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The Charleston and Roanoke Hoaxes

why are four of five of these ladies white? by Miles Mathis First published September 29, 2015 These two media hoaxes have already been researched, but I had a few interesting things to add, which is why I am here. The Charleston hoax came first, on June 17, when nine black people were said to have been murdered in a church by 21-year-old Dylann Storm Roof. It is claimed Roof said he was trying to start a race war. The Roanoke hoax came a month later, on August 26. This time the shooter was black, allegedly killing two white reporters on air. We are told he said he was responding to the Charleston murders. So you can already see how the two hoaxes are related. The second was planned in response to the first, continuing a fake race war that started long ago but which entered its current phase with the Trayvon Martin hoax of 2012. I will go down the Wikipedia page for each event, showing you the red flags in the order they arise. The first red flag of the Charleston hoax is the date, June 17. We have already seen that date in my previous papers. O. J. Simpson was arrested on June 17.I have shown that entire event was scripted. The Watergate arrests were also on June 17.That entire event was also a hoax. Alleged Japanese serial killer Tsutomu Miyazaki was hanged on June 17, 2008. Since his father owned the city newspaper, this story is also suspicious. The Union Station Massacre in 1933 was on June 17, and it looks like an early hoax. The number 17 is used in many of these hoaxes because it adds to 8. We have seen in previous papers that 8 is a number of unbuilding. It is one of the favorites of Intelligence, along with 33 (which we will see several times below). The second major red flag is the name Dylann Storm Roof. Does that sound like a real name to you? Of course not. It is the agencies having another joke. Who spells Dylan with two n's at the end? What it should remind you of is an early alias of Bob Dylan: Elston Gunnn. Yes, he spelled it with three n's at the end. Why? I don't know. I guess this is something agents do to signal one another. They add an extra “n” to a name. The name Storm Roof also reminds us of River Phoenix's real name: River Bottom. Agents find this stuff funny, I suppose. At least they didn't go with the name Dylannn Leaf Blower or Dylannn Salad Shooter or something. For a bigger red flag, I did a people search on Dylann Roof of South Carolina. No such person exists according to the computers at InstantCheckMate and Intelius. Like Adam Lanza in the Sandy Hook hoax, Dylann Roof is a ghost. That should pretty much end the discussion, but I will continue just for fun. I also did a search on Clementa Pinckney, the primary victim. He exists, but curiously his age is said to be 42. The computers don't seem to be aware he died at age 41. They think he is still alive and continuing to age! I wonder why? [Addendum March 4, 2017: I just found some good research at on this one. Turns out a further search (at Intelius, Zaba, ReversePhoneLookup) on Roof reveals him sharing telephone numbers and work history with Pinckney, just above, and other blacks involved in this hoax (including Helen Gilyard of AME, Charleston). Roof is listed as working at two AME churches. That stands for African Methodist Episcopal, so why was Roof working there before the “murders”? This indicates an inside job. The same Dylann Storm Roof who worked at Emanuel AME in Charleston also worked at the New York Stock Exchange and Hip Hop Democrat Inc! The NYSE! Wow. This researcher then tries to connect Roof to a Dylan Root, but that connection fails, in my opinion. The two young men don't look alike. There is no match. However, the first half of the video is gold and I recommend you watch it.] Roof was indicted on 33 federal hate crimes charges. Notice the number. It comes up in these fake events like clockwork. We see it in the related alleged murder of Walter Scott by policeman Michael Slager in Charleston on April 4. Slager is said to be 33 years old. Both Slager and Scott served in the Coast Guard, which is now a sub-agency of the Department of Homeland Security. Clementa Pinckney was also involved in that event, since he held rallies after the alleged shooting in the church at which he was pastor. I encourage you to watch the film of the shooting (you can see it at Youtube), which is full of anomalies. It is not convincing at all and appears to be staged. Scott was said to be shot in the back and butt at least four times, but no blood appears on his back. He flinches late and at the wrong times. There are no hits apparent in the film as he is running. The man who famously filmed the shooting is said to be Feidin Santana, but again, no such person exists according to a people search. Walter Scott may be another joke name, since of course there was a famous author named Sir Walter Scott. He wrote Ivanhoe, Rob Roy, and the Black Dwarf, etc. That last title may be the Intelligence joke, since this black Walter Scott is short. The policeman, Michael Slager, is listed in a people search as living in Hanahan, north of Charleston. Hanahan is directly adjacent to a large military base, which includes the Naval Weapons Station, the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command, the Strategic Weapons Facility, and the Sealift Command. The Sealift Command ties us back into the Coast Guard, which both Slager and Scott worked for previously. I suggest this event was coordinated from there. It reminds us of the events in Aurora and Columbine, which are also adjacent a major military base. I guess the spooks like to save money on gas, so they run these events within walking distance of the base. But back to the Church shooting. We have more numerology when we are told the Bible study group that evening included 13 people, including Dylann Roof. So we are supposed to believe this white boy was part of the Bible study group at this black church? Who writes this stuff? We are also told Roof was on the rolls of a Lutheran congregation, so why would he be hanging out at a black Methodist church? Another problem is that we are told the Bible study started at 8pm that Wednesday evening.

Unfortunately, if you go to the church website, you find the Bible study on Wednesday evenings starts at 6pm. The shooting is said to have taken place at about 9:05pm, and children were present. First victim Twanza Sanders' five year old niece was said to be there. Isn't that kind of late for children to be studying the Bible? Roof was said to be carrying eight magazines to fit his Glock41. We are told he reloaded five times. Since the Glock41 has 13 rounds per magazine, that would be 65 shots fired. With three magazines left, he should have 39 shots unfired. According the June 20 Los Angeles Times, Roof tried to kill himself but was out of ammunition. What? As usual, these storytellers apparently can't do math. He could have shot himself 39 times. The Glock41 is the competition form of the Glock21, and is quite expensive for that reason. A used one will cost you about $700. Why would this unemployed school drop-out from a poor family have a competition Glock41? Was he entering competitions in his spare time? No. Roof's arrest is also peculiar. It was caught on dashcam and you can see it on Youtube. The officers initially approach the car with guns drawn, but holster them as they get closer. They would never do that, even if Roof had appeared dead in the car seat. They are trained to assume the person is alive until he is in custody. He could be playing dead. They must have known he was no danger to them, but how could they have known that unless this was all staged? As with all these other hoax shootings, the victims' families acted very peculiar as well. At his initial hearing, these people spoke to Roof directly, saying they were praying for him and forgave him. Does that sound believable to you? Now for one of the biggest red flags, one most people are missing. Roof's attorney is David Bruck, who has red flags all over him. He is from the Jewish billionaire family who started and owned Bruck Mills, in Montreal. His grandfather Gerald was President and spokesman of the Canadian Textile Institute, and his father Gerald was President and CEO of Bruck Mills until 1978. David Bruck went to Harvard and wrote for the Harvard Crimson. His brother Gerald is a filmmaker and his sister Julie is a poet. His mother is Ninamae Finkelstein. David Bruck's first major claim to fame was as the attorney for defense in the 1986 hijacking of Pan-Am Flight 73, which was allegedly pulled in Pakistan by Palestinians with the Abu Nidal Organization. But Robert Fisk, the Middle East correspondent for the London Independent, outed Abu Nidal as a US Intelligence asset in 2008. Curiously, that page at the Independent has been taken down, and you can only view it as a cached page. You can investigate this tangent more fully if you like, but I will just tell you the short form: Nidal worked with CIA and Mossad, and the whole Palestinian organization is a fake. It is opposition control. The hijacking of flight 73 was a hoax. If you don't believe that, just ask yourself this: do you think these alleged Palestinian hijackers would agree to have a Jewish attorney? You will tell me Bruck isn't Jewish. But his mother's name is Finkelstein. Do you know a lot of Finkelsteins who aren't Jewish? I don't. You will say the hijackers didn't know he was Jewish. Here is his picture:

I think any real Palestinians might have been able to figure it out. Anyway, we will leave that hanging because the red flags on Bruck go way beyond that. It almost doesn't matter if you believe the hijacking of 73 was fake, and I don't have time to prove it here. What is coming up will (or should) convince you Bruck is an agent without that. In 1995, Bruck served as co-counsel with Judy Clarke in the trial of Susan Smith. We have seen Clarke and Smith already, haven't we? In my last paper on the Boston Marathon bombing hoax, we saw that Clarke was Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's attorney, admitting he was guilty in opening statements although he had pled not guilty. She was also involved in the Gabby Giffords' event, being the attorney for Jared Loughner. She was also one of Ted Kaczynski's attorneys. See my paper on the Unabomber, where I show that event was also a hoax. Well, as it turns out, Bruck also worked with Clarke on the Boston Marathon event, so I have already outed him in previous papers without knowing it. He is one of the premier fake-events lawyers in the country, so as soon as we saw him involved in this Charleston event, we should have know it was fake as well. We can now use that knowledge and return to the hijacking of flight 73. The fact that Bruck was the defense attorney is now itself strong evidence the event was faked. We can judge the event by the people involved.

OK, let's move on to the Roanoke hoax. The date was August 26, so again we have the 8's coming up. This time we have two. August is the 8th month and 2+6=8. The two victims were said to be Alison Parker and Adam Ward. Those both look like fake names to me. Remember the crisis actor from the Sandy Hook hoax named Robbie Parker? He is the guy that got caught saying “just read from the card? OK!” His wife's name was said to be Alissa Parker. I think they need a bigger hat of fake names for these events. Alison Parker was also a character on Melrose Place. That character was played by Courtney Thorne-Smith. In her first move Lucas (1986), she played a character named Alise. Adam Ward is also red-flag name. It ties into the Batman shooting in Aurora. How? Well, let's go back to the original Batman series from TV in the late 1960's. Who were the actors that played Batman and Robin? Adam West and Burt Ward. Combine them and you get Adam Ward. See how they do that? Adam Ward had worked at WDBJ for only one month. Vester Lee Flanagan is supposed to be the shooter. He was a gay black man said to have been 41. He was born on October 8, so we have two more 8's coming up. October mean “eighth month”. He is said to have killed himself after the murders. Like Clementa Pinckney, Flanagan is in the computers, but the computers don't appear to realize he is dead. They have him as age 42. The same age as Pinckney, and—like Pinckney—still aging in the computers although he is supposed to be dead. You will say the computers aren't programmed to recognize deaths and stop the aging. They are. They are tied into the SSDI, Social Security Death Index, as well as all State Death Records. But they can't recognize a death if the death record isn't in the system. Both Pinckney and Flanagan died on August 26. Who else died on August 26? Charles Lindbergh. What year did Lindbergh die? 1974. So it is 41 years since Lindbergh died and both Pinckney and Flanagan were 41. Revolution and Hey Jude came out on August 26, 1968. Roger Nash Baldwin, the founder of the ACLU, also died on August 26. Is this event referencing any of those things, and if so, why? I don't have an answer to that right now, but I put it on the table. Flanagan had allegedly been fired from the station 2.5 years earlier. He then filed an EEOC complaint against the station, allegedly naming Parker in the complaint. The problem? Parker wasn't even working at the station then. At the time of Flanagan's alleged firing, Parker is supposed to have been working at WCTI in New Bern, NC. She didn't start working at WDBJ until 2014—more than a year after Flanagan had been fired. This is all according to the published mainstream story, which I got at Wikipedia. But there are even more math problems. We are told Parker had just turned 24. Two and a half years earlier, when Flanagan was being fired, she was still 21. She should have still been in school at James Madison University. You will say “Maybe she graduated early”. Not likely, since she is also said to have attended Patrick Henry Community College. Those who attend two years of community college normally graduate late, not early. Generally, the only ones who graduate in three years are brainy kids who go straight to university and load up their schedules. Once you have gone to community college, it is too late for that. I will be told Parker was an intern at the station while in still in college. But she was allegedly in college in Harrisonburg, which is two hours away from Roanoke. The TV station in Harrisonburg is WHSV. College students do not normally have four hour commutes for internships, which are unpaid.

It is even worse if we look at the claim Flanagan mentioned Adam Ward in his rants on Facebook and Twitter. Again, Ward had been at the station only one month at the time of the shootings. How could he have racially discriminated against Flanagan in early 2013? The two men couldn't possibly have known one another, unless they knew each other from outside work. We get yet another clue from Adam Ward. The mainstream story is nice enough to tell us he was engaged to WDBJ producer Michelle Ott, who was scheduled to leave the station that very day for a job in North Carolina. What? None of that makes any sense. If he had only been at the station one month, where did they meet? Either they got engaged in about two weeks, or they must have known each other before that. In which case, she must have hired her boyfriend for a position at her own station. That is against company policy in most places. But it gets worse. Here is a picture of the couple from Facebook:

We are told he is 27, and she looks even younger. Does she look like a producer to you? If you don't see what I mean, think of the Mary Tyler Moore Show. Mary worked at a TV news office. Her boss was Lou Grant, played by Ed Asner. He was the producer, like Michelle Ott here. He was late 40's. The producer is the boss of the entire station team, so he or she is not going to be some dopey 23-year- old girl with painted-on eyebrows. The producer has to have years of experience reporting or administrating the news. This girl could not possibly have either. We have even more problems with the story, when we are told she had just bought her wedding dress. So she engages herself to this cameraman, buys a wedding dress, and then is leaving the state that day for another job? Was he going to follow her to North Carolina, or were they planning on getting married online, via Facebook? We aren't told he was planning to leave the station. How could he: he had just been hired a month earlier! Doesn't look too good on your resume to start a job and then quit a month later to marry the producer. The whole story is a mess of contradictions. Now let's look at the shooting. It is on film, since Flanagan is supposed to have filmed it himself, while he was holding the gun. How does that work? I encourage you to watch the film, which you can see on Youtube. It is said to prove the event, but does nothing of the sort. We don't see any of the hits, we just hear shots and screaming. We also see many anomalies which disprove the event. The greatest red flags are these:

  1. We are told this very large black man snuck up on the trio with his gun and camera aimed right at them, but the lady being interviewed is facing in the direction he walks up. There is no possibility he snuck up on anyone.

  2. The other cameraman Ward is supposed to be filming the interview in progress, but before the shots are fired and before he is supposed to know the gunman is there, we see him get bored and aim his camera away from them, off the balcony. Yes, he is filming the clouds while the ladies are talking. During a live broadcast. Ridiculous.

  3. We can also see Parker glance over at the shooter for a moment, though she pretends not to see him.

  4. Flanagan's camera conveniently pans down or is dropped at the very moment he opens fire.

  5. We are told Flanagan appears in his own film once the camera is dropped, but if we watch the whole thing, we never see that frame. It appears to have been added later.

  6. The time stamps don't match, since we can see the time stamp on the added frame that includes Flanagan. It is for 6:06. But the shooting is supposed to have taken place at 6:46. Whoops!

  7. We hear the gun firing, but there are no shell casings being ejected. We see no bullet impacts on Parker and she does not react as if she has been hit. She simply runs away. When you get hit with hollow point bullets from four feet away fired by a Glock, you don't just scream and sprint away.

  8. The gun has no natural recoil, and the flash also looks fake. The flash has paste lines around it.

Alison Parker's father is said to be Andy Parker. He went on TV immediately like the Sandy Hook crisis actors, making a complete fool of himself. He fake-cried with no tears, said many ridiculous and obviously scripted things, and called for gun control within 24 hours of the event. It later came out that he was indeed an actor, being caught by many researchers who posted his recent parts, including Les Miserables. Although his name is said to be Parker, he looks Jewish. He doesn't look like his alleged daughter. It is admitted that neither Virginia Senator (Tim Kaine and Mark Warner) contacted Parker after the event. That is curious, and indicates to me they knew it was a fake. It is especially curious in the case of Kaine, who is a gun-control Democrat. It may be that he is in favor of gun control, but not in favor of faked events to achieve that. An even worse actor is Chris Hurst, said to be the boyfriend of Alison Parker. He is being called the worst crisis actor since Gene Rosen, and may be even worse. His hiring for this event just adds fuel to the fire that these events are created expressly to fail. To judge this event, you really have to watch the performances of both Andy Parker and Chris Hurst in full. Again, you can do this easily on Youtube, where they appear many times. Hurst is obviously gay, and more than once he accidentally slips and calls Parker his “boyfriend”. There is no way the mainstream would produce and then release these videos of Chris Hurst unless they wanted us to know this event was fake. But how does that help them sell gun control and a race war, you will ask. It can't. We have evidence of two competing teams here, I think. As I have said regarding previous fake events, we appear to have one team honestly trying to fake the event, and another embedded team foiling them at every turn. I would say DHS is planning and running these events, honestly trying to fool you and Congress into doing their bidding. But CIA is infiltrating DHS and inserting these spoilers after the fact. That is the only way I can make sense of these ludicrous stories. So we have two layers of story. We have the primary layer created by DHS, which is poorly constructed but which might still hold water as long as it is edited and sold in the right way. But then we have a secondary layer added at the last minute by the CIA (or whatever agency), created expressly to deflate the first layer. I think Chris Hurst is part of this secondary layer, in which case he is actually a great actor.* He is only pretending to blow his lines, but he is actually doing it on purpose, to undercut the entire event. CIA wants this DHS event to self-destruct, because CIA wants to totally blow the cover of DHS. If DHS eventually fails in toto and is defunded, more money will be available for the older Intelligence agencies. If that is true, then that would mean Robbie Parker and Gene Rosen were also great actors, and that they were instructed to blow their lines in the most outrageous ways imaginable. How else to explain the release of video of Rosen practicing his lines on camera, or of Parker saying on camera “just read from the card? OK!”? How else to explain Chris Hurst calling Alison Parker his boyfriend more than once? I mean, I assume these DHS event coordinators are sloppy, but they would have to be dead drunk to shoot Chris Hurst with that photo album and go, “Super! That was perfect. That's a wrap. Send that film immediately to all the major stations!” As more proof of that thesis, we may look at three different productions that had to be pulled after the event. The season finale of USA Network's Mr. Robot had to be delayed a week, since it mirrored the plot in Roanoke. Even more suspicious is the SNL spin-off DocumentaryNow!, which also had to be pulled for the same reason. It is more suspicious because that week's episode DRONEZ: the hunt for El Chingon was written by two writers who worked on none of the other six episodes: Duffy Boudreau and Rob Klein. Although Klein is another SNL head writer, Boudreau is a strange choice here, being a writer for Dark Horse comics and Halo:Escalation. Dark Horse is a towering red flag, since it has looked like a CIA creation from its beginnings in the late 1980's. It began by serializing in comic book form movies like Alien, Predator, Star Wars, and Conan. It obviously could not have achieved that without major connections to the Hollywood power structure—which structure has long been grounded in Intelligence. Dark Horse released its first publication in 1986, and only two years later it was doing sequels to the Aliens franchise. You should ask how it got the rights to do that. By 1990, Frank Miller, the creator of Batman: the Dark Knight Returns began working with Dark Horse, which is again a big red flag. Batman is not referenced in so many of these new hoaxes for no reason. By 1993, in only its seventh year, Dark Horse already had a retail presence at Universal Studios CityWalk. For that reason, I would say it is no coincidence that this DocumentaryNow! episode mirrored the event in Roanoke, VA. Boudreau was probably hired (by someone) to make sure it did. It was via his Intelligence connections that he know both the plot and the date. Unfortunately, his little spoiler was pre-empted itself, I assume by DHS operatives who spotted the plot and cancelled it. In the same way a TV commercial for the album Immortalized, by the band Disturbed, was caught and cancelled. It, too mirrored the event in Roanoke, again I assume on purpose. They tell you they are cancelling these things because they are so concerned to protect your feelings, but if they were concerned about that they wouldn't produce or release these things at all. The temporary cancellations aren't done with your feelings in mind, of course; they are done as part of the wars between DHS and CIA, and are just more signs of the split.

*Either that, or he is an inspired choice by the casting director.


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