by Miles Mathis
When confronted with a whopping lie from a whopping liar, my Dad used to say, “He'd lie if the truth sounded better!” Well, the mainstream media has become that sort of liar. They lie all the time about everything, even things they don't need to lie about. I will show you one of those things in this paper.
Mark Zuckerberg, the alleged inventor of Facebook, was TIME's man of the year last year. I haven't seen anyone really pull that apart, so here goes. Before I show you the whopping lies, let me just ask you if you think it makes any sense that a guy who started a social website should be the man of the year. Remember, this wasn't the first social website. There was what, MySpace before that, and dozens of others, including delicious, deviantArt, Flicker, Friendster, hi5, Hyves, LinkedIn, Netlog (formerly known as Facebox), Orkut, and XING. Plus, how much genius does it take to put a site like this together? It isn't brain surgery. Zuckerberg and some pals put it together in college, in between bong hits and kamikaze shots, and apparently they stole the idea from some fratboys even stupider than they are (Zuckerberg recently lost a judgment and had to pay out a large sum to a couple of rich jarheads from Harvard).
But it gets worse, as usual. It turns out that Zuckerberg only took off after the CIA got involved. If you want to know why Facebook is now the number 2 site on the web, in terms of traffic, instead of MySpace or hi5, you only have to look at who is backing it. ACCEL corporation gave 12 million in start-up money to Facebook, and ACCEL has direct ties to In-Q-Tel—it may even be a secret arm of In- Q-Tel as well as DARPA. What is In-Q-Tel? It is the venture capital arm of the CIA, as is admitted at places like Wikipedia. What is DARPA? It is the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency, the new technology arm of the US Department of Defense. Part of the new technology of “defense” is data mining. In 2002, it became known that DARPA included the IAO, the Information Awareness Office, which was data mining American citizens. According to Wikipedia,
This would be achieved by creating enormous computer databases to gather and store the personal information of everyone in the United States, including personal e-mails, social networks, credit card records, phone calls, medical records, and numerous other sources, without any requirement for a search warrant.
After public outcry, the IAO was defunded by Congress in 2003, but even Wiki admits that it persisted, “and merely ran under different names.” It is alive and well today. Facebook is one of its arms.
Furthermore, if you check the TOS, Terms of Service, of Facebook, you will find that Facebook now owns any and all information and content you have uploaded to it. They now own copyright to any photos you put up there, including photos of art. They can make “derivative” copies of your artwork, and you can't sue them for it (you might be able to, but you would be suing in white territory, since no one knows if TOS agreements like this will hold up in court. Just as you can't sign away liability, it may be that you cannot sign away copyright in a TOS. But good luck!). This also applies to written art, including poems, short stories, jokes, and everything else. In the same way, you have signed away any right to privacy, since the Facebook agreement states in clear terms that they have the right to data- mine you any way they like. In signing up to Facebook, you are basically giving a thumbs-up to the government to data-mine you, with no legal repercussions. You are also giving them a thumbs-up to steal your intellectual property, supposing you have any.
But that still isn't all. What if you change your mind about something you posted at Facebook, and wish to take it down? Well, they have a permanent copy of it. You can take it down, but they still have the permanent file and always will. What if you wish to post something Facebook doesn't like, such as a link to an anti-CIA rally? Well, Facebook can just take it down, without even notifying you. They can break all your links, and punish all your friends by breaking their links, too. Facebook has already done stuff like this, and it is almost impossible to stop them. That's a beautiful way to get around free speech, right? You have to sue them to have free speech, but by the time you get around to winning your lawsuit, the rally is long over.
Ever wonder how Facebook gets so many hits? Those are faked as well. As proof, just go to your sidebar, or wherever your computer's history is. Click on it. If you are like me, you will probably find a lot of Facebook hits, even though you haven't been there all day or all year. I am not a member of Facebook and never have been, and never go there. And yet my history list is littered with Facebook hits. How can that be? It can be because tens of thousands of websites are surreptitiously linked to Facebook, so that anytime you visit those sites, you also register a hit for Facebook. This drives the hits of Facebook up by many factors of ten, falsifying its popularity. This false popularity can then be used to sell ads, driving up Facebook's claimed revenues. The popularity of Facebook is manufactured.
That is a whopping lie, but there is an even larger one. We are now told that Zuckerberg is worth something on the order of 13.6 billion. That is up from 4 billion last year, according to Forbes. Well, since Forbes, like TIME and everything else, is now edited by the CIA, we don't have to believe that.
If we are smart, we assume that is another lie. Everything else we are told is false, so that probably is, too. Can I prove it? Yes, all I have to do is a little math. The revenue of Facebook was around 2 billion in 2010, according to Wiki. The total revenue from 2006-2009 was 1.25 billion. Before that, Facebook was nothing special, making only a few million. That is a total since founding of 3.25 billion. Zuckerberg can't have profit more than the entire company, can he? Zuckerberg owns a 24% share of Facebook. Well, 24% of 3.25 billion is 780 million, not 13.6 billion. Plus, 3.25 billion is revenues, not profit. Facebook has to pay costs, right? It has to pay a staff and rent and so on. Which probably brings Zuckerberg's share down below half a billion. That is assuming we aren't being lied to about revenues.
Where did they come up with that 13.6 billion number? Well, Goldman Sachs just paid 400 million for .8% of the company, which would make the company worth 50 billion, we are told. That would make Zuckerberg's share 12 billion. Unfortunately, that is not how you determine the worth of an individual. That is market speculation, and as we have seen, market speculation doesn't always pan out. Goldman Sachs is betting that Facebook will be worth more than 50 billion in the near future, but that bet doesn't put any real money in Zuckerberg's bank account. Assuming that Zuckerberg's living costs are zero, and that he hasn't blown it all on houses and boats and hookers, his bank account has a maximum of about half a billion. That is how any normal person would determine wealth.
To see how skewed this all is, and how dishonest, we can compare Zuckerberg to Steve Jobs. Forbes tells us that Jobs, the owner of Apple Computers, is worth 8.3 billion. Do you really believe that Zuckerberg is worth 61% more than Jobs, a man who has been producing and selling actual products since 1976? I don't.
What I believe is that Zuckerberg is being promoted with false numbers in order to get everyone to sign up to Facebook, so that they can be data-mined, wallet mined, and whipped with the legal pencils. I believe that Goldman Sachs was instructed to bet on Facebook, just for this purpose. Goldman Sachs has long been like a fourth branch of the government, and they have long been in bed with the CIA and the DoD and so on. Goldman Sachs has more ex-officers in the government than any other company. These appearances in the media by Zuckerberg are also paid for by the US Government. Zuckerberg appears on the AskMen lists, the TIME lists, the Forbes lists, and so on, care of the US Government. He is a CIA creation. He now does nothing but get his picture taken. He produces nothing. He is not a genius. He is just a name and a face, another useful dupe of the powers that be. He may not even be able to keep his money. I think it is entirely possible that he is just a front, and doesn't even exist as a real financial entity. That is, it is entirely possible that he has nothing in his bank account, and that he exists solely at the discretion of the CIA. They give him a big house and some toys, to keep up the charade, and tell him to keep his mouth shut. Somewhat like the President.
To see a funny take on this subject by the Onion, you may link to this video. The Onion is satire, of course, but they get uncomfortably close to the truth in this one, even telling us Zuckerberg's CIA codename: OVERLORD.
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