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Martin Luther King

First published May 5, 2017

This is just my opinion, based on internet research anyone can do.

This starts with more of my genealogy work, which—yes—I find fascinating. If you find it tiresome, I don't really blame you. All I can say is, do your own research instead of reading mine. It is probably more fascinating that way. I don't know if I could slog through someone else's genealogy research, but doing it myself is a high. If you can't abide it, skip ahead. I don't recommend it, though. Oh, the things you will miss! I will bold the most important things for you.

Before we start, I will give you the sources I used, so you can see that I used only big mainstream sites, and so that you can see how to do this yourself:

The first five are my go-to sites, along with,,, and a few others. 99% of my data comes from there.

Martin Luther King, Jr., is a Parks, a Linsey, a Daniel, a Williams and a Long. To get right to it, it looks to me like MLK is related to Rosa Parks. They both came from the same place at the same time. MLK came out of nowhere (just out of school) to be elected as President of the Montgomery Improvement Association in 1955—with Edgar Nixon as Treasurer. This makes no sense. [Also curious that Nixon later became an actor with the stage name Nick LaTour. He has an extensive IMDB page.] MLK got his PhD from Boston University in the summer of 1955, and by December of that year he was already elected as President of the MIA, over Edgar Nixon? But he had only been back in Montgomery a matter of months.

Of course, nothing about MLK's early bio makes any sense. For instance, he is supposed to have gotten a BA (4 years), a BDiv (3 years), and a PhD (5-6 years) by the time he was 26. Even if he did the BA in 3 years and the PhD in 4, that is still 10 years in college at age 26. Sounds like a tale to me. You will say he was a genius, but if so why did he need to plagiarize his dissertation? They insert all sorts of apologetics to explain that, but to me it is simply evidence of a larger fake. The dissertation was probably inserted later as part of his fake bio, and I doubt he wrote any of it. It was written by the cubicle spooks at the CIA, and they got sloppy. We will see more on that below.

Furthermore, it is admitted his paternal line is Irish. That means the name King is Irish. Well, that links him to the Kings in my recent papers on C. S. Lewis and F. Scott Fitzgerald. The Kings in those families were also from Ireland—and they were nobles! And spooks. MLK's wife was a Scott, remember, which is another of these names from the same families. We will also see them again below.

Which makes us look at the name Martin Luther King in a new way. MLK and his father were both named Michael, not Martin Luther. We are told Michael, Sr., changed both names in 1934 after a trip to Berlin for a Baptist Conference. But the names were never legally changed, so it was basically an alias. So many problems with the Berlin story I don't know where to start. First of all, Martin Luther wasn't from Berlin. He was from Wittenberg. Second, American Baptists aren't known for their affinities to Lutherans. Michael King should have traveled to Amsterdam and changed his name to John Smyth King, the first Baptist. Third, Hitler was head of Germany in 1934, and he was in Berlin. I doubt he would welcome American blacks for this conference. He telegrammed the conference, so he was well aware of it. Frankly, I don't believe MLK, Sr., was in Berlin, and I looked to see if there were minutes published. There is a book by James Henry Rushbrooke, but I found no copies at Ebay or Abebooks.

To understand why MLK's father changed his name to Martin Luther, it helps to remember that Martin Luther's mother was a Lindemann. That name may be Jewish, and Luther was accused in his own time of being a Jewish agent out to damage Rome. Although I have found no evidence to confirm that, it would fit the overall history we are unwinding.

It is also never explained how MLK could be hired to be a pastor in Montgomery in 1954, when he was in Boston working on his PhD until June of 1955. Another problem is found on the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church page, where we find that the previous pastor had resigned in 1952. MLK was hired in

1954. What? Did they just shut down for two years?

For now, let me just say that the whole Civil Rights movement looks managed. The governors could probably see they had to do something, but rather than let things proceed naturally and risk fast and meaningful change, they took control of events and managed them for minimal inconvenience to themselves. As usual, they needed to give the appearance of progress, while stifling most real progress. It is very easy to see this with the Rosa Parks event, which they pretty much admit was staged. Even Southpark did a show on it, all but admitting the event was staged. Parks had worked at Maxwell Air Force Base, and after that she lived with Clifford and Virginia Durr. Clifford just happened to be the attorney who later represented Parks. That's convenient: Rosa was living with a prominent attorney when this happened. Just a funny coincidence, right?

Durr was a Rhodes Scholar who was appointed to the FCC by Roosevelt. He and his wife were friends of the Mitfords, who we have seen before. They were connected to Hitler. The Durrs were also friends of Alger Hiss. Clifford represented Frank Oppenheimer in the fake HUAC trials. Virginia was née Foster, linking her to John Foster Dulles and the other famous Fosters, including Stephen Foster and John Foster, 1st Baron Oriel, an Irish peer. She was also a Rice, a Turner, a Pryor, a Higginson, a Windsor, a Hickman, a Plume, a Heard, and a Kerr. Clifford Durr was also a Rice, a Plume, a Saunders, a Holt, a Hemingway, a Crawford, a Lewis, a Robinson, a Foster, and a Burke. So he and Virginia were cousins through several lines.

My regular readers must be astonished at some of those names. We are getting a lot of repeaters, aren't we? We have seen many of those names in my last two papers. It seems like no matter who I research

—no matter how unrelated they might at first seem to be—they come from the same families.

I encourage you to study Rosa Parks' Wiki page, which admits she was not the first to refuse to move bus seats. In fact, her trial fizzled, and was probably intended to fizzle. The court case that decided desegregation on busses was the federal trial Browder v. Gayle, and she wasn't even a party to it. It wasn't argued by Durr, but by the black attorney Fred Gray. A young girl by the name of Claudette Colvin had refused to move nine months before Parks did so, but she was not considered photogenic enough. Apparently she had the wrong hair and a big mouth, so she didn't suit the directors.

If we return to Coretta Scott, we find she was the daughter of a McMurray. Wikipedia misspells it McMurry, but it is given as McMurray at That is a variation of McMurrey, and we have seen them before recently, too. They are related to the Palmers that keep coming up. A Lorraine McMurrey married the 4th Baron Palmer in 2006. These Palmers descend from Hannah Clark and Mary Isaac, among others. They are also related to the Herberts, Reeds, Millers, Sutherlands, and Turners. They are also related to the Murrays, since McMurray just means “son of Murray”. It is the Scots equivalent of the Irish “O'”, which also means “son of”. We saw the Murrays in my previous paper, didn't we? They were the Barons Kincraig and Earls of Dunmore, and one of them married a Sellers. They were also related to the Fords and Rabinoviches. Actor Fred McMurray probably descended from them, among many others.

That's Coretta Scott's mother, Bernice. Not very black, is she? Maybe 90-100% white? Bernice's father was Martin van Buren McMurray. That's not a black name. Does it link him to the van Burens, or were his parents just referencing the President? We don't know, because he is scrubbed. He is the end of the line. His parents are not given either at Wiki or at Geni. But I don't think his parents were referencing the President when they named him, since they were about a century too late with a minor President. Blacks commonly referenced Washington or Lincoln, not van Buren. Van Buren was no friend of the blacks. In 1832 he denied the right of Congress to abolish slavery in DC without the consent of Southern States. He opposed abolition, and was also on the wrong side in the Amistad case. This of course indicates Coretta Scott's grandfather was not just named for van Buren, but was

actually related to him.

They claim McMurray was half-black, but admit he looked white. That's almost unheard of. People who are half-black never look completely white. Bernice's mother was Mollie Smith, daughter of Adaline (maiden name not given). Bernice's father is not given, which is strange. For once, Wiki has more information than Geni, telling us Adaline's name was Blackburn. Mollie's father was Jim Blackburn, a white plantation owner. So we don't really know where the name Smith came from. If Adaline's father was a Smith, we aren't told who he was. Coretta Scott's paternal grandmother is given as Cora McLaughlin, but we aren't told if she was black or white. That name isn't black, it is Scots/Irish. Geni gives us her father and mother, but no maiden name for the mother, so basically a scrubbing. In the Scott line, we have more strangeness, since her great-grandfather is a Tubbs. So her grandfather took his mother's name instead of his father's. We aren't told why. However, it gets weirder, because Tubb's wife Delia Scott isn't a Scott, either. She is a Clements. Her other husband was the Scott, which means Coretta Scott's grandfather took the name of his step-father instead of his father. If we try to follow this Willis Scott to find if he was black or white, we hit a deadend. His parents are given, but again no maiden name for his mother and his father is the end of the line. The name Clements may be a clue, since it is another of the names we keep hitting. Mark Twain was a Clemen(t)s, and Clemens/Clements has come up many times since then, connecting him to the top families on both sides of the pond. If we then switch to Wikitree, we can keep going, since we find that Delia Clements was the daughter of a Melvina Scott. Since she also married a Scott, she must have married a cousin. We find her father given as Burton Clements, which may be a clue, linking her to the Burtons as well. In the top families, the Burtons and Clements are related.

But let's return to the name McLaughlin for a moment. It is quite curious to find both McMurray and McLaughlin in Coretta Scott's recent lineage. I doubt any other blacks could say the same—except maybe other famous blacks. It is curious because not only are both names Scots/Irish, they are also both of the peerage. There are 163 McLaughlins in the peerage, in fact. We saw one of their descendants recently in my paper on Brad Pitt: Sarah McLachlan. The McLaughlins in the peerage are related to the Crofton Baronets, and through them to the Stewarts, Earls of Galloway. Also the Dashwood Baronets, and through them the Spencers and the Pagets, Earls of Uxbridge. Through the Stewarts, they are related to everyone, including the Somersets, Dukes of Beaufort, the Berkeleys, the Bacons, the Cranes, the Tates, the Nevilles, and the Cecils, Earls of Exeter.

As the Murrays are related to the McMurrays, the Laughlins are related to the McLaughlins. Which brings in the Laughlins of the Jones and Laughlin steel dynasty. They are related to the Carnegies and all the others. Also note the name Jones, which links us to many previous papers also. They were from Wales and were related to the Swifts, Owens, Dunhams, Stanleys, etc.

All that nobility in the line of Coretta Scott leads us to look in the peerage to try to skirt the genealogical blockade on MLK. Let's start with the name Linsey, which is a variation of Lindsey/Lindsay. There are almost 1,200 of them in the peerage! Can we guess which ones might be ancestors of King? Yes, since we can look for ones most closely tied to Coretta Scott's ancestry. These people very often marry cousins, as we have seen. The most promising may be the Lindsay Baronets, since we immediately find a Clarke. The 26th Earl of Crawford had a son named Robert Hamilton Lindsay, and he married Mary Janet Clarke in 1903. She was the daughter of the 1 st Baronet Clarke, of Somerset. His grandmother was Sarah Turner, and his mother was Elizabeth Dowling. His wife was Mary Walker. All the same names again, not only from above, but from recent papers.

The Lindsays were also related to the Trotters. Lt. Gen. Sir James Lindsay married Anne Trotter in 1823. She was his second wife. His first wife was Mary Grant. The Trotters were related to the Gordons, which links us back up to George Gordon, Lord Byron. Do you recognize the name Trotter? Brad Pitt is a Trotter. This means that it is possible that MLK is related to Brad Pitt through the Linseys.

The Lindsays are also related to the Taylors; the Earls of Wemyss (who we saw last week); the

Howards, Earls of Carlisle; and the Cavendishes, Dukes of Devonshire.

MLK was also a Daniel. There are many Daniel/Daniels in the peerage, related to the same families. They are related to the Stanleys. John Stuart Daniel married Juliet Henley in 1944. She was the daughter of Sylvia Stanley, who was the daughter of the Baron Stanley of Alderley. This links us back to the Owens, etc. In 1991, Christopher Daniel married Lucy Tennant Arundel, daughter of the 10th Baron Talbot and Laura Tennant. The Tennants were related to the Reids/Reeds, as we have seen recently. Also the Winsloes, Walters and Moncktons, ditto. In 1974, Herbert Jackson Daniel married Jane Stuart, daughter of Lt. Col. Godfrey Walter Burleigh Stuart, of the Earls of Castle Stewart. They were related to the Coles, Barons Mountflorence. One of them married an Elizabeth Montgomery in


And here's a double hit: in 1885 Escourt Buxton Daniel married Eily Long, daughter of Edward Morton Long of Monkton Farleigh, Wiltshire. Look above: another of MLK's great-grandparents was a Long. Coincidence? Maybe. Or maybe MLK's posted ancestry is fudged.

The Daniels of the peerage are also related to the Trumans. Clifton Daniel of Zebulon, NC, married Margaret Truman, the daughter of the President, in 1956. Remember, Truman's wife Bess was a Wallace. Her grandmother was a Percy. She is scrubbed, but the Percys are high in the British peerage. We saw them yesterday, related to the Peytons and Egremonts. They are from Northumberland. Bess Truman was also a Madison, a near cousin of President James Madison. She was also a Todd, as in Mary Todd Lincoln. The two first ladies were cousins. She is also descended from the Barnes, Lord Mayors of London in the 1500s, and the Peytons, Walsinghams, and Rivers. Also Jane Eyre, b. 1454. These Eyres were related to the Newtons, the Goldings, and the Wolffs. And are you ready for this. You might want to sit down. Harry S. Truman was a Scott. His great- grandmother was Sarah Scott. She is scrubbed at Geni. So it is possible Truman was related to Coretta Scott.

But let's move beyond the genealogies. At Wikipedia, we are told MLK and the other founders of the SCLC were inspired by Billy Graham. Right. Why would these guys be inspired by Billy Graham? Please ask yourself if that makes any sense. Billy Graham, who started his “Crusades” in 1947, year one of the CIA. Just a coincidence, right? Graham's maternal grandmother was a Robinson. He was also a Robinson on his father's side, though further back. This indicates his parents were cousins. The Robinsons on this father's side go back to Massachusetts, linking him to the Salem Witch hoax. He was also related to Morrows on his mother's side. See above, where Clifford Durr—Rosa Parks' attorney—was a Robinson.

Get ready for this. Hold on tight. On his father's side, Graham's aunt was Ida Parks Graham. You now see why Billy Graham is mentioned on MLK's page, I guess? MLK was also a Parks. So Billy Graham may have been related to MLK and Rosa Parks. Graham was also a Walker, a Stewart, a Crawford, a McKinley, a Powell, a Franklin and a Crook. Billy Graham's daughter Gigi married a man named Stephan Tchividjian, an Armenian millionaire. My guess is he is Jewish. In support of that, we find a Liv Tchvidjian at Geni, daughter of a Grimsby and wife of a Marinoff. Marinoff is a Jewish name. See Fania Marinoff, a friend of the Jewish/Nazi Gertrude Stein. Marinoff's father was Mayer Marinoff of Russia. Graham's other daughter Anne married Daniel Lotz. That is also a Jewish name. See for example Wolfgang Lotz, an Israeli spy in Egypt during the Six-Day War in 1967. Also see here, showing the Lotz were prominent Jewish families in Prague. Also here, in Poland. Also see here, where Anne Graham Lotz is promoting the Jewish mystic Honi ha-M'agel. Also here, where the Jerusalem Post reports Anne Graham Lotz is calling on the world's Christians to pray for the Jewish people.

We are told Billy Graham befriended MLK after he attended one of Graham's Crusades in New York in 1957. That doesn't really fit what we were taught about MLK, does it? MLK was supposed to be very progressive. Was Graham progressive? Did I miss something? Graham attended Bob Jones University: I encourage you to visit its Wikipedia page. It was founded by a guy who never attended college, and was opened in Panama City, FL, with 88 students. Can you say “ANOTHER SPOOK PRODUCTION”. Panama City is the home of Tyndall AFB, which includes Naval Support Activity. Other than that, there is no reason for Jones to have opened the school there. He had no prior connections to Florida, according to his bio. Bob Jones University moved to Greenville, SC, in 1947. Note the date. Conveniently, Donaldson AFB is just south of Greenville.

BJU is probably the most backwards “university” on the planet. They have a Chinese-style internet filter on all campus computers, denying access to any sites the directors deem offensive. And those aren't just porn sites. I am probably on that list. But more to the point here, BJU did not admit blacks until 1975, and then began admitting them only because the IRS told them they couldn't keep their tax- exempt status unless they did. This was in response to Runyon V. McCrary, which prohibited racial discrimination at private schools. Although BJU began admitting black students, it didn't allow them to date whites. The IRS revoked their tax status and the case went to the Supreme Court in Bob Jones University v. United States. They lost and had to pay a million dollars in back taxes. They kept this interracial dating rule until the year 2000! Do these really seem like the kind of people MLK would be hanging out with? Slap yourself hard until you give yourself a reasonable answer to that.

What kind of black person would apply to Bob Jones University? Can you say, “NO ONE”. I would bet not one real black person has ever applied, and the Board of Regents probably has to hire a handful of black actors to pretend to be students.

Although they now try to sell Billy Graham as a promoter of civil rights, that was not the case. In the time of MLK, Graham preached to segregated audiences and had no problem with it. If you don't believe me, read the comments of this current black preacher, Rev. Shockley. He says,

As the high priest of American civil religion he, more than any other figure, had the moral authority to usher the nation from its racist past to a new multicultural future. But rather than lead, he made only the most modest accommodations possible to the social change happening all around him. From the very beginning of the civil rights movement Graham cautioned caution, patience, non-intervention, and voluntary change rather than the legislative, direct action, and civil disobedience that actually brought about change. He made many disparaging remarks about the marches and sit-ins and warned against moving too fast.

And that is actually putting it kindly. Unfortunately, we could say almost the same thing about MLK, who inhibited progress while seeming to promote it. MLK's project was very different from Graham's on the surface, but its endgame was the same: protecting the vested interests of the ruling elite by preventing, stalling, or misdirecting any meaningful change. But we will get to that below.

Billy Graham's entire career confirms my recent findings that evangelical Christianity was started by or infiltrated by Jewish interests, with the express intent of sullying it and making it look foolish. But let us return to MLK. We will collect data on the evangelicals as we go.

Just as with Graham, MLK's bio is replete with numerology markers. He gave his first sermon in 1947 at Ebenezer Baptist Church. In it, he “borrowed” heavily from Harry Emerson Fosdick. Some have claimed this was another instance of plagiarism, although—having not studied the question—I cannot judge. I assume they are referring to a 1989 Washington Post article, but “adopting themes and quotations” is not necessarily plagiarism, unless the quotations are lifted directly from Fosdick himself, without attribution. Another reading of the article might be that MLK used the same quotations Fosdick did, which is not plagiarism. At any rate, it is a curious admission. Taken alone, we might ignore it. But taken with the admitted plagiarism in his doctoral thesis, in his book Stride Towards Freedom, and even in his “I Have a Dream" speech, there must be an assumption of guilt regarding his older sermons. As I said above, for myself I see it not as simply as a sympton of laziness regarding the customs of referencing, but as a clue that King's entire output was ghost-written by ghosts—that is to say, the cubicle spooks. I have no documentary proof of that, of course, and don't expect any: my conclusion is circumstantial, and relies on compiling loads of surrounding evidence. Which is what this paper is about.

More support for that comes from this admission by the editors of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers, who said that the failure of MLK's teachers to notice his plagiarism was remarkable. But given my reading, it isn't remarkable at all. They likely knew the papers were written by the CIA, and so were in no position to downgrade them. This is also interesting:

That has been reprinted by some websites I have nothing in common with, but it is useful nonetheless. Since I have shown you that Communism is a fake organisation and always has been, I reprint that not to prove MLK was Communist. I reprint it to prove MLK was in Intel, like these people he is sitting with. While they were faking and controlling the Communism Project, MLK was faking and controlling the Civil Rights Project.

If you are starting to get hot under the collar in my direction, remind yourself what my thesis is here. Unlike others attacking MLK, I am not arguing against the Civil Rights Movement or against racial equality. I am a progressive and a liberal, and am getting moreso every year. I am not a liberal by Rush Limbaugh's definition, I am a liberal by the old definition, which means I am against both aristocracy and plutocracy. I am for fairness and advancement on merit, not a government of privilege. On the question at hand, I am on the side of the blacks, so much so that I am risking my neck by telling them a hard truth: they—like the rest of us—have been hoodwinked. We have all been fooled by our leaders and heroes. None of them are who we thought they were. They are all actors sent in to control us. In the case of Civil Rights, we have been controlled to celebrate a progress that is illusory. We are assured things are getting better as they stay the same or get worse. We are spoonfed some meaningless “advances”, while all meaningful change is denied us. That applies equally to men and women, black and white, young and old. Blacks see Tiger Woods and Oprah getting rich and famous and think things are changing. They see Obama become President and think things are changing. But those are just sweetened pacifiers. They are meaningless, since those people are just actors. They are puppets on a stage, dangled to divert you.

Unlike the others attacking MLK, I am not complaining that a black man got a holiday named after him. I am complaining that they apparently named the holiday after the wrong guy. They should have picked a real black leader, not this propped-up white-creation actor who did nothing for Civil Rights but sully it and misdirect it. [You will see more evidence of that below.] MLK is the ultimate oreo cookie: black on the outside and Jewish on the inside. Just study his photos. He has a strange look for a black man, doesn't he? His eyes especially, which slope up on the corners. He may have been more African than Coretta, but that isn't saying much.

It is the same with Rosa Parks. She was a propped-up white-creation actor, and her promotion has only harmed the movement. It would have been much better to promote the little loudmouth Claudette Colvin, since that would have told us how things really are. The truth is always better than a stageplay. Why have Civil Rights led by these ¾ whites pretending to be black, when the movement could have been led by real blacks? I have already told you why: the “progress” was all on a stage. It was meant for the whitest blacks only. And even that isn't stating it clearly enough: it was meant for the most Jewish blacks only. We have seen the same applies to whites: progress was meant for the most Jewish whites only, the rest of us be damned. Like Nature, we are only here to be fleeced.

“But how did MLK harm the movement?” you will ask. Well, beyond the link to Billy Graham, which couldn't help, and many other things—some of which we may touch upon below—the greatest damage MLK did was with his fake death. I will show you proof of that fake in a moment, but if you understand why it was faked, you may understand better the how. Basically, it was faked as a warning to uppity blacks: this is what will happen to you if you push for real change. Some dopey white guy will shoot you when you aren't paying attention. Like most of the other events we have unwound, it was staged to create fear. The KKK was invented for the same purpose. Intelligence discovered long ago that a fake event beat a real event everytime. In this way, they could create all the fear without any risk to themselves. You can't be prosecuted for a fake crime, can you? You can't be prosecuted for a

fake murder, a fake beating, or a fake lynching. But the fakes create the same fear and chaos as the real thing. It is all part of Operation Chaos.

If you entered my site with this paper, I can only say you are coming in on the third act. To understand what I am talking about you have to read my other major papers on fake events. Only then can you comprehend the enormity of the con. Any one of these papers, taken alone, must read like a jump to a conclusion, and I realize that. The evidence I am able to compile in any one event—even if conclusive

—is too much to assimilate by itself. It “doesn't fit”. But if you read my deconstruction of many similar events, all these events begin to “fit”. Your old world crumbles and a newer, more rational world is created. Though at first it is hard to believe, later it will be hard to believe you didn't see it yourself. The red pill, though difficult to swallow at first, later becomes far easier to digest than the blue pill. This is because the blue pill, though familiar, was indigestible to start with. It was a pill of contradictions, impossibilities, and absurdities, and you could have never advanced past a certain level while trying to make it your sustenance.

Anyway, for the next big clue, we go to Stanley Levison, MLK's advisor, close friend, and ghostwriter. That information is not from Stormfront, that is from Wikipedia and Stanford. Levison was a Jewish attorney from New York. He had gone to Columbia and the New School, both red flags. We have seen the New School in many of these hoaxes. It was founded and funded by Hiram Halle, Jewish, and the Rockefeller Foundation, Jewish. It is one of the premier propaganda and spook academies in the world, poorly disguised. Levison was a leader of the American Jewish Congress and had also been a leader of the Communist Party. He has no genealogy posted, but I hope you noticed the name Stanley. We have seen that these families like to recycle surnames as first names, so this many link him to the Stanleys above, of the English peerage. That would explain why he was assigned to MLK: they were related through the Daniels.

Notice how the ghostwriter admission tends to support my theory above. Levison looks very much like a spook, and he was probably the head of the CIA cubicle that churned out all of MLK's writings. It is amazing how little is known of this man, and I suggest his name was actually Levinson, not Levison. We have seen them do this over and over, changing one letter to throw off researchers. The Levinsons are a famous and connected Jewish family, related to the Levesons/Levensons in the peerage. They are related to the Cohens who descend from Levi Barent Cohen—who we have seen before. In fact, we saw them last week, when we found they were related to the Samuels, Schlosses, Behrens, Montefiores, etc. They hail back to Karl Marx and forward to actor Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat). They are also related to the Egerton-Warburtons, the Hamilton-Taylors, the Eisenstadts, the Turners, and the Leveson-Gowers, Earls of Granville. Through them they are related to the Spencers. See Vice- Admiral William Spencer Leveson-Gower, 4th Earl Granville. He married Lady Bowes-Lyon, linking them to the current Queen. The Bowes-Lyons are the Earls of Strathmore. They are related to the Cavendish-Betincks; the Blighs, Earls of Darnley; and the Pelhams, Earls of Chichester. All this tends to confirm that Levison's first name Stanley is not a coincidence. The Stanleys are also Earls, related to all these people.


OK, let's move ahead to the “assassination”. We will start with the alleged assassin, James Earl Ray. Very few people know or have pointed out what is most important here: Ray's mother was a Maher. Guess what that means? Ray was Jewish. See comedian Bill Maher, Jewish. I will be told that they admit Bill Maher is Jewish through his mother, Julie Berman, not his father, William Aloysius Maher. But that is crap. He is Jewish on both sides, since Maher is also a common Jewish name. Also notice the middle name Aloysius. We saw that in my paper on Hitler, didn't we? It is a variant spelling of Alois, and we saw dozens of Alois there, including Hitler's brother and father. I would bet Bill Maher's middle name is also Aloysius, making him a Junior. Notice that they give you no middle name for Bill at Wikipedia. You are supposed to believe he doesn't have one, although his father has one. And guess what, Geni confirms my bet: there he is listed as William Aloysius Maher III. Maher is also a Fox (Fuchs), a Freudlich, a Neuman, a Cohen, and a Finkelstein on his mother's side. And yet we are supposed to believe he didn't know his mother was Jewish. Oivay caramba. On his father's side he is a Dalton and an O'Toole, probably linking him to Peter O'Toole. He is also a Navil, which should probably be Neville. Also to Fagan. His pages are managed by a Schoenberg. Remember, Coretta Scott King was related to the Nevilles through the Murrays.

The name Maher is not German, as some people think. The encyclopedias misdirect by telling you it is either Arabic or Irish, but I encourage to notice how ridiculous those etymologies are. It is obviously a variant of Mayer/Meyer, and is Jewish.

If you need more proof, we can go to, where we find many Mahers. For instance, see Rosemary Cumberland Walker, who married Kevin Maher in 1999. Their son is Liberty Jude Maher. Rosemary was descended from the Walker Baronets. Through the Dohertys, the Mahers are related to the Percys and Galbraiths. Through the Galbraiths they are related to the Scotts. We have seen many Scotts above, haven't we? We have also seen the Percys. They are the Earls of Beverly and the Dukes of Northumberland. Wow, every paper I write has Northumberland in it, doesn't it? Not planned. This also links us to the Seymours and the Lewises.

In 1992, David Maher married Sarah Lawson, daughter of Lt. Col. William Lawson, 5th Baron Burnham. The 3rd Baron was Col. William Webster Levy-Lawson. Note the name Levy, which is Jewish. He married a Marshall which links us to the Howards, Earls of Arundel, and to the Stuarts, Dukes of Lennox. Also to the Molyneux.

So that's who the Mahers are. They aren't Arabic. For an older Maher, see Judith Maher, b. 1783. She was the daughter of a Moore. Her Mahers are scrubbed in the peerage. The Moores are also scrubbed, but we know who they are—related to the Lewises, etc. They are the Viscounts and Marquesses of Drogheda, related to the Stuarts and Seymours.

The Rays are also in the peerage. In 1850, George Ray married Alicia Judith Coghill, daughter of the Vice Admiral Coghill, 3rd Baronet. They were related to the Bushes. Also to the Butlers, Viscounts Lanesborough. His mother was Judith Jones.

In 1913, Dr. Matthew Burrow Ray married Edith Cholmondeley, daughter of the 3rd Marquess and his wife Fanny Spencer. Her grandfather was the Duke of Marlborough.

In 1908, Archibald Hussey Ray married Agnes Holland. Their daughter Heather married Baron George Percy Gerald de Worms, whose mother was Louisa Goldschmidt. Her father was Moritz Goldschmidt, Jewish. Louisa's mother-in-law was Louisa de Samuel, granddaughter of Moses Samuel, also Jewish. Moses' son Denis married his cousin Amelia Samuel, and her mother was Esther Cohen.

So it is strange that most of the women in James Earl Ray's genealogy are scrubbed. Nothing is given past his mother on the maternal side. On the paternal side, no grandmother, no great-grandmother. However, if we go back several generations, Ray is a Hamilton.

Get ready for this. . . he is also related to the Lindseys. If we go back to the Allisons of Lancaster, PA, in his genealogy at Geni, we find Margaret Allison married Robert Lawrence Lindsey in about 1804. Why is that important? Because MLK was also a Linsey.

So it looks like James Earl Ray was related to MLK. Not that distantly, either.

Robert Lindsey's father was named Elisha, which may be Jewish. His grandfather was Caleb. Robert's daughter was Mary Jane Kerr Lindsey, and she married Silas Whitney Gentry. Wow. This Silas Whitney was the descendant of a Judith Joyner. We saw the Joyners in my last paper. Some of their descendants are also black, as we saw with Florence Griffith-Joyner. At the same time in his genealogy, we find Drakes, ditto. And if we keep going back, we find Clarkes, Waters, and Overtons from London. Robert Overton was a General in the English Civil War, and he married a Palmer.

Silas Whitney Gentry's granddaughter was Annie Robinson, since she married Charles Moab Robinson. Her sisters married a Mott and a Farr. Charles Robinson is scrubbed, but if we take the Gentrys back several generations, we come to Robinsons again. A Rev. John Robinson of Yorkshire, who has a painting posted at Geni. So he must be important. He is.

His grandmother was a Brereton. This links him directly in the genealogy to Henry Beaufort, Duke of Somerset; Charles Somerset, Earl of Worchester; William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke; Richard Woodville, Earl Rivers; and John of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Bedford. Bedford was the son of Henry IV. Yep, all that was in the genealogy of James Earl Ray. You can click back in a direct line from James Earl Ray to Henry IV.

And remember, Clifford Durr—Rosa Parks' attorney—was a Robinson. So was Billy Graham. Which leads us to study some pictures of Ray:

None of those pictures really jive with what we are told about him, do they? In the first, they have given him an army cut, to look like a hick, I guess. It doesn't really work, does it? He still looks way too handsome and intelligent to be who we are told he is. In the second, he is supposed to have been in jail for many years, but again he looks way too good. In the third he looks like an accountant. At what point in his life of crime was that supposed to have been taken?

Ray's Wiki page reads like bad fiction. For instance, he is supposed to have escaped from the maximum-security Missouri State Pen in 1967 by hiding in a bread truck leaving the prison bakery. Right. He is supposed to have been sentenced to four years in Leavenworth for stealing money orders in Hannibal, MO. Right. He was then given the death penalty for kicking parking meters, I guess. But notice the name Hannibal. The spook writers like that name, because they get to refer to Mark Twain in doing so, knowing you will miss it. This is among their many small joys.

The only thing I believe on the whole page is that he was in the Army. I would have guessed that, or Navy. I doubt he ever left it. He looks like military intelligence. They even give you a clue on his Wikipedia page, though I doubt anyone has seen it. While allegedly in Mexico in 1967, Ray took the name Eric Starvo Galt. That should remind you of Ernst Stavro Blofeld, James Bond supervillain.

James Bond was written by Ian Fleming, admitted British Intelligence agent. So the spook writers are just recycling names here.

Ray had a second alias, which he allegedly gave to the guy he bought his Gamemaster rifle from in Birmingham: Harvey Lowmeyer. Ask yourself this: why would he come up with a Jewish name? If you were creating aliases, would you create a Jewish one? Do you really think this Irish Catholic moron would come up with a Jewish alias?

After the alleged murder, Ray dumped his rifle and binoculars near the murder site, without even bothering to bury them. He also didn't bother to wipe them down. They had his fingerprints all over them. He then pled guilty. This doesn't happen. It also conflicts with the prior story, since we are supposed to believe Ray was smart and clever enough to escape a maximum security penitentiary and avoid capture for almost a year, but not smart enough to wear gloves, wipe fingerprints, or hide a gun. One minute he is a genius and the next minute he is an imbecile.

Ray supposedly fled to Canada, obtaining a passport under the fake name Ramon George Sneyd. That's also a clue, but I can't unwind it immediately. Let me know if you figure it out.

[Addendum May 10, 2017: I figured it out later, with some help from a reader. It is a semi-anagram, like the others, including Ernst Stavro Blofeld. Start by moving the “d” at the end up to make Ramon into Raymond. Then switch the first two words to get George Raymond. That leaves us with sney at the end, which can be unscrambed to get syne, which is a side channel in a river. This entire reference is a side channel, just for other spooks. Anyway, the name is referring to the wrestler Gorgeous George, who was George Raymond Wagner. Although George is scrubbed, we may assume he was related to the famous Wagners of Hollywood, including Robert Wagner. Robert Wagner—a find of Albert Broccoli—had Jewish grandparents from Germany with the surnames Neumaier and Seibert. Wagner's father worked for Ford. We know about his later problems with a [faked] death. Gorgeous George may descend from the most famous Wagner, Richard, who was born in the Jewish quarter of Leipzig to a mother named Paetz. But we will do him another time. There is also a previous George Wagner, union general. He has no parents at Wiki, always a red flag. On the GeorgeWagnerpage at, we do not find our union general, but we do find a lot of Jewish George Wagners. See for example George W. Wagner, b. 1846, son of Solomon Wagner and Mary Anne Mumbauer. Then we find George Napoleon Wagner, b. 1894, who married Annie Troelstrup. Also George Spencer Wagner, oho. Also George D. Wagner, b. 1813, who married Mary Arterburn.

But if you really want to know who Gorgeous George was, remember that he came into the ring with a valet, to the sound of Pomp and Circumstance, under a purple spotlight, with rose petals thrown at his feet. All clues: he was from the same families of the peerage as the rest. As another clue, remember that he was famous for saying to the referee, “Take your filthy hands off me!” This is a reference to the royals like Charles I and Louis XVI, who—when handled by commoners during arrest—said the same thing. The line has been inserted into many films, most recently Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, played by. . . yes, David Tennant. We already saw the Tennants above, didn't we? A famous variation was in the original Planet of the Apes, said by. . . yes, Charleton Heston. It was used by Roger Waters in “Get your filthy hand off my desert”.

But we have even more clues. Gorgeous George's mantra was “always cheat”. Hmmm. Sort of fits our findings here, doesn't it? He revolutionized the early years of television, making his first appearance 11/11/47. Wow. How's that for some in-your-face numerology? At the time, GG was a national celebrity on the level of Lucille Ball or Bob Hope. He was the highest paid athlete in the world in the 1950s. Within a year of his retirement, he allegedly died on Christmas Eve. Believe that if you must.

Addendum May 12: Cued by another reader, I finally found the Sneyds, indicating my previous reading of syne was wrong. As he said, I missed an entire turn in the maze. Start with Ralph Sneyd, wealthy landowner of the 17th century who inherited the estates of Keele and Bradwell. His family got its wealth from coal, iron, and brick and tile manufacturing. He was a Royalist Colonel in the English Civil War, allegedly killed on the Isle of Man (although that may just be another marker). Keele Hall was used to hide Charles II after the Battle of Worchester. In 1900 the Hall was occupied by Grand Duke Mikhailovich of Russia, grandson of Tsar Nicholas I. The Grand Duke had a morganatic marriage with Sophie von Merenberg, granddaughter of Pushkin. Was Pushkin Jewish? All this indicates he was, although they don't admit it. Remember, there is now a Pushkin Holocaust Memorial Site. Curious. Historians and other liars now misdirect by telling us Pushkin was part black, but even Nabokov saw through that. Pushkin's maternal grandfather was named Ossip Abramovich Gannibal, and they get you concentrating on the name Gannibal. But the bigger clue in my mind is the name Abramovich, which is probably Jewish. Anyway, finding these people in Keele Hall is just another clue in the same direction as the Isle of Man. My first guess is this meant the Sneyds were related to the Stanleys of Mann, and guess what? forgot to scrub it! Ralph Sneyd has a page, and his 2great-grandmother was Maud Stanley. Her uncle was Thomas Stanley, King of Mann. The Sneyds were also related to the Egertons and later Sutherlands. So they were part of the early Jewish invasion I outed in my paper on Henry VII.

But there's more. There is now a Keele University on the grounds of the old Keele Estate, and in their history section, we discover that Henry II gave the lands to the Knights Templar in 1180. Hoo boy! This demesne was taken over by the Knights Hospitallers until their dissolution by Henry VII. It passed to the Sneyds in 1544.

But there's more. A much later Ralph Sneyd, also a Colonel, arrested Mata Hari for spying in 1917. She was allegedly shot by a French firing squad—although if you don't believe that you aren't alone. We will unwind it later.

So, as we have seen, the name Ramon George Sneyd was a treasure trove of references. I knew it was a clue when I saw it, but never would have guessed we could have found all that. And there is always more.

A few hours later: That page at Keele University I linked to above just gave up more information. Keele College was founded in 1950 by Lord Lindsay, Master of Balliol College, Oxford. Who else was a Lindsay? We saw above that MLK himself was a Linsey. So this is getting very rich. By 1962 Keele was already a University, and was awarding degrees. They admit this was singular, since other colleges had to wait more than 50 years for the same distinction. Keele is called “a new kind of University”. Kind of like the New School in New York, eh? In other words, a spook university. Curious that a search on Lord Lindsay takes us to Lord Burghley, and we have to narrow the search to “Lord Lindsay Balliol Oxford”. This takes us to Baron Lindsay. Lindsay's maternal grandfather was Alexander Colquhoun-Stirling-Murray-Dunlop. Note the name Murray, which already came up above. They are also related to the Hamiltons, ditto. This large family name is scrubbed at Geni and thepeerage. However, the Colquhouns do deliver a bit more information in the latter place. They descend from the Baronets of Luss. The 4th Baronet married a Houstoun in 1684, which of course takes us deeper down the rabbit hole. We saw that name in my paper on Hitler, didn't we? Remember, Hitler's nephew was named William Stuart Houston, although they won't tell you why. In our current research, they are the Houstoun Baronets, who are related to the Douglases, Earls of Angus; the Hamiltons, Lords Paisley; the Grahams, Earls of Montrose; the Ruthvens, Earls of Gowrie; the Lord Setons; the Morisons; and the Gordons, Earls of Huntley. We have already seen the Gordons above as well. Lord Byron was a Gordon. Most importantly, these people are closely related to the Stuarts, Dukes of Lennox. Wow. This just keeps getting better.

As we found in the Hitler paper, the Stuarts are related to the Stanleys, so we are back to that. It appears that not only was Lord Lindsay related to MLK, he was descended from the Stanleys and Stuarts—which means MLK was as well.

I could link Lord Lindsay to every famous person in the world, but let's go back to his bio. He was a Lt. Col. in WWI. Of course he was. His son became a lecturer at American University in DC and in 1959 settled in Chevy Chase, MD. Hmmm. That's like a suburb of Langley, isn't it? This 2 nd Baron Lindsay was still in Chevy Chase in 1968, which is convenient. That one name Sneyd is really paying dividends, isn't it? ]

But back to Ray. He could not have “acquired” a Canadian passport under a fake name, since security is not that sloppy. He might have “manufactured” one, but that would make him a genius again. Or an agent. William Pepper later proved that the passport was issued by Kennedy Travel Bureau in Toronto. Of course it was. He somehow got a flight to England using this fake passport, which is highly unlikely. He then tried to use the fake passport again at Heathrow, making him an imbecile once more. Once in England, he could get anywhere in Europe easily by boat or train, so there was no reason to keep risking the fake passport. At Heathrow, we are told the ticket agent flagged the name on the passport, since the name Sneyd was on a Canadian police watchlist. Why would it be on a watchlist? How could the police have known he faked a passport under the name Sneyd? Were they filming him while he created it? We would have to believe another man named Sneyd just happened to be on a Canadian watchlist. Do you know the odds against that? Sneyd is a very rare name, and only about 1,400 people had the name worldwide in 2014. Which means there were only a handful in Canada in 1968. The odds against Ray making up the very rare name Sneyd and it being on the watchlist are astronomical.

[Addendum May 10: Pepper tells us Sneyd was a Toronto policeman, but why would a Toronto policeman be on an international criminal watchlist? That is just more indication this whole thing is a fake. Another clue in that direction is the name Pepper. No one has ever asked if William Pepper is related to Maj. John Pepper, head of the BSC. You remember the BSC, right, from mypaperonJohn Lennon? It was the US arm of MI6, operating out of Rockefeller Center in New York. William Pepper went to Columbia, in New York. He has no parents at Wikipedia. No page at Geni. Born from the old test tube, I guess. In support of his relationship to John Pepper, we find William has connections to England, being a barrister in the UK. Not many US attorneys can say that. Pepper wrote for Ramparts back in the 1960s, which I have previously outed as a CIA front.]

We are told Ray's attorney Percy Foreman (above) recommended he plead guilty to avoid a possible death penalty. Great attorney. So Ray is now an imbecile again, not realizing immediately he needed an attorney who thought he could get him off. You don't need an attorney to tell you to plead guilty. Plus, the story again contradicts itself, since if we go to Foreman's Wiki page, we are told he lost on only 53 of 1500 death penalty cases. With a record like that, he should have been more confident, right? But that makes no sense, either. 1,500 death penalty cases? How old was Foreman in 1969, three hundred? No, he was 67, so he should have been retired. But say he worked as a defense attorney for 35 years. That would be 43 death penalty cases a year, every year. That's about one a week every week for 35 years. Absurd.

Foreman was a Rogers, a Moody, a Jones, a Taylor, and a Turner. Also related to Burroughs, Hoover, Vaughan, Alexander, McCormick, Franklin, Hayes and Marsh. Rogers and McCormick are names connected to Standard Oil and the Rockefellers. Since the McCormicks are related to the Rockefellers, Foreman probably was, too. One of Foreman's near in-laws is given as Judith Holik. That should be Judith Horlick, and the Horlicks are famous bankers, too. For a current example, see Timothy Piers Horlick and his ex-wife Nicola Horlick. She worked for Warburg &Co and Morgan Grenfell and he has been the director of 37 companies, including Commerzbank and HSBC. He is a major venture capitalist.

Wikipedia tells us Percy Foreman was one of the best-known trial lawyers in the US. Really? I guess that's why no one has ever heard of him, and why his Wiki page is ludicrously short. We are told his other clients were Charles Harrelson, General Edwin Walker, Candy Mossler, and various organized crime kingpins. All those names throw up huge red flags. To start with, there were no organized crime kingpins in 1968, since the mob had been taken over by the government long before. The Kennedys finished them off. Charles Harrelson is the father of Woody Harrelson of Cheers. Charles was married four times: one of those wives was an Oswald and one a Foster. OK. Good start. Remember, Virginia Durr—who Rosa Parks was living with—was a Foster. Oswald you will recognize. So we can already tell Charles Harrelson's story is another hoax. We will do it another time. However, I will point out that Harrelson was supposed to be incarcerated at ADX Supermax in Florence, CO. We have seen it before. I showed you it had a fake wing, where many of these hoaxers are supposed to be (but aren't). That includes the shoebomber, the underwear bomber, the 1993 WTC bombers, the 1998

African embassy bombers, the 20th hijacker, the Boston bomber, the Unabomber, the OKC bomber, the Olympic bomber, and a bunch of fake organized crime figures. Everyone on its Wikipedia page is a fake person.

So we can already tell Percy Foreman was a hoax attorney, like Vincent Bugliosi, Clarence Darrow, F. Lee Bailey, William Kunstler, Marcia Clark, Judy Clarke, and the rest of those bozos. Which means we already know Maj. Gen. Edwin Walker's trial was faked, and so was Candy Mossler's. However, on Walker's page, we find no mention of Percy Foreman. Walker was apparently only tried once, for his role in the (hoaxed) Ole Miss riot of 1962, but his attorney is given as Robert Morris, and Walker was not even indicted. Walker allegedly died on Halloween.

Candy Mossler was accused of murdering her millionaire banker husband, Jacques Mossler. Although he called no witnesses and relied only on his closing statement and her charm, Foreman allegedly got her off. The police declined to pursue the murder after that, which should not surprise you. They probably knew it was faked. We have many markers to that, including the number 33 over and over. See this Houston Chronicle story, which tells us Mossler was worth 33 million. He met Candy in 1947, when she was 33. There we find Foreman wasn't actually Candy's attorney, he was her nephew's attorney. Later, Candy married Barnet Garrison, who was. . . 33. That's the number 33 three times in

one short article.

Jacques Moscovicin Mossler was born in Romania in 1895. The Mosslers were related to the Loebs, the Oppenheimers, and many others. Indicating what? They were Jewish. Almost all the other names on the list are also Jewish. Notice that one of the many names is Koresh. So that is probably also Jewish. Remember David Koresh of Waco? They tell us he named himself for a king of Persia, but that looks like a fudge. On the Loeb family tree, the Koreshes are most closely related to the Eger, Katz, Alpert, Moshevitz, Rabiner, Schwarz, Levenson, and Lieberman families, proving my point. You may wish to revisit the Branch Davidians with that in mind. If you do, remember that Koresh's mother was a Clark and his stepfather was a Haldeman. Also remember he allegedly died at age 33. Also interesting that some of the big computers have never heard of a Vernon Wayne Howell (allegedly Koresh's real name) from Texas, of any age; nor a Vernon Howell from Texas, age 57. See Instantcheckmate, for instance. Even stranger, Intelius lists a Vernon Wayne Howell, age 57, of Waco and Palestine, TX, who went to Garland High School. But it also tells us he worked at Treasury, and that he has also lived in Washington, DC, Beverly Hills, and Santa Monica! Busted.

Being related to the Loebs and being a millionaire banker, we may assume Mossler was part of the Kuhn and Loeb banking family, related to the Kahns, Schiffs and the Warburgs. He has since been scrubbed off the internet, except for his part in the 1964 trials (as the fake corpse). We may also assume he faked his death to avoid some sort of prosecution for pecuniary malfeasance. For a similar fake, see my paper on the Lizzie Borden hoax.

Notice that we have now linked both Mossler and his wife's attorney Percy Foreman to the Warburgs.

So you have seen that James Earl Ray wasn't who you were told he was. The King family now states he had nothing to do with the murder, which is curious. I agree with that assessment, but only because I believe there was no murder and Ray wasn't ever in jail. Like Manson, the Aryan brotherhood, Kaczynski, and hundreds of other high-profile people, his term was faked. He simply showed up every decade or so to get his picture taken in prison uniform.

Let's move on to the crime scene. It also makes no sense. We are told MLK always stayed at room 306 at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. Wikipedia says it was known as the King/Abernathy suite. That contradicts earlier parts of the history, where it is admitted that King was known to be a target. He had allegedly survived previous assassination attempts. Given that, it would be the height of stupidity to

stay in the same room at the same hotel that often. It breaches all rules of security. You might as well call up the hitmen in advance. His loitering on the balcony is also against all rules of security, besides being illogical. There was nothing to see, so why would he be out on the balcony? It is not like he was on the West Bank of the Seine or the Palazzo San Marco. He might as well have worn a bulleye on his chest. This indicates the whole thing was a set-up.

Another thing that indicates that is that he was allegedly shot at 6:01pm. Dopey criminals who leave their rifles in plain site after a murder aren't normally that punctual, but military intelligence is. The military does things by the clock.

We are told the King was shot in the face. Right cheek. Breaking his jaw. Curious then that we have open-casket photos of him, with no face damage.

That's his right cheek.

Again, both cheeks looks fine. What isn't fine is the coffin, which has changed. Not only is the frill different, we seem to have some sort of box within a box here. Whereas, in the first one, you couldn't see the wood at all. They are both faked, but the two fakes don't match.

Also convenient that they had a photographer onhand to capture the event.

That was taken by Joseph Louw before Ray has even left the premises. Louw was there so fast because he was staying three doors down. Louw was a photographer and filmmaker working on a documentary about King, and he just happened to be there ready to roll—even though it was dinner time. We are told these people are pointing to Ray as he runs off. And you believe that? Why then are they all pointing, but not one is running after him? He is supposed to be visible to them, just across the street, but no one thinks to give chase? But of course they are black men and Ray is a white man: they have no chance of catching him on foot, right? I'm sorry, I have to insert some humor in here or we would all go mad.

That photo is probably a paste-up. Why? Well, study the people on the ground. They don't seem too concerned, do they? You have a dying man above them bleeding to death, shot by a high-caliber rifle, and at least six people screaming and pointing, but the people on the ground are just continuing their casual conversations. Look at the group of maids over there having a smoke, totally unaware of the scene around them.

So it may interest you to know that this Joseph Louw rushed to the studio of fellow King photographer Ernest Withers to develop his four rolls of film. Withers was at the Lorraine with Louw, and is one of those going in and out of room 306. Withers was posthumously outed as an FBI informant. The mainstream media tried to spin that revelation in 2008, claiming Withers was spy against King. But of course the better explanation is that all these people were FBI or CIA, including King. The whole event was a project.

As has been said before by others before me, the people in the photo above are pointing in the wrong direction, so the script must have been in transition. They aren't pointing to the rooming house across the street. Others have used this to theorize a different shooter from the Gattis penthouse or other places, but you can now see we have a more likely explanation: there were no shots from anywhere. These people are just pointing where they were instructed to point. It is all staged.

Same with other evidence later used by others as misdirection. It is now known the rifle and binoculars found by police were dumped before the alleged murder—that according to testimony of the owner of the Memphis amusement shop, who watched it being dropped. Furthermore, the slug that allegedly killed King didn't match the rifle, and the scope on the rifle was not focused. The King family itself has used that to accuse the US Government of a conspiracy in the murder; but again, a better explanation is that the event was faked in a sloppy manner. They simply didn't bother to match details, because they knew from past experience they didn't need to. The American public would believe whatever it was told. It always has.

So let's return to the WHY of this event. Another desired outcome of this faked assassination was race wars, which they came nearer achieving back then than they do now. Although they are still at it, as we saw with the Trayvon Martin hoax and the Charleston hoax. But now very few blacks or whites even look up. Some shake their heads, but no one even thinks of starting a race war. So all we see is the news writers writing for one another. They are hired to supply the required outrage. They create the event and then create the response, so it is OK if you sleep through it. It doesn't matter any more.

All along, they have been faking these things to keep your eyes off the real events. In 1968, they wanted your eyes off the bankers and their conjobs, and that is still the main reason for running these fakes. Anything to keep you from realizing the bankers, the military, and Intelligence are just three big money pits, siphoning money directly out of the treasuries and giving you absolutely nothing in return. We can now add science to that list, since it has become the fourth largest conjob on the planet.


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