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The Patty Hearst Kidnapping was Faked

First published February 23, 2015

As with everything I write, this is an opinion piece, protected as free speech by the Constitution.

If you have been following my papers of the past couple of years, you know that—among other things—I have blown the cover of most of the major news stories from the American presses, all the way back to the Lincoln assassination. That includes the fake O. J. Simpson trials, the fake Unabomber story, the fake Zodiackillings, and the fake CharlesMansonkillings. If you haven't read those papers, don't start here. Go back and read them in order. Only then will you be in a position to follow my argument here.

After those, this one is very simple to crack. Just on the face of it, it is almost as stupid as the fake Sandy Hook story, and in some ways it is even stupider. With hindsight, it is hard to believe anyone ever fell for it. It is hard to believe they still put it up at places like Wikipedia, expecting anyone to buy it.

The first and primary clue is that it involved Patty Hearst, who is the granddaughter of billionaire newspaper mogul William Randolph Hearst. This was Citizen Kane, the owner of the Hearst publishing empire, famous for yellow journalism all the way back to the Spanish-American war—and before. His flagship papers were the San Francisco Examiner and the New York Journal. Through them and others he stoked the Spanish-American War (1898) with cries of “Remember the Maine!”

This was a famous false flag, since the Maine was a ship sunk in mysterious circumstances in Havana Harbor, Cuba. Its sinking was blamed on Spain in order to start a war with them. Sound familiar? We have seen numerous instances of that since then, including the Gulf of Tonkin event, which was used to gain Congressional approval for the Vietnam War. Remember how Jim Morrison's dad was the admiral involved in that false flag? They even went back to Havana for a later false flag: the fake Bay of Pigs event, which kept the Cold War hot. This was no coincidence, since the US has been in control of Cuba all along. Cuba—and all its fake Presidents like Castro—are just hired opposition. Yes, that's right. The entire battle of words with Cuba has been manufactured all along, like all the rest. Castro, like Manson, was mostly an actor.

The same can be said of North Korea, which is our fake enemy on the other side of the world. Ever notice how footage from North Korea of the Presidents and Generals always looks like an MTV video? They have it all, including studio lighting, make-up artists, wind machines, and a soundtrack. Haven't you ever found that the least bit curious?

But back to Hearst. Hearst's involvement in the Spanish-American War false flag just reminds us that family has been involved in faking events for a long, long time. The Hearst family has been linked to US Military Intelligence since the Civil War, when George Hearst owned some of the biggest mines in the country. Mining is very important to the military, of course, since they need iron and other minerals for ballistics. Yes, the Hearsts were billionaires even before William Randolph and the publishing empire. There was a mining empire before the publishing empire, though you aren't ever told that. William's father George just set him up at the San Francisco Examiner, which the family already owned by 1880. George Hearst was already a billionaire (in today's dollars) by 1865, at which time he went into politics. He was a California Senator and then US Senator. That was back when Senators actually had some power. Most Congresspeople are now just decoys, put in place to keep your eyes off the real action.

So, when the name Hearst popped up in 1974 in this Patty Hearst kidnapping, it is hard to believe no one was suspicious. Actually, I assume a lot of people were suspicious, but those people weren't working in the media or government—so you didn't hear what they thought. The only opinion you got at the time was planted opinion. As now, you got two sides appearing on TV and radio discussing the event, both assuming it was real with no evidence it was real, and both misdirecting you wildly on every point. As now, you got a Republican opinion and a Democratic opinion—or a right opinion and a left opinion—but neither opinion contained a jot of sense or got near any truth. All discussion then and now is prepared for no other purpose but to stir your brain into mush.

We have also seen the very wealthy using their own kids in these big events many times. We saw it in the Manson event, where many of the top actors were either children of the very wealthy or children of Intelligence: Sharon Tate, Abigail Folger, Lynette Fromme, and many more. We saw it with John Hinckley, Jr. We saw it with Ted Bundy. The children of the super-wealthy like to go into art or music or acting, since those fields are seen as sexy—and are thought to require little real work—and so all three fields are now completely owned. These super-wealthy kids also like to be involved in spycraft, for the same reason. Ian Fleming made Intelligence almost as sexy as “The Arts”, and so the rich kids love to be involved in big psy-ops. It gives them something to talk about at parties besides the fake paintings, bad movies and shit songs they have created and forced upon the world.

I mean, for pity's sake, look at the graphic above. Patty with a submachine gun in front of a 7-headed hydra (or cobra), supposedly the symbol of the Symbionese Liberation Army. Who comes up with this stuff? Is this what they do at the Mickey Mouse Club when they aren't rehearsing dance numbers? At Wikipedia, we are told the group was started by a professor at UC Berkeley, originally being a study group to tutor black inmates. Right. As usual we aren't told the name of the professor because as usual they are too lazy to be bothered to write all the details of this fake story. But UC Berkeley is already another huge red flag. Why? Because Patty Hearst's great grandmother Phoebe Hearst had been the first lady Regent at Berkeley, serving on the board for 23 years starting in 1897. She was a major benefactor of the University, giving it millions of dollars. It has been so controlled by the family over the years they should have renamed it Hearst University. It also has strong ties to Military and Intelligence, and has since the beginning. All the nuclear facilities are still managed from Berkeley, including Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore. And we saw both Berkeley and Stanford caught in the Zodiac and Unabomber fake stories. As we have seen, the universities are centers of control, which is why many fake events are run from there. Although we won't have time to pull them apart here, I point you to the Virginia Tech event of 2007 and the University of Texas Sniper event of 1966, which— like all the rest—were faked.

Next, we are told the Symbionese Liberation Army was led by Donald DeFreeze. DeFreeze was supposedly one of the prison contacts of the UC Berkeley Study Group. Problem is, DeFreeze was supposed to have been at Vacaville. Why were Berkeley students tutoring at Vacaville, which was about an hour away north, when they could have been tutoring at San Quentin, just across the bay? I'll tell you why: because Vacaville has an entire fake wing, filled with fictional characters. This is where Manson was supposed to be for a long time, and we now know he was a fictional character. He was never there. Same for the Aryan Brotherhood, which we saw in my Tate/Manson paper is another figment. It is a pretend group, set up to scare you into submission. Wesawthat ADX Supermax in Colorado also has one of these fake wings, set up to house its fictional characters like Ted Kaczynski, Zacharias Moussaoui, Richard Reid, Umar Abdulmutallab, and so on. But it doesn't take much money to house them and feed them, since they aren't there. The wing exists only on paper.

And how about that name, DeFreeze? Does that sound real to you? It's a fake name. You can easily prove this to yourself. Go to any People Search on the web and type in the last name DeFreeze. There is no one by that name. It isn't a real last name. If they require a first name, type in John DeFreeze. Not one person comes up. How about Robert DeFreeze? Nope. Thomas DeFreeze? Nope. Michael DeFreeze? Nope. I have shown that they have a fake name playbook they can go to. We saw it most recently with the fake Santa Barbara shooter, Eliot Rodger. There is no one by that name in all of California, since no one has a last name of Rodger. It is Rodgers, or Rogers. Same with DeFreeze. That is like a name from a movie: Mr. DeepFreeze. No real person has that name. It is Defries, or Defreese, or Defrees. They all come from the Dutch name DeVries.

Conveniently, DeFreeze supposedly died in a shoot out in which his corpse was so badly burned it could not be identified. We see that in most of these fake events: corpses that can't be identified. You should ask, “How do you get burned beyond recognition in a shoot out?” Well, the house is alleged to have burst into flames from a smoke grenade. Convenient. Sounds like Waco, doesn't it? You may want to look at that one again as well.

Just as it is impossible to bring down two 100-story steel-frame buildings with isolated fires, it is impossible to burn a corpse beyond recognition with a standard house fire. They are just assuming you don't know anything about fires or about identifying corpses.

That is DeFreeze's Wiki and FBI file photo. Convenient that you can't identify him from that, right? Nice floppy hat. All bad-ass criminals in 1974 wore floppy ladies' hats, right? But that doesn't even look like a black man to me. Does it look like a black man to you? What black man has a Jewish nose, for a start?

That is another image of DeFreeze. Do we have a match? No. Not only does the nose not match, the facial hair doesn't either. Study the mustache. The black DeFreeze liked to wrap his mustache around his mouth, as we see in the last image. But the DeFreeze with the gun didn't. His mustache doesn't wrap. I have a mustache, and have for about 25 years. If you do as well, let me ask you this: do you go back and forth? Would you wrap and unwrap? No. You would decide pretty quickly which looked best on your face and stick with it.

If that doesn't convince you, here's another one:

Study that, and get back to me

OK, you're back. Did you find the problems? Look first at the hat and head. That has been tampered with, since it doesn't have the resolution of the rest of the photo. See how grainy it is? The hat almost look like straw now—as if it has webbing of some sort. But in the photo from Wikipedia, the hat has much less of that texture. That is because they hit the head and hat with a filter. Why? Because the face showed something they didn't want to show, and they needed to get rid of it. Look at the face. Where is his nose? Gone. Why? I suggest because in profile you could see the nose hook down, like I was telling you in the first photo. I see a Jewish nose there, not an African nose of any kind. I should know, because not only am I a top portrait painter, but I have Jewish blood in the family. I have dated several Jewish girls. So I have nothing against Jews in general. I am not too happy with this obvious Jewish involvement in faked events—as you might imagine—but since the Gentiles are also involved, I could hardly be accused of anti-Semitism. I am not outing Jews in these papers, as my readers know, I am outing liars and spooks. Many of these liars and spooks are Gentiles, as far as I can tell, so there is enough blame to cover everyone. But I do see a Jewish nose here, so you will have to deal with that. That actor may not be Israeli or even Jewish, but he looks to me to have blood from that part of the world. He has Semitic features. And given that we are dealing with actors in California, the odds are good that if we see a person with features like this, we are seeing a man with Jewish heritage. Just stating the obvious, as usual.

In that first photo, the actor looks to me like Andy Garcia. Not saying it is Andy, of course, just that he has that look. The facial features say “Sephardic,” not “African.” You will say that Garcia is Spanish Catholic, not Sephardic, and although that is the story, I can't say I am prone to believe it. But believe what you wish about Andy, this paper isn't about him. Just be aware that many prominent Jews have hidden their true heritage, for any number of reasons. That fact isn't even contested. My own family has tried to hide its Jewish members, for reasons still not clear to me; so again, I know what I am talking about firsthand.

But back to the last photo posted, of DeFreeze with the bank guard. It is peculiar for several other reasons. Look how he is holding the gun. It looks like his hand is in his pocket, but then the rifle comes out of his coat. Have you ever seen anyone hold a rifle through their coat pocket? No, the rifle was added later, in the photo lab. We can say the same about the bench, at the bottom. That was added. Why? Probably to cover the guard's feet, which didn't look right after the paste-up. They pasted this thing up and then someone said, “Wait, the way the guard's feet hover over the ground doesn't look right.” So they moved him behind the bench to cover that rough spot. We see a similar problem with the exit sign, which also doesn't look right. But they left that one, because it isn't quite as obvious on a quick look. See how the base of that sign seems to float above the carpet? That is because this whole photo is a paste-up. A bad one.

Once again, they are relying on your inability to read a photo. But with me, they relied on the wrong thing. I can read a photo. I do it for a living.

Still don't believe me? Let's do another one:

Look at DeFreeze there, and compare it to the previous one. Some will tell me my analysis of the previous one didn't work because the light is so bright. They will tell me the bright light washed out his features and blew his nose right off. But the light is just as bright here, and yet his face and hat are ten shades darker. Also notice the gun. He isn't holding it through the coat, is he? No, we can see his forward arm and hand. And notice the strap! The strap attaches to the end of the gun, doesn't it? But in the previous picture they forgot to draw it in.

Now go to the bench, which is in both pictures. Notice that the relationship of the bench and exit sign and teller window are all exactly the same. You will say that is because this was shot from a stationary security camera, and we are just zooming out in the second image. That is right, so where is the table and last teller window in the first picture? To see what I mean, study the area right behind DeFreeze in the last image. There is either a teller window right behind him, or an opening of similar width. It is all white behind him. Now go back to the previous image. Suddenly there is a vertical dark band there, starting right at the corner of the carpet and going all the way up. How did that sneak in there when no one was looking? This bank apparently had moving walls.

It is obvious by now they faked everything, but why? Well, this was 1974, and they were still doing mop-up on the hippies and the anti-war movement, which included any links to the black community. Remember, Nixon had just resigned in August, about a month before Hearst was arrested, so they needed to create continued cover for that. As we saw in my recent BobDylanpaper, 1974 was a busy year for fake events and events of misdirection. Dylan's Blood on the Tracks album came out almost simultaneously with this Hearst event, and they were both used as cover. As I said before, they didn't want you to realize that Intelligence had just finalized its takeover of the US Government, via the utter destruction of the Presidency and Congress. So they had lots of misdirection that year, including the high-profile kidnapping of Hearst.

It is no coincidence that the “real life” Hearst event looked so much like the Hollywood events of those years, since—as it turns out—they were all the same sort of fiction produced by the same sort of people. As a short diversion, we will dive off here into a brief exposé of Clint Eastwood, since Eastwood's Dirty Harry movies help me show you what I mean. But before we get there, let me remind you of Eastwood's latest movie, the 2014 American Sniper. You should find it curious to see Eastwood directing and producing the CIA/Military's Oscar nominee of 2014, a hagiography of fake soldier Chris Kyle. I say Kyle is fake because all the terrorists he is supposed to have hunted and killed are fake, so he must be, too. Most of them—like al-Zarqawi—are said to be Al Qaeda leaders, but since Al Qaeda is a CIA construct, I assume Kyle is, too. Curiously, in 2012 on a syndicated radio program, Chris Kyle made up a story about punching Jesse Ventura in a bar and then running out the door. Ventura sued him for slander and won 1.8 million in damages, which Kyle's estate is now appealing. I say this is curious because Ventura sued him in 2012 and he supposed died in February of 2013. Convenient. I would say Kyle was hoping his faked death would cause Ventura to drop the lawsuit, but he didn't. Most likely they are trying to figure out how to hide his assets, and most likely they are getting a lot of help from Intelligence in doing that. Good luck to Jesse. Jesse also has Intelligence connections, I would guess, but it would appear that Kyle's connections are better this year. Who knows? It's just more frosting on the MATRIX.

What I do know is that American Sniper is pure, grade-P Propaganda from start to finish. It stars premier agent/actor Bradley Cooper, who was also in other Intelligence movies like American Hustle, Limitless, and Silver Linings Playbook. My assumption is that Bradley Cooper, like Anderson Cooper, is hiding his real heritage with a fake name and bio. Anderson Cooper—as is now known—is a Vanderbilt. What is Bradley? A Rockefeller? A Rothschild? Who knows? Regardless, I wouldn't believe the bios of any of these people. As we know, they lie for a living. They deal in fiction.

Among other things, American Sniper re-sells the fake 1998 Embassy bombings in Africa and the manufactured 911 attacks in New York. It re-sells the second Iraq invasion, the existence of Al Qaeda, the existence of al-Zarqawi, and the use of snipers and torture against civilians. It is a rotten movie in every way, and no one should be able to sit through it without puking their guts out. So how did it get nominated? More to the point, why is Eastwood involved? We are taught that Eastwood is a great guy, an American legend, etc. etc. Is he? No, he is just another actor/agent, selling the fictional world, the MATRIX. You will say that, like Bob Dylan, he got old and sold out. No, Clint, like Bob, is the same as he ever was. Clint has been working with Intelligence since he graduated from Spaghetti westerns. Like Dennis Hopper, Peter Fonda, Charlton Heston, and all the rest, he has been a G-man almost from the beginning.

Which brings us to the Dirty Harry movies. The first one from 1971 concerned a serial killer who named himself Scorpio. He was obviously based on the Zodiac killer, and they admit that. As we find out in the movie, he is a crazed hippie-type with long wavy blonde hair. In his first letter to the police, Scorpio says his “next victim will be a Catholic priest or a nigger.” Why that? I don't remember the “real” Zodiac targeting either one. Because the government had been trying to create tension between hippies and blacks for over a decade. The Feds had discovered that in the anti-war movement of the early 1960's, there was a sign of a real alliance being made between white “leftist” progressives and the black community. So they infiltrated both communities and did everything they could to sour that nascent alliance. They are still doing it. The Catholic priest tag works the same way. Catholic priests were involved in the anti-war movement, as well as in many of the civil rights movements of the time. So the government needed to manufacture mistrust between all the parts of the progressive movement. This is not my theory; it is known. The operations of the time have been partially declassified, and it is known that CIA and FBI were both neck-deep in counter-intelligence against all these groups. See Operations CHAOS and COINTELPRO, for a start.

Remember, this was less than two years after the Manson event, which was created to destroy the hippies and anti-war movement. Like the Zodiac event, the Dirty Harry movies were part of the mop- up. What do I mean by mop-up? I mean that the Manson event had convinced around 70-80% of the people to see things the government's way, but Intelligence wanted to cement that number, as well as add to it. They needed to “mop-up” the other 25%. The operations of the 1960's were incredibly successful, that is, but they couldn't just be ended all at once. They had to be phased out slowly, to prevent suspicion and give the appearance of continuity. The government didn't want to give the real progressives any new foothold, either, so new events had to be manufactured year by year.

The next Dirty Harry movie was 1973's Magnum Force. Fearing that the plot of the first Dirty Harry had been too obvious, and facing some negative feedback on that score, Magnum Force was planned misdirection. So instead of blackwashing hippies, Intelligence purposely appeared to blackwash itself. The bad guys in Magnum force are—surprisingly—ex-Special Forces now in the police force. They are elite soldiers become vigilantes. This seems curious on a first look, but on a second look it makes perfect sense. It achieves two things: one, it creates cover. By making the bad guys ex-soldiers, it defuses suspicion from the first movie. Anyone watching will think, “Those producing these movies can't be G-men. Why would G-men blackwash Special Forces?” Two, that cover gives them the chance to sneakily blackwash veterans returning from Vietnam. That's right. They don't wish to blackwash Special Forces, they wish to blackwash returning veterans. These veterans do know how to use guns, so the government is always wary of ex-military. We have seen that in recent decades, as the government has begun to blackwash veterans in even more obvious ways. Veterans are now linked to “homegrown terrorism” almost weekly by prominent spook groups like Southern Poverty Law Center. Every time someone gets fake killed in a fake event now, some talking head suggests it is a veteran off his meds.

This cover also gave the producers the chance to come back with a third Dirty Harry movie that even more transparently attacked hippies and progressives. This was The Enforcer of 1976. This time the movie starts with an entire Mod-Squad of hippies, blacks, and people-power persons. They are the PRSF: People's Revolutionary Strike Force. I don't think I have to connect that to Hearst and the SLA for you. In fact, if you put them together, you get the SLAPRSF. That's SLAP YOURSELF, which is what I suggest you do if you ever bought this crap.

Actually, with The Enforcer they pull off the unprecedented feat of blackwashing hippies and Vietnam veterans at the same time. You might think that would be difficult to do, seeing that they had hired Hanoi Jane (and many others) a few years earlier to make you think the two groups were opposed. According to the story promoted by the mainstream press, the hippies and veterans were supposed to hate each other. Problem is, that was just another story. It had to be promoted because the truth was that returning veterans were as disenchanted with the war and the government as any of the hippies, and the two groups were threatening to ally, all the way back to the early 1960's. To prevent that, the media manufactured all sorts of opposition from both sides, hiring fake leftists (like Jane Fonda) and fake rightists to squabble and say nasty things about one another. It was all part of Operation CHAOS/ COINTELPRO: create factions. Divide and conquer.

So the simultaneous blackwash of both groups in The Enforcer was just a continuation of the plan. Only here, the blackwash threatens to backfire, since to sully the alliance, the producers of the film first have to admit it exists. That was dangerous, since it contradicted their other ongoing stories. Someone in the audience might notice that veterans and hippies are joining together in the PRSF, and might go, “Wait, I thought those people were enemies. Why are they in the same group?” But the script is such a godawful mess, no one can unwind that question or any other pertinent question. To get to the end of the movie, you have to turn your brain completely off, which was also part of the plan. If you think Hollywood movies are accidentally full of big holes, because the scriptwriters are morons, you aren't thinking. They don't make sense on purpose. If you start expecting your movies to make sense, you may begin expecting your government to make sense, or your life to make sense, and they can't have that.

Almost miraculously, The Enforcer manages to pull in a Catholic priest as well. After the subplots on the black militant Mustafa and the disgruntled Vietnam vet Maxwell, we get the militant priest Father John, who runs reform centers in the area prisons, including. . . San Quentin. In this way he makes his contacts. Amazing, isn't it, that they can work so many groups into one lousy script. If Ron Paul had been around then, they would have worked him in, too.

This Father John subplot is important because it reinforces and restates the main plot of the Hearst event, mirroring the prison contact between the liberals at Berkeley and the criminals at Vacaville. But I have already shown you that no such links exist. Both the outside groups and the prison groups are fake. They are just more CIA fronts.

So, to get back to it, in The Enforcer the lead bad guy dresses in leather fringe and again has long wavy blonde hair. His girl is a hippie chick all the way, ensnaring the first victims with her long blonde hair, super-tight denim shorts, bra-less blouse, hippie purse, and platform sandals. Which leads us to ask, “What do these producers have against blonde people?” Why do all the bad guys in the Dirty Harry movies have wavy blonde hair? Come to think of it, this is also true in Magnum Force, where the vigilante cop is played by the blonde David Soul (Hutch from Starsky and Hutch). Since I happen to have wavy blonde hair, you can see why it might concern me. Two answers come to mind. One, some of the leaders of the hippie and anti-war movement no doubt had long hair, and some of them had wavy blonde hair, so the stereotype was based partly on fact. Two, the G-men responsible for these operations at the time didn't have long hair, and maybe they didn't have wavy blonde hair, either. Think of Richard Nixon and J. Edgar Hoover, for a laugh. These were dark, swarthy, smelly guys with more hair on their butts than on their heads. This was their way to get back at the “pretty boys” who didn't want to sleep with them, much less join their psychotic organizations.

Anyway, our hippie chick in The Enforcer says she has a “nice little VW beetle back at Stinson beach with a cracked block.” Could they be any more cliché? In the next scene, we see the whole group, and it includes Wanda in a headband, a black guy in a Harlem newsboy, and a Texan with a big mustache. As they drive off to steal weapons, Wanda says, “This is for the people!” Right.

The producers later blackwash the black community a second time, in case you missed it the first time. An entire subplot concerns some jive-ass named Mustafa, and he is supposed to be a Nation-of-Islam criminal of some sort, I guess. This subplot was inserted to make you think of the Black Panthers and all the fake crimes this fake organization is alleged to have perpetrated from a Hollywood bus.

As you see, the films are all used to cement ideas in your brain already planted there by the fake news organizations. The mainstream media sows the first round of lies, and Hollywood waters them in with a second round.

So let's return to Patty Hearst, and do our own mop-up on this story. I draw your attention to Patty's life since then. Those who don't think she was just an actor in this little story should go to IMDB and type in her name. They will see that little old Patty has been in seven films and six TV shows since 1990, including Frasier, Boston Common, and a movie called Pecker. She was an actor in all of them. She also has two writing credits and a producer credit.

Here's something funny from the Wikipedia page. Remember how the SLA demanded the Hearst family distribute $70 million worth of food to the needy in California? Well, we are told Patty's father took out a loan and arranged for $2 million to be distributed in the Bay Area. “Took out a loan”? Do you really think the Hearsts needed to take out a loan for $2 million? Patty's father could have paid the entire $70 million immediately in cash and never missed it. The Hearsts spend that much each year on bottled water, or on electricity for their hair dryers.

Then they tell us the distribution of that food in San Francisco “descended into chaos.” Of course it did. That was part of the plot—an important part. To start with, Papa Hearst didn't want to lose $2 million to a bunch of beggars, so he no doubt had to be sure to steal the food back before it hit anyone's lips. But the whole point of this subplot was to show people that direct charity doesn't work. Feeding people doesn't work, because they will always riot. Better to put them in private jails first: that way they get fed but they can't cause any trouble. You may think I am joking, but I'm not. This is exactly what these “philanthropic” rich families have done. Using their pawns in the government, they shut down free distribution of food by churches or other nice people, in the name of sanitation or something, then pass more ridiculous laws by which poor people can be thrown into jail for almost nothing— private jails invested in by the same rich people. This has happened and continues to happen, and it isn't a joke.

That isn't a joke, but here's something funny:

Those are supposed to be Patty Hearst's booking photos, also known as mugshots. Has anyone ever asked why she looks like a silent film starlet there? The story is, she was kept in a closet, beaten, threatened with death, then repeatedly raped. Then she lived in squalor for months, sleeping on floors and robbing banks and hiding in crawlspaces. So you might want to ask when she had time to get her hair coiffed and her eyebrows waxed and to have her eye make-up professionally applied? I was not aware that the local police station offers such services. Then there is the matter of the background. That is another reason these photos look like period pieces, though I doubt many others have noticed it. Those look like fluted columns behind her, with some sort of art deco capitals on them. Do you think the booking rooms at the police station look like that? I encourage you to study a thousand or so real booking photos. They are shot in front of blank screens, usually white or gray, or they are shot in front of a height gauge. As with passport photos, they don't wish for the background to compromise the likeness in any way. Also notice the quality of the light. This is another reason she looks so good: the light is soft and even. In booking photos, the light tends to be glaring. They don't have filters on their bulbs at the police station. But in these photos of Patty, we have professional studio lighting, with filters on the bulbs and the lights arranged at the proper angles. My guess is Patty is at home here, lounging around the Hearst Castle. They simply faked the San Mateo Sheriff's plaque.

That's Robert Downey's mugshot. Note the glaring light and the gray background. Doesn't look too good, does he? That is how real prisoners look. They don't look like they are just about to shoot a reel with Errol Flynn.

As more indication of that, a real Sheriff's plaque would have movable letters below for the prisoner's name and numbers, but the top line wouldn't need to be movable, would it? The words “San Mateo Sheriff” would always be the same, wouldn't they? So they would be printed on the plaque permanently.

Here's a real mugshot:

See how the name and numbers are written in, but the top line is printed? The top line is permanent, so it doesn't need to be movable or changeable.

Now let us look at the trial. As with the other trials we have studied—like the Simpson trial, the Manson trial, the Chicago 8 trial, the Johnny Hovey trial and others—this one was faked. It was a show trial, in the fullest sense of the word. We can tell this by the way Patty Hearst was first railroaded into a conviction and a very long sentence, and then quickly let out. The long sentence was well publicized, but her sentence reduction, commutation and pardon were not. Why? Because the conviction and long sentence were part of the script. This is one of the ways they keep you in line. They want you to think you are going to get an extremely long sentence for any crime you commit, even if there are extenuating circumstances. “The Law is a stern judge” and all that old rot. They also want to be sure the hippies and extremists get what they have coming to them, as in the Dirty Harry movies. Acquitting Hearst would have sent the wrong message in that regard. Remember, Hearst's role was the bad girl here, and she was expected to play it to the end of the trial.

We can see the outcome of the trial was predetermined by the very odd actions of the judge, which we will study in a moment. But first, this judge Oliver Carter is odd even before the trial, since his page at Wikipedia has anomalies of its own. We are told he was nominated by Truman in 1950 for a new seat authorized by statute. We are then told he was confirmed by the Senate. But if we take the link, we find this strange admission at the Federal Judicial Center: “No Senate vote.” How does a judge get confirmed by the Senate without a Senate vote? Isn't a confirmation done by voting? How else would a Senate confirm a judge, if not by voting?

Judge Carter allowed testimony by the prosecution of Hearst's “willful sexual behavior since the age of 15.” But in a real trial such testimony would be considered both hearsay and external, and thereby inadmissible. He allowed tapes from jail, of Hearst speaking with a friend, in which “she used profanities and spoke of her radical and feminist beliefs.” To start with, feminist beliefs are neither radical nor illegal, and could have no bearing on any legal matter. That was as true in 1974 as it is now. Beyond that, these tapes were clearly planted, since no one on trial for bank robbery would be mouthing off to a friend in front of guards and cameras. This fake evidence was scripted for the express purpose of blackwashing any and all progressive sentiments by any and all progressive persons, whether they were hippies or blacks or otherwise. The lesson you were supposed to learn by watching the trial or reading about it was this: using profanities, talking of your beliefs, or questioning authority in any way is illegal and may be used against you in a court of law. When just the opposite is true, of course. None of those things is illegal in any way. You have the right to talk about whatever you wish, in jail or out of it.

Then there is the question of putting Hearst on the stand, only to have her refuse to answer questions. Alan Dershowitz criticized F. Lee Bailey for allowing Hearst to do this, since it made her look guilty. But all this is part of the charade, since Bailey did it on purpose, and Dershowitz knows that. Both Bailey and Dershowitz are further actors in the play. Bailey blew her defense on purpose, because that is what he was paid to do.

To give you clear evidence of that, we are told that Judge Carter appeared to indicate Hearst would have Fifth Amendment privilege, and then changed his mind. What? It is either one way or the other. There should be no confusion on a point like that, and if Judge Carter had really simply changed his mind, Bailey would have used that as the perfect hook for an appeal. Nothing that happened during the trial made any legal sense.

For more indication of that, we find that Dr. Harry Kozol testified that Hearst had been “a rebel in search of a cause.” In a real trial, Bailey would have objected and that would have been stricken from the record, with the jury instructed to ignore it. Why? Because it is absurd. It implies Hearst had been asking to be kidnapped, and was happy when she was. Even if she had been a rebel in search of a cause, it is unlikely the cause she was searching for included being kidnapped by criminals, beaten, raped, and threatened with death. The whole idea is nonsense. Then we get this:

Prosecutor James L. Browning, Jr. asked the other psychiatrist testifying for the prosecution, Dr. Joel Fort, if Hearst was in fear of death or great bodily injury during the robbery, to which he answered "No" as Bailey angrily objected.

The problem there isn't whether Hearst was or was not in fear of death, or that Bailey objected. The problem is that we are supposed to believe a psychiatrist would be asked such a thing in the first place. A psychiatrist is supposed to give professional testimony on psychiatric matters. A psychiatrist would not and could not be asked to give his opinion as to what a defendant thought or did not think. What Hearst was feeling during the robbery is not a psychiatric matter, and it is simply ridiculous to imply that anyone would be asked such a question in a court of law, much less a psychiatrist. A real judge wouldn't just uphold Bailey's objection, he would reprimand the prosecutor and might even move for his disbarment. But this kind of thing just doesn't happen, except in Hollywood movies. In a real court of law, the only person you could ask that question of is Hearst, since only Hearst could possibly know if she was in fear of death at the time. Any other person would just be speculating wildly, and testimony is not the same as wild speculation.

Convicted by the jury of bank robbery, Hearst was sentenced to the maximum of 35 years. Mysteriously, the sentencing judge Oliver Carter (allegedly) died before the final sentence hearing could convene. The new judge William Orrick immediately reduced the sentence to 7 years. After allegedly serving 22 months, Hearst found her sentence commuted by President Carter and she was released. President Clinton later granted her a full pardon. Despite that, Wikipedia maintains this quote from California Attorney General Evelle Younger: “If there was a double standard for the wealthy it was the opposite of what was generally believed.”

I take that to mean Younger was saying the jury was harder on Patty Hearst because she was rich. However that may be, we see the jury was ignored. Orrick and then Carter and Clinton basically nullified the jury finding of guilty. So to say that there is a double standard against the wealthy is doubly rich.

But all that hardly matters here, since everything was faked. No one needed to commute or pardon Patty Hearst, since—in my opinion—she never spent one day in jail. They say she did, but that doesn't mean I have to believe it. I have the rare and uncanny tendency to believe only what is believable, and absolutely nothing about the Hearst event is believable. I have shown you pages of clear evidence it was faked, and you can easily find more if you wish.


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