by Miles Mathis
First published October 25, 2017
As usual, this is just my opinion, based on internet research anyone can do.
The name Ruby came up in my previous paper on fake serial killer Ed Kemper, so I thought I would dive into Jack Ruby for a paragraph there. But that analysis became so extended I had to clip it and give it its own paper.
Before we get started on the big stuff, let me ease you in with a little easy photo and document analysis. At archive.org we find thisdocument from December 2, 1963. It is a Dallas Police Department document, and it gives the code for that DPD of 36398, which you can see on Ruby's mugshot above. Just so you know, archive.org is not some fringe site. It is the site of the Internet Archive, accessing over 20 years of internet history via the Wayback Machine. Anyway, according to that document, all charges against Ruby were dismissed by DPD on that date, including murder. What?
However, according to anotherdocument posted there, there is a box of files with a contents sheet, and number two on the contents sheet reads “criminal history jacket #36398—Jack Ruby”. Number one above reads “criminal history jacket #54018—Lee Harvey Oswald”. This means that the number 36398 is not the identifying number of the Dallas Police Department, since both Oswald and Ruby were there. It is the identifying number of Ruby's case. That makes sense, since the DPD doesn't need to post their own number on a mugshot ID. They know who they are. They need to post a case ID. But that leads to a second problem:

As you see, that is allegedly from nine years earlier. It is dated 1954. But we have the same case ID #36398. How could two separate criminal cases nine years apart have the same case ID? This indicates a fake.
Jack Ruby was born Jacob Rubenstein. I came into this paper because I found Ed Kemper was related to Rubys, and they may have been Rubensteins as well. That is of course a Jewish name. They admit Jack Ruby was Jewish.
Strange we had two hits onthefakeKennedyassassination in that paper on Kemper, isn't it? We saw a Bowers also involved as a key witness to the assassination, remember? Both the surnames Bowers and Ruby were linked to Ed Kemper, indicating all these people are related. Anyway, Jack Ruby was a Polish/Russian Jew, his mother being a Rutkowski. That may also be spelled Rudkowski, as in Luke Rudkowski of We are Change. Has anyone ever suggested a link between Luke Rudkowski and Jack Ruby? No? Then let me be the first.
Ruby's father was in the Russian army for many years, serving in China and Korea. The fact that he was stationed outside Russia may indicate the father was also Intelligence. Also a clue in this direction is that we are told the father was unemployed for the last 30 years of his life. How does that work? He must have been privately wealthy or a secret agent. Or both. This Joseph Rubenstein “walked away” from the Russian army in 1898 and went to England. Really? Just like that? It is very uncommon for a Russian Army officer to give up his service at age 27 and move abroad. It requires money, contacts, and permissions. So there is something we are not being told. The name Rubenstein is the big clue here, and you may wish to remind yourself who these people are. The Rubensteins/Rubinsteins from Poland/Russia were a very prominent family, and still are. Think of David Rubenstein, current head of the Carlyle Group and the Brookings Institute. He has a page at Geni.com, but it is empty. His Wiki page doesn't even list his parents. Also Elyakim Rubinstein, Attorney General of Israel. Also Helena Rubinstein, cosmetics, one of the richest women in the world until 1965. She was related to Martin Buber and Ruth Rappoport. Also related to Oppenheims, Herzes, Schiffs, and Gelernters. [You will remember that last name from mypaperontheUnabomber. One of Ted Kaczynski's alleged victims was David Gelernter—who supposedly had a bomb blow up in his face but has no injuries there. This helps us figure him out, doesn't it?] Also many actors and musicians, including of course classical pianist Arthur Rubinstein. What we notice if we collate all the Rubinsteins/Rubensteins listed at Wikipedia is a scrubbing of their genealogies and a lack of information on the surname before 1900.
However, if we go beyond the mainstream encyclopedias, we can tease out some more information. In thePalgraveDictionary, we find a Solomon Rubenstein who was a Russian timber merchant around 1900. That helps us a bit. There was a Ben Rubenstein, timber merchant and broker in London in 1931, since he is found in the listing for his wife, singer Conchita Supervia. Given the trade, we may assume these two Rubensteins were related. And this gives us a link between Russia and London, possibly explaining why Jack Ruby's father went to London in 1898. There is also a J. S. Rubinstein, banker or banker's attorney in London, mentioned in the 1899 Journal of the Institute of Bankers.
Even better, wefind the Russian banker Dmitri Rubinstein as a friend of Rasputin in 1914. Oho! That's from the book Rasputin by Harold Shukman. See mypaperonLenin for more on Rasputin, including his outing as a complete fake. This Rubinstein became Actual State Counsellor in 1915 due to his financing of Rasputin's projects (including paying Rasputin's rent), and in 1916 he became banker to the Empress, helping her transmit funds to “poor relations” in Germany. Right. Since Empress Alexandra was granddaughter of Queen Victoria of England, we have another link between Russia and London, don't we? TylerDurdenatZeroHedge has a story about Dmitri Rubinstein's son Serge, also a banker and financier, who was allegedly murdered in New York City in 1955 at age 46. He had come into the US in 1938 from Russia “under the Russian quota” but under a Portuguese passport, although they don't tell us how that worked. How can you be part of a Russian quota on a Portuguese passport? Makes no sense. Although Durden pretends not to see the obvious, this Serge's death was clearly another fake. The murder not only was never solved, the NY Police never tried to solve it in a rational fashion, acting like the usual keystone kops we have seen in other papers like my Lizzie Borden paper. Serge was in the midst of several big lawsuits—one for $5 million with Blair Holdings—so most likely he skipped the country to avoid that. His found assets were mysteriously only a tenth of those expected, also indicating he transferred the bulk of his assets before faking his death.

Serge liked to dress as Napoleon
We also have a link to England here, since when this Serge Rubinstein fled Russia, he ended up in England, graduating from Cambridge in the 1920s. There he was a protégé of John Maynard Keynes, who predicted great things from him. Figures. In the US, part of Serge's wealth came from shares of the Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit, which at the time was headed by Gerhard Dahl. Dahl was a relative of writer Roald Dahl, who we have linked to British Intelligence BSC. Serge also made a lot of money from his shares of Postal Telegraph Company, which later merged to become Western Union. Guess who was its founder? John William Mackay, who had made his fortune from silver in the Comstock Lode in Nevada. Hmmm. Didn't we see that in my last paper on Kemper? Yep. What are the odds?
There we saw the Bowers also making millions in exactly the same way at the same time. Mark Twain was also linked to the Comstock Lode at the same time. Mackay's maternal line is scrubbed, but he is a Lyons and Ayers on his paternal side. Ayers takes us back to Salem and Lyons takes us back to the British peerage. The Queen Mother was a Bowes-Lyon, remember? So we have enough to go on with this Mackay. Mackay is a Jewish name.
So is there a link between Serge Rubinstein and Jack Ruby? I would guess so, though it would take me a while to prove it. But for now it is enough to note they were both tied to the “underworld”, Serge in New York and Ruby in Dallas. In the same years. Substitute CIA/MI6 for underworld, and you have it.
We have to go to aPolishnewspaper for more info. While allegedly in jail for draftdodging, Serge Rubinstein entrusted his business dealings to a Taddeus Stanley, who bought 200,000 shares of Boeing for him. Good Lord! Is there anything the Stanleys aren't involved in? I didn't find anything on Taddeus or Thaddeus Stanley of New York, and he isn't listed like that in thepeerage.com, but that doesn't mean you can't find more on him.
Which leads us to search on “Jack Ruby Stanley”. I bet you think I won't find anything. Think again. The first thing that comes up is Stanley Rogers Resor, Secretary of the Army under Lyndon Johnson, at History.com. Can't be a link, can there, since he came in in 1965, and Stanley is his first name. But as is usual with these top people, all three of Resor's names are surnames. He is a Resor, a Rogers, and a Stanley. Rogers probably links him to Henry Huttleston Rogers, number two at Standard Oil under Rockefeller. We are told Resor changed his middle name to Rogers, but that looks like a fudge. Who changes their middle name?
And now for a little divertissement. While reseaching this Resor, I dropped into the Washington Post for his obituary. I noticed the phrase under their masthead, Democracy Dies in Darkness. That's a curious phrase, isn't it? Of course most people read it as “democracy will die without the light of truth that the media gives us”, or something equally insipid, but it has a more direct reading, doesn't it? It is simply a statement of current fact: democracy is dying in the current darkness, a darkness provided by such places as the Washington Post.
At any rate, his obituary reminds us he was recruited out of a New York law firm to be Secretary of the Army. That's pretty odd, isn't it? You would expect the Secretary of the Army to come out of the military. Resor was ex-military, being a decorated veteran, but still. He wasn't a general, as far as we know. He was also a Republican, which looks strange since Johnson was allegedly a Democrat. Resor's bio between 1945 and 1965 is a blank, so it is hard to link him to anything in that period. But his genealogy is a goldmine. He is a Lansdowne through his mother, which links him to the upper levels of the British peerage. These were the Marquesses Lansdowne, surname FitzMaurice, and the 5th Marquess was Secretary of War in Britain from 1895-1900. The 8th Marquess was a contemporary of Resor, and he was a Minister of State and Privy Counsellor in the 1960s. His first wife was Barbara Chase of California, daughter of Harold Stuart Chase and Gertrude Boyer. This Marquess later married a Carnegie, an Astor, and a Morgan.
But that isn't all. On his mother's side, Resor is also a Lewis, a Robinson, a Salomon, a Fisher, a Mack, and a Dodge. The Macks link us to Mackay, above. [They also link us to myrecentpaper on Las Vegas. Las Vegas was “built” by a Mack, remember?] One of his aunts Judith married an Einstein. The Dodges links us to research in the previous paper. Ed Kemper was a Dodge, remember? On his father's side, Resor is a Livingston, a Gordon, a Moss, an Armstrong, a Rutgers, a Haschard, a Fackhler, an Ornenberger, and a Mueller. Resor was originally Roeser. A lot of Jewish names there, and Roeser may be Jewish as well, linked to Rose. But the most important name for us there is Gordon. One of his great-grandfathers was George Gordon. Lord Byron's real name was George Gordon, and he had close relatives in the States. This is how we link to the Stanleys, since the Gordons in the peerage are closely related to the Stanleys in the peerage, Earls of Derby.
What does this mean? I may have to remind you what it was all about. I was trying to link Serge Rubinstein of New York to Jack Ruby of Dallas. Well, I have now loosely linked Serge Rubinstein to Stanley Resor via the name Stanley, but since there is no information on Taddeus Stanley, I can't definitely link the two Stanleys. Given that Taddeus Stanley was in finance in New York in the mid- 50s, we have a probable link to the prominent Stanley clan, but not a definite link. But even if we give ourselves that link, we still have no link between Stanley Resor and Jack Ruby. So let's leave that hanging for the moment and move on to Jack Ruby's attorney before the shooting, who was Stanley Kaufman. Was he also related to the Stanleys? Hard to prove—since I could find no bio of Kaufman online—but the Stanleys are related to the Kaufmans in the peerage. Remember Doris Dowling, wife of bandleader Artie Shaw? We saw her in a previous paper. She later married Leonard Kaufman in 1960. The Dowlings are related to the Stanleys in the peerage through the Stuarts. Also, in 1937, Alfred Kaufmann married Constance Talbot-Ponsonby of the peerage. Her great-grandfather was a Somerset, Duke of Beaufort, which connected them to the Stanleys. We also find a Marie-Lawrence Kauffmann marrying an Edmonstone, son of the 7th Baronet. His grandmother was a Forbes, again linking us to the Stanleys through the Stewarts.
We find a Louise Kauffman marrying William Neville Bagot in 1909. This links us immediately to the Clarkes, the Kerrs, the Armstrongs, and the Herberts, who then link us to the Stanleys. The Nevilles also link us to the Stanleys.
We also find a Kauffman in the peerage marrying a Speck in about 1885. Zoe, daughter of Isaac Kauffman, married Clinton Speck, whose mother was a Lewis. They are also related to Reeds and Townsends. Since there is no obvious link to Stanley, why do I mention it? Well, remember serial killer Richard Speck, who allegedly killed eight student nurses in 1966? That links us back to my previous paper, doesn't it? We may assume Speck's story was also a fake. I will have to hit it another time, but I do want to give you one taste of it. Speck is said to have been born on Dec. 6, 1941. Just as the Japanese were flying in from Tokyo, eh? Speck also has ties to the Dallas Police Dept., since he has a mugshot there like Ruby. He is also connected to Chicago, like Ruby. Speck's stepfather is given as Carl August Rudolph Lindberg, a heavy-drinking salesman with a peg leg. Oivay caramba! What was Charles Lindbergh's full name? Charles Augustus Lindbergh. What was his father's name? Charles August Lindbergh, birthname Carl Mansson. Are you laughing yet? You should be.

And, just so you know, the Kauffmanns also married the Romanovs, rulers of Russia. Angelica Kauffmann married Prince Romanov-Ilyinsky in 1952. His father was Dmitri Pavlovich Romanov, Grand Duke of Russia (above). Her father was Phillipp Kauffmann. You see how this fits in here, since we have already seen the Romanovs above, linked to Rubinsteins. DmitriPavlovich was the cousin of Anastasia and the nephew of the Tsar, and we are told he survived the Revolution because he was part of the plot to murder Rasputin. Since Rasputin's death was faked, we can already see that Dmitri's life was another conjob. Like the rest, he looks like an Intelligence asset. To get a further taste of this con, it is interesting to know that Dmitri's aunt Ella was allegedly thrown down a mineshaft in Siberia after the Revolution. What she was doing in Siberia we aren't told. Her body was later found by the White Army and taken to Jerusalem for burial. Really? Why Jerusalem? We also have a New York link here, since Dmitri Pavlovich married Anna Emery of NY, daughter of John Josiah Emery and Leila Alexander. Leila later married the son of the Earl of Lichfield, whose mother was a Hamilton of the Dukes of Abercorn. They were also closely related to the Russells (Dukes of Bedford), Douglases (Earls of Morton) and Gordons (Dukes of Gordon). Not only is that a lot of Dukes in such a short space, it links us to the Stanleys (Earls of Derby).
But that Kauffmann isn't the only one to marry a Russian Prince. Johanna von Kauffmann married Dmitri Romanovich Romanov in 1959. His father was Prince Roman Petrovich Romanov, son of Petr Romanov, another Grand Duke of Russia. Her father was Axel von Kauffmann. Roman's story is also peculiar, since we are told he left Russia after the Revolution in 1919 aboard the British battleship HMS Marlborough. This would have been in the Black Sea. We aren't told why he, his sisters and his parents were allowed to leave, though of the Imperial family. You may also ask yourself why all these Russian princes are marrying Kaufmans, who were Jews. I answer that question in my paper on Lenin.
At about the same time, Kauffmanns of the peerage were also marrying Habsburgs. See Margarethe Kauffmann, who married Reinhold von Mohrenschildt in about 1945. Their daughter married a Habsburg in 1973. These Hapsburgs were Grand Dukes of Tuscany and before that Holy Roman Emperors and Dukes of Lorraine. They were also Bourbons. So the Kauffmanns are looking sort of like Medicis, aren't they?
[Addendum October 27: And this is one of the links we were looking for. Reinhold von Mohrenschildt is of course related closely to George von Mohrenschildt, whom we saw in my long paper on Kennedy. George's father had been a Major-General in the Tsar's army, and George came to the US in 1938—same year Serge Rubinstein came over. George's brother Dmitri became OSS and George became an oilman in Texas. As an oilman he traveled widely, including trips to Costa Rica, Cuba, and Yugoslavia, where he was accused of being a US spy. He lived in Venezuela for a time, working for Pantepec Oil, which was owned by the family of William F. Buckley. Of course Buckley is now known to have been CIA himself. De Mohrenschildt was also a personal friend of Clint Murchison, H. L. Hunt, George Bush, Sr., and Ted Dealey (Dealey Plaza). From Wiki:
In March 1963, de Mohrenschildt received a Haitian government contract for $285,000 to set up an industrial enterprise with other investors, which included surveying oil and geological resources on the island. In May, he met in Washington, D.C. with CIA and Army intelligence contacts to further his Haitian connections.
They try to whitewash the information, but do it very poorly. To whitewash the information, they first have to give it to you, and once you have it there is no way to really cleanse it. It is obvious de Mohrenschildt was CIA. As such, he was assigned the job of handling Oswald in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. This completes our circle, proving the Kauffmans were involved in the Kennedy hoax, and indicating strongly that Stanley Kaufman—Ruby's attorney—wasn't just accidentally a Kaufman. Most importantly, perhaps, it gives us a hard link between Ruby, Oswald, and Kennedy, a link I haven't ever seen uncovered before. They are connected through the Kauffmans and Mohrenschildts. Remember, Jackie Kennedy called Mohrenschildt “Uncle George”. It also acts to connect the Kennedy hoax to all the other major [total or partial] hoaxes of the 20th century, including the Russian Revolution and the World Wars.]
[Addendum October 28: a reader just reminded me to remind you that Abe Zapruder is also tied in here, in this way: George DeMohrenschildt's wife, Jeanne, nee LeGon, worked with Abe Zapruder at a dressmaking outfit in Dallas called Nardis in the 1950s. Zapruder and DeMohrenschildt were members of two CIA-front outfits, the Dallas Council of World Affairs and the Crusade for a Free Europe. LBJ's personal secretary was Marie Fehmer, also CIA, and her mother Olga also worked at Nardis. Here's more if you need it: Close-Up of Abe Zapruder's Employer—Nardis of Dallas.
So, obviously Zapruder wasn't just accidentally involved in all this. Which is indication his film was not shot live but produced in a lab. Which is more indication the whole thing was a grand hoax.]
As we leave these Kaufmans, I have one more link for you. They also link to the Macks, don't they, as well as to my previous paper on Las Vegas. Remember, Jerry Mack “built” Las Vegas, and the brothers David and Earl Mack of New York. . . their mother is a Kaufman.
Well, I didn't find any hard link between Jack Ruby and Serge Rubinstein, did I? But you can't blame a guy for trying. And we did find a lot of useful information, so it was certainly worth the time. For the record, I still believe they are related. I just feel it in my bones. But someone else will have to prove it.
It would help if Jack Ruby had a genealogy. But we do find anotherJackRuby who came over from Russia, so let's look at him. He doesn't come up on a Google search for “Jack Ruby genealogy”, and you have to dig a bit. He is also a Jacob Rubinstein. His middle name is Marshall, which is curious. That isn't a Russian or a Jewish name. [Or is it? What about Penny Marshall, who played Laverne. She is really a Masciarelli, so maybe something like that is going on here.] He married a Fay Silver and they lived in Michigan City, Indiana until 1984. He has a brother named Samuel, and so did our Jack Ruby. So this is getting weird. This Jack Ruby is also tied to Chicago, since that is where his father Mordechai died in 1947. Many of his ancestors are from there. The famous Jack Ruby also had ties to Chicago—where he grew up—and Indiana. Jack Marshall Ruby has a sister who married a Gray, and his brother married a Rhodes. The father of this Rhodes is given as HarryRodzinsky. Hold on. The famous Jack Ruby's mother was a Rutkowski or Rokowsky. Rhodes could also be an Anglicizing of either of those names, too, couldn't it? So we have a lot of circumstantial evidence that either 1) these two Jack Rubys are closely related, or 2) they are the same person.
More digging in this second Jack Ruby's genealogy unearths other nuggets. Harry Rhodes' uncle married a Weinstein. That also links us back to a recent paper, doesn't it, and to current events. These Weinsteins were related to Kanters and Goldsmiths. Think Cantor Fitzgerald. Since Kennedy was a Fitzgerald, this gives us a possible genealogical link between Kennedy and Ruby. Also see Seth Kantor, who we find on Jack Ruby's Wikipedia page. He was the White House correspondent who testified that Ruby had been at Parkland Hospital. You will say this is just another wacky coincidence, but I think it means Jack Ruby and Seth Kantor were related. This would explain why Kantor was chosen to lie about this: even the Warren Commission dismissed his testimony as impossible, due to the fact that Ruby was not seen in hospital video at the time Kantor said he was there. But the House Select Committee on Assassinations later claimed Kantor was not lying, though they don't explain how Ruby was invisible to cameras. He was a werewolf, I guess.
We also find yet another name change, since the Rudzinskys were actually Pruzanskys. And the Pruzanskys were actually Czyzs, and the Czyzs were actually Chizhs. Chizh means deadwood. Czyz is a Polish name, not Russian. Research on that find the Chizhs were not poor Polish or Russian Jews, they were gentry or perhaps aristocracy. See famous psychiatrist Vladimir Chizh, who wrote about Dostoevsky, Kant, and others. Anyway, the name Czyz may link Jack Ruby to Chess Records of Chicago, founded by Leonard and Philip Chess, originally Czyz. They produced many big R&B names in the 1950s and 60s.
The famous Jack Ruby was allegedly born in 1911, day unknown. Although no genealogy is posted, his sister is given as Eva Grant. So despite supposedly being dirt poor and Jewish, his sister married into the Grant family—a prominent family as we have seen in previous papers. Ruby was in the army during WWII and continued with it after the war. He wasn't “discharged” until 1946, which is a red flag, seeing that 1) it was more than a year after the war ended, 2) it was year one of the CIA. You will shrug at my implication that Ruby was CIA, but the mainstream story admits Ruby had mafia ties, and the CIA itself admitstheMafiaandCIAweretiedtogetherinDallas. That link is from cia.gov. It is a National Examiner story from 1975, which the CIA approved for release and now has published on their own website. You may ask yourself why the CIA has that in their reading room online. I will be told it is simply a piece of history, but if that is the case, you would think they would at least post a short rebuttal at the bottom. But no. I think it is posted as misdirection. The CIA doesn't even care if you think they were involved, as long as you continue to think it happened. But remember, I have shown you evidence in previous papers there was no mafia in 1963. It had long since been absorbed by the Government. The billionaires wanted control of all profitable business, and after WWII they took it. The rise of the CIA in the late 40s gave Government bosses the power and reach to absorb all “organized crime” coast-to-coast. So cia.gov is simply giving you the clue, through a simple syllogism. It is like those logic questions on the SAT: if Jan is a subset of Bob and Bob is a subset of Jack, then Jan is also a subset of Jack. Or remember the Venn diagrams in college? The little overlapping circles, like in the Olympics logo?

If the first circle is the mafia and the second circle is the CIA, and if Ruby exists in the place where they overlap, then if they admit Ruby is mafia, they have also admitted he is CIA. See how that works?
Besides,itisknown that Ruby's brother Sam Rubenstein was in the Army Air Corps as a counter- intelligence officer. Jack was in the Air Corps at the same time, and may have been counter- intelligence as well. According to Warren Commission testimony, Jack organized Communist cells in Muncie, IN. Although the Lancer doesn't see what that means, we do. Communism was an Intel front back to the mid-1800s, when Marx was the top agent. The curious thing about Ruby's military career we learn at that link is that he was never deployed. Although he entered service in 1943, he never went to Europe or Asia. He just trained for three years. Since he also worked with the Communist cells when not in training, it leads us to believe he didn't go to Europe because his assignment was here. In other words, he wasn't deployed to fight because he was already working for OSS (and then CIA) domestically. We find a Colonel Roy Stanley II on that page, but although they both have connections to Republic Aviation, we can't link him directly to Jack Ruby.
Later, according to FBI testimony, Ruby was in Florida in the 50s smuggling guns to Castro supporters in Cuba. The Lancer pretends this has something to do with the Mob, but it obviously has more to do with the CIA.
Although from Chicago, for some reason Ruby and his brothers went to Dallas in 1947. Despite being a stripclub manager, Ruby developed close ties with the Dallas Police. That seems odd, doesn't it? Even odder is that Ruby's record is currently clean. You read that right. Like Father Geoghan of the Spotlight hoax, Ruby died with no conviction for the crimes he is accused of and connected to. According to the mainstream story at places like Wikipedia, Ruby was convicted of murdering Oswald in 1964 and sentenced to death. But his conviction was overturned on appeal and a new trial was ordered. Before the new trial could be convened, Ruby allegedly died of cancer. So, according to the law and to history, Ruby's record is clean regarding the Kennedy event. He has no conviction listed. Legally, he is not guilty of that crime. Convenient, eh? You can be sure his death was faked.
All that is weird enough, but for the superweird we just go to Findagrave.com, which gives us not one but two entries for Jack Ruby. Inhissiblingslist, we have both him and what appears to be a twin. We have a Jack Leon Ruby and Jack Len Ruby, with the same birth and death dates. If you think that is just a double-listing by mistake, think again, since whoever created this page has taken the time to put asterisks by these names, telling us Jack Len Ruby is a half-sibling, while Jack Leon Ruby is a calculated relationship. Neither of those things makes any sense, since Jack Ruby is not supposed to be the half-sibling of anyone. He has the same parents as his brothers and sisters, so who is he the half- sibling of?
If we skip ahead to the fake events of 1963, we find the mainstream story admitting that Dallas District Attorney Henry Wade introduced Ruby as a newspaper reporter representing the Fair Play for Cuba Committee on November 22, in a press conference at Dallas Police headquarters. What is not explained is why Wade was not arrrested for that. It is clear indication that Wade and the DPD were in on this hoax from the start. Mainstream apologists push your attention to Ruby faking his credentials, but they don't want you to see that Wade faked them for him. They admit Ruby was well-known to the DPD, and he was also known to Wade, so this can't be a case of Ruby fooling Wade. It is admitted evidence that this whole thing was a conjob. This is also proved by the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, which was also a CIA front. Just note some of its prominent supporters: Norman Mailer, Truman Capote, James Baldwin, Jean-Paul Sartre, Allen Ginsberg, and Waldo Frank. A list of spooks, most if not all of them Jewish. Study Frank, for instance, who is not admitted to be Jewish at Wikipedia, but whose mother was a Rosenberg and whose wife was a Naumburg. He was member of the Communist Party until 1937, which doesn't indicate he was a Communist, but which does indicate he was a spook—since the CPA was another Intel front. Anyway, the FPCC was opposed to the Bay of Pigs invasion, which again proves it was a CIA front, since it never happened. It was another fake. Seemypaperon Castro for more on this. Once you understand what was going on there, you can back into the Ruby story, unwinding it fully from that angle. Ruby claiming to represent the FPCC is just another big joke, since Castro was installed by us and was our man all along.
As you can see, I have compiled another 9 pages PDF of evidence the JFK assassination was a huge hoax, staged by the Government for its own nefarious purposes—not the least of which was to keep its citizens in permanent trauma.