and everyone in between

by Miles Mathis
First published November 24, 2016
As usual, this is just my opinion—except for all the data from Wikipedia and Geni, which is not just my opinion.
Daisy Ridley played the lead Rey in StarWars VII, which came out in 2015. She will appear as the same character again in 2017 in Star Wars VIII. You may have wondered where she came from, and I am here to tell you. We are told her great-uncle was the British actor William Arnold Ridley, but if you go to his genealogy you hit a dead end. His lineage has been scrubbed. However, I knew where to look, so I bypassed that wall with one leap. On a hunch, all I did was search on “Baronet Ridley”.

Guess what I found? Sir Matthew White Ridley, 5th Baronet Ridley, Home Secretary from 1895 to 1900. He was later made Viscount Ridley and Baron Wensleydale. He was a Member of Parliament for Northumberland. Remember that for later. Also remember that he was buried at his home in Blagdon Hall, near Seaton Burn, on the northern edge of Tyne and Wear. This Ridley married Cecilia Parke, daughter of James Parke, 1st Baron Wensleydale, Baron of the Exchequer from 1833. His daughter Grace married Roundell Palmer, 3rd Earl of Selborne. The Ridleys are also related to Nicholas Ridley-Colborne, 1st Baron Colborne, brother of the third Baronet Ridley. They are also related to the Gurdons, Barons Cranworth. Also the Barons Loch. Also the Barons O'Hagan. Also the Brownes, Barons Oranmore. Also the Leghs (Lees), Barons Newton. Also the Pagets, Earls of Uxbridge and Marquesses of Anglesey. Also through them to the Stewarts, Earls of Galloway and the Spencer- Churchills, Dukes of Marlborough. Also the Bernards, Earls of Bandon, and through them to the Lewises, including C. S. Lewis. Also the Wodehouses, Earls of Kimberly. Also the Flowers, Viscounts Ashbrook. Also the Marjoribanks, Barons Tweedmouth. Also the Leslies, peers from Glaslough. Also the Beresfords, Marquesses of Waterford. Also the Davenports, Stracheys, Parsons and Gores. Also the Brinckmans and Broadheads, and through them to the Baronets Dashwood. Also to Maj. General Sir William White, KCMG, and Maj. General Charles White, CB. Also to two General Higginsons, and through them to the Needhams, Earls of Kilmoray. Also the Bonham Carters. Jasper Ridley married Helen Bonham Carter, making Daisy Ridley a near cousin of Helena Bonham Carter. Why don't they tell you that, I wonder?

I guess Daisy Ridley will also be coupling with tunafish in a few years. Daisy is also related to Alexander Konstantinowitsch Graf von Benckendorff, the Russian ambassador to England under Nicholas II. His father and uncle were generals in the Russian army.
On her mother's side, we are told she is from landed gentry, but that also looks like it is false. There again, she is probably from the peerage. Her mother is née Fawkner-Corbett, and there are Fawkners in the peerage. See William Augustus Fawkner, d. 1811. His mother was Harriet Churchill, linking him to the highest levels of the peerage. We already saw the Churchills above and we will see them several more time below. Since we already found the Ridleys linked to the Churchills, it is very likely we have the right Fawkners here as well. Harriet's father was Lt. General (3-star) Charles Churchill, and her grandfather was also a general, the younger brother of the Duke of Marlborough. This great-uncle of Harriet was John Churchill, the first Duke. He was also General of the entire British Army, making him 5-star. He was leader of the allied forces in the War of the Spanish Succession. He was the richest man in England under Queen Anne.
William Fawkner's sister Henrietta married Robert Spencer, linking them to the Spencer-Churchills a second time. Robert's grandfather was Lt. General Charles Spencer, 3rd Duke of Marlborough. His maternal grandfather was John Churchill, you see. Charles' daughter married Henry Herbert, 10 th Earl of Pembroke.
Corbett is also a big name in the peerage, with 350 people listed as Corbett, Corbet, or Corbitt. There were many Baronets, but the last I found was John Vincent Corbet, 7th Baronet, b. 1911. No date of death is listed. What I take to be his sister Helen was born in 1913, and she married a Russell. Another Baronet is also interesting, that being Walter Orlando Corbet, d. 1910. He married a Stewart, the daughter of a Captain James Affleck Stewart. If you wondered where Ben Affleck came from, there is a clue for you.

[But let's return to William Fawkner for a moment. Sounds like William Faulkner, doesn't it? Any relation? Yep. It appears that Fawkner and Faulkner were both originally variants of Falconer. If we go to the writer William Faulkner's genealogy, we find the “u” was added late. It was Falkner even in the time of Bill's dad. So we are already one step closer to Fawkner. If we go back to Faulker's 3g- grandfather, also William, d. 1807, we find he married a cousin, since his wife's middle name was Falconer. They make it look like it was her last name, but if you click on her you find her last name was. . . wait for it. . . Spencer! We can't link her to the Spencers here, since they stop the line there. But we know she was a cousin, since if we go back a few more generations the Falkners become Falconers or Faulconers. And they were from Wales. But we get more clues. The writer William Faulkner's brother was named Dean Swift Falkner. Note the name Swift, which I have linked to all these families in recent papers. It links us to Jonathan Swift, Taylor Swift, the peers in Anglesey (Wales), Henry VII, and of course Spencer-Churchill again. We also find that Faulkner's wife was an Oldham, and that her line is scrubbed. However, there are Oldhams in the peerage, related to the Russells, Montagues, Fitzjohns and Stewarts. Faulkner was also descended from Stewarts, so he was probably marrying a cousin. We also find Dickinsons in the Faulkner genealogy. Faulkner's 3g- grandmother was a Dickinson, linking him to Emily Dickinson, and probably Angie and Janice Dickinson. We previously saw that Emily Dickinson was related to Brad Pitt via the Hammers. We also find Pearces in Faulkners recent line, which is a variant of Pierce/Peirce. We found that name in my paper on the Lizzie Borden hoax and several other papers, linked tightly to all these families— including the prominent Russells. We also find Fords in Faulkner's line. And how about this for a final non-coincidence? The Faulkners were from Ripley, Mississippi.]
So, if you thought Daisy had to beat out thousands of girls worldwide for this part, you are probably wrong. I would guess she only had to beat out about a dozen girls her age and size from the peerage.

Is Daisy Ridley related to Ridley Scott? I suspect the answer is yes, although it is not easy to verify. Ridley Scott's lineage has been scrubbed past his parents, and even his mother's maiden name is not given at most sites. Wiki gives it as Elizabeth Jean Williams, but no other information is available. His father was a Colonel, which—given the circumstances—I take as a red flag. My guess is Ridley is a family name, originally a surname, linking Ridley to these Ridleys. In support of that, we find Scott was born in South Shields, Tyne and Wear, Northumberland. Same place we found Baronet Ridley being buried. Blagdon Hall is about five miles northwest of South Shields.
That clue is enticing, but to get more we have to work a bit harder. This will force us to beat the bushes, which—as you will see—will be fruitful, as usual. Also just a few miles north of Tyne and Wear is Howick Hall, historical seat of the Earls Grey. Yes, the tea is named after them. These Earls are descended from the Greys who tried to put Lady Jane Grey on the throne in 1553. The Greys are closely related to the Barings, one of whom was Governor of Kenya and High Commissioner for Southern Africa in the late 1940s. His father was the Earl of Cromer, first British ruler of Egypt. They were from the superwealthy Baring banking family. Barings Bank is the second oldest merchant bank in the world, and the Barings originally came from Germany. Before that they were wool merchants of Bremen. In 1817 the Duc de Richelieu is reported to have listed the six great powers of Europe as England, France, Prussia, Austria, Russia and Barings Bank. The Barings deny being Jewish, but that denial falls a bit flat at this point in history.
The poet Byron ran interference for the Barings; see Don Juan:
Who keeps the world both old and new, in pain
Or pleasure? Who makes politicians run gibber all?
The shade of Buonaparte's double daring?
Jew Rothschild and his fellow, Christian Baring.
He is sure to tell us they were Christian. The problem? Byron was also a crypto-Jew, possibly paid to write that. Through his mother Byron was a Gordon, and we already saw them above, as Gurdons. The two names are probably just variants, which would make Byron a cousin to these Barings. At any rate, Gordon is a common Jewish surname, derived from Grodno in Belarus. Byron's matrilineal line is actually turned, since it was originally Davidson. Byron's maternal g-grandfather was a Davidson, but he gave his wife's name to his children. That's a bit odd for many reasons, not the least of which is that Davidson is said to have inherited the Gordon lineage from his wife. Her father was the 9 th of Gight, she was the 10th, and Davidson was the 11th. How does that work? Also note the huge clue Byron gives you in the line before that, concerning Buonaparte. He tells us that Rothschild and Baring are the “shades” behind Napoleon. Or, they are in the shadows behind him, managing him. The spooks. But there is more, since he tells you Napoleon is involved in “double daring”. What is a double daring? A hoax. See my paper on Napoleon. Also don't forget to ask yourself this: since Byron was not French but English, why would his hero be Napoleon—during the Napoleonic Wars? Yes, Byron was of military age at that time, and England was of course an enemy of France. Remember Wellington?

Before we move on, I wish to go back to Barings Bank for a moment. We are told it collapsed in 1995 due to the actions of one derivatives trader named Nick Leeson (above), who lost over a billion dollars. There is no chance the given story is true. Here are your clues. One, we are told that Leeson was hired by Coutts Bank in 1985. But since he was born in 1967, he would have been 18, with no university degree. Two, we are told that Leeson was appointed general manager of the futures market of SIMEX for Barings Bank in 1992, despite having been denied a broker's license in the UK due to fraud on his application. We are told Barings knew this but didn't disclose the fact to authorities in Singapore. Right. Plus, he was only 25 in 1992. What major bank would hire a 25-year-old with no degree to be chief trader and general manager? Three, almost all his losses were posted on an error account, to hide the transactions from his bosses. Right. That wouldn't hide the losses from anyone, it would just make them more noticeable. Four, the number of this error account was 88888. Right. Seems like a short account number to me. Also a bit obvious as numerology, knowing what we now know. And why would they make this account number a prominent part of the story? Is that really important: to know the number of this error account? We are told he used the number 8 because it was lucky in Chinese numerology, rhyming with “prosper”. But he wouldn't have been responsible for choosing the number of the error account, the computer would. Five, we are told Barings allowed Leeson to hold two jobs at once, being both chief trader and settler of the same trades. This means we are supposed to believe he was hired as his own overseer. Banks don't do this, because it would be begging for just this sort of fraud. It isn't done. Singapore auditors confirmed all this when their report was released. They stated that Barings knew or should have known about the error account and the lack of supervision. Six, Leeson was allegedly released very early from prison in 1999 for colon cancer, which was supposed to kill him quickly but which mysteriously still hasn't. Since he was only 32 in 1999, it is very unlikely he had colon cancer—which normally strikes in your 60s or later. For myself, I don't think he spent one hour in jail. Seven, he later became a keynote corporate speaker on the subject of risk and corporate responsibility. What? Could you think of a worse person to speak on that subject? What a joke. Eight, in 2005 he was hired by Galway United Football Club to be its commercial manager. He quickly rose to CEO. Really? A guy that had lost over $1 billion was hired as a commerical manager? Someone at Galway United must have known the Barings Bank collapse was faked. Curious then, isn't it, to find that Leeson is a name in the peerage. They were Irish Earls of Milltown until 1890. Galway is in Ireland, remember. More recently, we find in the peerage an Ian Leeson, b. 1937, the right time to be Nick's dad. He married Margaret Tennent, daughter of a Lt. Col., and went to Oxford, becoming a chartered accountant. Or could Nick Leeson have changed his name? There is a Nicholas Martin Lees in the peerage, b. 1960. That year would fit Leeson's bio better than 1967. I don't know the answer here, I just throw those things out as possibilities. Someone else with more interest in the subject will have to take it further. But the given story is ludicrous.
Do we get another clue in the picture above? The card in his pocket looks faked to me. Might it have been pasted in there? Does LJS have anything to do with Barings Bank or the Singapore stock exchange? Not unless he is subbing for Long John Silver's Seafood Shoppe. And what's with the striped coat? Are we supposed to believe that bankers wore that in 1994? A search on LJS takes us to the abbreviation page at Wikipedia, where we only get five possibilities. The only one that works as a clue here is the London Jews' Society. I wouldn't mention it, but that it has come up in recent papers and comes up again below.
In 1995, ING bought Barings for £1. You read that right. One pound. This was just a few months after the losses were discovered. Very quick. Too quick for any real investigation to have occurred. ING just happens to be the world's largest bank, with an orange lion as their mascot. Also curious is that after the founding by merger of ING in 1991, Barings was one of their very first acquisitions. If you had just formed ING, would you have purchased a huge liability? No. So it must not have really been a huge liability, right? We may assume the entire thing was planned, managed, and staged, like everything else we have looked at. This should lead you to ask why Dutch banking was privatized just prior to all this in 1986. Do you think that is just a coincidence? You should also ask what families are behind ING. According to a quick websearch, Blackrock is the largest investor in ING, and I have shown the Rockefellers are probably behind Blackrock/Blackstone. See my paper on John Lennon for more. Here is more recent evidence for that.
But let us return to Byron. His stepmother was Amelia Darcy, daughter of the 4th Earl of Holderness. Note the name Darcy: he was the lead in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. I have told you before these authors refer to their own. Amelia first married Francis Osborne, Marquess Carmarthen and 5th Duke of Leeds. He was Governor of Sicily and Foreign Secretary under William Pitt the younger. Osborne's mother was Lady Mary Godolphin, daughter of Henrietta Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough. So Byron was linked to all these people that way. Byron had two step-brothers who were Osbornes, one the Duke of Leeds, the other the Baron Godolphin. This second step-brother married an Eden, of the Barons Auckland. Byron also had a step-sister who married the Earl of Chicester. Byron's mother-in-law was Judith Noel, Lady Milbanke, the daughter of Thomas Noel, 2nd Viscount Wentworth. The Wentworth peerage is related to the Spencer peerage, since the title was created for Thomas Wentworth, who was the 1st Baron Wentworth as well as the 6th Baron le Despencer. So Byron is related to the Churchills again that way. The Barons Wentworth are also closely related to the Kings. The 12th Baron Wentworth was Byron King-Noel, son of Ada King, Countess of Lovelace. This links the Byrons to C. S. Lewis and F. Scott Fitzgerald, among many others. It also links Byron to the Bulwer-Lyttons, since the 16th Baroness Wentworth married Neville Bulwer-Lytton. This links Byron to everyone else in this paper.
Byron took the surname Noel in order to inherit his wife's estate. We are told he liked this not only for the money, but because it gave him the name Noel Byron and the initials N. B.—the same as “his hero” Napoleon Bonaparte. Remember, Napoleon was Jewish. Also remember that Byron wrote Hebrew Melodies, not something a Gentile would have done. In Byron's famous Prisoner of Chillon, we find the hero's father was burnt at the stake. Who would have been burnt at a stake? Probably a Jew in the Inquisition. This also explains Byron's fascination with Armenia. He translated two chapters of Movses Khorenatsi's History of Armenia, of course learning Armenian to do so. This would be inexplicable except for the Jewish presence in Armenia, and the possible Jewish roots of Armenia. [For easy indication of that, just study Movses Khorenatsi's name. Try changing the spelling to Moses Karenazi.] Also interesting is that Byron dedicated Childe Harold's Pilgrimage to Charlotte Bacon, whose father was the Earl of Oxford and whose mother was Jane Elizabeth Scott. That should interest you for two reasons. One, I just did Kevin Bacon's genealogy in my paper on Brad Pitt, showing he was related to all these people. Two, we find the name Scott, which ties us again to Ridley Scott. At Wikipedia, this Jane Scott's mother is conspicuously not given, but at Geni we find her as Jane Harmood, otherwise scrubbed. Her husband James Scott is also scrubbed. But to marry the Earl of Oxford, this Jane Scott must have been a peer herself. She was likely descended from Sir John Scott,
1st Baronet of Ancrum. Why? Because he married an Elizabeth Bennet, for one. We have seen the Bennets involved in all these lines in several previous papers. His mother was a Simpson and he was also related to the Moncriefs. He descended from William Scott, 9 th of Balwearie, who was married to a Lindsay, daughter of the 4th of the Byres. She was related to the Pitcairns and Ramsays. These Scotts were also related to the Boswells. Later, the brother of the 7th Baronet would marry Caroline Burnaby, granddaughter of Thomas Salisbury. Her daughter from a previous marriage would marry Claude Bowes-Lyon, 14th Earl Strathmore, and her granddaugter would be the Queen Mother, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. We will see the Lyons and Strathmores again below, marrying the Liddells. This also links us to Sue Lyon again, who played Lolita. I told you in a previous paper I would have more to say about her.
But back to Byron. Remember how they insisted in high school or college that you pronounce his poem Don Juan as Don Jew-an? Didn't that always seem odd? Now you know why, at last. Wikipedia tells us the poem is a satire, rewriting Don Juan not as a seducer of women, but as one easily seduced by them. Who would write such a thing? Someone with no real experience of women: a gay man. I have had a lot of experience with women, and I don't think I have ever had one seduce me. I have always had to do most of the work, if not all of it, especially in the first stages. In my experience, the only guys that women flirt with are gay men. I have never witnessed a straight woman flirt with a straight man, unless she is already with another guy—in which case she is doing it just to be cruel. Maybe things were different in Byron's time, but I doubt it. Or maybe things are different in the peerage. Maybe women flirt with with rich guys, but I have never witnessed it except on TV. In my experience, women never look up: you have to practically hit them on the head to get their attention. Sorry ladies, but I am just telling it like I lived it.
Despite Byron being sold as a great lover of women, he was definitely gay. He had an early relationship with John Fitzgibbon, Earl of Clare. Also an early “romantic relationship” with John Claridge. Also John Edleston. Byron liked younger men even then: all three were years younger. Soon after he began a relationship with his future biographer, Thomas Moore. Although allegedly the son of a grocer, Moore nonetheless graduated from Trinity College, Dublin, a famous spook school. Amusingly, Moore's wife/beard was named Elizabeth Dyke.
By age 23, Byron was a famous poet. All he had to do was publish the first two cantos of Childe Harold and that was it. So easy if you are a peer, so impossible if you are not. Although Napoleon was Byron's hero, Byron lived through the Napoleonic Wars as if they never happened. Instead of entering the army or navy, he instead went on a Grand Tour of Europe, avoiding large parts of northern Europe as a battle-torn nuisance. Now published letters admit that Byron viewed this Grand Tour as a Gay Tour [see Louis Crompton's 1985 book Byron and Greek Love]. While in Athens Byron hooked up with Nicolo Giraud, then 14. Byron at first bequeathed Giraud a sizable sum, but later cancelled it, saying "I am tired of pl & opt Cs, the last thing I could be tired of". That was slang for “gay sex”. In Athens Byron also offered £500 (around $30,000 now) for a 12-year-old girl. We are told it was not accepted, but that is doubtful. We may assume he got what he wanted.
Byron married Annabelle Milbanke, but only for her money and titles. He soon left England again to travel with his handsome “physician”, John Polidori.

Another thing that indicates Byron's spook status is his involvement in the early Vampire project. With Polidori he wrote The Vampyre (1819), which preceded Bram Stoker's Dracula by about 80 years. This is the book that started the modern vampire frenzy, which has continued to accelerate to the present moment—promoted heavily by Intelligence all along. Of course it was just another project designed to create fear, misdirecting the public's attention away from real events. It is being used for that purpose now, and as the need for misdirection grew in the past decades, more and more stories have been written. Anne Rice led the recent acceleration, which was then taken up by Stephanie Meyer in the Twilight Saga. Both look like spooks to me. Neither have genealogies and their bios are slender. We have seen that the name Rice comes from the Welsh Rhys, which links into all these families. Rice's husband Stan Rice was also a famous writer, the recipient of the Edgar Allen Poe Award and the Joseph Henry Jackson Award, both spook markers. You know about Poe. Jackson was the literary editor for the San Francisco Chronicle, an Intel front like the Washington Post. Also note the name Jackson, which is of course one of the families. As for Meyer, she is a Mormon. As we have seen with the creation of most current literature, Meyer may just be a front for a writing committee in Langley or somewhere.
Given her elfish looks, we should expect Daisy Ridley to become involved in the Vampire Project at some point, like her cousins Kristen Stewart and Helena Bonham Carter. Remember, in 1994 Helena played the bride of Frankenstein—a spin-off of the Vampire Project. Frankenstein was allegedly created by Shelley's wife, as she and Shelley partied with Byron and several others in Italy in 1818. We are now told Mary Shelley started writing the story when she was 18. Note the numbers in the previous two sentences. Aces and eights, dead man's hand again, a sign of Intelligence.

Kenneth Branagh directed Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, and his mother was a Harper. She is scrubbed, but I suspect Branagh is also linked to the peerage through her. He may be linked to all the people on these pages through the name Barrington. See below, where Baron Ravensworth's daughter married Viscount Barrington. Well, the Harpers were related to the Barringtons in the peerage. See Henry Barrington Harper. John Barrington of Wexford, Ireland, moved to Canada in about 1815 and married Deborah Harper. That may link Branagh to Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada. The Harpers in the peerage are also related to the Paynes. For more ties, we find that Charlotte Barrington, daughter of the 3rd Baronet (Limerick), married Rev George Digby Scott, possibly tying us back to Ridley Scott. John Barrington, 4th Baronet (Essex), was the son of Lady Anne Rich, daughter of the 3rd Earl of Warwick. See next paragraph for more on the Rich family. The Barringtons are also related to the Pollocks and the Weldons (see Fay Weldon, for one). Also the Bacons, Beattys, and Becketts. To take this further, you may also look at the Baronets Harpur, who were related to the Palmers and Noels— which of course links them to Byron.
We have another link to Byron, through the name Gordon. The director of the new Star Wars movies is of course J. J. Abrams. He is admitted to be Jewish, I assume, being related to Cohens and Katzes and Levys and so on. But on his father's side, he is also related to the Gordons. His great aunt Goldie married a Gordon, but we aren't told who. Given the dates and circumstances, it is most likely director Michael (Irving) Gordon, admitted to be Jewish, or one of his brothers. At, his brother Bertram is listed as having had three wives, the first two being listed and the third being <private>. As more indication I am on the right track, we find Michael married a Cohen. There are Cohens in Abrams' genealogy, two of his great-great-aunts marrying Cohens. We are told that Michael Gordon's family came over from Russia, but since we are not given any names or places, that may be a fudge. Only his parents are listed. We do find Gordons in Pennsylvania at with many of the same names and dates, and these Gordons hail back to Scotland, and George Gordons, same as Lord Byron. Remember, Lord Byron's name was George Gordon.
Byron's paternal grandfather was a Vice-Admiral. His nephew was also an admiral. No doubt this explains how Byron got a ship so easily when he went to war for Greece, although they never mention it. With admirals in the family, it is doubtful the Greek adventure was invented or headed by Byron the poet. He was more likely the pretty face fronting it. It is possible Byron used the event to fake his death and facilitate his retirement. At 36, he was probably losing his looks, and he may have wished to end his public life permanently. He wouldn't be the first or last one to do that. I may look more closely at that possibility later.
Byron was also descended from the Berkeleys. His 2g-grandfather was the Baron of Stratton, who married Christiana Riccard. She just happened to be the daughter of the Governor of the East India Company and Sheriff of London in 1651. More than that, she had previously been married to Henry Rich, son of Robert Rich, 5th Earl of Warwick. This links Byron to this Rich family I have previously exposed as probable crypto-Jews. See my paper on Engels and Owen, where I show Robert Owen of the early Communism project was related through marriage to these same Riches. They all descend from Richard Rich who came out of nowhere in 1529 to become Solicitor General and then Lord Chancellor. You can see him in Anne of the Thousand Days and A Man for All Seasons, where he was played by John Hurt.
There is more to be said of Byron, but I will save it for later. He has taken up enough of this paper already.
So let us return to Northumberland. The banker Barings now inhabit Howick Hall in Northumberland, rather than the Earl Greys. Princess Diana Spencer is descended from the Barings: Margaret Baring married Charles Spencer, 6th Earl. This links these people to all the ones above, including Daisy Ridley.
Equally close to Tyne and Wear is Eslington Park, current seat of Lord Ravensworth. It is about five miles west of Howick Hall and the Barings. This estate was originally owned by the Liddells, which reminds us of Lewis Carroll. Alice in Wonderland was written for Alice Liddell. Her father was the Vice-Chancellor at Oxford University and her great-uncle was the 5th Baronet Liddell. These Liddells are also worth mentioning since Guy Liddell, son of the 1st Baron, was a top spook, being the head of counter-espionage during WW2 with MI5. His older brother Cecil was head of MI5's Irish Section. He was the second cousin of Alice Liddell. These Liddells had also owned Ravensworth Castle, just a stone's throw from where Ridley Scott is said to have been born. This castle was mostly torn down in the 1920s, but Ridley Scott was born in 1937, not long after that.
The 1st Baron Ravensworth had a daughter Charlotte who married John Trotter of Durham Park. We just saw the Trotters in my last paper. They were in the line of Brad Pitt, remember? The wife of this John Trotter was Felicity Swinton, which reminds us of the actress Tilda Swinton. You will remember that she played the White Witch in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Since she is related to C. S. Lewis, we now know how she got the part. Her father is a major-general. Her mother is Judith Balfour, related to the Earls Balfour, including the Prime Minister Lord Balfour (1902-05). Lord Balfour's mother was Blanche Gascoyne-Cecil, daughter of the Marquess of Salisbury. This also links them to the Coles, Earls of Enneskillen. It also links them to the Bulwer- Lyttons, Earls of Lytton. Also the Villiers. Also the Lochs, who we already saw above in the line of Daisy Ridley. Also the Montagues, who we saw in the line of George Washington. Which also circles us back to C. S. Lewis again, via Maria-Theresa Villiers' marriage to George Cornewall Lewis, 2nd Baronet of Harpton Court. We also found him in the line of Daniel Day-Lewis.
Tilda Swinton is also related to the Spottiswoods, Harlows and Trumans. She joined the Communist Party while at Cambridge, linking her to that long Jewish project. One of her roles was as Elizabeth Abbott in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I mentioned that film in my recent paper on Brad Pitt, since I discovered Brad was actually descended from the Buttons. The film was based on a book by F. Scott Fitzgerald, who was a Fitzgerald, a Scott, and a spook. In the film, Benjamin Button is born 11/11/18. The movie just happened to gross 333 million. Tilda Swinton has of course participated in the Vampire Project, like her cousins: in 2013 she starred in Only Lovers Left Alive. Writers referenced in the film include Byron, Shelley, Austen, Dickinson, Poe, Wilde, Joyce, Twain, Beckett, and Burroughs.
But let's return to the Liddells. The 1st Baron Ravensworth had 13 children, many of whom married well. His second son Adolphus married a Simpson, daughter of a Lyon, of the Earls of Strathmore. This was a cousin, since his mother was also a Simpson. We saw the Strathmores above. Ravensworth's first son Henry married a Seymour, of the Marquesses of Hertford. They hail back to Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, and Jane Seymour, a descendant of Edward III. His first daughter Anne married a Williamson, 6th Baronet, and their daughter married a Barclay. Another daughter married Constantine Phipps, Marquess of Normandy. Her grandson was Lord Henry George Russell Phipps. Note the name Russell. Another daughter married Viscount Barrington, and their daughter married 3rd Earl Craven. Their granddaughter married Ian Innes Forbes. Another daughter of Ravensworth married Admiral Yorke, Earl of Hardwicke. Another daughter married Baron Bloomfield.
This Admiral Yorke is interesting for another reason. We started this by looking at Daisy Ridley of Star Wars. Well, Mark Hamill's wife is Marilou York. Her genealogy doesn't exist. The Baron Bloomfield is interesting because we saw Bloomfields in my paper on Noam Chomsky. Leonard Bloomfield was the head of linguistics in the US before Chomsky.
But I still haven't linked the Ridleys and Liddells, have I? Well, a search on that takes us to Errington Ridley Liddell Keen, an English footballer. He was better known as Eric Keen. You will say that combination is just a coincidence. Is it? How about this for an added coincidence: he was born in Newcastle upon Tyne, again a stone's throw from where Ridley Scott was born. Also remember Eric Liddell, the runner who was the inspiration for Chariots of Fire. For some reason we aren't told, he went by the name of Eric Ridley. His daughter is named Patricia Liddell-Russell. Note the name Russell. This indicates to me the whole Eric Liddell story may be another managed story. Why would this squeaky-clean Christian missionary need an alias? And why Ridley? I suggest he wasn't from some Scottish line of nobodies: he was related to the Liddell peerage and was undercover. He may have been a spy in China. Remember, he started out at Oxford, then later transferred for some strange reason to the University of Edinburgh. But how did this missionary get into Oxford to start with? Oxford wasn't created for missionaries' sons.

Also remember that in his famous 400m race in the Olympics, he won from lane 8 in a huge upset and world record, beating his personal best by a large amount. This ties us to my paper on pi=4 and running tracks.
Which brings us to another curious Ridley: Ridley Haim Herschell, a Polish Jew who allegedly converted to Christianity and moved to London, where he married Helen Skirving Mowbray. With her he founded the British Society for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Jews in 1842. That was closely tied to the London Society for Promoting Christianity Amongst the Jews (1809), and both were called the Jews' Society. This ties us to my analysis of Nick Leeson, above, remember, and the initials LJS. But we have two further problems here. One, Ridley is not a Jewish given name. There is no way he was born in Poland with that first name. So he must have gotten it later: how we are not told. Two, his wife Mowbray is from these families we have been looking at. The Mowbrays were related to the Northumberland Greys we looked at above. Elizabeth Grey was the heiress of George Isaac Mowbray, and he was descended from the Dukes of Norfolk. In 1847 John Cornish married her and took the name Mowbray. He became Father of the House in 1898. Anyway, this Helen Skirving Mowbray has also been fudged. These people were admitted to be related to the Irvings*, so her name should probably be Helen Irving Mowbray. She is scrubbed by either name all over the internet.
The current historian and notorious Holocaust denier David Irving is also probably related to the Mowbrays, and I discovered that here, where we find an Isabella Mowbray Irving, whose mother is Catherine Cadell. David Irving is a Cawdell. This would link David Irving to the highest and oldest levels of the peerage. For more evidence of this, we find on Ridley Heschell's page that he was baptized by a Rev Charles Blomfield, Bishop of London. We just saw the name Bloomfield above, which is a variation. But even more to the point, we find that Herschell and his wife Mowbray were followers of the “fashionable Scottish preacher” Edward Irving. This is the Irving who stole Carlyle's wife Jane Welsh from him, causing famous problems. Wikipedia fails to list any parents for this Edward Irving, which is odd. But has a page for him, listing some ancestors. Unfortunately, although children are given, their children are not. This again scrubs the line as it moves into the 20th century: the same thing we encountered last time we got near David Irving's genealogy.

At any rate, this Edward Irving looks like another spook. He allegedly entered the University of Edinburgh at age 13. He got his MA at age 17, and was immediately hired to be the master of a newly established academy in Haddington, a town famous for its mills and its rich mill owners. We are told that Irving completed his divinity studies by a series of partial sessions while master of this academy, being licensed to preach by 1815. This is unlikely, and reminds of the story of Samuel Parris in Salem. Also straining belief is Irving's promotion by Thomas Chalmers, who would become the leader of the Church of Scotland. If we are to believe the historians, all Irving had to do is move to Edinburgh, where he was immediately discovered. This is curious, since Chalmers was in Glasgow. Just two years later Irving was ordained in London at the Caledonian Church, and almost immediately he began publishing and being promoted in Parliament. His Orations came out in 1823, as did For Judgment to Come. Soon Irving was pushing Millenarianism, which we looked at in my paper on the Kabbalah— where we saw it was another Jewish project, one far older than the Communism project (although they were linked).
The Wikipedia page on Irving diverges into foggy rhetoric after this, giving us no useful information after 1823. It looks like someone copied some old text from a book or magazine, and it reads like ancient propaganda. But we can switch to a University College London site, which has a page on Irving. There we learn that a church was built specifically for Irving in Regent Square, which is in Bloomsbury. That by itself is a clue, since Bloomsbury has been a center of spook operations for centuries. Before long, Irving's congregation was speaking in tongues. The London newspapers ran a constant campaign against Irving, which was obviously controlled itself. And what was the project about? It was about damaging Christianity. Irving was preaching of the sinfulness of Christ, and was then expelled for doing so by his superiors. The only way to increase the circus atmosphere of this project was for Irving to move around the corner to the Royal London Bazaar. Great place for sermonizing on the sinfulness of Christ, right? If you still don't think Irving was a spook, listen to this: In the Bazaar, Irving's congregation shared space with Robert Owen. Owen was lecturing on Socialism. We are told this coincidence of Owen and Irving sharing the same building was “ the strangest conjunction that ever design or accident produced”. We now know it was designed; it was no accident. Both were spooks, lecturing in a spook hall. Irving's project soon sputtered out and he had to be retired. He allegedly died soon after, at age 42.
Which brings us in full circle. Helen Mowbray and Ridley Herschell had five children. One was Farrer Herschell, 1st Baron Herschell, and he twice became Lord Chancellor in the late 1800s. That is very curious, seeing his father was allegedly a Polish Jew of no status and his mother was not supposed to be from anywhere, either. This is another clue that she was a real Mowbray of the peerage and that Ridley Herschell was from a family of bankers or something. If she was a Mowbray of the peerage, then the entire Gospel among the Jews thing looks like another project. Of course, we should have known that without doing any genealogies, but still. [In fact, I have already suggested this in my paper on Engels and Owen.]
Farrer's sister was Ghetal Herschell, and she married. . . wait for it. . . John Scott Burdon-Sanderson, 1st Baronet. I trust you saw the name Scott, as in Ridley Scott. You will say that is just a coincidence, but this John Scott was born “near Newcastle upon Tyne”. Ridley Scott was also born near Newcastle upon Tyne. Remember, John Scott's father-in-law was named Ridley, but we have no idea where he got that name. John Scott's lineage is completely denied us at Wikipedia, with not even parents given; at Geni we get parents but nothing else. We are told that Sanderson was his mother's name, but that is doubtful. We are told at Wiki that he was from a well-known Northumbrian family, but are not told who that was. I found no other Burdon-Sandersons from Northumberland online except his alleged sister. I did find a John Burdon Sanderson Haldane, son of John Scott Haldane, which links them to these same families again. Not surprisingly, we find J. B. S. Haldane as a prominent Marxist, COB of the Daily Worker in the 1940s. These Haldanes were closely related to 1st Viscount Haldane, British Secretary of War and then Lord Chancellor before WW1.
*Gen. Paulus Irving is related to the Gores through the Kings. We saw the Gores above.