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Obama's Genealogy and so much more

by Miles Mathis

First published October 19, 2016

As usual, this is just my opinion, based on personal research.

Some have accused me of avoiding current topics for older ones, and therefore somehow misdirecting. I guess they missed my papers on Donald Trump, Thomas Pynchon, SpaceX, gravity waves, Leo DiCaprio, Val Kilmer, the Orlando shooting, Harry Potter, David Bowie, Prince, Kurt Cobain, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Tiger Woods, John Nash, Monica Lewinsky, O. J. Simpson, Noam Chomsky, Steve Jobs, the Unabomber, Fidel Castro, David Irving, 911, Sandy Hook, Naomi Klein, Christina Hoff Sommers, Elon Musk, Duncan and Blake, Stephen Hawking, Taylor Swift, Sam Harris, Graham Hancock, Tom Wolfe, the Santa Barbara shooting, the Charleston shooting, Wendell Berry, the Boston Marathon shooting, the 2012 election, Ron Paul, the Trayvon Martin shooting, Adam Gopnik, the Chapman Brothers, Mark Zuckerberg, and my previous papers on Obama. But although their complaint has no content, and is actually misdirection itself, I do like to hit the old big events, for obvious reasons. These older events define the current dialog by creating an historical backdrop against which these newer events are seen.

Plus, the newer events have gotten so absurd they almost out themselves. I have trouble taking most of current culture seriously. I have a hard time believing anyone still buys the mainstream patter. But I can understand why people buy the mainline history: it has been pounded into us from the cradle. We have all defined ourselves—at least in part—in relation to these facts we think we know. Therefore, I see it as much more important to attack these foundations. Once they fall, all the newer events will automatically fail. A person who comes to understand what the Salem Witch Trials really were, or what the death of Abraham Lincoln really was, cannot be fooled by the talking heads in the media any longer.

Before we get to the main course here, I will answer four other complaints from the fake forums, some of which contradict one another. First, they say one person couldn't possibly do all the things I do. Second, they complain that my email responses are short or “brisk”. Well, my email responses are brisk because I get hundreds of emails a day from strangers, some of them quite long, and I simply don't have time in a day to respond fully to everything in every one. To respond in equal length would require 24 hours a day in email. I can't believe no one has thought of that. Plus, since I am actually doing all the things I claim to do—alone and without assistance of any kind—that means I am quite busy every day. It would actually be much more suspicious if I were able to respond fully to hundreds of emails a day, and do all these other things as well, wouldn't it? Third, they complain I don't have any photos up. They must have missed this page on my site. That's where you are taken if you click on my photo on my front page. If they aren't satisfied with that, I encourage them to tell us what other researcher has more photos up than I do, from all ages. Fourth, they say I don't talk about 911. Which means they must have missed many pages on my site, not least of all my links page, which has dozens of links to 911 papers and exposes, including my own. Beyond that, I talk about 911 in many other papers on other topics. Most of those are from several years ago, yes, but they are still up on my site and I have not changed my mind about 911.

[Addendum, October 24, 2016: The paragraph above has led to a spamming of my mailbox by trolls from Clues Forum and other places, so I have two more things to add. One, I do not stoop to spamming these guys, so you should ask them why they spam me. All of these anonymous bozos except one are beneath my notice, and I don't have anything to say to them. The only one I wish to speak to here is Simon Shack, who is allowing or encouraging this all to happen. What my readers should know is that Simon Shack knows very well I am a real person, since we have a mutual acquaintance. One of my conference guys is Gopi Krishna, who has met me several times in person and has been to my house. Simon also knows Gopi, since he attended his wedding in India. Gopi has posted many times on Clues Forum, telling them this, but they prefer to pretend they don't know it. In answer to this, I am told that Clues Forum is run by Shack's lieutenant, and not by Shack himself. However, that doesn't really answer, does it? Shack should take responsibility for his own forum. I haven't created a forum, have I, assigning it to some lieutenant under a pseudonym who can then promote slander against all my enemies. Why haven't I? Because I am here to do my work, not to get involved in all these manufactured squabbles. I am interested in analyzing art, science, and history, not in analyzing these other Truthers. That said, the very curious attacks against me of all these people— who should be my allies—should make you suspicious. Why did they start this war? I didn't start it. For many years I linked to Shack's September Clues, recommending it on my links page. I didn't remove that link until after I became the prominent target of slander on Clues Forum. Even after that, I have avoided counter-attacking, because I know the assignment of some of these people is to engage me in battle. Any time I spend responding to them is time I am not spending writing new papers, you see. So when I refuse to respond to new attacks after this, please recognize it is not from an inability to do so. It is from an ability to see them for what they are.

I got an email from Simon Shack on 10/25, saying, in part, that he expected me to publicly confirm his recent 911 vicsim research in full or be branded a traitor to all that Truthers stand for. He didn't put it that way, but that was the gist. Here was my answer to him:

Let me ask you this, Simon, do I demand you agree with everything I have researched? No. Do I demand a public response from you and all your cohorts to every single thing I have written? No. Do I go on the internet and say, "Simon Shack hasn't publicly confrmed every single piece of evidence I have presented, therefore he must be a mole?" No. Your reactions and responses are irrational and illogical, and they get moreso as time passes. I am not going to get drawn into this squabble, because I have better things to do. If you and your people want to attack me like this, I say go ahead. It is helping me and hurting you, and will continue to do so.]

While I am responding briefly to planted criticism, I will tell you Blindlight is definitely a troll. Just notice his moniker: he is hoping his fake light will blind you to the truth. I actually emailed with him briefly. He contacted me after the last time I mentioned him about a year ago, and he happened to drop the fact that he checks my site several times a day. Really? Do you think I check his site, ever? No, all I know is that his site comes up every time someone Googles on my name, which indicates he is running a project against me. I answered all his questions, but instead of taking down statements that he admitted were false, he just left them up. I admit I am not too worried, since his responses to me are extremely weak, but I thought I would mention it in passing. Don't click on him unless you have to, since I don't want to help his numbers.

One last thing. The genealogy on Obama below is actually the genealogy of his mother. We have no proof she really is his mother. As I have admitted in previous papers, Obama's birth certificate is fake and he was probably born in Kenya. So you can either connect him to the research below or not: it is up to you.

Now to the topic at hand. I reread my own papers occasionally to check for typos and such. It is good that I do, because I end up seeing new connections I didn't see the first time. This paper came from rereading my paper on Mabel Dodge Luhan, where I showed Obama's mother was probably related to Georgia O'Keeffe via the name Dunham. O'Keeffe's grandfather married an Isabel Dunham Wyckoff. While there, I looked more closely at the name Stanley Ann Dunham. It always seemed strange that Obama's white mother should have the first name of Stanley, didn't it? Have you ever heard of a woman named Stanley? I haven't. Well, we have now seen that these prominent people often switch their names around, as an easy way to hide. I suggest her name was actually Ann Stanley Dunham. This would mean she was from both the families Stanley and Dunham. Who else might she be related to? Conveniently, I just updated mypaperonJohnLennon, and you will remember John's mother's maiden name was Julia Stanley. So John Lennon may be closely related to Obama's mother.

This leads us to Obama's genealogy. Did you know Obama's grandmother is a Payne? Madelyn Lee Payne(Paine). Also a Lee. Her four siblings are <private> at Geni com. Why would the kin of the President need to be private, or be allowed to be private? They deserve their privacy, yes, but they don't deserve to be scrubbed from public records.

We have seen the Paynes come up in many recent papers, including Payne Stewart in my paper on Tiger Woods and the Paynes that were closely related to George Washington. There are also Walkers in Obama's line. Think of Wirt Walker, for one, and George Herbert Walker Bush, for another. They have also come up in several recent papers. Also Dreschers. Benjamin Payne's sister Melissa married a Drescher, but her husband is scrubbed. I have never seen that. They tell you she married a Drescher, but refuse to tell you who. Weird. Think of Fran Drescher, admittedly Jewish. The Dreschers were from Hannibal, Missouri. So were the Paynes in those decades. Gee, who else famous is from Hannibal? Mark Twain. The evidence continues to build against Twain, but I will not hit him here.

Also in the line of Obama were Watts and Ha(y)dens. Think of Alan Wilson Watts and Thomas Hayden—who married Jane Fonda. Also Fleming, Hughes, and Tarleton. See Ian Fleming, who created James Bond. Then think of Howard Hughes. Also the Virginia Randolphs, who we have seen before. Also the Robinsons, who we saw in my paper on Lizzie Borden. Also the Penns. See my paper on the Quakers. Also the Teagues. See Isaac Newton Teague, b. 1748. Notice all the first names on his page: Judith, Moses, Abraham, Jacob, Hannah, and Rachel. His great aunt Susannah Teague married John Co(h)en in around 1710. Isaac's grandmother was Isabella Jones, who comes from the Sheriffs of Monmouth and before that from Welsh knights around 1500. Sound familiar? We just saw those same Jones in my paper on George Washington, linking him to Inigo Jones, among others. At about the same time we find this Isaac Newton Teague in the genealogy, we also find a Jonathan Swift. His line is scrubbed, so we can't take him back before 1739.

In about 1840, Ariel McCurry—Obama's ancestor—married Abraham Hurst, son of John Hurst of Independence, Missouri. His brother was a William Hurst. Since we have already seen Randolphs in this paper, you may be thinking what I am thinking: William Randolph Hearst (above). Yep, both are from Missouri in the same decades. Before that, William Randolph Hearst's 2great-grandfather was John Hurst, b. 1715 in SC. His father is given, but then the line stops. Obama's line has a John Hurst in Franklin County, Missouri, at the same time as the Obama Hursts, although the direct links have been scrubbed at Geni.

However, I did trip over something interesting. William Randolph Hearst's uncle was Jacob Hearst. His mother Elizabeth Collins was the daughter of Jacob Collins. Is he an ancestor of the current artist Jacob Collins? I could find no link. Jacob's mother is Linda Schapiro, but her husband is not given in the genealogy of Morris Schapiro.

However that may turn out, the Obama line continues back to the Hursts of Buckingham, England. They were also knights. There we hit the Swifts a second time, since Sir Christopher Hurst's wife was Alice Swift. And this time we do find the link to Jonathan Swift! That Robert Swift is in both the genealogies of Jonathan Swift and Obama. He is the half-brother of Thomas Swyfte. Thomas is the 4g-grandfather of Jonathan Swift, while Robert is the grandfather of Sir Christopher Hurst. Yes, we had to go back to about 1500, but I still find it interesting.

Does this mean Obama is related to Taylor Swift? Yes, since we also find several Taylors in Obama's line. An Anne Taylor married our Robert Swift in about 1500. And we also found an Alice Taylor marrying into the Winston line in about 1580. The Paynes also married into the Taylor family much more recently. In about 1860, Eliza Black married Benjamin Payne, in Obama's line. She was the daughter of Sarah Taylor. This means Taylor Swift's first name is probably a family name as well. Her grandfather was Lt. Colonel Archie Dean Swift, and his grandfather was Charles James Fox Swift. His great grandfather was Nathaniel Swift, son of Jireh Swift. Which eventually takes us back to the same knights of England as before, Swyfte. Also note the name Fox, which probably links us to the George Fox who founded the Quakers, and the other Foxes of England we have looked at in previous papers. It is nudge from the German/Ashkenazi Fuchs.

Since Taylor is a family name, this means Taylor Swift is likely related to Elizabeth Taylor as well. Elizabeth Taylor's grandfather was named Moses Rosamond, and his entire family is <private>, although they have been dead for 100 years. Why do dead people need this sort of privacy? Because it isn't privacy, it is scrubbing. But we do find Taylor was descended from Lewises and Byrds. See my paper on C.S.Lewis. Also Fieldings—think author Henry Fielding. They also admit that Elizabeth Taylor was a cousin of Queen Elizabeth II. Taylor was also a descendant of Thomas Horton, regicide. As Commissioner of the High Court of Justice in 1649, he signed the death warrant of King Charles I. Curious, since we just saw John Jones, Member of Parliament, in my last paper on George Washington. Jones was also a regicide of the same king, being one of those who actually killed him (allegedly).

This is also curious: one of Elizabeth Taylor's ancestors, Lewis Taylor, married Jennette Burton in around 1810. I guess you see why that is curious? Elizabeth Taylor married Richard Burton.

Unfortunately, Elizabeth Taylor's paternal grandmother Margaret Jane Perigo is scrubbed. That is probably where all the action is. However, if we switch to, we get a bit more information. We find her mother was Isabella McGill. This probably links her to McGill University in Montreal, and to the founding McGills—who we just saw in my paper on C. S. Lewis. At Wikitree, we find her under the category “relationships removed”. Notice that does not say “relationships unknown”. The word is “removed”, which is an active verb. If we then switch to, we find more info on Margaret Jane Perigo. Her father Jonathan Perigo was the son of Rhoda Hinman, and she was the daughter of Asahel Hinman. I think you begin to see one reason they scrubbed this at Geni: the Jewish link. Seems strange to scrub it, since it is admitted Elizabeth Taylor later “converted” to Judaism. I guess they don't want you to realize she was Jewish from birth. But there is more. Asahel Hinman's mother was Elizabeth Crane, linking them to the prominent Crane family. Think Cornelius Crane Chase, aka Chevy Chase.

Rhoda Hinman's brother George married Nancy Stewart in about 1820. Her parents are not given, but note the surname Stewart, which we have seen in almost every paper in the past year. This is the cross link we have been looking for between Elizabeth Taylor and Taylor Swift. The Paynes and Stewarts were closely related, and I linked the Paynes to the Swifts just above. Since these links were in the 1800s, we aren't that far back in history. Elizabeth Taylor's father was born in the 1800s.

Also note the name Hinman. There was a Hinman involved in the Tate/Manson hoax. Gary Hinman was allegedly murdered by Bobby Beausoleil, b. 1947. Since I have proved the entire event was staged, we may assume Hinman was not killed and that Beausoleil is not in jail. It is admitted that Beausoleil was discovered as an actor by spook director Kenneth Anger, who is admitted to have worked at Lookout Mountain Air Force Station in Laurel Canyon on propaganda films. Beausoleil had a part in Anger's film Lucifer Rising. So it is pretty obvious Beausoleil was an actor all along, and still is. Like Manson he is just pulled out of retirement every few years to update the hoax.

Taylor Swift is also related to the Clintons. Her great-uncle was Eugene Clinton Swift. Her ancestors the Hoopes also married into the Webb family. See my paper on George Washington for much more on the Webbs. She is also descended from the Renos, who were Renaults from France. They were prominent in the faking of the French Revolution. See Cecile Renault, alleged to have tried to assassinate Robespierre (it appears to me to have been faked). See also Alexandre-Jacques Renault, member of the 500. Also Charles Lebrun-Renault, involved in the Dreyfus Affair. Then of course we go back to François Louis Rousselet de Château-Renault, Vice-Admiral and Commander of the French Fleet in 1701.

OK, let's return to Obama's line. Remember his grandmother, Madelyn Lee Payne. She got that “Lee” from her grandmother Della Lee Wolfley. Della's grandmother was Nancy Perry, which links us to Katy Perry. How do I know? Because they admit Taylor Swift is related to Katy Perry. We are told they are 11th cousins. They don't admit they are also cousins of Obama, as far as I know. Katy Perry would be the 7th cousin of Obama, unless there is a more recent link (and there probably is). As for Swift and Perry being 11th cousins, this is what they always do: they take you back to the 1700s to find a link, when there is one much more recent. I am guessing Swift and Perry are much more closely related than 11th cousins, but haven't the stamina to prove it here. I have more important links to uncover. Anyway, this means Katy Perry is also related to the Clintons, which probably explains why she is currently performing for the Clinton campaign.

On the page for Nancy Perry's father, we again find the page managed by Erica “the Disconnetrix” Howton. We have seen “her” before in my paper on George Washington. I assume that is a pseudonym for someone in Intel paid to break links in these pages.

Now, if we take these Wolfley's back a few generations, we find what I expected to find: Wolfes. That probably links these lines to many famous people, including the writers Virginia Woolf, Tom Wolfe, and Naomi Wolf.

Before we get back to the Lees, let's hit the Perrys a bit more strongly. This name links us to Commodore Matthew Perry, his brother Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, Bishop William Perry, financier W. H. Perry, “Friends” actor Matthew Perry, and “artist” Grayson Perry, among many others. Katy Perry is also related to the Clark family, although the exact relationship is scrubbed. Also to the Blank family. You will remember from my paper on Vladimir Lenin that his grandfather was an admitted Jew named Israel Blank. Katy's ancestor Joseph Blank from Germany, b. 1815, is the end of the line. However, we can skirt that scrubbing by doing a further search and switching pages at Geni. We go to Melchior Joseph Blank, Germany, same date of birth. Although everyone else in this Blank family is given both birth and death dates, this Melchior Blank, his father, and one brother are not given death dates or places. Either they were scrubbed, or they left the country and were truly unknown. Since all the other death places are Germany—usually the same as place of birth—it is possible these three Blanks went to Russia. This is precisely when Israel Blank appeared there. Just a thought.

Now let us return to the name Stanley, way above. John Lennon's mother was named Julia Stanley. Can we link her to Ann Stanley Dunham? First of all, Julia Lennon's great grandfather is given as William Morris, b. 1829, UK. That's it at Geni. No other info on this William Morris. Curious, since the famous William Morris has about the same date of birth, 1832. That William Morris' bio is also a wash, since although we are told he was middle-class, we are given this picture of his childhood home:

But I won't get into that here. The William Morris in Lennon's line is said to have married an Anne Roberts. A search on that also yields curious results, since we find the marriage certificate of William Morris and Perry Ann Roberts Anderson in Milwaukee, 1867. Why is that curious? Because of the name Perry, which links us to everything above. Perry is an odd first name for a woman, although not unknown. But if we assume the name was garbled somehow, we could get her to be Anne Roberts Anderson (Perry), or something like that. Our William Morris would have been 38 at the time, a good age to marry a Perry.

In Imagine This, author Julia Baird tells us William Morris in Lennons' line was from North Wales, but gives us no other information, making it impossible to verify from internal information. However, a websearch does pull up a defamation/excommunication suit by William Morris' second wife against his first wife Anne Roberts. It is from Bangor, which confirms North Wales. Unfortunately, it is dated 1750, which is about 120 years too early. However, it is very strange to find the names and places exactly the same, leading me to believe the characters in Lennon's bio may have been borrowed from this document.

Since this doesn't appear to bear on the Stanley question, we will leave it for now. So let us ask if Lennon was related to Sir Henry Morton Stanley, above, famous for saying, “Livingstone, I presume?” What a ridiculous person, eh? I will be told he can't be related to Lennon, since Henry was adopted. He was originally named John Rowlands, with a mother named Elizabeth Parry. Well, that doesn't decide it by a longshot, as we know. These famous people are often said to be adopted. It is another way to hide their ancestry. Besides, Henry did give his son the name Stanley, so Lennon could easily be descended from him. This son was Denzil Morton Stanley, who married Helen Kirk. We may come back to him if we need to. But I hope you noticed the mother Elizabeth Parry. She is scrubbed, but I don't think it is any coincidence we have already hit the Perrys in this paper. Parry and Perry are just variant spellings from the same family. You will see more evidence of that below.

As an aside, I found this picture in my search on Stanley.

He has nothing to do with this paper, as far as I know, but I just had to include that picture. That is the explorer Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza, who later opened up parts of Central Africa, especially the Congo. So why did I include him? Because he is said to be an Italian-born French explorer, the son of a Count from Northern Italy. Does he look Italian or French? Not even a little bit. He is obviously Jewish. When I look up the word “Jewish” in the dictionary, I expect to find that picture. I don't say that as a cut, since in my eyes he looks far more interesting—and convincing—than Stanley above him. He has a rather impressive sparkle to his eyes, doesn't he? But no one would mistake him for an Italian man. In fact, he looks to me like the actor Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat), who I recently showed was related to Karl Marx. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Savorgnan was another relative.

Cohen doesn't have quite the impressive length of face or nose that Savorgnan had, but otherwise the similarities are striking.

Henry Stanley also had a brother named Henry Stanley, which is weird enough in itself. This brother married someone named Hughes, according to Geni. Remember, we found Hughes in the genealogy of Obama, above. But how could two brothers both be named Henry Stanley, especially when they are said to have been adopted? To start with, this conflicts with the history given at Wikipedia, which tells us John Rowlands traveled alone to New Orleans at age 18 in 1859. There he immediately became friends with a very wealthy trader named Henry Hope Stanley. Henry adopted him and John took his names, both first and last. Henry Hope Stanley then died two years later. Right. Who writes this stuff? Sub-basement 7 at Langley really needs to hire some better liars.

First of all, why would John Rowlands take Henry Stanley's first name as well as last? It doesn't make any sense. Second, historians admit Stanley lied about the death of Henry Hope Stanley, since the man is known to have lived until 1878. At least two biographers have caught Stanley in a hat-full of lies, admitting Henry Stanley probably never even met Henry Hope Stanley. Plus, how do we fit a brother into this? Are we supposed to believe Henry Hope Stanley adopted both John and his brother, and that they both changed their names to Henry Stanley? It begins to read like a Monty Python script: you know, “Hello Bruce! Hello Bruce! Hello Bruce!”

I suggest Henry Morton Stanley really was a Stanley and that he had a twin. One or the other of them then produced offspring that led to Julia Stanley. Before we try to prove that, let us try to discover what they were scrubbing with this whopping lie of an adoption. What family of Stanleys was Henry probably descended from? I suggest the family of Baron John Stanley. For one thing, we find Baronets, which have played a part in previous papers. John was the son of Sir John Stanley, 6th Baronet Alderley, and the brother of Bishop Edward Stanley. Helping my theory immensely is that Alderley is in Cheshire, which is just south of Liverpool. Alderley is about 15 miles due east of Liverpool. Baron John Stanley was descended from Thomas Stanley, Earl of Derby and King of Mann, stepfather of King Henry VII. John's mother was Margaret Owen, heiress of the Penrhos Estate of Anglesey. See my paper on Engels and Owen for more on this family. Anglesey is an island off the northwest corner of Wales, near Bangor. The Robert Owen of the Communism project was from Wales. Baron John Stanley married Maria Holroyd, the daughter of the 1st Earl of Sheffield. This Earl was the grandson of Isaac Holroyd, a wealthy merchant who emigrated to Ireland after the Restoration. This indicates he was Jewish. Isabella Stanley, the daughter of Stanley and Holroyd, married William Parry. Their son Edward became the Bishop of Dover in 1870. William Parry was the famous Rear- Admiral of the Royal Navy who explored the Arctic. Of course this links us to the Perrys again, since it is just a variant spelling. Admiral Parry is descended in direct line from Joshua Parry, who was a nonconformist minister connected to Allen Bathurst, first Earl Bathurst. These Bathursts were connnected to the Stanleys, since this Earl's son was the Bishop of Norwich before Edward Stanley took over the position. All this indicates the Parrys were also Jewish. We have seen that these noncomformist ministers attached to the peerage were most often running anti-Catholic projects. See George Fox for instance, who ran the early Quaker project out of the home of the vice-chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Thomas Fell. I have shown that Fox was probably a crypto-Jew running a project against Rome. It is also worth noting that the Bathursts may have been related to the Hursts. I won't follow that lead here, but someone may wish to and report back to me.

But there is more on these Stanleys. The third Baron Stanley in this line, also named Henry Stanley, converted to Islam in 1862, becoming the first Muslim Member of the House of Lords. He still resided at Alderley. Stanley married the daughter of Viscount Dillon, Henry Dillon-Lee. Her grandfather was Constantine Phipps, Baron Mulgrave, Lord of the Admiralty, who, like Admiral Parry after him, led an expedition to the North Pole. His astronomer on the trip was Israel Lyons. Horatio Nelson was one of his midshipmen. Later he took part in the managed Battle of Ushant, the first naval shirmish in the Anglo-French War in 1778. Viscount Dillon married the daughter of the Baron Oranmore and Browne (Ireland). This Baron was the son of the 1st Earl of Altamont. I mention him because he married Anne Gore, daughter of Sir Arthur Gore, 2 nd Baronet (Mayo). They are ancestors of the current Gores, including Al Gore.

As an alleged Muslim, this Baron Stanley took the name Adbul Rahman. I guess that is better than Abdul Rahman Noodle. Despite being a Muslim, Stanley nonetheless funded the restorations of four churchs in Anglesey. Curious. He also allegedly married a woman named Fabia in the Roman Catholic Church. That doesn't sound possible to me. To this day, Catholics do not allow such marriages. Yes, a Muslim can marry a Catholic—nothing is stopping them. But a Catholic Priest is not going to preside over the marriage unless the groom goes through long classes—classes a Muslim would not consent to. But this marriage is a farce for other reasons. It is admitted the bride was living under two aliases and was already married nine years. Obviously, this woman was a Spanish spook working on some project with Stanley. The whole Muslim thing was just a cover as well. Given the timing, it was probably linked to the Theosophy project—importing Buddhism, Islam, Taoism and anything else to weaken and splinter Christianity.

Baron Stanley's sister Henrietta, Countess Airlee, was the grandmother of Clementine Hozier, the wife of Winston Churchill. Clementine's father was Sir Henry Montague Hozier. Note the name Montague, which—in my previous paper—we saw in the line of George Washington in these years. Hozier's mother was a Jackson through her mother, and her grandfather Jackson is mysteriously scrubbed. This probably links them to Andrew Jackson.

This tie to Winston Churchill is also telling, because I have already shown a link between Churchill and John Lennon in my paper on Lennon. Churchill authorized the start of the BSC in 1940, which was the American arm of MI6 after the war, created to promote a good public image of Brits in the US. It worked out of Rockefeller Center, with the British Passport Control Office acting as its front. All this is admitted at Wikipedia. The BSC coordinated the promotion of the Beatles in the US, as well as other British acts before and after. What I am showing you is that Lennon may have been pretty closely related to Churchill through the Stanleys. This is why Lennon was chosen for the project. In this line, you may also wish to remind yourself that John Lennon's middle name is Winston. Just a coincidence, right?

So, what other evidence is there that Lennon is related to these Stanleys? Well, both his great- grandfather and great-great-grandfather were named Henry Stanley. Just another coincidence, right? All the women in the Stanley line are scrubbed. They are given names but no ancestors. The entire Stanley line has heavy prints of pawing, since the names are all suspiciously similar and nondescript. It looks manufactured to my eye. For more evidence, we actually have some links of Lennon to the name Morton. They scrubbed them all in the genealogies, but they still exist elsewhere. For instance, there is a playwright named John Maddison Morton. I suspect that he—although English—was related to President Madison. He was also related to the Mortons in the peerage. Anyway, he wrote many comic plays, including Box and Cox and A Most Unwarrantable Intrusion. Although his plays were very dated and had fallen completely out of rotation, we find a curious revival in 1967, when Intrusion was part of a triple bill at the National Theatre in London. One of the other two plays was by John Lennon: In His Own Write. The third was a play by Henry Fielding, whom we touched on above. Coincidence? Not a chance.

What else? Well, I hate to be crude, but I remind you of John's nose, which I wrote about at length in my long paper on him. There, I never thought to tie him to Jewish lines, although I showed he was involved in one of their big projects. But now that I have tied him to these crypto-Jewish lines in England, that nose may be a clue of another kind.

Once you stop looking at Lennon through a million filters, maybe you see what is really there. I myself only just did. Incredible.

[Addendum June 25, 2018: I eventually tripped over more anomolies in Lennon's bio, and I will share a few here. John is supposed to have been estranged from his father Alfred Lennon from an early age, but the entire bio looks fabricated. It makes no sense. In some places we are told Alfred was an orphan and was later a musician and ne'er-do-well, but Wiki now admits he was a merchant seaman—though we get no details. “Merchant seaman” makes us think of the East India Company, doesn't it? Most likely we are getting a hint of that here. The faked bio is faked to keep us from realizing 1) Lennon's father was an international trader in a cabal that goes back to the Phoenicians, 2) the East India Company still exists—it has simply gone underground. More on that another time.

His meeting Julia Stanley also makes no sense. We are told he was wearing a bowler hat and smoking a cigarette from a fancy holder. Doesn't sound like a runaway orphan and soon-to-be bellboy and whaler to me. Sounds like a peer. In fact, it reminds me a lot of the ridiculous story of Jack London as a teen. More indication is that they met at the Trocadero Club and later at Sefton Park. Neither were lowclass dives. They were upscale: places you would expect respectable and perhaps upperclass people to meet.

We find a similar absurd story with Julia Stanley. Her father was also of the Merchant Navy, which is the same red flag. In fact, it is even more obvious, since George Stanley worked for Liverpool and Glasgow Salvage Association, which did in fact spin out of the old East India Company. LGSA was formed in 1857, the same time the EIC was allegedly dying. Remember, the East India Company allegedly lost control of India in 1858, ceding its interests there to the British Government. Do you really think those two dates are a coincidence?

Anyway, Julia supposedly proposed to Alfred Lennon at age 25, 11 years after they had first met. Right. Alf then immediately abandoned them. Julia supposedly gave John to her sister Mimi Smith at age 5, though it isn't clear why. Maybe it was to get John into the home on Menlove Ave. The spooks loved that name, for obvious reasons. More indication to me that John is gay. Someone in Intel is laying some jokes on him, maybe Lewisohn. The Smiths had to give up their dairy farms to the government during the war, and were supposed to be looking “for other sources of income”. The implication is they were middle class, or worse. So it is hard to explain how John got into the Liverpool College of Art. We are told he failed his O-levels, which makes it even harder to explain. We are told his aunt and headmaster intervened, but not told why that made any difference. Why would the College care what Mimi Smith had to say about it? Does your aunt going to the Dean and crying on his desk normally get you into college when you have failed to meet all standards? No.

Lennon was supposed to have been a rebel in both high school and college. So why did he name his band after his high school? We are told the Quarrymen were named after Quarry High School. Does that make any sense? Is that what rebels normally do? As usual, the scriptwriters here have no concern for sense, logic, or continuity. They just make up all this stuff on the fly, knowing no one will question it.

Also curious is John's later book A Spaniard in the Works. We are told that title is a play on “a spanner in the works”, but we aren't told what the play is. By itself it isn't really funny, so there must be more to it than that. John even dresses as a Spaniard on the cover.

I suggest John is telling us he is from Marrano ancestors through one or more of his Jewish lines. We have seen in later research that most of the crypto-Jewish lines in the British Isles came first through Spain, many of them via Toledo.]

But let us return to Baron Stanley. His other sister Katharine was the mother of Bertrand Russell, making Stanley his uncle.

That's a pretty impressive schnoz on Russell as well. So let's compare them:

Wow. There is a strong family resemblance.

Again, wow. Once you quit looking away, you see what is there. I have spent 53 years of my life looking away on cue. Even though I am a portrait painter, trained to see these things and allowed to look, I have refused to do so until now, simply to play along with the script. It is really astonishing how successful our leaders have been in teaching us not to look at clues that are right in front of our faces. Winston. Stanley. Noses. And so on. We are not supposed to see noses because it is impolite or politically incorrect, but it is actually just another instance of being warned away from seeing the real world—from getting beyond the MATRIX.

It is also worth mentioning the Mitford sisters here, who were descended from these same Stanleys and who were closely related to Winston Churchill. Two of these sisters were friends of Hitler in the 1930s, which is strange enough in itself. Why would Winston Churchill's aristocratic close in-laws be friends with Hitler, at the time a former lance-corporal from Austria and high-treason convict incapable of German citizenship? I will just tell you: they were all high ranking spooks. See my paper on the Beer Hall Putsch, where I out Hitler as an Intelligence mole working for the Jewish bankers. Jessica Mitford at the same time became a prominent Communist (along with her alleged husband Esmond Romilly, both pictured below), supposedly turning her back on her family.

That, of course, was just part of another project. Another cousin, Charles Carnegie, married the granddaugther of King Edward VII, so these were the top aristocrats in England at the time. And of course they were cousins of US “royalty” as well: think of Andrew Carnegie [whom I will have to do another time]. Romilly was another (very close) cousin and his father, grandfather, and great-uncle were Colonels, probably in British Intelligence. The father Henry was Military Governor of Galilee and chief instructor at the Cairo Military School. The great-uncle, 1st Baronet and later 1st Baron Newlands, was also director of the Caledonian Railway. The grandfather Sir Henry Montague Hozier had been married to Elizabeth Lyon before he married Henrietta Ogilvy. That will be important later. [I plan to link the Lyons to this set at some point, though I won't get to it here. For now, just think of Sue Lyon, who played Lolita in 1962.] Sir Henry Hozier was head of Lloyd's of London during its big expansion before 1900.

Despite being linked to the highest levels of the peerage by the late 1800s, nothing is known of these Hosers, I mean Hoziers, before 1700. They seem to come out of nowhere in 1800, when one of them married a Campbell. Before that, all the women are scrubbed. This indicates to me more Jewish roots.

Anyway, Romilly and Jessica Mitford the Communist Aristocats supposedly lived in the poor East End of London. Sure they did. A couple of years later they came to the US, “working odd jobs, perpetually short of money”. Right. Who believes this stuff? Sounds like Jack London, George Orwell, and Ernest Hemingway, other poorly disguised spooks. One place Mitford and Romilly worked odd jobs was in Washington, DC, just as you would expect. There they lived with Clifford and Virginia Foster Durr. We are told Virginia was the daughter of a minister in Alabama, but that reads poorly, doesn't it? More likely she was related to John Foster Dulles, of the CIA Dulleses. Her sister married Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, so the family was connected. Virginia was also a friend of Alger Hiss, which should throw up a red flag if nothing else does. Clifford Durr was the fake attorney who was on defense during the phony McCarthy trials. Compare him to Clarence Darrow before and Vincent Bugliosi after. Durr also represented Rosa Parks, indicating to me that event was also staged. I will have to unwind it in more detail later.

Jessica Mitford's project with Romilly ended in 1941 with the US's entry into the war. It looks to me like Romilly staged his death and moved on to another project. Mitford remarried fellow fake Communist and attorney Robert Treuhaft, b. 8/8/12, d. 11/11/01. Wow, spectacular numerology there. He represented the Black Panthers, CORE, the SNCC, and the Berkeley anti-war protesters in 1964. During these years, Jessica Mitford worked on many projects, including the linguistic part of Project Chaos. In other words, the destruction of language, on which we have seen Buckminster Fuller, Robert Anton Wilson, and many others working. She published a pamphlet entitled “Lifeitselfmanship or How to Become a Precisely-Because Man”. Although we are told the purpose of this was to mock the clichés of her fellow leftists, I assume the purpose was to create more confusion. It supported the work of her sisters, who were also inserting confusion into so-called social dialects. It was all misdirection, as we see when we find her sister Nancy being published on a similar subject by Stephen Spender in Encounter magazine in 1954. Encounter has since been outed as a CIA front. That is now admitted by the mainstream.

This sister Nancy was the lover of Gaston Palewski, another Lieutenant Colonel. Although active in France and from Poland, he was obviously Jewish. He was the son of a billionaire industrialist who we assume was backing Reynaud, de Gaulle and so on at the time. Palewski was “discovered” by Paul Reynaud, at the time Minister of Finance and later Prime Minister of France.

Does Reynaud look French? Not even a little bit. He founded a massive system of financial deregulation and austerity. Sound familiar? We just went through another one of those, so we know how useful they are to normal people. We also know whom deregulation and austerity really benefit. Only the poor and middle classes experience austerity while the billionaires septuple their portfolios. Reynaud was Prime Minister when WW2 started. In 1940, five days after the Battle of France began, Reynaud famously wired Churchill saying France was beaten. But that doesn't sound managed to me. How about you? Rather than sign an armistice, Reynaud resigned on June 16 and was allegedly arrested on the order of new leader of France Philippe Petain. Rather than try him, they turned him over to the Germans. What? Arrested for what? I was not aware that resigning was against the law. Petain allegedly wanted to show that the quick defeat in the war was caused by the poor leadership of the “liberal” Popular Front government of Reynaud, but with hindsight the whole thing looks like another poorly staged event. Read about the Riom Trial at Wikipedia and see if you think it makes any sense. Since the Trial was supported by the Nazis, Petain looks like the traitor, not Reynaud. And, although Petain was later convicted of treason against France, neither Reynaud nor Petain look to me like traitors. They look like more poor actors in an absurd plot written from the dungeons of Military Intelligence. In support of that, why would Reynaud be turned over to the enemy in any event? It is preposterous. In no sensible storyline does turning Reynaud over to the Nazis occur. Reynaud allegedly spent the next four years in a German prison until he was liberated by Allied troops in 1945, but I would say the odds that happened are exactly zero. More likely he spent the war playing golf somewhere. The same goes for Petain, who also miraculously skated any death sentence. Although convicted of High Treason and sentenced to death, de Gaulle commuted his sentence. Petain was even allowed to remain Marshal of France after being convicted of High Treason! If that doesn't tell you this was all staged, I don't know what would. Petain was instead sent to Ile d'Yeu, not much of a punishment. The island attracted many famous artists, being a tourist resort. Again, Petain probably spent his old age playing golf or fondling the local youth.

But back to all that later. It will be useful to us in future papers on WW2. For now, we were following the career of Lt. Col. Gaston Palewski. Palewski switched allegiance from Reynaud to de Gaulle in a timely manner, becoming the latter's Directeur de Cabinet and right-hand man. If you still don't think Palewski was a top spook, consider the fact that in 1962 Pompidou appointed him as head of the Atomic Energy and Space Programs. Palewski was also a member of the Academie de Beaux-Arts, doing his part to destroy art. So he was involved in all the big projects over many decades. While Palewski was up to all these major shenanigans, his lover Nancy Mitford was writing garbage propaganda novels, trying to be Jane Austen but failing on all counts. Like C. S. Lewis did in the same period, Mitford worked the London blitz into her novel The Pursuit of Love. She also worked in the Spanish Civil War, repeating all the standard lies there.

OK, so let's return to the Stanleys. Another indication the explorer Sir Henry Morton Stanley was from these noble Stanleys is his middle name, Morton. They never tell you how Stanley got that middle name. He didn't have it as Johnny Rowlands, and it wasn't one of Henry Hope Stanley's names. But it is another important name in the peerage. See Sir John Morton, 2nd Baronet Milbourne St. Andrew, Dorset. His mother was a Wortley, widow of Sir Rotherham Willoughby. Morton became a member of the Privy Chamber in 1660.

By the way, if you ever wonder if you are on the right track in these genealogy searches, compare them to famous literature. In that last paragraph, we saw Mortons and Willoughbys. Both were featured in Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility. Willoughby was the handsome man the younger sister [Kate Winslet in the film] fell for; there were Mortons also. That is no coincidence. These famous writers are part of the clan, and they like to refer to prior members.

But the Mortons go back before the Baronet above. There was a Cardinal John Morton, who was also Lord Chancellor under Henry VII. He was a mentor of Sir Thomas More. Also Francis Reynolds Morton, Baron Ducie of Tortworth, descended from Baronet Robert Ducie, Lord Mayor of London,

1631. These Barons were seated in Tortworth, Gloucester, and Strangeways, Lancashire.

So, anyway, we have found many more possible ancestors of John Lennon. But let us go back to the explorer Henry Stanley for a moment. I consider him the top candidate, even after linking him to all these peers. Why? Because he is an obvious spook. His biography is an affront to all logic. For instance? Despite being a Brit, he joined the US Civil War as a reb, we are told, but was captured at Shiloh. He was then pressed into the Union Army, but released after 18 days due to illness. Note the number. He then joined the US Navy and became a journalist. Right. Based on what qualifications? We were told he was brought up in a workhouse, like Oliver Twist. Except that Stanley was supposed to have been repeatedly raped by his headmaster. So where did Stanley learn to write, much less write well enough to be a journalist? Most journalists don't come out of the workhouse, it goes without saying. In 1867, Stanley offered his services to James Gordon Bennett, Jr. of the New York Herald. Of course he did. Two spook markers for the price of one. The Herald was a huge spook bullhorn, like all newspapers then and now. Just a few years later, The Herald would run a full front page story about animals getting loose from the Central Park Zoo and attacking people. It never happened, and they now admit that. They just made it up to create fear. Sound familiar? Beyond that, James Gordon Bennett, Jr. should raise your eyebrows, since I just outed the Bennetts in previous papers. It wasn't hard to do.

Here, I alert you to one of Bennett's first stories after he started The Herald in 1836. It was the murder of the prostitute Helen Jewett. It never happened, although they don't admit that. It was faked, like almost every other similar story to this day. Here are the red flags. The name Helen Jewett was an assumed name. That name again: Jewett. Jew-ett. Her real name was said to be Dorcas Doyen. She would appear to be from a prominent New Hampshire family, also Jewish. They were related to the Abbots, the Whittakers, and the Websters of Essex County, MA. That is, Salem. They had people involved in the witch hoaxes, including “Half-hanged Mary”, who was Mary Webster. Anyway, Helen Jewett's alleged murderer was acquitted under strange circumstances, again indicating a fake. His name was Richard P. Robinson. The Robinsons were members of the elite hoaxing families of New England. See mypaperonLizzieBorden. [This is probably why they were referenced in The Graduate.] Jewett had been employed in the home of Chief Justice Nathan Weston of the Maine Supreme Judicial Court. Just a coincidence, right? We are told Robinson was arrested based on leads by other prostitutes, and he showed no emotion “when shown the still-warm corpse”. Really? That's a quick arrest, I would say. Especially since they had no evidence tying him to the alleged crime, as they had to admit in trial. So how could the corpse still be warm? A coroner's jury was “hastily assembled and made up of onlookers”. What? Made up of onlookers? This jury indicted Robinson. Right. For the defense they had ex-DA of New York Ogden Hoffman. Oivay caramba, a prosecutor acting as defense? Why would such a prominent person be defending this alleged prostitute killer? That very year he was running for the US House of Representatives, and would win. He took his seat in 1837. He was the son of New York Attorney General Josiah Hoffman. This obviously staged event spent weeks in the press, scaring the daylights out of women and others. Sound familiar?

James Bennett's sister Jeanette married billionaire Isaac Bell, Jr. Jeanette's grandmother was Eleanor Warren, of the Warren clan. We just saw them in my last two papers. C. S. Lewis' great grandfather was the Baronet Warren, and Oliver Cromwell was also related to the Warrens. So was George Washington. More recently, the family gave us such people as Josiah Warren, an Owenist involved in the big Communism project. He edited an anarchist newspaper in 1833 [note the date]. Also Admiral Sir John Borlase Warren, 1st Baronet, involved in the fake blockade of Brest. Also Vice-Admiral Frederick Warren, Napoleonic wars. He married the daughter of Rear Admiral David Laird. His son was Admiral Richard Laird Warren. Also General Sir Charles Warren, a major spook who was a chief archaeologist at the Temple Mount (explains a lot, doesn't it?) and head of the London Metropolitan Police during the tenure of Jack the Ripper (ditto). Also Charles Marquis Warren, who created Rawhide and Gunsmoke. He was godson of F. Scott Fitzgerald. He also directed Seven Angry Men, about abolitionist John Brown. That indicates to me that the John Brown story was also manufactured or managed. Also the fake Communist Bill Warren. Also William Warren, first President of Boston University, a prominent early member of the Mystical Seven, one of the first fraternities. Tellingly, it used Hebrew references rather than Greek. This President of a University wrote many strange books, including Paradise Found—the Cradle of the Human Race at the North Pole, which argued that Atlantis was at the North Pole. Sort of a strange book for a professor of theology to be writing, no? Also Chief Justice Earl Warren and current Senator Elizabeth Warren. Also the Warrens,paranormal investigators involved in the Amityville hoax as well as many others. Ed Warren was both Navy and a former police officer, indicating to me the New England Society for Psychic Research was another ONI project. More on that another time.

But let us return to explorer Henry Morton Stanley, so far a goldmine in this paper. It was the New York Herald that sent him to Africa in search of David Livingstone, who had been sent to find the source of the Nile. Stanley reportedly outfitted 111 porters for the trip. Note the number. Stanley allegedly found Livingstone on 11/10/1871. Notice that we start with the number 111 again, and then finish with a couple of 8's. 7+1=8. Dead man's hand, aces and eights. The expedition was 690 miles, or 1,110 kilometers. Livingstone himself had also traveled 690 miles. Stanley found Livingstone, returned, and was sent again to Africa soon after, allegedly to find the source of the Nile (which Livingstone had failed to find). But we now know he was there to scout the region for first-world exploitation. Stanley claimed the Congo for the King of Belgium, who had founded the International African Association in 1876. It is now admitted it was a front organization, not only for the King but for the Rothschilds. Disguised as an international scientific and philanthropic organization, its real purpose was claiming the lands and their resources for European and US investors. Of course this has been the method ever since, to this day. While claiming parts of Africa for these investors, Stanley took some of them along with him, including James Jameson, heir of the Jameson whiskey fortune. Jameson's scientific contribution to this expedition was to purchase an 11-year-old girl and sell her to cannibals, to document and sketch how they would cook and eat her. No, really. I didn't make it up. But they may have: note her age, 11. It was that or 111, but the cannibals didn't want to eat an 111- year-old. Too dry.

Amazingly, we find even more Bennetts on Stanley's page. A 1970 book on Stanley was edited by Norman Bennett of Boston University. Coincidence? Not a chance. It is part of the continuing falsification of history, decade by decade. And Stanley continues to be whitewashed by other living authors, including Adam Hochschild. Hochschild is of course a Jewish name—meaning “high shield”—and although his genealogy is scrubbed, we may assume he is related to Moritz Hochschild, tin billionaire from Bolivia, and Gerhard Hochschild, fake mathematician at Berkeley and Guggenhiem Fellow, who misdirected mathematicians from real work into Lie groups (appropriately named). I have shown on my science site that this new math is just a diversion into busywork, to prevent anything real from getting done in either math or physics. Adam Hochschild is most known for his book King Leopold's Ghost, which seems to criticize the atrocities in Africa, especially the Congo. However, it is more misdirection. King Leopold is made the goat, although of course he was just a front. We have seen that these Royals are just nattily dressed puppets for the financiers pulling their strings. In this case, those financiers included the Rothschilds, as the mainstream admits. Rothschild, Hochschild. Hochschild misdirects you away from the Rothschilds. Coincidence? Not a chance. Adam Hochschild's wife is Arlie Russell. Note the last name, which we have already seen in this paper. She is another Berkeley spook, specializing in misdirecting female readers into fluff topics inflated as academic or otherwise important, to prevent their minds from feeding on real thoughts and real subjects.

October 20: This paper must be hitting some sore spots even before it is published, since all the genealogy sites are now unavailable to me, through both Safari and Firefox. I woke up this morning ready to continue this paper, but all these sites are down, and only these sites. According to the internet, they are down for me only. Curious, since Geni is run out of Israel. I had intended to do more research, but I guess that isn't possible right now. I will continue it later if I can.

Next day: I found a way around this, although I won't say how. I will only say it wasn't my imagination. It required a positive fix. I will be returning to this paper soon to round it out and finish it.

I am back. I have added several pages above, as you saw if you got here after October 22. I think the only major thing I have still left hanging is the link to the Lees. We return to Della Lee Wolfley in the line of Obama. Curiously, although this paper has only been up about 30 hours, it is already ranked 6 th on a google search on that name. If you search on that name plus “genealogy”, this paper comes up first! Wow. Either I have some hacker help or the internet isn't as deep as we are led to believe. Anyway, the first thing we find is that she has a brother named George Perry Wolfley. Again, I assume that is a family name, linking them again to the Perrys. Her mother Rachel Abbott Wolfley has a mother but no father at Findagrave, which is a clue. At Geni he is given as Jonathan Abbott, but with no parents. I assume the scrubbing is to hide a relationship to Robert E. Lee and that family, so we will have to come from the other direction. Were the Lees related to the Abbotts and Wolfes, etc.?

That is Lee with his son Custis and aide Robert Taylor. Note the name Taylor, which we saw above. Well, Robert E. Lee was married to Mary Anne Randolph Custis, linking her to the Randolphs and Custises. We saw the latter in the line of George Washington, of course. They admit all the Presidents are related, but not how closely. [Lee, as head of the Confederate Forces, was almost like a second President of the Confederacy, along with Jefferson Davis.] They do admit this Mary Anne Custis was the great granddaughter of Martha Washington, although the “professional” genealogists usually forget it when listing the relationships of the Presidents. Robert E. Lee's mother was a Carter, which no doubt links him to Jimmy Carter. We also find Walkers, Jones, and Moores. The Jones were prominent in Washington's genealogy. Also Berkeleys. Finding Geni difficult to navigate on this question, I type it in directly to Google: “were the Lees and Abbotts related?” The answer, yes. At that link we find the nugget. In the late 1700s there was a John Thomas Abbott, a top merchant with the Levant Company. His grandfather was Robert Abbott, money lender, whose wife, Bethia Chapman was daughter of Jasper Chapman of the East India Company! Robert had been apprenticed to Francis Webb. Anyway, the nephew of John was William Abbott, and this William joined his uncle as a merchant in Turkey. William later married Elizabeth Lee, daughter of Richard Lee, another Levant merchant of the company Lee and Maltass. Her brothers were the merchant John Lee of Smyrna and Peter Lee, British Consul in Alexandria.

But is there any link between these Lees and Robert E. Lee? Yes, because they both descend from the famous cloth merchants of England. See John Lee, b. 1733, who was an attorney. His father was a wealthy cloth merchant. John Lee defended Admiral Keppel, 1st Viscount, from court martial after the battle of Ushant. We already saw that battle above, since Baron Mulgrave was also charged in that managed defeat. Lee was later appointed Attorney General. Before him we find the Lees, Baronets of Hartwell. The 2nd Baronet Thomas Lee married Alice Hopkins, the daughter of another wealthy cloth merchant. His son William became Lord Chief Justice in 1737 and later Chancellor of the Exchequer. Robert E. Lee's ancestors were also cloth merchants from Buckinghamshire. His ancestor William (last link) was buried in Chesham, which is about five miles from Aylesbury. Aylesbury is the seat of the Baronets Hartwell. Hartwell is on the west end of Aylesbury. So there is little doubt Robert E. Lee is from these Lees of Hartwell. This indicates that the Abbotts and Lees don't just accidentally appear at the same place in Obama's genealogy: the Lees and Abbotts were related by marriage on both sides of the pond.

Before we leave the Lees, I should point out yet another connection, already hiding in the text above. Even I didn't see it until later. Remember the Baron Stanley who was first Muslim member of the House of Lords? He married the daughter of the Viscount Dillon, Henry Dillon-Lee. The name Lee comes from Dillon-Lee's uncle, George Lee, 3rd Earl of Lichfield. He was a member of the Privy Council and Chancellor of Oxford University. The 1st Earl, Edward Lee, had married Charlotte Fitzroy, illegitimate daughter of King Charles II! Of course this links us to my last paper, on George Washington, where we found the Bennets were related to this same Fitzroy. Which means the Lees were closely related to the Bennets. Edward Lee's mother was of the family Pope, of the Earls of Downe. We also saw that name in my paper on Washington, linking us to Alexander Pope. The Lees were among the first Baronets created in 1611, being the Baronets of Quarendon, and were also related to the Baronets Lydiard Tregoze. These latter Baronets soon married into the Wilmot family, the Earls of Rochester. Before that, they were knights from Hulcote, and these knights have been linked to the Lees of Virginia. See The Lees of Virginia, p. 20, where author Edmund Jennings Lee tells us these Lees of Lichfield “continued down in unbroken succession” to Charles Lee, Revolutionary War General.

What about the Wolfes? Well, we know the Wolfes and Abbotts are related, but can we link the Wolfes and Lees without going through the Abbotts? Well, we find the famous writer Thomas Wolfe's line scrubbed. His father is given but no paternal grandparents. But on a further search, we find we don't have to link the Wolfes and Lees, since we can link the Wolfleys and Lees directly, through Robert Lee Wolfley. It turns out that Rachel Abbott's husband Robert Wolfley is really Robert Lee Wolfley, although Geni doesn't tell you that. That is where they scrub the Lee. Like the Abbott we saw above, this Robert Lee Wolfley is also strangely scrubbed at Findagrave. His father George is given, but George has a mother but no father. This is the opposite of what you would expect, since fathers are generally easier to track in genealogies.

So, the short answer is that, yes, we can pull the Lees into this as well. What I didn't expect when I saw the name Lee was that we would find cloth merchants again. Or Baronets again. The clues are actually pretty easy to read once you know how to look for them. The puzzle actually puts itself back together

again in a surprisingly rapid fashion.

Addendum, December 16, 2016: I found more Dunhams probably related to Obama and these families. Lena Dunham is best known as the creator of the HBO series Girls. She also publishes the Lenny Letter online, which Wikipedia admits is supported by Hearst Corporation advertising. That pretty much says it all. Remember, we saw Hursts/Hearsts in the Dunham lines above. Lena admits to being Jewish, since her mother Laurie Simmons is Jewish. Laurie's mother's maiden name is scrubbed at Wikipedia and Geni, which is very curious. Her father is actually not a Simmons but a Simonoff, and his mother is a Rubin. This Rubin is scrubbed, going no further in the genealogy. But we find they are also related to the Rubensteins, Kaufskys and Lazars. Our old friend Erica the Disconnectrix Howton is involved in these pages, which is also a big red flag. As a Simonoff, Laurie is probably related to Eric Simonoff, a top literary agent for William Morris Endeavor representing Bill O'Reilly, Trenton Stewart, Stacy Schiff, Philipp Meyer, Jonathan Lethem, Bob Greene, and Vikram Chandra.

Laurie Simmons is a Pictures Generation artist, along with Cindy Sherman, Louise Lawler, and Barbara Kruger. She is most famous for photographing women in spooky make-up or creating even more spooky doll installations.

We are told this has something to do with feminism or being a progressive, but we have never been told exactly what that is. I have shown it is more to do with destroying the male/female relationship from the female side, to benefit the billionaires. So Lena's mom is basically a spook.

Lena's dad Carroll Dunham is also a spook artist. He creates bad cartoon porn.

Looks like a creepazoid, right? That's because he is. He is paid to be a creepazoid Modern artist, both to destroy art and to destroy the sex act from the male side. “Hey, Carroll! Go stand by your 'art' and look as creepy as possible. No, more creepy. That's good.” He is related to the Jewetts, the Warners, the Lees, the Haydens, the Hardings, the Palmers, the Rogers, the Bonhams, the Kelloggs, the Fords, the Baldwins, and the Clarkes. These Dunhams hail from the Dunhams of Plymouth and before that to Thomas Dunham of Nottinghamshire. Thomas Dunham married Jane Bromley, whose father just happened to be Lord Chancellor Thomas Bromley. Jane's sister Elizabeth married Oliver Cromwell. Any questions?

So, can we link these Dunhams to Obama's mother? Yes, but since The Disconnectrix has scrubbed the recent links, we have to go back further than we would like to do it. We can link them through the Haydens, Clarks, and Lees. Since the Haydens are on Lena's mother's side, it means her parents are cousins. See Aurelia Hayden who married a Reynolds in about 1860. That Hayden links us back up to Dunhams, as we saw above with Stanley Ann Dunham.

I also tripped across something else interesting in these genealogies. In Ann Stanley Dunham's genealogy, I found a Clemmens. Eliza Clemmens married John Stroup in around 1840 in the midwest. No parents are given for her, but this may link her to Mark Twain.

So what have we learned? We have learned to stay far away from all these people, and to assume all their projects are part of Operation Chaos. They are being paid to mess you up, so that you spend more money.

I was recently asked by a reader how I stay sane. I told him he was asking the wrong question. The question is how all the people who don't know the truth stay sane. The answer is, they don't. It is being caught in the Matrix that drives you insane. It is the blue pill that causes insanity, not the red pill. The truth can be painful, and sometimes be temporarily disorienting. But it is the lies that cause permanent disorientation, and eventual insanity. The truth, however painful, is clarifying.



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