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Thousand Hoax

Telemachus Orfanos is a Greek name that literally means “orphan far from battle.” In Homer ’s Odyssey, Telemachus is the son of Odysseus and Penelope who helps his father cleanse their estate of all Penelope’s would-be suitors in a glorious bloodbath.1 As you would guess, Telemachus is a very rare name, especially in the U.S. In fact, it’s so rare as to be suspicious. It becomes even more suspicious when you combine this rare name with the equal rarity of someone being present at two mass shootings, in different states, within a year of each other.

But that is the narrative we are supposed to believe. In fact, Telemachus Orfanos, a former U.S. Naval officer, was one of several survivors of last year ’s Route 91 shooting who was also present at the Borderline Bar and Grill on November 7 when Marine combat veteran Ian David Long allegedly began his shooting rampage that took the lives of 13 people, himself included. Survivor Nicholas Champion2 tellsus that “50 or 60 people” at the bar that night had also survived the Route 91 shooting. We are told “over 100” people were at the bar – let’s call it 120– which means a full 50% of the bar-goers had already experienced a mass-shooting event.

These odds are astronomical.

To make this more believable, we are now being told Borderline Bar had become a regular meeting place for survivors of the Route 91 shooting.

The Wednesday after Route 91, survivors from Ventura County, California, gathered at the one place that felt safe, that felt like home — Borderline Bar and Grill.

How remarkable that Ian Long randomly chose Borderline Bar to carry out his rampage – a place that happened to host regular gatherings of Route 91 survivors, the “one place” where these survivors felt safe! Again, these odds are astronomical.

These survivors became known as the “Borderline family” and even created a Snapchat group text chain after the Route 91 shooting, “just in case something unimaginable like that ever happened again.” Brendan Hoolihan, a friend of Orfanos and fellow Route 91 survivor, was frst alerted to the Borderline shooting through this Snapchat group.

The frst frantic message buzzed Brendan Hoolihan's phone at about midnight Wednesday, and for hours the messages continued to food his Snapchat group text…. “There’s been a shooting at Borderline,” a friend said, and Hoolihan, 21, was shocked, because he couldn’t believe this was happening to his friends a second time . One year, two mass shootings.

But the Snapchat group was created for that very reason, so why was Hoolihan shocked? It sounds like they were all living in a constant state of alert. Or maybe that’s just how they want you to live.

But back to Telemachus. Here is a photograph of him:

Study it closely. It’s a fake. The longer you look at it, the more apparent it becomes. His body does not look present in the photo, but rather like the way a body looks in front of a greenscreen image. There’s no depth of feld. They both look unnaturally fat.

Now here’s Telemachus’ mother, telling us she doesn’t want our thoughts and prayers, she just wants gun control:

I hardly need comment on her acting skills. The point is, they are giving us a clue, as they often do. It’s more of a joke, really. Do you get it? His name means “orphan far from battle.” Orphan suggests he has no mother. In other words, that woman is not his mom. And he was nowhere near the battle that night, because there was no battle.

Early Thursday morning, Ventura County Sheriff Geoff Dean told reporters, “It's a horrifc scene in there. There's blood everywhere.” Eyewitnesses repeatedly told of tables being turned over as barricades and barstools being thrown through windows. Here is a photo of the bar later that night:

Where is the blood? Where are the overturned tables and chairs? Where is the broken glass? On the contrary, everything appears serene and orderly.

Here is an aerial view of the scene. Notice something wrong?

There were supposedly over 100 people at the bar. But the parking lot is mostly empty. I count about 15 cars. It would take about 8 people per car to add up to 120. Did everyone decide to carpool to Borderline that night?

We are told Long killed himself before most of the frst responders arrived. Yet we see people, like these two guys, frantically running away, despite an established police and media presence at the scene:

We also see police offcers hiding behind their vehicle, ready at a moment’s notice for the gunman’s appearance:

But the media was already there, which means SWAT and other frst responders were already there, which means they knew the gunman was already dead inside the building. So what are they hiding from? The boogeyman? And why are these survivors wearing medical gloves?

It goes without saying that eyewitnesses interviewed by the media all sound as if they’ve been coached on what to say. Eyewitness Holden Harrah refers to the shooter as “the suspect.” Is he reading from a police report? To a survivor of a horrifc event, the attacker is not a suspect. A rape victim never calls her attacker “the suspect.” That is a term that presumes innocence. Holden saw him “with [his] own two eyes.” Whoever the shooter is, he’s no suspect. He’s guilty. Any normal person will sense the scriptedness of Holden’s account, and his odd remark of seeing it with his “own two eyes” only makes us doubt that fact all the more. By the way, a search on Intelius reveals exactly 0 people named Holden Harrah in California.

Then we have Cole and Matt, who, when asked if all their friends were accounted for, replied, “Uh, most of them, yes, but there’s a couple of them that we’re still missing.” They’ve just lost potentially several of their friends in a horrifc, traumatizing event. Why so calm? Why no tears? Why such forensic phraseology like hearing the frst round of shots “cease,” indicating “the end of his magazine”? I encourage you to read through the 1,000+ comments on that YouTube video and to realize how many people have woken up to these fake events. The fakery is now so brazenly transparent, it’s becoming diffcult for many people to ignore it.

What about our gunman? Like many others, he was recruited for this psy-op out of the military, being a Marine combat veteran who reached the rank of corporal. Military intel’s fngerprints are all over this event, including the fact that Borderline Bar is right off the exit of CA Route 23, a.k.a. the Military Intelligence Service Memorial Highway. Here’s a picture of Long in Afghanistan:

This is one of two photos circulating the web that features Long with a dog. Trump called Long a “sick puppy.” Talk about subliminal messaging. They want to sow distrust of handsome white males who like puppies, I guess. Speaking of subliminal messaging, the name of the bar is no coincidence. On the heels of the migrant caravan showdown at the borderline, we have a shooting at Borderline Bar. These subtle cross-references to other manufactured crises help seed all these events deeper into your subconscious, to have maximum psychological effect. If you think that’s far-fetched, you don’t know how these psy-ops work.

Long allegedly stopped twice mid-rampage to post on Instagram:

“It’s too bad I won’t get to see all the illogical and pathetic reasons people will put in my mouth as to why I did it,” Long posted at 11:24 p.m., Wednesday on Instagram, just one minute before police entered the bar.

“Fact is I had no reason to do it, and I just thought… f--- it, life is boring so why not?”

His next post, three minutes later, continued in a similar vein: “I hope people call me insane ... wouldn’t that just be a big ball of irony? Yeah… I’m insane, but the only thing you people do after these shootings is ‘hopes and prayers’… or ‘keep you in my thoughts’… every time… and wonder why these keep happening.”

Wow, that’s a pretty lengthy (and spelling error-free) post! Did he put down his gun for a minute to make sure he typed everything out correctly, including the quotation marks? Notice how perfectly his words ft into the larger script. I’ve never heard anyone so presciently aware of their own media narrative. It’s like he’s writing the media coverage himself! Obviously these posts were written weeks beforehand by some underpaid group of writing interns in the basement of Langley (or Warner Bros. Studios).

Also notice the timing. Police entered the bar one minute after his frst post, and we are told he had already killed himself by the time police arrived. But then he magically posts a second time three minutes later. I guess they have Instagram for ghosts now.

As I’ve mentioned, the script writers love to include little clues of their charade – circumstantial to the average onlooker, but overt once you know how these things work. Here’s another one for you. When Long frst stepped foot in the bar, do you know what song was playing?

On the dance foor, college-age regulars were working the steps of the “Askin’ Questions” line dance, swaying to the catchy beat of this generation's going-out anthem: “A Little Party Never Killed Nobody.”


There are many more signs of fakery that I won’t get into here. You’re probably reading this because you already know it’s fake, so I needn’t preach to the choir. But it still leaves the question of why. Many say it’s a plot by the political left to advance their gun control agenda. You should dismiss this theory immediately, since it presupposes that our system of government is what it appears to be – a battle between evil liberals and good conservatives.

Both are on the same side, and both are evil. The charade of democracy is even more transparent than these shooting hoaxes. If this were really perpetrated by the political left, why wouldn’t the political right out them immediately? The right has as much, if not more, power and media infuence as the left. Gun-loving, Fox News-pandering Trump is our President, after all! If no prominent politicians are outing these shooting hoaxes, it means they’re all in on it.

If it’s not about left vs. right, then it’s not about gun control, either. Quite the opposite. It’s about gun sales. If you’ve read Miles before, you already know this. Why else would USA Today run this article two days after the event? Far from condemning gun ownership, it casts a sympathetic light on these frst-time gun buyers responding to this latest shooting. And who do they highlight buying these guns?

Rowan described a discreet, and distinctly Californian, clientele. They pull up to his range in Priuses and Teslas and never tell their friends they own a gun.

“I get a lot of closet liberals, people who normally would never want anything to do with a frearm, and I train them and they secretly own frearms,” Rowan said.

Simone, who drove with his neighbor to VC Defense following the shooting, would have previously counted himself among the anti-gun crowd. He used to believe that the danger of having a gun in his home with his son outweighed any protective value, but the shooting shifted his thinking.

This isn’t journalism. This is a marketing ad. The gun manufacturers’ largest untapped consumer market is young liberals. If they can convince you that others like you are buying their products, it will convince you to buy their products. This is marketing 101.

[Miles: also remember that they are selling this as the 307th mass shooting of the year. That tells you how busy these people have been: all 307 have been faked. Not one has been real. That's nearly one a day!]

Gun sales aren’t the only motive. That’s just the short game. The long game is the general proftability that comes from a fractured, paranoid, depressed citizenry. This type of society spends much more on drugs and other nonessential goods that bring them comfort. Whether it’s the latest anxiety pill or the latest iPhone, it’s all a form of self-medication. And it all profts our crypto-rulers fabulously.

The fractured, paranoid, depressed society is also much easier to control. It’s classic divide and conquer. When we’re corralled by the media into bickering about gun control and mental health (or race relations, or gay rights, or election hacking, or whatever the manufactured issue may be), it keeps our confusion and anger directed at one another, and not at them.

But remember that they are not a homogeneous group. Just as Telemachus fghts his earthly battles, so too the gods occasionally fight amongst themselves. We continue seeing signs of this turf war between Old Intel and New Intel, with one clearly hellbent on sabotaging and exposing the other group’s fake events. How this all shakes out is anybody’s guess, but I for one am encouraged to see just how fake these fake events are becoming. And how weary of them we’re all becoming. When the Sandy Hook and Batman and Norway shootings happened, work stopped. My coworkers were glued to their computer screens, watching the events unfold. Nobody I know pays any attention to these events anymore. People read the headline, shrug, and continue on with their day. At some point, to stay sane, we all have to tune it out – and that’s a good thing.

Miles: but it's even better if we tune it out knowing it is fake. Right action is good; right action for the right reason is better. Which is exactly why I asked Homer to blow the cover of this one for us. He said it would be easy to do, and I said if so then let's do it. If people are already heading for the door, then let's open it for them, light the way, and clear the path. And let's make sure they know what door it is and why they are going through it. The sunlight outside will be all the brighter the clearer their eyes and heads are.

1 In the latest comment thread over at Cutting Through the Fog, people are discussing the significance of the number 108. Call it a coincidence, but guess how many suitors Penelope had? 108.

2 An Intelius search reveals a Nicholas Jay Champion, age 36, who lives in the LA area. He has worked at Time Warner (who owns CNN) and Warner Bros. – as in Warner Bros. Studios. Perhaps he’s an actor? Turns out he is, having starred as “himself” in the 2007 short film Aliens in Avonlea, a fictional account of aliens taking over Anne’s beloved hometown on Prince Edward Island. So he’s not only an actor, but a desperate one.


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