise and mystique around the creation of Bitcoin, to misdirect you down more dead-end rabbit trails. Maybe he was part of the Intel programming team from the start, or maybe they tapped him later as a means of defecting attention toward Finney as the possible creator.
In addition to Cal Poly Pomona, another spook school we can implicate in the Bitcoin project is the University of Washington. Two of the leading figures in Bitcoin’s formative years were Wei Dai and Nick Szabo, both of whom graduated from UW with degrees in computer science. Dai created the precursor to Bitcoin known as b-money, which was the exact same idea and technology that would later become the Bitcoin blockchain. Nick Szabo also created a precursor to Bitcoin called bit gold. Many people speculate that either Dai or Szabo is the real Satoshi. Dai later worked for Microsoft, which isn’t surprising, as UW has strong ties with Microsoft, the most obvious of which is that they’re both in Seattle. Thanks to a $40 million donation from Microsoft’s co-founder Paul Allen, UW’s computer science department is now called the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering. But Microsoft’s ties to UW began before that. Both Allen and buddy Bill Gates hung out on the UW campus together, where they allegedly developed their first computer program called Traf-O-Data, a roadway traffic data aggregator. Wikipedia tells us that while the idea failed as a business venture, “the experience was important in the development of the computer and instrumental in the creation of Microsoft a few years later.”
This story reads just like Google, doesn’t it? It is now admitted that the Stanford computer science department was directly funded by U.S. Intelligence and that doctorate students Sergey Brin and Larry Page developed Google under close supervision and guidance from Intelligence agents. We have every reason to believe the same thing was (and is) happening at UW’s computer science school, and that Microsoft was one of the results of Intel’s investment. (And lest I forget to mention it, the two largest investors in Microsoft are The Vanguard Group and BlackRock.) Likewise, Nick Szabo and Wei Dai were the Brin and Page (or Gates and Allen, if you like) of Bitcoin – computer science students at a spook school developing another product for their financial backers in Intel. Or more likely, the faces paid to front the product.
Since The Vanguard Group and Blackrock keep coming up so much, let’s see what other connections we can find. How about this. The number one cryptocurrency news and opinion site is CoinDesk.com. It popped up in 2015, almost out of nowhere. In fact, it didn’t come out of nowhere, but it takes a bit of digging to figure out who’s behind the site. It’s owned by Digital Currency Group, a venture capital firm started in 2015 by Barry Silbert. Silbert is a Bitcoin angel investor who provided funding for some of the earliest Bitcoin companies like Coinbase and BitPay. But Digital Currency Group is actually a subsidiary of NASDAQ Private Market, owned by NASDAQ Inc., which of course owns and operates the NASDAQ stock exchange as well as eight of the largest European stock exchanges. Guess who are the second and third largest institutional holders of NASDAQ Inc.? BlackRock and The Vanguard Group.
It should raise all sorts of alarms in your head that Silbert is one of the biggest cryptocurrency investors and also the man behind the top news site about cryptocurrencies, which claims to be an impartial news source. A December 2017 Reuters article, aptly titled “Ex-banker cheerleads his way to cryptocurrency riches”, points out the obvious confict of interest there, as does this scathing article at Medium, which also points out that Digital Currency Group doesn’t just own CoinDesk.com, but also 19 popular cryptocurrency exchanges and/or trading companies, including Kraken, Shapeshift (of which Erik Voorhees is CEO), Coinbase, Bitoasis, Bitfyer, Bitso, Coinsetter, and so on.
Silbert is a scumbag, and hardly any mainstream site denies this. He has earned the nickname “Shillbert” for his unscrupulous salesman tactics. What is less known about Silbert is that, yes, he is probably Jewish too. Silbert is a Jewish name. Harvey Silbert, a casino exec and Hollywood lawyer who represented the likes of Frank Sinatra and Howard Hughes, was Jewish and a major donor to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he took Hollywood celebs for “fundraisers.” Silberts are also connected with U.S. Intel. See novelist Leslie Silbert, daughter of U.S. Attorney and Watergate prosecutor Earl Silbert. Her first novel, The Intelligencer (2004), is a spy story based on British author Christopher Marlowe. She was inspired to write the novel when “she joined a private investigation business where she was guided by a former CIA agent. After working there for about a year, she left to devote her time to writing her novel.” In other words, she was a CIA agent directed by her handler to write a “spy” novel about another Intelligent agent who was paid to write novels (Shakespeare). There’s also Maria Silbert, a popular spiritualist medium in the 1920s who was outed as a con artist several times.
Barry Silbert returns us to the big problem with cryptocurrencies. For all their claims of being a decentralized money system, cryptocurrencies seem to be directly controlled by a small and highly centralized group of super-wealthy individuals. So that pretty much blows the whole thing out of the water. And it reminds us again that the Bitcoin market could easily be manipulated just like the stock markets. Which means it is being manipulated.
They’re admitting as much, in a backhanded way. I point you to this admission by Natalya Kaspersky in January of this year. In a PowerPoint presentation at ITMP University in St. Petersburg, the co-founder of Russia-based cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab baldly stated:
Bitcoin is a project of American intelligence agencies, which was designed to provide quick funding for US, British and Canadian intelligence activities in different countries.
The technology is ‘privatised,’ just like the Internet, GPS and TOR. In fact, it is dollar 2.0. Its rate is controlled by the owners of exchanges.
Ms. Kaspersky is not some crackpot conspiracy theorist or rogue political commentator. She is the head of one of the largest cybersecurity firms in the world. We should immediately ask, what’s the spin? Surely she hasn’t just gone rogue and decided to out this big secret. You could argue that Russian Intelligence and U.S. Intelligence are enemies, and the one is dishing dirt on the other to create a civilian uproar. It’s possible. But if we assume that both groups profit much more by pretending to be enemies than by being enemies, the more reasonable explanation is that Kaspersky is being used to divert people from the full truth by giving away partial truths. Kaspersky is like Stockman in this way, only she has been placed higher up the mountain. Her job is to divert the conspiracy theorists who already suspect Bitcoin is an Intel creation. She concedes this fact, but then adds the slightest spin by likening it to the internet and GPS. You see, they want you to believe these technologies were created by Intel for internal use and somehow “got away” from them. They accidentally slipped into the hands of the civilian masses, who have since made it their own and used it for nobler purposes. “What they meant for evil, we’ve used for good,” and all that. Let me un-spin it for you. Intel still controls the internet and GPS and Bitcoin and every other technology they’ve ever developed. There – now you can stroll past the Bitcoin evangelists, past Stockman and Kaspersky and all the rest, and continue on your way up the mountain.