by Miles Mathis
First published July 18, 2016
I saw Val Kilmer in a film tonight and thought to myself, “Where did this guy come from?” That led to a little information on him, but more information on some others. First of all, his mother is an Ekstadt, which I thought might be Jewish. Although both Ethnicelebs.com and Wikipedia deny he is Jewish, the former then tells us that Kilmer has admitted he has "Sephardi Jewish" ancestry. This after listing much Swedish ancestry and no Jewish ancestry. They then try to pass his statement off as a joke, as if he doesn't know his own ancestry. But what actors joke about being Jewish if they aren't: “Yes, I'm Jewish. . . op, just kidding!” And if they were kidding, would they say they were Sephardi Jewish? Most Gentiles don't know what “Sephardic” even means.
If this line weren't Jewish, then why is it scrubbed both at Geni and Ethnicelebs? His maternal grandmother is Anna Elizabeth Wester and his maternal great grandmother is Elizabeth Niederhauser. That information is available online, but it takes a lot of digging. This is the line that determines whether Kilmer is Jewish or not in the eyes of Judaism, so it is the one we should focus on. Niederhauser is almost certainly Jewish. Which would explain Kilmer's foot in the door in acting and Hollywood.
But even more interesting is Kilmer's g-great-grandmother, Elizabeth C. Morrison. Why is that so interesting? Well, remember that Kilmer played the lead role in the film The Doors. Who did he play: Jim Morrison. So Kilmer may be a real-life third cousin of Jim Morrison. They don't tell you that, do they? But can we confirm it? Well, not easily, since they end the line at Elizabeth at Geni.com. So let's go to Jim Morrison's line and see if we find a link from that direction. Jim Morrison's father is George Stephen Morrison, his grandfather is named Paul Raymond Morrison, and his great-grandfather is Robert Bruce Morrison. But it looks like Geni is failing to list siblings, since none of these men have any brothers or sisters. They also fail to list locations, which is convenient. So let's switch to Findagrave.com. There we find Paul Raymund actually had five brothers. None of these brothers help us make a link, since they are too recent. I had hoped to find brothers of Robert Bruce, but he is listed only as a father, not a brother or son. If we go to Wikitree, we find Robert Bruce Morrison's father was Stephen, and he had two brothers, Elijah [b. 1814] and Lambert. But they are both deadends as well. So we switch to Ancestry.com. There, we find Elijah Morrison, born 1814, had a daughter Elizabeth Morrison [1839-1874]. We are told she married an Andrew Standley and died at age 35 with no children. If that is true, it means she is the wrong Elizabeth Morrison. But they have scrubbed so much on her and around her, my suspicion remains. This Elizabeth Morrison may have remarried to Armistead Webb and had offspring. My gut tells me Morrison and Kilmer are related, though from available information it impossible to prove or disprove it.
[Addendum April 3, 2017: rereading the above paragraph, I tripped across the name Standley. Since I have done much genealogical research since writing this paper, I am now on the lookout for the name Stanley. I have since found that name in Obama's genealogy and John Lennon's genealogy, and it was prominent in my paper on Henry VII. Beyond that, it came up again in my recent paper on Hitler. It also came up in several other papers. I have found that—along with Spencer-Churchill—it is the most prominent name in the families, existing hidden beneath almost every major story of the past 500 years. The name Stanley, by itself, is now enough to tell us why Liverpool has been so important in the great hoaxes. So I now see the name Standley above as a huge clue. It is obvious to me they added the “d” to throw people off. Changing names by a single letter is one of their tricks, and amazingly it almost always works. It worked on me until today. I now see it as strong indication we have the right Elizabeth Morrison, and that my guesses above were correct. The name Webb tells us the same thing, given that I have since shown you the Queen is a Webb. The Webbs are an important second-tier name in the families, just beneath the name Stanley. Others in this tier would be Robinson, Clarke, Bacon, Palmer, Dowling, and Morrison.]
But we aren't finished with Jim Morrison. Morrison's mother was Clara Virginia Clarke, so he is probably related to the famous Clark/Clarkes I analyzed in my paper on Tiger Woods, including many Generals like Mark Clark, Stephen Clark, Jonathan Clark and George Rogers Clark. If so, he is also related to George Rogers Clark Todd, brother of Mary Todd Lincoln. Morrison's line ends at Frank Clarke, with no information on any of the Clarkes, including dates, places and siblings. A search on Frank Clarke 1856 gives us nothing but a couple of guys in England. But with a little more digging we find that Mary Bayard Clarke wrote letters to a Frank Clarke in these decades.
Before we pursue that, I want to mention another curious thing at that link. One of the authors of that book on Mary Bayard Clarke is named Terrell Armistead Crow. That's an uncommon middle name, and it jumped out at me for a reason. I just saw it when researching Val Kilmer. Who did Elizabeth Morrison marry? Armistead Webb. Which gives us yet another family connection between the Morrisons and the Kilmers. Does your family contain any Armisteads? Mine, neither. Most don't, so it is an important clue. Family names are important in these mysteries.
Anyway, Mary Bayard Clarke née Devereux was the wife of Colonel William John Clarke, and their son was Frank Clarke. He was an officer in the Navy during the Civil War. Note that: the Navy. We are about to see why that is important.
Mary Devereux was the daughter of Thomas Pollock Devereux, and his uncle was the “very wealthy” George Pollock. That can't be the George Pollock who was a Baronet and British Field Marshal? We find that Field Marshal Pollock married Francis Webb Barclay. Again, Elizabeth Morrison married Armistead Webb. But it appears the two George Pollocks are not the same, since the dates are a little off. However, it is curious that we are told Field Marshal Pollock's father was a saddler. With more research, we find there was a bit more to it than that. This father David Pollock was a native of Scotland, and he was actually the saddler to the King [George III]. As such, he was very wealthy. His other son David (George's brother) became Sir David Pollock, Chief Justice of Bombay. His third son became Sir Frederick Pollock, also a Baronet, and Attorney General under Prime Minister Robert Peel.

He was later admitted to the Privy Council and became Lord of the Exchequer. Robert Peel is interesting because we saw him on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's in my paper on John Lennon. He was head of the spooks in England in the early 1800s. So we are linked here to top Intel on both sides of the pond.

Before we return to the main line, you may be asking, “Was Jackson Pollock related to these people?” Of course he was. We are fed a cock-n-bull story about his father originally being a McCoy but changing his name to Pollock, but there is no chance that is true. I assume Jackson Pollock is related to both the rich and famous Pollocks as well as the rich and famous Jacksons. See this link to the genealogy of the Jackson Family, which will fill you in. See for instance Mary Jackson Caldwell, who married John Pollock in 1824, becoming Mary Jackson Pollock. The Jacksons and Pollocks had married before that, with Elizabeth Jackson McCaughey marrying Robert Pollock in about 1800. And there are others. So not only was Jackson Pollock related to the famous Pollocks above, he was related to President Andrew Jackson. How else did you think he became famous? Did you think he advanced on talent?
Jackson Pollock's father worked for the government, but we are not told what he did. Supposedly a land surveyor. Curious then that they ended up in Echo Park, where many spooks congregated, including Frank Zappa, Jackson Browne, Glenn Frey, J. D. Souther, Steve McQueen, Solomon Lazard, Eric Garcetti, Gil Garcetti, Leonardo DiCaprio, John Huston, Jacob Zeitlin, and many others. See Dave McGowan for more on the Intel links of many of these people.
One more thing before we move on. Mary Devereux was also related to the Lowells. Her brother was Maj. John Devereux, and he named his daughter after his sister. She was also Mary Devereux. This second Mary Devereux married Arthur Winslow, and their daugher Charlotte married Robert Traill Spence Lowell III. That is the father of the spook poet Robert Lowell who died in 1977. So Jim Morrison may also be related to the Lowells via that marriage.
OK, but back to the Pollocks in North Carolina. Were they related to the Pollocks in England? Yes, because the Pollocks of Carolina hailed back to Thomas Pollock, Governor of Carolina Colony in the early 1700s. He was from Scotland. Remember, David Pollock, saddler to the King, was also from Scotland. Not only that, but they were both from wealth. That is admitted with the Carolina Pollocks, but it must have been true of David Pollock as well, since when he moved from Scotland to London he married Sarah Parsons, daughter of the Beadle of Westminster Abbey. She wouldn't have been allowed to marry some low Scottish tradesman. The only Scot she would be allowed to marry would be a wealthy Scot.
Anyway, the point of all this was to link the Clarkes to the Pollocks. It means that Jackson Pollock is probably related to both Jim Morrison and Val Kilmer. I told you, all these people are related. Dave McGowan told you Jim Morrison's father was the Rear Admiral in the Gulf of Tonkin event, but that is only the tip of the iceberg, as you see. Jim Morrison was related to just about every other famous person you have ever heard of, and many you haven't heard of.
For more proof of that, we can look at Jim's grandmother. She was Caroline Hoover, sister of Admiral John Hoover. He outranked Jim's father by two stars. Jim's dad was a Rear Admiral, with two stars. His great uncle had four stars, and he served under five-star Admiral Chester Nimitz.

But it goes even higher than that. Who outranks a five-star Admiral? Only the Commander-in-Chief. That would be President Herbert Hoover, in this case. Yes, Caroline Hoover was related to Herbert Hoover. Herbert Hoover's 4g-grandfather was Andreas Huber. Many Jewish names also enter the genealogy at that point, since Andreas married a Pfautz daughter of Kuntz. Suddenly they started giving their children Jewish names instead of German names. At any rate, Jim Morrison's mother's family also ends in Hubers. Her grandfather was Isaac Huber. Both Hubers come from the same area of Switzerland: Zurich/Argau. It may also be useful to remind yourself that this is where the bulk of Swiss banking is done. Which of course leads us to ask, “Have the Hubers ever married the Rothschilds?” They have. See Huber-von Goldschmidt-Rothschild.

Next, we should ask if Morrison is also related to J. Edgar Hoover. This Hoover was still around in 1971, when Morrison allegedly died. Morrison died in 1971, Hoover in 1972. They deny that J. Edgar Hoover was related to Herbert Hoover, but we have seen what those denials are worth. We will do our own research. In trying to answer that question, we first trip across reports from 2011 by the Washington Post that Hoover may have been black passing for white. I also found an ABCnews report from the same year with the title “Hoover had sex with men, but was he homosexual?” What? That's like asking, “Hoover was three feet tall, but was he short?” We will pass that by for what I think is even more interesting: his mother's maiden name was Schetlin, and the Schetlins were also from northeast Switzerland. They were from St. Gallen, which was a huge center for textiles for centuries. Next to banking, textiles (cloth) is the most famous Jewish trade. Hoover's maternal grandmother was Juditha Holzer, which is also probably Jewish. J. Edgar's pages at Geni are far more scrubbed than Herbert's pages were, so we have to switch to Ancestry.com. Geni ended Hoover's paternal line a William Hoover, b. 1804. But at Ancestry we find his mother was Barbara Zell. Zell is also a Jewish name, so we see why Geni scrubbed it. We then have to switch to Geneanet for more info. There we find Maria Barbara Zell's ancestor as one Jacob Sellen, of La Rochelle, France. This is curious for many reasons, not the least of which is the connection of the Knights Templar to that city. Since Jacob Sellen has a Jewish name rather than a French name, he was probably either a merchant or banker.
assume a descendant was Walter Cronkite.
Finally, we hit paydirt at Wargs.com, which lists the mainstream genealogy of J. Edgar with one tiny addition. I had look very close to see it. William's father is given as William, and his place of birth or death is given as Pennsylvania. This would have been in the late 1700s. Now, if we take that information back to Caroline Hoover, Jim Morrison's grandmother, we find her Hubers coming from Lancaster County, PA, in the same years. This indicates a probable link between Morrison and J. Edgar Hoover. Since we have already linked Morrison to President Herbert Hoover, this indicates a probable link between J. Edgar Hoover and Herbert Hoover.
So not only is Jim Morrison the son of a Rear Admiral, he is the nephew of a four-star Admiral, and is related to at least three Presidents: Hoover, Lincoln and Jackson. He is related to Barons of England, including Robert Peel's own Attorney General. And he is related to Hoover, the head of the FBI for 47 years. Oh, and he is also related to Val Kilmer, Jackson Pollock, and Walter Cronkite.
And just in case you missed it, I showed above a link between Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln. They were probably related by marriage through the Clarkes. Actually, the mainstream admits all the Presidentsarerelated, but they don't always tell you how closely. That link only tells you how closely they are related to George Washington, not how closely they are related to one another. What about Hillary? Is she a cousin of George Washington? Yep. She is the most closely related since Zachary Taylor. She is a third cousin. That is an extremely close relationship, and explains her entire career. You didn't think she made it on talent, did you?
David Icke and others have suggested that the Presidential candidate with the most blue blood has always won. But has anyone done the research on those with the most “chosen” blood. Some are saying we all have some Jewish blood, and while that may or may not be true, we have found famous people, including politicians, seem to have more than their fair share. We also seem to be strongly misdirected away from noticing this, which is a good reason to notice it. Given all the scrubbing of bios, it is probably not even possible to research it thoroughly, but you can see that in recent papers I have made a good start on it in several sectors. I have found it a very fruitful line of questioning, and expect I will continue to do so.