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This year of 2018 marks the 25th anniversary of the inferno at Mt. Carmel, the Branch Davidian center near Waco, Texas, run by the infamous cult leader David Koresh. The horrific images of the Waco compound engulfed in flames will no doubt send shivers down the spine of anyone, and especially those of us who had access to a television set in 1993. Only the soulless could have been indifferent to the remarks of news anchors, hinting with subdued concern at the fate of the helpless children trapped inside the compound by the crazy cult leader and brainwashed parents. “The horror,” as Marlon Brando put it in Apocolypse Now.

To mark the anniversary, several movie companies have been busy producing TV series, including “Waco,” a six-part series by Paramount, and “Waco: Madman or Messiah,” a documentary series by A&E Network. Following closely the “critical investigative" narrative of the 1997 production “Waco: The Rules of Engagement,” the mainstream media are utilizing the anniversary as yet another opportunity to terrorize the public with the “truth” about Waco. For the mainstream media, this is “business-as-usual,” But not so fast. In this day and age, we are no longer as gullible. Some of us question our designated role as consumers of media productions that pretend to help us understand the world we live in. Luckily, those of us who are old enough to remember 1993 can now, potentially, add a quarter of a century of experience in critical thinking to our view of the Waco drama.

It´s time to rethink the Waco terror—and the way it unfolded, apparently, before our very eyes—to grasp its innovative format as one of the latest and most successful psycho- political TV reality shows for a global audience. Hopefully, this will help us to finally debrief and process what a terror incident can actually do to us. It´s time to scrutinize the Waco drama just as we would any other psychological terror operation. The title of this exposé, Life after Waco, has a double meaning in that we are trying to wake up from the Waco nightmare, while also providing food for the imagination of a much more happy ending to the Waco drama. Yes, I will show nobody died and nobody got hurt and no children were abused at Mt. Carmel.

The Waco drama was piloted by the 1992 standoff at Ruby Ridge (which also needs to be reconsidered) and served as a prequel of sorts to the Oklahoma City bombing. In fact, we have since been fed a steady stream of lies about how Timothy McVeigh, another intelligence asset-patsy, who was so disturbed about the attacks on Ruby Ridge and Waco that he had to go and bomb a federal building, just to… well, who knows what these madmen are actually thinking. That´s the point, isn´t it? We simply cannot comprehend the evil souls of terrorists, and their innocuous disguises leave us clueless. In Oklahoma, it was the boy next door, and in Waco, it was the seductive preacherman. Y´all beware!

For all intents and purposes, Bill and Hillary Clinton were running the Waco operation out of the White House. As former Clinton Advisor Dick Morris put it: “Bill Clinton personally orchestrated the 1993 Waco, Texas tragedy.” Nevertheless, Janet Reno was apparently set up as the bad guy/gal, her role allegedly posing a threat to her reappointment. Or did it? According to Dick Morris, Janet Reno madet a cryptic remark [minute 3:10] about the Waco incident in connection with her reappointment for a second four-year term: “If you don't appoint me, I'm going to tell the truth about Waco”. Could this be the remark of a woman who had her head on the chopping block, and used the only leverage she had? But wait a minute. What did she mean by “the truth about Waco?” The general public was already as dazed as deer in the media headlights. What could she tell us that would have broken the spell?

Interestingly, three of Bill Clinton´s bodyguards during his 1992 election campaign were engaged in the Waco operation as officers of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF). [Remember that for later, when Miles looks more closely at Koresh.] Not only that. Out of the four BATF officers who were killed in the initial raid on Mt. Carmel on February 28, 1993, three of them were the very same former Clinton bodyguards. The deadly exchange of fire between the officers and Branch Davidians happened just as the TV cameras were rolling, believe it or not. EVENTS LEADING UP TO THE RAID In the interest of time, let´s provide only a brief summary of key events leading up to the raid on the Mt. Carmel compound on February 28, 1993. Skip ahead if you know it all. This summary is based mainly on the affidavit on the grounds for search and seizure at the Mt. Carmel Center premises signed February 25, 1993 by BATF Special Agent Davy Aquilera, Austin, Texas. This affidavit includes a report on the investigation into the firearms manufacturing activites taking place at the Mt. Carmel Center carried out by Special Agent Aquilera, with the help of Bill Buford, BATF Resident Agent in Charge, Little Rock, Arkansas; Special Agent Carlos Torres, BATF, Houston, Texas; and Special Agent Earl Dunagan, BATF, Austin, Texas. The investigation was also supported by BATF Special Agent Robert Rodriquez, who worked as an undercover agent infiltrating the Branch Davidians. Note that Jeffrey Jamar, head of the FBI’s San Antonio office, was assigned as the on-site commander at Mt. Carmel after the failed search and seizure operation at the compound on February 28, 1993. Jamar was in charge of the 51-day siege that followed the initial mission.

Special Agent Aquilera was assigned to investigate Branch Davidians for unlawful possession, transfer and interstate shipment of firearms and/or explosive devices not registered with the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record to the person under investigation. So, let´s start by reviewing his report, attached to the affidavit.

The investigation was launched by the Austin office of the BATF after Special Agent Aquilera was contacted by Lieutentant Gene Barber, McLennan County Sheriff's Department, on June 9, 1992. Lieutentant Barber provided the following background information. The Mount Carmel Center commune, at the postal address of Rt 7, Box 471-b, Waco, consisted of some 70 acres of land occupied by Vernon Wayne Howell, aka David Koresh and “others”. Lieutenant Barber explained that David Koresh was an alias used by Vernon Wayne Howell, who operated a “religious cult commune” at Mt. Carmel Center. Special Agent Aquilera later learned from discussions with former cult members that Vernon Howell adopted the name David Koresh “more than a year ago” (as of 1992), and that Howell believed “the name helped designate him as the messiah or the anointed one of God”. Miles has previously shown that isn't true, Koresh being another Jewish name from the families— related to Loebs, Oppenheimers, and Mosslers.

The Mt. Carmel property was once owned and occupied by George Buchanan Roden, who inherited it in the 1950s. Beginning around January 1986, Roden established and led a religious cult group with about 20 followers, and claimed to be the Prophet of the group. [Miles: That's interesting, since Roden is another prominent Jewish name. Just search on «Roden Jewish». And note Roden Brothers Silversmiths. Also note the Earls of Roden, who were Jocelyns. They were also Hamiltons, Bentincks, Villiers, Mordaunts, Howards, etc. We also find the Rodens in the US were closely related to Wrougtons. That interesting, because guess who else was a Wroughton? David Koresh. See below.] The property was known as the Elk Property or Mt. Carmel Center. We are told Roden was in jeopardy of losing the property by foreclosure due to delinquent taxes, which had not been paid since 1968. [Right: he was just allowed to skate for more than a decade.] At about the same time, Vernon Howell established a similar group in Palestine, Texas, known as the Branch Davidian Seventh-Day Adventists.

Here we should interrupt the BATF narrative with a brief note about the alleged motivation for the group´s formation. In 1985, Vernon Howell visited Israel as a pilgrim to the Holy City of Jerusalem. [Not as a crypto-Jew, but as a pilgrim!] As reported by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz (February 24, 2018), the Jerusalem visit inspired Howell to establish a branch of Seventh-Day Adventists under the name of Branch Davidian, referring to the House of David. However, Israel was not the only country visited by Howell. In February 1986, he visited Australia, allegedly to recruit followers. Also in 1986, he travelled to Hawaii, where he preached at a Kaimuki church. Again, he allegdly recruited many followers. In September 1988, Howell returned to Australia, and in July 1989, he visited Miami, Florida. [He seems to have had a lot of money to travel, eh?] Throughout these years, he also paid frequent visits to La Verne, California, where the “cult” allegedly occupied a house. But let´s return to the affidavit.

In 1987, Vernon Howell laid claim to ownership of the Mr. Carmel property. As reported by Lieutenant Barber, he “wanted to acquire it by any means possible”. On November 3, 1987, Howell allegedly led an armed group of eight men into Roden's camp and a 45-minute gun battle ensued. Roden was shot in the finger and was the only person injured. Eight people, including Vernon Howell and Paul Gordon Fatta were arrested by the McLennan County Sheriff's Department, and were indicted for attempted murder by a McLennan County Grand Jury. All eight subjects were tried in State court at Waco, Texas and were acquitted of the charges of attempted murder by a jury, Barber claimed. [Miles here: this claim should be researched. I would like to see the court documents. It is clear this gun battle never happened, so either the trial was faked or there was no trial—with only the documents faked—or. . . there was no gun battle, no trial, and no documents, only a manufactured report for the media. My guess is the latter, and that no documents of this trial exist. If they do exist, they should be easy to tear apart. How can a 45-minute gun battle involving at least nine people lead to no serious injuries and no convictions? Are we supposed to believe all these guys were such bad shots? Are we supposed to believe that firing guns at humans is not a prosecutable offense in Texas? Also, the name Fatta is a clue. It is a middle eastern word meaning «crumbly». It is related to the Hebrew patta, which means the same thing. So we may safely assume Paul Fatta is another crypto-Jew related to all the same people.] After the armed assault by Howell and his followers, George Roden vacated Mt. Carmel and the property was taken over by Howell and his “cult group”. [Really? So Roden just turned the place over to Howell?] The taxes owed on the Mt. Carmel Center were paid by Howell's group. His cult grew to about 70-80 people, including men, women and children, who lived on the Mt. Carmel property as of 1992. As reported by Special Agent Carlos Torres, in early 1992, Ms. Joyce Sparks, Texas Department of Human Services, Waco, received a complaint from “outside the State of Texas”, to the effect that David Koresh was operating a “commune type compound”, and that he was sexually abusing young girls. Ms. Sparks stated that on February 27, 1992, she along with two other employees of the Texas Department of Human Services responded to the complaint. Accompanied by two McLennan County Sheriff's Deputies, they went to the compound at Mt. Carmel. When they arrived, they were met by a woman who identified herself as Rachel Koresh, the wife of David Koresh. David Koresh himself was not there. The woman said she had strict orders from David Koresh not to talk with anyone unless he was present. Ms. Sparks finally was able to convince Mrs. Koresh to allow her to talk with some of the children who were present. She talked to a young boy about 7 or 8 years old. The child reportedly said that he “could not wait to grow up and be a man”. When Ms. Sparks asked him why he was in such a hurry to grow up, he replied that when he grew up he would get a “long gun” just like all the other men there. When Ms. Sparks pursued the subject, the boy told her that all the adults had guns and that they were always practicing with them. Ms. Sparks also reported to Special Agent Torres that she was escorted through part of the building, where she noted a lot of construction being performed. She also said that she could not determine how many people were in the group, but estimated about 60-70 people including men, women and children. She stated that she saw about 15-20 adult males at the compound.

Ms. Sparks, who was apparently interviewed by the investigators as late as December 4, 1992, further explained that on April 6, 1992, she had visited the compound again. On this occasion she talked with David Koresh. She asked Koresh about the firearms which she had been told by the small child. Koresh admitted that there were a few firearms there, but said that most of the adults did not know of them, and that there were too few to be of any significance. Ms. Sparks said that when she pressed Koresh about the firearms and their location at the compound, he offered to show her around. He requested that she wait about 30 minutes until he could get the other residents out of the building so they would not see where he had the firearms stored. After a period of time, Ms. Sparks was escorted through part of the building by Koresh. She noted that there was more construction activity and that the inside of the structure looked quite different from her previous visit. Each time Ms. Sparks asked Koresh about the location of the firearms, he would tell her that they were in a safe place where the children could not get to them. Then he would change the subject. Ms. Sparks said that she noticed a trap door in the floor at one end of the building. When she inquired about it, Koresh allowed her to look into the trap door. She could see a ladder leading down into a buried school bus from which all the seats had been removed. At one end of the bus she could see a very large refrigerator with numerous bullet holes. She also saw three long guns lying on the floor of the bus. She stated that there was no electricity in the bus. Everything she saw was with the aid of a pen light. When questioned by Ms. Sparks, Koresh said that the bus was where he practiced his target shooting in order not to disturb his neighbors. Ms. Sparks felt the entire walk through the compound was staged for her by Koresh. When she asked to speak with some of the children and other residents, Koresh refused, stating they were not available. She said that during her conversation with Koresh, he told her that he was the “Messenger” from God, that the world was coming to an end, and that when he “reveals” himself the riots in Los Angeles would pale in comparison to what was going to happen in Waco, Texas. Koresh stated that it would be a “military type operation” and that all the “non-believers” would have to suffer. [Miles: note the contradictions there. At first, Koresh changes the subject whenever the guns are discussed, but then he joyfully opens the trap door and shows her the shooting gallery bus, where multiple long guns are lying about in the open. Does that make any sense?] When the investigation was launched, Lieutenant Barber provided recently taken aerial photographs of the Mount Carmel Center which had been taken by Captain Dan Weyenberg of the McLennan County Sheriff's Department. [Weynenberg is probably a Jewish name.] Among the things noted in the photographs was a buried bus near the main structure and an observation tower, approximately three or four stories tall with windows on all four sides enabling a view from the structure of 360 degrees.

Lieutenant Barber further related to Special Agent Aquilera that he was told by Larry Gilbreath (United Parcel Service) that he had been making deliveries for several years to a place known as the “Mag-Bag”, Route 7 Box 555-b, Waco, Texas 76705, located on Farm Road number 2491, which was a small tract of land with two metal buildings on it, and Mount Carmel Center on Double EE Ranch Road, Waco, Texas. However, since April 1992, several deliveries had been made to the “Mag-Bag”, in the names of Mike Schroeder and David Koresh, which the UPS employee believed to be firearms components and explosives.

Gilbreath became concerned because he made several C.O.D. deliveries addressed to the “Mag-Bag” but when he would stop at that location he was instructed to wait while a telephone call was made to the Mount Carmel Center by the person at the “Mag-Bag”, usually Woodrow Kendrick or Mike Schroeder, notifying the person who answered the phone at the Mount Carmel Center that UPS was coming there with a C.O.D. delivery, after which Gilbreath would be instructed to drive to the Mount Carmel Center to deliver the package and collect for it. On those occasions when he was at the Mount Carmel Center to deliver and collect for the C.O.D. packages he saw several manned observation posts, and believed that the observers were armed.

Lieutenant Barber stated that he was told by Larry Gilbreath that in May 1992, two cases of inert hand grenades and a quantity of black powder were delivered by him to the “Mag-Bag”. The UPS further delivered 90 pounds of powdered aluminum metal and 30 to 40 cardboard tubes, 24 inches in length and 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 inches in diameter, which were shipped from the Fox Fire Company, Pocatella, Idaho, to “Mag-Bag”. From another shipper, two parcels containing a total of sixty (60), M-16/AR-15 ammunition magazines were delivered by UPS to the “Mag-Bag” on June 8, 1992.

On November 13, 1992, BATF Special Agent Aquilera interviewed Lieutenant Coy Jones, McLennan County Sheriff's Department, and learned from him that he had spoken with an employee of the United Parcel Service, Waco, Texas, who wished to remain anonymous. This person told Lieutenant Jones that Marshal Keith Butler, a relative of the person who wishes to remain anoymous, is a machinist by trade, and is associated with Vernon Howell. As reported by Special Agent Aquilera, the records of the Texas Department of Public Safety showed that Butler had been arrested on seven occasions since 1984 for unlawful possession of drugs. Two of the arrests resulted in convictions for possession of a controlled substance. Butler's latest arrest and conviction was in January 1992. Butler received a sentence of three years in the Texas Department of Corrections, but in April 1992 Butler was paroled to McLennan County, Texas.

As testified by Special Agent Aquilera in his February 25, 1993 affidavit on the grounds for search and seizure at the Mt. Carmel Center premises: “I know based upon my training and experience that an AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle practically identical to the M- 16 rifle carried by United States Armed Forces. The AR-15 rifle fires .223 caliber ammunition and, just like the M-16, can carry magazines of ammunition ranging from 30 to 60 rounds of ammunition. I have been involved in many cases where defendants, following a relarively simple process, convert AR-15 semi-automatic rifles to fully automatic rifles of the nature of the M-16. This conversion process can often be accomplished by an individual purchasing certain parts which will quickly transform the rifle to fire fully automatic. Often times templates, milling machines, lathes and instruction guides are utilzed by the converter”. As additional background, it might be of interest to note that Vernon Howell´s father Robert Wayne Howell (February 10, 1933-June 25, 2009) and his stepfather Roy Winfred Haldeman (September 20, 1928-August 31, 2001) both served in the military. Howell served in the Air Force, while Haldeman served as a US Army Corporal in Korea. As described by Howell´s mother Bonnie Sue Haldeman (September 8, 1944-January 30, 2009) in her autobiography Memories of the Branch Davidians: The Autobiography of David Koresh's Mother, her son showed off his firearms collection to his step-father when the couple visited him at Mt. Carmel. [Miles: someone should research a link between Roy Haldeman above and H. R. Haldeman of Nixon's cabinet. My guess is they will find one.] QUESTIONS AND HOLES IN THE NARRATIVE As Special Agent Aquilera briefly mentions in the affidavit to the search warrant, US immigration records showed that about 40 foreign nationals from Jamaica, the United Kingdom, Israel, Australia and New Zealand entered the United States at various times using the address of the Mt. Carmel Center as their point of contact. Most of these foreign nationals over-stayed their entry permits or visas. Why did the BATF not involve the immigration authorities to check the visas of the residents of Mt. Carmel Center, before launching a search and seizure of firearms? Would this not be a less provocative measure, if the purpose was to bring unlawful activities to a halt?

Ms. Joyce Sparks of the Texas Department of Human Services had received a complaint about sexual abuse of young girls at the compound, filed by someone “outside the State of Texas”. Who filed the complaint, and what happened after Ms. Sparks went to the Mt. Carmel Center in late February and early April 1992? Why was Ms. Sparks not interviewed by the BATF investigators until December 1992? Why is there such a gaping hole in the narrative with regard to concerns for the children and their safety?

The investigation lasted almost nine months, and involved numerous interviews with people associated with the Branch Davidians, including members based at the California residence. Why did it take so long, and how could the BATF not understand that there was no chance of carrying out a “surprise” search and seizure operation? As many have pointed out, why not arrest Koresh when he went into town or when he was going out to attend a gun show? Why not apprehend other members of the “cult” while they were out of the compund to sell firearms at gun shows? Why not confiscate deliveries of parts? Why start the operation with a search and seizure mission?

Why did the investigation team call on assistance from the Little Rock, Arkansas office of the BATF? And why did Bill Buford, as head of the office, take time off to go to Texas to work on such a time-consuming task? Given the fact that the President took such a keen interest in the operation, was there any communication between Buford and President Clinton, who knew Bill Buford from his time as Governor of Arkansas?

As the search and seizure operation was launched, BATF officers allegedly shot and killed Branch Davidian MichaelSchroeder as he tried to return to the compound. This in itself is difficult to understand, but even more difficult to comprehend is the complete breach of police protocol that followed. Michael Schroeder´s body was allegedly left to decompose for four days in the gully outside the Mt. Carmel compound where he was shot. In the meantime, his parents Sandy and Bill Connizzo drove from Florida in an effort to rescue Michael and his three-year old son, Bryan. On their arrival, Bryan was released into the custody of his grandparents, but Sandy and Bill Connizzo were not informed of Michael´s death until ten days after he was allegedly killed. His parents were then warned not to look at his body, due to the extent of decomposition. They adhered to the advice, and after the autopsy, the body was cremated. The story about the decomposed body and cremation is obviously a cover-up for a faked death. See the later shenanigans at Sandy Hook, where parents allegedly weren't allowed to see their dead children.

Koresh recruited an amazing group of followers from across the globe, and especially from Hawaii. Among the Hawaii recruits were Jaydean Cornwell Wendel, a former officer of the Honolulu Police Department, and her husband Mark Wendel. Both were allegedly killed during the inferno at the compound on April 19, 1993. Other Hawaii recruits allegedly killed include Scott Sonobe and his wife Floracita Rivera Sonobe (originally from the Phillipines); Neil and Margarida Vaega; Sherri Lynn Jewell; Jeffrey Little, who was a graduate of Computer Science from the University of Hawaii; Gregory Summers; Peter Hipsman; and Steven Schneider, who played an important negotiating role during the 51-day siege. There were also Hawaii recruits among the Branch Davidians that were later convicted for manslaughter and illegal manufacture and possession of firearms, including Kevin Whitecliff and Paul Fatta. Both were sentenced to federal prison on manslaughter and firearms charges. Steven Schneider´s wife Judy Schneider, also recruited in Hawaii, was the only woman among the convicted Branch Davidians, and was offered a reduced sentence in exchange for her testimony for the prosecution. [Miles: Schneider is probably another Jewish name. Also strange is that Judy Schneider is played by actress Andrea Riseborough in the miniseries Waco. She previously appeared in Birdman and The Death of Stalin. She was born in Tyne and Wear, a red flag we first saw in my paper on her fellow actress Daisy Ridley. Are there Riseboroughs in the peerage? Of course. See Frederick Riseborough, whose ex-wife married Lord Aylmer. The Aylmers are related to the Warrens, just like the Howells and Adams. So why was Riseborough chosen for this part? Why did they need an English actress to play a Texas girl? I would suggest that Riseborough is related to her character. We have seen this over and over in our research. Which leads us to look at Taylor Kitsch, who played Koresh in the miniseries. Since his mother is a Green and he is an actor, we may assume he is Jewish. We get the usual misdirection about his father working in construction and Taylor being raised by his mother in a tailer park, but we know to ignore that. Such people don't get tapped at age 20 by IMG to be New York fashion models. Odds are, Kitsch is related to the same familes, and he may be a cousin of Koresh.] Considering the importance of these characters, has anybody offered an explanation as to why Koresh spent so much time recruiting people in faraway places like Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Jamaica, Florida, California and Hawaii, when he might as well have recruited followers closer to his Texan home? Another open question concerns funding. How was the group able to finance all their travels and other activities? How could they afford food supplies to support 70 people? How could the group afford to pay taxes owed on the Mt. Carmel property since 1968? How could they afford building materials for construction work at the compound? How were they able to finance their firearm manufacturing enterprise, involving investment in expensive parts and firearm manufacturing kits?

And finally, how on earth are we supposed to believe that a former police officer and her husband were enticed into what was obviously an illegal firearms manufacturing business, with Bible lessons added as a very scant cover? While all these questions are important to ask and answer, the breaking news here concerns the alleged victims of the Waco operation. ALLEGEDLY DECEASED BATF OFFICERS As it turns out, all four BATF officers who were allegedly killed at Mt. Carmel on February 28, 1993, were found “alive” by the search engine Truepeoplesearch. Here they are listed with their name, date of birth, current age, and current address. Note that Robert John Williams is a very common name, and few details about the closest relatives of Robert Williams and Steven Willis are available from the BATF “Fallen officers” website, which makes the search information difficult to verify. ConwayCharlesLeBleu Born: 12/23/1962 Age: 56 Current address Truepeoplesearch: PO Box 1733, Hammond, LA 70404-1733 StevenDavidWillis Born: 1960 Age: 58 Current address Truepeoplesearch: 2840 E Wagoner Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85032-8828 RobertJohnWilliams Born: 03/01/1966 Age: 53 Current address Truepeoplesearch: 892 W Union St, Wytheville, VA 24382-2836 ToddWayneMcKeehan Born: 10/19/1964 Age: 54 Current address Truepeoplesearch: 2023 Rue Pickney, Mandeville, LA 70448-2387

DECEASED BRANCH DAVIDIANS AS IDENTIFIED IN AUTOPSY REPORTS Now we turn to the alleged Branch Davidian victims. The list of 56 victims below is compiled from a comprehensive list of autopsies provided by the Justice of Peace, McLennan County. The list below excludes unidentified remains, persons named only by surname, e.g. “twin” Jones, “child Martin”, (unknown) Martinez, and also excludes foetuses. The date of birth and death of each victim are drawn from public records, mainly from the Texas Death Index, supplemented by Find a Grave when necessary. Names are corrected to comply with public records. The list contains a total of 56 names.

The names in bold are listed again in the following section, under the heading “Allegedly deceased Branch Davidians”. The names not in bold and not carried forward are names of individuals with no US records, individuals with no known year of birth, individuals with no known living relative, and foreign nationals, due to the difficulty of verifying their identity without access to public records. Note that foreign nationals on the list include only one Canadian and a few Australians. There may be others that are not identified as foreign nationals, such as British and Jamaican nationals.

  • Vernon Wayne Howell Born: 08/17/1959 Died: 04/19/1993

  • Sherri Lynn Jewell Born: 1950 Died: 04/19/1993

  • Raymond Friesen Canada (Saskatchewan) Born: 07/14/1916 Died: 04/19/1993

  • Malcolm Livingston No US record , possibly British or Jamaican

  • Floyd L. Houtman Born: 1931 Died: 1993

  • Scott Kojiro Sonobe Born: 11/26/1957 Died: 04/19/1993, No grave

  • Douglas Wayne Martin Born: 1950 Died: 04/19/1993

  • Mark Howard Wendel Born: 1955 Died: 04/19/1993

  • Steven Emil Schneider Born: 10/16/1949 Died: 04/08/1993 (Harris County) AND 04/19/1993 (McLennan County)

  • Jeffrey C. Little Born: Died: 04/19/1993

  • Clifford Sellars Born: ? Died: 04/19/1993

  • Sonia C. Murray Born: ? Died: 04/19/1993

  • Jennifer C. Andrade Born: 07/17/1972 Died: 04/19/1993

  • Katherine Grace Andrade Born: 1968 Died: 04/19/1993

  • Aisha Gyarfas Summers Born: 1975 Died: 04/19/1993

  • John-Mark Stanley McBean Born: ? Died: 04/19/1993 No grave

  • Dayland Lord Koresh Australia Born: 08/05/1989 Died: 04/19/1993 (Age: 4)

  • Florecita Rivera Sonobe Born: 05/11/1958 Died: 04/19/1993 No grave

  • Shari Elayna Doyle Born: 08/01/1974 Died: 04/19/1993, later married Peter Franzen, May 1997 in Hartford, Connecticut

  • David Michael Jones Born: 10/18/1954 Died: 04/19/1993

  • Alrick George Bennett Born: ? Died 04/19/1993 (Anderson County), No grave

  • Rebecca Saipa'ia Born: ? Died: 04/19/1993, No grave

  • Novellette Hipsman Born: 1956 Died: 04/19/1993

  • Gregory Allen Summers Born: 1965 Died: 04/19/1993, Texas AND US death records

  • Neil Vaega New Zealand Born: ? Died: 04/19/1993, No grave

  • Pablo Cohen Born: ? Died: 04/19/1993, No grave

  • Mary Jean E. Borst Born: 09/13/1943 Died: 04/19/1993

  • Nicole Elizabeth Gent Australia Born: 1969 Died: 04/19/1993, No US death record

  • Wayne Martin Born: ? Died: 04/19/1993, No grave

  • Judy Violet Schneider Born: 1951 Died: 04/19/1993, No grave

  • Joseph R. Martinez Born: 1984 Died: 04/19/1993 Isaiah

  • Noel Martinez Born: 07/09/1991 Died: 03/22/1993

  • Julieta S. Martinez Born: 08/22/1962 Died: 04/19/1993

  • Audrey Ann Martinez Born: 05/13/1980 Died: 04/19/1993, later married Daniel Ortega, February 2000 in El Paso, TX

  • Abigail Martinez Born: 1981 Died: 04/19/1993

  • Chanel Andrade Born: 02/06/1992 Died: 04/19/1993

  • Pages Kara Brittani Koresh Born: January 1992 Died: 04/19/1993 (Age: 1)

  • Lorraine Sylvia Born: 05/23/1952 Died: 04/19/1993

  • Starr Hadassah Howell Born: February 1987 Died: 04/19/1993 (Age: 6)

  • Cyrus Ben Joseph Howell Born: 03/20/1985 Died: 04/19/1993 (Age: 8)

  • Rachel O. S. Jones Koresh Born: 05/09/1969 Died: 04/19/1993

  • Hollywood Sylvia Born: 1990 Died: 04/19/1993

  • Rachel E. Sylvia Born: 1979 Died: 04/19/1993

  • Bobbie Layne Howell Born: 12/14/1991 Died: 04/19/1993 (Age: 1)

  • Mayannah Schneider No record of birth or death

  • Michelle Jones Koresh Born: 07/04/1974 Died: 04/19/1993 Serenity Sea Jones No record of birth or death

  • Latwan Jones No record of birth or death

  • Chica Jones No record of birth or death

  • Melissa Morrison Born: ? Died: 04/19/1993, No grave Rosemary Morrison Born: ? Died: 04/19/1993, No grave

  • Peter Gent Australia Born: ? Died: 02/28/1993

  • Winston Blake Born: ? Died: 04/19/1993, No grave

  • Jaydean Aliimauloa Wendel Born: 12/10/1958 Died: 02/28/1993

  • Peter James Hipsman Born: ? Died: 04/19/1993, No grave

  • Perry Dale Jones Born: 1929 Died: 04/19/1993

  • Michael Dean Schroeder Born: 1963 Died: 04/03/1993 (McLennan) AND 04/01/1993 (Harris)


The following list of individuals, brought forward from above, includes the names of 31 individuals. As with the “Allegedly deceased BATF officers”, it turns out that a majority of the 31 listed Branch Davidians, all allegedly killed at Mt. Carmel in February-April 1993, were found “alive” by search engines including Truepeoplesearch, Fastpeoplesearch and Spokeo. These are not random individuals with the same name as the alleged victims, these are the same individuals, verified by cross referencing relatives and associates, and previous addresses at Mt. Carmel, the Branch Davidian residence in La Verne, California, or the Palestine address as further evidence of their connection to the individual in question. For name changes due to marriage, public marriage records have been sourced to confirm the change of name, and the name of the spouse is also used to confirm the identity of the individual in question. If you fnd the verfication difficult to believe, please check for yourself.

To sum up, out of 31 individuals searched, 20 were found “alive” with a valid current address, not listed as deceased, and could be verified through cross referencing as being identical to an individual on the autopsy list. Vernon Wayne Howell was found “alive”, and so was David Koresh, though registered to different addresses in the Waco area.

Two individuals were listed by Truepeoplesearch as “deceased”. Out of these, Michael Dean Schroeder was found “alive” in a parallel entry, and verified as the same Michael Dean Schroeder. The other “deceased”, Scott Kojiro Sonobe, was not found “alive” under that name, although there is a possible match on the name Clyde S. Sonobe. Based on a search of school yearbooks from California matching his year of birth, it is likely that Scott Kojiro went by the name of Clyde Scott as a child, and he may have returned to that name.

Of the remaining nine individuals, there are possible matches for three. Florecita Rivera Sonobe was not found, though there are possible (unverified) matches on the names Flora Sonobe and Florecita Rivera. Chanel Andrade was not found, though there is a possible alias, matching by age, by the name Brittany Chanel Andrade. Hollywood Sylvia was not found, though there is a possible also, also matching by age, by the name Holly L. Sylvia.

This leaves only six individuals yet to be found “alive”. Three of them are women, who may have changed their name by marriage, whether formally or informally. One of the unidentified women and two of the men belong to the Martinez family, of which Julieta S. and Audrey Ann have both been found and verified by age, though not by relation. However, Martinez is a very common surname, and further research may uncover the whereabouts of Joseph R., Isaiah Noel and Abigail Martinez as well. The final individual on the list, Douglas Wayne Martin, can be found, but is not verifiable due to the large number of matches to the name as such, and lack of information on relatives. There is also the possibility that some of the names on the autopsy list were added randomly, simply to inflate the Waco body count. The count was certainly inflated by including bone fragments as DOEs.

  • Vernon Wayne Howell Age: 58 Current address Truepeoplesearch: Rr 7, # 7595, Palestine, TX 75803-9807 Previous addresses Truepeoplesearch: 500 S 4th St, Waco, TX 76706-1030 (4/1/1993-4/1/1993); Rr 7, Unit 471B, Waco, TX 76705 (6/1/1988-6/1/1988) aka David Koresh Age: 58 Current address Truepeoplesearch: 2315 Colonial Avenue, Waco, TX 76707-2855 Previous addresses Truepeoplesearch: PO Box 471, Waco, TX 76703-0471 (Dec 1993); PO Box 786, Waco, TX 76703-0786 (Oct 1993); 411 Austin Ave, Waco, TX 76701-2104 (Sep 1993); 471 Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 (Jul 1993)

  • Sherri Lynn Jewell Age: 68 Current address Truepeoplesearch: 5444 E Big Sky Ln, Anaheim, CA 92807-4653 (NOTE: Address does not exist) Previous addresses Truepeoplesearch: 5449 E Big Sky Ln, Anaheim, CA 92807-4562 (Jan 1996) (NOTE: Address exists); 471 Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 (Oct 1992-Jun 1996); 2707 N White Ave, La Verne, CA 91750-4604 (May 1995); 3771 Everest Ave, Riverside, CA 92503-4317 (Feb 1992-Dec 1993); 9007 Mears St, Fairfax, VA 22031-1431 (Dec 1992-Jun 1993); Rr 7 #471, Waco, TX 76705 (Oct 1992); PO Box 471, Waco, TX 76703-0471 (Oct 1992); 7595 Rr 7, Palestine, TX 75803-9807 (Feb 1988-Sep 1992); Rr 7 #7595, Palestine, TX 75803-9807 (Feb 1988) Current address Fastpeoplesearch: 5444 E Big Sky Ln, Anaheim, CA 92807-4653 Previous addresses Fastpeoplesearch: 471 Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 (10/1/1992 - 10/1/1992); 5449 E Big Sky Ln, Anaheim, CA 92807-4652 (1/1/1996-1/1/1996); 2707 N White Ave, La Verne, CA 91750-4604 (5/1/1995-5/1/1995); 3771 Everest Ave, Riverside, CA 92503-4317 (2/29/1992-2/29/1992); 9007 Mears St, Fairfax, VA 22031-1431 (12/1/1992-12/1/1992); Rr 7, Unit 471, Waco, TX 76705 (10/1/1992-10/1/1992)

  • Scott Kojiro Sonobe Age: 60 Current address Spokeo: 178 E Arrow Hwy, Pomona, CA 91767-2104; Current Truepeoplesearch: Deceased 1993 Age: 35; Current Fastpeoplesearch: Deceased 1993 Age 35; Possibly Clyde S. Sonobe Age: 65 Current address Truepeoplesearch: 2842 Henry St, Honolulu, HI 96817-1143 Previous addresses Truepeoplesearch: VAC/26TH Ste Vic Ave #Q6, Palmdale, CA 93550 (Jun 2017); Vac/cor 205th Ste/palmdale Blvd #PALMDALE, Black Point, CA 93591 (Dec 1992-Jun 2017); 1630 Liholiho St #1110, Honolulu, HI 96822-2932 (Jan 2010-Jan 2017); Henry, Honolulu, HI 96817 (Jan 2017); VAC/26TH Ste Vic Ave #Q6, Palmdale, CA 93550 (Jan 2013-Jan 2016); Vac/cor 205th Ste/palmdale Blvd #PALMDALE, Palmdale, CA 93591 (Jan 2010-Jan 2016); 94-258 Kahualena St, Waipahu, HI 96797-3409 (Jan 2010-Jan 2012); 258 Kahualena St, Waipahu, HI 96797 (Sep 2005 - Oct 2006)

  • Douglas Wayne Martin Age: 68 Unverifiable due to large number of matches

  • Mark Howard Wendel Age: 63 Current address Fastpeoplesearch: 178 E Arrow Hwy, Pomona, CA 91767-2104 Previous addresses Fastpeoplesearch: Po Box 503, Palestine, TX 75802-0503 (11/13/2000-11/13/2000); Po Box 671, La Verne, CA 91750-0671 (9/1/1994-9/1/1994); 178 E Arrow Hwy, APT C, Pomona, CA 91767-2104 (5/11/2001-5/11/2001); 178 Arrow Hye, Pomona, CA 91767 (4/1/1995 - 4/1/1995); 471B Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 (4/1/1993-4/1/1993); Cr Brenford, Palestine, TX 75802 (6/1/1996-6/1/1996)

  • Steven Emil Schneider Age: 68 Current address Truepeoplesearch: 2707 N White Ave, La Verne, CA 91750-4604 Previous address Truepeoplesearch: 178 E Arrow Hwy, Pomona, CA 91767-2104 (Dec 1993-Dec 1996); 471 Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 (May 1993-Jun 1996); Rr 7 #471, Waco, TX 76705 (May 1993); PO Box 471, Waco, TX 76703-0471 (Oct 1992); PO Box 1001, Claremont, CA 91711-1001 (Jul 1989); 178 Arrow Hye, Pomona, CA 91767 (Jun 1989)

  • Jeffrey C. Little Age: 56 Current address Fastpeoplesearch: Po Box 394, La Verne, CA 91750-0394 Previous addresses Fastpeoplesearch: 2031 Lomina Ave, Long Beach, CA 90815-3215 (11/13/2000-11/13/2000); 2301 Lomina Ave, Long Beach, CA 90815 (2/1/1994-2/1/1994); 2707 N White Ave, La Verne, CA 91750-4604 (12/1/1993-12/1/1993); 2301 Lomina, Long Beach, CA 90815 (2/1/1994-3/20/2018); 471 Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 (4/1/1988-4/1/1988); Po Box 471, Waco, TX 76703-0471 (4/1/1988-2/1/1994)

  • Nicole E. Little (née Gent) Age: 48 Current address Fastpeoplesearch: Po Box AV La Verne, CA 91750 (11/13/2000-11/13/2000) Previous addresses Fastpeoplesearch: Av Po La Verne, CA 91750 (11/13/2000-3/20/2018); Po Box 7121, La Verne, CA 91750-7121 (11/13/2000-11/13/2000); Po Box Av Ave Ve E Ve Ave Y Av, La Verne, CA 91750 (2/28/1993-2/28/1993); 2031 Lomina Ave, Long Beach, CA 90815-3215 (6/1/1993-6/1/1993); Po Box 394, La Verne, CA 91750-0394 (3/1/1993 - 3/1/1993 Current address Truepeoplesearch: PO Box, La Verne, CA 91750 Previous addresses Truepeoplesearch: 2031 Lomina Ave, Long Beach, CA 90815-3215 (Jun 1993-Feb 2016); PO Box AV, La Verne, CA 91750 (Nov 2000); Av Po, La Verne, CA 91750 (Nov 2000); PO Box 7121, La Verne, CA 91750-7121 (Nov 2000); Po Box Av Ave Ve E Ve Ave Y Av, La Verne, CA 91750 (Feb 1993-Nov 2000); PO Box 394, La Verne, CA 91750-0394 (Mar 1993-Mar 1993); 2707 White Po Box Ave #394, La Verne, CA 91750 (Feb 1993)

  • Jennifer C. Andrade Age: 45 Current address Truepeoplesearch: 3316 Ashburton Dr, Antioch, CA 94509-5197 Previous addresses Truepeoplesearch: Martinez, CA 94553-6001 (Mar 1993-Nov 2008)

  • Katherine Grace Andrade Age: 50 Current address Truepeoplesearch: 249 Blue Ridge Dr Martinez, CA 94553-6001 Previous addresses Truepeoplesearch: 2707 N White Ave, La Verne, CA 91750-4604 (Jan 1993-Aug 1998); PO Box 208, La Verne, CA 91750-0208 (Apr 1990-Sep 1991)

  • Aisha E. Summers Age: 42 Current address Truepeoplesearch: 471 Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 Previous addresses Truepeoplesearch: 178 E Arrow Hwy, Pomona, CA 91767-2104 (Nov 2000); PO Box 512, Claremont, CA 91711-0512 (Aug 1993); Bix Po, Claremont, CA 91711 (Oct 1991 - Jul 1993); PO Box 471, Waco, TX 76703-0471 (Jul 1992); PO Box BIX, Claremont, CA 91711 (Oct 1991); Bix Po Bix, Claremont, CA 91711 (Oct 1991); 178 Arrow Hye, Pomona, CA 91767 (Sep 1991) aka Aisha G. Summers Age: 42 Current address Truepeoplesearch: Rr 9 #78, Parkersburg, WV 26101

  • Florecita Rivera Sonobe Age: 60 Not found; Possibly Flora Sonobe Age: Unknown Current address Truepeoplesearch: 95-208 Ainakuai Pl, Mililani, HI 96789-4223 or Flora

  • G. Rivera Age: 59 Current address Truepeoplesearch: 1505 E 17th St, National City, CA 91950-5020

  • Shari Elayna Doyle Age: 44 Current address Truepeoplesearch: 1204 Briarwood Ct, Rocky Hill, CT 06067-3831 Previous addresses Truepeoplesearch: 2815 Ellington Rd, South Windsor, CT 06074-1721 (Apr 2000 - Jul 2017); 12 Patton St, Hartford, CT 06118-2328 (Jul 1993-Apr 2000); 12 Patton St, East Hartford, CT 06118-2328 (Oct 1995-Aug 1999); 83 Brookwood Dr #A, Rocky Hill, CT 06067-2710 (Apr 1997-Jul 1997)

  • David Michael Jones Age: 63 Current address Truepeoplesearch: 471B Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 Previous addresses Truepeoplesearch: 471B Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 (Dec 2016); Rr 4 #556, Waco, TX 76705 (Nov 2000); 368 Beaver Ln, Waco, TX 76705-4949 (Jun 1993-Nov 2000); PO Box 556, Waco, TX 76703-0556 (Aug 1993 - Dec 1996); 610 Coahuila Dr, Robinson, TX 76706-5555 (Oct 1996); 243 Rr 4, Waco, TX 76705 (Nov 1994- Sep 1996); Rr 4 #243, Waco, TX 76705 (Nov 1994); PO Box 243, Waco, TX 76703-0243 (Nov 1994); PO Box 471B, Waco, TX 76703-0471 (Dec 1993); PO Box 3044, Waco, TX 76707-0044 (Nov 1991)

  • Novellette Hipsman Age: 62 Current address Truepeoplesearch: 471B Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 Previous addresses Truepeoplesearch: 1015 NE 163rd St #21, North Miami Beach, FL 33162-3817 (Oct 1990 - Dec 1993); Rr 7 #471B, Waco, TX 76705 (Aug 1993); PO Box 471B, Waco, TX 76703-0471 (Aug 1993); Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 (Aug 1993); 1250 NE 136th Ter, North Miami, FL 33161-3419 (Sep 1991-Feb 1992); PO Box 154081, Waco, TX 76715-4081(Feb 1992)

  • Gregory Allen Summers Age: 53 Current address Truepeoplesearch: PO Box 411, Salemburg, NC 28385-0411 Previous addresses Truepeoplesearch: 65 Archibald Ln, Salemburg, NC 28385-8408 (Oct 2009); 78 Rr 9 #78, Parkersburg, WV 26101 (Oct 1993-Mar 2008); 10 Carolina Est, Cameron, NC 28326 (Mar 2006); 2147 Hollandtown Rd, Salemburg, NC 28385-9254 (Apr 1999 - Jun 2005); 65 Archibalb P Ln, Salemburg, NC 28385 (Jun 2004); Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 (May 1996 - Jan 2004) 411 Rr, Salemburg, NC 28385 (Dec 2001-Aug 2002); 309 Cooper Ave, Spring Lake, NC 28390-9039 (Jul 2001); 115 Ruth St Fayetteville, NC 28305-4937 (Aug 1995-Dec 2000); 471 Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 (Nov 2000); 178 E Arrow Hwy, Pomona, CA 91767-2104 (Nov 1992 - Nov 2000); 184 Rashell Ln, Cameron, NC 28326-7381 (Aug 1998-Mar 1999); 469 Rr 2, Garland, NC 28441 (Feb 1992-Sep 1998); PO Box 471, Waco, TX 76703-0471 (Jul 1992-Dec 1996); Bix Po, Claremont, CA 91711 (Dec 1993); 2613 Dumbarton Rd, Fayetteville, NC 28306-2715 (Jun 1990-Dec 1993); PO Box 512, Claremont, CA 91711-0512 (Nov 1991-Sep 1993); 4592 Camden Rd, Fayetteville, NC 28306-8583 (Feb 1989-Sep 1992); PO Box 469, Garland, NC 28441-0469 (Sep 1992)

  • Judy Violet Schneider Age: 66 Current address Truepeoplesearch: 471 Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 Previous addresses Truepeoplesearch: 600 Trout Creek Rd, Oneida, WI 54155-9101 (Jul 2001); PO Box 1001, Claremont, CA 91711-1001 (Nov 2000); Rr 7 #471, Waco, TX 76705 (Jul 1994); 831 E Hudson St, Poynette, WI 53955-9353 (Sep 1981-Dec 1993); PO Box 11226, Honolulu, HI 96828-0226 (Jan 1989-Dec 1993); 4165 N Overland Rd, Oneida, WI 54155-9271 (Oct 1981-Jun 1993); PO Box 471, Waco, TX 76703-0471 (Oct 1992); 178 E Arrow Hwy, Pomona, CA 91767-2104 (Feb 1989-Feb 1991); 178 Arrow Hye, Pomona, CA 91767 (Feb 1989-Jun 1989)

  • Joseph R. Martinez Age: 34 Not found

  • Isaiah Noel Martinez Age: 26 Not found

  • Julieta S. Martinez Age: 55 Current address Truepeoplesearch: 8990 Richmond Ave #1605, Houston, TX 77063-4938 Previous addresses Truepeoplesearch: 8990 Richmond Ave #907, Houston, TX 77063-4935 (Apr 2012-Oct 2016); 8990 Richmond Ave #1107, Houston, TX 77063-4936 (Aug 2012-Oct 2012); 4001 Ace St, Houston, TX 77063-5225 (Jan 2007-Jan 2012); 2501 Tanglewilde St #66, Houston, TX 77063-1279 (Aug 2004-Jul 2005); 4001 St, Houston, TX 77063 (Nov 2004); 1601 Hollyhurst Ln, Houston, TX 77056- 3302 (Oct 2002); 6360 Skyline Dr, Houston, TX 77057-6902 (Nov 2000); 2120 Fountain View Dr #34, Houston, TX 77057-3652 (May 1998); 6360 Sykeline, Houston, TX 77057 (Feb 1990-Dec 1996); 2929 Rolido Dr #192, Houston, TX 77063-4371 (Feb 1992-May 1995); 6352 Windswept Ln, Houston, TX 77057-7282 (Mar 1989-Dec 1993); 2602 Westerland Dr #C44, Houston, TX 77063-3343 (Apr 1989-Jan 1990)

  • Audrey Ann Martinez Age: 38 Current address Truepeoplesearch: 14600 Spanish Point Dr, El Paso, TX 79938-5311 Previous addresses Truepeoplesearch: 504 Ben Swain Dr El Paso, TX 79915-4110 (Sep 2005-Dec 2013); 8537 Mackenzie Living With Fam, El Paso, TX 79907 (Jul 2013); 8537 Mackenzie Dr, El Paso, TX 79907-2747 (Mar 2000 - Jul 2012); PO Box 20998, El Paso, TX 79998-0998 (Mar 2007); 5022 Conley Rd #14, El Paso, TX 79932-1596 (Feb 2003 - Jul 2005); 801 Houston St, El Paso, TX 79903-4521 (Dec 2004 - Dec 2004) 10505 Gran Cima Ln #701, El Paso, TX 79935-2226 (Apr 2003); 1601 N Lee Trevino Dr, El Paso, TX 79936-5167 (Nov 2001 - Feb 2002); 7190 Fatima Ave, El Paso, TX 79915-4204 (Dec 2001); 8008 Alamo Ave, El Paso, TX 79907-1202 (Jul 2001); 1815 Norma Ln #A, Edinburg, TX 78539-5918 (May 2000)

  • Abigail Martinez Age: 37 Not found

  • Chanel Andrade Age: 26 Possibly Brittany Chanel Andrade Current address Truepeoplesearch: 1484 Jessica Ln #D, Gardnerville, NV 89410-5142

  • Lorraine J. Sylvia Age: 66 Current address Truepeoplesearch: Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 Previous addresses Truepeoplesearch: Rr 7 #471B, Waco, TX 76705 (Jul 2001); 839 Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 (Jul 1996)

  • Rachel Olivia Susan Jones Age: 49 Not found

  • Hollywood Sylvia Age: 28 Possibly Holly L. Sylvia Current address Trueeoplesearch: 319 Northwest St, Acushnet, MA 02743-1727

  • Rachel E. Sylvia Age: 39 Current address Treupeoplesearch: 3131 Leyland Ct, Decatur, GA 30034-7337

  • Michelle Jones Koresh Age: 43 Not found

  • Jaydean Aliimauloa Wendel Age: 59 Current address Fastpeoplesearch: Po Box 4324, Ontario, CA 91761-8824 Previous addresses Fastpeoplesearch: Po Box 503, Palestine, TX 75802-0503 (9/1/1992-9/1/1992); Po Box 671, La Verne, CA 91750-0671 (9/1/1994-9/1/1994); 9816 Avalon St, Alta Loma, CA 91701-5105 (12/1/1992-12/1/1992); 7595 Rr 7, Palestine, TX 75803-9807 (1/1/1993-1/1/1993); 471B Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 (8/31/1992-3/20/2018); 9816 Avalon St, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701-5105 (12/1/1992-12/1/1992)

  • Peter James Hipsman Age: 53 Current address Fastpeoplesearch: 471B Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 Previous addresses Fastpeoplesearch: Rr 7, Unit 154081, Waco, TX 76705 (7/13/2001-7/13/2001); 154081 Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 (7/13/2001 - 7/13/2001); 471 Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 (3/31/1992-3/31/1992); Po Box 512, Claremont, CA 91711-0512 (4/1/1992-4/1/1992); 178 Arrow Hye, Pomona, CA 91767 (1/1/1991-1/1/1991); Rr 7, Unit 471B, Waco, TX 76705 (6/1/1992-6/1/1992)

  • Michael Dean Schroeder Age: 55 Current address Spokeo: 33439 Arthur Dr Zephyrhills, FL 33543-4985 Current address Truepeoplesearch: 471 Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 Previous addresses Truepeoplesearch: 3823 SW 84th St, Miami, FL 33183-4421 (Dec 1986- Dec 1996); 33439 Arthur Dr, Zephyrhills, FL 33543-4985 (Sep 1989-Jun 1996); Rr 7 #471, Waco, TX 76705 (Aug 1993); PO Box 471, Waco, TX 76703-0471 (Aug 1993); 11120 SW 196th St #201, Cutler Bay, FL 33157-8306 (Jan 1987-Aug 1989


For comparison, and verification purposes, we also provide current and previous addresses for a few of the known Branch Davidian survivors of the 1993 operation.

  • Ruth Ellen Riddle Age: 54 Current address Fastpeoplesearch: 500 S 4th St, Waco, TX 76706-1030 Previous addresses Fastpeoplesearch: Po Box 7461, La Verne, CA 91750- 7461 (8/1/1993 - 11/1/2001); 500 S 4th St, UNIT B, Waco, TX 76706-1030 (2/1/1990-2/1/1990); Po Box 471B, Waco, TX 76703-0471 (12/1/1993-12/1/1993); Po Box, Palestine, TX 75802 (2/1/1990 - 8/1/1993); 471B Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 (8/31/1993-8/31/1993); Po Box 471, Waco, TX 76703-0471 (5/1/1993-5/1/1993)

  • Paul Gordon Fatta Age: 60 Current address Fastepeoplesearch: 600 Palm Ave, STE 117, Imperial Beach, CA 91932-1245 Previous addresses Fastpeoplesearch: 471 Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 (2/1/1990-2/1/1990); 3780 Ingraham St, San Diego, CA 92109-6764 (8/12/2004- 8/12/2004); 2707 N White Ave, La Verne, CA 91750-4604 (6/1/1995 - 9/1/1995); 2045 Emerald St, San Diego, CA 92109-3566 (3/22/2006 - 3/22/2006); 152 Summit Dr, Pismo Beach, CA 93449-3278 (4/8/2003 - 4/8/2003); 3600 Guard Rd, # 61154079, Lompoc, CA 93436-2705 (6/11/2004-6/11/2004)

  • Jeannine Noelle Bunds Age: 76 Current address Truepeoplesearch: 2695 Linde Vista Dr, Rialto, CA 92377-3415 Previous addresses Truepeoplesearch: 178 E Arrow Hwy, Pomona, CA 91767-2104 (Sep 2005-Dec 2006); 650 E Bonita Ave #1204, San Dimas, CA 91773-2756 (Mar 2002-Nov 2002); 650 E Onieta Ave #1204, San Dimas, CA 91773 (May 2002); 650 Onieta Ave E #1204, San Dimas, CA 91773 (May 2002); 8815 1/2 Fenwick St Sunland, CA 91040-1903 (Oct 1991-Jan 2002); 20918 Flaming Arrow Trl, Crosby, TX 77532-3240 (Nov 2001); 1917 Woodland Dr, Pine Mountain Club, CA 93222 (Nov 2000-Sep 2001); 101 W Red Oak Rd, Red Oak, TX 75154-6335 (Jan 1998-Jun 2001); PO Box 6066 Frazier Park, CA 93222-6066 (Oct 2000); 471 Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 (Apr 1994-Jun 1996); 178 Arrow Hye, Pomona, CA 91767 (Aug 1993-Aug 1995); 471B Rr 7, Waco, TX 76705 (Aug 1995); 1716 N Avenue 56, Los Angeles, CA 90042-1119 (Jun 1995); 8815 Fenwick St Sunland, CA 91040-1903 (Apr 1994 - Apr 1994); PO Box 471, Waco, TX 76703-0471 (Apr 1994); 46B Rr 1, Waco, TX 76712 (Nov 1991-Jun 1993); PO Box 46B, Waco, TX 76703-0046 (Nov 1991); PO Box 471B, Waco, TX 76703-0471 (Jan 1989)


The BATF investigation report, made public as an affidavit for the search warrant, was a key part of the official story about the Waco operation. Though it was scripted as an official document, it can also be read as the synopsis for Episode One of the Waco drama. In my view it functions better as the synopsis, but in any case, the “report” gives the readers important clues. Notice that Ms. Sparks of the Human Services department, describing her tour of Mt. Carmel on April 6, 1992, “felt the entire walk through the compound was staged for her by Koresh”. Let´s take her word for it. What did “cult leader Koresh” tell her at the end of the tour? He said he was the “Messenger” from God, that the world was coming to an end, and that when he “reveals” himself the riots in Los Angeles would pale in comparison to what was going to happen in Waco, Texas. He further explained that it would be a “military type operation” and that “non-believers” would have to suffer. Was this a creepy prediction by an “evil Messiah”, or was it foreknowledge of the forthcoming Waco reality show? If we go for the latter, and assume that Ms. Sparks was not an actor in the Waco show, we can deduce that the Waco drama was already scripted in April 1992, and that the actors were on the payroll. What else happened in April 1992? Well, Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas clinched the Democratic nomination. On election day, November 3, 1992, he won 43% of the popular vote and a wide majority in the Electoral College. On January 20, 1993, William Jefferson Clinton was inaugurated as 42nd President of the United States. As mentioned, Bill and Hillary Clinton are known to have run the Waco operation from the White House. They were in the White House by February 1993.

Opportunity: Check.

How was the Waco reality drama staged and enacted? As mentioned, we can read the synopsis for Episode One in the investigation report. This is a good start, because it sets the stage for the entire series. What is notable is that the Mt. Carmel compound was secluded and well guarded before the February 28, 1993 kick-off. The “surprise raid” was of course caught on camera, since a TV crew was invited to document the event. That´s what happens at “suprise raids”, right? After the show had started, access to the site was of course strictly controlled. Visual images and footage was provided by the federal agencies. Fortunately, aerial photos were available already, and further aerial footage was shot from helicopters. As for the audio, telephone lines were tapped, and later, there were leaked tapes of phone calls between “cult leaders” and “negotiators”. In addition to interviews with “ex-Branch Davidians”, reports about the statements of unpredicable “cult members” were the only “evidence” of what was really going on inside the compound. David Koresh did of course provide some “home videos” from inside the compound, where he “interviewed” his innocent children and showed off the “wound” to his stomach. Footage was also available as “hostages were released from the compound”, keeping viewers glued to the TV as the show went on. Most of the freed hostages were children, who were too young and “too traumatized” to give news interviews. This provided ample scope for news anchors to make suggestive remarks on the ongoings in the compound. Once the back story was firmly established, the horrific details could be left to the viewers´ imagination. It´s fair to conclude that the events of the initial raid, the 51-day siege, and the grand finale on April 19, 1993, were all relayed to the news channels in carefully scripted updates from law enforcement agencies, produced for viewers by the big media companies.

Operations such as this are meant to terrorize the public, not to kill the actors. How would they be able to cast new actors in the future, if they were unable to convince the actors of their safety and benefits after the curtains fall? Nevertheless, there may have been fatal accidents during the Waco production. One of the BATF officers may have fallen off the roof. Somebody may have been accidently killed inside the compound. This cannot be ruled out.

However, nearly all the bodies of the victims were conveniently cremated in the fiery inferno, and later the remains were also left to decompose further for days, in the scorching heat of a closed cattle trailer parked on the Mt. Carmel production site. For unknown reasons, the body of Michael Schroeder was also left to decompose, as mentioned above. At this point, I believe the story about the decomposed body was indeed a cover-up for something else. It was a cover-up for the fact that Michael Schroeder had not been killed by BATF agents. Rather, along with Vernon Wayne Howell, Steven Schneider and who knows how many other “Branch Davidians”, he was an actor in the Waco reality show.

Means: Check.

Now for the motive. Why on earth would a US President and his First Lady launch a psychological operation that made the attorney general and federal law enforcement agencies look so completely incompetent, foolish and cruel? Why would they stage a “military type operation” for live TV coverage, in which innocent babies, prophets of the Lord (sinful or not) and free spirits in a commune appeared to be murdered in a fiery inferno? Are the script writers sick, or is there a method to the madness? Let´s assume the latter.

Terror, shock and awe conditions the public to think of the world as dangerous, crazy and incomprehensible. Terror at home, in the American heartland, creates a perceived need for counter-terror and generates massive funding for agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security. Money is of course the oldest motive in the book. Secondly, black operations serve to coopt people into black networks. Let´s call it the Deep State, but keep in mind that these networks are transnational, and often enmeshed with intelligence agencies such as Mossad and MI6. The Deep State controls secretive agencies that are exempt from checks and balances, and regulations that would normally ensure transparency. In short, secretive agencies can spend their funds and run their operations above and beyond the law, under the cover of “national security”. However, for good measure, these networks also want to run the law.

The Deep State seeks both funds, power and human resouces. All of these are secured with the help of black operations. Key people are framed. Attorney General Janet Reno, who was sitting at the very top of the US law enforcement pyramid, was framed with the help of Waco. When she realized that Waco was a psychological operation, it was too late. After the sinister play had started, how could she stop it? How could she put an end to a high-level, most likely transnational, psyop involving agencies that she herself was supposed to control? Janet Reno was manipulated into a classic catch-22 situation. By the time she realized it, her options were either to committ career suicide, or play along. In the aftermath, after all other curtains had fallen, the only leverage she had was to blow the lid off the Waco psyop, and expose it as the staged “military type operation” it was. And that´s exactly what she threatened to do, when she said to Bill Clinton: “If you don´t appoint me, I´m going to tell the truth about Waco”.

Motive: Check.

End of story.

Miles here for a wrap-up. That obviously isn't the end of that story. My anonymous author has found some good starts here, but more needs to be done to flesh out this expose. For one thing, I don't think this project came out of the White House. Nothing comes out of the White House except hot air. The Clintons were and are just actors, so they did not authorize anything. This came out of Intel, and Intel is controlled by the trillionaires. Same for Reno. She wasn't an innocent dupe in any of this. She agreed to her part, I'm sure. Also remember I tripped over what I would call the central clue on Koresh in my research on MLK. This is what led my guest author here to do what he did above. There we found a current Intelius page for Vernon W. Howell of Waco, age 58, listed as still living in Waco.

Not only that, we found this Howell had previously lived in Beverly Hills and Santa Monica, CA, and Washington DC. Not only that, we found he had previously worked at the US Treasury Department. You aren't normally told that, are you? I screenshotted the page and published it there, if you don't believe me. I said in that paper, that alone was enough to blow the entire event, and I still maintain that. Why is that link so important? Well, remember that ATF played a prominent role in Waco. ATF stands for Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. It is currently a subset of the Department of Justice. However, that only happened in 2001. Before 2001, ATF was a bureau of the Department of Treasury. This indicates Koresh was probably working for ATF before the event. It was simply a matter of ATF pretending to attack itself, you see. More indication of that is what is now admitted: three of Clinton's former campaign bodyguards were also ATF, and they were three of the four allegedly killed in the first gun battle at Mt. Carmel. See above. Also curious that Waco has a suburb named Beverly Hills. You will tell me Koresh's Intelius listing is for Beverly Hills, TX, not Beverly Hills, CA. But no. I checked it. Koresh lived in Beverly Hills, CA, home of the very wealthy. Not only that, but Koresh has the name Beverly in his genealogy. His maternal aunt is named Beverly Clark. So someone should look into the naming of Beverly Hills, Waco. Remember, we found that Steve Martin was also from Waco, and there used to be a major military base there (Connally AFB). The airfield is still in operation as TSTC Airport. It is supposedly owned by the small Technical College, but that doesn't make much sense. It is the largest airport owned by a college or university, and TSTC is only a two-year college with 3,700 students. So why does it need to own a major airfield? TSTC provides mostly vocational training «for people entering the workforce or in the midst of a career change». So there is no clear reason for them to own an airport. Also curious is that despite being owned by a small college, the airport reports operations (takeoffs and landings) at around 72,000 a year—which is a lot. I suggest we aren't be told the real story, as usual. We find hints of the real story at Wiki, where we find General Dynamics stayed on after the Air Force allegedly left. So did Raytheon, which was there in 1993. So the TSTC ownership is just a cover. Raytheon sold its facilities there to L-3 Communications in 2002, and they are still there. We have seen L-3 before, haven't we? See my paper on the Las Vegas hoax. They spun out of Lockheed and Martin Marietta. They also own some previous subsidiaries of General Dynamics, such as the Combat Propulsion Systems. In fact, the dates are kind of spooky, given the event we are studying. Lockheed and Martin Marietta merged in. . . 1993. L-3 then bought parts of that merger in 1997. One of the L-3 partners was Lehman Brothers, at the time the 4th largest investment bank in the US. Guess who was the Vice-Chairman of Lehman Brothers in 1993? Howard L. Clark, Jr. Koresh's mother was a Clark, as you are about to see below. Anyway, today L-3 is one of the largest employers in Waco, with about the same number of employees as Baylor University. Wiki has a page for Beverly Hills, TX, but gives us no history of the place. Something is also going on there we aren't being told. One thing we find with little research is that Texas Christian University used to be located in Waco before 1910, when it moved to Fort Worth. Guess who founded TCU? The Clarks.

[Addendum July 2, 2018: Getting nowhere on Beverly Hills, TX, I instead looked up the history of Beverly Hills, CA. You won't believe what I found. It is named for Beverly, MA, which is in which county? Essex. Beverly was originally a part of. . . yep, Salem. All road lead back to Salem with these families, as we know. Beverly is both the birthplace of America's Navy and of the American Industrial Revolution. It is the site of the first and largest cotton mill in America. You know who own cotton mills and always has. Beverly was named for Beverley in England, which is in Northumberland—a part of the Percy's lands. As we know, they are powerful Dukes linked closely to the other top families like the Stanleys and Spencer-Churchills. We will see that David Koresh has links to them in his genealogy. As for Beverly Hills, CA, we are told that in the early years Jews were forbidden from owning property there, but that is the usual joke. The area was owned by Jews or crypto-Jews from the beginning, and still is. Which brings us back to Beverly Hills, TX. With both Steve Martin and David Koresh, we have seen previously hidden links between Waco and Hollywood/Beverly Hills. So something is going on in Waco we haven't been told. It is a spookier place than you thought, and it now appears the fake Mt. Carmel event wasn't run there by accident. The main link appears to be military: especially L-3 and their precursors. But those military links are due to family links, and we are starting to see which families those are. You will see more just below.] This sends us back to the genealogies. Turns out Howell's mother is a Clark. We have seen that both the Clarks and the Howells are prominent in the families. Howell also has several Levis in his lines. Howell is also an Adams, of the Adams of Northumberland, VA. At that time he is also a Stacy, a Kemp, a Wroughton, a Hicks and a Hickox. Note the name Wroughton, since agent George Buchanan Roden of the Waco event (who allegedly inherited Mt. Carmel in 1950) was also a Wroughton. Also note his middle name, which may link him to President Buchanan. That last link is from around 1700, but the Adams in Howell's line were marrying Wroughtons much later. Before that, we can trace his Adams line directly to Essex County, MA. That is the county of Salem, of course. Howell's direct ancestor was William Adams of Ipswich. William's brother was Sir Thomas Adams, Lord Mayor of London. This links us to the Adams who became Presidents, of course. They founded nearby Braintree, only a few miles from Ipswich. These Adams were related to the Owens.

So, turns out Koresh is closely related to at least two Presidents. And you know what that means: he was closely related to all of them. All the Presidents are related, and much more closely than you are told. Which means he is related to Bill Clinton. Yes, David Koresh is a cousin of Bill Clinton. Also a cousin of Hillary Clinton. Sort of shines a whole new light on the event, doesn't it?

Even more action must exist in Howell's paternal line, but that has been completely scrubbed. Geni lists no one before his father. My guess is he is a Bush in that line. Why? Because three Bushes have been mayor of Waco, and they are also closely related to the Clarks. It is also interesting to find a page for David Koresh at Rootsweb, which admits he is an 8th cousin of Tim Dowling. This links him to the Dowlings of the peerage, which links him to many Kings of England and Scotland. Tim Dowling is proud to be a near cousin of many high- ranking people, as you may know. It also links him to Hitler, as we saw in my paper on Hitler's genealogy. Hitler was closely related to the Stuart-Houstons, who were closely related to the Dowlings. However, we can make a possible link to the Bushes through the Smiths in Vernon Howell's mother's line. Koresh's grandfather was a Smith, and his great-grandmother was Sarah Bushnel of New York. She is scrubbed at Rootsweb, as we would expect. Are the Bushes and Bushnels related? Probably, since they are both closely related to the Warners of New England.

Since the genealogy sites don't want to tell us anything about Koresh's Howells, let's try There we find the Howells related to the Russells, which immediately links us to the Bushes. There is a Baron Howell, currently of Guildford. They are also related to the Kings and Smiths, including the Smith Baronets. Vernon Howell is also a Smith. The peerage Howells are also related to the Warrens, just like the Bushes and Vernon Howell. We also find something very interesting in the peerage. We find a Beatrice Howell, daughter of Henry Hudson Howell of Semmes, AL. She married Joe Grubbs, son of Lydia Parr Stacy. Didn't we just find Vernon Howell was a Stacy? We certainly did, and they were from. . . Alabama (at the time Howell was an Adams). Before that, these Stacys were from. . . Ipswich and Salem. Just like the Howells and Adams. What is more, we can link Lydia Parr Stacy to Texas. Amazingly, that same page also links her to Santa Monica, CA, since she died there in 1944. Why is that important? We just found Vernon Howell had lived in Santa Monica, according to Intelius. Her son by her first husband is Max Stacy, born in Texas. These Stacys also married the Churchills, Pratts, and Fullers of Salem, which means they were also connected to all the prominent families we have been following for years. If you think it is just a coincidence Vernon Howell has so many links to them, you need to cut your dosages. One final comment on the way out. There are a lot of Jones in the list of deceased at Mt. Carmel, and most of them are untraceable. This is curious for any number of reasons, not the least of which is that Alex Jones made a name for himself in the very earliest years talking about Waco and Oklahoma City. He later organized the rebuilding of the Branch Davidian Church, which was always strange. My guess is Jones is related to these people as well (although he is also basically untraceable—his Geni page is empty of all information). You will say Jones is a common surname and this is just a coincidence. I don't believe in these sorts of coincidences anymore, and you now know why. You may also wish to go back to the top of the paper here and ask yourself why decided to lead with that photo of Koresh for its show 48 Hours. It's yet another clue.


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