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Decoding Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry

using the Unified Field

My unified field has allowed me to answer many old questions embedded in physics and mathematics. In this paper, we will apply this new knowledge to mysteries outside physics. I know my enemies will use this paper to accuse me of diving off into the occult, thereby claiming to prove I am unhinged, but I encourage my readers to notice that I am doing precisely the same thing in this paper that I do in all my science papers: demystifying that which has been sold to us as mystical. I am not selling a new mysticism here, I am uncloaking an old one.

As usual, I would not write this paper if I had nothing to add to the dialog. You will not find the common decoding of either the Rosicrucians or Freemasons here.

Again as usual, I will do this by showing you how to analyze clues, many of which are visual. Remember, some of my highest heat has been aimed at the 1926 Copenhagen Interpretation, which forbid modern physicists from visualizing, diagramming, or applying math to real objects. You will soon see that the Copenhagen Interpretation ties into the thesis of this paper, since it acts as the same sort of misdirection and cloaking as the occult societies in my title. We will see that all these societies and groups, including the Copenhagen group led by Niels Bohr, give you a few visual clues but then make sure you cannot decode them. I assume this was originally done to prevent so-called esoteric knowledge from falling into the wrong hands, but since it is clear that the wrong people are now running the world, that original intent has long since been undermined. These people, whoever they are, have destroyed science, art, literature, politics, and all of culture. If I cannot unmask them, at least

I can unmask some of their methods and misdirection.

Also as usual, I will lead you in just as I got in, so that you can see my method. I find that you are better able to follow me if you take the same path I took. It all started by looking at the current symbol for Freemasonry:

That capital G has always looked strange to me. We are told it either stands for “God” or for “Geometry,” but the first assignment is clearly misdirection. Freemasons aren't even required to believe in God, and anyone who studies Freemasonry can see pretty quickly that the loose ties to Christianity and other religions in Freemasonry are just a façade. If Freemasonry were really aligned to any of the major world religions, it would align itself more directly and convincingly. It also wouldn't combine that G-for-God with the Eye of Horus (which is in the apex of the compass above). That is a pre-Christian symbol from Egypt, and we will see that it represents Ra or the Sun for Freemasons.

So what of Geometry? Although at first that may seem to tie into the work done by masons, it turns out it is also misdirection. The connection of Freemasons to old stonemason guilds has been manufactured, and there is no evidence stonemasons ever extended their guilds into the occult. Why would they? Why would a working group of stone carvers get involved in all this mysticism? The answer: they didn't. Freemasonry has absolutely nothing to do with stonemasonry and never did, although Freemasons are happy for you to think so. Freemasons called themselves masons to imply they were the builders of society, creating the main structure. They could have just as easily called themselves architects or designers, but that would not have implied that they descended from Medieval architecture guilds or design societies.

So what does the G stand for? My regular readers have probably already guessed. It is the big G in Newton's equations, and in these symbols it stands for unification. It appears that at least as early as 1564 some scientists understood the unification of charge and gravity. I am not sure the extent to which they understood it, but we will see that they at least understood it as a unification of rules at the Earthly level and the Celestial level, or as a unification of the very large and very small.

You will say that date puts this a full century before Newton, so the G could not very well stand for a constant in his equations. But you have to understand that G was not used in Freemason symbolism

until the mid 18th century, at which time Newton's G was known. As we will see, before that time the unification was represented in other ways in the symbolism of Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry.

Before we get into that, let me show you another important decoding of the Freemason symbol above. The steel square at the bottom is currently explained in many ways. The Freemasons themselves again tie it to stonemasonry. It has also been tied to Jesus, since carpenters use squares of this sort. But what no one has appeared to notice is that the square in the Freemason symbol is inverted. It is an inverse square. If we tie that to the big G above it, it is easy to see how they both point at Newton's gravity equation. Newton's gravity equation is an inverse square law. Until now, even that recognition wouldn't mean much, since it hasn't been known in the mainstream that Newton's gravity equation is unified. But since I have shown that G is what unifies it, we can see that what is being represented in the symbol of Freemasonry is unification. What Einstein was attempting in the 1930's and what String Theory is now attempting, some “occult” scientists had already achieved by 1564.

As with the G, the inverted square wasn't added to the symbolism until later. As we will see in studying Rosicrucianism, the early keys and symbols included other signs of unification, but the inverted square couldn't be added to the mix until the inverse square law became known via Newton's gravity equation. Conveniently for my theory, the inverted square became prominent some time after 1700, as we would expect. The compass was known before that, and was included in Rosicrucian symbolism before Newton, but not the inverted square or the G.

Now let's take a quick look at that compass. We are told it is just another tool of masons, but I encourage you to remember precisely what a compass is used for. It can be used as calipers, to measure straightline distances, which is what masons mainly use it for. But of course the compass was originally created to draw circles. In astrology or astronomy, circles=orbits. When you have a compass, the letter G, and an inverted square, I think it is pretty obvious you are being pointed at Newton's law of gravitation.

So why do I keep mentioning that date 1564? Because that is when John Dee published his Monas Hieroglyphica, a book containing this symbol:

That is the earliest symbol in this mystery, and I will not take you back before that in this paper. We are told by Dee himself that symbol represents (from top to bottom) the Moon, the Sun, the Elements, and Fire. Several things to notice. One, Dee is not being very esoteric here, or at least he is not misdirecting. He tells us in the book what this means, and he is not misleading us. This is important because it means the misdirection came later. It appears that Dee's analysis is foggy only because his understanding is still foggy. His exposition of unification is incomplete because his understanding is incomplete, not because he is hiding or lying. This “esoteric” symbol is the easiest to decode of all the

symbols we will look at, and this is important because it means that Dee—although sold to us now as some sort of wizard or magician—is actually more scientific than those who came after him. Since he all but decodes his own symbol for us, he is less occult. He is sharing what he knows, which is not occultism but science.

Two, the Moon and Sun symbols taken together represent what we now call Celestial Mechanics. You can think of them as the gravity part of the unified field. Beneath them, we find the elements, and beneath the elements, we find fire. That stacking is not an accident, since it represents the actual hierarchy in size, in the unified field. The planets and stars are bigger than the elements, and are composed of the elements.

Three, the elements are represented by a cross. Dee did this to combine the totality of previous elemental symbols, many of which (Mercury, Sulfur, Antimony, Copper) have the cross above or below the circle like this. The cross also represents “conjunction” in alchemy, and can represent the crucible in which elements are joined. But this representation has caused untold confusion, since when this symbol of Dee was used by the Rosicrucians, they imported the cross. Either on purpose or by accident, the cross was then linked to Christianity. But Dee implied no such link. As he said explicitly, the cross represented the elements and nothing else. It was and remained an alchemical or physical symbol, not a Christian symbol.

Four, by putting fire beneath the elements, Dee was probably implying charge, not fire. It appears he understood that at the quantum level, fire was not flame, but charge. Charge was therefore the spark beneath the elements, not fire as such. Since I have shown that all heat is ultimately caused by charge, this connection is easier to understand. In this way, Dee's symbol can easily be read as a symbol of unification, with charge as the foundational driver of the Unified Field. Dee's symbol may even represent charge channeling through the nucleus, since if we read the symbol as a symbol of unification, we see charge percolating up through the elements, and in this way unifying with the Celestial Field or gravity above.

Five, the title of the Monas Hieroglyphica refers to decoding a Monad. What is a monad? It is a One, or an indivisible thing. This also implies unification, since “unification” means “making one.” Mono is the Greek prefix and Uni is the Latin prefix, but they both mean “one.” Once you have unified gravity and charge, you have a unified field, or a single field. This single field could be called a monad or a monas.

Now, my connection of Rosicrucianism to John Dee is neither novel nor historically unsupported. In one of the first publications of the Rosicrucian order, the 1616 Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, the invitation to the royal wedding opens with Dee's esoteric key above, the Monas Hieroglyphica symbol. The anonymous writer also claims the Order possesses a book like the book of Paracelsus (which is what the Monas Hieroglyphica is). So let us take a look at the main Rosicrucian symbols:

That is the one you will find at Wikipedia and all over the web. You are told that is actually an early Freemason symbol, since it is a Scottish Rite pendant from around 1800. But in Scotland, the Scottish Rite is called the Rose Croix, so the line between Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism is blurred, to say the least. Notice that the Rose Croix is still using the older symbolism, with no square or G, but with the same compass. They have made the cross red, but as I have already shown, that is misdirection. They have also given it a longer lower bar, to match it to the shape of the Christian cross. But as we now know, it symbolizes not Christ but the elements. It is red not to indicate the blood of Christ but to indicate the heat or fire or charge beneath it, which has energized it. It indicates the heat of the crucible in alchemy or chemistry, which is made hot at the quantum level by charge.

We also see the early use of the rays, which we also saw in the modern Freemason symbol above (where they are blue). The rays have been interpreted in many ways, but all modern interpretations can now be seen to be misdirection. The rays represent charge, since charge is light and light is charge. They are a further indication of unification. In this way, they simply reinforce the wings of the bird in front of them in this symbol, which also represent charge. To see what I mean, let us compare this Rose Croix symbol to Dee's symbol:

As you see, it is the humps that are important in the lower part. Whoever designed this Scottish Rite pendant simply re-interpreted the fire of Dee's symbol as a bird, then drew a realistic bird instead of the simple bird symbol of the two humps representing wings. I assume this is purposeful misdirection rather than a simple mistake, but I suppose it is remotely possible the Freemasons don't even know what their own symbols mean. However, to believe that you would have to assume they had already forgotten the main lines of their own mystery religion only a century or so after Dee.

If we go back to the first Freemason symbol above, we can now understand a bit more:

That symbol doesn't contain the cross or the bird, does it? Not at first glance, but it has to represent the charge or fire somehow, and it does that with the blue rays in the circle behind. Of course that blue set of rays contains this symbol:

That is now called the sunwheel or Woden's cross, but we know from John Dee to look elsewhere. He has told us it stands for the all the elements. To include light or charge or fire in the Freemason symbol, the artist has drawn the rays coming out from center in all directions, not just the four corners. As you see, they are also drawn as crystals, implying both the crystalline structure of matter and the transmission of light through crystals and thereby the elements. So the blue background of the modern Freemason symbol includes both the elements and the charge that is channeled through them. Curiously, the modern Freemason symbol exchanges the red cross of Rosicrucianism for a blue cross. We must suppose this is further misdirection, since the rosy cross originally indicated what elements to

put into the crucible, and how they looked once there. Either that or it is a purposeful redirection, indicating some real change in the Fraternity. I would suggest that the alchemists are no longer interested in turning “base metals” into gold, via rosy elements in the crucible. They are now interested in transforming elements that appear blue in the crucible.**

Some will say, “That's all very interesting, but do you have any indication that Newton or his gravity equation was tied to Freemasonry, or is it all just another wild theory of yours?” Actually I do have strong indication of it—beyond the G, the inverse square, and the compass, which are already strong indication—and I found it with only a few minutes research on the web. The link is Christopher Wren, who shows up on two pages at Wikipedia that would not seem to be linked otherwise. The first page is on Newton's law of universal gravitation. In response to Hooke's claims of plagiarism, Newton replied that he had talked about the idea with Christopher Wren prior to 1679, the date of Hooke's letter. So Newton was saying that the main lines of the theory predated both Hooke and himself and therefore could not have been invented by Hooke. Wren was also aware of the main lines of the theory at that time, as you see.

The Freemasons themselves admit Wren was a mason. He was said to have been the Master of Lodge of Antiquity number 2.* Many have tried to deny Wren's ties to Freemasonry, and you are now seeing why, but the evidence far outweighs the denials. For instance, we also know that many of those who worked with Wren on the major projects of London were Freemasons, including John James, the second surveyor of St. Paul's; John Evelyn; Nathaniel Blackerby, treasurer of the new church commission; and the notorious Nicholas Hawksmoor (called the devil's architect for his love of pagan imagery). Why should their ties to Masonry be admitted while Wren's are denied? Because these men were not also linked to Isaac Newton and his gravitational equation by Newton's own testimony.

So the link is there and is not hard to find, even 300 years later. Master Masons were discussing Newton's equations with Newton himself before the Principia was published, and we know that from Newton's own testimony. So we should not be surprised to find big G in the Freemason symbols soon thereafter, along with the inverted square.

Now, what of the Freemason's current explanation of G, which includes the written response to its own members:

By letters four and science five, this “G” aright doth stand, in due Art and Proportion; you have your answer, friend.

We are told by Freemasons that geometry is the fifth science, but it isn't. According to the old Trivium and Quadrivium of the Liberal Arts, geometry is second in the Quadrivium, which would make it the fifth of seven arts. But that doesn't make it the fifth science, since the Trivium before it is composed of grammar, logic and rhetoric, which aren't sciences. Supposing we include maths as part of the sciences, geometry is the second science in the list, after arithmetic. So we are seeing another purposeful misinterpretation here.

Even worse is the claim that by “letters four” they mean YHWH, to stand for Yahweh. That is so pushed it is hardly worth responding to. In all other ways, the symbolism of Freemasonry is pushed to make you think it is Christian—as with the rosy cross and so on. But here they are pushing the symbolism toward Judaism. Ridiculous. Also ridiculous is the claim that the letter G “aright doth stand” by letters four being YHWH. If the letters four were YHWH, then of course the one letter in the symbol would be Y, not G. The word is either GOD, in which case the letters are three, or the letters

are six, in which case the word might be YAHWEH. But although Yahweh has some variant spellings, none of them have four letters and no vowels. I will be told that Yahweh is spelled with four letters in Hebrew, but in that case we should find a Yud in the Freemason symbolism, not a G. The Yud is not a Hebrew G. It is either a Y or a J, but never a G.

What they mean by “letters four and science five” is very simple, once you realize they are talking about Newton's gravitational equation. As we know, the equation is

F = GMm/r2

G “aright doth stand” in that equation by the help of the surrounding letters and numbers. Besides G, how many letters are in the equation? Four. Besides G, how many letters and numbers are in the equation? Five. The letters don't become “science” until the equation is completed by placing the exponent 2 on the letter r. That is why they say, “by letters four and science five, G aright doth stand.” As if G is propped up by the letters and science. Well, we see that it is, and how it is. This also explains why they say, “in due Art and Proportion.” Before now, that has always just looked like meaningless verbiage, but we now see what it means. The “proportion” is the ratio, which is represented by the / sign in Newton's gravity equation. In the Freemason response, they are telling you to look for an equation, and not only that but an equation with a proportion or ratio in it.

It is known that in addition to being a physicist and mathematician, Newton—like John Dee a century earlier—was an alchemist, an astrologer, and a free explorer in all fields that we now call occult. Was he also a Mason? I could find no direct evidence he was, but he was a member of the Spalding Gentleman's Society, which had as members many prominent Freemasons, including the Chevalier Ramsay, Alexander Pope, and John Desaguliers. Beyond that, Newton had in his library a copy of The Fame and Confession of the Fraternity R. C., which is the English translation of the Rosicrucian manifestos published by Thomas Vaughan in 1652. His copy is now in the Yale library and contains Newton's marginal notes. Although Newton there admits that the Rosencreutz story was “an imposture,” any ranking Freemason or Rosicrucian would have known that. Making Rosencreutz a real or fictional person was an intended imposture by the Rosicrucians themselves, most of whom we must assume knew that the rose cross symbolized not a person but the elements themselves. Rosencreutz was part of a ludibrium, which means it was a joke for insiders and misdirection for everyone else. Rosencreutz was obviously not a person, real or fictional, since real people do not have “chemical weddings.” The chemical wedding was the joining of elements in a crucible, and the name Rosencreutz indicated which elements were to be used. John Dee, Francis Bacon, or someone else was simply publishing experimental results in the only way they could be published at the time, claiming priority to the other initiates of the time while hiding from everyone else—including of course the Vatican.

In this way, the early texts of Rosicrucianism can be tied to contemporary claims of cold fusion. Alchemy was simply the effort to create fusion or fission in the lab without extremely high heat or pressure. What we are seeing is published claims of success as early as 1607. [John Dee was still alive in 1607, remember, not dying until 1608.] Scientists of the time had to publish their results in the form of a ludibrium because they were in mortal danger from the Vatican, which was suppressing science as a competing franchise. This is the main reason Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry, while sometimes seeming to make an alliance with Lutheranism or other forms of Protestantism, were always inimical to Catholicism. The Protestant church in 1600 didn't yet have the power to suppress science, but the Catholic church certainly did. The Vatican was still imprisoning and murdering scientists at the time, so it is no surprise that scientists should align themselves against the Catholic Church. It is also no surprise that they should align with the Protestant Church, which in Germany was already beginning to successfully resist Catholicism. So you see, the Rosicrucians weren't really for Protestantism as much as they were against the Vatican. They would have made an alliance with anyone else who was also against the Vatican, and they did. It is clear that the Rosicrucians hoped that Protestantism would eventually destroy the Vatican, without replacing it. We will see a similar ploy in my next paper, where we will find later governments promoting Buddhism in the West, hoping it would help destroy Christianity without replacing it.

So who was the link between John Dee and the Freemasons? In other words, who wrote or caused to be published the first Rosicrucian texts in 1607-1616? This is unknown, but several have suggested Francis Bacon as the man, including 20th century Theosophists and Rosicrucians. Although I will show in my next paper that these newer groups are manufactured, it may be they are correct about Bacon. Not only did Bacon have the power and position to promote the Unified Field of John Dee, but Bacon's famous writings—such as the New Atlantis—mirror many of the ideas John Dee, of Rosicrucianism, and of Johannes Andreae in Germany. Andreae is said to be the author of the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosencreutz (see above) and of the Description of the Republic of Christianopolis, which is much like Bacon's the New Atlantis. In addition, Bacon was in the right time and right city, inhabiting London under the rule of Elizabeth like Dee. Dee lived until 1608, which is the exact decade Bacon began to flourish. Bacon was 47 in 1608, and was then solicitor general. He went on to become attorney general in 1613, Lord Chancellor and a Baron in 1618, and a Viscount in 1621. As Lord Chancellor, Bacon was one of the most powerful men in the country. Even before reaching that exalted status he was capable of achieving almost anything he wished to achieve. Remember, then as now few men who reached high political positions were also capable of writing great treatises on Science or Religion. They simply had neither the time nor the inclination to do so. We know that Bacon had the inclination and found the time. If John Dee had wished to pass a torch, he could have found few or none more capable of holding it than Francis Bacon.

Jacob Cats, Lampado Trado, Dee passing the lamp to Bacon

Bacon also had ties to Germany. All the royals and elites of England had ties to Germany, most of them blood ties—especially to the north/central parts of Germany like Hanover. They still do, since of course the Windsors are actually Saxe-Coburg-Gothas from this same region (Bavaria/Thuringia, just south of Hanover and east of Kassel). The Rosicrucian texts were published in Kassel, which is near the southern borders of the old Hanoverian region in Germany. In fact, there exists a lot of evidence that Bacon was royal himself, a bastard son of Elizabeth. Whether or not that is true, it is indisputable that the families of the blood treated him as one of their own from the beginning, which is otherwise difficult to explain. Having no money or title he lived shoulder-to-shoulder with those who did. Becoming Lord Chancellor, he rose as high as a man could in government without becoming King. As the youngest of five sons of Nicholas Bacon, with no inheritance, this would have been impossible at the time.

Even Bacon's “downfall” in 1621 is shrouded in mystery, since in hindsight it is difficult to distinguish from a retirement. It has all the earmarks of a manufactured withdrawal from public life. It happened in Bacon's 61st year, which was then the time of retirement. He was convicted of supposedly serious crimes but suffered almost nothing for them. Although he offered a full confession, the King remitted his huge fine of £40,000 (about 8 million dollars) and allowed him to keep his title. His death five years later is likewise suspicious. The Rosicrucian theory is that he became an Ascended Master like Nicholas Flamel and lived either to 150 or forever, and while that is highly unlikely he may have faked his death and continued his projects in Germany under another name. Prominent people have always had the resources to do that, and cause to do it, and have done it, so the suggestion that Bacon did it is not in the least outré.

In conclusion, I may be asked what all this means. Since I have decoded Masonic symbols as being linked to Newton, should we assume Masons have been in control of the Unified Field for centuries? Or should we assume they knew of it only as John Dee knew of it in 1564—as through a glass darkly? Well, since Newton was among the greatest of them, and since even he didn't understand much about the real mechanics of unification, my assumption is closer to the latter. It is possible the occult masters can manipulate the Unified Field in ways we aren't told of in the mainstream journals. But I think that if this were so, we would see clear evidence of it in the greater world. The modern world could hardly have turned into such a pit of corruption, fakery, stupidity, and hubris in all known fields if the architects of this world were in fact masters of building. I suspect the failures of the modern world are a direct indication of the failures of those in these esoteric societies, who have either forgotten what they once knew or never knew very much. In other words, the failures of the modern world are not an indication of too much success in science, but of too little. Both mainstream science and the esoteric societies don't really know much, and although it is true that mainstream science has become dangerous in its misplaced assurance, it is not dangerous because it is powerful. It is dangerous because it lacks the power it thinks it has. Its ambition far exceeds its wisdom.

It is clear that the modern alchemists have achieved semi-controlled fission, and it probable that the old “occult” knowledge of the Freemasons and Rosicrucians had its part in this. However, the continued very public problems we see with this, including the latest meltdown in Fukushima, would indicate that the Mastery is very partial. From this alone we can deduce that they haven't mastered or remastered cold or low heat fusion, for if they had they would certainly use it in lieu of fission. And from this we can deduce that the published claims of such low-heat fusion or fission in 1607 were either false or that the science of it has since been lost—the former being more likely.

Many have argued that science is intrinsically flawed, and that it must end as it has because the universe is not mechanistic, materialistic, or reducible to equations. And while I agree that science will always have its limits, I do not agree that science's mechanistic nature has been its downfall. For instance, physics has not failed because it has tried to reduce the universe to laws or equations or mechanisms; it has failed because it has promoted the wrong laws and equations. Contemporary science has not failed by being too mechanistic or rigorous, it has failed by having too little rigor and mechanics. As I have proved in hundreds of papers, it has allowed itself to revert into magic, mysticism, and the grossest sort of subjectivity (see the observer effect in quantum mechanics, for example). We have seen in this paper that the early program of these lodges and orders and fraternities to couch science in mystery religions or esoteric trappings has set the stage for more recent wafflings and misdirections, and the fact that some of the biggest names in science over the past half millennium have been involved in these secret orders goes a long way in explaining why quantum mechanics, Relativity, and string theory also look like and have been sold as mystery religions. I have already linked the Copenhagen Interpretation to toward this mystical attitude, whereby 20th century physics was promoted as the pronouncements of a secret society, as the results of occult interactions, and as a dogma hidden beneath many layers of misdirection and warnings. But even newer masters have been equally occult, and it takes very little imagination to see that Richard Feynman was attempting to sell himself as a wizard. He may have attacked his competitors as “cargo cult” frauds, but once they were dealt with he had no problem positioning himself as a necromancer of the rule-less underworld, where particles could be invoked from the void with the proper spells and hieroglyphs†.

This all goes to say that Bacon's Republic failed just as spectacularly as those of Plato and Aristotle before him. Although he was inarguably a genius of the first order, and although in hindsight his intentions seem noble enough, his secret societies failed as all secrets fail, by creating a place for scoundrels to hide. Though his science was based on the Unified Field of John Dee, which was in most respects true; though Bacon's successors imported the physics of Newton, which was also in most respects true; and though the Rosicrucians and Freemasons may have supported and cataloged all the best discoveries in every century, they ultimately failed. Even if Bacon's original plans had been otherwise perfect, and carried on scrupulously by his successors, the secrecy would have undermined them nonetheless. The worthiest parts of Bacon's Instauration concerned science, but true science can only flourish in the open air, lit by the direct rays of the Sun. Where there is darkness there is always a contradiction, and the contradiction in Bacon's philosophy can be seen in the words alone: how can Freemasons be “free” when they are hiding behind codes, secrets, and other misdirection? Bacon would no doubt answer me that his hand was forced in this way by the Vatican, which would not allow him to pursue his science openly; and since that is undoubtedly true, it is but another crime against history we can lay at Rome's doorstep. Even now, in the 21st century, when the Vatican would seem to have little or no influence on science, its ancient Inquisitions still manage to corrupt the forms of culture. Could Bohr have ever bullied 20th century physics into accepting his dogma had he not been in a Europe already bullied by centuries of pronouncements by Kings, Pontiffs, Cardinals, and other autocrats? Could Feynman have bullied his contemporaries into accepting the absurdities of late quantum mechanics, absurdities which he himself admitted were absurd (see renormalization, which he called hocus-pocus)? Could the various Hawkings and Susskinds now bully their underlings so completely in a culture of openness? It is not possible. Physics and all other fields now only persist by scuttling about in the dark, beneath the eaves of the ancient edifices.

So as usual I find myself on neither side. Christians (and not just Catholics) still attack the Masons as being Satanists or Luciferians. But although Freemasonry may have been infiltrated by a fake Satanism since the late 19th century (for reasons I will pursue in my next paper), I do not think it originally had anything to do with Satan or Lucifer. As advanced by Bacon and others, it was occult for other reasons and used non-Christian symbols for other reasons. Its main goal was originally the advancement of science, and I have no problem with that. It has only become corrupted through the centuries like everything else, by accident and on purpose. But I am certainly not on this page to rebuild Catholicism or Protestantism in its place. The current state of the world, and of all nations, is proof enough that none of the old masters, occult or revealed, were or are building on the right plans. Like Bacon, I believe that science must be one of pillars of the future, and also like him I believe that

science must be rounded out by a proper worldview, one that is not a dead materialism like we currently have. I also agree that all the old religions have ideas worth keeping. However, I think it is clear that all of them are flawed at the foundations. We do not have to choose one of them or any of them. It is not Christianity or Judaism, Christianity or Satanism, Christianity or Buddhism, Christianity or Islam. All of them have failed in pretty spectacular fashion, and so the answer is none of the above. None of them have managed to teach a proper relationship between Man, the Earth, and the Sky. None of them have managed to make us feel at home here, where we truly are at home.

*Royal Society Archives, May 18, 1691.

**Uranium and Plutonium give off a blue glow in an uncontrolled event, caused by neutron radiation and the accompanying gamma radiation.

†See Feynman diagrams.


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