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Is Max Keiser a Plant?

First published December 9, 2016

As usual, this is just my opinion, based on the personal research you will find below.

Strangely enough, I started questioning Timothy Maxwell Keiser's bio from the direction of Stacy Herbert. I used to like both of them, since they are admittedly funny together. They put together a good show. But I finally figured out it is just that: a show. A project. I have known that for a couple of years, since I could see they were diverting us from the real history. Like Dave McGowan and Mae Brussell and many others, they were questioning minor parts of the script, but accepting the main line as true. But until now I didn't understand exactly what they were up to, or where they came from.

The clue that got me in was Stacy's last name Herbert. All my genealogy work has made me look at things in a new light, as you might expect. When I discovered that in England the family Herbert was way up in the peerage, an alarm went off in my head. The Herberts were Earls of Pembroke (8 th creation) back to the 1400s. The second Earl married the sister of the Queen, a Woodville. He later married the daughter of King Richard III. The family then retook the title in the late 1500s as the 10 th creation, during the Tudor period. The first Earl of that line married Anne Parr, sister of Katherine Parr, wife of King Henry VIII. Also in the late 1500s, we find the Herberts as the Barons Powis, Wales. The first Baron was High Steward to Elizabeth I. These Barons were related to the Percys, Earls of Northumberland, and through them to the Mortimers and Montagues. This links them to all the peers in my previous papers, as well as to George Washington and so on.

We find these same Herberts hitting the peerage again in the 18th century, when they became the Earls of Carnarvon. One of the sons of the third Earl was Auberon Molyneux Herbert. Note the middle name, because it may connect Stacy Herbert to Stefan Molyneux. Auberon married Florence Cowper, daughter of the 6th Earl Cowper. He was a big spook in the field of economics, which ties into our question here. We see his trick when he ran early for Parliament as a conservative, lost, so switched to the liberal party and won. He did the same thing in his literary career, controlling the opposition by pretending to be an anarcho-capitalist or anarchist. Do you really think the son of an Earl and Member of Parliament is going to promote anarchism?

Also pertinent to our investigation is Aubrey Molyneux Herbert, 2nd son of the 4th Earl Carnarvon. His mother was Elizabeth Howard, sister of Esme Howard, 1st Baron of Penrith. Aubrey was half-brother of George Herbert, 5th Earl, who discovered the tomb of King Tut. Aubrey was a close friend of T. E. Lawrence and also a noted Orientalist, but he was more interested in the Middle East than the Far East. This is because he was an admitted Intelligence Officer. As such, he was involved in Albanian independence and was twice offered the crown of Albania. By 1916, he was in charge of Naval Intelligence in Iraq. In 1917 he was head of the British Adriatic Mission in Italy. He was a Lieutenant Colonel. In 1921 Herbert went to Berlin to interrogate Talaat Pasha, one of the three leaders of the Young Turks. Pasha was Grand Vizier (Prime Minister) of the Ottomon Empire (Turkey) from 1917-

1918 at the end of WW1. He allegedly initiated the Armenian genocide. Pasha was allegedly assassinated nine days after meeting Herbert. For our purposes here, you may also wish to know that Pasha worked early on at the Alliance Israelite School in Edirne, where he “had an affair” with the daughter of the Jewish headmaster. But we will have to unwind that another time. Aubrey Herbert's daughter married writer Evelyn Waugh. Herbert allegedly died at age 43 from having his teeth pulled.

Also possibly of interest to our investigation is Anthony Reed Herbert, who has no parents or dates in the common bios. He is a ghost. He was a leader of the British National Front during the 1970s. See the paper on Skinheads published on my site, written by one of my British readers. He shows the NF was likely a concoction of British Intelligence, just as the American Nazi Party was a concoction of Naval Intelligence here. Also note this Herbert's middle name, which may link him to John Reed of the fake American Communist Party.

You may also wish to remember George Herbert Walker Bush. The last three names are all surnames, and the Bushes are of course related to all these families from the British peerage.

Also interesting is Henry Herbert, an actor born in England but famous in New York in the 1920s. He is interesting because he lived at 16 Gramercy Park. Do you remember that from my last paper on Twain? That was the address of the Players Club, founded by Edwin Booth.

Neither Stacy Herbert nor Max Keiser have any pertinent biographical information online, although both have Wikipedia pages. Neither have parents listed, which is curious. I will be told Stacy Herbert is American, not British, but who knows. She and Keiser live in London. Also a big red flag is that her Wiki bio starts with Popetown, a British animated sitcom she produced in 2004. It was commissioned by BBC3 and was produced in England. Upon completion, it was considered so anti-Catholic the BBC declined to air it, and it was killed. This is another clue in our investigation, since the British peerage has been anti-Catholic since the time of William and Mary (and in many lines, long before that). These families we have been tracking, including the Herberts, were some of the worst, and I have shown you why in previous papers: they were crypto-Jewish. As we know, the Jews have been feuding with Rome for many centuries, for reasons I don't need to repeat.

So if Stacy Herbert is American, she has some close and early ties to England.

Max Keiser's Wikipedia page is a barrage of red flags, the first being that he writes for Huffington Post. If he were really as anti-establishment as he pretends to be, do you think he would be published by Arianna Huffington? C'mon! We can say the same of Russia Today, which is just an obvious Intel front, trying to control the opposition by making them think this is coming out of Russia or something. It is about as Russian as the Russian Tea Room.

Did Keiser study economics in college, or business? No, he studied theater at New York University. He is an actor. After college, he was a stand-up comedian and radio performer. He later worked on Wall Street, as we know, but it was only part-time. What kind of Wall Street jobs are part-time, other than errand boy? Maybe he was office clown, brought in in the afternoons to entertain the troops. We are told he worked for PaineWebber and Oppenheimer &Co. Whatever he did there, he didn't do it long because he was soon working for Access Hollywood. He created Battle at the Box Office in 1999, where he bet “Hollywood dollars” on which Hollywood films would become successful. What are Hollywood dollars? They are kind of like Zoo dollars. After that was killed by the studios, Keiser moved on (after several years) to Al Jazeera English in 2006, another transparent Intel front, supposed to be a production of Arabs, but really a production of one of our satellite states, Qatar. It is funded by the Thanis, the rulers of Qatar, with most content supplied by Western Intelligence. For more on the Thanis, see my paper on money laundering in art.

But let's cut to the chase here. You may think most of the evidence above is circumstantial, so let me give you something more tangible. If we do a free people search on Timothy Keiser, age 56, of New York, we get two curious entries at InstantCheckmate.

  1. Timothy Maxwell Keiser, 56, has lived in Venice CA, New York, NY, Pittsboro, NC, Los Angeles, Santa Monica. No relatives listed.

  2. Timothy G. Kaiser, 56, alias Timothy J. Kaiser, Timothy Kieser, 56, has lived in Armonk, NY, Pound Ridge, NY, Mount Kisco, NY, Selden, NY. Relatives Bruce, Eugene, and Judith Kaiser. Dina Dipippa. Shirley Stadtmueller.

If we search Timothy Keiser of New York at Intelius, we find only one, and he has Pound Ridge, NY on his locations list. However, he is only 51. We find the same Timothy Kaiser, 56, we found at InstantCheckmate.

Why is that curious? To start with, it is curious to find no relatives listed for Timothy Maxwell Keiser, spelled with a “e”. This indicates the name may be fake, since if the computers can dig up all those locations, they should be able to dig up some relatives. He has no Keiser relatives because there are no Keiser relatives, spelled that way. More indication of that is the name Keiser, which is rare. It is almost always spelled Kaiser. But the frosting is in the second listing. If we consult Wikipedia, we are told Max Keiser “grew up” in Westchester County, NY. We find nothing to confrim that in the first listing. But in the second listing we do. Armonk, Pound Ridge, and Mount Kisco are all in Westchester County. This indicates that both listings refer to our Max Keiser, and that his real name is Kaiser.

But why would he be hiding that? It is possible he is related to billionaire George Kaiser, chairman of BOK Financial Corporation of Tulsa and one of the 100 richest people in the world. His father started Kaiser-Francis Oil Company, and George turned it into the 23rd largest nonpublic energy exploration company in the US. The Kaisers are admitted to be Jewish. Or, since Kaiser Permanente has a large location in Mount Kisco, Max could be a descendant of Henry J. Kaiser, another billionaire from a bit earlier. He was called the father of shipbuilding, and formed both Kaiser Aluminum and Kaiser Steel. His son Edgar married Sue Mead, who was the daughter of Mary Lewis. She is scrubbed, but she may link us to the Lewis family we have been following in previous papers. Otherwise, these Kaisers are well-scrubbed.

We are told these two billionaire Kaisers aren't related, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were. It is hard to link the Oklahoma Kaisers to New York, but George did go to Harvard, so he does have links to the East Coast. We also discover that his first wife Betty Eudene was from New Jersey. They married in Springfield. If George's family had just come over from Germany during the war and immediately settled in Oklahoma, it is not clear how he got into Harvard or met this girl from Smith College (Western Massachusetts). To get into Harvard you need connections. Grades won't do it. Even if they didn't come from New York, they may have been cousins of the New York Kaisers—one branch coming over in the 19th century and their cousins following in 1938.

We find two last bit of evidence in favor of this reading. We learn from Betty's obituary that George Kaiser's daughter Emily lives in London. This may help explain why Max Keiser now lives there. We also find that George Kaiser's nephew is actor Tim Blake Nelson. This gives the family the Hollywood link that may explain how Max Keiser got hired by Access Hollywood. You need connections for something like that, too. Being a funny ex-broker won't do it.

So Max's real name may be Timothy G. Kaiser, and the G. may stand for George. It appears he isn't a son, but he may be a nephew or something. Hard to know, since these people don't have any genealogies posted, as I said.

Before we leave Max, there is one other thing I found. When George Kaiser's family came to Tulsa, they were “sponsored” by a relative named Sam Miller. We just saw the Millers in my previous paper as well. They were from Germany also and were originally Muellers. This may tie them to Henry Miller, Joachin Miller, and through him to Daniel Boone and all the other top families in the US. In search of proof of that, I found this interesting site, which lists the most prominent Millers from Tulsa at the turn of the century. There we find several Samuel Millers. We also find them related to Faulkners, Hoffmans, and Tates.

Now let's move on to Stacy Herbert. If we do the same free people search on Stacy, we find:

Stacy Herbert, Stacy Wagner, 48, related to James Wagner. Has lived in Anchorage and Talkeetna, AK; Redondo Beach, Hermosa Beach, and Glendale, CA; Mesa AZ; Buffalo, East Amherst, Orchard Park, and Skaneateles, NY.

That's a curious list of places. At Intelius, we find her as Stacy Ann Herbert, 48, same relatives, but some more locations, including Castle Rock and Brighton, CO, and Green River, WY. We are told she has worked at Quantitative Ecological Services, Inc. It is in Castle Rock, CO. Don't know what she was doing there, but it appears she was married before to James Wagner.

From this, it looks like she is American. We could of guessed that from her accent. Few Brits can fake an American accent that well. However, it doesn't mean she isn't related to the big Herberts.

With a bit more digging, I found another connection to England for Stacy. According to, she had a famous relationship with Angus Deayton (above). He went to Oxford. He is a British actor and comedian who played straight man to Rowan Atkinson. In one episode of Black Adder, Deayton was one of the Jumping Jews of Jerusalem. Hmmm. He was host of Have I Got News for You, a British gameshow. So apparently Stacy likes to date actors, especially comedians. And it means she is as connected as Max Keiser, indicating she isn't just some no-name Herbert from nowhere. You don't meet these top actors at the market or in a yoga class. You are either introduced or you meet them in Social Register gatherings. This indicates my reading of her above is correct.

But let's return to her listed places of residence. The Alaska locations are curious, and we wonder what Herbert was doing there. Wikipedia tells us she is from Huntington, NY, but it didn't come up in her profile. Instead, we get Skaneateles, NY, which may be a clue. That's near Syracuse, and Hancock Field military base. We can say the same for Green River, WY, which is near an Army base at Rock Springs. That is also true of Anchorage, which has the huge nearby Elmendorf-Richardson base. Also applies to Mesa, which is just east of Phoenix. Phoenix has nine military bases, and those are just the ones listed. Also applies to Brighton, CO, which is just north of Denver Airport. That is near Buckley Air Force base in notorious Aurora. This also applies to Castle Rock, which is about 15 miles south of Aurora. I think we have figured it out.

So what is the project Keiser and Herbert are pushing? Well, they are attacking the “banksters” so you don't have to. When you see them going after the top dogs at Goldman Sachs or wherever, you figure someone is on it. You figure the cat is out of the bag and the regulators will eventually get around to seeing what Max and Stacy see. You don't realize Max and Stacy are hired as a diversion, and that they are basically pretending to attack their cousins, while everyone sniggers at you behind your back.

You should have gotten wind of the stench when Max started pushing bitcoin, Maxcoin, StartCoin, and so on. That's when I bowed out. I warned my friends bitcoin was another hoax when it first came out, but no one listened. One of my good friends lost his shirt, and learned the hard way. He asked me how I knew. I knew because I ignored all the blather and looked at the story of its founding. The guy that allegedly started it, Satoshi Nakamoto, was a ghost. Let's see, if we do a direct translation of that, his name means “intelligent central”. Flipping it, we get Central Intelligence. He published the invention on Halloween, 2008. Bitcoin is the first crypto-currency, and the word came into usage with it. I don't trust anything with the name “crypto”. They might as well call it crypto-Jewish currency, although I guess you might figure it out if they did that.

Think I am joking? Well, I am, but it is true, too. Just under the ghost Nakamoto you get another level of names at the founding of bitcoin, starting with Harold Finney and Phil Zimmerman. They are the semi-ghosts at PGP, which stands for Pretty Good Privacy computer software. Really? Is that the level of privacy you pay for? Pretty Good? Not great, but better than nothing. I think I will start a security software company and call it that: NGBBTN. Anyway, I guess you caught the name Zimmerman. NEC-J: Not Even Crypto-Jewish. Just Jewish. I wonder if he is related to Nobel Prize phony Bob Dylan? PGP was founded in 2002 by Jon Callas and Phil Dunkelberger. Again, both Jewish names. Jon Callas is an alleged security expert who started Silent Circle. It might as well be called Silent Circle-Jerk. He has also worked for Apple, which I have shown you is just an Intel front. See my paper on Steve Jobs. This is all so transparent, I can't believe anyone reads these pages at Wikipedia and falls for the baloney.

When bitcoin came out, I asked my friend, “Do you really think the bankers are going to allow a real crypto-currency to thrive? You are always telling me they run the world, which is why you need bitcoin: to outsmart them. But if they run the world, bitcoin isn't going to outsmart them. It isn't a matter of tricks, is it? It is a matter of control. Plus, in a game of financial tricks, these people will always win. They have been perfecting financial tricks for centuries. They spend every waking hour thinking of new financial tricks, while you have a life to live. You can be sure that any new financial scheme of this sort—especially one that is promoted to this extent—and especially one whose story of creation is such bollocks—was created to steal your money in some novel way.”

If you really wish to outsmart these people, quit buying all their garbage and quit falling for their schemes. Quit believing their stories. And build your life on some non-economic basis. Instead of thinking how to make money or fool the authorities, try thinking how you can do something a bit more meaningful and lost-lasting. Consider how you can do something that needs to be done. Consider how you can become a bigger person, and a greater soul. Talking about economics or thinking about money will never get you there. If you do that, you are just a smaller version of those you claim to detest.


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